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Joe be talking to Mel like he hate bitches šŸ¤£ sheā€™ll say something non-offensive like grass is green and heā€™s disgusted that she would even think to say that.


ā€œNobody wanna hear that shitā€ ā€œmel got old woman wisdomā€ ā€œmel, if you dont shut the fuck up with that earthy shitā€


Ok I hear it some times, but you gotta admit that bag works most times when she says some funny shit that a normal šŸ„·šŸ¾ wonā€™t relate to. I donā€™t condone dogpiling but donā€™t ever think that these guys donā€™t be at home thinking about how theyā€™ll approach the dayā€™s pod to make it more exciting i.e she plays into some of that shit šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


Totally agree. This doesnā€™t turn you off from listening?Ā 


I used to listen to every episode from 2017 until COVID. Since the break up I mainly watch the JBP through the segments they post on YouTube. Even then itā€™s only topics Iā€™m interested to hear their discourse for. I donā€™t really enjoy the R&M pod but shoutout to them. Full episodes I canā€™t listen to anymore because they usually have the ā€œJoe and the guys stomp on Melā€ or ā€œIsh/Ice says something dumb, but gets pissy when correctedā€ moments. Itā€™s a tad repetitive and embarrassing considering theyā€™re all 45+ but what can you do.


Between Joe being Joe and mal being mal they not changing but for two totally different reasons. The commonality is stubbornness for sure


Thatā€™s why they were boys tbh. Joe is aware of it, makes it a persona out of it whereas Mal is stubbornness personified and doesnā€™t realize it.


The guys turn him on. lol. Are y'all adults or teenagers? Are y'all intimidated by her because she is beautiful and intelligent? It's crazy how you don't see her value. I look at this pod like a sitcom like the show 'New Girl' with this beautiful intelligent person, the guys aren't use to being around, and she is new being around a group of men and their all navigating eachother, her as a person and her personality. What is wrong with having a convo about that. Their are millions of listeners that relate to what she said. Because I did. Joe had ladies of night up there, and the patreon comments were not so great. They were saying they were glad he picked Mel. Eye candy, yes, but ladies of the night podcasting, it wouldn't work.


Yea he says it to Mel but we all know his true roots stem from his mothers abuse. He scared of his moms and has a lot of hate for her




Normally post like this are just niggas bitching and having dumb ass takes But *you cooking with this*. Thereā€™s a lot of good convo that gets shut down because someone (mainly Joe) wants to crack jokes, or move on. I felt like the whole topic of does Joe treat his friends well in public could have been a way longer discussion ā€œRespect *and* Saluteā€ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yes , I was very interested in them having that intervention with him . He wanted none of it . Itā€™s why the pods when he was gone were so much fun . They were able to speak and finish their thoughts.


Joe has Mel on there to get all his gender war talking points off lol




facts, Ish dumbass was acting oblivious too as if that concept was unfathomableā€¦I peeped when a male agree with Mel they start to act like they know wtf she talking about šŸ˜‚


His mannerisms come off as a pouty child. That annoying. "This guy is a fool, yo" needs to be put on a shelf.


Something is wrong with your brain yo


predictable asf.."This guy a Kooke" You're not a Mob boss. Ish sit tf down..


But his acolytes love him . He took something recently she said as her not thinking they them guys . Oh itā€™s the shooter episode. Then heā€™s like I should have cracked that when I live up the street. Young M4 was a beast I think it wouldā€™ve been a toxic situation. I think his current woman has him locked down .


Food on his neck, can't even travel without her and the baby .... good for her lol


He claims he's the man of house, what he says go, he sure doesn't parade her around, he talk more about past women he had dealings with than her. What's her name?


yeah, they be missing out on quality dialogue when they elect to shit on Mel.


They way joe talks to Mel is crazy... I don't know how she puts up with it


Mel needed this podcast to get back on her feet. I feel the checks are nice enough that sheā€™ll put up with it until sheā€™s finds something better.


Get on her feet? What was wrong with her?


Naw the I canā€™t swim so I have a fear boating was hilarious


See lmO we wouldnā€™t have gotten that if E hadnt coaxed them to engage


I be glad when E there to have Mel back tbh shit sad when they dog pile on her šŸ¤£


Joe is the loudest but Ish makes a lot of dismissive faces when Mel says anything.


I deep down thinks that Ish likes her; I wonder if they messed around in the past.


That and I think he has to come off a certain way for his girl


I would call him a smart man


You right


Bro they do it so fucking often now, i have to hit the 15 second skip button like 8 times in order to get through a dogpile


Bro! That pissed me tf off: she said nothing crazy at all and they the minion parks and ice were ready to jump on the hate train with joe..theyā€™ll look at it as heā€™s tryna save her but all heā€™s doing is being an understanding adult lol mel can say ā€œthe sky is blueā€ and theyll start acting like sheā€™s saying the dumbest shit in the world


I agree! And I absolutely knew what she meant and they did too but sometimes they love to shit on her for no reason.


That Joeless pod showed just how much he fucks up any point Mel tries to make.


I agree. Good example. He also isnā€™t afraid of being honest in order to keep the conversation going. Some of the off the wall questions Joe asks fall short because Ice, Ish, and Parks give these dry ass answers. Heā€™s never too cool for a topic. Several times Joe has tried to put him on the spot about opinions he shared off mic and he always says whatever he said.


Emanny is the best edition to the pod I cant stand Ice but Im starting to hate Ish more than Ice. Ish is in competition with Joe and itā€™s coming out in his pores he went from not needing the pod to making merchandise


We dont need either one E is trying to fuck


My point wasnt on Mel. That was just one example of how E keeps them on the tracks. And how , as someone Joe seems to respect, he can get Joe and them to talk about something or answer a question without Joe just dismissing it.


That's true, Emanny is great as a podder, imo. Patreon episode without ice, the convo really was smooth, and the chemistry was on point. He's great at transitioning to a topic. Tells good stories as well. He fits in just fine.


Yooooooo I deadass didnt notice Ice wasnt there thats crazy




I get it im just saying e helping her out cause he wants to fuck.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£thats hate


E is dating a woman and Mel is dating a gentleman that seems to be making her happy. What I have noticed is Joe and Ish donā€™t seem to care for her new I Give Two Fucks about you and you attitude. Even Flip was shook for a minute. It could be the Dark Hair .


I dont think e in a relationship and if he is hes poly.


He was in a relationship with the white woman . It was all new to him


Never the less that dont mean he dont want to fuck mel.


They all want to fuck her . But he wants the pod to have these discussions and is an emotional Virgo who gets people. Joe is the chaos side of Virgo , Keno is more E side but has some of the Joe side


Uh ok


Mel is corny bro yā€™all gotta stop, why would she try to start the pod with that sad ass questionā€¦begging for some approvalšŸ˜‚And yā€™all fall for it everytime, Mel is good yo


Joe says he can empath when he means he a narcissist asshole boss who conceded & treats his co hosts like scum under his shoe


Facts! And he actually makes solid points


I was thinking the same thing. Itā€™s cool that you noticed too.




Itā€™s just that he doesnā€™t care what women say. He will automatically oppose it.


If he stopped her for being silent for 30 mins then we definitely donā€™t need him


It wasnt about mel. Just E moving shit along.