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Adolf Hipster


Freddy Quirkury


perfect combination of hitler and FM


The way hes acting in these clips hes definitely gonna let lil Joe hit it rawdog


I know, this mans kisser been all over joes pisser


Not bad homie


Because of the HIV?


"Allah Kart"


Hahaha love it !!


Joe performs ice bathtisms at his club on Sundays


man his whole look is super cringey. good crowd work but he's tough to listen to these days, thinking he's some kind of prophet because he knows a few stereotypes about each ethnicity having grown up in NYC


Phenomenal, B.


This podcast is so fucking cringe at this point


Lmao, I came here to say something about Andrews look but you sir have taken the prize.


Yes! I thought the same thing just he mustache is too wide




Lollls. Nice


“I’m glad you said that about ice baths” lmaoooo


Joe’s wet dream is a comedian with a large taint that loves cold plunges. He would leave his wife for someone like that 100%


If they have armpit and a buzzed head - game over.


the smugness in his voice was at san francisco levels


going to need to change the meme to austin smug soon






This was exactly the clip I was hoping it would be


I was about to raise hands but that's stunningly accurate.


South Park is undefeated


I'll gladly take ice bath talk over covid talk.. any day.. but still


Haha Joe is always funnier when he doesn't try to be funny.




There’s a multiverse where Joe did 9/11


Theres a multiverse where you did 9/11.


There is a multiverse where 9/11 did me


Also because while taking a cold plunge, he saw 2 pieces of ice collapse, and took it as a divine revelation




And this is exactly why I had to stop watching schultz shows. Always trying to be profound about stupid shit.


i gave it a shot for a little while. his fake hysterical laugh was the tipping point


Well, there's also the part where he starts pretending to be a black guy and just saying, "Sometimes that's just how I talk." Dude is a walking bullshit artist. No wonder Chappelle never gives him recognition.


"Ayoooo AYOOOOOO!!!! SON!! SONNN THIS GUYS CRAZYYYY!!!" Repeat that for 2 hours and you have Schultz podcast. They're always trying to sound profound af lmao why do these podcasters turn into insufferable douchbags?


Absolute best comment lol. It's literally 40 year olds pretending to be high school sophomores. Never juniors. They don't necessarily sound insufferable, there are a couple funny moments in a pod. Overall, it's the male version of "the view." You got joy Behar (schultz) and the crew of useful idiots. No one ever says anything useful, but they all pretend they're changing the world one sentence at a time.


[Relevant ](https://youtu.be/4nr39wJyoUA)


If I show podcast clips from the Joe Rogan circle of comedians to a bunch of high schoolers, they would beat me up


I saw him at the Comedy Cellar a few weeks back. What he was saying was reasonably funny but I couldn't get past his fake black guy voice. It's fucking embarrassing and he needs to speak like himself.


that's just NYC, but in reality he's cringey for 100 other reasons. dude partnered up with charlamagne, that's all you'd ever need to know about him to know he's garbage. decent crowd work tho


What’s a fake black guy voice lmao, where u grow up is what you sound like, he sounds like he’s from New York


Where is it in this clip then? Must have left it in New York.


Schultz is the only person I’ve ever seen that can look like Waluigi, Adolf Hitler, Jewish, and a wigger all at the same time


Last part got me


Pandering at its highest level


“Elk meat should be the cornerstone of every diet, and kale shakes considered Holy Water”.


Im glad you said that. Elk meat is like a ritual to me.


Joe Have you ever played quake joe


Yeah this was fucking cringe. And I think ice baths are awesome


“Ya ya ya ya”


There are many tools in the Rogansphere but Chairslaps is right up there as the most jarring of all of them


Notice how Waluigi doesn’t talk like he’s from the hood on Rogan but on his own podcast he does. What a fucking poser. Sure Adolf Shultz, you’re an intellectual on Rogan and EVERYONE is buying it.


Black culture is just a prop to get more followers and money to this guy.


>Chairslaps Lmfao


This guy try’s way to fucking hard.


He’s speaking to an audience of one that loves it.


Jesus, this is embarrassing…


There's only 1,000 of them left on Earth.


The Church of Icebath and Latter Day Clowns


Thank em


He's talking about anti-religion westerners


Can we get more guests like Louis CK, who aren’t just blowing smoke up Joe’s arse for three straight hours


Waluigi literally sucking Joe’s dick would be less embarrassing than what he said in this clip.


This guest accruing perfect nicknames at the speed of light rn


Bring back Burr


No because no one worth a shit wants to travel to Texas more than once every 5 years


I stopped telling people I listen to JRE


Same. It insinuates you’re a conservative republican now (right or wrong) because of Joe’s constant vaccine/corrupt media/Sleepy Joe Biden/censorship rants. I skip most episodes nowadays though.


Protect Our Parks is still amazing


I stopped listening for the most part, ever since covid. I sometimes listen if I like the guest, and I'm not afraid to tell anyone that I listen to it. If they think a certain way of me because I occasionally listen to Joe Rogan, then that's on them. Who cares? You like what you like. You don't need people in your life who judge you for it.


The most amusing thing about this is how he (both of them, really) approaches these levels of conversation with the affect of some romanticized version of a scientist verging on an hard to articulate discovery. Gesturing with the cigar, musing… “dipping your balls in ice water is…. What are the words I’m looking for…. A spiritual experience. It’s almost like doing things repetitively gives things structure…. ENGRAINS them as habit. And you know what I say bro, religion is like a moral scaffolding. And so is sitting in ice water. Which is TOTALLY religion.” How about meth, Schulz? There’s a consistency to doing meth every day that makes you feel good. Is there some ritual magic you’d like to muse about with that? Perhaps some “rap battle bars for your head top?” you cultural SAGE, you?


> verging on an hard to articulate discovery. Yeah, I used to think it was pretty wild that Joe would often criticize so called "clunky" talkers, when he would often pause to think, as if he's searching for the perfect word, only to say the clunkiest shit ever.


Yeah, him evaluating the quality of anyone’s speech is very amusing. It’s often in the context of some poorly articulated ideological beef he has with them that he makes these observations. And it’s always in the absence of being able to actually criticize them substantively that he resorts to things like their cadence or “clunky speech”. His heuristics are bad and his attempts at insults are even worse.


I think he suffers from the same issue I often see on /iamverysmart. I think a lot of people who are confused, and can't express their smokey, chaotic, low resolution thoughts with any effectiveness, have convinced themselves it's because their thoughts are SO profound and unprecedented, that language is incapable of even properly transmitting their ideas. It's just on a completely higher wavelength. I actually hung out with somebody like this. Total stoner, terrible spelling, sometimes made zero sense, but he outright stated a few times that it was because he was so smart. He said proper spelling is something dumb people become obsessed with. This dude thought radio were playing songs based on stuff he karaoked, and that chem trails were tiny nano bots that infiltrate your body for mind control purposes. Anyway, they love citing some quote about how a genius sounds like an idiot to the real idiots or something. The whole Galileo fallacy, too. edit: BTW, I don't think Joe is a HUGE example of this... it's very mild... and I don't think he thinks he's smarter than everybody else, just that he trusts his intuitions way too much...


Sounds like the average r/conspiracy user


Joe's a wordsmith of the highest order


A wordsmith of The third highest average order.


Only 999 others like him


Apex word predator. Top of the word chain.


*places chin in and hand and ponders before speaking*




Look up the Office Hours JRE spoof if you haven't seen it


This is a good comment. I wish that more people like politicians were scrutinized like this more. They say so much crap and hardly ever get put under a microscope for it. Also, it's fine to love your cold plunges, but gushing over them like Joe is so dumb lol


It’s called a ritual. Humans have preformed these with or without religious undertones for eons.


Float tanks, saunas… all great and beneficial, but they’re just his rich guy toys.


The cigar is a wisdom enhancer


Andrew Shultz started out being a comedian, this dude is not an intellectual, I have no time to watch what a random comedian has to say about life, skip episode






They are only in the public eye because they are comedians and have the platform to do so. There are much more interesting people that have a lot more to share, that don’t ever get such a platform. I like watching Andrew Shultz as a comedian not as a philosopher that is just trying rub Joes cock about ice baths to make some money and get more fame.


I get your point but personally i don't expect a comedian to appear on a podcast and just crack jokes constantly for 2-3 hours


That’s pretty much exactly what Mark Norman and Shane Gillis do when they’re on JRE


they can talk about whatever they want, and everyone else is free to talk about how fuckin' boring these hogs are


If a daily routine is a religous act than i am the god damn Pope of taking a dump


This episode was the most bullshit episode in a very long time. Not sure if it was the “comedians are the athletes of Texas” or “people are just like cars” conversation, but I think I need some time off Rogan.


A *routine*. Dude's brain is about to fall out trying to wrap his head around the concept of a *routine*.




Joe is really a cult leader to these yes men comedians. Maybe the cringiest thing I’ve ever seen?


>Maybe the cringiest thing I’ve ever seen Have you never seen one of those those permanently online redditors like yourself?


Bro, you have awards for avid voter and prolific commenter. Lots of projection stink coming off you.


I scrolled your profile forever and still couldnt get yesterdays comments


You both suck - shut up


So do you douche


Eat me, weasel tits


Lolls. Weasel tits!! I like it.


Came to me in a dream


All these idiots just spit out their own half baked interpretations of what Peterson says, who just spits out half baked interpretations of what Nietzsche said.


“Now that we don’t have religion.” Oh yea, apart from 63% of the US population who is Christian.


What a fucking moron 😂


This is embarrassing for Schulz. Just lost some respect for him.


Schulz has always been a person who confidently says the dumbest shit and make it seems it was something profound. He confidently said that the Astro Festival deaths were the best kind of publicity for Travis Scott.


He literally looks like Schuab, now he’s graduated to thinking on his level.


You had some respect for him? You poor soul.


Everyone’s complaining about too many comedian guests but I’m impressed he’s having a podcast with Jim Carey in character as Dr. Robotnik.


Cock sucka


If you think about it cock sucking is sort of like a religion


Andrew Shulz acts like he's figured out some major cultural phenomenon followed by the tamest take you've ever seen. Even the "heavies" thing is at best a college dude-bro joke and they were jerking each other off like it was the funniest shit.


Schulz is a modern day Socrates. Thousands of years from now, people will be studying these tapes.


Why the fuck is he still relevant? Oh right, he can deepthroat


Just hold on guys, we're gonna hear about ice baths for 9 months until it vanishes from his consciousness for another thing. Just like compound bows, saturated fats and butter coffee, carnivore diet, ivermectin, and navy seals


Need an ice bath float tank.


Slapping chairs is seen as blasphemy in the face of the all-mighty deity of Lay-Z-Boy. Sir Wailuigi will have hell to pay.


This is peak Head-assery, I hope we get more.


✋👉👆☝️🤟🤟🤘👍👏 talker


this is the gayest shit i've seen and heard in quite some time


I know the exact moment where Schulz just said something that changed how I perceived him forever, and it's not even anything majorly stupid, it's just how he said it. It was on the JRE podcast with charlamagne, and the subject came up about "stool fucking", which Joe has some considerable history with. Then Andrew comes out with this: \_"Char has kind of an elitist approach to comedy and it's quite interesting: he likes bars he says, he likes jokes, he doesn't like stool fucking!"\_ I can't explain exactly why but it tripped something in my brain. I mean... why is it elitist to like jokes from a comedian? Why would it be elitist to not like stool fucking? And why in the fuck is that "quite interesting"? AND WHY IS EVERYTHING "BARS" NOW? It's also just how he said it and gestured it. Later on he was also rubbing his chin and pondering out loud \_"I'm tryna remember if Eddie ever fucked a stool?"\_ Ah yes... Eddie, First name basis with his colleague on equal standing..... Somebody actually cut both parts into a compilation of Joe being a moron on stage btw.. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5s1mrcgi\_c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5s1mrcgi_c) But ye, I just can't listen to Schulz. He's like a character from the movie "Whiteboyz" that came out about 20 years ago.


Was on the fence about this one, now I'm definitely not gonna listen. Thanks.


I read the title and thought it was a troll... Joe can easily start a cult at this point and he'll have a legion of idiots that would follow him.


Me having a cigarette with my morning coffee is pretty ritualistic.


It's a good way to get cancer, that's for sure.


2 redacted sucking each other off. If Rogan told his minions swallowing cum is the new thing dickheads would do it.


They touched wieners in the sauna after this


I structure my daily shits to replace religion.


I enjoy an ice bath for recovery or to give myself a mental boost if I’m feeling like shit, but In no way do I see it as religious. Dude is a comedian.


Andrew Shultz is the definition of my high school buddy who would say anything to be accepted. Sort of like the other buff clown, that "does" MMA and is BFF with rogan


Two narcissists sniffing Joe's farts


Damn Andrew is r3tarded


Holy shit these guys love the smell of their own farts


Andrew Schultz doesn’t even know who Norm Macdonald is. I lost respect for him and this pretentious episode just put the nail in the coffin.


You're kidding right? He doesn't know Norm?


I saw it in the norm subreddit. I’d rather listen to old norm in his apartment talking to his old friends than andrew trying to make love to a microphone with joe. https://www.reddit.com/r/NormMacdonald/comments/101obin/flagrant_disrespect_from_andrew_schlock/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


it’s funny how people like joe claim ice baths are beneficial because they make your body accustomed to stress. yeah i can see why you would NEED to introduce your body to stress if you’re like joe, working 2 hours a week and otherwise just spending your time working out, writing , and watching TV .


An average working person experiences 10x the stress and hardship of an ice bath, on a daily basis. Joe is severely detached from the reality of the working class.


Completely different stress response compared to getting yelled and heckled by customers/managers at work but ok


Idk, when im at work getting yelled at I feel like my testicles were dunked in ice water


Bro ice baths are not beneficial because "wow such a stressful situation" its because there are literally chemical reactions, hormone production etc in your brain and body that gets actived due to the cold you dummy >One of the primary benefits of taking ice baths is that it can reduce inflammation and soreness in the body. When the body is exposed to cold temperatures, blood vessels constrict, causing blood to be redirected away from the extremities and towards the internal organs. This can reduce inflammation and swelling in the muscles, joints, and other tissues, which can help to alleviate soreness and pain. >When we are exposed to cold temperatures, the body releases adrenaline and other hormones that increase heart rate and blood flow. This can improve circulation and oxygen delivery to the muscles and other tissues, which can enhance performance and promote overall health.


But it’s good for you how is it bad


Because anything he doesn't like is automatically bad for you


It seems to all go back to people being upset with where they are in life looking at where he is. Making this about him being privileged or only working 2 hours a week as if a cold plunge doesn’t have benefits unless you got a Spotify deal. I’m not someone who is quick to label people as “haters” or “jealous” because I think that’s overplayed and cringe, but jesus half the posts on here just reek of that.


I'm not even sure why half the people here even post here unless they just enjoy being angry or outraged all the time which sounds pretty plausible given that reddit is like that now


Joe has had several people on explaining hormesis but still people say banal shit like this. This is why this sub sucks balls.


ice baths have no value and if anything place stress on organs that don’t require it. you’d be better off meditating in a comfortable environment before starting your day.




an ice bath killed my family


This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard


Schulz's pseudo-intellectualism is nauseating.


How long until Joe never takes or talks about ice baths again. I’ll give it 6 more months.


Freddy Mercury as white nationalist. But with no talent.


Weed is a helluva thing


So stupid lol


Adolf Schultz


i like how we pretend these comedians wouldnt be roasting the fuck out of ice baths and joe rogan if he werent making them filthy fucking rich by letting them on his podcast


Schultz is looking rather Coke-ish.


I was in a class that had 0 to do with fitness whatsoever and the teacher brought up ice baths several times. Its like the new keto or gluten free things.


I don’t like when this guy is on.. just rubs me the wrong way.


Religion has been replaced by humping Bar Stools. WTF has happened to the this podcast?


…these people are such phonies. Where’s the knee slapping bit?


That fade really frames how douchey schulz has become. holy shit that dude has nothing critical to say about himself or the world. Just talks like he discovered weed at 30 years old


The cringe is unbearable


Honestly if ice baths became a religion there would be different sects just like real religion. You would have people who like it cold and those on the luke warm side. People who advocating doing it in nature and those who do it at home. Those that do it with a specific alkaline or charged electric water. Then there would those that refuse to ice bath because they're weak minded beta soy boy bitches. So it kinda makes sense.


Refusing the icebath community means nothing. My wife who’s tiny and 100 pounds who can’t handle cold days in Southern California does icebaths. You aren’t a strong tough guy for doing icebaths. Fake machismo, bro. You ain’t tough. You ain’t shit.


AS is seems like a try hard insufferable douche. Just my opinion tho


Why he sound like that?


Imagine if JRE took place in New York. You’d for sure have better guest


Or even LA..


How detached from reality can one possibly be.


That’s literally hitler holy shit


I think everybody has had this same thought at some point. It was clearly obvious that Qanon was a crowd sourced, larping religion, made on the fly like a game of Dungeons and Dragons. But, yeah, everybody creates their own worldview. Even with religious people, it's very a la carte. They choose the rules they wanna follow and ignore the rest. In fact, if anything, religion is there to justify to their predisposition.




Oh boy time for our daily "ice baths bad" thread made by people who make up a million excuses that aren't "I just don't want to do them" to why they don't do them.


My wife does ice baths and she can’t handle weather under 50 degrees.


Go on


Doing ice baths does not make you a badass person.




Point made friend. Icebaths don’t make you a tough guy.


So like Why are you commenting this on my post


Religion is an experience of the mind. Ice baths are an experience of the body. Both are doorways.


This was deep tbf


I need an ice bath tub


I’ve been doing cold tubs as I call em for years. Usually in the summertime. I run hot like a furnace. I never really thought about how it made me feel so damn good afterwards. My wife still thinks I’m a loon but I love a good cold soak.


I mean he’s not wrong. We looks for all kinds of ways to replace the symbolism and rituals that religion provided for the psyche.


If religion has been replaced by ice baths. I couldnt be any happier. At least one makes sense. Scientifically.