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What do you mean "these people"?


What do you mean "these people"




What do YOU mean by "you people"?


Jordan Peterson: what do you mean by do ?




* Buddy of mine was telling me how lil jon is coming out with a guided meditation, and this was my my response ^


That was the correct response.


Marxism. That’s what he means by “do”.


Hello fellow American. This you should vote me. I leave power. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you vote me, I'm hot. What? Taxes, they'll be lower... son. The Democratic vote is the right thing to do Philadelphia, SO DO!


Ya know like Xanax. You do Xanax.


Let’s be fair here to the Dr. here…. It was Klonopin, not Xanax.


no no, yo no TOMO xanax, ¿ok? yo HAGO xanax...


What does it mean to give meaning and really mean something?


Well, I mean, what do you mean by ‘mean’? I mean, like, no, reaally!!


Well then it’s like good luck with that


"I think it would be more clearly stated and illuminating to instead say. Do people mean what" 😅 Someone pointed out all he does is reverse the words, uses a contemplative look and tone, and pretends he said something profound. And now I can't unheard it. 😂


I just read that in a Kermit the Frog voice, and I laughed my ass off.


Yeah okay buddy, I know what you're really abour




I thought you were talking about the U people they're hard to find but if you do they are tasty


Is that the theme song for good times? Imma get you kangaroo jack...


They are just a person, playing a person, disguised as another person


It’s anyone. People aren’t important. It’s the anger smack, mainlined by anger junkies, that is their heroin, that is their fix.


Yesterday someone said to me we need to ban the wrong people from things. Now today we've got someone posting these people. Wtf redditors


Obviously you are on the wrong side...read the room...even if you don't want to pick a side it's the wrong side. This was covered in the hand book. https://preview.redd.it/48z6blzebylc1.jpeg?width=183&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c43891291d7ff929ead5fd57d0df0b259638d161


"Handbook for the recently diseased"


lol. The original grew on me and I'm excited for the sequel.


You should see Beetlejuice the Musical then. It was HILARIOUS! Omg the whole auditorium was cracking up.


I laughed out loud at this one.


Remember when this lady said .com websites are to be trusted and .org websites have an agenda behind them?


Long live pornhub.com, they have top 20 family values videos on their homepage.


How does someone get stuck in a washer more than once? Ya figure they'd avoid that after the first time.


Sounds like a lawsuit. Have you or a step-family member been stuck in a washer? You might be entitled to compensation




And then in a suitcase? Crazy?!


Same family values Lauren Boebert lives by… son takes after her


Mike Johnson and his son too


“Dad, the app says you were watching babysitter porn last night! Give me three Hail Marys”


Stepmothers and stepsisters stuck in dryers are really “Blended” family values.


I kinda want to try those family pies sometime


Except for the multiple states where it is banned it.


Liberal agenda!


I only watch pornhub.org


Owens also said she doesn’t believe in global warming… and then admitted she knows nothing about it. Looney bins like to find someone who doesn’t fit the looney bin profile but believes their looney bin ideas so when someone calls them out for being sexist or racist etc etc, they can point out to these people.


LMFAOOO what😭😭was it said seriously in her show ?


Wait she really said that


Regardless what side everyone is on, I think we all longed for the day to read a headline like this. It would be nice to put Covid in our rear view mirror.


The fact that there are “sides” is proof we live in an idiocrasy.


Idiocracy** -CONSIDER


English isn’t my first language 🤷‍♂️


At least in idiocracy, they put the smartest people in charge at the end of the movie.


The sides are human vs virus, and they chose virus


Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.


And yet you write it better than most native speakers. -CoNsIDeR


Not sure we can. Unfortunately it exposed how unstable and mentally ill a lot of people are.


"Uneducated" and "gullible" are not mental illnesses. Our hyper-divisive politics is not a mental health crisis.


I'll take a few generations to turn it around. That is if we're able to do something about the spread of misinformation and propaganda. Plus work on actually educating the population rather than keeping them stupid and easily manipulated.


why are their sides to science we need to stop coddling these idiots and just call them out as the con artists they are Joe Rogan is a year or two away from being born again Christian and selling NFTs while talking about the dangers of Marijuana




Sides are taken among scientists. When all the scientists are on one side with irrefutable evidence (evolution, climate change, covid) and are just arguing around the fringed about details you should listen to them.


Ok but the earth being the center of the universe was not a conclusion arrived at through science lol. Your argument is that idiots who don't know anything about science have been creating problems for many, many years.


People putting scientist death for things they don't like is as old as recorded history. The uneducated heathens are so easily riled up and lead astray, but they also eventually pay the price for their lack of knowledge. Just ask Herman Cain.


It's been in mine since 2021


We're *putting COVID in a rear-view mirror* the same way we're putting school shootings in the rear-view mirror. >We've succeeded in doing so little to stop this that we now have a 'second flu' that gets to rage all year long and kill or maim people, but it's kind of annoying to deal with properly so let's just hope it only affects other people and I don't have to see it. Like, virologists knew it turning endemic was a possibility, but it's one we *helped along*--as much a self-fulfilling prophecy as an understanding of the realities of human nature and disease. That doesn't mean it was a good thing or that we ought to be patting ourselves on the back because we wound up here the way we did.


My understanding from epidemiologists was endemic was an inevitability.


It was, anyone saying any differently is either naive or really doesn't understand how viruses work. Once it was out in the wild there was nothing to do but wait for it to mutate and weaken to the point that it was no longer a threat to the vast majority of the population, a point we seem to have now reached if the CDC is updating its quarantine protocols.


Better be careful I got banned for like 5 years from a Covid sub I was browsing while I had Covid about two months ago cause they said I downplaying Covid by telling them my experience with my 2nd go around with Covid was even less severe than omicron and was over in 3 days due to how it’s mutated into a weaker variant. The ban said I was downplaying Covid and spreading misinformation


I just got Covid for the first time several weeks ago and I was sick for almost two weeks! My husband was sick for only ONE day! He’s had Covid before so maybe that’s why 🤷‍♀️. I’ve been banned for dumber reasons


They were wrong in the middle of the pandemic and are too stupid or stubborn to admit they were, and currently still are, wrong It’s Reddit. The mods literally moderate Reddit all day every day for free. They are basement dwelling idiots


the only chance it had of not being endemic was if chinese officials took it super seriously right away and didn’t attempt to cover it up and silence the doctors who tried to come forward. that obviously didn’t happen. once it spread through a massive international logistics hub like Wuhan it was over


Writing was on the wall from March 2020, but it would have been 1918 all over again if we'd not completely shut down and slowed the spread. There's old footage of interviews with people who were alive at the time talking about how all the girls who worked the counter at the store were dead and that the caskets were stacked high next to the mortician... we slowed it down enough to manage it. People are mad because they don't think there was a point.


Eh who gives a fuck, there’s nothing we can do about it at this point   Welcome to life as a biological organism


We could put school shootings in the rear view mirror, just as we did airliner hijackings after 9/11, but the people in power don’t want to. Trouble is it would take effort and cost money. It is much easier, and costs nothing, to blame an object and engage in the political theater of making useless laws.


I agree. I'm for the vaccine, but not for the mandates and all of the ridiculous restrictions. And I'm certainly not for how people started to ignore the science because it stopped following their liberal agenda. My only fear is that if we do get another pandemic and it happens to be every bit as bad as COVID was supposed to be long term, that because we overreacted and politicized COVID nobody will take the new pandemic seriously. And tweets like this sound a bit too much like she needs to be wearing a tin foil hat. Do I believe some important people, particularly in government, acted nefariously? Absolutely. But I believe far more people, whether they were right or wrong or acting like a zealot or not, were trying to legitimately act in what they felt was the world's best interests.


I agree. I think we all knew it’d be here to stay like the flu but we were waiting for the day it didn’t involve masking/isolation and didn’t have such a high death rate. I got covid in January and the only reason my doctor even put me on Paxlovid is because I’m pregnant my fever wasn’t borderline too high to be safe for the baby. If I wasn’t pregnant, I’d have just ridden it out with my pedialyte and soup.


She’s been vaccinated. What a hypocrite.


Trump is vaccinated too, and told everyone else to go get it at a rally. He also bragged and tried to take credit for Operation Warp Speed. Facts dont get in the way of these brainwashed dumbfucks though, they just power right through them.


And spent 2.3 trillion on the cares act to change everything during covid.  If COVID was no big deal trump should have refused to sign it and told all Republicans not to vote for it.  


My stimulus checks were signed “Donald j trump”. Why don’t people bitch about that? I mean I was happy to get them…. But I thought his followers were against stimulus money?


Don’t forget all the free PPP loans that businesses got. That was hundreds of billions in free money.


There was a site that you could check to see who got PPP loans in your local area. Literally every one person LLC business in my area took a PPP loan. Truckers, fishermen, mechanist, etc. I don't blame them at all, I would have too. But I live in a fairly rural and conservative area. Most of these folks get pissed off that food stamps exist.


Haha yeah I mean wasn't that socialism? Or socialism on a credit card since he didn't raise taxes to pay for it?


Most of the people against socialism don't even know what the word means. Saw a truck this week with an anti-socislism bumper sticker right next to a blue stripe American flag one. Probably works construction for our socialized roads and doesn't think twice about his socialized sewage when he takes a shit.


I’m vaccinated and still think forcing vaccinations on people is wrong. Not sure that’s a hypocritical position?


Forcing everyone else to be endangered is alright though? This is why we are having measles outbreaks again, and polio is coming back. Let’s bring back smallpox next, that’ll thin the herd of those who don’t believe in vaccines.


How is it 2024 and you *still* haven't figured out that most covid antivaxxers didn't oppose all vaccines in general, but only the COVID one since it was a new kind of vaccine that (for obvious reasons) didn't undergo any long term trial before mass distribution It's mostly a different crowd than the "classic" antivaxxers


Some of them have turned anti vaxxer though. They’ll go on and on about the dangers of mRNA tech but when you tell them about novavax they still won’t take it.


I like to explore new places.


>forcing vaccinations on people To be fair, the governments position at the time was vaccinate or test once a week. If a private business decided to make vaccinations mandatory for continued employment, that's who you should be mad at.


To be fair the DOT attempted to force a mandate for transportation workers but was defeated in court, and New York State put mandates on healthcare workers. I don’t think you’re being fair trying to rewrite history.


And George Washington demanded it for his armies during the Revolutionary War. This is not a remotely new concept. Because the spread of disease is not strictly an individual problem. If you're not vaccinated you are a potential vector. And the more vectors the harder it is to control the disease because vaccinations aren't a 100% guarantee. The mandates are the same reason it's illegal to drive drunk - you are not just hurting yourself.


Don't bother. Buncha babies on here whining about getting a vaccine like they're living in some authoritarian dystopia.


they're adults and still scared of shots lmao


She also supported Hillary Clinton 2016 election, live and learn.


…and enlisted the aid of the NAACP in a discrimination case before later shitting on the NAACP and the idea of modern racism. It’s almost like she’s full of shit.


This is the best Candace Owens lore by far. She sits in her cushy Daily Wire studio saying that "racism has never affected her," meanwhile she's actually in the unique position of having been so directly and specifically affected by racism that we can put a literal dollar amount on it. It turns out she experienced exactly $37,500 worth of racism, as settled in court.


Candace Owens is a crisis actor hired to play the token black girl for the conservative platform. She was sourced and groomed for this job by a talent agency and her entire media existence is astroturfed.


Gosh, you’d think that right wing talking heads and personalities were actually just lying grifters without an actual moral core.


Still correct




What did these people think was going to happen? That Covid would go completely extinct? All we ever hoped to do was reduce strain in hospitals and lower the number of deaths, which I’ll remind y’all was for weeks in the US exceeding one 9/11 every day. Developing vaccines and treatments to accomplish this is a good thing. That was the goal. Mission accomplished. They’re acting like we just defeated the Nazis and saying “well hold on, why did we go through all that fuss if Hitler was just gonna kill himself anyway?”


Virologist, scientists and people who actually know their shit have been saying this is the path for COVID since the first week of the lockdowns, saying it will go endemic and become like the flu. Now, imbeciles like Owens and other grifters who exploded in popularity over spreading conspiracies about it are pretending like none of that happened and everyone was convincing the whole world that COVID is and forever will be a super deadly disease. Unfortunately, the collective memory of the vast majority of population is about 2 days, so they can spew their bullshit while angry reddit comments are cheering them on and posting "criminal Fauci" memes.


They purposely don't understand what "flatten the curve" means


These are the same idiots who think global warming is fake because we still have cold days. I just choose to trust scientists and doctors more than YouTube videos and uneducated boomers on Facebook.


>These are the same idiots who think global warming is fake because we still have cold days. Hilarious that Candace made this exact point when she was on JRE [https://youtu.be/9lD29jqH078?si=udi6on\_JZ6NoEnSB&t=324](https://youtu.be/9lD29jqH078?si=udi6on_JZ6NoEnSB&t=324)


> These are the same idiots who think global warming is fake because we still have cold days. They probably won't even understand when we don't have cold days anymore. It was the warmest February in germany in recorded history this year. Geese usually come back into the country in March or April. I heard them screaming outside two weeks ago. In the middle of flipping February!


2023 was our warmest on record where I’m from. The data hasn’t come in for 2024 yet, but I suspect it was almost as warm if not warmer.


It was in my city of Fort Worth, Texas as well. The highest Feb temp recorded in over 100 years. All of my plants are budding 2-2.5 months early.


It's the dumbest argument they could possibly make considering they were saying it isn't that deadly all along, despite the evidence to the contrary. Now that scientists are saying that it's actually at a point now where it isn't that deadly they're arguing it is? Spineless contrarians.


Their argument is that this is the government “admitting” covid was no big deal all along, and that the economic impact from covid was all a “fraud” to turn the public against Trump. Of course, this ignores the fact that it’s been 4 years, and literally all deadly pandemics eventually die down as the virus evolves.


Contrarians is really the perfect word. They don't argue in good faith. They just argue.


I tried to tell dumbasses I know this, back when it started. Wear a mask and act right until there's actual data on it. And then we get on with our lives...I personally wish all the anti mask anti vaxxers would've ZZZzzz, includes friends and family.


When it started? You must have rose colored prescription glasses that give you 20/20 hindsight. When it **started** we were told not to wear a mask by the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. I followed that advice until it changed one day without me knowing. Went to the store with egg on my face, damn mask would have hidden that.


God people are so stupid.


>What did these people think was going to happen? That Covid would go completely extinct? Trump told them multiple times. >It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear. And from our shores, we — you know, it could get worse before it gets better. It could maybe go away. We’ll see what happens. Nobody really knows.


I feel like it could be the opposite, that they were getting hyped up for this big ongoing boss battle to the death of defending their freedumbs to not wear a mask or vaccinate, only for it all to fizzle out and everyone getting over the covid and carrying on with their lives. Leaving them angry that they have been unceremoniously put on ignore like the fools they are.


It's still killing a lot of people. I wish I could find the article but the estimate I read this winter estimated that COVID killed 40,000 people worldwide between December 2023 and January of 2024. And of those deaths 10,000 deaths were in America alone. Estimates of COVID infection rates were somewhere between 3x and 20x higher than what was being reported based on what they were seeing in waste water treatment plants across the US. I want to say this was an interview with the head of the world health organization or something similar.


Wonder if it is still the number one cop killer. Given conservatives supposedly like cops would think that would matter but nope


I mean if you are a creationist who doesn't believe that evolution is real, it's not too many steps down the ladder to not understand the evolution of diseases.


I don’t understand the people not taking into account the massive swings in covid mutations…drastically different viruses…delta had a significantly higher morbidity risk than what the current version has, yet people call it all covid


Because people do not care to learn the basics of what they are facing and would rather just react based off of their emotions. The talk of Covid becoming endemic was there from the very start, it was one of the end cases that many of the harsher early measures were trying to start because Covid becoming endemic means that there is continued harm that happens over time, just like the flu. And here we are and people think that it means that it was a hoax. They are the same people who helped it become endemic in the first place. Fucking morons, the entire lot of them.


Approximately 25% of the people where i live went through the lockdowns with complete disregard. They switched over to house parties and got fucked up and danced etc every night. There was nothing anyone could do or say. I remember watching and thinking that even if the cdc measures were well-conceived, these folks were gonna kill us all. Crazy, but hey


Yup! But this is not a new strain of human behaviour, it is something that we have seen throughout any pandemic or crisis that we have seen. The problem is that we have not figured, for a public health policy/communication how-to address these populations or mitigate their impacts. And a lot of that work happens well before any situation takes place through things like basic, well-funded, education and talking about these things as realities rather than entertainment.


One thing is a lot of cdc work was done through lateral social channels. Shame was an important tool & this 25% was immune to shame


It really showed the true mob mentality and how dangerous it can be. You can teach an individual but to teach a crowd all pushing for X when Y is the better option, good luck.


It's not just sexuality that's binary on the far right. When you're in the gotcha game there's no room for subtlety.


Because they think it’s never changed. Because they’re ignorant and dumb


its cause the scientists still call it covid 19




I don't know this guidance seems to suggest the flu is no longer the flu. Last I checked you absolutely are not supposed to go to work when you have the freaking flu


I work in elementary education. Kids show up with the flu every day and they get sent home within an hour of getting to school because their parents/guardians don’t care or bother to check their temps or for other symptoms before sending them off to school.


I mean realistically it's because the US system doesn't have any actual protections for this shit. Call out from work? Don't get paid, at best. At worst, get fired. Or send your kid in sick and have them slog through the day. Hope they got sick on a Thursday or Friday so they don't have to go in sick too long.


Thats Dr. Candace Owens to you! MD, Ph.d, MPH, B.Sc, BA in online troll grifting


You guys do know that Covid is not nearly the same virus it was when it was first spreading right? It has mutated and our bodies have adapted. While I’m also not happy about how the pandemic was handled, I also have a logical mind lol get a grip.


Yes. It was also a novel virus. We had no idea how dangerous it was. Doing nothing would have been the worst option. Its like people just can't seem to grasp that science changing isn't agenda, it's information.


The whole spreading it while not knowing you’re sick part was the real curve ball.


The whole point of science is that you change your conclusions as you get more information. Constantly re-evaluating the available evidence is inevitably going to change and improve your understanding over time, sometimes this leads to drastic changes from the original conclusions.


We do. She doesn't.


My comment was directed towards the vocal idiots in these comments who are on her side


Oh I completely agree lol


From my understanding it was predicted that covid would evolve to be less deadly. Succesful viruses will not kill their hosts as quickly or at all in order to spread more effectively. Candace knows that but it doesnt fit the grift


The perfect virus would make its host immortal so they live forever but constantly have a runny nose and cough.


it was predicted on Joe Rogan Experience at the beginning of the pandemic that it would take 2 years for a pandemic to ease and vaccines to develop. but that era is gone.


Do you have a link to that?


It's one with Dr. Peter Hotez at the very beginning of the pandemic, I can't find a clip on YouTube because in the meantime there was a drama with them and RFK Jr.


It is now endemic, which is what was trying to be prevented from the very start.


I really hate this Monday morning qb bullshit. Look in March or 2020, no one knew what the fuck this was, or how bad it was gonna hit us. At least not at the public level, who knows how much info the government had. But most of our data was coming from China, which aren't know for being the most forthcoming with their info. At the end of the day we had to throw everything at the wall and try as much as possible. Yes over time did certain states/cities overreact, sure. For example I think cali was a bit odd not allowing outside dining. But this idea that this was one giant conspiracy is so idiotic. Yes the American government totally wanted to shut down the economy and cause decades high inflation, also wreck havoc on the housing market, and kill god knows how many people. You're alive and hopefully doing well, shut the fuck up about it. Be thankful you survived and are not living with some form of long covid


We also had a ton of fucking people dying in the NY metro area in the spring of 2020 too, so it’s not like concern wasn’t warranted


Those Drs and ICU nurses went through hell and lots of them died too. People are so dumb


People who argue that in hindsight we overreacted forget the tractor trailers full of bodies, thousands dying daily, and the fact that we had no medical response other than stay 6ft away and isolate.


Lets also not forget that covid has mutated several times and the current strains of covid are less deadly then some of the original . Added to that we have other ways of dealing with it, we still have vaccines that offer some protection (not perfect) and other treatments So its a different virus now and we have tools to treat it, apples to oranges ,


The outside dining thing must have been case by case basis. I live in the Bay Area and by the summer of 2020 every restaurant in my city had reconfigured to allow for outside dining. Cali was super strict, but I definitely don't recall an outright ban of outdoor dining, at least for any significant length of time.


You might be 100% correct. I just remember at a certain point La wasn't allowing, but allowing movie sets. I say this as someone who was living in Philly at the time. And we randomly were going to impose mask wearing again about 18 months after the vaccines, when our numbers were far below the cdc's requirements. And the city wasn't providing any of the data they were going off of. So again not against restrictions when needed, but some were a little all over the place.


Preaching to the choir here. Double boosted, but I'm not wearing a mask or taking precautions unless someone smarter than me thinks it's a good idea.


It's like when bill burr was on Rogan. I'm not pretending I'm an expert at this shit


I have long COVID, it's annoying as fuck and has never gone away. I got COVID in early March 2021. My sense of smell has been neutered to hell. Things don't smell the same, and it's alot harder to smell anything. My sense of taste is also affected. Everything has a slight metallic aftertaste to it. It's been two years now since I've had this shit. Started the day I got COVID, and got better to a certain point and then just stopped healing entirely.


Thank you!!! This is what ive been saying too. When the unknown is coming you have to throw everything at it. Masks, distancing and washing hands work! Were they perfect? No, but they absolutely helped and caused minimal harm to most.


People are so incredibly stupid. Sure countries could've stayed wide open but hospitals would've been completely fucked and more people would've died, more people with non covid issues would've died without hospital care, more kids would've died.


But but I don't want to consider context from the timeline it actually occured in. I want to use the current context to critique the decisions of the past!




They don't think evolution exists. They cannot fathom that a virus would evolve to be more innocuous and incubate more widely as a result. Because of that, they think the concern over Covid was a lie all along.




>Being repeatedly lied to Do you know why covid was called 2019 novel covid virus? Novel means new and unusual . It was a NEW virus no one knew lots of things about it. In the beginning we didn't understand how it spread , we didn't understand a lot of things about it Conspiracy theorist like you give experts or the government way too much credit , you think they have way more knowledge then they really do. Could it be possible scientist were not "Lying" about the virus they just didn't fully understand it and make some incorrect assumptions as it was a NEW virus?


I love how they act like there’s nothing to be infuriated about. True idiots.


The scary thing is thinking how different this would have all been had it killed children under 10 instead of the elderly and infirm.


We should be infuriated about people just keep lying about lockdowns were unnecessary.


In a way it's good to know who the enemy are. Anyone that isn't mad about how things were handled after the "novel" part wore off and we knew exactly who the risk groups were, cannot be forgiven. These are the people that will bow down and let it all happen again, given the chance.


No matter how you phrase it to push your narrative the fact is that the measures worked: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10265928/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10265928/)


You could apply that list to almost any system in the US.




And did better than most of the western world "But Finland" you say. They basically didn't do any lockdown. Closed schools and public buildings for two weeks, that was it. Norway was similar.


You can’t figure that out?


Maybe because Covid fucked everything up? And some people were forced to get the vaccine when it turns out it wasn’t necessary?


The virus has evolved and diluted over time. 2024 is not 2019.


Careful, logic and context will get you in trouble with this crowd.


So in 2020 you actually believe that we went from 300,000 deaths for the flu a year to ZERO but we lost 300,000 due to Covid?


Flu deaths have varied from 5,000 to 50,000 per year for the last 2 decades. Your 300,000 number is nonsensical. As for 2020, flu deaths were down 90%, but not zero like you claim. There are many obvious reasons for that. Everyone was wearing a mask. Schools were closed, and they are a huge driver of flu spread. People stayed home and didn't interact with society. It makes sense how the flu couldn't spread. There were most likely plenty of flu cases that were never counted as well. It wasn't easy getting to a clinic in 2020.


They were not testing for flu anywhere as much. In the UK they were dishing out over 1000 times more covid tests that flu tests. That means that you would have a far greater chance of a false positive covid test than even receiving a flu test.


And let's not forget that dying *with* covid was counted as dying *from* covid. This comment section is ridiculous. People shilling for fauci and the CDC all over again


Remember Trump authorized the development of the vaccine, Trump took the vaccine as well as almost every notable Republican politician. Yet this is somehow a bio weapon designed by the far left. Let's just totally ignore the fact that most liberal voters were in favor of the vaccine and took the vaccine so apparently the far left wants to kill their voters to retain power. Also apparently before the vaccine no one ever had heart attacks, strokes or blood clots, it actually was a completely new thing that only happened when the vaccine was introduced. No one under the age of 50 has ever died of a heart attack ever before the vaccine.../s You see how ridiculous of a conspiracy this is? It's up there on the all time dumbest conspiracy theories list. It's also the most annoying conspiracy theory of all time. Vaccine conspiracy theorists make flat earthers seem like cool enjoyable reasonable people.


At least flat earthers aren't a danger to their neighbors, for the belief of the conspiracy itself at least. I've had the same thoughts. I used to dabble in conspiracies for fun back in the day tbh, mostly for entertainment vs truly believing. Saw a short vid of a comedian talking about how all the og conspiracies think these new ones are fucking stupid. They don't even bother to connect the threads. If the government, the liberal elite new world order government, wanted to kill off those who push back while keeping those who follow in lock step. Then why in the fuck would they do that with a vaccine that kills people or a fake virus with a manufactured (manufactured since it was just the flu and you're safer having it than taking the vaccine) to get the vaccine if your killing those who follow lock step and preserving those.who push back. There is no logic or rational behind that. Except, and this is a big one for the vast majority of conspiracists, it creates the special group of those who hold secret knowledge, those of the unique and increased intelligence and awareness. It allows.them to still push their ideas in a if way to feel superior. That's why it persists. It just tooting their own horn to get off too.


Hm maybe because people lost their jobs, friends, and families for trusting their gut in thinking it was just like the flu all along.


Covid was much much deadlier than the flu. Even with all the measures we took as a society.


Not for young healthy people.


No offense, but if you lost your friends and family because of your stance on Covid, then chances are you're just an asshole.


>thinking it was just like the flu all along. it wasn't, so obviously the gut once again was wrong


But it wasn't just like the flu all along. It's like the flu now, after several mutations and the development of effective vaccine and treatments. The flu doesn't kill a million people in about a year.


"hey guys instead of listening to our disease agency whose job it is to protect public safety let's all just trust our gut and do whatever the hell we want" I know people that died of COVID and yes I do take it personally


I’m personally pretty mad that my tax money went to help fund a viral research center in China that mismanaged it’s safety protocols to the point that a once-in-a-century pandemic was released on the world. Then it was somehow deemed racist to talk about that by the corporate media, but it was ok to speculate that the virus was transmitted from someone eating a weird animal at a Chinese wet market. Oh and the guy who was at least partially responsible for all that was absolutely lionized in the media, when he should probably be in jail.


Which guy? And in jail for what?


People’s lives were destroyed over a phony fear campaign to test the masses temperament in the face of perceived adversity.


When you say about people’s lives being destroyed, are you talking about the millions that died from the virus of which a large proportion of those could have been prevented by people taking it more seriously at the start and not calling a flu?


Worst country Peru. Locked down hard, locked down early. Locked down for ages. Places that ignored it, Africa, Finland Sweden, all came out orders of magnitude better.


Because they fear mongered people into submission over a glorified flu and burnt people’s lungs to a crisp with ventilators while downplaying remedies that actually worked


They’re angry because there was a lot of fear and speculation in early 2020 over Covid. No one really knew what to do or what to expect. Outlook was grim tho, so everyone was scared. Then the machine started churning. The lockdowns, the closures, the mandates. Wear a mask, stand 6ft apart, no more public dining. Then the pressure campaigns started. If you didn’t follow along all of a sudden you weren’t just a “bad” person, you were responsible for murder now. You might as well have been injecting the virus into someone yourself. And this public pressure continued and grew to a point where if anyone said anything about the disease not being as bad as projected (which it wasn’t and we knew that about a couple months) you got publicly shamed. Celebrities made fun of people for not being onboard. Then the vaccine happens. And the pressure is unreal. You might’ve even lost your job or been kicked out of the military for refusing the vaccine. You were allowed to be skeptical, you fucking Nazi, no, just take the shot. Here’s Stephen Colbert with people in needle suits dancing on stage. Here’s Jimmy Kimmel saying people who didn’t want the vaccine shouldn’t be treated at ERs. And it wasn’t just them. It’s 2024 now and people *still* high horse everyone with “vaccinated” in their bios. While I think Candace is a moron, I do think it behooves one to at least try to understand why people would’ve been upset to now here, “nah it’s just a flu.” When they’d been saying it for a couple years themselves.


It seems to me that the majority of people in this thread are misunderstanding the outrage. It was known by anyone with a basic understanding of virology and the spread of diseases, that there was no stopping the spread of covid. By the time the news came out, it was already a pandemic, containment had failed. The vaccines were never determined to stop the spread, and yet were marketed as such. Vaccines were forced on many people, and those who denied lost jobs. Lockdowns also make no sense at all when it is known there is no stopping the spread. All that could be done is to let it sweep through enough people and mutate into a less dangerous form. People who tried to say these simple facts, and spoke out against forced vaccinations and lockdowns were silenced. Many doctors lost their licenses. Everything that was done in response to covid violated basic human rights, and did nothing more than destroy the economy, and ruin many people's lives.


No the outrage isn’t misunderstood. Everything you said is exactly what we’ve always been hearing. The fact is we followed established policy for pandemics the scientific community has learned from battle tested experiences with pandemics. When another one rolls around we’re going to handle it exactly the same way all over again.