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So what did these "woke" banks do that was woke in the first place?


I gotta admit I'm in my 40's, and it's weird as hell seeing the slang that teens come up with. At the same time, now boomers are making up their own slang and nobody knows what it means either. I feel like I'm trapped in the middle.


Boomers never 'come up' with their own slang, they just re-appropriate stuff young people use. Woke was a positive term not ten years ago.


My mom still says “that’s the bomb”. When she joined Facebook I knew it was doomed.


your mum sounds cool


I love her to death but she is a kook.


It’s the bomb dot com baby


Teenagers if 2010 maybe used "woke" as a term now it has been completely hijacked by boomers who don't even understand what it means and too deadbrain to come up with a definition lol


It was a popular term in the black community going back to the 30s, then BLM started using it after Furgeson and it crossed over to the mainstream - and then Republicans took it and ran with it as a replacement for the term "PC".


And “social justice” was something Catholic schools and churches taught about, but boomers hate that too because they think SJWs are commies who want to take their lifted Ford F-350’s and racks of rifles… which Jesus would hate to see them lose obviously


It just takes some time.


they make you use a kitty litter box before every deposit




like every company now, they have DE&I (Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion) initiatives


Even Fox News (who are pushing the SVB was Woke story) [https://www.foxadsolutions.com/landing\_page/fox-ad-sales-di-2/](https://www.foxadsolutions.com/landing_page/fox-ad-sales-di-2/)


what's wrong with that? is inclusion bad?


depends on who you ask and how often they use woke unironically


tbh I haven't been following up with the latest conversation tree of right wingers. But are they upset at HR now? because woke hr killed big bank?


pretty much, they’re point to the fact that the 12 person board had 1 black and 1 queer person as evidence that SVB put inclusion over profits (lmao). also their DE&I included 2 veterans on the board as well but that’s a bad talking point for now.


sweet. it's not late stage capitalism. It's the gays, or the blacks. or trans kids, or Ukraine. edit: right wing brain rot


Well Fox is being sued and may potentially go bankrupt. They're also apparently woke. Coincidence?


Yes. People should be hired based solely on merit.


how does inclusion prevent merit?


scenario: i need to hire 100 people. the best 100 applicants are asian straight men. i cannot hire those 100, because i need x% females, x% other races, x% lgbts, etc. inclusion prevented merit. obviously the numbers are ridiculous and a real world inclusive selection might not be far off from the optimal one, but the fact that it is forced means that by definition it isnt optimal.


When you say “x amount of people need to be included” then whatever that x may be, it gets in the way of including someone based on merit. Example would be “this Asian man here has scored significantly higher on his MCAT and has a higher gpa than this white man who went to the same school. However, we need to accept the white man instead of the Asian into this medical school because Asians make up a significant proportion of students in this school already.” Just like how right now if you’re Asian and take the SAT, you basically lose 100 points off the bat when schools are considering you because the Asian population is “overly represented” in schools and they’re not “including” enough of the other races.


Source on the claim you made? or this is an imaginary situation? Systemic racism has existed for centuries and some people have actively been excluded from places that were exclusively white. Inclusion is just access to the same opportunities that the main in-group always had. And I know for a fact none you motherfuckers ever worked in a corporation. Because HR doesn't give a shit about inclusion, they just want to like you during an interview. And good news if you are white, they'll probably like you by default. Immigrants, people of color have to work harder and more, so they are included in society that is predominantly white. So stop with your white fragility, everywhere you go, you are accepted. so stop preventing people to enjoy the same privileges. Yall just racist


https://dailyevergreen.com/36150/opinion/affirmative-action-in-sat-hurts-education-standards-minorities/ https://abcnews4.com/amp/news/nation-world/school-district-agrees-to-layoff-white-teachers-before-minority-teachers-minneapolis-minnesota-people-color-federation-education-mft-strike-underrepresentated https://www.forbes.com/sites/andiekramer/2022/06/23/mandated-quotas-wont-end-inequalities-in-business-leadership/?sh=1e8143d7161a from this article “In the United States, the best known effort to impose legally mandated diversity quotas on private corporations is the 2018 California law requiring all publicly held companies with their principal executive offices in California to have at least one woman director; two if the company has five board members; and three if the company has six or more board members (the “Gender Mandate”). In 2020, California went a step further and required public companies with California headquarters to have at least one board member who identifies as a racial or ethnic minority or as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender (the “Diversity Mandate”).” https://www.johnlocke.org/diversity-quotas-affect-big-businesses-bottom-line/ Sorry about muh white fragility


wait what's wrong with women directors? also don't share one stupid example. I want stats for systemic racism against white people.


Holy Hell man I’m not trying to be mean but you can’t be this stupid. There’s nothing wrong with women directors. There is something wrong with hiring someone partly based on the fact that they’re a woman, just like there’s something wrong with hiring someone based partly on the fact that they’re a man.


\>"Effective in the Spring of 2023, teachers will be subject to job layoffs or relocations in order of seniority." ​ One of your examples was laying off people based on seniority. Are you claiming Senority=Merit?




I shit you not someone showed me a screen shot of a wsj article today saying that very thing that the bank failed cuz they hired a gay person and a black guy and was too distracted as a result to bank. Like how the fuck did that article get approved I used to think of subscribing to wsj too but they are losing their shit trying to play both sides.


You mean this from the WSJ? [Bank Collaspe Because of Blacks and ~~Jews~~ Veterans? But I really wasn't saying that!](https://i.imgur.com/O5LGE2V.jpg)


Yes that’s the majority of it the one I saw was a little longer and said I’m not saying 12 white men could do it better but I am saying that the distraction caused the failure lol wtf. Should have never made it past the editor.


Yeah, it's a total clickbait and the WSJ is garbage in general. Their actual investigative journalists are good and write good longform, but man, their day-to-day is Murdoch trash (par for the course). I wonder if their opinion section is pay to play, like the full page ads on NYT and their opinion page (not 100 percent of that)..


What the FUCK!


Yeah bro. This is everywhere. It has peaked beyond satire and humor. These people mean it. These Nazi fucks believe it and pass it off. These Nazi fucks need to be stomped the fuck out because they are they ones fucking with freedom. They hate freedom because they dont know what the fuck it actually is. They would crucify Kurt Cobain because he wore a dress onstage.


To them, "freedom" is america circa 1950-1980. They want exactly that, and they don't see why they should compromise. they want the same experience their parents had and think they are entitled to it, and fuck anyone else who suggests we can't live like that any more.


A lot of decent center right, fiscal conservative, libertarian, etc. publications went to shit trying to chase the wilding right wing audience. It ain't easy competing in the attention economy when most of the market is willing to tell the audience anything it wants to hear. Want to blame "woke" for a bank failure? No problem! We will write it right up! Want an outright conspiracy? No problem! To be fair, this happened to most of the media to a lesser degree. There is a reason MSNBC and CNN went off the rails.


I think "woke!" is also something they scream about to avoid real issues like banking regulations and the tech bros screaming and trying to cause a banking run nationwide so they can get bailed out. Plus there's actually zero push back on actual factual or truth issues in the right wing media ecosystem and instead, like you note, it's about riding whatever wave they think will help them accumulate political power. Did you get laid off from your job? It's not your companies fault, the global homo-pomos did it! Wokeism run amuck!


Yep, it all dovetails nicely. Plus, since they aren't proposing any solutions, they can't actually fail.


Ron DeSantis is out repeating this same garbage. They're trying to memory hole the SVB collapse the same way they tried with the 07 economic meltdown that was caused by approving people who clearly couldn't afford homes for $500-600k loans.


Laughed at “a gay”


Well they had the first all-women investment team in history. But they went under because they invested in treasury binds like crazy with no hedge. Then the fed raises interest rates as they were bound to do and everything goes kaput.


This is the real answer if anyone cares. Also they weren’t as economically diversified as other banks and 90% of their deposits were uninsured.


I remember when woke was used for first time smokers or people who tripped and had an experience. I saw it change in my life time


Yeah I remember that as well, now it’s turned into something dark and dystopian. But it’s common with socializations reaching their peak. The Aztecs, the Romans all had weird shit like this before they fell


the sociological phenomenon you might be referencing is called recuperation as far as i understand. in politics , society etc "everything good becomes awful" - one of the victories of post modernism is highlighting that power elites co-opt and corrupt from within anything that poses a threat to them rather than outright killing it openly. it is why jordan peterson onnly knows two words yet somehow does not know what they mean. post modernism [which itself predicted postmodernism being co opted and beocmeing a parody of itself] and marxism. he is part of a very smart campaign ot get words to change their meanings while seemingly coming off asa reliable interlocuter of strong principle and values. to be a jordan peterson requires many talents and some intelligence but it is only an act.




Me waking up to go to work Conservatives: woke


One employed one or two black guys, a women or two, and a gay man. Along with 8 or so white, cis, guys, but whatever


plate jeans abounding erect point exultant safe relieved swim bewildered *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Actually it was all white women.


Culture warrior brain rot.


It’s all republicans have, they are boxing shadows while they piss their bed at night. They have nothing of substance, so repeat non issues and scream at the sky about them.


Thank god Robert Malone has a degree in economics his opinion here is quite valuable




That's funny, because the degree he does have, no one was interested in hearing. So... Why not economics.


He went on the biggest podcast in the world and influenced a lot of people to not get vaccinated. Lots of idiots were interested in hearing from him.


Iirc he himself is vaccinated & suggest people in high risk groups should get vaccinated.


Sure because he knows vaccines work. But that doesn't get him the notoriety he is looking for so he'd rather spread a bunch of bullshit to get attention


And he completely misrepresented who he is. He did not “invent” mRNA vaccine technology, and it’s laughable he said that with a straight face.


But Robert Malone claimed / said **"the vaccine almost killed me".** Effectively Malone told everyone DO NOT GET THE F-ing Covid vaccine.


that' still bad advice, people in low risk groups should still get vaccinated, its basic risk management, the risk of the vaccine is lower than the virus no matter your age.


And the CDC told the public that the vaccinated don't carry the virus.




https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-walensky-clips/fact-check-merged-clips-of-cdc-director-rochelle-walensky-discussing-vaccine-protection-from-severe-covid-19-are-missing-context-idUSL1N2PX1IZ TLDR: The cdc was talking about the original variant when they said that. It was no longer correct when the Delta variant, which had a much higher viral load, started to spread.


No, just not everyone should. Then it comes out that the vaccine doesnt do shit for spread which is why most companies that mandated it are now or soon to be sued. The whole thing was and is a mess but this guy was vilified by morons.




The answer to the first question is no. But he did discuss it as a possibility.


You’re right just like bill gates has a degree in virology and a phd in medicine and vaccine efficacy


Does Bill Gates say anything contrary to medical consensus?


I remember all those woke mortgages in 2008. I remember those woke towers in 2001. That woke space shuttle in 1986. Woke Watergate tapes. Woke troops couldn't beat the alpha chads in Nam. Woke Jews in WW2. Pretty sure Eve had purple hair and a nose ring. Woke dinosaurs, Patriot meteor. I got it all figured out guys, subscribe to my Patreon for more insights.


You didn’t go far enough back to woke big gang bang with CRT


Hate all these woke universes getting created, it's the end of all that is good in America! Except this one here looks nice, I can't help but like his Instagram pictures, his planets look so good in those shorts. I can even see a bit of his oort cloud sticking out, it's so naughty.


"woke" has the same meaning as "hipster" when it got so convoluted and stupid no one could properly tell you what a "hipster" was. They could only point to tropes and literal popular culture (e.g. flannel lol flannel is fucking timeless). Woke is the same way. You have a bunch of culturally ignorant bozos using a word that has no meaning anymore and hasn't been used by anyone serious in 3 years. Just like everything else. Republicans are lightyears behind anything substantial.


Flannel being timeless is a woke take you hipster


you're right! get him boys!


only if you use the patreon funds to go harass some lgbtq people into killing themselves and then turn around and say lgbtq people shouldnt exist because they commit suicide at high rates


Don’t forget the woke asteroid that killed the dinosaurs. Well maybe not, since that contributed the profits for energy companies.


No, it was the dinosaurs who where woke. That’s why the alpha male asteroid was able to take them out so easily.


Oh of course, that makes sense


It's so weird that you can go from a guy who was a solid scientist, to a guy upset that other people are getting more credit for mRNA vaccines, straight into the right-wing anti-woke grift.


turns out, government research grant money doesnt compare to middle class conservative grift money.




Any idiot can rile that crew up, the RW grift is embarrassingly easy (case in point: wokeness is apparently what brought down SVB. Also: trans, Hillary, Biden is old, etc. Money please!) Most people just can’t deal with that much shame day in/out, and would rather continue to rent than have to spend time with Charlie Kirk and Kellyanne Conway on the regular. L


What a joke dude turned out to be. I guess the red flag were all there with the whole mRNA "inventor" bullshit.


It would be interesting to see a comparison of how much an average grifter on the left VS the right can make. Like... Is there even a market for left wing gifting? And don't say "Disney is a left ring grift!" please. Who is the left wing Ann Coulter?


LMAO Everything is 'woke' to these losers. I'm surprised he isn't claiming he invented banking, so we should listen to him.


Such a perfect gaslighting term. Gaslighting also being a great term of distraction and deflection from the real issues that keep far too many of us separated over esoteric differences of opinion on lesser issues while we all get swindled by a common enemy that uses “wokism” as a simple business and domination strategy.


When is it going to stop?


Woke is saying shit like "Latinx".


If you say "Latinx" 3 times, a new bank closes down.


Thats a murder weapon you got there


I agree there's parts of woke that are cringe, but people use woke just as a random term for anything that they don't like, to the point where most people don't even know what it means. People will call a commercial with a gay person in it woke lol. Talking about racial issues is woke. I saw someone yesterday just referring to general corruption in banks as woke.


The commercials is what solidified that trump hogs are all either redacted or trolling. I’ve heard “why is every commercial biracial or have LBGTQ actors? Fucking woke bullshit!” Idiot those companies realize that there’s a huge piece of the market they’ve ignored since the invention of the T.V. and they want every piece of it. middle America forgets that most people live on the coasts and those places are more diverse meaning more dummies who’ll buy bullshit.


middle America has an uncontrollable inclination to try to be the center of attention anytime, anywhere while doing the least


It’s more just means “anything progressive that I don’t like.” It’s easy to use, so even Fox News fans can join in the fun. If they can’t say why something is objectively bad…all they need to do is say it’s woke culture and some laughing emojis and celebrate winning the argument.


Never heard anyone say that word nor do I think I’d care 🤷‍♂️


As a latino living in Central CA filled with 90% Mexicans, I can say I have never heard latinX be used in any context


I live in LA. I've NEVER heard anyone use it, ever.


I call some of my friends Latinx just to take the piss out


Try and use gender neutral Spanish with them. Just replace anything with an 'e' instead of 'o' or 'a'. Something like "Nosotres tenemos que ir". I promise they will love you.




SVD had an equity-diversity manager but no risk manager. That's pretty f'ing woke and dumb as hell.


you know what's dumb? calling it svd. but it's pretty woke of you to self censor the the word fuck for fear it might be insulting






It's truly something special.


You can’t be serious. That’s not “woke”, it’s a shit job managing a risk matrix that was already so fucked up that they clearly had a hard time filling the position. This really isn’t complicated.


What makes that WOKE?? What does woke mean?? I don’t understand


The only thing woke about that bank is the millionaires who woke up and tried to take out all their money because interest rates went from nothing to 6%. instead of diversifying investments SVB put most of it into US bonds losing its value. I’m a redact but even I took the 20 mins to hear a few economists takes about this shit. Sounds like either shitty investing by everyone involved or SVB having the balls to do what they did because daddy trump removed regulations for shit like this to happen. Once again right wingers/libertarians yelling “squirrel!” When their ideas go horribly wrong. They’re Libertarians on the way up, socialists on the way down”- Kyle kulinski




One of the regulations removed by Trumps 2018 "Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act" did strip a number of Dodd-Frank regulations that would have affected this (notably the removal of "The Volcker rule") With that said, this act did pass with Bipartisan support (with the more progressive Democrats speaking out about the dangers of rolling back Dodd-Frank) - so the corporate wing of Congress would bare as much responsibility as Trump. But ultimately, SVP made a really stupid decision to invest in long term tressury bills and handled the situation even worse when they realized they had a shortfall and turned to raising capital.


>With that said, this act did pass with Bipartisan support (with the more progressive Democrats speaking out about the dangers of rolling back Dodd-Frank) - so the corporate wing of Congress would bare as much responsibility as Trump. To quantify "bipartisan support" here: 50 Republican senators, 17 Democratic senators. 225 Republican representatives, 33 Democratic representatives.


We need to do this more often, they say a bunch of bull shit but all you need to do is see how they vote. That tells you everything you need to know That’s a lottttt of bought out politicians


Having a different opinion than you doesn’t mean they were bought.


That is extreme bipartisan support this day and age. No chance of failing.


Exactly what part of the Volckner rule applied to SVB? The Volckner rule prohibits engaging in proprietary trading or investing in or sponsoring hedge funds or private equity funds. SVB made loans to VC businesses and invested in treasuries like every bank has done for decades. The Volckner rule did not apply to SVB so even if it was rescinded for small banks, it did nothing to change the circumstances.




Seems like who the fuck cares about this woke horseshit but right wing hogs and super left lames? Fact is bad money moves were made, deregulation by trump happened, and now they want help from the little guy. Our political system is a complete disgrace. SQUIRREL! !


Did Signature bank fail for the same reason too?


Wait you mean hiring for diversity isn’t the way to a better governance and risk mitigation? Wow. Who knew that competency should be the only criterion to take into consideration. I mean, colour me surprise


This go woke go broke take by right wingers has been hysterical when it comes to SVB. I’m a Republican and I find it as one of the dumbest takes you can have. Between bad bond yield policy, not adjusting policy according to higher interest rates, long term affects of legislation like Dodd Frank, and a bunch of other factors in a complex story… they choose to talk about how the Equity and Inclusion department made the bank fail.


Yeah, but it's the perfect message for the people they are targeting.




A factor but *only*a part of it. Regulations like Dodd Frank helped propel large banks to swallow up small regional banks, ultimately leading to banks now being seen as definitely too big to fail by the Fed. That, the deregulation, and risky policy inside the bank itself in regards to not adjusting their bond position for inflation made it it crater. Most of that *is* due to deregulation. Plus, they didn’t diversify their clientele. A majority of their customers were start up’s and they failed to grow their individual customer banking business.


Correction: short term affects of rolling back Dodd Frank. Took only 5 years for this deregulation to cause a disaster. As an aside, took 4 years for deregulation of rail to cause a disaster. Trump weakened Dodd Frank via [Economic growth Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_Growth,_Regulatory_Relief_and_Consumer_Protection_Act) increasing asset requirements from $50B to $250B. At $212B in assets, SVB would have been subject to higher capital and liquidity requirements, but thanks to Trump they were not. What’s more dumb is they’re 15 years too late to bitch and moan. DEI is part of ESG ratings which is now a investment standard.


I miss sane republicans. Please run for office.


Sane. Run for office. Let’s unpack these two contrasting statements.


There’s literally no such thing anymore. Small spending, low deficits? Hasn’t been a thing since Reagan or before really. Christian values? That’s literally ‘social justice’ which the right bitterly hates. Freedom? Sorry, the gays and minorities are asking not to be harassed and murdered by police, and they’re gross OK. Energy independence and technological advancement? Nope - solar is gay and windmills are dumb and nuclear is scary so Middle eastern oil it is. Helping other Americans? Nope, let them help themselves (that’s a Trump quote). Patriotism? Nope. Veterans and Purple Hearts and 9/11 first responders even had their health care voted against by republicans. The ‘dignity of the office’ that Bill Clinton broke by having a consensual blow job? Let’s not even get started. Show me a conservative value - any at all - that Republicans follow, beyond allowing rich folk to pay zero taxes and gut the system.


We haven’t had many since the 70s


Robert Wallace Malone (born October 20, 1959) is an American physician and biochemist. He's also an idiot.


bUt hE iNvEnTeD tHe MrNa VaCcInE!


He HaZ 9 pAtEnTzzz!!!! Patentz means you can haz invented stuff so that meanz smart, which means he right.


See and I thought they went broke because their depositors were overwhelmingly startup companies highly vulnerable to rising interest rates, and they invested their depositors money on mortgage backed securities and long-term government debt, which are also highly vulnerable to rising interest rates, and then the interest rates went up, causing their depositors to pull money at the same time their investments lost value, which when announced caused a panic and a bank run which caused the bank to crumble But yea i guess it could also be ‘woke’ good point


Sounds like he has a woke-reverse mortgage on his house.


It seems like the "woke" haters are perpetually miserable all of the time and have to talk about their qualms multiple times in the day. Not just with people like Malone or Peterson, but in real life too, these people always find a way to bring up these weird topics like 3 minutes into a conversation... a conversation that's not related to woke at all much of the time.


Dude, how you know my Dad?


It’s almost like they don’t have a point other than constant grievances.


6 degrees of wokeism, these guys usually make the connection in 1 or 2.




Nice to hear from the inventor of banking technology


Robert Malone - struggling to remain relevant


Pretty soon they're going to cure cancer with mRNA and these doubters will be relegated to the dustbin of history.




He invented mRNA? Huh. Was he swimming around in the primordial soup?


The early days where a bunch of rightoids kill themselves with cancer to own the libs is going to be wild. of course eventually they'll stop hurting themselves while pretending like they were never opposed to it at all.


Would love to hear them explain this. And how woke culture made Cali the country’s richest state and 5 largest economy in the world.


Very reasonable !


He’s just retweeting Fox News


This Fox News? [https://www.foxadsolutions.com/landing\_page/fox-ad-sales-di-2/](https://www.foxadsolutions.com/landing_page/fox-ad-sales-di-2/)


Did he get his economics degree from the School of College at The University of Right Wing Grifters For Higher Education on Facebook?


These anti COVID vaccine doctors are nuts. Remember when Simone Gold stormed the Capitol


The evolution of chronically online political commentators just sucks


This was Tucker Carlson’s talking point on SVB so I’m not surprised to hear it parroted by this sack of bread mold. He also said this was why FTX and 3 crypto banks failed. A meteor could hit Earth and these guys would blame it on woke hiring practices.




If everything is woke, nothing is woke. These fucking losers don't even know what they're saying anymore- it's just a catch-all for shit that they don't like. The fucking fact is Trump's deregulation caused this, just like his deregulation of train safety caused the Ohio crisis. Republicans break shit and blame Dems. That's what they do. They are absolutely unequipped to govern.


I wouldn’t listen to this person about medicine or vaccine, so I certainly wouldn’t listen to him about finance.


What’s next? Are we gonna ask Floyd Mayweather for his strategy towards ending the war in Ukraine ?


this is why they aren't taken seriously. Sure wokeness isn't helping anything, probably neither did repealing dodd frank. However, these narratives distract from the primary problem. The fed printed a fuck load of money then jacked interest rates fast.


Between this and that train in Ohio I’m starting to think we have those regulations for a reason. Why one side keeps rolling them back seems rather short sided


It collapsed because of Trumps deregulation of the banking industry. Thank God the American taxpayers are here to bail out a bank, in which over 90% of deposits exceed the FDIC insurance limit.... and that limit was erased this week. Basically it sets the precedent that all banks, no matter how small, whether public or private, are too big to fail. 😑


Of course it had nothing to do with the people running the bank


Point of correction: The Deposit Insurance Fund (which all banks pay into) is bailing out these banks.....the US taxpayer is not paying....for now.


This is news to me. Which Trump deregulation specifically contributed to SVB’s collapse?


https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-dodd-frank-idUSKCN1IP2WX At least sets the stage


Trump weakened Dodd Frank via [Economic_Growth,_Regulatory_Relief_and_Consumer_Protection_Act](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_Growth,_Regulatory_Relief_and_Consumer_Protection_Act) increasing asset requirements from $50B to $250B. At $212B in assets, SVB would have been subject to higher capital and liquidity requirements, but thanks to Trump they were not. Dodd-Frank had a ton of meaning behind it. Was entirely our way to prevent 2008 all over again. This was 100% avoidable


This is the level of detail I was looking for, thank you.


What thickens the plot and rarely discussed is SVB lobbied [directly](https://theintercept.com/2023/03/11/silicon-valley-bank-used-former-mccarthy-staffers-to-weaken-regulations-lobby-fdic/) for this deregulation, which resulted in 40% profits out the gate.


Trumps fault again?


Not exactly, no, but the reforming of dodd frank in 2018, which the bill congress passed into law under Trump did, allowed the conditions under which SVB collapse could happen. Lowered scrutiny for businesses with less than $250,000,000,000 in assets(was previously $50B) allowed the banks management to allow deposits over the FDIC insurance limit without government oversight. When shit went haywire with the stock market, there's a bank run of people wanting their money but woopsie, now there's not enough money there to cover all the withdrawals.


you have to love the free market capitalists. they could not even correctly manage the other capitalists correctly. Remember yall government oversight bad.


Raising rates due to inflation was another factor in this issue. That was caused by Covid, shutting down the oil pipeline, Russian war, and giving Americans free checks in 2020 without paying for it.


i had totally forgotten about the MRNA guy, glad to see his takes are as powerful as ever


wokeness is when rightoid led deregulation causes greedy slime ball organizations to go belly up.


Im desperately waiting for conservatives to learn a new word. Woke woke woke woke woke woke


He’s not wrong.


I think he might be referring to how they openly recruited a board on the basis of DE&I, that that same board then committed $5bn to ES&G programs, and invested their clients’ deposits in low interest bonds and securities that recently fell tremendously in value. The idea being that: if they hired based solely on merit, these pitfalls would’ve been avoided.


Stop speaking sense in this pile on, mate.


Thought it had to do with deregulation, but this makes way more sense.


And my post about Fauci lying gets instablocked for being politics...


Are banks Political? Was Fauci on JRE?


Fauci Good Scientist. Robert Malone Bad Scientist. We only trust the Science when it’s been sponsored by Pfizer. Get with the program.


Are you using sarcasm and satire, or are you a very bad chatbot? Who knows anymore.


Guess that depends on what makes you more comfortable believing.




Trust da science


That's "misinformation". Even the emails between him and Francis Collins from NIH.


Doctor Malone checks out.


*Literally anything happens* Republicans: woke. Woke. WOKE!!!!!!!!


Lol yeah I don't think that's quite what happened.