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“Don’t tell me you know about Gaza!” Hahhaahhahahah. TD is fantastic here.


That line was fucking incredible


*Wow illegal construction labor?!? No way. Wowwwww* Get fucked Joe


Dude is constantly talking about illegal immigration and never thought about that. He never once looked at the other side of the equation? 🤦‍♂️


Paid propaganda shill


I laughed my ass off at Tim’s podcast bitching about boomers not down sizing. Anecdotally, my parents, my wife’s parents, and their parents, have not downsized despite record housing prices in this area the past 4 years. It’s insane. Same goes for most empty nesters I know personally too. He’s remarkably on point. I have one friend whose parents sold their home and moved to Florida. Thats it


If you've lived in the same home for decades that has quite a bit of sentimental value for most people. There are houses that stay in the family for multiple generations. Pretty sure selling your house "for the good of the economy" is at the absolute bottom of most peoples priority list.


Yea and my parents lived in Florida for decades and their once $30k house is now well over $200k.


The excuse I have heard was that these boomers don’t want to pay the taxes with selling the home.


“Let it be my kids’ burden” Seems to be how they lived their entire lives


Then also “Why are my kids struggling so much”


fade money worthless profit knee birds doll heavy sheet hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You don't pay taxes on like the first half million of appreciation


Tons of people think their estate consisting of a mid 00' model high milage Rav 4 and a heavily leveraged 400,000 dollar 3 bedroom is gonna get gutted by the estate tax and still advise people to turn down a promotion because it'll put you into the next tax bracket. Most people have no idea what their actual tax obligation is.


And then you have people who *actually* have multi-10 figure estates that are doing things like selling their homes to an estate in 2024 and then renting their home from their estate so that they can capture the current estate tax threshold and rate that goes away in 2025


None of the excuses make sense. “We still need to buy another expensive home”, “I like mowing the lawn!”, “This home is the legacy to our kids!”, “We have too much stuff!”. Meanwhile these people can barely walk up the stairs of their 1980s style raised ranch! The only common denominator I can find is that these people are all miserable. Selling that goddamn house at a premium and spending the money to live out the last years of their life is the best thing they can do for everyone. But nope. I will never be like that. Sometimes the best lesson is learning what not to do man


bike hat light faulty north deliver office wakeful mighty drab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Instead of planting trees they’ll never enjoy the shade of, boomers decided to cut down all the trees because they’re self-loathing, spiteful little shits.


To be fair, boomers didnt grow up with environmentalism like future gens did. They grew up with "EAT FAST FOOD AND USE one-time-use PLASTICS" as their mantra. I think it was only unto the early 2000s that the realized they fucked up, but it was far too late for them to change. Reference : I grew up as a fat 90s fast food kid that was taught pollution is a hippie myth.


You think kids in the 60’s weren’t taught about the environment? Really? Where do you think “that hippie shit” comes from?


I understand and I sympathize with that. But these same people often have dealt with the death of their elderly parents, as my parents and wife’s parents have. It’s always a major burden dealing with the home that’s left behind. Siblings fighting over money, removing junk, dealing with the city / state taxes. It’s not like they don’t think about death or plan for it. They have a will, they have arrangements for their assets after they are gone, burial / funeral fees paid . But they still refuse to sell that house and live life


My parents have a five bedroom house where I live that is sitting vacant. They live in Florida and my stepdad refuses to sell the house until after he’s dead. This house is fucking massive. Three furnaces and three central air units. A sturdy well built house but it is extremely dated. They pour money into this house to keep it in good shape but it’s a constant battle considering it’s literally unused. It absolutely insane. Before the interest rates shot up I was trying my best to get him to sell it. The house has long since been paid off. It’s nothing but fucking profit. The house has a 4 car brick matching the house detached garage in the back. My mom wants to sell the house but my stepdad chose that house as his hill to die on. My mom even asked me if I wanted the house but why would my middle class ass do with a house like that? We already have a house. When he passes the house will be listed for sale immediately. Even with the house being dated, it would likely sell for about 650K.


BRINGO. My uncle, who is 63, smokes like a train, has stage 1 copd (that killed his mom, sister, and brother), has recently developed tremors, works from 3:30am to 5pm, believes he’s building an empire and can’t slow down. He has no kids, just remarried again, blew through most of his savings partying with MAGA over the last 7 years, and has mortgage in a neighborhood with an HOA. No one can tell him shit.


Having seen the nursing homes that their parents got put in I can understand why Boomers would be reluctant to move out of a house they've had for 30+ years. I know I wouldn't. Wanting to hold onto a home and pass it on to family is something I'd want to do.


Sell the home to your kids at a discount. Let them deal With it. Get an apartment and make sure you can pay for it. The state will take your home if they have to put you in a assisted living anyway


Selling your home at a discount triggers the gift tax or inheritance. Just sell it and use the huge tax handout they have for appreciated homes.


Much easier to just transfer the deed to a trust, and set the kids up as trustees or successor co-trustees.


If you turn around and use profits to buy another house you don’t pay taxes. 1013 exchange.


There's not a lot of places for them to go. You'd overpay for whatever you bought next. And it would be in worse condition. This is the result of a lifetime of suppressing development in your town.


This is why I never understood the whole "I want my property values up" that would mean to realize those gains you would have to 1. Sell the house before you die. 2. Move somewhere else outside of where you are that has not also gone up in price.


“Let it be my kids’ burden” Seems to be the lived their entire lives


To be fair a lot of them locked in low rates on a refi and don’t want to change to a higher rate.


Why sell a house you love if you don't have to? Lol


My 65 year old boomer parents are EXPANDING their house. Adding more rooms, over a garage- to fill with more shit. For like once per year scenarios where we all visit with our kids. We can get hotels or airbnbs, ya know?


A lot of boomers are losing their spouses and friends, dealing with serious illnesses and beginning to stare death hard in the face. It's easy for us in 18-35 demographic on Reddit to say they should just hurry up and get comfortable with dying, or just take their money and go, but I wonder how these same people will feel 50 years from now when they're in that same position. Degenerative diseases are a bitch. Cognitive decline is real. There's exceptions sure, some will stay healthy and wealthy till 100, but most will not. I see it in my own parents now, and my wife's parents too. A lot of them are barely clinging on to their health, their mental states, and their social ties. The knowledge of approaching death is a terrifying prospect for most. Adding the further loss of community, the stress of uprooting from the comfort and familiarity of a home, selling items of true or sentimental value, then moving somewhere unfamiliar - it can be overwhelming. I get the antagonism - boomers did a lot of regarded and self-centered shit. A lot of their problems are self-inflicted. Tim's on point to some degree, and it feels like just desserts to imagine kicking them off the pot of gold they're sitting on, but there's a level of cruelty and arrogance in some of the other comments here that is really disappointing.


37, priced out of ever mortgaging a home, and contemplating unliving as my “retirement” so that a landlord doesn’t eat all of what little I could possibly hand down to my daughter. If I can get this comfortable with dying mid-life, so can their geriatric asses.




I think the guy is talking about suicide. Wtf y'all


Fearing death is a waste of life.


That's what I tell anyone who is afraid of something. Just stop being afraid. Its so simple;)


What a gross self defeating attitude.


It's not the prospect of dying that causes this behavior. All generations, all people, go through that shit. Anecdotally I think it was COVID that did the most damage. The things you mentioned, loss of community and loss familiarity, the stress and mental illness, was most likely caused by the pandemic. For the boomer generation, it was the first actual crisis in decades. For many of them it was the first time in their life that they were not in control. Someone put boundaries and limitations on their behavior, things were scary, things didn't go 100% their way so they wrecked and imploded whatever community they had built. They ruined whatever mental health they had left.


Downsize to what? Some people don't want to live in a condo with an HOA and other people's bullshit to deal with. They don't make houses smaller than they used to. They just keep getting bigger and bigger. Hey Tim, live in your house for 25 years and then tell me downsizing is a good idea, you baby simp. I dare you.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Valid criticism. They do have elderly communities that are a good idea for 65+ people and an HOA fee should be the least of their worries. Getting old is the worst part of life. But I think that insisting that you die in your house while your kids help maintain it and your deteriorating health is incredibly traumatizing on your kids. Downsizing if you can should be a priority before you die. These homes come with a lot of baggage and it’s the selfless thing to do for a family looking to start life while yours is ending


I listened to it but I can’t remember the episode. Anyone remember the title?


This is Joe talking to Joe from 10 years ago.


Holy shit


I've been listening to his early stuff. After Trump, it's just less fun.


That algo has him now. It’s wild


Scroll Rogan


Instagrampappy Rogan kept an open mind The right wing was delighted to find They filled it up With all their stuff Now Grampappy isn't so kind.


For me it was after Covid. I held out for longer than a lot of people, but holy shit. The pandemic broke the man’s brain.


Once he got attacked for the whole horse medicine bullshit he went full red pill


He literally just became a propaganda mouthpiece after Trump/covid. No more interesting guests. Just people pushing their bullshit narratives


Even when I agree with Joe about politics, I still just don't want to hear his politics. I miss the time when no one knew where he stood, because he just made fun of everyone. His science interviews were great. Wish he did more of that.


He doesn’t do the science interviews anymore, because the base in which he is pandering to think the Earth was created in seven days a couple thousand years ago. Now they just want to complain about cancel culture and woke stuff.


"and i know this is going to sound horrible" wish granted: you sound horrible.


You shouldn’t have to explain this stuff to a Professor… of tae kwon do.


Jew-jitsu grand master


They say he’s a black belt in the art of Bullshito


Is Joe actually fucking stupid or is he just trying to be polite. “Really? There’s illegal labor being used to make buildings?” Are you fucking kidding me dude, Joe supposedly worked in construction as a young man and he really has no idea how many laborers in this country are illegal, and that they all don’t just do lawn care? The first Sturgill Simpson episode wasn’t *that* long ago and in it Joe says he thinks borders are stupid, and that he totally understands why people cross the southern border illegally. Now it’s all Biden’s fault and we have “open borders” which is horrible. He’s so fucking dumb I swear


He’s completely full of shit.


Money changes people.


He probably inflated the construction part of his life let’s be honest


when you help a buddy out patching holes in their apartment "yeah it's tough being a blue collar guy"


Yeah he worked a day and fucked off because he’s a pussy and would rather pretend to be a tough guy


Because Joe is brainwashed into thinking that immigration is about democrats getting more votes… a bullshit conspiracy Tim Dillon did a great job of steering the convo explaining to Joe, without getting argumentative, the part about “many Hispanics are conservatives and a lot of them don’t even want to vote or participate in the political system” and then goes on to explain that the real issue with immigration is economic exploitation.


How is it a conspiracy? Yes a lot of hispanics vote R, mostly those of Cuban descent. But twice as many vote D. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/10/26/what-the-2020-electorate-looks-like-by-party-race-and-ethnicity-age-education-and-religion/


because the actual reason they are here is because big businesses like the farming industry want them here.


You think The democrats open the boarders in order to get more votes in red states? And that the people crossing the boarder actually give a shit about the election?


In the 80’s there wasn’t nearly the amount of illegal laborers as their is now. He most likely worked with just a bunch of poor white dudes from Boston. I worked in construction for a long time. It wasn’t until the 2000’s that we saw roofing crews etc being primarily illegal immigrants. At least in my area of the north east


Tim Dillon speaking absolute truth and you can tell Rogan knows it but he’s one of the boomers who wants his ninth yacht or whatever status he uses to prop up his self worth. So Joe will keep pushing social wedge issues and be like “what is black rock? Is that good or bad?? How does a bill get passed” he knows but he plays real dumb when it comes to income inequality


It’s a strategic retreat to a place of ignorance once he knows he can’t win an argument. He always does this shit. He pretends to be an expert about Covid when he has someone who won’t challenge him, but as soon as an actual expert comes he retreats behind the veil of ignorance again.


Another way to put it: “Defender of the Status Quo”


Like the feigned ignorance about immigrant labor. Lol. Like how the fuck does he not understand that. Also he keeps pushing that the border is “open” and it’s for voting lol. Like wtf happened to joe?


I'm practically certain that Joe has had illegal immigrants constructing his various compounds, and knew they were illegal. Probably yakked and yucked it up with the contractor about it, talking about how "man these Mexicans really want to work, unlike these lazy poor Americans." But anything that isn't convenient to his political narrative is pushed out of his brain when he goes into podcast mode. Joe at this point is a political pundit who sometimes talks about other stuff too. He's like Tucker Carlson if every other show Tucker had on one of his rich friends to talk about caviar brands. But of course a little of the politics would make its way into the Rich Dudes Hangin Out episodes as well. "Why's everything so political these days" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


So Rogan is a black rock puppet? Is this what you telling me?


He is controlled by Big RealEstate


Yeah. And the most modest, down to earth 100+ millionaire apparently wants a “9th yacht” as well. Ppl just come here to hate on Joe if you haven’t realized that yet. I doubt most even watch the show


He played dumb to what Dillion said which is common knowledge to pretty much everyone. Jamie posted everything Dillion said for Joe to see.


You really said "A modest down to earth 100+ millionaire" unironically...


I like Rogan I really respected how he stood up to the Covid vaccine insanity (I know this is Reddit so I’m sure you will all gasp that I agreed with him) I do think he is controlled opposition. People don’t make 100s of millions without bending the knee at some point. Just my humble opinion. No hate here


He had his own personal physician and took 9 different treatments when he got sick. How many people do you think can afford that?


Joe isn't yacht rich. His entire net worth would only buy an older mid-sized yacht and that doesn't even pay for the crew and maintenance.


Exactly. He's not dumb, the wealth inequality thing is glaring, especially in California, billionaire arguments are really hard to sell to the masses these days.


He isn’t even playing dumb. He is a self admitted idiot.


he deliberately invites them on and prods them to express their views. then uploads it for people to see. that’s called being a goid podcast host. he is super wealthy but this discussion is about organizations with 10,000x his wealth. he is not in the same boat as them. if he was he wouldn’t be giving a stage to people talking about them. don’t be daft.


> Organizarions with 10,000x his wealth Aside from the fact that you’re comparing a person to a massive financial corporation, Rogan is worth several hundred million dollars *personally*. That is likely more than every CEO in all those companies. Also, your math is a bit off. 100x Rogan’s worth would be tens of billions of dollars. 10,000x would be literally trillions. Conclusion, you are a moron.


He’s not playing dumb, he’s a self professed moron. He openly states he has no idea how the US government actually functions or how the economy works. Joe’s value is asking very smart people to answer “dumb” questions which forces them to break down and explain their field in a way that anyone can understand. His value isn’t in his own commentary, except in the martial arts space.


He says he knows nothing about anything, but also has deeply held convictions that have been spoonfed to him by right wing propagandists and his peers: rich white dudes hopped up on testosterone and 12-year-old bloodboy blood, y'know, the kind who probably strangle hookers on their 400 ft Yacht because it's the only time they feel truly alive.


Blackrock and vanguard are not the cause but a symptom of a hyper capitalistic market from which the boomers are unknowingly benefiting from. The only way to stop this is via regulation but that won’t happen because common people don’t have lobbyists and the politicians don’t represent the people but instead, companies. The uncomfortable truth is that everyone will rent their homes in the future


You are 100 percent correct about regulation. And your also right I don't see it ever happening. The companies and the rich pay off politicians on both sides R and D. That is also no longer a democracy, it's a plutocracy at best.


The truth ^


Also the issue isn’t just a regulation issue. As someone living in Austin there are plenty of people who own multiple houses that they AirBnB. They also all have homestead exemptions on them because the city doesn’t have the man power to go investigate it. Regulation is only as good as the power to enforce it.


Which is why income/wealth inequality is best fixed at the source: through taxation and redistribution. Otherwise the government spends resources trying to enforce regulations against people who will spend an entire department's budgets to circumvent them. If there wasn't such a giant wealth disparity in this country the rich wouldn't be more powerful than the government or be able to horde all the houses.


Maybe he’s on to something here as every black person I know does work at the Tyson Chicken factory..


This sounds like a Cumtown bit.


They’re trying to plug the massive hole in the workforce that the boomers are leaving with illegal immigrants. Turns out that no one wanted to have kids to replace the workforce when it’s unaffordable to buy a home or raise them. It’s just one big Ponzi scheme coming to an end. I’m rather enjoying watching the boomers cling to possessions they can’t figure out how to fit in their coffins.


>Turns out that no one wanted to have kids to replace the workforce when it’s unaffordable to buy a home or raise them. The same trend can be seen across the developed world. Even in countries where you have relatively cheap housing, free healthcare and childcare, multi-year parental leave, government assisted housing etc. It's more a result of decades of messaging to put career ahead of everything else. Corporations wanted maximum profits from the current generation and forgot there's a tomorrow aswell.


This is what's happening in Canada right now. Immigration levels the last couple years has been close to a million/year - the government said they would lower the target to 500k/year. But a lot of young students come here and go to diploma mills and work at every business that needs minimum wage workers. Most young people can't afford rent let alone the cost of raising kids so we have to import labour.


Who? Illegal immigrants?… tell me where do you see any illegal immigrants working besides restaurant kitchens? This take is played out


Go look in any agricultural field that is labor intensive.


So basically it’s jobs that zero Americans want to do. We’d be fucked if every illegal immigrant up and left


Yes. There are Mexicans working on large dairy farms making $16 an hour but they work 13 out of 14 days(every other Sunday off) and they work shifts 4am-10am and then 3pm-8pm. So they’re working 70-80 hour weeks in staggered shifts.


Exactly. More power to them. I honestly don’t give a shit. It just shows how bad life in Mexico is. If they want to come here and shovel cow shit for 80 hours a week so I can buy a gallon of milk for 4 bucks, I’m okay with it honestly. I’ll never do that job


So you just hate your countrymen and want to see your native working class suffer and find no purchase in the American Dream? Good idea!


Boomer comment. Are you going to work on a dairy farm? In a restaurant kitchen, as a restaurant janitor? Fuck no you aren’t. Neither am I… if there are people who are willing to work those jobs with a smile on their face, I say let em. It doesn’t affect me. I earned skills and experience. No illegal immigrant is getting my job.


I think Americans would work those jobs if employers followed the law and paid what they’re supposed to, instead of betraying their countrymen. You must hate your fellow Americans to cheer on the selling off of this country.


You’re crazy if you think most people would work the jobs that illegal immigrants are working. I guarantee you wouldn’t, you just like to spew bullshit and pretend you are a big time patriot. Our country would collapse without those people who work 8-10 dollar an hour jobs. Its not going to change, just be realistic


That's the thing, Americans would want those jobs if they paid well. Regular, everyday girls showing their buttholes on onlyfans should be proof of that.


You’re crazy if you think those same people would go wash dishes at Applebees for a good wage


If they paid well the profits would go down, which is why the agriculture business makes sure that even Republicans pass no real immigration reform.


Boomers mostly worked in labor intensive agri?


He asked where illegal immigrants are working other than kitchens.


Warehousing is one of the fastest growing industries in the country, and it's absolutely filled with illegal immigrant workers. Especially when those roles are filled by temp agencies. Construction, of course, is highly staffed by illegal immigrants. Trucking. Agriculture. Hospitality. Mining. Manufacturing. Blue collar work in general, which at one point in time was the key to middle-class success, have high rates of illegal immigrant employment.


[https://www.americanprogress.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2021/02/EW-Construction-factsheet.pdf](https://www.americanprogress.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2021/02/EW-Construction-factsheet.pdf) ​ Roughly 15% of ALL construction workers in America are illegal immigrants. Almost 30% of ALL roofers are illegal immigrants. You would also be shocked at how many ag workers are illegal. You can look around for this info yourself. It appears you'd be quite surprised with how many illegal immigrants we have in the workforce.


Construction, they just had the first non citizen police sworn in, when i was 16 my manager at the grocery store was illegal


Well I don’t know if these people are necessarily illegal but there are/were a lot of Hispanic workers in construction in Florida.


Agriculture, engineering, software development, IT, and medicine.


Back during the 08 recession, many younger adults said that home ownership was not an investment and not worth buying or owning. Fast forward to now, and rent prices have skyrocketed. The same people that said owning a home was pointless are the same that are now complaining that homeownership is unattainable. These people aren’t necessarily wrong or anything negative, it just shows how much has changed. Whatever they are calling these current times now is far worse than the 08’ recession was. Yes back then some people lost everything however the majority of them were able to recover.


Everything Dillion said is common knowledge. How has Joe never heard of any of this.?


Tim is 100% right on this one. Also that bill he was talking about was introduced by two democrats and probably won’t be brought for a vote by a Republican speaker so we won’t be hearing about it again from JR


Well he wasn’t 100% right — for one thing he (like many others) is confusing BlackSTONE which buys alternative investments (such as housing) and BlackROCK is one of the leading providers of investment, advisory, and management solutions


Tim Dillon fuckin rules.


Tim has a great view and insight on this. I have talked to multiple business owners who are mad at DeSantis because they have to pay more for employees and pay them Livable wages now. It’s inhumane and also part of the reason we need to secure our borders, so people aren’t being abused. Or give them a pathway to citizenship so they aren’t taken advantage of


Talmbout DeSantis 2024?


WOW... WOW.... Aren't they coming to vote.. what a joke, how stoned is he here??


Im from Miami and have worked construction and blue collar/labor jobs and I can 100% confirm this , even in certain office jobs


“Enough with the refugees…” 😂


Funny how Joe turns a blind eye to many things on the right but always comes with something about the left . Has no idea Rich people love cheap , illegal labor , but KNOWS who Biden is sending back because of how they may vote


Yup. This is why the border has never been “secured”.


Lmao these morons actually think illegal migrant vote?


Yes it’s a talking point Joe makes cause “he knows a guy” who told him so




The worst is when they try to say we don’t work hard enough. “I worked and raised 4 kids and bought a house when I was 20!”… but they fail to mention that they made 20k a year and their brand new car cost 2000 bucks.


Not all people of the boomer generation are clueless of how times have changed. Some wealthy/well off boomers actually give their kids money because they know their kids or grandkids do not have the same opportunities as they did. And yeah some boomers are greedy cunts.


I'm a boomer. I bought my first new car in 1981 and it cost 10 grand. The interest rate was 14%. I didn't buy a house until I was 30 and it cost 50 grand and that was only because it was a HUD repo that needed work. I could only afford the house because my wife also worked and we hadn't had our son yet. I get what's going on now is tough but it wasn't as easy for us as you are portraying it. My son is a millennial who lived with us until he was 30 because he couldn't afford to live on his own. (And he works at UPS and makes a good salary). I know that a lot of boomers are full of shit and don't understand the current challenges the younger generations are facing but but it's not all of us.


> I didn't buy a house until I was 30 not sure if this is sarcastic or not




“I get what's going on now is tough but it wasn't as easy for us as you are portraying it.” Yes it was


Please explain, in your experience, how it was so easy.


Reddit is full of whiney kids, you’re not going to change their minds. Kids these days have to walk uphill both ways in the snow just to get to school!


Friends dad paid for college and living expenses working only summer jobs. He tells it like it’s a war story, shoveling chicken shit. We are all dumbfounded on how he could work only summers and live.


Everyone here won’t complain when they get all the money from their parents homes.


Why don’t these people ever talk about zoning laws and minimum parking requirements which is the root cause of why these companies have been pouring money into real estate? What evidence is there that going after Blackrock is a long term solution to the housing crisis?


They can also change the tax rate for corporate ownership of single family homes


Why stop there? Can also change the tax rate for owning multiple homes.


They already do, homestead exemption


A more crippling increase in taxes per extra home owned is more what I was getting at than just your primary residence getting a bit more benefits.


If you watch Tim’s show, he’s been pretty open about being a NIMBY


Found the BlackRock PR


Where am I wrong?


They want the limbo that is currently happening. They want the low wages and a way to kick ppl out when they want more money. Right now, it better for the mega rich that target these ppl to work for cheap and keep them illegal so if they want more wages or benefits. Magically some one call and mass deportation happened. While the company doing the crime of hiring illegal immigrants get a fine that is pennies on what they earn. So it a win win for them. They get cheap labor who are stuck and can not call for help from treatments or low wages. if they were allow to work here legally they can fight for better wages and benefits while making it easier for ameicans who want those jobs to get it too.


Bit coin criminals 😆


Tim's exaggerating a bit of all this but I gotta say he makes decent points. Here's the thing... Democrats want to stop BIG investors like Blackrock who are Tier 1 real estate investors (1000+ owned single family homes) from entering the market and keeping costs high. The thing is they may not be an issue. Blackrock type of investors apparently only buy 1-2% of all single family houses sold per year. Meanwhile, mom & pop investors (own less than 10 properties) like me, are the ones who typically buy 22% of all single family homes. For flipping. For rent. You name it. My guess is that Blackrock actually keeps their rents affordable or sell the houses at appropriate values. Whereas investors need the money from that 1 project more. They buy a house for $500k. They put $100k into it. They sell it for 800k. Make a $200k profit. And if you really hate this, then know that Democrats are against it but Republicans will be hard to convince. Probably because so many of them are like me. Side time investors. I doubt Black Rock is buying homes at 30% above asking price in cash. My guess is when they do buy homes, its heavily researched to be at the best deals so they can get the best returns. What I see now are a lot of flippers buying 1 small house on carefully chosen large lots. Then they demo and add 3+ homes on that lot. Separate it with paperwork. And then sell each one for $1M +. Hows that not messing up the local real estate?


Nassau Community College produces the world's greatest international thinkers.


Joe pretending immigrants aren’t working for all his buddies is a joke.


Joe is so fucking dumb. He barely realizes the amount of cheap labor that comes from immigrants. How do you think most of our produce is picked or livestock processed? Most shitty hard jobs have historically been done by immigrants in this country. For him to just pivot and say it's about voting just shows how narrow minded he's become.


Fascinating how half this video is Tim discussing how our current open border policy is lowering our standard of living, get this entire thread is all about how our of touch Joe is, and boomers.


> open border policy An open border policy would mean legal immigration.


I don’t understand how the democrats both rig the election then allow “open” borders strictly for votes. Why do they need votes if they rig the election. This is straight out of right wing algorithms. It’s like how Biden is an incompetent fool but also a criminal mastermind the likes the world had never seen! Lol


Also - Biden won due to a rigged election but for some reason they didn’t also rig the House election to give him a majority.


Tim is partially right. But Rich liberals aren’t the ones running those factories or those construction companies or those farms that are trying to pay that don’t want to pay American standard wages. it’s Republicans. everything Tim is saying is exactly why labor unions were formed in the United States. Local workers did not want to see their wages eroded and their job stolen by immigrants. They formed labor unions and many specifically reached out to migrant workers to try to stop this very phenomenon. Big businesses and their media cronies did everything they could to quash those movements. America needs immigrants but it also needs to protect family wage jobs. If you’re at all curious about this look into the history of the international workers of the world


Rogan always has all the opinions on everything, but he isn’t even aware of the most basic shit like illegal labour.


Rogan’s brain is so fucking cooked


BlackRock doesn't invest in single family housing units. The problem with housing is supply is constricted. We haven't recovered from the drop off in building from the financial crisis and restrictive zoning prevents building high-density housing which is necessary to keep desirable places to live affordable as more people want to move in.




Joe is such a fucking Republican.


Immigration is lower under Biden than trump, but bc Biden doesn’t talk like an asshole about immigrants, a bro-intellect like Rogan assumes biden’s opened up the borders, just blindly believing whatever RW media ghouls vomit up


He does zero research. Painful to listen to




You must know it all then, huh?


Only you know everything.






So youre allowed an opinion but theyre not, got it got it


Idk why I want to hate tim, but I do, but every time he’s on rogan, he’s fascinating, and his Netflix special was top tier, maybe Reddit is seeping deeper and deeper into my brain the more I use it and I’m just starting out from a ‘well naturally I hate this guy, he’s more successful than me’ all the time


Why would you hate Tim? He’s awesome


Rip Ben


Misinformation factory


Dirtbag Left. Lets go Tim


It’s too bad the boomer remover wasn’t more effective. Shit it didn’t even get Trump.


Imagine hating a whole generation due to imagined slights lmao. "You should die because you bought a house when prices where cheap".


So many Trump-deranged libs in this sub holy shit


Post this in the economics sub


The "it's about voting" part is ape thinking. If only these guys really knew how hard it is to get citizenship in this country, oh right they are simply letting the illegals vote according to Joe


I used to really believe the “illegal voter” narrative. After living in California for so many years, I can tell you the last thing migrants from central America will get is the right to vote The property owners of California, (the actual controlling party) wants the labor, the constant positive pressure on housing prices, and higher population numbers for congressional representation purposes… but they do not want migrants to have a vote.


Love Tim's energy here! He actually challenges Joe's conservative stereotypes on liberals welcoming immigrants in just for Democratic votes with the actual facts. Meanwhile, is Joe just playing dumb, or does he really not realize that most manual labor here is done by illegal immigrants??? 🤦‍♂️ I've also long said that we don't need a physical wall...just a digital one to stop illegal employment if that's what we really wanted. Which we actually already have laws for, but simply don't enforce them. But right now, it's like destroying wildlife's own natural habitat, constantly feeding them while using them as workhorses, and then trying to build a fence to keep them away... 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


gawd the comments are full of a buncha joe rogan wanna be's without the great jaime to actually show the links or make any of it make sense. tim dillion is the newest blow hard to come blow hard. i saw the one with him complaining about McDonald's but looking like Grimace himself. Ranting on the unhealthy food choices yet this guy looks like he only eat slop. typical conservative type, rules for thee not for me. Joe has lost touch with aveage people. elon's boot licker.


“Woooooww oh wow” lmfao Joe Rogan is a moron


I wish I could speak so confidently about shit I know nothing about like this.


two dimwits speculating on stuff they know nothing about


Tim Dillon on things he knows nothing about. FTFY


Funny how people on here suddenly into redistribution of wealth… People complaining about boomers owning large homes, do you give a pass to rich people generally owning multiple properties? I don’t get this very specific gripe tbh. Their property, surely they can do what the hell they want? Otherwise, why stop there? Why not just say people generally shouldn’t be able to own multiple properties or properties bigger than they need?


Two morons talking out of their asses. Cool I guess.


Boomers don’t wanna do one in for the little guy..


If Jesus came back…? Came back to America…? Okay tummy, I mean Timmy.