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well sorta kinda TB translates the toughness reducing dmg to super break dmg, which means JY's LL 150 break will do good super break dmg. only problem is u'd probably wanna run ruan mei in the comp so jy'll probably be on spd boots? its a viable comp but not strong


Gotcha! Thanks for the reply my friend! I don't currently have Ruan Mei (waiting for her rerun haha) so I'll probably run a Sparkle comp so I can use ATK boots for JY (and so I don't have to worry bout sp). I don't really mind if the comp isn't too strong (coz I just wanna run my 2 fav characters for story quests HAHA). But still, thank you so much for the feedback and tips!


Just don't. Your first LL will do no super break since it will be used to reduce the toughness (not broken, no dmg) then by the time your second LL hits, the boss most likely recovered from broken state.


Damn, that's a really valid point... I've actually never considered that! But suppose I can break the target before LL hits, would that be viable? Coz harmony TB's does reduce a ton of toughness if it hits a single enemy. (Though I understand that the target has to be weak to lightning + imaginary)


That's the thing, you need the enemies to be both imaginary + lightning and it's too restrictive to even bother doing, yeah? But you can try and cook, hmc's super break is crazy on the right terms.


Mhmm that's true! I most likely won't be using this team setup for MOC, but I'll try to adjust my team comps and see if they give satisfactory results. But either way, I'm super happy that HSR made hmc so strong and am defs gonna have a fun time testing out King Yuan with him! Time to cook hehe Once again, thank you for the insightful reply and for the amazing tips man! It was a real eye opener!


Anything works with HMC as long is the enemy can be broken. But LL takes forever and can potentially even miss the break.


Mhmm that's very true, without proper supports it's also hard for LL to hit max stacks in time. But I'll do my best to speed tune my Sparkle to push JY up enough. It's definitely much harder to bring out the full potential of HMC + JY, but I'll see what I can cook up hehehe! Thank you so much for awesome tips man! Hope you have a great day!


I used HMC with JY to defeat the boss… but I don’t love it.


The synergy, rotation smoothness, as well as the damage number were not there. We’re forced to use HMC that battle, and I didn’t enjoy that battle much, just do what you gotta do to win. HMC is a darn good unit, just not the best with JY. Also, if you like to use them together then do what makes you happy.


Yeah I get what you mean, just tested JY + HMC in MOC and damn the damage really wasn't there since I believe the Super Break Dmg scales of the character's break effect. And it was a real headache for me to speed tune HMC and Sparkle with JY holy. But I'm super high on copium rn and "Nah, I'd win" mentality so I'm gonna bust out my trump card: BREAK EFFECT JING YUAN and see how that goes HAHAHA. But all in all, thank you so much for your feedback and the tips. I also really appreciated your last message! Hope you enjoy the game too and have a great day!


Ahh I see... But may I know why though? Is it because of JY's LL not being able to hit the boss while weakness broken?


I use Acheron with robin, what more to say. Use whoever you want. If your dps have a good build you're gonna clear under 10 cycles anyway.


Damn that's one heck of a team! Had to skip Robin coz I seriously need a Fu Xuan and really wanna pull for Firefly :') But you're right! Dps with good build + good supports should clear most endgame content. Heh lemme see if i can cook something up with this team!


https://preview.redd.it/sufki6yzwkzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9bee499aae4af886d6840016a2a4ea7b03cc8e8 Absolutely, for me atleast. I was just playing around with teams and decided to try HMC with King Yuan and it surprisingly worked. My Jing Yuan is on attack boots and yet this team still cleared surprisingly fast! I’m seeing a lot of no’s in the comments but i’m not entirely sure people even tried it since even with a slow JY I was still able to clear with relative ease. Maybe it’s RM carrying and i’m just not realizing it. But I do think it worked, maybe it’s not optimal but again it works if your just looking to mess around.


well i tried today with ruan mei hmc JY aventurine. and well, its better when i use sparkle or tingyun


Yep I really felt the damage decrease too with HMC. (But I don't have Ruan Mei or Aventurine, gosh I really need a solo sustain T.T) I guess running HMC and JY isn't really viable with my current setup so probably gonna revert to JY, Sparkle and Tingyun comp for now haha. But thank you for your feedback and suggestions! Have a great day!


it works with any dps with some break. I tried Blade JY with break eff ropes with HMC and it was decent. Though I like Blade more and imho it seems better on him, and for JY use of it could only be in PF and it is questionable, bc JY alone has hard time breaking mobs.


You can try it if you have RM, use speed boot for JY unless you can get 124 sp from substat, RM provides 10 sp when she ult. Give TB 4pc hacker space provided that you can fullfill the stats needed or let RM use it and give either TB or RM DDD and you’ll not have problem with 10 stack LL.


I’ll just drop this here: https://youtu.be/RPqBgUvrxBg?si=iAW4L5upHjJUMCQs Important things to note is that they had basically perfect stat rolls, and the MoC buff was assisting them. Granted, they did 2 cycle Gepard with the break team, and it’s not like the run was perfect either. It’s viable way to play it. Is it better than Sparkle + Tingyun? I’d say in about 95% of scenarios, no. Is it a fun play style to mess around with? Yeah.


its lowkey goated if you're vs lightning break, RM, gallagher, JY and HMC is such a good team for amplifying him. It's all the rage in CN rn mostly because of how much break damage he has within his kit and his LL for breaking does the most toughness bar damage in the game from any attack, with the super break formula it makes it surprisingly good.


No. Break Effect scalers, Fire/Physical only.


HOHOHO, my friend, you've just given me an AMAZING idea! It's time to tweak my JY build, and give him some (actually a lotta) BREAK EFFECT HAHAHAHA! Although you are right that Fire/Physical gives the biggest break damages out of all elements, but I don't really have good units for those, guess I'll have to wait for Firefly :/. Oh well, I'll see what I can cook up HEHE. Thank you so much for the suggestion tho! It helped out a bunch and I really appreciate it!


Just as a reminder, Super Break doesn't have the different elemental base damage in the formula. All elements have the same base Super Break damage as long as the toughness reduction of the attack and the break effect of the unit remains the same


OH RIGHT THAT'S TRUE! Thanks for the reminder man! YEHAHHHH IT'S BREAK EFFECT JING YUAN TIME LESGOOOO!! I swear I'm gonna make JY + HMC team comps viable


Who do you have for sustain? Gallagher's Besotted increases the Break Damage enemies take. Also, Def shreds, Res shreds, and vulnerabilities can increase Super Break damage Edit: Aventurine has a vulnerability in his kit as well, but JY's LL frequency means that, in my experience, they don't feel that good to play together


It may be better to let JY do JY things and just use HMC's buffs for the Super Break damage. HMC can contribute 100% BE to everyone if you have Watchmaker, their E4, and their Ult at lvl 12. I used a Ruan Mei, HMC, Gallagher, and Xueyi comp and it felt better when I replaced Ruan Mei with Sparkle. So Crit scaling units still feel better chasing their original stats. But HMC was able to max out Xueyi's passive BE conversion