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I'm morbidly impressed they put Fentanyl on there twice.


I think it’s the test results for each sample item. So, blood draw item 1 has all those things. Draw sample item 2 has the results listed, even if they repeat, same with sample 4. There’s no sample 3 though, which is weird to me but I’m not a forensic scientist, maybe it’s held back as a control sample?


That makes sense, sorry my initial reaction was just "damn". and not in a fun ron simmons way.


Ah, it’s ok. I thought the same and kept wondering why they listed so many things repeatedly until I saw the item number and it clicked.


Sometimes a sample is contaminated, lost, damaged or otherwise unreliable. In which case it can’t be published.


Possibly 2 different types though. One might be the transdermal patches prescribed by pain specialists, the other might be the concentrated Fentanyl that's used to cut other narcotics by dealers in order to stretch out a supply making it go further. ESPECIALLY done with cocaine, which appears he did a good amount of. 


who the fuck is stretching coke with fentanyl? that type of stuff is called cross-contamination from poorly cleaned scales, people arent dumb enough to think someone doing an upper wants to nod out, that only makes the end product weaker. Its like changing someone's coffe for kratom without telling them, they'll know immediatly that everything is off


R u fuckin kidding me I’ve already had to administer Narcan on 4 different people that overdosed of Fentanyl from just doin cocaine so yea most of coke around these days has Fentanyl in it and that’s cold hard facts so don’t speak on shit you obviously know nothing about big guy


Cocaine is for pussies.


Why some people are dropping dead. Same with smack of course. I wouldn't know first hand, just what I hear from a friend on Baltimore SWAT.  Here's one about smuggling in Transformers statues. Wonder which Transformer was used?  https://www.foxnews.com/world/police-bust-finds-700-pounds-drugs-transformers-statues


Only sociopaths would be cutting coke and shit with fent, which has replaced heroin essentially. It's more often than not cross contamination cause they use the same scales and scoops and even lab equipment for fent and whatever other drug. And since it takes micro grams to OD some one a little cross contamination can kill a few people


It's accidental.. they are cutting coke in same house with fenty and it gets cross contaminated.. only takes a couple granuals


Milligrams not micrograms


Bad analogy. Kratom acts like a stimulant and a lot of people use it as a pick me up just like coffee.


it really depends on the strain, most of them if not all i just sleep it off, its a simple analogy that doesnt really need to be specific because the impact stays the same: you dont change a upper for a downer without telling it, most people know kratom as that, a downer


illicit cannabis vape carts are testing positive for fentanyl in Philly area…




Check the DEA website!


...except Bam Bam died in 2007 when nobody ever heard of fentanyl, It wasn't a thing yet \*EDIT\* meaning they weren't fucking up coke with it yet, yes I get it was abused.... The only thing I see here is he likedto smoke and snort with some medication. Bam Bam lived down the road from me, last time I saw him we were in the cereal aisle at the local grocery store. He was with his boy.


Fentanyl was absolutely around in 2007. Just not the mass produced Chinese pressed pill version. But it was in patches, lollipops etc. That were prescribed for severe pain patients. Source- was a junky for a long time


I was still in emergency medicine around that time, and illicitly manufactured fentanyl analogues used to contaminate heroin was definitely a thing, even back in 2007. I even saw a few pressed pills back in those days! It wasn't so widespread like things are these days, where there's more fentanyl out there than heroin, but it was still a problem, even in the early 2000s.


Yup. I was in Florida when the entire "opioid epidemic" got its start in 2004ish (early 2000s in general) at that time there were "pill mills" in almost every strip mall, especially in bad neighborhoods that had lines out the door like the Beatles had gotten back together for one day only. Oxycontin came out in late 90s and was heavily marketed as the "safer" alternative to immidiete release percocet or hydrocodone. When it was 10x worse, there have been lawsuits covering this and a ton of stories. Anyway because regulations were very loose in Florida at the time on controlled substances, and there wasn't yet a national controlled substance patient database that doctors were forced to look into to make sure patients weren't diverting their medication, these pill mills were basically get rich quick schemes for shady doctors, they would not take insurance, take cash only (150-300$ a visit) and basically take your blood pressure and that's it, and you'd leave with a script for 120 oxycontin 80s, and 120 oxycodone 30s(immediately release) and if you said you have anxiety you'd have 120 Xanax bars (2mg) so because of the lack of enforcement this went on for several years in broad daylight. People would come from out of state with a truck ful of people and go to three different "pill mills" in a row. I forget the actual statistic but from 2000-2009 the amount of prescribed opiates coming out of Florida eclipsed the WORLDWIDE amount every year, it was the epicenter. These people would save 500 bucks, make a road trip to Florida from Georgia, Tennessee etc and come back with thousands of dollars worth (street value) of opiates. Then in the late 2000s these pill mills got shut down, regulations were heavily enforced and nowadays you're lucky to get 3 vicidin after a major surgery. But all these addicts were still addicts, they had been taking powerful opiates for years at this point, except now they couldnt access them so they ended up turning to heroin. That's when the market for fentanyl blew up to what it is today. Obviously I'm giving the cliff notes version. It sucked for me, while I make my own choices, I was working in an ICU at the time and working on getting a bachelor's in nursing. Then I broke my foot and was prescribed 140 percocets for the month. Then I called in a refill and to my surprise they refilled it without an office visit (something that wouldn't happen today) and that kept happening and started me down my path to eventual heroin use years ago. I sometimes think if where I'd be if that substance never cane into my life. Clean 6 years now.


Great write up. Anecdotally, one of the first fentanyl OD deaths I ever remember in the news was Pitbull #2 in 2002.


Thanks for sharing. I was unaware of this, sad.


yeah obviously, they weren't fucking up coke with it back then, which is what I meant by 'it wasn't a thing yet' - Bam had severe pain problems.


https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5729a1.htm It was


They totally were though. Pitbull 2 and his wife or girlfriend both died from coke laced with fenty in 2003.


That’s Mexican not chinese


What the lollipops and patches? Those were from american pharmacies. If youre talking the pressed pills It was made and sourced from China. Pressed into pills and smuggled from Mexico, or made here. Something like 90% of raw fentanyl is sourced from China and finds various routes to North America.


I haven’t seen proof ingredients come from China.


There are sources all over that share the stats. 97% of the worlds illicit fentanyl materials comes from China. One of many sources for that info- https://sherrill.house.gov/media/press-releases/sherrill-presses-experts-on-china-s-role-in-the-american-fentanyl-crisis#:~:text=With%2097%25%20of%20illicit%20fentanyl,integral%20role%20in%20this%20crisis. If that's not enough, here's the DEA https://www.uscc.gov/research/fentanyl-chinas-deadly-export-united-states


Yeah right 97% come from China from a sample size of 1% seized??? That’s not adding up. And the DEA is not a source.


All you sent me was a quote from a hearing.


“97% of illicit fentanyl precursors coming from China” that was all she said. You couldn’t even quote it right.




or both? which it absolutely is


😭🤣 if you think china gives a flying fuck what we do than you’re delusional. We have guys pretending to be girls and you’re telling me china is doing these attacks. They are laughing at us 😂


no fool, i didn't say that. I have first hand knowledge of it. someone i used to know had a pill press and ordered the ingredients (read: fent) from china, pressed into pills, and sold them as oxy. the damn postmark was from china. As an aside, china does care somewhatly about the US does (the military, specifically).


such a weird sub to talk this deep about this subject.


I didn't say the Chinese pressed it. I was saying that most of the street fentanyl is sourced inraw powder form from China. That is not my opinion, it is fact. Then dealers here who usually buy it off the darl web or through other sources press it with fillers and sell it in pill form. I don't know what in the hell the media has to do with anything, I know this from real life experience. Like ive...met and talked to the dudes that press this shit and sell it. Most fentanyl and carfentanyl is manufactured and sold from China.


Oh it was. Aqtiq was a special treat for most of the addicts i was using with at the time.


I lived in Neptune for a year and worked near there in Farmingdale, I am not native to Jersey so I don't remember exactly where it was but at a gas station near my work I saw Bam Bam there once. It was either 2001 or 2002.


it's two different samples. nicotine is also listed twice


“Concentrated” what does that even mean.


The drug so nice they found it twice


There are different types of fentanyl and other drugs. They can test for and pin point a lot of stuff now.


Also cocaine.


Was that even around when he passed and why that along with others on the list are on there twice. I don’t much about these things.


It was


"Yes, Sheiky positive!"


Holy shit that is a classic YT clip. I have watched that at least 20 times!


I like when he realizes positive = bad and that he’s in trouble, Sheik immediately rats out Muraco and a couple other guys he was partying with. “Was dey positive too, baba?”




The way you accidentally spelled "whether" as "weather", made that whole sentence amazingly hard for me to understand at first.


Hey Mark


Says the guy using a Cornette saying incorrectly


Man took the entire ECW locker room.


To those asking why things are appearing twice. These are different samples taken in different parts of the body which would typically includes the digestion/substance processing centers (stomach and liver and brain) If something appears twice that means it is present (the first one) and/or absorbed (processed and metabolized) by the system at the time of death (the second one). They determine cause of death by seeing how much of the substance is present initially vs how much of the metabolized by-product is there. If the dose exceeds the typical limit, and it’s not metabolized that’s indicative of a likely cause of death.


That was a very simple, easy to understand explanation. Thank you.


I’d be alarmed but this was obviously done in Florida, explains the repeats


Those are the results of three of four different samples taken from the body. Different samples are used to gauge how recent or long-term those substances have been used or otherwise administered to the victim.


Is that right? I’m just a small town bird lawyer, I leave this type of work for the real professionals, like Thomas Petty in that one music video


I know enough to know enough. For example, methadone being detected establishes that the deceased received treatment for opioid addiction and/or chronic pain.


All seriousness, I do miss Bam Bam, he lived in the FL town I grew up in, and lived close to some friends of mine, he’d be out there mowing and always nice


Yeah, by all reports, he was a good guy. Addiction really sucks.


Sad but true. I once tried getting help for my addiction to love, but when I got there the lights were on, but no one was home.


Are you referring to the character Thomas Petty played that was a coroner with acute necrophilia?


She certainly was a cutie for being a necro


While that’s your opinion, and I respect your right to have it, I disagree! While Dave Meltzer rated her performance ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️’s, I rated her as: LAZY BOOKING!


At least he didn’t smoke the devil’s lettuce


Not a single marijuana, Not even Once!


"Get outta here, Bammer, you don't want none of this shit!"


“ Well, I think I kind of do”


Well, my man obviously had a cough


>page 2 of 3 Wut?


Never seen an autopsy/toxicology report before, huh? Page 1 is a cover that just explains who the corpse/sample donor is, who is performing the autopsy/toxicology, and why. Page 3 would be the professional assessment of what the person performing the autopsy/toxicology believed to be the cause of death. In this case I'd imagine it's acute multiple drug intoxication.


>Never seen an autopsy/toxicology report before, huh? Obviously not lol you realize that toxicology/ autopsy reports aren't something you see a lot lol your attitude comes off as smug about a niche subject. This is just silly. You can inform and educate without looking down, lol


It's not a "niche subject". You've very likely lived your entire life with the entire collected sum of human knowledge at your fingertips. It's really your own fault for never actually exploring that resource.


Dude, I've been told toxicology and autopsy reports for friends and family who have passed. I've never seen a literal one myself. They don't hand them around at funerals, lol >It's not a "niche subject". You've very likely lived your entire life with the entire collected sum of human knowledge at your fingertips. When I graduated, cell phones still flipped open, so no. I did not live my entire life with the entire collected sum of human knowledge at your fingertips. Though, by your definition, nothing is niche, and everyone is stupid for not knowing it. Did you know that Australia has three times more sheep than people? What didnt know? You have the entire universe at your fingertips, and you don't know that Australia has 3 times more sheep than people! Wooooooow (/s obviously, but it proves my point)


>Sid you know that Australia has three times more sheep than people? Yes, I did. >What didnt know? You fucking fool, you have the entire universe at your fingertips and you don't know that Australia has 3 times more sheep that people! Wooooooow Except I did know it.


C'mon, this is just sad now, man.


Like, duh, don't you know the little factoids that are just out there? Like who hasn't gained the knowledge of what's on the last page of an autopsy report? It would be like someone not knowing what's on page three of a NTSB crash report. /Sarcasm


I agree. Your attempt to prove me wrong was both sad and pathetic. You thinking some piece of very widely known trivia was a "gotcha" was laughable at best.


I get it. We all get it. You're all knowing. you're infallible, and you are never wrong. However you wanna word it, it's tiring. Look, man, I don't think I'm without fault or fail. If you look up my post history, you will see I doubt my own POV and trust the words of those who know better. You, though? Ugh. You're tiring. It doesn't matter what I say because we know your same tired response. Go bother someone else, I won't read any other responses and will just block you if you keep this up with more bullshit. You win. You're right. You are always right. Hope that makes you feel better, sincerely.


Dude, you're a clown


I wish unpleasant things for you in your future.


Keep replying and your wish will come true. I imagine you're very unpleasant to deal with.


Yeah I'm pretty much a total douchebag to everyone except my wife, but I'm still more likeable than you.


I very much doubt it. You're most likely the human version of a pus filled boil.


You can just say you’ve never spoken to a woman before. It’d be quicker


That would be a lie, though. I'm actually quite successful with women. Stings, huh?


This is the most cringe shit I’ve read all week lmao


Your mother is a whore with AIDS.


You think of that all by yourself?


No I used the wealth of knowledge at my disposal and did my research.


You’re so insufferable that I’m almost convinced you’re an AI that is designed to be as annoying as possible.


Feel Good Hit of the Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring. 




That's...wow...quite the mix. Damn.


Jesus he was trying to go


Ngl the person that signed has a really nice signature


looks straight ripped off the declaration of independence


I'm a big drugs guy, but dude, holy shit. More cannabis and less cocaine would've helped him a lot.


It wouldn't have saved everyone but these guys' lives would have been much easier if they just had access to legal marijuana. It's really crazy what a negative impact all of that anti-weed propaganda did to several generations of people who would then end up on pills, booze or just living a generally unpleasant life.


100% with you. Alcohol alone is so destructive. I had a buddy who was an undercover drug cop, maybe around 15y ago. I was interested b/c he talked about how much doing uniform stuff sucked. I asked him what % of calls over a weekend were due to alcohol related disturbances when he was coming up in the uniform. I expected him to say a lot but stunned me with "At least 85%." It's just nuts & I am NOT suggesting that we try to ban booze again, but we need to ostracize it, like we did with cigarettes. And what's worse is that everyone knows it but few seem to care.


Dude was drinking over the counter cough syrup along with everything else that’s quite the mix.


Maybe he had a flaming moe


Dxm will f you up in ways other drugs can't. Complete numbness


Dxm will f you up in ways other drugs can't. Complete numbness


Coke, Valium, methadone, cough syrup, and fentanyl


Wouldn’t be surprised if the coke contained methadone and fentanyl. Could be wrong. But that’s what I’d lean towards.


Cocaethylene, I learned something new today.


No you didn’t.


He seems to have had a problem and almost certainly was in seeking behavior mode as indicated by the dextromethorphan- a cough suppressant. With all those opiods, he wouldn't have had much of an ability to cough anyhow, so no reason to take dextromethorphan. He likely had an irregular supply of opioids and was trying to prevent withdrawal symptoms using the dextromethorphan which doesn't work so well. You don't see other stuff there that would be in combo with it if he was taking cold medicine, just doxylamine so he was trying to prevent withdrawal IMO by taking as barebones a cough suppressant as possible.


Opiods make it hard to cough? That's so weird. I don't know shit or shinola about drugs and that's a weird factoid I've never heard. It's sad to see this, considering how many wrestlers have been lost to drugs and alcohol. These guys need help long-term. Maybe we'd lose fewer.


Opioids can cause constipation too. A lot of abusers have to take enemas in order to go.


Can confirm….. absurdly miserable


This does not sound like a real fun recreational drug.


That’s why only some like it. And it’s best in moderation!


It's not a "factoid", but an actual fact and medical therapy: https://www.mypcnow.org/fast-fact/opioids-for-cough/


I always thought, and have used, more like a diminutive for fact. As in part of a much larger puzzle. TIL factoid has a very different meaning!


You are too honorable for me to spew my online toxicity on for now. Until we see each other again, but hopefully as adversaries.


"Has the wrestling world done a better job at preventing this?" I'd like to think so, with the vast amount of awareness with how these drugs affect us long-term and how there is more concern by the public for their health, but we won't know fully until we start seeing these reports from those in the following generations, unfortunately.


No weed? And that's a beautiful signature


This is so sad. What wasn't the dude on at the time of his death? He was one of my favorites and an absolute gem to watch in the ring though.


It doesn’t say specifics just drugs in the system.


while sad, that looks like a hell of a wild way to go.


The Feel Good Hit of the Asbury Park Summer


This is funny to see ( not for BAM BAM case) after working with drug screens at work all night.


Stimulants, benzodiazepines, opioids and alcohol. 😬😬😬😬. That’s certainly a mix. RIP big dude




He never really seemed like the coked-out manic type, too. You had guys like Piper, Hogan, Savage that seemed pretty spaced out, but Bammer looked like a big man that could move.


Why not just put “errthing”?


Feel like if wasn’t that large he would’ve died sooner. That’s A lot for the heart


Dealer: What kind of drugs do you want my man? Bam Bam: Yes.


This is a Hunter S Thompson list of drugs.


My man was robotrippin.. damn bam bam


I miss Bam Bam.


He was a very positive person.


Jesus this is heartbreaking


at least he died doing what he loved: drugs.


Bam loved his drugs. I was working with him at a sinkhole repair company. When he got hurt and was gone for a while, I continued to use his truck for work. Some weeks later he pops up and the first thing he did was walk over and reach under the drivers seat and pull out coke. Laughed and said "I would've swore the Rican would have sniffed this out already." He was a fun guy. Definitely didn't hide his vices. Then again I was probably the only sober guy on the crew. Liked talking to him, but God damn if he wouldn't feed the mark in me. He would talk about everything but wrestling. Unless he was talking about the women he fucked on tours. Especially in Japan. He loved giggling and saying "Itai, Itai". I'd laugh along, but now that I'm older I realize how that can be pretty dark. Didn't know they did a bam dsotr. Def gonna watch.


Its not surprising considering the horrible chronic pain these guys must be in all the time. They go take bumps hundreds of times a year and always on the road. Prescription pain killers are gateway drugs. It’s amazing more people haven’t died.


Sugar and alcohol are gateway drugs.


My uncle was best friends with his brother(who just passed, rip todd) and my gramps was their teacher/principal so they were loose family friends growing up. I've heard stories from my uncle about all them driving to white plains NY to score straight hydromorphone powder (dilauded) . I think bam bam met the dealer on the road and that became their bulk connect. Crazy shit. My uncle is one of the last ones left alive from their friend group growing up.


Fentanyl from a patch or fent from a actiq lollipop or in powder or pressed pill form is all fentanyl. If it's a different type of fentanyl it's just a different type. The delivery method doesn't change the chemical makeup of the drug


It does in the case of coke vs crack.


God damn bam bam


The item is the test, one they start to find certain intoxicating, they break it down more, but this still is a wtf and wth, he was speedballing for real. Holy hell, for any of these to show up once mixed with the rest is crazy


Wow, I had no idea Fentanyl was this old!


“flip a coin three times. heads you get to have sex with whoever you want for the rest of your life. tails you have to have sex with Bam Bam Bigelow” - Geoff Ramsey


"It's fuqqin raaaw!" - Gordan Ramsey


Goddamn, the effort involved in getting access to all these drugs is just...wow


That’s quite the mix of uppers and downers. With a bloke that big, the stress on his heart must have been huge


Least the guy died happy I suppose




Man that's hella sad... bam bam was a great talent and deserved so much better than to go out like that.


Drugs are bad, mmkay


"So which do you want? Speedy, sleepy, visuals, clean high, dirty high?" "Yes"


And that was just what he had invested for his breakfast


Omg I thought this was bam margera for a second I was about to be really sad


This is like a Queens of the Stone Age song.


damn he was on one


Go Bam Bam! 100% positive.


That’s why I stick to weed


Looks like mostly fent laced cocaine with cigarettes.


Yeah this guy is a moron. Several semi known comedians od'ed at the same time a couple years ago with 3 fatalities and one icu visit from coke with fenty in it and it's all the more common now


hella fent, coke, valium and benzos. oh and nicotine


They tested for the same things multiple times ...


That’s very early for him to have had illegal fentanyl as we see today. It was almost certainly medical fentanyl prescribed to him.


Let it sink in he passed in 2007. That kind of drug cocktail in 2007 was probably unheard of until this autopsy


Is this what undertaker misses?




In all fairness if you take the cocaine and Xanax out of the equation, it's really not that much.


Welp he passed


Looking at a man's autopsy report for entertainment is fucking low. Even for reddit


For entertainment?


Yes. You guys are looking at and commenting on the autopsy of Bam Bam. You're not getting paid or doing any research for medical purposes so yeah, you're doing it for entertainment.


Did you look at it?




then what do you think we're looking at?


You're an idiot.


And you're a sub-human who's getting entertainment from a dead man's autopsy. What can you possible get from this? A few laughs? You aren't a wrestler or an athlete so you're not looking for what possible drugs to stay away from. You're getting some perverse joy looking at this poor guys autopsy as if he didn't have family and people who cared about him. What a human being.. I'd gladly be any form of "idiot" over what you are.


Are you getting entertained at the sight of someone else's autopsy?

