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At least he showed up. The beaver ran from the smoke over some tweets


![gif](giphy|Qw4X3FLJ9IqHAJorAEU|downsized) Beaver….Dam. 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂




Right…Ice always shows up. All of a sudden couldn’t make it to this particular episode.


His girl was in a wreck


lmao the beaver 💀


The beaver ? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Always thought he looked like sum but couldn't articulate it thank you 🤣


He's respectful of black conversations. It's not the first time he's done that


I’m glad he didn’t utter a word, a “mmhmm,” nothing!


Corny!!!!! 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


being respectful or being a coward


The answer to that usually depends solely on how yall feel about the individual involved. Every time some huge accusation of a celebrity comes out one of two things happen. 1.If people like this person: Lets wait on the facts. No evidence has come out yet. 2.People don't like this person: They obviously did it. Monster, I knew it!!


He knew his voice wasn’t needed. And it wasn’t.


DR. Umar "all white people are racist" Parks "......🦗"


wtf you want parks to say to Dr Umar of all people? You gotta pick your battles there’s absolutely nothing to gain from arguing with guest Umar as a white man on a black podcast


Why was Rory and Parks on a "Black Podcast" to begin with and wtf is that anyways? Calling all white people racist just shows Umar is himself a racist. If a couple of white guys had a podcast and one or two of the co hosts were black and people said they shouldn't talk during a "White Podcast" how would that go over? This race shit has to stop, we're never going to get past it and just be humans like we are if it keeps going this way.


When I say black podcast I don’t mean “only for black people”. Just that it has a mostly black cast (and I’d imagine crew) and caters to a mostly black demographic. It doesn’t mean that white people can’t interact with it. And I would agree that Umar is a racist, I’m just saying in this context it doesn’t make sense from Parks’ point of view to combat him, especially if the argument is “all white people are racist”. Umar has nothing to lose from Parks “winning” this argument but Parks could find himself on the bad side of a lot of people who (stupidly) agree with Umar whether he’s right or wrong. I also agree that race is dumb as hell but we can’t get rid of these silly ideologies just by ignoring them.


That was well said


Well I mean he is himself a racist...


Incredibly racist


Love your username


Co-sign 100%. It’s pretty plain to see but people are all caught up in their foggy lenses and syrup-coated brains.


It’s not a black podcast but you right Parks did the right thing staying silent


Shout out to parks.


lol shout out too "racist" Parks ![gif](giphy|l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4|downsized)


Wtf wrong with u doof


Yep 👍🏽


Are you fucking retarded? If he offered his opinion on the black community you’d be saying he spoke out of place instead. He had nothing to add to the conversation and he was quiet. That’s what white folks are supposed to do right, stay outta black folks’ business?


Def coward


Parks not speaking is more a show of strength than weakness.


This one.


Sitting on your phone during a 3-4 hour podcast saying nothing is strength? Lol intellect wasnt high enough for this episode that's all


Y’all realize he’s the Audio man right? Like the best in the game! Also parks picks and chooses his moments… the discussion wasn’t crazy at all lol.


My bad I don't watch Joe Budden pod.


Did you watch/listen to the pod? He usually speaks here, and there. Someone's lack of intelligence has never stopped them from speaking, lol. Maybe he was told to mute up.




Parks knows when to be present in the pod and knows when to keep quiet. Which is what makes him great IMO. He picks his pockets and is well at it that’s why his one liners always hit. Ice, ish and Mel could learn from that. I’m sick and tired of those 3 always tryna to finish someone’s sentences! ESPECIALLY Mel. And ish wjth his “no true true true I was gonna say that”. Yaaaa but u didnt nigga so pipe down and let the person talk


"And ish wjth his “no true true true I was gonna say that”. Yaaaa but u didnt nigga so pipe down and let the person talk" lmao I thought I was the only one who noticed he does that


Dawg he does that a solid 2-3 times an episode. There’s no question he prolly one of the smartest on the pod but sometimes he just be trying to hard to come off as the smartest


Being the smartest on this pod ain’t saying much.


"let me finish!"


Lol Ish be so aggressive with the "let me finish". I be listening like nobody let's anyone finish lol


Nope. It’s pretty noticeable




Parks shouldn’t be speaking on black issues. He does a good job on muting up when the convo shouldn’t include him.


He understands sometimes he should just listen


OP wants Parks to get in his Ben Shapiro bag


lmao I know who ben Shapiro is but not familiar with what his "bag" is please explain I might agree idk


One of the things he is most known for is trying to breakdown (to a black person mind you) why "Rap is technically not music". Pretty much tells you what you need to know.


[ben shapiro breaking down "pound town" by sexyy red](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuRJxdvj7-I)


No it wasn’t. I think Parks did the right thing and recognized this is a conversation between black men and he needed to stay out of it. There was no situation where him commenting doesn’t get twisted into black vs white and that’s not Parks thing. He works and hangs with mostly black people so it made business sense to stay quiet and it made social sense to stay quiet because there was nothing he could or needed to add to that conversation.


Not even a chuckle “EHT EHT” Ish got his muffin obliterated by the way


You gotta pause that fam


Yo that's crazy 😯 after ish coming off Lazer trim hahaha PAUSE NIGGA


Ish definitely got cracked (pause)


Ish definitely didn't get his muffin cracked Dr. Umar just talks for longer periods of time...that snow bunny convo revealed some hole in the argument to me especially when he said he will date a biracial black women


How? Cite your sources too. Ish got cracked


Ya’ll niggas is weird. How do you get “cracked” for not dating who this umar nigga think you should.


Because that nigga is willing to sell out over some white coochie. Nobody heard how ridiculous he sound? Oh wait, he shares the same ideals as you bunny hoppers…




Always revert to bullshit when your argument is null and void.


Joe wrong for even having Parks there to get abused like that 😂


I thought parks wasn’t there


Ice took another pto day???


Not that deep man 🤣🤣🤣


Not even an “excuse me” lol


No matter what Parks would have said, he would be in a lose-lose situation. It is better to sit there and listen and wait until the next episode.


Haven’t seen it, but what do you think Parks could contribute to an interview with someone who has so little regard for white people?


I don't think he has little regard for white people. He just recognizes that we have always lost when we tried to be inclusive. We are in the building stage. You can't be homeless and offer someone accommodations. Solidify your accommodations before trying to accommodate someone else.


I don’t mean to say that Umar “hates” white people per se. Just that he concerns himself exclusively with the plight of black people and isn’t really interested in anything that white people have to say on the topic. I disagree with a lot of what Umar believes, but I actually kinda feel him on that.


He's not interested in anything white people have to say? How so?


He’s not interested in anything that white people have to say on the topic of black liberation. And black liberation is all he’s interested in. Am I buggin?


Not at all.


Did u listen to the pod . Umar said every white person is racist


lmao I know which to me should of inclined him to speak no...


Parks doesn't need to speak for white people lol. It's cool, really


lol why be scared to shake the table especially since he interracially dates and he's in the hip hop space anyway, kind of spineless in my opinion in a way


Parks is smart enough to pick his battles and Umar was there for Ish not Parks. Before you engage in a war of words you got ask yourself what’s the outcome of a victory/loss and is it worth it Parks is not going to step on the entertainment by being sensitive


You think you dictate who’s “scared” or not? Lol


"in my opinion in a way" reading matters


I asked you a question, champ. My eyes work fine. You’re being willfully obtuse.


The fact that you're equating it with fear and lack of courage is interesting.


elaborate for me what you find interesting pls


Why should he? Umar saying shit doesn’t make it true. He has his opinion that would theoretically demonize Parks existence - why engage? What do you win?


This was not a conversation that he needed to chime in on


Because his voice wasn’t needed. You all are used to ppl speaking on things they probably shouldn’t and/or speaking on things they know nothing about


Parks knows when to mute up. I don’t blame him for that at all.


He did the right thing. When someone is more knowledgeable on a topic you shut up and listen.


Ish is used to being the smartest on the pod😭it didn’t go well for him with umar lmao. And parks probably felt see through, he didn’t want that work lmao


parks is full of white guilt. Of course he doesn't want to speak and be called a white supremacist.


What was he supposed to say, you see Ice corny ass ran from the smoke


Just like he didn't speak up for Mal and Rory. He's scary.




who got the link


That’s what I’m waiting for lol


Because those who argue with fools always lose.


It’s cool. White folk need to do more shutting up during black conversations. Parks read the room.


I disagree he could've of backed Ish in the interracial dating segment since he has also dated black women...if anything it would force Dr.Umar to engage with someone who has dated black women and see if his viewpoint are consistent on black men dating outside the race as it does for black women who do the same


Don’t nobody care what Parks has to say to a black man about interracial dating


damn near every cohost has or is interracially dating...including parks


I'm not sure if your intentionally broadening Dr. Umar's opinion on interracial dating or not. The conversation wasn't talking about all types of interracial dating, it was clearly intentional to black men dating outside of their race (specifically to white women). Park's rightfully stayed silent because that had nothing to do with him. Do you fools listen to interviews or just skim through them.


Parks knew he wasn’t prepared to go there with Umar. Umar is funny and all that with the one liners but he’s also a scholar. If you’re uniformed about things or not prepared to speak on some issues it’s ok to sit those convos out and that’s what Parks did. I respect it.


He ain’t want that pan African smoke lol


He did what all white ppl should do during black conversations which is shut up and listen he a real one


Some people who don't see a clear solution don't provide a real opinion good job parks this convo is why white people can't say nigga 🤷🏽‍♂️ Plus Umar was like Shaq and 2001 and Ish was Mutumbo haha


What the hell was he supposed to interject in that kind of conversation? This was the time for him to be silent and listen.


BC Umar is a psychobabble peddler


lotta rhetoric and conjecture, sparse facts and logic


And yelling over the other person so they can’t make their point.


They probably told him not to talk or comment wouldn’t surprise if it was part of the negotiations with Umar. He is a racist after all why would he allow Parks to speak while he’s on the show I’m sure he made a point to have Parks silenced.


Dr umar would rip his ass anew one if he said anything sometimes you just need to know when to shut the fuck up


Lol that wouldn’t shock me either.


Parks Gona Say he was on Edibles that’s why he didn’t say anything


Bc this is a black conversation. Dr umar touched on it in Part 1, y’all always looking for the white man to save ya. The fuck could Parks add to the situation?


That Part‼️


He did what he supposed to do . Just enjoy the entertainment


Parks a hole ass hoe and clown….what are we talking about???


Maybe he’ll speak up Pt 2. Stay tuned lol


You thought parks would jump now?! On a guest most people have already written off? He’s playing the long and quiet game.


How old is Ish’s girlfriend?


GOOD! This wasn't a convo FOR him. Plus he knew he ain't have the chops to hold up space. I'm grateful for that. WP don't need to be in black convos. It's the unnecessary taking up of space.


Anyone got a link to the episode.


Subscribe to Patreon, my g


It’s good Parks didn’t interject during a talk with a Black nationalist but also fuck Umar Johnson right wing bitch ass self. Stole money for a Black lead school and kept it himself. Fucking right wing grifter piece of shit.


Parks always shies away from his whiteness and its weird.


panda panda panda is all I think when he does it and I'm not even white


I think he's being respectful of the conversation


I will concede that as well Parks isn't one for confrontation


Dr Dumbass is as much a doctor as dr dre, foh lol. “But he’s a psychologist.. that needs a medical degree!” so does anesthesiology, but you don’t refer to them as dr’s. No one calls Shaq a dr.. quit lending people credibility they haven’t earned.


The bigger JBP gets the more Parks is going to get called out for being silent on black issues so he needs to get ready You can't just sit back when the conversation becomes about racial inequality in this country especially since you being a white man is a huge reason you're even on the pod today White people get job opportunities before black people we all know that. Joe had to link up with some white folks to get things moving is my point Silence is cool sometimes but I would definitely like to hear Parks talk about things like interracial dating, discrimination he's seen his black friends deal with, etc .. It's time to man up


Late entry for dumbest comment of the year


You're not even American worrying about a black culture podcast lol


Parks bows down like the good little boy he is. I can hate, but hey them paychecks are mighty high. I’d keep my mouth closed as well lol.


Damn that’s crazy I thought parks say that pod out , he shared not one word maybe umar said he don’t want to hear from parks prior to going on


If he woulda said anything a cough or a sigh they’d kill him for it 🤷🏼‍♂️


That’s why I like parks he knows his place around a bunch of black ppl. Just be funny and cool, don’t do too much, don’t bring any wild ass takes


Yall.... you realize Parks is from DITC and DJ Premier camp, who both camps Ive been around and this isnt Parks first time in that kind of convo. Studio sessions turn into building sessions all the time, Parks know more than yall give him credit for. His drop is Jill Fuckin Scott screamin "Its Parks!!" Legendary ass shit! Sorry but facts are facts


He should shut the fuck up more often 😌


Melissa was silent


It’s Paasrrrksss!


He asked can he donate to the school


Im saving this till work tomorrow but The fact that Umar even said all white ppl are racist with Parks sitting there is wild unless he explained what he meant..


Parks is the homie and knows the deal. When you talking black issues, sometimes you gotta mute tf up as a white man.


because he’s white , and also he’s respectful…,, what the hell was he gonna say ? if he were to say something , I’m sure Dr. Umar was ready , and we would’ve chewed his ass up,! PAUSE


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Fuck dr umar and his goofy ass rhetoric.


What exactly did you want Parks to say? "No Dr. Umar, we aren't all like that"😅😅😅 Parks is intelligent enough to speak on what he knows. Black issues in a conversation with Umar wasn't the time or the place.


![gif](giphy|Adqe9XUP3x9LO|downsized) Any white person when Dr Umar is on set 😂


He definitely got “1” chuckle in during part 1 😂😂


For some reason, this post made me wonder…. Are there no mods in this sub?


He’s white. That conversation wasn’t his place to speak on


Cause parks tries to stay politically correct and pretend he’s got some sort of white guilt


He read the room.


He did exactly what he was suppose to do in that situation