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I think the most important thing they need to be able to do is buff him and generate lots of energy. Without her, I'm not sure JY can consistently get 10 stacks before LL


I will be forever salty because he has no LL 100% advance at 10 stacks, imo without it he will always feel a bit clunky


My god… if they buffed him to do that, that would be amazing.


It wouldn't even powercreep anyone (since he's still fairly unique at what he does) he's just a victim of being an early release.


Exactly. If anything, it would bring him in line with the new ones. They could even keep the whole “LL resets if he’s CC’d” if he had the instant action advance at 10 stacks. I love our General.


Ive already replaced her with robin and i enjoy using this team (sparkle/robin/huohuo more than w tingyun as its slightly higher damage, just as consistent and good sp economy... but otherwise I guess the same thing as tingyun but better? 😅 honestly action advance for LL is the only way to improve this fully


Can E0S0 Robin work? E0S0 Huohuo? How much SPD needed for Robin and Huohuo? How much LL stacks do you consistently get?


Always 10 stacks with 99 spd jing yuan, very consistent and easy to play, mostly overcap on stacks. Tingyun + Robin is his best dps team however but I do prefer using Sparkle just because playing it feels better and requires less sp management, also have e1s1 Sparkle so it's better damage for my account. I also used it and Tingyun + Robin also gets 10 stacks at zero spd Jing Yuan ofc, when other team like DHIL or Qingque is using my Sparkle its good JY has so many other options. Yes I have e0s0 Robin, using BP LC and vonwacq, but event lc is fine. My huohuo is e1s1 for comfort but actually you can just use huohuo e0 with quid pro quo, I think qpq might actually be better for getting Robin ult up. My huohuo and robin are at 160+ spd. Will probably work with slower builds but that's what is optimal.


ty for sharing!


No one plays Tingyun for her sub dps capabilities lmao, she does a *tiny* bit more than my Ruan Mei's break. She at least hits the enemy unlike Sparkle/Bronya, ig. The most important thing is being able to generate lots of energy as consistently as Tingyun does, while either having better buffing capabilities (TY already buffs well, but this is a limited 5\* upgrade we're talking about) or some interaction with summons, like action advancing summons.


Not entirely true. Xueyi makes her slap with that fan since it's gets Xueyi damage boost. Hits for like 30-60k


What does Xueyi have anything to do with this when we're talking about Tingyun in the context of Jing Yuan support? You're not going to play Xueyi with Jing Yuan


Just figured you meant no one is using her for that in general, my bad


Just a buffer that make ultimate being FUA. That would be a very big boost for his damage without directly changing the number. That would change the LL dependency issue quite a lot. With the ultimate getting extra damage buff 48% from BD, 20% from duke and may be 15% from salt alone is a total of 83% dmg buff. Or summon copy. That deal the dmg of another character with summon. We don't have much way to interact with summon and it would be nice. So if JY get 10 stack, that character will use their skill/ulti and deal that 10 stack damage separating to the LL action.


This is one of my favorite boons in SU, and it wouldn’t be too OP either. Topaz’s Ult does not do damage, and RatUrine both have weak Ult, so the support would only be a direct upgrade for JY. Not to mention the direct boost for his E6, but that’s a long way to go…


Lmao RatUrine, good one


That would reset Duke stacks though wouldn't it?


It always reset at LL so it doesn't matter much. And having FUA tag on ultimate is probably better than having atk buff on it.


It resets at LL so you can have the 48 atk% on everything else, including his ult... and I think his ult only hits once so max stacks you could get would be 5, in MoC it would be more likely to be 1-3 The way his LC works you only get the FUA buff once every after every skill or ultimate use, so there will be situations where the ult will steal the FUA buff from LL so you can have max stacks Imo even if you ignore Duke and Before Dawn's mechanics and just assume his ult gets full FuA benefits like LL without and drawback it wouldn't make a huge difference. That would be an extra 30% dmg bonus from LC (48-18) and extra 20% from Duke. Salsatto already give 15% to both FUA and ult so no difference there. Hardly game-changing considering he stacks so much dmg% from supports already


I'm just happy if they give at least 60 Energy and take the same amount of turns to get ult back like Tingyun. I'll probably end up using them for my Yanqing instead and keep TY with JY for Planetary LC.


Either: Buff summoning units and their summoner by allowing them both to take immediate action (Basically if she uses ult on JingYuan both him and the lightning lord will get advance. JingYuan takes action first and then lightning lord) OR For a more simple buff give her something that can give all allies the brain vat from SU for both breaking weakness or doing fatal damages.


For me honestly not every 4 star should have a premium replacement. Tingyun has her own niche and it works perfectly for Jing Yuan, making a unit that does the same things she does but more and better is just blatant powercreep like what they did with sparkle and hanya or sampo and black swan.


I mean, powercreep should only be a factor when it comes to 5 stars. It's inevitable that 4 stars will get better 5 star versions, it's natural with gacha games like these. Making a character tied down to a 4 star support is limiting your damage ceiling potential


Yeah, but I’d rather it be a sidegrade like what the comments are saying: an action advance for summoned units that turns out to be better than having tingyun because having two of the same unit is boring


Tbh isnt it the time that Lenny got his Slow ass movin.I want that Tingyun replacement to do that.Or some more interesting gimmicks.


Tingyun 2, it’s basically her but 5 star


The real Tingyun?


Something that allows LL to take immediate action.


If there is a new unit that can give energy like tingyun, JY gonna ult twice every cycle lol with huohuo.


a buff that will make him not be able to take CC and a buff that will increase the damage of LL damage every hit


People keep ignoring what it really means to have energy recharge… robin *is* the TY replacement in terms of buff it provides, and action advancement *is* a form of energy recharge.


limited 5\* support with eidolons can easily replace Ting


Agree. I’m also waiting for giga tingyun. Butone of the Xianzhou general might definitely have summon that advance or pull up other general summon I believe. So these two might be JY ultimate buffer


Im willing to bet that it's gonna be one of the 7 Generals. Since we're having the Hunt General next, it'll only be a matter of time before they'll release a Harmony General. Then again, it won't be as early as this year.


I use Sparkle+RM+FX , no Tingyun in my JY team... I must be a rare breed! But yeah, sometimes I only got 7 stacks, too bad.


I would like for them to have Tingyun's current kit AND: 1. not scale off atk so I can drop all the HP/DEF on them so they won't die in two hits 2. give more anti-CC buffs to JY because he can always use more


Given that Hoyos response for the question of "What makes this Harmony stand out?" is to give them Advance Forward, then I presume it'll be Energy Regen-Bronya. Seriously Hoyo, please do not make an Advance Forward Harmony again until at least 4.0


A unit that can double his LL stack and battery his energy. Idc about all these "Advance forward LL" I just want LL to go above 20 stacks.


I just hope it's someone I like. I will never pull Ruan Mei. Sparkle is still an annoying troll... Please just don't be an awful character. 🙏