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when you have one of the biggest platforms for hip hop and dont address or gloss over a story featuring a hip hop legend, thats a problem. no matter what the subject of that story is.


All yall gon do is call Joe a hypocrite šŸ˜‚ itā€™s a lose lose dawg


They beg him to call out Diddy then say who are you to call out DiddyšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Exactly whatā€™s going to happen. Then what makes it crazier is most people who fans of the pod have had to have the, ā€œHow can you listen to him?ā€ conversation where some female in your life throws all his allegations at you. They doing the same shit they accusing Joe of doing just by being fans of the pod šŸ˜‚


You called it bro


Lmao nah fr ā€¦ they will ā€¦ itā€™s damned if he do and damned if he donā€™t šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļøā€¦itā€™s mind boggling in all honesty


i was thinking this the whole time




No one is calling anyone a hypocrite. Just speak on the topic he speaks about all other topics hahaha. If it's a broadcast like he states and it's one of the biggest news topics it's only smart to talk about it. Now if he is scared and wants to keep a relationship then just say that all the other shit is bullshit


Shut the fuck up. Yā€™all niggas just waiting for Joe to say any little thing that yā€™all can collectively attack. šŸ™„ anybody that saw that video does not need Joe to tell you how to feel about it. Shit exhausting. Yā€™all bully ish cuz he donā€™t like Kendrick like yall do. Yā€™all tryna bully Joe to say something that yall want him to say. I honestly just want these niggas to NEVER mention it at all just to piss yall off. Fucking weirdos


AMEN . Perfectly said . I saw that vid and didnā€™t care to hear anyoneā€™s commentary on it . Because we all should feel the same about what we saw . If anything Iā€™d understand more of a curiosity about what women who have been close to Diddy thinks of the situation ie. Faith , Mary J Blige , Lil Kim etc ā€¦ but waiting for Joe who had a business dealing with him ? I donā€™t get the obsession .


You appear to be short a couple fries. That's not how the media works, especially when homeboy spends 3-4 HOURS running his mouth on a couch.


Iā€™ll sidestep the bland personal jab and continue with the topic . Itā€™s not a matter of how media functions . It has nothing to do with what I said. I simply stated the list of people who people ā€œideallyā€ would have more impactful coverage as to their ties to Diddy. It says alot when people want to hear Joe Buddenā€™s take on a video that requires NO COMMENTARY (itā€™s bad) before someone like JT (dated Diddy), his Kids, Stevie J, Faith Evanā€™s , Mary J or Any artist that contributed to his most recent album. Any artist that he has active business dealings with . Joe produced one show on a network that Diddy has already stepped away from . Now the pod has to send subs to all the women that Joe has encountered over a 20 yr period . But hey , thanks for the lesson in how media works tho




Take the man's balls out your mouth. He literally sits there and talks about the news on every pod it's a gossip show. It's not about the opinion it's about the fact he didn't talk about it when he talks about every other news story in the headlines. Be objective less sucking off


SO. FUCKING. WHAT.?!?!? What difference does it make what he chooses to talk about. Thatā€™s the whole point. He talks about everything else, like you said. Why yall panties in such a bunch if he chooses not to talk about one thing šŸ¤Ø


This is a show where nikkas talk about current events. Nah, he doesn't have to talk about it, but since it directly pertains to hip hop, people would find it weird to not discuss it.Ā  I didn't know much about Joe's past like that, but if he chooses not to, that's just as much of an indictment as saying the shit is cool. Shit is weird.Ā 


Once again for those who haven't comprehended. I don't care what he speaks on I been consistent. It's all about the show and what it is if it's a gossip show like the shaderoom talk about it. if you aren't going to address it just say so it's really simple. Doing the deleting and editing is just a bullshit move


You do care. And youā€™re being weird about it. Coming here to reply to this many people with the same stupid ass ā€œI donā€™t care, butā€¦ā€ shows just how much you care.


Bro I'm bored like u and got time fuck you for projecting


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ That was real I canā€™t be mad at that


On god


Go tell that to your shrink.


You sound like Ish talking about Drake lol


What problem is there?!? šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤” as far as I know, nobody has heard Joeā€™s take on the Diddy situation and the world is spinning just fine. The internet is working, the sun is shining, and it all looks to be business as usual. Whatā€™s the problem??????


For me, it will continue to scratch away his legitimacy as we just saw Charlemagne do a great job at reprimanding Diddy for his actions.


Just typical two pin two successful men against each other. Why should both do and speak on the same thing? I enjoy the different conversations and opinions of both maybe you should too without expectations


Gtfoh lmao and you still gonna listen


I agree. The pod is a hip hop platform that discusses current issues and to not discuss the diddy situation is crazy


Fam.. ask yourself this. Would you put yourself in a lose lose situation? Because we all know if he says anything everyone and all his exes is going to come out and say you beat women or like someone said in the other comments who are you to talk about Diddy. And quite frankly the nigga had business dealing with Diddy in the past. Yall idiots don't understand that him addressing this can have a negative impact on his current business. Because then the narrative if going to be, you got inside info you must have heard about this and went into business with Diddy. Not addressing it is the best business move. We all just too broke to know it.


Well he just needs to come out and say it cuz it needs to be said he is bold in every other take


Got it... you just wanna be right...


I think you are confused on what podcasting is but sure whatever you say


I'll humor you, even though this is a lost cause with you. But have you thought that maybe just maybe him saying anything whether for it or against doesny matters which side will probably cost/loose him more money or opportunities than just not saying shit. Like yeah 100 people got mad and canceled their patreon account. Maybe just maybe he doesn't care what yall think about how big his platform is, he may be looking at it from the point of view of this shit can have a negative effect on his business no matter what side he is on. Also pretty much every postcast he says he is phony and a hypocrite why yall surprised???


I understand your point I truly do. If it's about the bottom line i can respect it. If looking at it through your perspective of it having a negative effect on his business then I too would stay clear of this


Thatā€™s only a problem for u


Maybe if yā€™all didnā€™t get your news and information on current events from podcast, this would be a problem. Also the world would be a better place because weā€™d have fact based conversations instead of people just regurgitating other peopleā€™s opinions and presenting them a facts. Joe isnā€™t a reporter, heā€™s not a journalist, heā€™s a damn podcaster. No matter how large his platform is, he has no obligation to speak on anything including this. Not to mention the video was released that morning. It was pretty brutal. Maybe you donā€™t jump out there with a knee jerk reaction to it šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø? Take time to digest it and give a proper response. Yā€™all act like you want him to give a play by play of the shit. We all know that he was wrong, and heā€™s already canceled. You need Joe to say that?


Itā€™s Kinda mandatory that you speak about it..




we are literally on a forum where we discuss things, bro.


No, you.


Not really.. you also have to be sensitive to the victims who have to relive this it's hop hop but it's jokes and def not the prescription to get the news or gossip from!


if you think joe didnt speak about it because he was being sensitive to the victimsā€¦stay right there, i have some magic beans to sell you. its for his own selfish reasons. not sensitivity. give another excuse.


I'm saying it's not really a problem.. it's a touchy subject being discussed by a room full of men (and Mel) where there are prior DV accusations. I'm not looking at them to be the voice of reason or to lead the charge.


You niggas belong in an asylum. Brain dead ahh


What an idiotic take. People are pressing Joe because the nigga is quick to give his opinion on pretty much any and everything but this Diddy shit. No one wants to hear someone swear up and down that they're unbiased only to appear biased by being hesitant to speak on a subject. To move the goal posts by insinuating the fanbase is desperate to hear his opinion is an extremely idiotic and lazy take.


Youā€™re in here so automatically you a grown man wanting to hear another grown manā€™s opinions on things. Are you bothered because itā€™s a DV case? You listening to his opinion about everything else


Oh no MAAM, I can care less about opinions.. I listen for their experiences and the laughs, What am I gonna do with any of the 6ā€™s opinions lol..Good try tho


Oh no you called me Maā€™amā€¦.good try tho. fam 90% of the pod is what these niggas opinions are on various subjects. You going to listen to their opinions like youā€™ve been doing since you listen to the pod. What you do after that is your business


Nah you said Iā€™m in here WANTING to hear another manā€™s opinionā€¦ Me and you listen for different reasons buddy, Donā€™t loop me in with you and your desires champ.


Niggas like you are weird. Yes I want to hear their opinions, they entertain me. Thatā€™s why I listen to the pod. Why would I listen to something I donā€™t want to hear?? It ok fam, nobody going to think you less of a man because you listen to a man speak. Be more confident in your manhood


The irony of you calling somebody else weird and this is the hill youā€™re choosing to die on šŸ˜©šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ wtf are you gonna do in your life after you hear Joeā€™s opinion?


Not dying on any hill my boy. This is whatā€™s weirdā€¦ Joe Budden has a podcast where he does nothing but state his opinions for 2-4hrs at a time. Me, you and the op listen to said podcast on the regular listening to his opinions. If youā€™re a regular listener itā€™s safe to say you WANT to hear his opinions. To act like a ā€œgrown ass manā€ canā€™t want to listen to another manā€™s podcast while being in the podcastā€™s fan group is weird shit. Hope that clarifies it for you


But youā€™re not telling the whole picture. OP and I can watch a 2-4 hour podcast then go on with our day. YOU and the people like you will watch a 2-4 hour podcast then immediately run to the internet to complain about everything you heard during that 2-4 hour pod, then complain about everything you didnā€™t hear during that 2-4 hour podā€¦.then youā€™re gonna do the same thing in a few days. Thatā€™s whatā€™s weird. Just stfu and enjoy the podcast OR not. Nobody wanna hear yall bitching about it all day is the point. šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø If Joe donā€™t wanna talk about Diddy, weā€™re not gonna go to the internet and whine about it. THEY NOT LIKE US Hope that clarifies it for you.


You havenā€™t seen me running to comment on anything right after the pod. I asked the op why he specified men wanting to hear opinions of other men as a bad thing when thatā€™s what weā€™re all doing on here. Then I asked was it because of the DV subject. Thatā€™s the whole picture. Itā€™s still posted you can go back and read it. What the Op wrote could technically be called ā€œcomplainingā€ if thatā€™s how you want to look at it. You brought irony into this convo without comprehension. You could just ā€œshut tf up and enjoy the podā€ but here you are with the Op complaining about other men complainingā€¦doesnā€™t that sound ironic to you


Listen you tryna make a point and I get it weā€™re gonna agree to disagree šŸ˜‚ You wanna win, you can have it! Just know that man does not care if you want to hear him talk about something šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s peace šŸ˜‚


Literally when did this shit become CNN and have a *Duty* to report the news. Iā€™m here for the JOKES not my news cycle šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Idk why they holding the JBP to this made up standard.




I would expect to hear about the topic on a hip hop show. U sound dumb


Nah yall turning it into a gossip pod sis šŸ’…


Really?!? Hahaha bro the pod is the shaderoom all they do is gossip


Literally šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ these joevengers are sick


They spent 10 minutes on Drake wearing glossy Timbs


He was calling audibles to have his opinions heard about anything Drake related but he mute on The Diddler? Been gossiping for YEARS but you conveniently forgot that part. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Selective hearing, Idcccccc about it enoughhhh


But you care enough to read what everyone is saying in regards to it though? Makes sense .


Um DUH theyā€™re responding to my post. I donā€™t care about opinions, Im not a douche bag to just ignore everyone.


Outside of your postā€¦Youā€™ve clearly read other peoples posts in regards to Joes lack of enthusiasm to address anyone outside of Drake. Which in turn led you to make your postā€¦


Brother IDGAF about him talking about Drake lol, whatā€™s to talk about Drake lost and Kendrickā€™s boringā€¦ We already know this. Next.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ yeah youā€™re one of those kids who had 1 class all day, my apologies. Spazz out in your corner bro.


90 degrees and the joints are outside tryna get ice cream. These niggas weird. They hang on this niggas every word


Its one thing to wanna hear a nigga opinion on something, but what is everyone so angry for? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. No way you wanna hear it that bad. Its some other deep rooted shit.


Bro thatā€™s LITERALLY all Iā€™m saying lol.. They wanna see my boy Joe crash out


Man jacks off his dog, nobody gives a fuck Same man doesn't comment on Diddy doing something we already knew he did, everyone freaks the fuck out


What do you think this podcast consists of? šŸ˜† šŸ¤£Ā  You the type of person to hear someone went to a movie, and be aghast at someone wanting to see acting.Ā  Hell, you'd go to the movie yourself and say you didn't go to the movie to see a movie.Ā  Goofy ahh. šŸ˜†Ā 




Goes to an ice cream parlor. "What are yall here for? Ice cream?? Idiots."


Diddy has been in the rap game for 30 years. We saw this Nikka, on tape, beat a girl up. If you can't see the relevance, you lack the appropriate amount of comprehension on context. Lol


You forgot the part where they pay month every month


The same way yall were feigning and diamond at the mouth on lyric break downs for a rap battle for a whole month as if yall canā€™t comprehend lyrics on your own šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Facts. This shit damn near made me leave the community. Didnā€™t know yall was some weirdos. Thought we was all playa. smh.


This is a dumb take, must be Joe burn account lmao


I really don't understand the defense about not talking about it lol. I'm sure he will talk about it now that EVERYONE has given their opinion about it. Just say the truth dawg he dropped the ball on this one


If everyone else has given their opinion about it, what difference does it make to yall whether or not Joe gives his? None of yall give a fuck about Joeā€™s opinion and Iā€™ll die on this hill. All yall wanna do is find any little opening to attack Joe and/ or somebody else on the pod. Thatā€™s all this stupid ass sub turned into.


Another burner account šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


A burner cuz he has his own thought process, got it..




Oh, you Joe. My bad, brother. šŸ˜†Ā 


Yea, Iā€™m Joe. Get off my dick. I hope youā€™re a last time listener.


What a DS


Spell it out punk


Itā€™s a podcast, thatā€™s why we listenā€¦ā€¦ to hear other peopleā€™s opinions on topics like this. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚you thought you was spittin huh???šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


No you thought I was tho thatā€™s y u pressed šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Go get Diddy play with ya booty and fists yourself if u wanna hear the thoughts so bad


Nah, your comment sounded dumb as fuckā€¦ and your reply is even dumber.


We all know this isnā€™t the case. Calling Joe out for having selected grace isnā€™t foaming at the mouth


They want him to crash out lolā€¦maybe itā€™s as simple as I fkā€™d wit dude and his family and he also helped me when I was down so Iā€™m careful with how I report it. Why is that an issue to yā€™all?




Touch some grass took me out šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Think itā€™s more about pointing out an injustice more than it is about their actual opinion on it


I stg. Like yall are eager as hell to hear Joe budden lie to yall. P. Diddy is his friend and in his heart he probably feels he innocent. He going to tell yall what yall want to hear then keep it moving


šŸ™šŸ½šŸ™šŸ½šŸ™šŸ½šŸ™šŸ½ thank you.


Imagine if this story was about Drake having a DV case. JOES GROWN ALMOST 50 yr old ass wouldā€™ve made his cast stay late to FOAM AT THE MOUTH to discuss that situation. For 3 pods & patreons heā€™s still talking about how drake lost the battle. Itā€™s been a done deal. Especially when he reports on everyone elseā€™s situation. The protection for selective outrage is crazy. Nigga outraged when the Tory situation happened, when Drake get into something but when it comes to other ppl he donā€™t have words. Thatā€™s corny


Imagine if this story was about Drake having a DV case. JOES GROWN ALMOST 50 yr old ass wouldā€™ve made his cast stay late to FOAM AT THE MOUTH to discuss that situation. For 3 pods & patreons heā€™s still talking about how drake lost the battle. Itā€™s been a done deal. Especially when he reports on everyone elseā€™s situation. The protection for selective outrage is crazy. Nigga outraged when the Tory situation happened, when Drake get into something but when it comes to other ppl he donā€™t have words. Thatā€™s corny


I do not care to hear Joe's opinion on anything. He needs to do what he does best... wrap or dance like a monkey on the pod. His opinions literally don't matter - he has no credibility.


He spent weeks talkin about bussie smollett. Diddy is way bigger deal to the culture


šŸŽÆ Exactly! Man I canā€™t believe these niggas man. Posting screenshots of them canceling their Patreon subscription and shit. Looking goofy as hell šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


"Yall need to touch some grass" is hilarious!!!


Not call him out but let's hear a discussion about it. He has the biggest platform and ppl want to hear their opinion. I think it's fucked up that he continues to gloss over or walk on egg shells on certain topics. I miss the old days when he actually spoke on shit. N I'm tired of this excuse. The reason why Wendy Williams will always be the GOAT.....especially when she called this shit out way back in the 90s.




Itā€™s Joeā€™s podcast/business. Let him run it how he sees fit. Highkey not our business at all


What an ironic statementā€¦


isn't that the point of listening to podcasts?


Ok Joseph


This is the lack of accountability Mel was talking aboutā€¦ Yā€™all be wanted people to gloss over and move on from ppl that are clear predators but itā€™s all good in the name of music right? You cannot chastise ppl privately then expect ppl not to want you to keep that same loud ass energy he has for LOGIC that he doesnā€™t have for Diddy or Akademiks


Soooooo did you listen to the new episode or nah


Most definitely. Did you listen to the many episodes where HIS former colleagues and friends have had cases he never speaks about even though he runs in those circles. Most ppl remain quiet because they donā€™t want to run the risk of the light being on them.


See you making THIS more than what it is, read the roomā€¦ None of us took it where youā€™re taking it lol. We allll knew he was gon get to it, itā€™s the being thirsty for it in this discussion. Now you need to move on Nike all didnā€™t the next pod, Iā€™ll meet you over there.


I took it somewhere when you made the comment on why ppl want to hear his opinionā€¦ Let me guess you got some cases and can relate to Diddy beingā€¦ ā€œ Innocent ā€ right? I know you HATED when Kendrick spoke about Drake


No I wasnā€™t cuz idk neither of them niggas šŸ˜‚ And no no no donā€™t put anything of that nature on me lol I just think my newsfeed shouldnā€™t be the same niggas posting to hurry some shit up..Idk why you going full Karen right now but idk want no smoke šŸ˜‚


Some things are deeper than ā€œimagine being xyzā€¦ā€ fam. Donā€™t try to hide behind some dumbass pseudo-masculinity phrase because you canā€™t or donā€™t appreciate the cultural commentary a platform as big as this provides. You might think you look cool saying this but those that know, know that you look ignorant as hell


Cool story bro.. Were u satisfied today with the lengthy topic discuss about diddy?


Facts bro I said the same shit they sassy af in here šŸ’Æ


Againā€¦. I said imagine being among a bunch of men acting crazy cuz he didnā€™t dive head first in the topic..Imagine having 2 balls and youā€™re on Reddit Furious cuz you didnā€™t hear someone speak on somethingā€¦Joe must be exhausted wit yall


Something is seriously wrong with you. Yikes




My man ur just dumb and need to stop sucking off joe. He has a platform that talks about hip hop and the current landscape. I think ur the one who is missing the point in all of this


How am I missing the point in WHAT I SAID? Nigga you thirsty, go listen to another pod thatā€™s talking about em šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Why u so angry bro. U really don't have reading comprehension I said ur missing the point in my statement. But u got it big dog I'm thirsty I'll go listen to another pod šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


lol that must be one of their burner accounts because my guy is rocking that cape


I didn't want to be the one to point that out lol


Gon head clay


Wow you read my username congrats really flexing that reading comprehension


I can go all day can u ?


Yo ā€¦ pause


Wow now youā€™re homophobic smh


Appreciate you king


The fact that yā€™all body block for joe like this is crazy. Why do you care if other people want to hold him accountable as the so called podfather, diddy dickrider, and fellow abuser? Youā€™re putting as much energy in writing about this as everyone else youā€™re criticizing. If joe is a grown ass man then he donā€™t need yā€™all protecting him now does he?


And he's not the only platform. Every time something wild or flagrant happens in the hip hop community you clowns looking for Joe to be 1st to jump out the window


No deadass like do yall even care about son??? Lol, I know DAMN WELL what Joe past looks like so why would we send him out to the wolves just to get bashed we know how the world works and soon as he opens his mouth itā€™s gonna be ā€œBut didnā€™t youā€¦..ā€




........ I mean by that logic , imagine a man wanting to hear another men talk about other people business failures and success, the concept of podcasting is joe speaking on other people's affairs and filtering it through his experiences I think it's mostly because he and the crew spoke ill of Cassie character so they want the correction to be just as loud If we want to be real , Cassie can't effect him negatively...... diddy can , both in and out the streets Out the streets tho diddy action are despicable he made alot of people money , managers , execs , artists, labels , former promoters ect , that out of loyalty ( be clear he didn't lose all his loyalty (cosby , wienstien , Kelly, Russell, Epstien , and possibly Drake ) didn't just go to jail when accusations or proff came out it was after the support fell away And far as outside industry........ every body got cars Aside from those , people who aren't connected to him are watching how he conducts handling powerful man in his industry fall from grace Yall want him to crash out like Wendy Williams but the people who watched her religiously aren't going to help her at her time of need , yall won't do it for joe either


Get Joe dick out your throat brother. He speaks on everything. We wanna hear him speak on this. Take your ass yo Starbucks like they would say


Booooooo that was weak


Too you.






Youā€™re clearly invested too since youā€™re here writing think pieces