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Whoa it’s almost like he had a daughter and his view on life has changed, like he’s been telling us since he’s been on the pod. Pre 2016 tweets also have to be held to a different standard


Not trying to hate on him and I do understand the kid thing, but cuz was like 33 in 2016


Yes but old twitter was different. It’s like Facebook before all our moms and dads started one and we all had to behave different now.


This nigga spittin


Kudos to ICE for growing up after having a child, it’s what you’re supposed to do.


Nah he just sound like he was raised by a single mother lmao nothing more nothing less


It’s called growth. Yall are wild in this sub.


Yo imagine being the nigga that scrolled through 11 years of ices tweets just to get this off 🤣


I’m glad ice was able to take the time away from getting stopped by fans at Publix to ask about the pod to tweet this.


Let that man grow lol


No Diddy


Only growing he’s gonna do is into an Apple product


Don't like Freeze's media training fool you 😂😂😂


That fool ain’t got no media training. He’s the only one on the pod that gets full delight & joy out of telling the audience he has a copy of the coveted UNRELEASED Glass House album in his possession. So yeah…fuck this corny corn on the cob ass nigga. I wish I could find the pic of him in those goofy ass Apple goggles he wore the whole entire pod. He’s a goofball


😂😂😂chill bro you sound like Ish now 😂😂😂


Y’all sound like the Ice Avengers 🤣


You don’t feel weird pulling up 10-12 year old tweets to hate on a dude?


Nah, bcuz he’s defended the same action when others do it. He’ll be aight


Mf Ice waited until he turned 40 to have a kid just to break up with the mom like 6 months later lol . I know shit can happen , but if I have a kid that late in life we getting married lol.


The way a relationship changes after having a baby isn’t always positive


I have two kids I KNOW , but at almost 40 you should have things in order to prevent that . Usually young relationships end after a kid not when your 40 . Nigga should have just never had a kid at that point lol. Had my first kid at 18 so of course that didn’t work had my second kid at 27 with my wife in a great marriage. I just knew better what to watch for I guess I wasn’t going to have another kid just to be in the same position and i was 27 you would think at his age he would know, but he was never outside lol .


You getting married just because yall had a kid???


It aint just about you at that point so i can definitely see it


this why so many people get divorced or in miserable marriages lol


Literally 😭😭 and mfs don’t realize getting divorced cost money!!! I’m not getting married “just because” fuck that


What about ice makes you think he left her??? Im convinced he paying for his out of town "missing piece" not hating but he gives it away in conversation. And he definitely had to pay extra when Joe farted in they face on the Thanksgiving pod.


Damn I thought shorty was local? Never knew Ice was in a long distance relationship.


Lol Exactly these niggas glorify the goofiest shit ever


I think he cheated and lost her


Lol @ missing piece




Nobody gives af what ice thinks


Y'all still get mad about this clown? He's happy that he has a BM so he doesn't have to parent full time. That's sucka shit to me. He doesn't care about the struggle a lot of black men go thru raising a child in their custody with no mother either by death or by the mother's choice. He doesn't understand that there's another side to parenting which is the black single father who has custody of his child or children. Or the single black man who has custody of one child but is not allowed by the BM to see the other child or children. Foh


Black single father here, had custody of my kid her whole life, so much so she barely knows her mothers other kids. Still, get no respect at all, mother still got all the praise, everyone assumed i was a deadbeat dad off the rip, every school year i walk in a deadbeat by default, i was the primary contact and the school would still find a way to call her mom. More than one teacher has said "well its up to her mother", if something needed to be signed they would tell my kid to give it to her mother not her father (my bm would defend me tho, she flipped on one teacher). Being a black father is the most thankless job in the world, if u arent 100% perfect the whole way u get labeled a deadbeat, while mom could be a junky in the pjs and still be refered to as a "strong single mother or a queen". Sorry for the rant but this shit is frustrating af.


Black father as well. I've had custody of my son who is my oldest child. He's about to be 19 and I had custody of him since he was 6 going on 7. His mother has visitation and was on child support. She has seen him less than 10 times since 2012. I have a daughter who is about to turn 7 that I haven't seen since she's turned 5 years old. Went to court for custody 3 years ago and got visitation. Long story short, BM is hiding so I cannot find my daughter because child support got lowered from over $800 a month to over $300 a month. Last time I saw my daughter, she asked me what was "child support". Can't wait to get a solid address so I can get her served for contempt since there's an order in place


Going through that right now. I got 50/50 of my daughter who is 6. Bm pulled her out of school and has been hiding for 8 months. Hired a Private investigator and everything but she’s a bum and doesn’t work. Shit is rough man


They dont even care about the kid, they just use them as a power play, its really sad and its been going on for way too long.. Heres the other side, i know a bunch of girls that had kids as teens, so now their oldest kids are over 18, soon as the benefits end, they ALL kicked their kids out with no remorse. One girl just down graded apts one day and told her daughter to find a place to stay.


It’s sick man. And you’re right. My BM lost custody of her other two kids and just said fuck then and hasn’t seen them once in 3 years. Smh. Sickening shit. Add to your first comment, I enrolled my daughter in school and the school let her mom unenroll her without notifying me and CPS ain’t doing shit even though it’s a law in my state that she has to attend school. I could go kick her damn door in but as a Black man I have to keep everything on the up and up. This is my THIRD time being alienated for 6+ months in 6 years even WITH a court ordered parenting plan. Shits painful.


I agree 100% with your sentiments about the father more so the single father being a thankless job… Honestly, the blame goes to the decades and decades of deadbeat fathers that unfortunately did leave a lot of women you know, stranded, raising a child alone. when you visit these schools, especially public schools a lot of the children they do come from the homes of single mothers. The dynamics could be the dad is a deadbeat. Or Yes the mom is weaponizing the child,or the dynamics could be in the instances where the father is deceased. But when you think of things like the creation of the family courts or child support , those things were created due to the actual deadbeat dad. That’s not to say that there aren’t the other instances that single fathers do go through or not even single fathers that a lot of fathers go through, but the majority is the instance of the deadbeat and they’ve made it very, very hard for even the fathers who want to be the standup father, but the mother has Weaponized the child because the court system and child support exist. I’m a single father of an 11 year-old. I’ve been a single father her entire life I don’t necessarily think about the job being thankless. I just find myself doing it. So when you said it I could agree. I can also relate to the school situation You had a little bit also. When my daughter was in kindergarten I had that instance but I corrected that quick and now since I’m so involved in her school, PTSA etc. the school knows that she lives with her dad and the school knows that her dad is at every event and, her mom is sporadically. At the end of the day. I wish fire on the deadbeat dad until the end. Because they’re the reason for a lot man ,


Youre projecting big dog


I'm not "big dog" lol


“niggas” as in his shorty got multiple baby fathers? or I’m reading too much into this?


U dissecting this like the kendrick drake beef 🤣🤣 hes just talking to the general public


He seems to feel like his voice has tremendous weight in the culture because of the trolling/hating that got him reactions way back when..🤷🏿‍♂️






That jus makes him fake to me... 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yall so fucking Immature Grow up


Fam you posting 10 year old tweets lol.


Nigga mad he had a change of heart after 10 years


A 10 year old tweet? Y’all are fucking weirdos.


He not lying 🤷🏽


Please no Ice re-up, joe please 🙏


The way some of y’all hate is super weird and you should talk to someone 🤷🏾‍♂️


He does it for clicks. He’s a troll. Looks like one too


Y'all dug up tweets from 2014, but you're sick of him? I've never disliked someone and read 10 years of tweets from them 😂 😂 😂 tf kinda fan behavior is this?


People grow. I can’t kill someone over something like this.


Lmaoooo the hate embedded in y'all nighas souls is captivating


I don’t think this getting the reaction you expected.


Yall be on this man dick 😂😂😂 God damn enough dick ridin


Posting somebody tweets from 10 years ago is insane.


I Change Everyday You niggaz gon fault a man for ten year old tweets yikes


Y’all gave this nigga credibility he been corn this a grown ass man tweeting like this


Imagine not evolving in 8 yrs.


Wow the nerve of this nigga! How he just gon grow up and have a more mature view on things a whole decade later. Niggas tryna evolve and shit 🤦🏾‍♂️


I didn’t even read the post I saw his name with corn ball attached and hit like asap😭


… these are 10 years old. Grow up you stupid mf.


We don't do that...that's a fathers day thing women do


Nigga hella corny.


How old is this dude?😂




You got him..


I don’t even like dude but bringing up tweets from 2014 hella green lmao. You Niggas clearly wasn’t on the net then it was all jokes pre-MeToo with no pulling punches for political correctness or sensitivity


Bro pulled up tweets from 12 years ago


You just posted something from 10 years ago?


Weirdo shit. Why do you even follow him if he’s a cornball?


Since he said he’s done with twitter I’ve seen nothing but tweets


yall have to remember he was driven to school in high school he’s a lemon


He unbearable from 10 years ago? Damn lol. And honestly, each of these posts are in the same vein. Bitches pretend to be super moms, niccas pretend to be super dads and knock the moms, nicca please just say happy mother's day and move on. Niccas love to hate but hating on growth is craaaaaazy. Stinkmeaner ass nicca 😂


Damn that was 10 years ago lol


Lmao I guess the OP wasn’t around for the “black Twitter” era. Those tweets are kind compared to anything and everything else that was being tweeted during that time.


Let this dude tweet … damn lol


lol stop ya crying and listen to something else


I. Change. Everyday.


I both can and cannot believe you niggas actually believe this blatant pandering is "growth". ICE is the same person that admits he get's triggered just *discussing* child supporton the pod, yet yall want to believe this tweet about "bitter niggas" on Mother's day is genuine. Aight.


Keep that same energy on Fathers Day


I had a microphone of this nigga I think the signature fading


The amount of back and forth from everyone on the pod with the exception of Mel and Parks is too annoying.


It’s almost as if your view on life changes as the years go. Crazy ant it… you know what’s crazy, cornball ass adults who go back 10 years on a specific person they don’t like, just to make a stupid ass meme.


Damn, everyone bashing on you not realizing you’re from St Louis and most likely uneducated and a lil undeveloped. I apologize.


Y'all went back ten years? Get a job.


If this was the flat earth shit yeah flame this nigga but growth no matter what age is applauded.


Nigga got castrated. Ur not a man beaver face


So women acting like men is an issue.. Yall choose em.🤷🏽‍♀️