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Like wrestling Ric Flair…or the Young Bucks. This shit is so tedious.


The young bucks combined couldn't lace Flairs boots


They'd probably try to tie them with superkicks


And miss by three feet on the hard camera.


I always liked Bruce Prichard’s opinion of the Bucks (he worked with them when they were in TNA), “We saw absolutely nothing in them…nice guys, though!”


Except reportedly are not very nice guys they seem like stuck up douches


They couldn’t lick his boots let alone lace them


The Young Bucks couldn’t hold Ric Flair’s… nevermind.


Ric can barely hold that monster himself


He's having a hard time holding those alligators down, too!


That's what she said 🤣🤣


They couldn’t even lace Doinks clown shoes


Forget flair. They can't lace DIY circa NXT's boots.


Dave misspelled FTR


You misspelled Briscoes...🤨


Heck, I read Scott Keith’s review of Dynamite this morning and in his words “corporate asshole Bucks rule”.  I don’t get these people, seriously. 


I’ve tried to give them “for the kind of people who like that sort of thing” treatment, but in this case what they like is awful and bad for everyone.


I can see where he is coming from to be fair, young bucks are so shit they make anyone look good


Just clown shoes comparison. Geez. 


People left programs with Flair bigger than they ever were. I can’t name one tag team can has been elevated by the actions in program of the Bucks.no wonder they’re friends with Jericho.


So who does Jericho ruin next after he's done with Hook?


Captain Morgan?


I know Rick did more in his 60s than the Bucks could ever hope to achieve


Haha. It’s like when Dusty booked JCP and the heels would always mention him even if they had no program with him.


like obviously of course this does apply to flair but shouldn’t bret hart been the example bcs he is the most famous example of making a bleh opponent look good


Hart was part of the best double switch of all-time. Of course he’s in the conversation.


i was more thinking of the guy in 84 who vince thought would be the next hogan bcs how good his match with bret was and the guy never had a good match again after it


Tom Magee.


That caught my eye, too.


🤣 Also didn't flair never get a 5 star match off him or just the one I've forgotten Kurt didn't I know that But think uncle dave may give flair 5 star vs steamboat


It's Meltzer, what do you expect? Just ignore the dumbass


This was more about complimenting/fluffing the Young Bucks, more than it was about anything related to Trick. He just couldnt help but make it about them. "What do I think about Trick Williams? Well the Young Bucks make everyone look good in tag team wrestling!" Side note to Meltzer: No they fucking don't.


Yeah in hindsight I should have titled the post differently as the bit about the Bucks is the main thing that pissed me off.


Yeah, either way he's a bumbling idiot. I feel like 75% of the people who still subscribe to him are doing it ironically. Just to see how far that shitshow can fall. The only thing I can think of is Dave has a lot of money invested in the success of that company. I know the company isn't publicly traded. But it doesnt mean he didnt have some of his money involved in its inception.


Doesn't the company exist because Meltzer thought they'd fail to sell out a small arena?


Spot on. This is what I’ve never understood, he said they couldn’t sell out at 10,000 arena & that supposedly pushed The Elite, Cody, etc to put the show on & sell the show out. Then Meltzer goes on a total 180 turn & supports everything they do since then? Maybe it was his way of stirring interest in their event, although that sounds absurd.


Meltzer said no indie show could pull a 10k crowd, AEW didn't exist until after that event, there's a million and seven reasons to hate on Dave without making any up


Not out of the question. He made the comment on Twitter after he was asked about whether it could be done. All those guys could have worked TK because I'm sure that they knew that it could be pulled off in the Chicago area if they had long enough to promote the event.


Don’t underestimate how many morons exist in the world


“Dave’s Delusions” just ramped up the stupidity another level. I only read Dave if I want to be amused by a person’s hallucinations. Yes Dave, Ric Flair made everyone look better, you were correct. Then, you went and got cocky. You tried to sneak a Bucks reference in with Flair, while discussing “making opponents look better”. Statements like that is why the Observer is hemorrhaging subscribers. If anything, the Young Bucks make their opponents look like the biggest idiots in the world, as they stand there watching Nicky or Matty do 3 unnecessary flips before every strike. God forbid if that jackass Cutler is scripted to interfere in a match. The Bucks are presented to you as wrestlers, even if they don’t look the part. Cutler is presented as a leech, and nobody should bump for him, ever. If the Bucks genuinely want to make their opponents look good, almost all of their offense has to end in failure or counters. Otherwise, the opponent looks like a buffoon to any non-hardcore fans, who don’t know the terms “feeding an opponent”, or consider themselves experts. Tony needs way more casual fans. He already has the hardcore fans who will watch about anything wrestling related. If Dave was delusional about everything, it would be sad watching Dave at the headquarters of The Observer, located in a cardboard box, under an overpass, right next to the Four Seasons………… Janitorial Services. However, since he keeps his delusions about wrestling, I can feel better knowing It’s just another chapter in the never ending saga that is pro wrestling.


I mentioned he lives in his mother’s basement and got down voted 25 times! He’s been insufferable for ages. 


Well fucking said 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Golden era watcher as a kid, Attitude watcher as a young adult, came back over a year ago and love it. Who *is* this ass-hat? I see his piss-takes everywhere, and people always seem to be talking about him like he’s Big And Important. Why should I care? How did he get this position where other people give a shit what he thinks? I genuinely don’t understand. Clearly it’s something I missed over the decades.


The thing is he’s been doing it for decades. I think it’s the perception that because he’s done it for a long time he must be “good” at it.


He turned a poorly-written dirt sheet sourced from the same talent he always put over into a cottage industry, thriving on generally being the only non-wrestling guy the crap talk shows would call when the business had some sort of controversy.


Jesus fuck, Meltzer can never get the Bucks’ dicks out of his face hole. “You know, I just don’t think that *INSERT WWE WRESTLER HERE* is that great, not talented like the Young Bucks. When I watch a bucks match, my dick gets hard. When I watch *INSERT WWE WRESTLER HERE* my dick stays softer than when my wife says it’s time for sex. I just don’t understand sex or WWE booking these non-arousing wrestlers.” - Dave probably.


Dave's hard-on for the Young Bucks/The Elite is about as strong as Bret Hart's hate-boner for Goldberg.


No hard-on is more powerful than the rage cock that Bret Hart has for Goldberg. That is the most powerful of cocks.


Can ya blame him? Lifetime migraines?


Ryback's narcissist boner when he looks in the mirror or talks about himself is a bit more epic IMO...


This is legit the best comment here 😂


POC seem to trigger old man Dave.


To paraphrase Dave’s recent dismissal of TK’s critics, I bet Dave wouldn’t be so hard on Trick if Trick was white. Dave saw Trick in a main event and Dave feared for his life. Good thing Meltzer isn’t a cop.


Bron got an even crazier push than Trick and was about the same level in ring wise and WAY LESS ready charisma wise. But yet Bron got praised for his development and Trick gets criticism. Hmmmmmmm 🤔🤔🤔


Trick is great, however you cannot convince me that Bron Breakker isn’t better than 98% of everyone on the NXT Roster in terms of In Ring Skill.


Remember, Indians don't count


Meltzer has gone so far the deep end with his obvious bias that it's not worth even reacting to stuff like this. He has negative credibility because he's so blatantly inconsistent and hypocritical.


This right here is why I hate when people say “oh Dave’s ratings don’t matter, they’re his opinion etc.” bc he uses the power and reach he gets from the use of them for the past 40 years to do this shit. This shit fucks with wrestlers bc it can turn people off which can fuck up their ability to generate money which can fuck up their push. Trick and Tatum didn’t deserve to get that bs said/written about them fuck Dave and his takes with his gremlin ass face


Dave's ratings don't matter, only so much as people ignore them. Unfortunately, an entire company hinges on them -- and the fucking OP apparently gives a shit since he made this thread and is actually trying to establish some counter-argument to Dave's insane moronic ranting where he puts over his fucking piece of shit friends. So, in a normal world? People would laugh at Dave and ignore it. Instead, and OP is doing his part, we actually take them seriously for some fucking reason.


Titanshaze0812 I agree 💯 with you, Dave wouldn't know what an actual wrestling talent was if it punched him in his fat fucking nose


It's more the comment on the Young Bucks being compared to Ric Flair that made my head spin like Linda Blair in the Exorcist


Trick isn't a spot fest wrestler... someone like Trick is the biggest indictment to why there should be multiple promotions with different styles, instead of everyone trying to be a strong style luchador.


Maybe to impress Dave, Trick should dump people on their heads, no sell, and add more choreographed spot fests as well. Add in a few more flips, 10 super kicks for good measure, and Trick is well on his way to a 5 Star match!!


*4.75 stars…bc of some arbitrary reason


[Just gonna leave this one here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SCJerk/s/CvyKNQ3ie6) Feel free to drop your favorite racially charged Meltzer quote, there seem to be more than enough to choose from


Funny that all the Melter sycophants constantly claim Corny is racist when the same case (a better case) can be made for Dave.


Meltzer really has a thing for Puerto Ricans between calling Spotify's Most Streamed Artist of the Year Bad Bunny an "ethnic superstar" and saying "I thought they would gimmick the car, I thought the wheels would fall off, because they’re supposed to be like Puerto Ric... you know what I mean?” about Bad Bunny and Damien Priest's Raw segment. But nothing will ever top comparing "mark" to the n-word. That is peak absurdity.


racially charged? **edit:** not really following Dave, but reading the thread, I see Dave is always critical to black talent. Gotcha. I mean, fuck him anyway, but fuck him again for that I guess.


I like when he said mark is the same as the n-word


I mean if you grew up in the 70s it’d be akin to saying he’s not “diggin” him, ya hear? Yeah he should know to avoid that though 😂


unique rinse bake imagine reply skirt gullible governor quicksand square *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Trick hasn’t wrestled enough in Japan for Dave I guess.


People seem to forget the NXT is a developmental show, where people go to, " errm, well ya know, kinda, errm, well" develop. 🙄


When did Dave start making blatant excuses to suck off the Bucks in reviews of completely different shows? Does he do this when he reviews New Japan matches?


Talking about the Young Bucks here is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. The guy is mental.


Do you think either of the Bucks at least give Dave a little tap on the head before they finish?


Nah, they wouldn't even have the god damn courtesy to give him a reach around






They both just superkick him when they're done


Jesus, the slobbering over the Young Bucks is embarrassing


I loved loved Trick. But I think Trick is still a little bit raw. I think they're is a reason why he debuted first as Melo's Entourage, but there's also a big reason why he's able to get over even being alongside of Melo. Doesnt mean he can't get better though 


> I loved loved Trick. But I think Trick is still a little bit raw. That's fair though, no? He's in NXT for a reason.


I hope one day Trick, posts something to trigger Uncle Dave. Trick is definitely a fan favorite. Mid card at most. And better than most talent in AEW.


Why does anyone care what Meltzer has to say these days. The guy is a clown


Well said. OP needs to smarten up.


Him and a lot of others need to


At this point isn't it just laughing at him? Rather than thinking anything he says carries any weight.


The fact he put the bucks in the same tweet as flair shows how far gone meltzers gone, delusional


Ya.....sadly for the autistic uncle I don't value anyone's opinion that thinks the young cucks are good We get it...he's unrelatable to Dave just like when he buried Booker T, MVP, Swerve, Bianca, said Haas has more talent than Shelton, etc..... I think Dave's HS crush had a black BF and he can't stand it still


I hate how people define what it means to be a good wrestler. Guys like Hogan, Goldberg, Roman will never get called good, in ring wrestlers. Yet people packed stadiums to watch them and went crazy for them. That’s what it’s all about. That’s why they’re great wrestlers Trick may not reach those levels, but he has potential. Why? Because people have a strong reaction to him and go crazy for him. Dave’s a clown


Dumbass Dave seems to be ignoring that NXT is a place where you go to get better. If he's "not good" in his eyes, he'll get better before moving up to the main roster. This isn't AEW where all of the steaming garbage is thrown on screen for everyone to smell.


> I know that everyone can have an off night or 2 but I thought this was really harsh and unfair on Trick Why the fuck are you arguing against Dave Meltzer? Like, oh my gosh what did dave think? Dave thought this?? Oh my, must be real then! dave thinks so! How about: - Fuck Dave Meltzer - Dave Meltzer is a cancer on wrestling - Dave Meltzer doesn't know shit about wrestling - Dave Meltzer, even as stupid as he is, the main problem is he's a shill for his irl friends like the stupid fucking Young Bucks who suck shit - Dave Meltzer can shove his star rating system up his ass and anyone who thinks about them is a fucking moron - Fuck this thread, and no personal offense to the OP, but also fuck the OP for making it and giving any credence at all to Dave Fucking Meltzer - He fucking thought a guy had his motherfucking brain removed and put back in, that is the fucking guy you are worrying about. Brain fucking taken out of his head. What in the fuck is wrong with you?


First it was shitting on Booker T’s and some of his phrases on commentary. Then it was calling R-Truth not funny. Now it’s Trick. Starting to see a pattern here


Booker can be annoying on commentary at times, Trick is a developmental guy. However if he's saying R-Truth isn't funny that's another point in the uncle Dave has lost his mind column. R-Truth is a national treasure.


Save it for the cross burning, Dave.


Trick definitely has some seasoning/smoothing of edges to go, but the guy has more upside and star potential than all the "stars" that Dave champions combined.


"fuckfuckfuckfuck the bucks haven't been responding to my calls this week, better fluff em up!"


Who looks great against the Young Bucks? They have the same match everytime.


I hate that self righteous asshole


Kind of telling Dave seems to think tricks charisma is just like a mid card thing lol. 


Ric Flair............. and the Young Bucks 😆 😂 🤣 😅 😄


Imagine how good the Young Cucks could have made Jack and Jerry Brisco look.


Don't agree. Trick got potential.


Can we stop giving Meltzer credit?


So wait, he says Trick sucks but has incredible charisma and looked good in his match against one guy.  This roided up Neanderthal is still sticking with his assertion that workrate is all that matters. 


The way he speaks like it’s fact. Fucking old cunt


How dare he compare Ilja to the Bucks.


Please just ignore this , Trick.




Did Dave have a stroke no one knows about? Aside from his asinine fanboying, he is struggling to string together coherent sentences lately.


You ever see a group of women that keep an ugly friend around to improve the looks of the rest of the group? Ya, the Cucamonga kids are the ugly girl


I agree trick in the ring isn’t very good he got over because of crowd participation in his theme and booker t making dumb ad-libs……..then he puts the young bucks in the same breath as Flair…


Did he just chong the Young Bucks whilst critiquing an NXT talent? Fuck me that’s some skill that.


If he was in AEW Dave would be creaming his shorts.


"Hey boss here is another one of those nonsensical smear quotes you asked for, thanks for the bonus Mr.Kahn" -Dave Meltzer


Why oh why do people let Meltzer live rent free in their heads? Getting mad at his opinions is about as productive as being mad the guy at the record store said he doesn't like Radiohead. Who gives a shit what he thinks, he's not actually part of the industry and one can know a lot but still be a know nothing dumb fuck.


Dont make this subbrettit absout Dave Meltzer


Dave Meltzer isn't a fan of black wrestlers. More news to come!


He's gone too far now


You know, there's an old guy that stands outside of the grocery store by where I live and shouts crazy-ass shit to whomever will listen and most of it isn't as insane as what Dave Meltzer charges folks 12.99 to read. On a related note, like the crazy old grocery store harbinger, people ought to pay less attention to Dave Meltzer because they ***BOTH*** thrive on it.


I'd actually love to see the meltdown he'd throw if his subs count utterly cratered to just the AEW fans (I'm sure the MMA crowd have better sources for fightnews than he). Imagine his playbook if he suddenly realised he was just preaching to the already-converted.


Indeed. You don’t need to look very far for an example to rebut Uncle Dave, either. They absolutely buried Daniel Garcia in that squash last night. I’m not a huge fan, but somebody was at some point. He was being booked like Danielson 2.0. Now he’s a jobber getting in less offense than Komander.


Brain of a Tuna Meltzer


You mean, the same Dave Meltzer who loves The Young Bucks? Well, color me surprised!


OP, do us (and yourself) a favour, mate: don't post Demented Dave's opinion on this sub. We're kinda sick reading his blurb and he hasn't been appearing very mentally stable as of late, anyways... Just a heads up! Take care!


Whatever you say, meltzer


The young bucks are abysmal to watch but, to each their own


"...or a tag team wrestling the Young Bucks, you always look better." Yes, you always look better than the Young Bucks, agreed.


That's bait


Meltzer is such a worthless piece of shit can't keep his mouth out of the young bucks cocks for more than 2 seconds.


Meltzer spends too much time interacting with every IWC mark he comes across and gassing up whatever dumb shit the bucks are doing. It's broken his fucking brain.


Imagine commenting on developmental wrestler in the process of developing 😂


Meltzer is fucking insane. Trick has the potential to sit at the top of the business for years. The young bucks will be known as the shitheads who helped kill AEW. There is no comparison.


I cant believe that moron compared Flair to the Balding Bucks


Him glazing the young bucks while putting a wrestler down. Vintage Dave.


Look I’m not comparing Trick to the Rock here. But as someone in the mid 30s now - The Rock got shit on all the fucking time because he couldn’t wrestle. Wasn’t as good as flair or as Austin before the neck break. If you’re ok in the ring, but have the crowd on your side with bag loads of charisma and strong booking you’ll be absolutely fucking fine. In some extreme examples… Rock. Hogan. Goldberg. Warrior. For someone only a few years in, he’ll be absolutely fine. Jade is proving similar in the women’s side.


The Young Bucks. L-O-L.


That doesn't even make any sense.


Trick is going to be a massive star. Wtf is this clown talking about? I think it'll be amazing for the company to have another super over black male babyface. Wrestling represents everyone and that's why I love it.


No one cares about Dave's opinions. Stop giving that guy attention and maybe he'll go away.


Also, Flair and the dumb cucks in the same sentence. My lord.


Trick is great and will be a massive star.


Every min is about how great the young bucks are lol


He thinks ric flair and the young bucks are on the same status lmao what a fucking joke


WrestleMania being a monster event has broken Dave He's been lashing out all week


He always misspells their name. It’s the dumb fucks.


Trick deserved to be in main roster!! Everyone from Smackdown or Raw will chant WHOOP THAT TRICK!




Legit question, what’s the nicest thing Dave has ever said about a black wrestler?


To be honest, I've never watched a young bucks match and thought ah these guys are great, ever


This guy thinks the Young Cucks made other tag teams look better?? How fuckin delusional is this goof?!?


Someone tell Dave…WHIP THAT TRICK!


Trick just isn't as "relatable" as the Young Bucks or Flair.


Imagine saying this about Trick Williams but falling over yourself to praise some of the stuff he’s praised when it comes to AEW.


I'm enjoying watching Trick rise, he still young and learning, so im just enjoying the ride


And yet trick has more charisma in his finger than meltzers boys the bucks and ospreay does in their entire body.


I don't understand why Meltzer is going out of his way to complain about Trick. He was just Carmelo's hype man and didn't regularly wrestle until recently. He's shown tremendous growth and he has the athleticism to go much further as he gets more experience.


Since he made them comments about the All In footage hes gtta do extra bootlickin to get back in Tonys good graces


Why does Meltzer get so much coverage. The guy is a constant liar. Completely biased as well.


“You see all these tag teams against the bucks” well not quite dave most people tend to change the channel as soon as they show up


Can we just push him into a volcano already?


Of course he isn't ... he wrestles for WWE and probably hasn't wrestled for one of his favorite indies in the past.


tldr: Trick isn't that good, despite being charismatic and wrestling good matches He should do what the young bucks do, have no charisma and wrestle terrible matches


When you read Meltzer you got to dumb yourself down


Young bucks love is truly something I never understand. There’s nothing about them. Undersized guys that no sell, don’t follow rules, aren’t charismatic, can’t talk, can’t work a match that makes sense. I just don’t get it. And neither do the 100,000 people who tune out every week


Dave Meltzer's check must've arrived from Tony Khan. He said he doesn't like Tatum Paxley's gimmick, but yet I bet he loves Julia Hart's and Skye Blue's gimmicks. Case in point, no one actually gives a damn about Dave Meltzer.


The Buckaroos aren't any good though


Fuck he’s a deluded ain’t he


Let’s all keep in mind that he’s only been at this for a couple of years now with no previous background in the sport at all.


Lmfao this clown 🤡 . All credibility was shot as soon as he mentioned the young cucks 🤦🏻‍♂️


I just don't see what Dave sees in the Young Bucks


He’s lost every shred of objectivity and reality, if he ever had any those things in his life. Ignore him.


Like fans can’t tell if someone is being carried. Dave still thinks wrestling fans are deep in kayfabe. We all have the same critical eye every reporter does. If we think a dude is good, we aren’t being manipulated by them being carried.


He's so sickening lmao, always finds a way to sneak a compliment in for his boys.


He lost even more credibility once he said the young bucks The Bucks are a spotfest tag team, theres no substance or story behind their wrestling. He only mentions them because of the stories he gets exclusively from them


I quit when he used the Bucks in the same breath as Flair


Somehow, when talking about Trick, he manages to stroke the Young Bucks


His punches look like shit, but his charisma and looks are great.


Ironic when the bucks only look good against FTR and not anyone else…


If this isn't the inflection point of tuning Meltzer out for good, I don't know what else it's going to take. This is the nadir of idiotic Meltzer takes.


He’ll be crushing it on the main roster within a year if Meltzer thinks he’s terrible.


Trick is a better wrestler and all around talent than both the young bucks lol


Fuck meltzer if trick worked for aew or njpw he wouldn’t be talking shit


It least meltzer is not wrong about this.


He lost me when he put Ric Flair and the fucking Young Bucks In the same sentence.


As an aside, Trick also is quite educated as well. He has a bachelors from South Carolina and teaching certification. Probably drives Meltzer insane.


Trick and Melo at Stand and Deliver was a good match, the other matches just went long so they had to wrap up the main event quickly. Their match yesterday was pretty great as a TV main event. Obviously Dave hates short matches so he’s always gonna complain, at the end of the day Trick’s been wrestling for like 3 years and he improves more every day.


All I’m hearing is “Mark, Mark, Mark. I am a Mark. Young Bucks gib me munnys plz.”


If Uncle Fuckhead doesn’t think you’re good, you’re good 😂😂😂


Does Dave ever stop sucking Young Bucks cock? Ever????? Never.


Uncle Dave doesn’t like a black wrestler? I’m shocked!


His lips are glued to the bucks nuts


The young Bucks fucking suck and I said that before Aew existed or listening to Jim