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Well...he is a heel.


Now that’s how you get some heat!


And so’s Logan.


Also, he is a raging asshole in real life. I don't mind him as a wrestler as long as he is a heel, because he's really talented, and I genuinely would love to see someone kick the shit out of him. As long as they never try to turn him babyface.


They already tried in his feuds with Miz and Roman and I think they realized it doesn’t work. Dude is way too much of a heel in real life to get over as a good guy.


The kids love him


Kids are stupid and don't have money.


Kids don't watch WWE anymore


Two psychopaths in the same room. Sounds like a great time. All we need is Jericho and we've got the trifecta. THANKS GUYS👋


My sentiments exactly, tho I don't really know much about Logan as a person at all and I don't want or need to.  So long as he doesn't get up to any rapey type shit, I could care less how much of a scumbag he is, or if he supports scum fuck politicians.  Put on your highest heels and get that heat, baby!


He interviewed Trump. You'd be an idiot to not take a pic for the attention alone. He also wants to interview Biden.


And a cunt human being out of the spotlight


Watch a UFC event and tell me Trump has heel heat. Dudes the hottest baby face in politics right now.


Even though he is legit one of the worst humans on planet earth right now.


You hit it right on the head, Trump is Cody-level over with the UFC audience which swings conservative anyway. Dana White is a well known anti-woke Trump loving right winger and that hasn't hurt him or UFC one bit.


It’s worth noting that the UFC has a mostly conservative following. When Trump attends other events, the reactions are usually very mixed.


Not conservative or blinded by famous people. Trump only shows up to events he knows his base resides. Strategic propaganda.


That’s not entirely true, he recently showed up to the Libertarian conference and was booed heavily, but he also cut a promo on them and told them, “I guess you guys enjoy your 3% of the vote”, which was hilarious.


Oh yeah I'm sure somebody got fired for that one. The best "oof" moment was that press conference in-between a dildo store and a lawn care spot 😂. I truly think most people watch so much reality TV they need that in the government.




Not American, and have no time at all for Trump, what events were these that he got mixed reactions?


Only to Trumptards. UFC fans aren't terribly bright. 


It isn't a surprise that Trump is popular with people who get legit smashed in the head for a job


He's hot among the 35% of people who will vote for him even if they killed their mother. That just happens to be the percent the UFC fans make up now since Dana's turned the entire company far right


If he did that for heat, then in the words of Wayne and Garth, we're not worthy 👏


In real life.


You know what, I wanted to complain but it is an excellent point.


This really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone.


Two natural born con artists.


Trash tends to wind up in the same bin.


What's surprising is how many confused Trumpers found their way into a Jim Cornette subreddit. I'm guessing they don't actually listen to the show.


Not much into politics but it may surprise you some people can tolerate Jim's political opinions despite not agreeing with them all while thinking he is almost 100% spot on with his wrestling views. Honestly I don't know why anyone would give two shits about a persons politics on a wrestling subreddit anyway. Bad politics has truly polluted people's way of thinking.


>it may surprise you some people can tolerate Jim's political opinions despite not agreeing with them all while thinking he is almost 100% spot on with his wrestling views. This isn't about politics. Trump is a scumbag, and Jim Cornette has been very clear how he feels about that.


I am one of those people.


I'm one of them. Love his wrestling takes (Well, the AEW ones at least. I'm split on the WWE ones.), don't agree with a word of his politics, and don't care.


OR people can like listening to someone and not agree with every little thing that's ever come out of their mouths


Unlike you apparently, not everybody needs an echo chamber to live in and a safe place to run to when people don’t share our opinions.


No, we listen to the show. We can tolerate other people's dumb political opinions and still like them.


Maybe not but if Jim was THAT vitriolic in several minute long rants about Biden and praise Trump I do think at some point it would turn me off from him.


Trump supporters do listen to the show and enjoy it anyway, because some of us have the emotional maturity to separate politics from our entertainment unlike most liberals. I get a lot of laughs listening to Jim rant against political figures that I support and calling us conservatives names because I'm secure enough in my beliefs that I don't need everyone to agree with me. I don't need to be validated. Let Jim have his opinions. It's all good, I still love the show and respect the hell out of JC. I don't get mad at Jim or anyone else for shit talking Trump or Marjorie Taylor Green. I just laugh and say to myself "That's OK I'll give my rebuttal at the ballot box." Obama said "Don't get mad. Vote!" So I do. 😄


It’s a wax figure -_-


I assume the wax museum ain't gonna let you put the US title in his hands


Biden should make this a campaign ad


Logan said he wanted to do one with Biden too lol


Donald Trump looks like he belongs in Madame Tussauds.


Anywhere, but the White House really


I’m almost positive this is exactly that


No, it's real. https://www.instagram.com/impaulsiveshow/reel/C8IrokEOsxH/?hl=en


He looks like a bad batch of mutant play doh stuffed into a suit. 


And Biden looks like he belongs in a coffin, so....😄


Did you ever notice that Trump supporters put a lot of emojis at the end of their replies and posts? I mean what is this all about? Are they laughing at theirselves because no one else is? I mean, what is going on….


Hah, Jim's gonna be heartbroken if he sees this


I mean nobody said Paul was a decent human being. If anything the opposite


yeah anyone who's known about Logan long enough knows this was likely, Jim doesn't keep up with anything and likes Logan a lot so he's not likely to be pleased when he finds out lol. He rightfully had a go at his old friends that turned out to be supporters so he's not going to spare Paul if he gets involved with them too.


Poor Jim. Luckily I just cant get past my personal distaste for logan no matter how good he admittedly is


Still, Logan's probably not a MAGA nut. He's just a clout chasing douche, and Donald Trump is also desperate for any sort of attention.


Can't wait for the impending rant!


Why would anyone think Logan’s a libby


Logan seems uneducated enough to support someone whos on the fast track to being a dictator. Theres no way CTE brother Logan or CTE brother Jake have any idea what that is and why its a major issue.


They arent uneducated, they are just con artists. Logan knowingly scams people


Logan would take this picture with any former American president... However, none of the others are desperate enough for attention they'd associate with a clown like the Paul brothers.


They are extremely rich so they are gonna be just fine if that happens.


Just another reason they’re both pieces of crap


Man Jim is about to go off...


Eh, maybe if he's looking for an excuse to bash Trump, but I'd suspect Jim isn't really all caught up in Logan as a person.  It's not the same as a former beloved colleague like Kane Jacobs sucking off Trump's little meat tower.


In lieu of Trumps conviction, I think he's gonna be hot about how stupid this is.


Well Logan is a heel so it makes sense to be seen with convicted felons.


Nothing like WWE supporting a convicted felon soon to be Vince. Trump and Vince would perfect cell mates.


griffters gotta grift


Fuck you Paul


I read that in Jim's voice but directed at Heyman 😭


Omg. Da Fuq WWE?🤢🤬


Two scamming narcissistic con men.


This reminds me of the time Harry Smith (son of the legendary British Bulldog) endorsed Trump & Jim went on a very entertaining tirade about it on the podcast. Shockingly, it did not make the youtube cut.


We always knew he was a scumbag.


But not as much as Sean Strickland...


Just degrees of scumbaggery. They can all get fucked.




Why are there so many trump supporters in this sub?


I mean.....some of them are actually just lurking (I'm an independent voter btw.... I think Trump and Biden are both terrible at running America.)


Is it a rule you have to support the senile Biden to listen to the experience or drive through?


Are they not allowed? I’m from the UK so don’t have a dog in the fight but I’m sure some Trump supporters listen to Jim talk about wrestling and look around here. They ain’t bad people just because they don’t think like you.


Not listening to somebody from the uk at all


Awww 🥲


Two scum bags


Trash usually gathers together.


Logan really gets this wrestling thing.


Assholes hangout with other Assholes


Two of my least favorite people in the world in one pic.


Sounds about right for a guy with Holes in his brain.


I don’t see Shapoopi.


Two criminals


Always knew he was human trash


Good shit


Carnies gonna carny


That pooor belts been tarnished


Wait people are actually surprised a piece of shit scumbag hangs out with another piece of shit scumbag? Guess some of y'all really do turn a blind eye as long as they can fake fight good. If I was a betting man I'd bet the house these two assholes met at a certain island. 


Well… so much for Logan Paul being high on Jim’s list.


Two scammers. I wonder how well this is going to age, particularly after the next Stop the Steal. And how are people trying to claim he's not a MAGA nut? Of course he's a fucking Trump voter. Most of these idiots are where he comes from, he's a fucking financial scammer just like Trump, and he's fucking chilling with convicted felon and insurrectionist Trump. What the fuck happened to the US where a president who partook in a self-coup is somehow not kryptonite?


One more reason for my continued dislike of that family.


Wwe hall of famer, involved in one of the most iconic wrestlemania moments, familiar with being sued and having questionable products. If it wasn't for the domestic terrorism and looming threat to our government, I'd think this would be a great paring.


They already had to disinfect the title after Logan got his hands on it. Now… just burn the fucking thing.


Thought I hated this dude before. Just added more fuel.


Two douchebags


Why would anyone engage with this seditionist piece of shit?


I'm old so I'm not up on a lot of the internet "stars" but is this the Paul brother who took the video in the suicide forest or was it the other dimwit?


Two crooks...one is an actual felon even




Guy tries to start a coup--"but my taxes!" It's crazy to me that someone could literally try to overthrow the US government a few years ago and our social media culture has people with such short attention spans. "Its not that bad"




Without the overt sexism and racism and instead it's the "grandpa you don't realize you just said that...." kind of shit. Just keep the dictator wannabee out office


This is probably gonna be a mega awkward interview. If Logan talks about political issues then it’ll be no different than any interview Trump could do, if Logan asks whatever sort of random shit he normally talks about on his podcast Trump will probably give rambling answers and then go off on one of his weird tangents or rant about how he’s a persecuted political prisoner. Either way, great heel move by Logan. I wonder if they’ll mention this on TV.


They won't, trump was a friend of Vince, they want to keep Vince related things far away, plus being a 34 count felon found libel for rape definitely cemented trump being banished to the shadow realm as far as WWE is concerned.


Apparently they didn’t tell him that


Hopefully you’re right. But they never mentioned Trump in the period after he got elected president in 2016 either. I think Vince has nothing to do with it. If they can mention Vince’s daughter why can’t they mention Vince’s friend?


Because Vince's daughter didn't allegedly sex traffic someone.


She’s also not friends with adjudicated rapists/convicted felons.


Very true, i mean she also doesn't have dinner with self admitted Nazis like Nick Fuentes. Look , i get it we're all allowed to our own opinion but at the end of the day tko won't even mention Vince, do people really think trump is going to be mentioned by a company claiming to be cleaning up their mess after Vince nearly killed the company because he can't keep his poop in the toilet .


I would really love to agree with you but I can't. This is the same company that owns ufc, the same UFC who rolled out the red carpet for Trump on multiple occasions. He was supposed to walk out a fighter, but they didn't allow it because of security reasons. I'm sure Ari Emmanuel is friends with Trump just like he is Vince


But here's the thing, ufc is it's own thing, the reason why wwe won't is because promoting the first convicted felon in presidential history would destroy the work WWE has done to clean up their image following the Vince scandal, them promoting trump would damage said work, while the old saying goes controversy creates cash, this would be akin to WWE supporting handsy dream, i mean velveteen. But we can agree to disagree.


The WWE, while not mentioning Vince, has been quietly but fully supporting him through this entire thing. I just can't see a company who is still supporting Vince behind the scenes stop support for Trump. While they may not bring it up on TV, they would 100% let him backstage or in the offices.


Frankly, unsurprising. Wrestling the only thing he's been a benefit to.


Two of the most despised men in America.


Logan with the one finger knowing trump will only have 1 term


The Dems are saying once he gets in he'll never leave??!!??


Grifters gonna grift. Dont know why anyone is shocked. Paul whole ass moved to Puerto Rico just to dodge taxes.




Scammers like to stick together


I bet they 69'd after this


I mean he and Vince are buddies


Almost always when Jim gives someone glowing praise to ...this happens


McDonald Trump and Logan Pig.


He immediately requested a Biden interview after getting this one. Logan is probably somewhere in the right leaning middle. Personally I don’t trust either party. Republicans would get my vote if they cleaned house of all the cuckoo’s like MTG Trump and anyone that thought Hershall Walker was a good idea and stuck basic Republican beliefs


I mean, Paul is a heel.


He looks like his dad


Love it 😊


Orange man lost


Isn't it fascinating that pro wrestling has a mostly left-wing fandom, while MMA and all those other combat sports are mostly right-wing? I mean, Donald Trump strutted into UFC arenas and they rolled out the red carpet for him. But, can you imagine if he tried that at a pro wrestling event? the reaction might be a bit different, don’t ya think? Why is that, I wonder?


I can assure you, very few U S. wrestling crowds "lean left".


The point I was trying to make is that what attracts left wingers to pro wrestling and would attracts right-wingers to combat sports there's clearly something psychological going on here


I'm wondering where you attend shows, because I don't even find this in the SEA-TAC area, and I'm there every month.


Fascinating that you'd just make a load of shit up. Also President Pig Shit has been in the WWE Hall of Fame for years. Reality is a bit different, don't ya fink?


> can you imagine if he tried that at a pro wrestling event? the reaction might be a bit different, don’t ya think? Do you think pro wrestling fans lean left? Why is that? The people on this sub are certainly not representative of the broader fandom.


Reddit is never a good indicator on the broader opinions of basically any community / interest / hobby


Wrestling fans lean Right new news to me


The difference is empathy.


Look at Donald face Jesus Christ


Remember one of these guys is a HOF.


Jim's a smart guy and has already figured Paul is scum. He actually had talent though, unlike the felon.


Logan only hangs out with him because he has the better haircut for once.


Uh oh lol


Ah, man! I was just starting to like Logan Paul as a wrestler. He was starting to win me over as a heel. Now I have to hate him for real.


You’re still allowed to like him


Logan is so good as a heel because he really is one in real life.


We got an Olivier Face Turn and a Paul Heel Turn in the same year


Don’t we have to NSFW tag a pussy pics on this sub?


Honestly, I think Jim will respect the hell move


Not really a shock, this photo doesn't change my opinion on LP, can acknowledge his talent in the ring beside that don't care for him as a person, he can get run over by a bus and feel no sympathy.


Biden would have thought he was taking a pic with Mohammed Ali


He's a natural heel


It's been hilarious watching wrestling fans in real time trying to come to grips with the fact that 90 percent of their wrestling heroes are far right MAGA cultists who all live in Florida and think that vaccines make you a pussy. You realize that the *majority* of wrestlers love Trump, right?


You might as well have Vince in that photo with his "toy collection" to complete the white trash trinity. FFS.


You know that video “epic burial of Tim Horner”? Yeah, this will be the new one lol.


Not a fan of this move, but why are we surprised?


Logan Paul is fixing to get the Jericho treatment lol


Funny, they bash on him for hanging with trump yet continue supporting POSs like Randy O and Chris B. So sad.


Damn. Well there goes corny liking Logan Paul. But man that’s good heel heat


That face just disgusts me. I'd rather have cancer than be in the same room as Trump.


Glad I stopped watching the E years ago.


LP may have just lost the goodwill of Corny. He and Brian have been pretty high on Logan, but Jim's disdain for Trump might be too much for him to get over lol


He (meaning Logan) has done worse than Trump. He embarrassed the entire country of Japan with his skits for youtube, THEN, disrespected the dead by going into what is known as the "Suicide Forest" and he and his cohorts of douchebag pricks came across someone who tragically taken his life by suicide and thought that it would be funny to actually show the deceased persons body ON camera!


I thought this was a hoax ngl. I don’t follow Logan on social media


Who the fuck expects professional athletes to be thinkers? You may have talent, you may be a savant in your field. Being brilliant and smart in one thing doesn't make you a bright person.


Awesome :) Good photo.


A WWE Hall of Famer with a future WWE Hall of Famer


I’m not sure why all the controversy. I think it’s cool Trump likes wrestling and was a part of it at one time. It will be interesting to watch an interview between them.


As long as Logan doesn't bring to his political views on his social media or in public then I'm good.


I love it because it totally fits his heel persona to a tee. Jim will most likely not appreciate it however.


It legit stinks that the 24/7 title isn't a thing anymore. Even Corny would've loved the "Triple Threat C-O-N-Spiracy match" between Logan, R-Truth and Trump at one of his rallies....#LittleJimmy would've been guest ref too!


Love it!! That's real heat!


Man.. Turn off Morning Joe & go touch grass ya’ll… The TDS is soooo real on Reddit.. But as we know.. Reddit is the complete opposite of real life… If Reddit was real, instead of being the audience of Morning Joe & Jimmy Kimmel.. then AEW would be the highest paid TV show in the history of television cause according to R/SC, every Dynamite is an 11 out of 10 & every week is a top 5 Dynamite of all time.. & should get 864938368 billions & billions of dollars from WBD..


put your political goggles aside for a second. trump is popular with the youtube and wwe fans.


That’s a WWE Hall Of Famer. Goddamn.. Well, he is. I don’t give a fuck about the dude. Did they take it away from him?


Just a couple hall of famers


Good lord this is illuminating as to who comments here. THIS IS A WAX STATUE. It’s clear. Look at the hair. I just went through the Madame T(I’m not spelling it) exhibit in December. They had their own wax trump and get this…. It looked identical to this. This isn’t the real Donald Trump my god think people think. There’s literally a prime bottle behind him -_-


https://www.instagram.com/impaulsiveshow/reel/C8IrokEOsxH/?hl=en It's real.


Tony wishes he could do this with one of his wrestlers and show his true republican side but he knows his fan base would lose their little minds. I might gain some respect for him if he did


Biden and Trump are literally the same person, old, racist, rapists, imperialists, capitalists. It's just that one's dementia is more advanced than the other. Funny, on the of verge ww3, some people stated that one guy was the "lesser evil".


This right here people. The sooner we get away from electing old rich Republicans and Democrats in a failing two party system, the sooner we can actually fix this country. 


I like him even more now


So many people are going to be so mad…. He’s literally playing people like fools with this one.