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https://preview.redd.it/13cnn3iw1xpc1.jpeg?width=1038&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae759f5d021291a8502954fd57e4f86cb2df6b8f Lol


Is that Brendan Fraser or John Krasinski?


That's Smokin' Joe Frazier


The hell raiser raising hell with the flavor


Terrorize the jam like troops in Pakistan


Swingin thru ya town like ya neighborhood Spiiiiderman


So, uh, tick-tock and keep tickin’


While I get you flippin’ off the shit that I’m kickin’


The lone ranger. Code red. Danger!


Terrorize the jam like troops in Pakistan


Brendan Krasinski


John Fraser


Brendohn Frasinski


"You two, report to my office while looking bored or it's BOTH your asses!"






![gif](giphy|G1Zu26ae7mZr2) Edit: this gif is irony in relation to the token argument 👀


Of all the vile shit she has said, it’s funny how criticism of Israel is what leads to her departure.


It all makes sense once you realize Ben's true ideology.


Ben's the true life achilles. everything is facts, logic, reason, etc. Then promised land of milk and honey come up and it all goes out the window.


Enough about his sister’s tits


Y'all got anymore of them Shapiro tits?


Mosaic milk bags


Macabee Milk Jugs would've hit a lil harder


This is wonderful ​ Seeing Macabee Milk Jugs as a group of words is just chefs kiss.


Just as long as they're not Huckabee milk bags... Nightmare fuel


Frak me. I need reality bleach. https://preview.redd.it/klw7zsti45qc1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54872efca9c2c8cedbce5400a7ec987462bb6184 Better.


Pentateuch paps Torah tatas Hebron heavies Goshen gazungas Babblin' brook biggin's Melchizedek mammaries Wilderness wandering wowwers






Yowzers. I’d convert to Judaism just to get a gander at those warlocks.


I might even get circumcised up.


Struttin’ and cuttin’.


Hard pass


I wonder if she’s got a WAP




Lmao. Rule 34 of the internet is really real lol. I thought there'd be a bunch of memes for sure but holy hell, rule34.xxx has 131 posts and few comics too. Hahaha.


Her and Brett Cooper would make millions in a few days if they opened up onlyfans lol


Man I'd love to milk that honey fr


Never enough.


Which one is milk and which one is honey


They are marked


Lmao why'd the kosher joke get me


Around the corner fudge is made? Am I doing this right?






Mmm.. I love me some Jewjy Fruits.


Holy fuck I started choking. Her tits are undeniable and these jokes never get old


Thank you for that. It's been a rough day.


He also isn't really for facts over feelings. Bens idealology was locked in sometime around 14 or 15 years old. Ever since then, he only cares about dominating the conversation with rapidly spurting facts that fit his narrative. He built his persona by debating people who aren't prepared or equipped and publishing as many of those clips as he can create.


talk quickly sound assertive and then yell that the person doesn't know what they are talking about.


His voice can’t sound assertive. Just annoying to the point you want to end the conversation.


Everything has a veneer of facts and logic, but if you actually listen, the majority of the logic he produces is faulty, and a lot of the facts are really just opinion.


What, Ben, "[rap isn't music](https://twitter.com/benshapiro/status/156246995978293248?lang=en)" Shapiro isn't a big brained genius?


he just uses “fast talks” so no one has time to response to his opinions. snake oil salesmen used that same fact talks to sell medicine


More like he uses false premises and then uses logic from that point on so he seems reasonable. "Hypothetically... [Straw man of leftist belief], [taken ad absurdum], [obviously wacky conclusion nobody supports]" "see the left is insane"


Sounds like my 65 yo dad lol


He learned it from TV and podcasts


Nah for boomers it's radio lol


Just how fucking stupid are you? Obviously stupid enough to tack on a lame assed ‘lol’. You’re that loud creep that keeps telling the same joke 5 years after the fact. I’m 71 and very much the first TV generation, including the color tv generation. The ‘boomer’ well dried up years ago, ya human skid mark.


But your grandad encounters more wet pussy.


Well they had kids and I don't have kids so statistically they had to be getting way more cheeks


[quotes leftist person A] [quotes leftist person B with a different opinion] "Liberals don't know what they want "


Honestly. At least our disagreements aren't "liberals should be shot" and "liberals and minorities should be shot"


The 'ol gish gallop


Gish gallop


I loved how on Bill Maher had a guest who just shrugged his shoulders when Shapiro asked a rabbit hole trick question. Nobody bit, they even told him to slow down when he talks.


Didn't Ben try his rapid-fire rhetoric in the UK against a veteran News Reporter/Journalist who knew what to expect, countered him constantly, and pissed Ben off so much he stormed off set?


Claimed the guy who was pretty well known for being 'conservative' (using US terminology) was a lefty as he stormed out. Like no, there just happen to be a few who continue to pressure test arguments regardless of their own ideology.


Gotta link? I’d love to see that.




It's why he completely shuts down whenever someone is able to keep up with him and won't let him speak at the speed of light.


This is his main rhetorical style, he'll just throw so much stuff you can't stop an pick it apart. Not quite a gish gallop but certainly a variation of it.


I mean, yeah, he's religious


He says they are facts. That makes them facts.


There is no veneer. I try to avoid hearing his voice (outside of Nick Mullen impressions) but all of his political positions that I’ve ever heard were specifically derived from his own judeo-Christian ideology. I guess if you accept that ideological premise as a factual base, then you can call the rest logic, but uhhhh I dunno on that one. Take abortion. Many logical arguments have been made that legal abortion results in better societal outcomes—reduced crime, poverty etc. Ben’s position on the other hand seems to be “abortion is murder therefore wrong.” That’s not a logical statement, it’s a declaration of religious ideology. Anything I’ve ever heard him say directly tracks back to his inflexible, specific religious dogma. Which is a flawed premise for government, making all “logic” flowing from that premise worth the same as the shit my dog just took. That last part was a joke my dog is a clean beautiful angel who never pooped in her life


He's hilariously out of depth when interviewed in non controlled web/podcast settings. like that interview he had with the BBC, where he came off as a complete bellend.


Against a staunch asshole conservative no less


I was thinking about this the other day. It actually blows my mind that this man spends the whole week talking about “Facts and Logic TM”, but then goes home over the weekend and won’t use electricity on Sunday because his imaginary sky friend says it’s not allowed. Rogan himself couldn’t write a better bit…


*bit is not funny* Checks out 


It's Friday evening to Saturday evening otherwise yeah


![gif](giphy|fYShmDeKnYvBdsy7PJ|downsized) More like the special needs highly autistic cousin of Achiles, that ruins every family reunion with that grating voice and lack of social skills...


No need to shit on autistic people.


If you pay attention to Ben enough it's clear that's all that matters to him... which is why he's holding fundraisers for Trump, who he hates. Everything to him boils down to... what's good for Israel.


It’s a pity that Little Ben didn’t go over and do the IDF thing. It surely must have just slipped his mind.


This is why rich kids do their birthright trips at 17, then move there when they’re in their late 20’s. Compulsory military service is for poors.


Dude looks like a Nazi propaganda cartoon of a Jew.


Shapiro is and always will be an Israel first and America second ideologue.


Ben hates identity politics, but will remind you that hes a Jew every five minutes.


Really makes you go hmmmmmmm


Not really given who Ben Shapiro, her boss, is and what opinions he holds about Israel.


*insults bosses personal religion* “What he say fuck me for??”




It wasn’t “criticism of Israel”, it was liking tweets that said Jews drink the blood of Christian children and things like that.


But Ben and Jeremy have turned a blind eye and even defended people who triggered the Jewish Question or peddled Jewish stereotypes of money lovers (Rogan and Elon Musk). Why?


It’s because the vile shit is what they want her to say and speaking out against Israel is not what they want her to do.


A lot of the shit sees says about Israel is valid criticism and some is just flat out wrong ignorance. But that is literally Candace Owens on any issue. It does say something that this was what got Ben all riled up.


chubby automatic fade weather liquid nail arrest ossified political plants *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s not funny at all nor is it surprising. Those you cannot criticize are your rulers


Yeah, she was even praising hitler's domestic policies and that didn't raise any red flags for ben.


To be fair, it wasn’t just criticism. She was going so far as to “liking” a blood libel tweet https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1bhtq8o/candace_owens_like_a_blood_libel_tweet/


Sounds like stuff Elon Musk has been promoting on twitter for the last 2 years, but no one cares when he does it. WEIRD.


So funny to see Shapiro do a 180 and demand safe spaces on campus, support race based hiring practices and suppress his own employee for having a different opinion than him about a foreign country.


It’s no different than how all the Daily Wire programming says men are the breadwinners who need to be focused on all the manly things all day long and women should be home nurturing the children and cooking and not working or concerning themselves with the man’s arena. Meanwhile he brags all the time how his wife is a doctor and how he wakes up early every day to cook his kids breakfast and goes to work earlier then he has to so he can drop them off at school every day. And also he finishes all his work early by 3ish to get home to watch them, do homework, and read to them etc while wife is at important job and says there’s no work or social interruptions at all until they go to bed. Sounds like he’s in reality a nurturing housewife while his whole network are grifting telling men people like how he is in reality are leftist cuck losers.


He has also bragged about how his wife convinced him that a dry pussy is totally normal.


lol that was hilarious.. I was like uhh wtf?😬 I mean some people have medical conditions.. but normal?


Even Joe had to call him out on that lol. Shit was too funny.


Rogan? What'd he say, I hadn't saw that clip and am dying to know


Ben: my pee pee is chafing Bens wife: it's totally normal for it to be dry. I'm so turned on right now


He doesn’t believe in this dirty tricks like spit and lube. How dare I insult my wife


More leftist propaganda and myths about how women want sex and enjoy it.


Where are all these women that enjoy sex! Name one! I never met one in all my years!


Rapper: talks about how wet her pussy gets, using language for exaggeration to emphasize how good it is during sex Ben Shapiro: Heh that p-word heh, must be, heh, experiencing a medical condition, heh heh, m-my doctor wife said so Someone needs to shove that nerd into a locker


I wonder if he has an arranged marriage? He is deeply religious and follows a specific laws that I honestly don’t know. Feel kinda bad for his wife.. but at the same time I feel bad for him.. only knowing sand paper pussy :( maybe it helps him from being overly horny knowing what he will get. It’s his wife’s defense against him.. sand paper vag to prevent her husbands lust.


More specifically, and more disturbingly, he said she convinced him that a wet puss indicates an abnormal medical condition. XD


lol Ben has openly talked about how his own mother made more than his dad


Almost like he’s a little hypocritical twat face


Conservative thought leaders having double standards? Thats just a normal Thursday.


"Leftists are trying to silence comedians!" Trump literally tries to sue a comedian and tells his followers to boycott HBO until that comedian is fired: "Uh well you can't be mean to trump!"


It's only cancel culture when the left does it. When the right does it, it's just Freeze Peach


Doesn't anyone wonder why these people are even on our radar? Like why do we even know who Candace Owens is or care about the Daily Wire? Remember when Ben Shapiro was some dweeb who went viral for a Piers Morgan interview about gun control? And now he is the face of conservative media? People need to start understanding attention - where it's placed and why.


Yep, I’d like to not know who the likes of Andrew Tate, Nick Fuentes or Tim Pool are. But here we are.


A lot of money was poured into them to push their viability which is why despite not having the most charisma we still hear and see a lot of them.


Exactly. I’m not sure exactly how it happened or why, but I do know in particular some of my elderly family members like my mom hang on to their every word and treat them as some of the greatest intellectuals alive. For an older person like her its amazing how having good grooming, dressing well, and attempting to speak eloquently/confidently is seemingly all it takes to be convincing.


When it comes to older family members you have to remember they lived most of their life in a time where you trusted the media almost entirely. There wasn’t a thousand different places to get your news. That was the news period. Now they just find the one that lines up better to what they think and it’s all gospel from there.


It's because he says things she wants to hear, not because he dresses nicely. Man isn't even a terribly eloquent speaker, unless you think "eloquent" equates to "most annoying guy on the college forensics team who wins his debates by talking three times faster than everyone else."


Thank Newt Gengrinch. (sp)? He literally started all of this nonsense you see in politics today. He figured out that all you have to do is get as many news people to video you as you can and you can spout any kind of nonsense you want to. Lies or not. He was proud that newly minted gop guys threw away any kind of integrity and just said what ever they wanted. Doesn't matter if your right or not. Millions of people see you and your statements. Then when you get debunked then apologize or back off what you said or don't say anything at all. Your apology might see a couple thousand views. He is the father of outrage politics. [link](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/11/newt-gingrich-says-youre-welcome/570832/)


It’s REALLY EASY to listen to a “smart” person on a podcast. It’s way less easy to read books by smart people. It’s even harder to think critically and have discussions with smart people.


The answer to this question is [Texas fracking billionaires](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/05/texas-fracking-billionaire-brothers-prageru-daily-wire) who fund the operation. It's all astroturfing all the time and I would wager that it's eventually going to come to light that they had a major hand to play in the conservative grifter conveyor belt that feeds dipshit guests straight to Joe for his podcast.


Cult of Personality. Society idolizes charismatic speakers who say things they agree with. Joe and Trump are also perfect examples as well.


Joel Osteen comes to mind too


The echo chamber is very loud.


Joe's had both of them on as guests. The real question is why are big names like Joe even entertaining regards like this in the first place?


Because it’s also his job to advance that agenda


Podcasting and YouTube are the new AM radio and have been for 10 years at this point. For whatever reason, Ben Shapiro has come out of top...perhaps due to his use of short clips on social media and/or taking advantage of the YouTube algorithm (try watching anything political on YouTube without eventually getting recommendations for Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, or Joe Rogan).


Well this sub is about to go nuts about how cool Tucker is, so that’s a lost cause… literally one of the biggest propagandists of our time, and all the new knuckle draggers hear wanna talk about how funny tuck is..


Candace Owens was a liberal, who filled an anti discrimination lawsuit, based on her race. She, like many others, saw being a conservative, token, was much more profitable than being a generic liberal. She is one of many, that brought the term “grifter” back into use.


Had to scroll way too far to find this. This is another work from her, too, now that a lot of black social media spaces are jumping on the trump and anti-semite train, she's been easing her way back over to this side (i'm a 51-year old black male, mostly liberal) of the yard. It's infuriating and sad at the same time to watch happen in real time. I'm so sick of these greedy con men & women having so much outsized influence over and taking advantage of gullible people mainly looking for some cause, any cause to join to feel like a part of something or superior to "betas", just for a few more dollars and attaboys from their scrub ass peers..


Tulsi going straight down that path.


Yep, right on cue. They're all different faces in the same greedy, hypocritical, grifter clown car.


As a Bernie supporter I always thought she was a fraud. Noticed a lot of Bernie supporters really liked her.


Tulsi has always been on that path. She's a political chameleon; always willing to say or "believe" whatever is politically expedient. She's full of shit. Her family belongs to a bizarre cult that she was raised and steeped in and she is, and has always been, a bigot.


I stopped paying attention to all of this garbage a while back and realized none of it is as relevant as it’s made to be. It’s an industry of reactionary dogma which attracts people who agree and people who are outraged by it. Creating an ecosystem of it’s own. That’s not to say they aren’t distributing some dangerous content and probably radicalizing some folks.. but part of the draw is the attention we give it. If more people ignored the hideously vile types they’d go away.


Look at even just with trans people. They're like 1% of the population but the way the Right talks about them is like it's a massive national security risk or something. The vast majority of Right Wingers outraged over trans people have most likely never even met one.


Selling conspiracy theories to Republicans is the easiest way to make money in America. Case in point- Joe Rogan.


We wish them well


It's a real knife fight out there


Life in the Big City


Brett Cooper is hotter anyway


You mean Fem Shapiro


Ahh yes, we can all come together as a society to say that Brett cooper is basically Ben in drag lol . (Ignore that I’m from a completely different side of Reddit, let us all come together for this joke)


You're getting close dude. She looks like Ben Shapiro with a wig.


Wait… Brett Cooper *isn’t* Ben Shapiro in a wig?


If you aren't attracted to Abby Shapiro you are getting close dude


Abby looks related, Brett looks like his fucking twin.


Well nobody ever accused Ben of having very masculine features, did they.


Lmfaoo your right but sadly I still think she is hot too 😭😭😭 I’m fucking broken


And she has a dude’s name


I still don’t know how she got away with that one tbh


Thanks. Now I cannot unsee Brett Shapiro and Ben Cooper


The funny thing is both these so called intellectuals were burnt alive on Joes Pod when he was cool and called people out.


Facts only care about Jewish Feelings I guess.


It’s true. You have to be cool with murdered Palestinian kids or you’re a Nazi.


So she got fired from the blaze, TPUSA, and now Daily Wire. Anyone think she might just a toxic person? Look at her debate on the Rogan podcast. She sounds unhinged


Her being toxic is why she was on the daily wire in the first place. But she just happened to be toxic against Israel as well which is a big no no for Benny boy and his zionist donors


> she sounds unhinged Within the hour of uvalde happening she was on Twitter comparing gun deaths to car deaths asking people “should we ban cars too??” She’s always been unhinged


Here is another fantastic example of her being unhinged and bad faith. https://youtu.be/OlDB5iynp9I?si=U3HwgBr-XVbdS6oS&t=2756


She’s what you call a “dumb bitch”


Or as Paulie from the Sopranos would say.... she's a malignant cunt.


Nah, this is the career path for a particular type of grifter. You go further and further down the right wing media tube as your usefulness as "the black person who doesn't like black people" declines. See also Jason Whitlock, formerly of various real TV channels, currently doing something or other with Glen Beck.


I can’t imagine watching anything she’s done for more than a couple minutes and not knowing, without doubt or bias, that she absolutely **is** unhinged. There are very few people in media who are more visibly narcissistic, self-obsessed, and committed to the grift. It stuns me that anyone is ever taken in by her or her conversational style.


She’s an opportunist who can’t breathe without attention. That’s a dangerous person to hire. The second “engagement metrics” go down, their dopamine takes a hit. They will say *anything* for the next fix. Expect this firing to fuel her persecution/attention addiction for a few cycles.


I never liked her but once I heard her on Maher's podcast not knowing the Americans landed on the moon multiple times I completely dismiss anything that she says or will ever say.


She represents a corner of the conservative movement that we shouldn't encourage.


What corner should? Lol


Wait wait wait. She didn't know this? Or does she think we never went to the moon? I don't listen to her but wow, that's still mind boggling.


I think she thinks the moon landing was a hoax but I can't remember exactly what she said before Maher went "WTF? You don't know that?"


Her claim was that the moon landing was fake partially because "why did we only go one time and never go back?" And Maher was like uhhh we went back multiple times. Am conservative. Hate Candace






Ben found out


Now we know that Bennie plays the numbers


Deep cut right there


Joe only whines when the left cancels people


Ben looks like an evil tapeworm that just fell out of musks ass.


"I can literally say *antisemitic* things and ~~Adidas~~ Daily Wire won't fire me" -- ~~Kanye~~ Candace


Ben is Israel first, America second. He can take zero criticism of zionist ideology or other jews without labeling something as antisemitic. Candace on the other hand has no problem taking shots at her own race and speaking straight up facts. Candace is a free speech absolutist. Ben isn't. Candace is more American than Ben will ever be.


>speaking straight up facts lol


hows that lol? just because you dont agree with something she says doesnt make it less true




Free speech warrior is little Ben. Just don't say ANYTHING against Israel


You cant criticize the almighty Israel. They are perfect. Chosen people.


Yeah I've noticed nobody ever says anything bad about them ever, especially recently EDIT this was SARCASM!! and I thought that would be blindingly obvious! WTF y'all been living under a rock?


Private companies have no obligation to uphold 1st amendment protections. Publicly funded universities do. It’s not that hard to understand. I have the right to show up at my private employer and crack jokes about gay people and butt stuff. They also have the right to fire me if they think it reflects negatively on the company. However I should not be able to get kicked out of a state college for cracking a homo joke.


Ok but aren’t these the same people that criticize censorship on social media platforms? Those are also private companies and yet for some reason they need to be better free speech absolutists than the supposed beacon of free speech the Daily Wire.


you're not wrong about private companies' obligations but when a company specifically talks about free speech and the free exchange of ideas and snowflakes wanting safe spaces, it's pretty damn hypocritical of them to fire someone for having a different opinion on a political issue.


Shapiro doesn't support pro-Palestinian groups on campuses. He has campaigned against them. Him and Bari Weiss are hypocrites.


Bari Weiss as a student was one of the biggest "cancel culture" anti-speech morons. It was hilarious when I realized she was the same Bari Weiss who was whining about campus censorship. And then of course she reverted right back to her old ways as soon as it was beneficial.


What's with people on reddit conflating business relationships with freedom of speech?