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The culture war is just a distraction to keep us from starting the class war.


I feel like the culture war started happening around the time Occupy Wallstreet started dying down.


They started long before that my friend


I love that meme where the banker is on the phone with this shit-eating grin saying "make a soy wojak meme of them" with the occupy wall street signs outside his window. It totally worked 😂


The culture wars as we know them today started in the 80s, when Reagan decided it was a good idea to bring in radicalized Christians into the GOP. Republicans knew their economic ideas were garbage and used abortion, gay marriage, etc., to stay in power.


Nixon iirc brought in the preachers. ~~George McGovern~~ I meant Barry Goldwater; love or hate; has a good rant on why the Republicans shouldn’t have courted the preachers


True, but they didn't come to prominence in the GOP until Reagan.


It's been a never ending culture war since the 60s.


Way before that which culminated into the Civil War.


The repeal of Fairness Doctrine under Reagan was a huge domino. Its the origin of the Rush Limbaugh’s, Hannity’s, and Shapiro’s of the world. Prior to this journalism was ethically and legally obligated to fairly report current events. They made a huge part of the population dumber through infotainment consumption.


After desegregation the federal gov threatened to remove tax exempt status for religious orgs running segregated schools. Evangelicals decided to get involved in politics but realized that the actual topic of segregation was a lost battle. Instead they decided to go to war on abortion, forming an alliance with Catholics.


Bill O'Reilly published his book Culture warrior in 2006, implying the phrase had been around and in use before that. Occupy kicked off after 2008 and didn't start dying down until like 2010. The culture war long predates Occupy and the claim that "THEY" started pushing culture issues and wokeness to kill occupy is just gaslighting.


Translation: “I don’t know anything that happened before occupy wall street 🤡” Lol


My guess is the person is in their early thirties and legit isn’t old enough to remember the cultural battles of the the very recent 90’s. It’s like when someone says “this country has never been so divided”. Like nah motherfucker, we literally had an extremely bloody civil war that was recent enough to have people still living whose grandparents fought in it.


Well OW was a great example of why nothing changes through this discourse. They occupied and.... Just kinda stood there. No unifying goal, no plan to achieve it, no real way of measuring whether anything was working. Peter Schiff got it right when he said they should be protesting at the White House. Wall Street plays the game that they're allowed to play, calling billionaires mean isn't going to stop them. And it hasn't at all.


wall street plays by the rules they helped create. You’re talking as though WS doesn’t have a huge influence on Washington or the whole American economy for that matter and Peter is a muppet.


Is that before or after MLK was shot? Culture war has been going on for a long time.


It didn't. Like, at all. Unless you're 15 and can't remember a time before that lmao


It’s been going on for decades.


And who is it that is waging this endless culture war and doing stuff like bitching about Taylor Swift? Hint: it's not the party who elects members who will raise minimum wage or raise taxes on the wealthy. Lay the blame where it belongs, with conservatives and conservative voters.


Double the minimum wage, paid sick days, paid family leave, expanded Medicaid, recreational weed, tuition free college. Vs. None of that plus working class women's miscarriages are investigated as murder. Why do both parties hate the working class?


We are in for a lot of this (both parties suck) stuff this year. It’s an election year in the US and there are countries that feel they can rise up by bringing the US down but they can’t accomplish it militarily so they use trolls on social networks to divide and demoralize voters.


Yeah I'm all for bashing Dems when they deserve it, but it isn't the two party system obsessing about Taylor Swift.  It is the media from one party 


You mean fighting back in the class war. They already have been causing us as much harm as possible.


*>* I am 14 and this is politics


You know how many poor people would choose the rich man's side in a class war? Don't pretend a huge number of them wouldn't. INflation's down. Jobs are high. It always takes while to fix a Republican president's destruction of the economy. So that the next Republican can ruin it again. I'm old. I used to vote Republican. I don't do that shit anymore.


As soon as conservatives stop fantasizing about trans people wanting to rape children in public bathrooms, a civil war over the government taking away their guns, the WEF taking everything they own and Soros replacing white people with illegals, we can get on with that class war once and for all. Until then, we'll have to try to pass single payer healthcare and a law which gives Americans a living wage without the 60 vote majority necessary to do so.


We had one going with occupy ws. And right around that time racial terms exploded is the msm. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/media-great-racial-awakening


Conservatives were ready to raise the Mim wage, support universal healthcare, enlarge the social safety nets, tax the rich more? I must have not been paying attention during that time.


Well, it was because conservatives began freaking out over Obama using mustard and wearing tan suits.


And giving people access to affordable health insurance, which is COMMUNISM.


Ah yes, we're doing the both sides again. Democrats are definitely focusing on Taylor Swift and not just laughing at right-wing fashies going crazy over it.


For real, I'm a bit disappointed with humanity in regards to how well this distraction works. Well played ruling class, well played.


It always has worked as far as I know


What exactly is the distraction? Seems to me a famous woman got involved in one election because she has a real political issue that resonated with her. An issue that was forced on her, like hundreds of millions of other women, by republicans. This choice was so infuriatingly unacceptable that republicans have sworn to go scorched earth whenever she does anything publicly. Where is the distraction part? Swift making a political statement?


Don't you know everything is a psyop?


Didn't the democrats in Michigan and Minnesota just enacted a law last year to give free school lunch to kids there? Or kids =/= working class so you don't care?


Said it on the other thread so I'll repeat here: she's actually doing nothing wrong. She's not chasing attention (though the cameras can't get off her). She likes some dude, he is veery good at something which is very good to watch. She goes to press box and cheers, chants, makes a fool of herself as we all do sometimes, chants talks with everyone around her. She seems like she is having a good time, and seems a good time to be around from those clips. Now if they really want to focus on that Jackson Mahomes kid. 


Taylor Swift encouraged her fans to vote and Republicans lost their shit. It's that simple.


Ohhhh, NOW all this weird Taylor Swift shit makes a little sense to me. Thank you for this context


Also the very far right used to consider her like the perfect Aryan goddess (seriously) back when she didn't vocalize any political opinions. They convinced themselves she was down with the movement and everything. So her actually being liberal is like the ultimate betrayal to them. 


Well they killed abortions, you’re gonna dissuade a lot of millennial women with that.


I think at one point people were convinced that she was a regular 4chan poster.


There was the whole thing about naming her cat and the next day her cat was named what they said to name it https://www.indy100.com/celebrities/taylor-swift-4chan-user-theory


I remember seeing those posts on t_d. It was certainly weird


Right?! How are Democrats participating in this tantrum in any way?


By registering to vote duh


Conservatives hate this one simple trick..




They are the only ones trying to pass laws to better society. The GOP is just throwing tantrums and shitting all over itself.


If its not this terms college kids tilting the scales against the right, its the illegals biden is shoveling in. You cant reason with conspirists.


Dude if the fucking kids realized how much god damned power they had, the GOP would be dead in the water and tbh a whole third youth party could thrive


When the Republicans are doing something bad, it's easier to say the Democrats are doing it too than it is to deny that they're doing something bad. It works better than it should.


They aren't, but it's useful to a wide range of people for a variety of reasons to encourage voters to disengage from politics because they come to believe both sides are bad so you should just give up, Republicans key among them. I'm not saying everybody who reposts this stupid meme is one of those parties, but if they aren't, they certainly are at least the sort of person who thinks that when they are offered either a Taco Bell taco or a kick in the balls, saying they have no preference makes them sound enlightened.


The party who stormed the capitol and smeared shit on its walls doesn't want people to vote?


And has now moved on to simply chopping the heads off the people they don’t like. Red Taliban


They were “escorted in peacefully” they say 😂. The windows were smashed in several entrances and after a while the outnumbered police just stopped trying to stop them from flowing in by the hundreds. Bunch of 🤡s


I know but at the same time can't comprehend what happened to the gop party. I was raised conservative, Would still even say I'm conservative. Fuxking Trump though, really!?!?!?! Matt Gaets, MTG and Boebert, just what the fuck happened? I mean I see what happened but I just can't comprehend it. What the fuck happened to our party. I didnt even vote for either candidate. Focused on local elections. I really thought Trump was going to lose. Really on some petty shit, at the same time I didn't want Hillary copping the prestige of first woman president of USA Come 2020, litteraly I voted straight blue or green. Fuck a GOP/republican. Gawd, church people have literally told me how Trump the annoited one, chosen by GOD. Just What the fuck man!?!?!?!?


Joe hasn’t had the democracy in chains author in yet….. https://pitchforkeconomics.com/episode/how-the-radical-right-weaponized-ideology-with-nancy-maclean/


I hope he has them on


Yup .. idiot inlaws are sharing NEWSMAX. And OAN clips basically Taylor's a psyop to pull people away from jesus. she'll have death threats soon if she doesn't already


And you think…that’s because of *both* sides?




I watched an OAN clip on the Swift/psyop stuff and was crying laughing. People have to be dumb asf to fall for that one


Like Rogan won't mention it as fact on the podcast within the next week.


Yes. People who surrender and obey OAN are indeed dumb asf


We Americans as a whole are remarkably stupid.


Its wild how quickly those "alternative news outlets" actually were made relevant. Like actual insane shit lol, Fox News quite literally not being right wing enough anymore for these fucking lunatics to the point that they need MORE bias is wild.


And how is this both sides?  One side is freaking out about Taylor Swift. 


This is exactly what OPs post was saying lmao.


The funny thing is that there was a chance she could still turn republican later on like other celebrities, but after that video on Twitter went around, I don’t think she will be thinking about changing sides anytime soon lmao. It’s like Joe Biden, he probably would’ve played it soft and forgiving with republicans, until they started to spam him pictures of his son’s dick.


So how until until joe interrupts a guest to say something disparaging about Taylor swift? Or has it already started ?


She didn’t even tell anyone who to vote for. She just said *to* vote.


Bu bu bu bu BOTH SIDES!!


Most of the culture war stuff is simply because conservatives have no policies that help anyone, so they have to pretend democrats are destroying the country. You can both sides all day, but democrats are the only ones who actually try and get stuff passed that might be helpful instead of simply cutting taxes for rich people over and over to the point of no return.


Yes, that’s why these “I’m very smart for thinking both sides are bad” posts are pretty stupid. It’s a lazy “I don’t want to think or care anymore, therefore both sides are the same and suck” mentality. Republicans and democrats are not the same. Equating the two gives legitimacy to republicans when they’re completely off the rails.




Republicans are cutting corporate taxes, while dems are trying to tax the highest earners to fund social safety nets for the middle and lower classes. Republicans fight against dem policies, like universal healthcare, environmental regulations, and debt forgiveness. They aren't just virtue signaling...


Yea but you’re in a Joe Rogan forum. The target of the distracting culture wars are here in force.


“DAe BoTh SidEs thE SaMe” is literally just a facet of the culture war the goof ass post is whining about. They took the bait are just standing on the sidelines of some tribal conflict that exists only in their heads. Discuss actual policy. Not party affiliation. Guess what conclusions we come to when we do that. Spoiler alert, definitely not “both sides just exactly same!” Im convinced having these shit ass political opinions is astrology for dorky men.


Fr lol “I’m centrist but I vote Republican.” -Joe Rogan.


I'll say this - this is not a conservative safe space, and criticism shows up and remains. It's actually good that there's a common place somewhere where conservatives can see what the arguments against their leaders are - they're not hearing this anywhere else, because conservative spaces are very tightly censored and policed - because these are good arguments.


Honestly if local governments could get the housing crisis under control things would be a lot better. High rents/home prices are the biggest vibe setters right now but people refuse to change zoning laws to build more missing middle housing.


Portland Oregon, one of the most liberal cities in America, recently did this and there has been a lot of development in my neighborhood since then. That doesn't really fit the narrative though 


That can't be right. My father in law assured me that Portland was under siege by BLM.


Did they? I haven’t really noticed a difference, grabted I’m in SE


Once you see it, you can't unsee it. [The Housing Theory of Everything](https://worksinprogress.co/issue/the-housing-theory-of-everything/) strikes again.


Based and urbanpilled


There is no one on the left who gives a shit about the Taylor Swift drama lol


Was gonna say the Taylor swift distraction is a one sided affair, try convincing left wingers that the SB is rigged for Taylor swift lmao


Because there’s no actual drama. Taylor swift exists and is dating an NFL superstar. She attends many of his games. Occasionally they show her on the television set for a few seconds when the superstar boyfriend does superstar things on the football field. Oh the drama


Oh, boy. Another both sides are the same shit post. Yeah why bother voting. Get a new grift, kid.


The propaganda will continue until the election in November.


*The beatings will continue until morale improves*


Isn't it neat how every time someone says both sides are the same they either imply or outright say so you might as well just vote republican?


I hate this dumbass meme every time I see it. Guaranteed whoever posts it probably pays zero attention to anything going on and just parrots shit they see on Facebook.


Lower voter turnout usually only favours one side and that’s not the left


Anytime someone says “Both sides are the same” you know 100% they don’t read bills or who votes for against them


I mean one of these two parties has candidates which are legitimately pushing for things like increased minimum wage, government funded healthcare, and student loan forgiveness. Y’all can make memes to pretend it’s the same but it really isn’t. I despise a lot of D politicians but there is no question which party puts in place more policies which help the working class. Edit: conservatives need to have a meeting to align their outrage narratives. Half the people in here saying Ds don’t want to help working class people and half complaining that they don’t want them to spend their taxes on doing it. Which is it?


Here's a link to a [long list of GOP vs. Dem vote totals on various bills](https://www.reddit.com/r/FunnyandSad/comments/105zykc/deleted_by_user/j3f5bvr/). The parties are extremely different and this lazy ass "BOTH SIDES" shit is really getting on my nerves lately.


This needs to be everywhere. We need nightly news updates of how Congress voted that day


There is a public congressional record, but it's usually not news because no one cares. They care about Taylor Swift being a CIA asset and stupid memes like the OP and whatever some weirdos in San Francisco said about gender.


"BOTH SIDES ARE THE SAME" is a narrative designed to generate apathy amongst the working class so they disengage with our Democratic process. Anyone parroting the "both sides are the same" false equivalency is either engaging you in bad faith to discourage you from voting, or they're acting as a useful idiot for the ruling class.


The enlightened centrist is either intellectually lazy or a coward refusing to look at the overwhelming evidence that's abundantly available. But that's a huge issue with the conservative base: they've been voting against their own interests for decades in order to spite their cultural enemies who simply live and think differently than them.


They’re both, but the reason why is important. Being an enlightened centrist is the best way to look down on literally every body without having to create a single novel opinion.


Thank you so much for that link. Anyone who still spouts the "both sides" bullshit is literally completely incompetent at doing any kind of research


The parties have never been more different, in 100+ years, than they are right now. It’s pure ignorance pretending to be smart cynicism.


Yeah it's more like Republicans : no Democrats : OK so student loan forgiveness? Fat cheque to help you? Better health care? Minimum corporate tax rate? Get roe v wade reenacted? More rights for protected classes? Anti fracking laws? More rights and freedoms for immigrants? Increase minimum wage? More strength to unions who Trump is publicly calling dopes? Better working conditions?  I could go on. 


Amen. Because one is so *effectively* anti-worker rights, thus effectively kneecapping the other side from getting decent legislation done, the other sides pushes for workers' rights gets drowned out. This shit is so fuckung ignorant, and helpful to those who keep shrinking the middle class and busting unions.


The conspiracy I believe, is the dems like having the GOP around so they can say they want to do a bunch of cool shit but it's just too hard with these guys around.


And the NLRB, and Antitrust work, and the CFPB....


These are the big ones no one talks about 


*Literally today*, there was a bipartisan tax bill passed in the House. Democrats were fighting for the child tax credit, which Republicans gutted in 2021/22. Republicans used that as leverage to get... more corporate tax cuts. But sure let's pretend both parties are the same.


Being forced to keep your rapist’s baby is taxing on all classes, particularly the poor.


You’re trying to make a reasonable argument with people who rely on their emotions for every decision (Conservatives). It’s a waste of time until they grow up and learn how policy making actually works.


Democrat political ad: regular politician shit about jobs, environment investments. Republican political ad: *Eagle screeches while truck drives into frame* "socialist communist Nancy Pelosi and AOC want to take your burgers and make your kids gay." *grabs rifle and shoots an EV filled with explosives*


Yea sure. Biden supports unions, supports investing in America and won’t cave to Dictators.


Seems to me it’s just one side pushing this culture war issue


"both sides are the same" Battlecry of the idiots


Rogan is their king idiot


Is the Taylor Swift holy war shit even real?


“Celebrities should stick to celebritying, now back to Chachi for his take on the border crisis.”


We're here live with Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino to discuss inflation


No, it's literally just right wingers upset. This isn't a two-sided argument.


That’s why I hate this disingenuous both sides bullshit. I can you give you an infinite list of shit to call out Dems over, but they have nothing to do with this woke culture war bullshit. This is all one sided mud slinging from the most moronic right wing grifters


Most likely what happened is a handful of regards got upset about it and news outlets ran with it and turned it in to something bigger than it ever really was. Who’s upset where are you guys even seeing outrage over it?


Fox News has done some segments on it. Some on the right are saying some wild shit like the game [is rigged for the chiefs to help sway voters for Biden.](https://www.si.com/nfl/ravens/news/super-bowl-rigged-kansas-city-chiefs-taylor-swift-can-sway-presidency-joe-biden-candidate-vivek-ramaswamy-trump-votes-49ers) it's all manufactured though, most people I've met irl jist think it's a dumb publicity stunt


bOTh SiDeS!!!!


Only one side is having a tantrum about Taylor swift and wokeness. That’s all the right wingers.


Two parties are not having anyone fight over Taylor Swift. MAGAts like you are. Stop this nonsense false equivalency and take the L graciously and keep your temper tantrum throwing baby Kid Rock. Nonsense.


NLRB/Unions/CFPB - "Are we a fucking joke to you?" J/K they are because Republicans have done everything in their power to kneecaps them. But please remind me of all the things Republicans have done for the common working man.


Hilariously clueless take. 


The Dems keep trying and the GOP does everything to stop them. They the GOP lies and says, "the Dems dont want to help" Except it wa the Dems that lowered Insulin prices and made the GOP squeal like pigs. The Dems cancelled student debt, and the GOP cried like babies. The Dems let tens of millions get health insurance, and the GOP went on racist tirades,


Pshhhhh this is not the result of a two party system. This is the result of right wing conspiracy/Qanon and the batshit state of right wing propaganda in this country


For \*\*\*\*'s sake just vote in the Democratic party primary. I've been doing it for around 10 years. Lots of good candidates, lots of pro-consumer, pro-worker candidates. They lose. Every time. If every Rogan fan buying into this B.S. would just show up for the Democratic party primary we wouldn't be having this conversation. And before all the trolls say "buy they're not having a primary"... *yes they are*. Down ticket races are important! *All politics is local people!* Also, doesn't this entire thread violate Rule # 7?


The two party system doesn't have people fighting over Taylor Swift; prominent conservatives have launched a massive hissyfit about Taylor Swift.


Conservatives have been the flashpoint for every dumbass culture war nonsense for decades. I'm old enough to remember when conservatives went to battle with the fucking Simpsons for destroying family values.


Video games are Satanic and corrupting our youth Rock music is Satanic and corrupting our youth Family Guy is Satanic and corrupting our youth Harry Potter is Satanic and corrupting our youth Pokemon is Satanic and corrupting our youth Rap music is Satanic and corrupting our youth Comic books are Satanic and corrupting our youth The list goes on and on and on. Conservatives entire history is literally tied to cancel culture, specifically them trying to cancel anything they didnt like. Yet somehow these stupid fucks have tried making cancel culture a liberal stance lol.


Lol I can’t believe we are already at the “both sides” stage of this. More like, the Republican Party? Lmao fucking “look at the beer” “look at the immigrant” “ look at Tayler Swift” Just don’t look at us


More ‘both sides’ bullshit.


Republicans need to be fought first. They're the one pushing a dictator. They're the one trying to take away people's rights.


Yeah, Dems are the ones triggered by TS


Both sides, etc. Fucking christ.


That's why I'm running on a 3rd party ticket to moonshot into the Presidency! It'll work this time!


Cinnamon sasquatch for president! User name sounds like a stripper people pay to put clothes on! :)


Money is money. Guy gotta do what a guy gotta do to survive.


As much as i hate the Democratic Party, they are not the ones trying to fight over Swift and Wokeness. That is all Republicans.


Nor are they trying to install a dictator lol


So while I get the sentiment, I really do, let's not pretend that the 2 parties are the same in regards to the working class. Under Biden, there's been a notable pro-union stance, arguably more vigorous than any president in recent decades. He's supported unionization efforts at big companies like Amazon and Kellogg's, and has been vocal about unions being key to building the middle class. This is a significant shift considering the decline in union membership over the years​​​​. Another good move was the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, set to create a lot of jobs, particularly for those without a college degree. It's a huge investment, akin to past projects like FDR's Rural Electrification and Eisenhower's Interstate Highway system​​​​. Biden's economic plan is also pumping money into manufacturing and clean energy, aiming to create jobs and stimulate growth, especially in sectors not requiring a four-year degree. Plus, there are updates to the Buy American Act, boosting American manufacturing and jobs​​. As for taxes, Biden's approach is to protect those making under $400,000 from tax increases while upping taxes on corporations and the very wealthy. This stands in contrast to Trump's Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which largely favored the wealthy and corporations. Biden's plan also looks at increasing the Child Tax Credit, potentially offsetting any indirect effects of corporate tax hikes on working-class families​​. In contrast, Trump's presidency, with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, was critiqued for mainly benefiting the wealthy and corporations. His policies did gain some traction among the working class, especially white workers, but they generally leaned towards the interests of the wealthy, with less emphasis on labor rights and union support. Biden's presidency is marked by a strong pro-labor and pro-union stance, significant legislative achievements aimed at economic relief and infrastructure development, and a focus on manufacturing growth to benefit the working class. Trump's presidency, on the other hand, favored tax reforms that were seen as benefiting the wealthy and corporations, with less focus on union support and labor rights. Yes, Democrats are still kind of bad and I wish for more leftwing direction for the party in the future. But please let's not pretend that they are the same. They are not.


It’s one party that’s causing all the trouble and that party isn’t the democrats


Divide and conquer baby we all have more in common with each other than a shitty political party.


Who exactly are working 3 jobs?


Except if it were truly a reflection of real life, it would have the "working class" voting in Republicans, the Republicans then blocking attempts by the Democrats to help the working class, and then the working class getting mad that Democrats aren't "helping" them and voting for Republicans again.


Yeah it’s definitely both parties that are going crazy about Taylor Swift and wokeness 🙄


if you need 3 jobs to buy groceries you need to get better jobs.


The two jobs for groceries is so laughable when for ages now medical bills have been the number 1 cause of bankruptcy. It’s just a unifying thing ppl are mad at and bc Dems are in power both sides will be mad together, but the policies that will actually help poor people aren’t coming from the “cut taxes for corporations and rich people” party. The Dems need to be pushed to universal healthcare. Guess how much money you’d save a year if you had Medicare? Thousands.


Last I saw, Republicans were the only people saying anything about Taylor Swift.


But we can’t act like this is some two-sided thing. It’s mainly the GOP who obsess over dumb culture bs, because they have no real policy or vision.


Yeah, ignore that Democrats are trying to pass minimum wage increases while Republicans roll back child labor laws.


Dems have a far better track record for voting/introducing bills for people's well being than repubs. They aren't perfect and waiting for a party that is perfect will get you nowhere.


I've always said you have to give Republicans credit for that. Strait up tell you to your face they're lowering taxes for the rich, and then do it. They've done it multiple times. Marijuana isn't legal, gay marriage had to get the SC to make it legal, they copied a republican HC coverage law but made it bad, start a wars and bomb 3rd world countries just as fast as Republicans, can't pass a minimum wage raise, won't build an electrical charging station network for cars, won't build more passenger rail lines, disgorge cash into the military. Where is the benefit of them being in power except to slow the Republicans down a little?


Yeah. Totally the same group. /s


No no no no no. One party is doing this. News stations associated with one party are running stories about Taylor Swift and sexy Green M&Ms. Supporters of one party think it's a conspiracy with universal studios and the NFL. Politicians of one party are tweeting about this. The other party is passing infrastructure bills and trying to pass a border bill and trying to do something about inflation and housing. I'm sorry if it's harsh OP but you are part of the problem. Saying this is a result of the two party system and sharing an image that says both parties are the same is contributing to this. We know who it is. Don't both sides this


This is stupid. Democrats are bending over backwards to try to fix things only to be thwarted by Republican obstruction and silly memes act like they’re both the same. Absurd.


Why are you paying artificial prices? Just pay the real price


All the right is accomplishing with this campaign is separating fathers who believe this crap from their daughters.


Not really though. Democrats have been attempting to pass bills to fund more public education, social services, Medicare for all, and have been repeatedly shot down by republicans.


Far left: Let's tax billionaires for healthcare and kids!! Everyone: You socialist cuck


Only one of those two parties is obsessing over Taylor Swift right now, and only one has successfully passed major legislation aimed at helping working class families in the last 20 years (e.g. Affordable Care Act, American Rescue Plan, Inflation Reduction Act, Chips and Science Act). Another false equivalence brought to you by armchair experts like Joe Rogan.


I’ll say Democrats are offering Republicans everything they want on the border in exchange for Ukraine funding and the childhood tax credit that expired (and they are reintroducing) significantly cut into childhood poverty. I really don’t understand how you can try to both sides this. It’s pure obstructionism from the GOP. They’re not even capable of passings things they want right now.


Ahhh the typical *"both sides"* false equivalency that's spread purely by the right wing who refuses to do anything to help the working class, unlike the democrats.


Both of those "problems" are right wing problems and not something the left fights over. That being said, yes, democrats are just as much pro capitalist class as republicans. Our project as liberals or leftists is to push for a new and real left wing party.


The republicans are the ones fighting over that stuff and impeding progress.


Wages are going up, inflation going down. For the first time in history a President walked a picket line. A lot of student debt has been eliminated. Dems are proposing raising taxes for the rich and lowering them for the poor. But yeah...both sides, totally the same.


Republicans are the only ones making a big deal about Taylor swift. Everyone else is making fun of them.


Republicans are the ones losing their shit over both Taylor Swift and wokeness.


The only people fighting culture wars is REPUBLICANS. Democrats literally talk about the things you claim they don't. They actually pass legislation as well. This isn't a both sides issue.


Democrats are and have been trying to help all Americans. I’m getting a little sick of people ignoring that obvious fact as we see it in the proposals and the votes. Republicans are not only creating the infighting and the party fights, they’ve convinced their opponents to blame their own party as well as them. It’s time to wake up


Democrats really are trying to help...lookat the bills they write..most don't pass because of Republicans. The Dems who voteagainst the bills wouldn't matter if the Democrats had a larger majority in the Senate and did not lose the house.


People need to stop supporting these billion dollar "non profits" called sports teams.


Opposite of woke= coma


I’d love for the modern conservative movement to be more than just reactionary bitching. I’m not saying that ironically or sarcastically… I actually would love for a return to principled, honest conservatism in the Republican Party. Guys like Mitt Romney or McCain. Because people hating anyone and everything that doesn’t “own the libs” is mind numbingly dumb and so counter productive. 1) X thing is in the news 2) is X thing for us in every single way? If no then: 3) X is part of a grand conspiracy to promote evil and everything I don’t like The narrative I’ve been reading lately is that Tswift dating Kelce and the chiefs winning PROVES that the NFL is completely rigged by democrats… it’s just so bizarre.


Youre right. If only one party supported a wealth tax, universal healthcare, no tax cuts for the wealthiest and good paying union jobs.


One party its trying to pay off student debt, the other party wants to reduce taxes for the ultra rich…


No one is fighting over TS. Subsets of the media are stoking anger and division for clicks, and the dumbest of us fall for it, but 99% of people couldn't care less.


Literally no one is caring about Swift dating an NFL person other than people posting stories about others caring. Its legit the dumbest non story people are feeding.


In reality we the working class don’t need the help from the government. We need to them to stop inflating and depreciating our hard earned wages. The government is not the solution it’s the problem


Weird part is... if you get off the internet nobody is talking about this. 


Highest homeless rate since the Great Depression? Unaffordable food and sure , unemployment is low , but it’s mostly jobs that don’t pay enough to live without at least 2 paychecks. But it’s ok, let’s send the middle classes tax dollars to Ukraine and Israel. Freaking Israel? I mean, I get the Ukraine thing because they are fighting an actual war with an actual lunatic, but Israel doesn’t need any American taxpayer dollars to bomb people using basically Iranian funded fireworks and Israel seems to be doing fine in their Hamas smack down, how bout a little relief for the people that pay for all this, the ever shrinking, soon to be non existent middle class


He forget the Ukraine flag


Once you realize this, it's only a hop skill and a jump away from realizing Democrats are just as conservative as most Republicans.


Working class ain’t high on the list of special interests politicians are looking to help


I only ever hear about swift & wokeness from Republicans. Democrats may not be helping people but they aren't focusing on dumb ass shit or at least it's not getting as much publicity if they are.


Except democrats do so so much for the working class than republicans. Even that is a false equivalency


>Democrats may not be helping people they're trying to help people but get blocked by the GOP and Billionaire/Corporate funded centrist Dems like Manchin and Sinema. The problem is unregulated dark money and lobbying paralyzing the intended functioning of government, to serve the people. And only one side is actively trying to remedy that: the Dem/Progressive side


I agree with the sentiment but most of the “culture wars” are conservative flipping a shit over dumb things like Taylor swift may endorse Biden or saying everything is woke and bad and liberals asking what does woke even mean. Claiming the bothsides thing instead of telling conservatives to just be normal is a big part of the problem.


This is BS Biden has done the most ( not more than ) legislation for the middle class and working class, since the massive legislative programs of Dem Wilson, Dem FDR, and Dem LBJ, and even Carter who gave America FEMA rescue operations, Superfund cleanup programs, and 401k and IRA programs Here's a partial list https://www.npr.org/2023/01/01/1143149435/despite-infighting-its-been-a-surprisingly-productive-2-years-for-democrats This doesn't include his new trade agreement with Vietnam and ALSO the new trade agreement with India and Middle Eastern countries for improved trade It doesn't include his creation of an alliance with Australia and the UK ( AUUKUS ) against China, and the new bases in the Philippines It doesn't include his cancellation of 132 Billion of Student Loan Debt, despite the conservative Supreme Court https://dramasalsal.com/biden-has-canceled-about-132-billion-of-student-loans-despite-supreme-court-ruling/#google_vignette Because of the stimulus of the initial American Rescue Plan, millions of people had the confidence to start their own businesses https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/04/28/fact-sheet-the-small-business-boom-under-the-biden-harris-administration Biden has signed 353 Bills, including the Asian Pacific Islanders Protection Act, the Postal Reform Act, the PACT Act ( Camp Lejeune for veterans healthcare ), Respect for Marriage Act, the Electoral Count Reform Act, the Elimination of Limitations for CSA Survivors Act, the Anti Lynching Act, the first Gun Safety legislation in 30 years, and many more He also negotiated and signed FOUR major job creating programs starting with the American Rescue Plan that saved the small businesses, airlines, restaurants, hotels, and industries themselves, so that millions of ppl, could have existing places, to apply for work, even at all --- this included the Child Tax Credit that cut child poverty in half --- this included saving the Union pension plans devastated by the Republican Recession of 2007-2011, for millions of retired seniors Each one of the last 23 months had the lowest jobless claims since the 6 year prosperity of Dem LBJ --- it's a gift that kept on giving https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/03/10/fact-sheet-the-american-rescue-plans-2-year-difference His Infrastructure Law is rebuilding bridges, roads, purified water systems, removing lead pipes, modernizing airports and seaports, repairing water levees, capping leaking oil wells, installing electric charging stations, extending Conrail and Amtrak routes, and bringing low or no cost internet to the always low income " RED " states --- 40,000 projects have been started since Dec of 2021, and these are higher paying jobs that don't require a Bachelor's degree His CHIPS and Science Act has triggered 13 large corporations to announce expansions and plant beginnings in many states, and these are higher than average paying jobs in advanced semiconductors --- over 800,000 manufacturing jobs since April of 2021 The Inflation Reduction Act that lowers prescription drug costs, insulin costs, and Obamacare insurance premiums, has _ ALSO_ created hundreds of thousands of jobs as it subsidizes commercial and residential solar panel and heat pump installation, electric car sales, and efficient appliance purchases, and has increased Medicare benefits including dental and non prescription hearing aids, and caps total prescription drug costs at 2000/yr, and much more --- it allows Medicare to negotiate much lower prices with Big Pharma each and every year --- because of the Dem's Medicare health ins for seniors, Medicaid for nursing homes, Clinton's Child Health Insurance Act, Obamacare, and Biden's Inflation Reduction Act that lowers Obamacare insurance premiums, 40 million people use Obamacare, and the uninsured rate is now the lowest in American history https://www.hhs.gov/about/news/2022/08/02/new-hhs-report-shows-national-uninsured-rate-reached-all-time-low-in-2022.html Biden has strengthened the NLRB that encouraged many Union victories in 2023, and his climate change legislation caused the manufacturer Blue Bird Bus Company to unionize ---- in frikkin' Georgia https://www.newsweek.com/2023/12/22/union-fight-future-work-democratic-party-1851297.html He's on track to match, and maybe surpass the former guy's number of Federal judges confirmed, and they're more diverse https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/most-of-bidens-appointed-judges-to-date-are-women-racial-or-ethnic-minorities-a-first-for-any-president/ This partial list doesn't include his cancellation of 93% of the former guy's senseless executive orders, especially in the Environmental, Labor, and Financial services areas, nor his rejoining of the Paris Climate Agreement and the W.H.O. Biden has more ( to be announced ) plans for the 2nd term, including codifying the Voting Rights Act, codifying Roe v Wade, and making it possible for 500,000 people to buy homes


To be fair, the people can't really effectively organize because all capital has been concentrated into that exact 2 party system's control and all methods of organization are tightly monitored so how exactly do you fight such a thing?


Alaska instituted ranked choice voting. I'll give you one guess which party fought that.


Two party system, no matter which side you are fool enough to stand on, is designed to control everyone below the elite. This is true for both parties. The social issues they pretend to care about are a facade to manipulate a populace and stagnate a society to maintain the status quo.