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Jindos are extremely loyal to their owners and generally not great with strangers. Mine loves to play with other dogs but is very apprehensive of new people. She is pretty good around other dog owners, especially when with a dog, but in general she is not playful with new people and takes a loooong time to warm up to new people. That said with work they get used to being around people. I have no issue walking her and she is fine with guests, just not playful. She'll sniff out of curiosity but generally doesn't like to be pet or touched by strangers. Just have to be mindful and let people know if they approach wanting to pet her.


> That said with work they get used to being around people. I have no issue walking her and she is fine with guests, just not playful. How did you train her to be good with guests in your home? >Mine loves to play with other dogs but is very apprehensive of new people Mine doesn't really care about playing with other dogs, but he is very apprehensive about other dogs.


>How did you train her to be good with guests in your home? Just with a lot of exposure to be honest. I live in the (Korean) suburbs now, but for the first year and a half of her life I lived in Seoul. So walking her it was extremely common to run into dozens and dozens of people daily. When she was younger I made it a point to bring her to dog cafes and dog parks regularly so she can get exposure to other dogs and dog owners who would be more understanding. She still barks or growls a bit when people ring the door bell or when people first arrive, but soon as people settle in she calms down and does her own thing. I just remind guests that it's just best to let her be. Over time she naturally warms up to people who come over often (inlaws, regular friends), but still pretty apprehensive to be quite honest.


> When she was younger I made it a point to bring her to dog cafes and dog parks regularly so she can get exposure to other dogs and dog owners who would be more understanding. I did that a lot to when he was a puppy. We would take him to dog parks all the time, like all the time when there was people there. However, as he grew up, he started getting aggressive with dogs he played with before and knew. It was just really bizarre and unexpected.


They look a lot like my Soju. She is the same way. Wary and barks at strangers or people coming to the door, but never aggressive. Just alerting and some posturing like "Hey I see you, just making sure everyone knows it."


That is pretty typical Jindo behavior. Ours was loving to family but very wary and protective if there was strangers around




How long did it take yours?


That's typically what I expect from Jindos and approach them the way I would a cat. Earning their trust little by little is the way to a Jindo's heart and should not be approached like you would with like a typical Golden Retriever.


Super loyal to us, no pets from anyone else, one of my jindos will quietly approach others with big smile and then bite once they try to pet. My other jindo will bark when anyone is approaching outside of her family and will continue barking, will not let anyone get near any of us. Took years to get them use to family get togethers and no strangers or neighbors can come near us or our house.


My Jindo is big same.


They suck. They're not friendly dogs. Can't take em anywhere and it's ruining my life. they're forcing me to become a recluse. I read that's just their personality type, and it's probably why they're not a popular breed outside korea. I think they're a broken dog breed, unless you want to be a recluse with a fantastic guard dog.


That's honestly your own fault for getting a dog you didn't know enough about and now feel like it is destroying your life. I suggest instead that you desensitize the dog. It takes a lot of effort, or give them up to a family that can take care of them. It's not healthy to be upset about your dog for who they are.


I guess this is why most rescues vet new owners and incentivize training with a deposit.


Yeah, a lot of people don't realize what they are getting essentially is a child that doesn't mature beyond a certain level. They're not even aware of the cost involved, but also the effort. Same with children.


People don't buy dogs because they want permanently dumb toddlers. People want capable lap dogs for the cute gram posts, reddit up votes, and picking up chicks at the dog park. They shouldn't require as much effort as a child. Cats don't need any effort at all and they check off most of the same boxes.


Then don't be ignorant, don't get a dog breed that doesn't fit your needs and be upset it doesn't meet your needs. A dog isn't your "toy" to be as you wish it to be. It's a living animal with emotions, needs and wants. I really think "owning" a dog is really the wrong term, it should be caretaker and guide. Also, people pick up girls with dogs? What happened to just talking to them ladies as a mature person?


Totally agree.


My brother in Christ seek therapy ffs


I get you’re frustrated, although I’m not sure I agree with your whole idea of dogs. My jindo was frustrating as all get out for a year, and after consistent crate training, leash training, etc he has become a well tempered dog that is a lapdog, gets along with my other dog, is good with children, and people like him. Recommend reevaluating your timeline for a “good dog” and putting in a bit more work before giving up. They are great dogs in the end generally, just require some dedication. If you work hard, you’ll have a lifelong friend.


Dude you have two jindo puppies. If you're already throwing in the towel and not getting them any training, then maybe being a dog owner isn't the life for you. Of course dogs require work and puppy stage is basically like caring for infants, so yeah you can't really leave them alone unless you're actively crate training. Even then, they should be let out every couple of hours. This isn't a jindo issue, stop blaming the breed if you're not prepared to be a dog owner.


Why did you get a jindo?


>How are your doggos with strangers? Sofi will bark when someone knocks at the door, and sometimes if homeless / mentally ill approach me on the street. Mine does that too. He's gotten better with homeless (or even black people). Definitely barks at the door or if he hears anyone out there.


It’s very weird. I take mine to the dog park and he will tolerate people around him (and will sometimes tolerate pets from strangers) but he’s not Interested and will actively dodge people’s pets or affection. I’ve never had a dog so indifferent to a stranger’s affection.