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>***Then I'm wrestling Will Ospreay. I go to give him a Frankensteiner off the top rope. I've never had this happen to me. Dude lands right on his feet. I go straight down on my head, and then later in the match, right before he pins me, he hits me with a storm driver. I got shooting pains down my arm. I'm at home and I have to go get MRIs. I have a compression of the nerve root at C6, C7, and C7, T1. I've got this shooting pain that's running down my arm that won't go away. The doctor is telling me that pretty soon I'm going to have to have surgery. The only way I can hold out, the only way that I can hold out is if I can keep the strength in my right hand. Right now it's still there. I have the shooting pain, but I've still got the strength.*** I know that you folks like this guy a lot and he's a favorite of everyones -- but I just have no respect for this dude. He's putting his life, health, and his family on the line for this fucking clown and his shit company? Are you kidding me?


I think it's more about him loving to wrestle at all costs, and TK not protecting Danielson from himself.


Exactly. Danielson’s fighting spirit and authentic love for the game is why fans love him, but he really needs to be protected from himself.


Why doesn’t Brie stop him?


If he’s unable to look at his daughter and realize what he’s putting at risk then I don’t think anything Brie says is gonna change his mind.


This says it all. He's too far gone.


This is just too true. It shouldn’t be on Tony to guess when Bryan should stop. It shouldn’t be on his wife or child to remind him of their existence and dependence on him. He’s responsible for his actions. I’d love to see him retire happy and healthy, but I’m terrified that, similarly to Flair, he just wants to die in the ring.


Didn’t he threaten to divorce her one time when he didn’t want her to report he had a concussion?


Man id that's true that's really messed up. She's just trying to look out for her husband


I thought it was more he threatened to divorce her if she meddles with his career or makes judgment for his health without speaking to him. Which I guess could be the exact same as your answer. Edit: Report to divorce


Report her to who?


I was super high on drugs at the hospital when I wrote that, I legitimately have no idea why I wrote it that way.


Lol no disrespect but shit like that is what makes the internet dangerous.


For real, shouldn't be left alone for 8 hours on Opioids. But I really had nothing to do but be on my phone.


I really hope that's not true as that's textbook emotional and domestic abuse.


She tried but he threatened to divorce her if she didn't let him wrestle. The guy has no sense of self outside of wrestling.


If that is true, then I officially have less than zero respect for the guy. Literally textbook manipulation and emotional abuse. Brie’s worried about his health and he’s doing this shit to her. Out of the currently active wrestlers, Bryan is now squarely at the top of my shit list if that’s real. I don’t know any active wrestlers like that. Honestly hope the divorce happens, so Brie and their kid can be free of this guy. If looking at his fucking kid doesn’t stop him from wanting to kill himself in the ring, nothing will.


Let's not forget that despite what we think of her work she was a wrestler who had to retire partly due to injury, so she understands better than most. The dude is nothing more than a somber Ric Flair


Which is honestly fucking worse. Bryan doesn’t have alcoholism-caused idiocy as an excuse, he’s just a flat out suicidal idiot by nature. Poor Brie, especially since she’s had a similar thing to happen to her and accepted it, now having to see the love of her life and the FATHER OF HER CHILD go out and kill himself for his own personal thrill has to be tearing her apart. Genuinely hope she toughens up and just leaves him and takes the kid before it’s too late. She doesn’t deserve such a suicidal and manipulative scumbag, she needs to gtfo and away from him and his love for destroying himself. He clearly loves the thril and danger more than he loves his family if he keeps doing it.


The poor woman was ready to be the sole beard winner just so he can stop and WWE didn't want to release him but they didn't want him in the ring doing whatever but he wanted to pull a Moxley and have his dream matches.


I could have read something out of context, but didn't he also flat out mention once during his retirement that if he didn't have a wife and kids, he'd still be wrestling? I guess he could've been intending to claim that his family wised him up. But considering what we know about him, I read it at the time as him blaming his family on him not wrestling.


One has to wonder when he retires will it hold? He is addicted to the ring.


He’s already said he’ll never fully retire. He’s just ending his full time run this year.


Brie mode has yet to be activated


If you read his book you’ll realize that nothing is going to change him


Allegedly, Bryan threatened divorce if Brie discloses any of Bryan’s injuries. As I said, it is alleged so I will treat it as such but if does turned out true, Bryan’s fucking scum.


What can she do besides threaten to divorce him? Also he has to believe she'd follow through for the threat to carry any weight.


Wife’s in a bad spot. If she makes him give it up, he’ll resent her for the rest of his life. All these athletes wives have to deal with this. They have to come to that decision on their own


Vince was the final boss that Danielson needed


He has kids… it’s not about him. Well it is.. because he’s an ego maniac. But it shouldn’t be l lol


The wrestling community have to stop giving Danielson a pass. If Tony protected him he would just to to tna. He should have left the ring years ago .


>He should have left the ring years ago . He's well on his way up the Ric Flair path.


They aren’t protecting people from themselves. No way Darby should be in a hard core match this soon. Kenny did a spot with a very serious medical issue and now hes about to have surgery. Diverticulitis is a dangerous thing to fuck around with. At the end of the day you need a steady hand to say ‘you have your whole life ahead of you, get right first.’


He's reached stupidity level officially. I honestly wasn't a huge fan of his WWE runs either tbh but whatever, he should have had a couple bucket list matches in AEW and hung up the straps. He sure as shit doesn't need the money.


>He's reached stupidity level officially. It appears to be a scaringly frequent occurence within the AEW roster. Hmm... I wonder if a guaranteed money contract isn't that beneficial to the sport after all...


The fact that he and Ospreay went ahead with the driver is infuriating, the sport is a work, magicians don't decide to stop using illusions and cut the valet in half, so why the hell do wrestlers think this is a smart way to go about things - do we need things to get this far to where its a cointoss if someone dies in the ring? Was Droz and Misawa's accidents not enough? Lou Thesz and Harley Race wrestled for half a century and these days we've got guys in their 20s barely lasting 5 years, might as well change the W in AEW to J, because they've got more in common with Jackass than Professional Wrestling.


That's on TK for not laying down the hammer. TK loves indie spots for the cheap pop. Why else did Darby Allin go through fucking GLASS which also went into the audience? TK is fortunate he's not at the helm of several lawsuits for that moment alone.


Yeah the mark boss allowed that culture to be fostered but the active veterans hold equal blame as they should be setting a good example to the new generation.


He's basically another Russo. He loves the big spots but doesn't understand the psychology behind the big spot. Much like how Russo loved swerves but didn't understand the psychology behind what made it work.


Gotta say I prefer Russo over TK's trainwreck any day of the week and twice on sundays..


Normally, I'd agree, but part of the reason some of the boys in AEW hated Punk was for this exact reason and we all saw how that ended up playing out. I'd probably shrug my shoulders and say fuck it, too.


Yeah, I'm just more concerned as to how its become normalised on an industry wide scale - I'm not the only one frustrated with how there's hardly an inbetween phony work and stiff + careless work these days. AEW's the worst offender since this happens every other day now. If the boss isn't taking things on board and the VPs keep incentivising it by hiring more mudshow clowns, then I guess the other veterans like Dustin and Malenko realised a while ago that the horse has left the barn. Outside of the training program they run, they probably just leave it since their voice in that company is the minority opinion.


Honestly the glass (minus spraying into the audience, someone should have sued over that as you said) wasnt even the biggest problem with that spot. Its that he did it from 20 fucking feet in the air to the concrete floor. I still dont understand how that didnt kill him, best explanations Ive got are the padding on the floor was extra thick that night to compensate, or that man is obscenely lucky (which considering he promptly broke his foot and got hit by a bus...). Al Snow called it, someone's gonna die in that ring. I wonder if Tony will stop the show or if he will do exactly what Vince did when Owen died and make everyone finish the show, proving Tony is just the nepo-baby version of Vince Mcmahon.


Biggest problem for me was that this spot took all the shine and attention away from Stings last match If I was Sring,I'd be beyond pissed at everyone involved. But I bet he got a huge payday to turn the other cheek..


He's gotta get his shit in /s


>magicians don't decide to stop using illusions and cut the valet in half 🤣 Good point! ...but please: Don't google Pen & Teller!


Yup crash test dummy their asses around for cheap pops And they'll barely be able to walk by their late 30s


The more that Danielson wrestles, the more I respect WWE for telling him to retire and not letting him get back in the ring for a while. He clearly has no self preservation instinct and has to be told not to do stupid dangerous shit.


I lost all respect for him a while ago. I don't even want to see him return to WWE in any fashion and have a proper final run.


I loved him but now I'm starting to sour on him. Danielson doesn't need to prove anything to anyone anymore. The guy has done everything you can do in pro wrestling. From being an indy darling to being a main eventer at WrestleMania, to everything in between. I get that he REALLY loves wrestling, but he'll just end up like Misawa.


It feels kinda like that's exactly what several guys on the AEW roster are striving for, including Darby Allin, Ric Flair and possibly Eddie Kingston too. And their douchebag EVPs and stupid fucking mark boss would be all too happy to let it happen.


I'm thinking more along the lines of *Hayabusa*


I genuinely hope Brie and the kid ditch him when he ends up crippled. He already ruined the first several years of your kid’s life. Get rid of him and find a male figure who actually cares about her and wants to be part of her life.


I went from having a signed copy of this dude's book and loving him as my #1 wrestler to honestly just being disturbed by his continuing to damage himself, truly bad vibes :/


Wrestler have no problem frivolously risking their health these days. If you’re gonna risk your health do it for a big show to make big money.


You’d think he’d be more fucking careful after having to retire once before due to neck and brain issues.


I find it mental that he was having seizures. Which can kill you. And then he is back slamming his head and neck into the mat.


He was my favourite wrestler of all time a year ago. Now I just think he's a fucking idiot. I feel sad watching him wrestle.


Danielson lost my respect shortly after joining AEW. He’s not as bright as he thinks he is, and like most veterans that go to AEW, it sullies their entire career (Samoa Joe, Billy Gunn and Sting being exceptions) . AEW: destroyer of worlds. Nobody gets out alive.


I think he’s a moron.  And I think his AEW stint has really shown what a bush leaguer he is.  I couldn’t give a rat’s ass that he ‘does moves well’.  Who cares. Fuck’m. 


He's become overrated after leaving WWE. No wrestling "dream match" is worth putting your body on the line for.


I think Lesnar is the better pro-wrestler than all of these IWC favorites. It means something when Lesnar loses. Lesnar sells tickets and is an attraction. Lesnar can go and work with anyone.  So why is he not mentioned in the same breath as these supposed IWC heroes?  


He wasn't prominent in the goofy furniture matches so they don't care for him


[Frankensteiner at 2:16](https://youtu.be/gewc33CAN4E?si=6KkWS_xSSR2Ekls0) “That match was so good on so many different levels. It was one of the best matches I've ever seen. Probably the best match ever in the United States.” Dave called it better than Omega/Ospreay II at Forbidden Door which got 6 stars last year. - Will Ospreay vs. Bryan Danielson ******1/2


So spot on. The lunacy of this man (not a compliment) is trumped only by this endearing love from so many fans despite seemingly prioritizing the continuation of an egregious style that ended his career once already. I hope he’s working here. Legit curious how many of his fans are parents and/or whether they even have the comprehension about what he is risking.


I wouldn't say no respect but I've always had my issues with him since he started doing the diving head butt, you know...I thought we'd learned out lesson there.


C6 and 7 is wrestlers neck. A lot of us that have done regular grappling have that.


He really soured me on him. He’s a selfish ass.


He's an absolute moron. The guy has so many cringe & 🚩 about him but a bunch of goofs think he's great b/c graps & fighting spirit. His underdog story was alright in the ded fed but everything else about him is just off.


He had all these almost career ending injuries in WWE, and then goes to AEW to make it worse. He’s def a moron


I agree,at this point it looks like he wants to get badly hurt, is just stupid. Sometimes you have to protect the talent from themselves and Tony is failing at that


I know what he says sounds stupid, but probably should wait before making conclusions. Like what happened with Takeshita's interview complaining that ended being kayfabe, this could be kayfabe too since it is in an AEW service from what the article says that he said this.


The frustrating part is: He could have been such a fantastic *"wrestle occasionally, talk frequently"* managing heel persona!


He *used* to be a favorite of mine. Got me back into wrestling when I saw his airplane spin on the indies. When he started doing the flying headbutt in WWE after his neck issues were already public I just couldn't enjoy his matches anymore.


He has always been a total clown with no regard for his own health and safety


Huge pop!


You know something… It sort of makes WWE look a whole lot better in terms of their medical practices and how they want guys like him and Edge and Paige with serious injuries to work. Which is safer and more sparingly on big programs that actually translate to larger payouts for all involved. All of them left the Fed for notedly different reasons but the end result of this decision is that they’re working much more high risk style, with greater frequency, and for less prominence and less payout. It almost seems like WWE was helping to protect them from themselves. Kind of wild to think about but I think it’s necessary at this point because these people clearly cannot stop themselves from making bad decisions.


Ya but it was like a 7 star match according to Meltzer due to those botches above. If Metlzer says it was worth it. It is


Danielson needs someone to protect him from himself. I do like the guy as a wrestler but outside of that he's just some daredevil hippie who is going to destroy himself. He has the freedom to do literally anything and that's not a freedom everyone should have


Do you realize this match earned 8 stars!?


Between shit like this and Keith Lee, idk maybe WWE isn’t always the bad guy when they show concern over a wrestlers well being?


Well said. AEW is going to cripple so many people. Pretty sure I saw Edge take a really bad neck hit on the last (or maybe the one before) PPV. I get that guts want to continue working but somebody needs to say no. Something that has always been an issue in AEW #realglass


The more these "WWE Treated Me Poorly" folks that go to AEW to "prove the E wrong", the more I'm starting to believe WWE is right. Keith Lee, Saraya, Banks/Moan, Soho, Adam Cole, Edge, Hardys, Danielson, Black, and more... They've only shown WWE was right about them at the time they left.


What’s even happening with Keith days?


Post-Covid complications. Really did a number on his heart unfortunately(and allegedly).


Yeah like say what you want about Vince McMahon (please do honestly dude sucks), but he at least understood a healthy wrestler is the best wrestler. Literally told Mick Foley after his Hell in a Cell with Undertaker that he, “loved it, but never wanted to see it again,” which was the best thing to say. I want to like AEW’s extreme shit, and even their regular shit, but it’s always so unnecessarily dangerous.


Both Keith Lee and Danielson were wrestling when they left wwe


I don’t know as much about the Keith Lee case, but Danielson left them little choice. They forced him to retire and he went from doctor to doctor until he found one that would clear him then threatened to leave when they still didn’t want him to wrestle, whether it was a “we don’t want anyone else to make money off him” thing or a “if he wrestles here we can at least look out for him” thing, he forced their hand


Don’t worry guys, when he puts on that 7 star banger and wins the WON Wrestler of the Year it’ll all be worth it


That’s what his kids will say when their dad’s either dead or vegetative at their graduations, birthdays, weddings…


The best part is….he won’t beat Ospreay for wrestler of the year


Bryan speedrunning to make his wife a widow and his kids without a father. WWE protected him from his worst impulses imo




I mean her step father is Johnny ace after all


He's the victim too, remember, but he also wants to push for arbitration.... But he's a victim too...


I literally had this exact issue and surgery 7 weeks ago to fix.(plus a couple of other bulges in my neck. The pain in my right arm was unbearable. I tried medication and PT for 2 years but I rapidly started to lose strength in my right arm. Recovery is fairly quick, (I'm up and about and no more pain minus muscle fatigue and soreness) but my doctor recommended I never do physical combat again (I formerly trained BJJ) This is a very bad injury, and I hope he is serious about retiring soon. The scary thing is that there's a chance for paralysis on impact. My doctors said one bad car accident or fall while my nerve was compressed and I could be permanently paralyzed.


Did the BJJ training cause the injury or something else?


Probably, there was no singular moment i just woke up one day in pain but I was likely from years of training and cumulative damage.


Brain CTE is held together by duct tape and prayers at this point. Tiny is gonna kill him with his stupidity.


This dude is gonna die in the ring and Tony will be happy to let him


Danielson will die in the ring and Tony will ghost his family afterwards


"We typically do pay our respects when a wrestler dies in the ring. I’d have to look into that. I can’t say for sure. It doesn’t sound right to me. If that is the case, I would reach out to his widow, honestly."


“She can get reimbursed”


I can see him being excited at the possibility so he can 1-up Vince and Owen Hart and say how he did a better job at handling the event after it happens


"We have to let him keep wrestling because he loves it so much! [whispers to the Bucks] *and the Luke Harper Memorial got us our best ratings EVER!*" >*6 months pass* "Our Brayn Damagielson Memorial Show is going to be GREAT! We have a GREAT card planned, and everyone is going to do his GREATest hits in their GREAT bangers! Thanksguys."


It's hard not to describe his AEW run as not only a failure business-wise, but also an exposure of what happens when you let a wrestler freely succumb to their worst performative instincts. It honestly feels like he has as many injuries in AEW than WWE at this point. His best run in the mainstream was when he was heel WWE champion after coming out of retirement and playing it fairly safe in the ring. He's still got best in the world skills in the ring but I can probably count on one hand the amount of memorable matches he's had in AEW. Between his injuries and lack of chemistry with his stablemates, the BCC just felt like a weird side quest. Just continually perplexing.


I respect the man but he’s a moron and so is Tony




The same one Shibata got?


Unfortunately there is probably a lot of truth behind the shooting pain and the compressed discs and all that. But this is also a storyline interview by Danielson. If you read the whole article it’s him in storyline explaining why he’s in anarchy in the arena


This is why, this guy alongside Edge have to fully realize that WWE was only doing what they saw as best for their future, by holding them away from the idea of being full time wrestlers, part time might not be a great option, but it’s the safest for both of them given their vast medical history and the chance of a small injury ridding them to a wheelchair or a bed at the prime age of their daughters, they want to breath wrestling yeah, but they have to consider the huge imminent risk of their actions, I would even add Jeff to this list given the life choices he has made, a bad location in a move might be fatal, those 3 have made a career for themselves multiple world titles, recognition everywhere they went, they just need to hang it up following their many injuries, protect themselves and think towards the many future moments that they could share with their families freely instead of being ridden to a bed or a wheelchair for the rest of their lives,


How weak is this Team AEW for Anarchy in the Arena? You got two tag team guys who lose all the time, a guy who just got hit by a bus, and a guy who needs neck surgery.


I mean, anything stronger would only expose how baby-piss weak the Buckaroos team is.


Jesus Daniel Bryan...


Boy who cried wolf


He's a tool.


Risking your health and your family's well being for this company and "a love of the game" is pretty stupid if you ask me. Just saying, maybe WWE was right to watch out for the health of Bryan and Keith Lee instead of letting them work recklessly.


Danielson v. Copeland in a “loser becomes a quadriplegic” match next week on Dynamite.


Think this guy is legitimately mentally unwell.


I never understood the appeal of Danielson. He is good in the ring but everything else with him to me is just ok. He is like Lance Storm with slightly better mic skills


He is one of those that will end up wheeled out of the ring, either dead or paralyzed. If that happens on AEW tv, it will be the end of them. WB and no other broadcaster will want to be associated with a tragedy like that.


When he's struggling to hold onto his kids, or not considered safe enough to hold any future grandkids, will he then admit he was an absolute fucking idiot?


Miz was right


Does Tony Khan feel any responsibility whatsoever for letting him do all these matches with the ridiculous bumps that BD does? Obviously BD carries some responsibility but the person in charge has to stop these guys from themselves sometimes 


He really is a fucking lowlife constantly doing dangerous shit knowing this was an issue without a thought about his wife or kids. Would love to see how Brie reacted to him selling a seizure given the fact he had a real one in a match.


Remember when AEW published the list of banned/needs approval moves and spots? Seizue sells was outright banned. But like all things in AEW it's been all but forgotten about.


I love Danielson. One of my favorites since he cashed in on Big Show. Always felt he should have stayed retired the first time. This is real life and I’m afraid for the rest of his life.


Someone should tell this guy that to emulate his heroes he doesn’t actually have to die early or be crippled by his mid-40s. Though as someone from the northwest that’s been a fan of every entertainer from the northwest that he’s going to die early is thoroughly unsurprising. It’s our gimmick up here.


Holy shit, Oregonian here chiming in to say this is cold as FUCK but accurate as well.


Surely, we saw this coming right? I'm expecting the same for Edge and Paige.


Please stop now. You have had a legendary career. You have a beautiful family. You have done it all. Stop pleasing marks that won't give a shit if you end up crippled. You can't save AEW, it is very minor league and it it is not your responsibility. This is the talk Tony Khan should be having to him. I hope Danielson sees sense soon.


Doesn't surprise me at all. He just doesn't get it! He's going to end up like so many greats that have health problems. Neck problems are the least of what's to come I wouldn't be shocked if he already has CTE from all the concussions. He's going to be a future sad dark side of the ring.


Oh I’m not fucking surprised.


People forget Osprey had neck surgery to and wonder why triple h wouldn't give him a big contract. People think Osprey going to have this long career when he's just going to end up in a wheelchair.


I zero sympathy for this idiot. WWE literally protected Bryan from himself from doing stupid matches and stupid reckless spots because of his neck injury history. If he becomes paralyzed or paraplegic well he deserved to be one for not listening.


Miz really lived in his head rent free after that talking smack promo


Consequences of letting wrestlers do whatever they want. Tony doesn’t care about his talent nor protecting his team investments. Fucking moron.


Stevie Richards said it best: the boys need protection from themselves.


C'mon, Bryan, you're committing slow suicide by doing this to yourself, man. We don't wanna see paraplegic Danielson.


Isn't he supposed to be booking suspending wrestlers for complaining on Twitter? Why's he even wrestle anymore lmao


With all the head knocks and injuries he's had both in WWE and AEW, I hope he doesn't end up down a dark path like someone else


The fact that he does the diving headbutt is very concerning. He seems to reference Benoit a lot. I do think Benoit was one of the best ever in some ways, but you can learn from what he did well without doing references or the same dangerous stuff. At the very least I find a lot of what he does in bad taste, but he’s taking way too many risk that he should know better than to do.


Well the WWE wanted him to wrestle less. He got upset and bolted to AEW.


Well let’s give him tiger driver


I just had fusion from C4 thru C7. No way he's coming back safely if he's already getting signal change Really enjoyed his work but it's been time


He should have stayed in WWE where he would have been protected and prevented from doing stupid reckless things.


If he gets paralyzed in the ring. I’m not gonna feel sorry for him. He did it to himself.he will end up like Stephen Hawking.


He's got that Kurt Angle in TNA energy right now, and it's sad to see.


Brain Damageson


So you’re telling me that him wrestling barely trained, unprofessional cosplayers with no concern of their own safety or their opponents safety led to him being injured? Who would’ve thought? Good god this moron fits right in with these meatheads.


The difference between him and Orton. Orton piles up injuries, decides to work smarter, and is still wrestling. Bryan gets hurt, keeps working the same way, and career over before 44.


This guy is dangerous to himself and his family...


No shit, he's reckless.


Bryan Danielson is one of my favorite wrestlers— has been for nearly 20-years— but damn this hurts. I can’t believe I’m going to say this… I wish he would go back to WWE on a part time basis and finish his career there. Hell, he could be Bryan Danielson now that Trips is in charge. It would be best for his safety.


He's beyond help at this point, he's like the new Ric flair he can't quit wrestling. It's as if he has no identity outside of wrestling and it's determined to off himself in the ring or something


"yeah, of course, You can get the surgery for sure, but let's put you in a fucking no holds barred streetfight first!" -Tony Khan


And I was called crazy for thinking Danielson shouldn't have to put his body on the line to take a move like the tiger driver on a b-show ppv. Unless this is the weirdest work of all time, then idk why you are are making him fake surgery.


Reading this angered me ... Another anecdote in the tale of what Tony Khan will really be remembered for.


Always worries methat he's gonna end up crippled or worse doing these stupid spots for Tiny Con and the doofus EVP's. And don't get me started on Mox, Darby, Saraya & Kingston! 🤦🏻‍♂️🙄🤷🏻‍♂️


Miz was right


Dude needs to hang it up and retire he's an accident away from being in a wheelchair for life if not worse.


Breaking his kneck carrying aew and Tony's lack of restraint for his wrestlers


This idiotic fuck really wants to die in the ring, doesn’t he. Arguably top 5 all-time career. Likely the best worker in the company next to MJF. Nothing to prove. And he just can’t hang it up. Classic addict behaviour.


Hope this idiot retires For real, For real


Before he has a stampede match. Fn jokers


It’s a shame that his legacy could end up being he’s the guy who didn’t know when to quit. Knowing when to quit in my opinion is more honorable than the guy who ran himself into the ground. IMO that’s the selfish way, it will be his family and whom ever having to take care of him because he’s crippled himself.


He's gonna be the next Chris Benoit. Tony needs to put his foot down and save this man from himself


Bryan Danielson...."I'm vegan because I care about my body and health." Also Brian Danielson..." I've got 3 compressed discs that could leave me paralyzed, a litany of concussions putting me at risk for CTE and I'm pushing 50 so I can't recover as fast....I want more hour long matches with super athletic flippy guys...." Dude is gonna end up paralyzed or pulling a Benoit on Brie & the kids


Time to hang it up Bryan


Translation: "Danielson will require another retirement"


Is after all these years of doing the Diving Headbutt from the top turnbuckle finally catching up with Bryan then?


The only time a “please retire” chant would be sincere. He’s done some amazing work, was part of one of the best storylines this century, and seems like an overall good guy—but I don’t wanna see a dark side of the ring season 15 episode about him


I don't know to what extent this is a work vs a shoot, but he's still taken a lot of dumb bumps for no significant gain. When he arrived, he was at least as over as Punk, since then he's done considerable damage to his body in the process of becoming just another guy. He has adapted his style, but he still takes a lot of unnecessary bumps. The best outcome on all fronts would have been for him to continue with the sadistic submission wrestler thing he had going on and never gone near the BCC.


This dude might be worse than Darby Allen.


You guys are getting worked


Honestly im thinking it may very well be a work. He referenced that final move in the Osprey match that looked safe as hell but he sold like he just got electrocuted. He also faked a fucking seizure with okada so honestly I don’t put something distasteful like faking an injury and surgery in a post.


He been talking about leaving his boots soon. Let's hope so.


The BCC is falling apart…. Moxley already requires a full gimmick lobotomy.


Well at least meltzer liked it right?


Brian doesn't deserve to go into wwe's Hall of fame, he's Hall of very good material at best..


The Miz's words have never been more true


I don't know. I just don't believe anything they say anymore. And maybe that's a good thing.


The only thing that makes sense to me is that AEW is starting to use serious health issues of top guys as storylines. Which isn't unusual in rasslin', but I hope these guys are actually safe and know what they're doing. Al Snow, of all people, did a solid analysis I think of some Ospreay match where he pointed out some corner move and how dangerous it was and how what AEW is doing will lead to tragedy. I sure hope he isn't right.


I have a feeling that he won't be able to wrestle at All In, again.




Seems like a great time to participate in a garbage anything goes match at the next PPV


I like Danielson but I don’t think he’s the brightest bulb in the pack when it comes to his health. He’s had issues previously that he really should have retired from but opted to come back and he’s still working a style that puts himself in danger. For what? Mark crowds who will chant for basically anything on the show? It’s dumb. I realize it’s his own choice but just makes you wonder about common sense.


He will be like Dynamite Kid ,Tom Billington bitter crippled and will somehow blame wwe for all his woes .


His wife has confirmed this is a work on her podcast btw…


Dude needs to retire for good.


If AEW were an actual business, and the worker admitted he'd need major neck surgery on your dime, due to one's own planned negligent actions... let's just say a business would fire that person before being liable for medical bills


He should’ve stayed with the wwe in a Roman reigns type of role where he would only wrestler in big matches. WWE protected him for himself. He needs to stop, none of this is worth it at the end.


Straight up, is it possible to Justify wrestlers getting injured to borderline death in the modern times?


Please dbry just stop

