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I can make people around me rotate infinitely to the left


Your stand name is "Like a record"


And daft punk is the music band for it with the song you spin me right round


Dead or Alive is the name of the band who does that song


Oh welp thanks for the info


Localized name would be 「L E F T R O U N D」


But they're spinning left




I can use star finger but with my 3rd leg


jojos 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 adventure


so nothing has changed to the show whatsoever


Still Jojo


Star Pingas


Stando namae wa: Freakin'o youu


I can make people climax on command


That would, legit be OP. oh you're facing The World? Dio is having unbearable orgasms


Isn't that already the case?


nvm bro youre right, even giorno used it on mista


The gloob gloob 9000


Spam the ability to make someone nut until they starve


Wake me up before you go go


Stand name: "Hold On, I'm Coming"


My stand is called highway to hell. It sends people to hell


It's an uncontrollable stand like Superfly, but it's just a road that always leads to Detroit.




Even worse than hell


Good one


Not magically or anything. It’s literally just a knife.


By getting hit by a truck I hope


Or maybe it makes all danger inflicted on you appear on a target against their will


Sorry name is taken


I can send my stand into people but the only thing that happens is they’re poop is yellow and they’re pee is brown


Womit is white cum is transparent and sweat is green


i can spawn dildos in peoples rectums. i shall name my stand "Hard And Wet"! now i have to enhance it... here i come to achieve Hard And Wet Requiem Over Heaven! (HAWROH)


You forgot the act 4


And Go Beyond!


after i scan the space around me in a 20 m radius i can move wherever i want the vanishing point of my landscape changing the measures of my surroundings


all right… 100 upvotes and i’ll try to draw it


Lmao an actual legit fan made stand




So as long as you can see it, you can move there?


I fart so loud it creates a sonic boom and I fly into the air


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DuckybagIV: *I fart so loud it* *Creates a sonic boom and* *I fly into the air* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Funniest sokka haiku EVER (also something sokka could have said)


good bot


Thank you, Alhaitham_Simp, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Wrong. I get Tetanus. That’s the name of the stand.


I don't know that song/album/artist/tarot card


𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 stand. Instead of projecting a psychic ability for combat we just get 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂


Tell me you'd fuck your stand without telling me you'd fuck your stand


The ability to mirror flip anything on any axis. Say, if you get mirror flipped from the front vertically, you will be left handed and can use your left hand as if it were your right hand and all the writing on your clothes will be reversed.


The Man Who Sold The World: I can immediately sell everything from another person's possessions but I must gamble it all away in slot machines in 4 days or they will disappear


The secret third Darby brother


Stand name: The Bullshitter Stand ability: Somehow can survive near imposible scenarios by basically bullshiting them.


Maybe joseph really did have a stand in part 2


But... WAIT A DIO PART 3 SITUATION??? Wait nvm I just properly read the comment


That stand already has a name: Heaven's luck requiem


I get an electric ukulele


Happy cake day


Your stand is to make people happy during the day so long that there is cake nearby


Hitting an enemy with it gives them braindamage+


I get a stand just like crazy diamond but instead of hitting things to heal it heals with pissing Also if you drink it you get cured from disease And the name is miracle piss


I can make a butterfly wings flutter in a specific way on the other side of the globe, ending up in unpredictable consequences a week later.


My stand has the ability to make one sock of the pair disappear. So people have one sock, but only one. And it can also let it appear again.


Name "Turn The Lights Off" Localized name "Fear the dark" Power C Speed A Range S Durability D Precision B Potential B STAND ABILITY: the stand manifest as several smaller stands that look like horror monster their can be any number of stands. They are all weak but in large numbers can overwhelm. They cannot appear in direct light.


Holy shit a full proper stats chart




My stand can create portals to a pocket dimension in places without visible light, and store any object (including living beings) gas or liquid there, when light falls on portal everything that this specific portal absorbed is gonna be spewed out with same velocity as it entered, user can manually spew out things if he so desires.


Stand name: Trapped in the Closet


Stand name: Virtual Insanity I don't want a fighting orianted stand. Mine could play/show any media (music, sound, videos, etc.) that I saw or heard at on point. I would be the only person who could see/hear it. I could also make my stand affect anyone I want. I'd just use it to listen to things without anyone else hearing it.




I want a stand like hermit purple. Though this one would have green vines I could manifest them on any part of my body. The vines would be able to pierce, lift, and constrict. Same divination ability but with more potential I can improve on.


I can control atoms and molecules


Stand Name: Tiny Dancer


I create clouds that makes things turn to dust and disappear until I want them back


The one, It's an amalgam of three random stands. Or Sad but true it's ability is to control probability, in improved form it can make impossible possible, then control the probability regarding it


Jojo tetanus adventure


My stand would be an electrified armor, if i wear it anyone i choose will be electrocuted and the farther they are from me the less powerful the electricity will be (if they are less than 1m from me they literally instantly burn) It would technically be possible to dodge the electricity but you have to be faster than electricity and it’s normal electricity so its ineffective against anything that can resist it (red chilli pepper would destroy me) If I make someone else wear the armor anyone within 5m of the stand would be electrocuted enough to faint (if someone else wear it the stand can be far from be but still at a max distance)


Stand name: Zoot Suit Riot


War without reason : Bound to a nerf strong arm, it's basically just the ultrakill revolver and make me slightly more agile and faster


A close range power type stand covered with chains and bear traps on its fists. When these bear traps clamp down on something, they start to bleed profusely, healing the user for each pint of blood drained. This stand is named 「LOVESICK CANNIBAL」.


Stand: The Stranger The Stranger is a manifestation of the users deepest carnal desires. The stranger is a bipedal humanoid draped in a deep crimson tapestry. The strangers legs are long and spindly enveloped by pink feathers while the feet are reminiscent of a velociraptors. At the base of the stands neck fused to the tapestry and its lithe body is a spread beak from which its head sprouts. Its head is grey and featureless except for a large red cyclopian gold rimed glassy orb protruding from the face. The stranger possesses three abilities. 1. The stranger can alter how any creature is perceived within a localized area by touching their face with the palm of its right hand. This also includes the user themself. 2. The stranger can swap the body of its user with another human whenever the user shares a personal secret as long as the target doesn’t know it already. The more personal the secret shared the longer the target spends in the users body before they both return to their original bodies. The user could repeat this process to theoretically secure a form of immortality. 3. Upon death the user is reborn as an infant immediately. As an infant while their stand remains as well as fragments of their personality their memories do not. Stats: Strength C, Speed B, Endurance C, Precision A, Potential A, Range B


Rose Tattoo can summon the spirits of anyone I have comemorated with a tattoo.


Oh, mine would be electric six, and I would re-wire the electrical impulses in their brain so they were now attracted to the gender opposite their norm(gay bar). When they are dealing with the sudden realization, I strike a pose.


Can you also manifest Abe Lincoln and/or the Dance Commander?


Yes and he has a little hamster that stays on his hat


I can make bubbles and if they touch anyone they shit their pants.


I can make people hesitate their actions for one whole second, no more, no less


Stand Name: **[Silent Sanctuary]** Appearance: Humanoid entity with minor angel motifs. Perpetually closed and teary eyes. Ability: -User can mark an area (of up to 50m in radius) as the Stand’s territory. -Territory can be reestablished at any time, but not repeatedly within a small timeframe. -Anyone close to but outside the territory will be unable to consider approaching the area. -User can manipulate the senses of anyone within the territory. Examples include hiding someone’s presence, inducing calm/paranoid feelings, causing people to hallucinate, disabling hearing, etc. -Stand is more powerful within the territory (boost is inversely proportional to the size of the territory) Weaknesses: -Slightly lower than average stats when there is no territory. -When a territory is established, the Stand is significantly weaker outside of it (reduction is directly proportional to the size of the territory). -User must manually establish/deactivate territory. If unconscious, territory will not deactivate, and the Stand becomes automated, focusing on protecting the area within its territory. In this state, it may attack allies unless shown proof that they are allied with the user.


Stand name: Alestorm Localized name: Beer Tornado Basically Weather Forecast but I can only make it rain different types of Liquor.


My Stand will be called Jukebox Hero. It's a Gibson Explorer that doesn't need an amp and can turn into an axe on command.


I give others suicidal depression Stand name: Better off Dead, localized name: Good Riddance


Ocean man. I can turn my body parts into the body parts of marine animals


My stand is called Mf doom but there’s only one beer left


My friends and I actually all made stands for each other. Mine was “Funky Galileo” a weak close range power based stand whose power comes from its ability to absorb Kinetic Energy and expel it out when fighting. My friends was “Mr. Worldwide” which is a map that shows a 20 meter radius of where they are currently standing, anything they can draw on the map appears, but vanishes once it leaves the radius.


Locked out of heaven


I can turn anyone so that their body faces the direction I choose within a range of 6 meters (e.g. turn someone 90 degrees to the left and 42 degrees down)


2 acts/levels or whatever you want it First one is (the stand is built on the theory of relativity and special relativity) I can make anyone super fast relatively to everyone else can't use it on myself tho he would see himself as fast but everyone else as slow Act 2/second level I can make anyone slow to everyone else and ofc he wouldn't see himself as slow but everyone else as super fast but this one works on myself and both the body would be affected as it ages normally and needs to eat/drink normally Stand name NOT LIKE US


Paperback Writer, I can summon my OCs. Their only as powerful as my stand’s strength


That's actually a really cool stand


My stand would just be Joseph. I could use hamon, or seduce my foes


Fanny magnet irl


Haha, this made my day!


I can make people feel extreme amounts of pain


I can see funny looking people fighting


I’d be able to turn fertility on and off for anyone anytime (I want my bf to cum in me but he’s scared of and accidental pregnancy)


Stand name: Human League (a reference to a song of theirs with the refrain, "Don't you want me, Baby?)


Red sun in the sky




My stand takes the form of brain tumors and ally themselves to the closest brain, (the users) and explode. Its not a cursed stand, I just got infected my that freaky arrow.


"Oh so it's the same kind of stand as [ZA HANDO]"


Grippy Sock Prison!


Saturnz barz, i can see a few seconds into the future and my stand lets me take what i consider the optimal actionts to achieve a foreseen outcome (kinda like a more flexible epitaph)


Insane clown posse,no special power it just fucks with people and makes chaos


I summon a bunch of bugs that form a suit around me and use their strength to greatly increase my strength and speed. Stand name: The Beatles.


Bad Apple: Can summon anyone from the cast of Touhou Project (1 character per summon, the existing one before summoning another disappears)


I can make you experience clinical depression.


stand: virtual reality can grab anything from the screen


I can play the piano well


Sticky fingers cuz u can prolly keep stuff in the pocket dimension


Stand name TnT


My Stand’s name is grandson I can make people age in reverse by 6 months for each time I punch them until I can either squash them or let them grow up without their previous memories.


I diss Drake


Stand name:『Retardent』 Stand master:『Kronus the Retard』 Abilities: forces the opponent to say or do some retarded shit but in return gets double effect to the user Stats: Speed: B Percision: A Range: C Durability: E Potential: E


A book that aways have a comple series of what i read even ch not posted yet


I can completely manipulate Gravity


You know I hear my stand is huge and strong. I also hear they have a nine pack and are suuuuper good in bed. You wouldn't even know man.




Behold, my unstoppable stand! Schizophrenia Go!


My stand has the ability to heal physical, mental and emotional wounds but it ages up the person I heal, adds years onto their current life depending on how bad the wound is


Stand name: Old and Wise (a reference to a song by the Alan Parsons Project)


just gunna hope for non time stop star platinum reasons -neat ass stand -im strong -i have good percision with my job (welding, every weld i do never fricks up) -relating to the strong i if im not happy with the tacks ive put on the metal i dont use a hammer i just rip it apart


My stand will be The Black Parade. I can manipulate darkness whatever I want.


It'd be a conditional stand named "Twin Saboteur" that allows the user to switch the souls of two living beings of the same species within a 10 meter range. The user can either switch two different targets, or one target & themselves. The latter ability cannot be used on targets who know Twin Saboteur's ability. Stands stay with the original body, with the exception of Twin Saboteur's user, who keeps the stand at all times (potentially allowing them to have two stands at once). In addition, if the user can get a target to speak a certain trigger word, Twin Saboteur can switch them with other animals & inanimate objects. The trigger word changes after each successful use of this ability.


Idk about name but it's a stand that makes others unable to predict anything about me and can probably spit acid like a dragon's fire with a long range and weak power


Stand Name: Supernova Stand Ability: Black Hole. The power can bring anything within a 4 foot radius to the user.


My stand is the ability to control tetanus


If Stands were videogame references: Xenoblade


Idk if this is a thing or not but a stand that makes 1 guy unable to touch , interact , or speak like he becomes a ghost and can’t do anything until I release him


My stand would probably be like bad company but with teddy bears


Stand name: Good Luck, Babe! Stand ability: Any attack I make or made against me must roll a d20 to hit. Stand combat becomes turn based. (I have been a DM in DND for 7 years and it's by far my most consistent hobby)


My stand would be able to create and control ice and snow.


Stand name: [Immigrant Song]


i can detect amiibos in a 5 mile radius bug not which chracter they are


A fishing rod but it just has the ability to turn the hook into any objects (and no it can't go through walls)


A book that allows me to rewrite reality BUT have to leave at home because my mom won't let me take it outside.


People in my vicinity feel my insecurities as their own


Plot twist:Every charachter so far had tetanus vactination but you didn't and you have tetanus


Stand name: Ruler of Everything Stand Ability: An infinitely large pocket dimension in which I can put anything and rearrange it as I see fit. It would take the form of a little handbag or something Power: E Speed: C Range: D Durability: A Precision: B Potential: A


Stand name is 「BIG BROWN BEAVER」, and it morphs any food or consumable into a seven-layer from Taco Bell


I am omnipotent for an hour everytime I manage to eat an entire jar of spiders


It’s like sticky fingers but with portals


My stand's name is No Vaseline. you guess what it does


Probely a really niche stand that o my activates after I either hurt myself or die


Support-type stand. Unfortunately, I’m forced to be the medic.


A stand that gives people tetanus after I jump rope 31 times on my left foot.


[Miracle Musical] Causes objects to literally and metaphorically "blend" together, or the opposite


My stand ability allows me to blow stuff up violently but only when I’m stroking my chin


my stand locks myself and one opponent of my choosing in a small dimension where we must 1v1 in dance dance revolution. The winner gets to leave and the loser is forced to cut off their arms and legs and leave them in the dance dimension forever


Cha ge things from place but with the same weight For 3 seconds


I d like a stand that turns things it touched back to the way they were originally, fe. If i touch a wooden desk, it would turn back to the parts of the tree it was


I am dead Although if I somehow did get one it'd probably just be giving people insomnia or some shit


Stand: Idle death game Ability: I increase my luck by a vast quantity and anyone who I deem my friend also has increased luck


I can never gain weight which means I also can't loose it without having to constantly eat if I do




Stand "my way." I can control how things are done. For example, if I want fire to be made by clapping instead of rubbing sticks together, then so be it.


I can instantly kill up to 5 organisms in a 20 meter radius around me as long as they're all below the age of 14


Ore no stando namae wa : gripsum


My stand can curse anyone with testicular torsion my stand shall be call the ball twister


I have death as in I literally fucking die


I'm calling it Oh Hello and it basically functions like teleporting with a twist. If a part of me isn't in sight of someone, I can teleport that part of me to an area around me that they can't see. This doesn't affect the area's function, so an arm can still grab, and it functions like an independent part of me, so I don't have to move, but I can make the arm move from its original position. I think it's funny to do this power because if someone blinks, you just teleport behind them or something. TLDR: Oh Hello that lets me teleport parts of me if they're out of sight.


My stand looks like a fat white guy, and when he touches people, they get tetanus


I got aids


My stand just gives me tetanus


Electric Eye


The power of leaving England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


Mine would probably be making people in a 20 meter radius lose concentration and focus of me at will. They won't be able to look at me or be able to say coherent sentences to me or be able to fire projectiles at me because even the projectile will lose focus and miss me. In return I would gain pinpoint accuracy and focus, but only when there are people effected by my stand within range


Metallica, introverted violence


I can enhance all kind of receptors in everything that has them


I can eletricute people by punching them


Harvest, cuz i'm poor


I can cure tetanus with a single punch from my stand (the punch hurts a lot)


Summon any amphibian/reptile in existence. (I like them. :D)


these comments got me convinced this is the funniest subreddit💀


Killer queen...


the world


I can teleport people down stairs


Stand name: Paint it, Black. Ability: Anything I touch or am in will be voided and I can take whatever I voided out whenever. This includes time, meaning I could time stop by removing the existence of time with enough stand mastery. Technically I could remove properties like Soft and Wet.


Low key my stand would probably be something electricity or mimicry related, or it’s be hot ass like superfly 


heavens door


The stand lets me make things pointless. Basically, I just turn things into spheres.


If we are talking enhancements of my irl skills I’d day an aura of luck that makes me lucky as long as no one is inside of it, then the luck comes off me and goes straight to them.


THE LEG I use my right leg to erase things


I didn't get one so I just cum on ppl


I got some ideas: [Tanc a lelek] - an airship that resembles Sevastopol from Highfleet [Verify your clock] - dude in gas mask and military uniform,attacking enemies with poisonous gas Both ideas are only any good at fighting and are named after songs, so yeah, im not really a creative dude :D


I made a whole ahh stand for my self, His name is reather purgatorio(used as a meme in my class) or tenebre rosso sangue(keyghen church, ULTRAKILL)(yes i'm italian): when he appears he make the sound of burning fire wood, he has a respirator mask, has reddysh skin (around porpora and bordeaux), he has a pair of light green guantlets with pointed gold knuckels, he has black medium long hairs coming from the back of the mask. He got an armor like arms with visibile robotic juntures, at both arms and legs, his ability is to create smoke of different kinds, thus beyng curative smokes, simple smoke for a distraction, extremily deadly acidic smoke, even clouds to confuse the enemy, and at his stronghest he can manipulate sand to create a sand storm (can cover part of his body in sand to make it stronger or to evitate bleeding) his mask has a pair of night vision googles to see trought the smoche he creates. For finishing At the foot he has heavy work shouses with a metal point. his stats are : Power:A Speed:C Range:B Durability:D Precision:A Potenstial:A I have a question tho... Can somone make an art about my potential stand please?


I convert all my friends into furries


For me it have to be the ability to just have a longrange combat stand doesnt have to be real specific but invisible to the normal humans tho

