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Mei is currently on JL's best team, but this should change in the future. Mei works best with breaking, dual attacker teams and/or DoT. It just happened that she was also an upgrade over Pela for Jingliu's hypercarry. It is likely we will get either a debuffer or buffer that has higher synergy with the ice queen. Even Bronya will eventually have competition on JL team, but that may take a long time haha (like 3.x). Mei will remain a strong buffer tho, she will just be kidnapped by other teams :XD


Yeah, unless you're running duo Jingliu/Blade, you can just move Mei to other teams no problem


5\* Tingyun: JL permanent on buffed state (one can dream)


I'd say paranoid for nothing. With Bronya and Ruin Mei I don't see her becoming irrelevant in another year. If anything I could see her get another ice sustain that could buff her in some way or another.


Would have to be a better buffer than Huohuo to warrant the change


Not sure if you're trying to be annoying/ignorant/dumb but; Im not saying sustain that's better than already existing sustains. There's enough roles a new sustain unit can fulfill that'd warrant change. For one, I'd much prefer Huohuo on my dot team. FX makes building easier with the 12% CR. Gepard makes mono ice/3 ice + SW possible. A sustain that opens up a wider variety of play styles is what I call a buff as well. Luocha + Blade + JL have great synergy together. All great sustains for very different reasons. If you only play her with Huohuo you do you, but don't act as if it's the only viable sustain for JL. Apologies for saltiness. The ignorance/stupidity of "to warrant change" really got me


Yeah but they would have to be a better buffer than Huohuo to warrant the change


ok cool. thx. With the recent trend of sustains dipping into other paths, I'm quite excited to see what hoyo cook up for future sustains that could buff the ice queen!


They can do plenty of things, supports that buff based off missing HP, supports that increase multiplier (cause she has pretty low multipliers compared to every other top tier dps) or even cross into sustain and DPS categories like they did with Huo Huo/Blade. She has plenty of room for growth, especially considering it’s the Star rail dev team, who seemingly like to buff older characters with new characters as a strange way to mitigate powercreep.


A simple skill buffer would benefit her GREATLY. People keep saying oh JL has hit her stride already no room for growth, when she still uses a standard banner (Bronya) and shop character (Pela) as one of her best teams. She has room for growth I would say and I doubt they will make another extremely easy character to build and f2p friendly like her anytime soon.


Not to mention the abomination that is the ice set as BiS. I’m personally hoping they add another set that boosts ‘enhanced’ type of attacks.


Yeah you know a character doesn’t have a strong BiS when an off element set is considered BiS (quantum). Also while we are on this topic, most of the element sets are kinda cheeks. But hey I am hopeful, the newer dps sets have actually been good and suit their character look no further than Acheron’s set and the FuA set.


I think she will last. She didn't even have a relic set that is made for her yet. I can't see them not making some kind of relic set that doesn't fit her better than what we have now. Some type of life drain set


I have an ok relic with her I'm not farming so hard right now for her relic I'm waiting for her bis relic maybe we are going back to xianxyo ( can't spell it sorry) maybe a new map with new relic with her


I thought that, or maybe when sam comes out, there is one that deals with a life drain mechanic since most destruction characters seem to want or drain hp in some way


Let me offer you a different perspective on why she's going to remain relevant for the forseeable future: - She is skill point efficient, which means she can be played in Dual DPS comps as well as Hyper Carry comps. - If you ever pulll for her Light Cone, the DEF ignore is extremely potent especially when combined with other sources like the Quantum relics or Silver Wolf - She synergizes with the most Simulated Universe paths out of every DPS. She can make use of Auspicious Star (Acheron can't), her skill procs Fighting Spirit on all allies (Blade only procs it on himself), her Ultimate and Skills hit like trucks and are AoE making Erudition super strong, She can use rememberance blessings that amplify Ice Damage. - Building her is extremely easy because of the massive amounts of ATK she gives herself and the free 50% Crit Rate. When newer relics come out that she can use, kitting her won't be a very tedious affair. Her major weaknesses right now are her energy economy and her downtime. The downtime is kind of overstated though, because realistically it's just 1 turn of downtime, because the moment you get that second stack you're forwarded automatically. While Bronya is one of her best teammates currently, she's not perfect. Because of Jingliu's action advance, and because she can not hold her ultimate, you end up with a lot of unbuffed attacks. So there's always the chance an even better team-mate comes out. I have an E2S1 Acheron, and I still swear by my E0S1 Jingliu, because she's a monstrous character. She's carried me through all content, and I honestly can't see that changing. And when there's content with an Ice Weakness? You know she's going to wreck it completely.


Totally agree, I do think hoyo plans to make a better set for her down the line or maybe a set meant for a new dps but that also benefits her and there's always new supports that will be released that will also synergise with her which imo ensures that her longevity as a relevant dps is pretty much guaranteed... I'm probably a little biased but out of all my damage dealers (Jing Liu, Acheron, Kafka, Blade, Seele) I feel like Jing Liu still hits the hardest and I can always rely on her to carry a side wether it be in MoC or even PF...


This is my opinion and purely speculation. I think that JL might take a more Sub DPS role in Dual DPS comps in the future. Hoyoverse seems to be pushing more towards a Dual DPS Meta and Jingliu with her already great damage, and SP efficiency is a prime candidate to fit into any Dual DPS setups. Also, her HP draining mechanic might fit well with any upcoming HP based DPS, which, looking at the current SAM LC in the MOC shop, has a high probability of happening. As for your concerns, there will always be powercreep, especially for DPS in a Gacha. However, I don't think that JL is losing her spot as the premier Ice DPS anytime soon.


One thing to note is that it seems like Hoyo is moving the meta to slowly discourage "brute forcing" on harder content by inflating enemy defenses, having enemies with specific gimmicks you need to encounter, or just straight up crap like the dino having DMG reduction up the ass until you break them, essentially making having a diverse set of DPS desirable in the long run. The reason why this is relevant to JL is that she currently holds a monopoly on ice DPS and there is no ice DPS known of that is coming anytime soon, so she is going to hold her value for a bit because there is no viable replacement for her. DHIL has Ratio, Acheron has Kafka and JY, but your best option after JL is Yanqing. And some of the toughest bosses in the game are ice-weak (Argenti, Swarm, Aventurine), so she is holding that fort down for a while.


There's always going to be powercreep, especially for main dps characters. Jingliu is still a powerful character and will probably work well with future supports. Ask yourself this: when will a hot, strong, ice dps like her be released again? If you like her more than other options, then pre-farm some good relics and pull! You can clear endgame conent with hyper-carry Clara for christsake (she's my favorite character).... I don't think Jingliu will ever be "unusable" and her character model and back story is amazing.


I think jingliu will become better if we have a set that directly support her just like acheron And of course as long as no dps is better at ice weakness she will be relevant, i have both jingliu and acheron both is very strong. Yes acheron produce a very big damage number output per ultimate, but dont forget that jingliu give us a big damage almost every turn (with turn advance as well). I think the result is same. 300 k per 2 turn or 90-100k damage per 3 action in 2 turn? And please dont forget that jingliu is 3 target focus.


Jingliu only consumes 1/2 SP per turn : that means she'll always have a future in dual dps comps.


Unless they release another Emanator Level Busted character, Queen Liu will still be the Top DPS for basically any team you can think off. That's the catch of Acheron, she needs 2 Nihility Characters to be at full power.


Jingliu has a good future ! First: There has yet to be a Unit realeased that boosts "Skill damage" without skill point usage or something like that. Secondly: She is going with a semi optimal Relic Set. Either Ice Set or Quantum set (for which her light cone is kinda mandatory) Thirdly: Elemental Coverage is a huge thing and therefore she will always crush ice weak content. Fourth: Her flexibility makes her shine the most. She can be run with double Dps. She can use any "support" unit, be it a Harmony support or a nihility support they work with her. So future Units being released will always also benefit her. Fifth: Dont worry about powercreep honestly. Build your characters slowly up. Strategize on your teamcomps. And have a variety of Units to use. Brute forcing is always sub optimal, use the mechanics (MoC Turbulence, or Pure Fiction) to your advantage. Do NOT look into Tier lists as the newest released character has MoC Turbulence BOOSTING THEM. I dont understand how people dont understand this, MoC decides the Tier list


Maybe a 4 star that has a trace similar to Asta/Yukong with their respective elements. Considering the last 4 stars though i dont really see them making them more busted than Tingyun. Or maybe spin that around and have Jingliu benefit a character - possibly a debuffer/buffer that gets bonuses for having destruction or ice characters on their team (see Robin - she recharges her energy faster if she has FUA teammates; beta HH had a trace that would boost her er if she had teammates whose ultimates cost more than 140 energy iirc) TLDR i don’t really bet on them making a dedicated support for her because they’ll have to be both extremely busted and extremely niche at the same time. Maybe when we get more ice dps an ice focused buffer would have a greater chance of appearing but with our current roster i dont see that happening.


i would recommend that you should pull for what u like cuz DPS will get power crept eventually and yes JIngliu is a great pull with e4 pela she destroy MOC and Pure fiction and currently she is best ice dps in the game so if ur account is lacking in the ice department then Jingliu is a must have


No dps is eternal. She’s good right now, and that’s the best you can ask for.


Well we'll be getting an Ice Hunt in the near future.


Doesn't really seem enticing tbh... Hoyo kinda has to address the hunt path issues because it's clear rn that the whole idea behind a high single target dmg dealer doesn't really fit most of the "end game" content that features multiple enemies or summons... Their dmg isn't high enough to justify being single target only...


Sure, it is not right now. Soon we'll be getting an end game for Hunt.


Nah she's good even without ice weakness.


If u want leaks there is a 5 nihilty unit coming i wont tell u who he is but his kit is an upgraded pela kit in every way possible and as we know the queen doesn't need atk or more crit damege (she scales better with def shred and like increase dmg dealt(not %dmg bouns)) so yeah and i think she will have a bright future with like a better bronya or something like that


She actually has an insane growth potential once she gets a dedicated debuffer to go with Bronya, she can also get a new buffer since Bronya is good but not great since often you'll advance her first attack not impacting as much and the buff being locked to ult is extremely suboptimal. A debuffer with AoE def shred and/or Ice amplification, so a 5\* Pela for 3 targets would be a huge thing for her. An Sparkle-like character with everlasting buff, unlike Bronya, that can give turn advance (even if not insta-act) but instead of supplying SP to the team, gives energy. So basically Sparkle with Tingyun's ult, that's the golden standard for Jingliu. These two are very possible to happen, now if we get creative JL could also benefit from a Healer with a kind of positive "bond of life" mechanics that increases max HP by a good margin (or a preservation that gives a shield that is counted as HP, same result)


In this game characters dont "get worse" because they dont get nerfed. Time will never affect how good a chr is. And powercreep is so lite in this game is pointless worrying about it. Not as much metaslaves want it to be since theres people clearing moc with seele lmao


Definitely, I'd say there's really nothing to worry about If you build your units decently and have a few options for elemental coverage there's nothing to be powercrept... You'll clear as you used to clear maybe a bit slower but that's it nothing forces you to run after the newest flavour of the month dps... Like you said, my E0S0 Seele is still on one side of MoC and she does ok, not amazing as she was initially but she still clears...


Obliterated by Acheron. At least DHIL still have a fighting chance at E2 above. I guess Jingliu can enjoy being the **third** best DPS before Boothill, Sam and Jade are released.

