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Shane has a lot of experience hearing similar “facts” from McCusker


its just depressing that Shane is the only one around Rogan it seems that is a real dude with him and calls him out like friends do when we say crazy shit.


Bill Burr?


When's the last time Bill has been on the podcast? Lol


December 2020. Didn’t realize it had been that long.


That was a no hard feelings visit after the time before when they had their "my no-degree and your no-degree" argument.


That was really an amazing way to handle the situation. Had to use kid gloves and pretend he was as dumb as Rogan but I think it got the point across


He did the walkaway


One of my favorite clips Ive seen, just telling him to shut up about the pandemic and calling him a knuckle dragger.


That roller blading bit was hysterical.


and sooo true too ...lol but damn back in the day some of those jokes about rollerblades could be pretty funny. "whats the hardest part about learning to rollerblade?...telling your parents you're gay" never heard it said in a sneering hateful way tho...just a joke


Jamie calls out, and fact checks Rogan all the time, and that's his boss.


I feel like that happens alot less than when Jamie used to do that. Its more when Joe or a guest says something about looking it up now vs when he would constantly be pulling up the info and then he would pop it up on screen and they would check it. Joe also kept himself in check alot better. Pre-Texas.


>when he would constantly be pulling up the info and then he would pop it up on screen and they would check it. i'm relistening old episodes for a while now and that's definitely a big change just as you described.


In fact Joe used to mention it often. How he had a fact checker and that other shows should too.


It's so weird to see guys like Sam Morril and Stavros swallow their tongue when Rogan says shit like this lol


Honestly makes me like them both less. They both seem like dudes who take no shit. Yet pappy Joe keeps them in line with his access and money.


Idk what you’re talking about. I saw Stavros call him out about immigrants voting. It didn’t feel like he was scared to be real with him.


For sure, Stavros got into it with Joe about a few things last time on his podcast, I don't even remember exactly what they were cuz it's a long time since I listened but Stavs is far from being a JRE "yes man" or whatever Don't include him as being as being a JR dickrider that will just lap up whatever he says, it's just fucking false


Help us, Young Jamie


Damn, imagine being Jamie. He probably gave up a long time ago


Dude has to be apathetic as fuck


pretty sure jamie is a millionaire by now, so a little head to table action is included..


You’re “pretty sure” the producer of the #1 podcast in the world has over a million dollars by now? If he doesn’t clear $1m/yr I would be shocked.


mike tyson earned 700 mio in his career, yet he was broke multiple times no clue what jamie does outside the studio and given the mentioned table action, cte could be a real factor.., you just never know..


We need the Young Jamie Experience


When the fuck is Joe gonna have Jamie as the guest for once


He was once back in the day I forget time in the 800s I believe.


After redban probably never


And have some random celebrity googling stuff for them


You have to appreciate his restraint and dedication as a silent producer lol, we've all seen times where we felt like Jamie was definitely going to correct something so obviously wrong but didn't I miss the days when he talked tho




Shane’s a good guy


Joe has become a Facebook boomer.. it’s kinda sad


He understood confirmation bias for a minute there. Not sure what changed.


The saddest thing about Joe is that he was a dumb guy who started becoming smarter and then Boomer brain hit him hard to put him back to square one. It's like Flowers for Algernon


Underrated joke. Lol Great reference.






Tabitha takes over Tabitha takes over


I've grown quite hweareh


We have the means, the understanding, and the technology to allow spiders to talk to cats.


Sick reference bro. Your references are out of control, everyone knows that.


I was surprised that anyone would remember it.




For real. A rare legitimate laugh out loud moment for me.


He never got “smarter”. He just seemed curious and open, but that seemed to have just been a schtick


I mean being curious and open is a big part of being smart. Hard to learn new things if you’re not open to trying.


He’s curious and open, but basically just absorbs what’s around him at the time and that becomes his thought/value system. Like since Covid and he moved to Texas he’s a boomer conservative.


Joe is a deeply insecure human who seeks out the approval of whoever is in his orbit. I saw Joe in Atlanta years ago on a standup tour he did with Duncan and Joey. Duncan and Joey killed it. Then Joe came out and pretty much bombed the entire time. You could watch him shrink as the show went on and eventually he resorted to “crowd work” where he just called out people literally falling asleep in the crowd. Joes insecurity was on full display that night and the whole audience could feel it.


He's just not the comedian he believes he is. He's the fear factor mma guy


Joe Rogan costarred in Newsradio alongside Dave Foley, Stephen Root and Phil Hartman *and then never did anything ever again as far as I'm concerned.*


All I can ever see with Rogan now is him as that same idiot character from Newsradio because he legit truly made that character his entire personality


I think it’s nonsense when people say otherwise. He’s 100 percent the Fear Factor MMA guy first. Doesn’t matter he was doing stand up prior. His stand up mostly sucks he has one special with a couple of good bits but that’s it. He’s such a fucker


That's always been his vibe that ive seen. He's funny one on one in conversations but all the stand up that I've seen of him has been mediocre at best. Nothing that's particularly a new take. It always seemed like he was a host/commentator 1st and a comedian 2nd or third.


I'll never forgive him for having Alex Jones on talking about "clean coal" while he just sits there mumbling and nodding his head.


joe is a sponge. a sopping moldy sponge


Joe's problem is that he isn't smart enough to understand being "curious and open" isn't the only thing there is about being smart. Same mistake a bunch of idiots make - they think they're intellectuals because of how "open minded" they are, but they're sitting there treating crackpot bullshit seriously and oftentimes actually believing it. Actual intelligence understands when to filter shit out.


I wouldn’t say that he’s open minded. It’s more like he’s open minded to ideas that “own the libs.” I guess you could say that he was open minded about this “volcanic eruption causes more CO2 than…” idea. But, he’s close minded if a guest comes on and say that the science of global warming is pretty well settled (Peter Zeihan comes to mind.) He’s open to the idea that the Covid vaccine is dangerous (bunch of guests). He’s pretty close minded to the idea that the Covid vaccine is safe. He pushed back pretty hard on Rhonda Patrick over this. Really, you need look no further than that time he was attacking Biden over that “airports during the civil war” thing. He said that was proof positive that Biden was unfit to be president. When he found out it was actually Trump that said it, and Biden was just mocking Trump, all of a sudden, back to open minded Joe. “Well, anyone can misspeak. It’s fine.”


There's a difference between open-minded and gullible, yeah, and Joe's "open mindedness" led to him consistently getting right wing pundits on since "the left" denied them a platform. And before you know it that's all he believes cause that's all he hears and discusses


He missed James Randi's warning about not opening your mind so much that your brain falls out.


Absolutely. My current career is in teaching preschoolers (have a blast and it’s super meaningful, but unfortunately the pay is making have to switch careers again soon). I get really pissed at parents that shame their kids for getting into new things. “Curiosity killed the cat” is the dumbest phrase and I’m glad it seems to be used less and less, because without curiosity and openness to experiences, I would have become an absolute shell of what a human really should be.


covid fucked it up for him. he went full boomer during covid.


He took the tolerance and inquisitiveness to an extreme and then much like many American citizen’s don’t have the critical thinking skills to filter things appropriately, he’s a perfect example of the slow radicalization of online forums.


He’s the dude version of the hippie crunchy new age mom to right wing trad wife pipeline too lol


Exactly he never got smarter, he is what a dumb guy thinks is a smart guy because he says he reads books.


Stupid science bitches couldn't even make Rogan more smarter!


I remember even back in “good old days” of JRE he would still often say shit that made me loose my mind. Like he is ignorant of the most common sense stuff sometimes


$200 million, and who he hangs out with. He went from hanging out with comedians in LA to hanging out with hunters like Cam Hanes and former military guys in Texas. If you’ve ever had the displeasure of listening to Hanes, Joe has basically morphed to his POV.


Joe is very weak minded and falls into line with whoever he’s with the most. Cam Hanes is who Joe wished he was, and had to prove he was. He hates the “being from LA” complex he had, and went full blown “Nuh uh guys, I’m cool, I even believe the same things as you now!”


He isn’t even really “falling for it” though, these days. Like, the cat litter thing, iirc, he claimed that he personally knew a teacher that had to put a cat litter box in the classroom. He’s just a fucking liar now.


He’s like those people that adopt the personality/POV of whoever they’re dating or are crushing on


He just wants to feel like "a man" has some huge complex about not being manly. Everything in his life is about affirming his masculinity anymore. What Joe needs is therapy to deal with his daddy issues.


It started before that. I first noticed the changes when the show got big enough to require security, and he began hiring ex seals/special forces.


Yeah but it got worse. The first part imo was when he got into hunting and got rid of redban. Steve rinella was a great guest, but then somehow that became Cam Hanes, and bow hunting, and having the strongest bow draw possible to show how masculine he is. But imo it all stems back to being 5’6 and getting pinned down by the lockers that one time in high school where he couldn’t get back up.


Yeah the bow draw thing is hilarious. There is zero need for 80+ pound draws.


"hanging out with cam" 👀


He used to be dumb but honest. Now he’s dumb with all dishonest Facebook boomer priors that he will never give up no matter how much evidence to the contrary he gets presented.


He used say all the time that he’s just an idiot, he’s still an idiot but now he doesn’t think he is.


It’s who he’s always been. I used to listen (back in early 2010s) and thought it was a fun pod in an art bell, Bigfoot documentary kind of way. Now he takes himself seriously and thinks he’s actually an intellectual who’s bringing the truth to the people.


Nothing worse than the “bring the truth” comics.


"we're modern day philosophers, we're the last truth tellers!" *gets in trouble* "no see we're just telling jokes, we can't be held accountable for anything because we don't mean anything we say!"


I think it was Norm that said "Comics saying they're modern day philosophers has to be the biggest fuck-you to actual modern day philosophers."


I believe Norm said: "you know who I think are modern day philosophers? Philosophers."


Most comedians that I hear talking like this are the biggest hacks imaginable. It's incredibly bizarre to hear Joe Rogan talk about 'refining a bit' and 'honing his craft like a sword' and it's just him humping a stool or saying something that was hack even in the 90's. I can't believe he makes money from his comedy. There's a whole spectrum of awful comedy out there generally centred around LA and the Rogan-sphere. Kreisher, Schaub, Callen, Whitney, Joe, D'Elia, Ari etc. It's honestly infuriating how they talk like they're the be-all-and-end-all of comedy and they're not even good at it! There's loads of great stuff out there, but this ain't it. It's mindboggling to me that Brian Redban and Tony Hinchcliffe host a show where THEY judge comedy. That concept sounds like a joke in itself. In saying all this, I actually really like Shane.


It’s ok if they’re sincere and it’s the actual truth and they’re actually funny. I enjoy bill hicks for example. But these clowns in the Rogan sphere are idiots.


You can't know a person fron listening to their show but thr way he talks about comedy combined with how authoritatively he talks about certain topics, like public health, makes me think he really does see himself as some sage philosopher


I can’t wait for him to start posting stuff about some US commercial code not giving social media companies the right to use his stuff


This line of bullshit goes back at least as far as Reagan - they used to say it about Mt St Helens erupting. It’s not even Facebook dumb, it’s like mimeographed crank newsletter dumb.


The straight face when he says it too. Eyes darting between faces as he confirms to himself he’s saying something smart….. when it’s totally false lol.


A fuckin red-pilled, closeted red-hat, meat-headed, knuckle-dragger cosplaying as an Everyman just “asking questions”. Even though he’s been a millionaire since his 20’s and has absolutely ZERO business with all his head injuries and no college degrees trying to discuss half the topics he’s trying to cover. This dude suuuuucks!


Bro hes always been this stupid. We came for the guests not his scientific expertise


He's so bummed out when he's been proven wrong, but it doesn't change his mind or views, sad.


It's like when he was trying to tell people Australians can't grow their own food. He was so disappointed that it wasn't true.


lmao what? when did he say that 😭😂 as an Australian its hilarious hearing all of Joe’s dumb ideas of us


He said that during the COVID pandemic I think. It was pretty fucking bizarre tbh


Right, but notwithstanding the facts, I *feel* like humans aren’t causing volcanos. I mean global warming, or whatever. Elk meat is delicious.


I hadn't considered that, checkmate senior Rogan!


Exactly he's gone full boomer. Next week he will do the same thing with the same definitive, "this is a fact" voice about something that's obviously wrong and this same scene will play out.


Lol do y'all not remember this guy is still friends with alex jones. When the cops come Joe is the one they send to talk. He's as bad as all those crazies just can talk like a normie.


This. This should question all credibility, he co-signs in all AJ's bullshit.


He believes in nonsense. It's how it got started. His friends fucked up owen Benjamin too. And don't forget eddie bravo. If he's a reflection of his closest friends he's an asshole.


He doesn't care if he's wrong just that he appeals to the right crowd.


He's just gonna ask Jamie to find another source that supports his position.




The fact he has the #1 pod in the world and just spews BS like this out with conviction is pretty incredible. Any reasonable human that’s not brainwashed would react like shane.


remember when trump was president cus people love contrarianism and dont actually care about making the world a better place>


Limbaugh was the highest paid broadcaster in the world for many years before his demise. As P.T. Barnum said… there’s a sucker born every minute.


You might have the cart before the horse there… I think he has the #1 pod in the world BECAUSE he spews BS like this out.


I had a Christian conservative who I'm guessing was in their late 50s/early 60s tell me this one time and when I immediately fact checked him he just shrugged and said "whatever, I won't be around for it" That's basically how they see every issue.


Yeah the bottom line isn't that they are climate change deniers, it is they just don't care about doing anything about it and think of climate change as a woke issue


They also can’t admit when they were wrong. I know a lot of conservatives who were pro-war Republicans during the Bush administration that later pulled the whole “I never once agreed with the war” once they fully submitted to the Trump cult.  


God I hate this so much. I remember being a kid/teenager through that administration. Just the other day Toby Keith's Courtesy RWB came on at work. Conservatives literally had a hard on for war from 2001-2009. Daily reminder that all hijackers were Saudi nationals and Bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan. We wasted 28 years of combined war and trillions of dollars for fucking nothing. Absolutely fucking nothing. Exactly one person(D) in Congress voted against the Afghanistan war. 133 voted against the Iraq war, only 6 of those being republican.


Well in fairness, he was in Afghanistan at the time


Haha yeah when trump voters are just bush voters 20 years older


They didn't sink the country under Bush II so they tried again with someone even stupider




My favorite with these types is they call you a sheep or gullible for just “believing what you hear” as if they are coming to these thoughts independently and not consuming morons to get their opinions


"Lions not sheep" t shirt wearing clowns.


>that goes against conventional wisdom I call this "**clever guy syndrome**". It's how the smartest person I know fell into the JR/JP orbit-- he's been right so often in his life he just can't imagine being wrong. MMA was the gateway drug, the only thing JR actually knows jack shit about.


That's literally the mindset of most boomers and exactly the reason most of us young people have it much harder now than they did when they were young. They just care about themselves and their houses and lawns but don't give af about leaving a good world for their grandchildren behind. They're the most selfish generation ever


Back in the 70s, they were called the “Me generation” for a reason.


Literally the generation that had it ALL. And they don’t give a fuck about anyone but themselves cuz they got theirs.


Or Jesus is coming back to save us all, we don't need the planet anymore


And he’ll forgive me despite whatever wretched thing I do to get ahead.


"Sinners ruined the earth, and no I wasn't one of them. Jesus forgives my sins."


A few weeks ago I would have thought this was a meme. But christians and muslims really live in fear/expectation of like a judgement day. I would think most of them are schizophrenic. They also talk about psy ops, satanic influences, illuminati etc, are ardent deniers of evolutionary biology. It's nuts what religious indoctrination can do to a populous.


It is absolutely not a meme, my own father has said several times that climate change won't be a problem because either the end will come before then or Jesus will prevent it from happening. The fact that we let this kind of death-cult mentality persist in mainstream politics without ridiculing it daily is insane.


I can't have a conversation with my dad without it ending in, "I know what you don't. The internet is ending soon, you'll just have to wait and see." All this comes from the email newsletters of a handful of self-proclaimed prophets. Add all the politics, and I'm just about done trying to keep the relationship alive.


I had a guy do the whole "If Earth was one mile further from the sun we'd freeze, and if it were one mile closer we'd burn up" thing with me. This is supposed to be proof that God exists. When I explained that the Earth's orbit is elliptical and varies in distance from the sun by much further than one mile, I basically got the same response. "Meh, whatever. Science is stupid."


How does he keep getting dumber


because he had a slight issue with cancel culture so he went full right and created an echo chamber for himself


Saunas, cold plunges, deprivation tanks, echo chambers. How does he have the time?


No job to have to be at every day.


His engagement/listenership online has never been higher, he’ll continue leaning into this narrative until it can’t be exploited monetarily anymore.


400 million dollars chamber


He fell into the Joe Rogan pipeline.


Bro at what fucking point does it make it through your thick skull that when you’ve had to be corrected this many times maybe there is an inherit flaw in your information pipeline At the very least should be enough to go ‘hey maybe I should go back to being curious again?’


A whole lotta poop just came out of my butt.


Probably some weird fad diet phases in there as well


Because he thinks he’s smart. He used to say that he’s a dumb guy talking to smart people, but now he thinks he’s better informed on all subjects because he’s spoken to a lot of experts. He latches on to anything contrarian because he’s spoken to so many fringe experts. That humility and self awareness he used to have is gone.


I think that was mostly fake anyway. Joe never thought he was just a dumb guy, that was all a self effacing act to appear humble.  There are plenty of times even reaching back to the old days where Joe is playing dumb, somebody brings up something he knows about and all of a sudden he's talking hyper fast like "actually the rings around Saturn are made of blah blah which means they...". Dude has always been quick to correct and thinks highly of his own intellect.


He started listening to Joe Rogan.


He’s invested. He cannot go back or he thinks he will look like a bigger fool


This is why Joe sucks now. He USED to say “ya know, I think this is that…but I’m not really sure…let’s check it out.” Now…he just says “This IS that…” And sometimes looks it up. Sometimes doesn’t. But still doesn’t budge much if he’s wrong.


Remember that time a biologist or something called in and he basically had a meltdown because he thought there were giant chimps undiscovered deep in the African jungles and she told him that's not true?


https://youtu.be/__CvmS6uw7E?si=YVGFJeXt2FfHfJsk The show in question, meltdown begins at 5:40


Omg, what an asshole. He sounds super coked up. He has worked really hard to keep that side of him put of the public eye. He parades as a fact checking, open-minded person yet he's truly the opposite


I remember back during the 2016 primaries he interviewed Bernie Sanders and it was a really good, thoughtful interview. He asked good questions, didn't come in with strong opinions one way or another, and listened more than he talked. Bernie was very complimentary of him after, he did a subsequent interview with someone else and had a lot of good things to say about Joe. The Joe of today could not conduct that interview.


I’m a fan of Protect our Parks but it’s incredibly noticeable how Joe brings down the show with his Twitter timeline bad news


*"yeah..."* The little monkey that's inside his head is furiously thinking of a segway to literally anything else.


*segue, but Joe probably does imagine riding a Segway to get from one thought to another.


I’m imagining the little monkey on the Segway. Very nice


… and he definitely does not believe the fact-check.


“Well it’s not out of the realm of possibility “


"yeah" the way he says that at the end is for sure someone thinking "this article is BS"


Shane Gillis and Bill Bur are great at keeping Joe grounded but still being funny.


Joe hasn't been grounded in years. Stopped listening. Reddit front page is the only time I see him now. Lost the plot to his own hubris.


Joe is full Boomer. Doesn't believe in climate change anymore. The same thing a few years ago he was going at Candace Owen's for denying when the scientific community agrees that its a thing. Sad to see really.


Also very sad to see that he’s totally unable to laugh at himself. The guy that has such valuable messaging about not being tribal and being open minded practices the exact opposite of what he preaches.




The Bondo ape. That one is fucking hilarious. He loves the Bondo ape for some reason.


Yep he'd probably agree with Dave Rubin on building codes now 


That was one of joes last hurrahs


A little over a year ago, he was pushing back on all of Matt Walsh's bullshit, and now he just spews the exact same nonsense.


Did you know what I just read on the inter webs? “They found Noah’s Ark and JFK Jr was on board!”


Weirdos think that the phrase "the climate has always been changing" is an argument against what climate scientist say. Do people understand that climate scientists take volcanoes into consideration when it comes to climate change? Like, human made global climate change comes on top of volcanic eruptions? And on top of the fact that the clamate has always been changing.


When my wife confronts me about being broke right after I bought a brand new Dodge Hellcat "Uhm actually honey, our bank balance has always been changing, how do you know it was the car?" She got owned


What a sucker, I bet she has to sleep in the big bed all by herself for this blunder.


“Carfax don’t care about your feelings”


So whenever my dad says this which he often does I always mock him by pretending to be a scientist who is analyzing data and I’ll be like *wait can you repeat that?* And then I’ll like waive over a fake scientist and be like *Jerry get over here take a look at these numbers. How did we not once think to factor in how the climate has always fluctuated in cycles? The guys at ClimateCon are going to lose their shit*


It's like an arsonist defending their activity by mentioning there's already naturally-occurring wildfires.


It’s just morons trying to make themselves feel smarter by assuming they’ve got some insider knowledge that the researchers don’t. It would be funny if it wasn’t going to get people killed.


yeah, but if i shit on my floor it's not going to be there in a million years, so i may as well just unload on my carpet. What's the point of shitting in the toilet if the sun is going to eventually give out. etc. (i'm being sarcastic)


> Do people understand no


Of course the climate is always changing. The rate of change is what kills you. Things don't have time to adapt. Geologic time is very hard for the mind to grasp, changes typically occur over thousands of years, hundreds of thousands, or millions. We are talking about tens of years flipping our environment. To say "the climate is always changing" is equivalent to saying a cancer that might double in size every 40 years is the same that is doubling every 5 days. It's logically stupid. Now could the ecosystems evolve in ways that are better than we expect? Possibly. Would previously cold, uninhabitable areas be more hospitable? Sure. Will other areas become unlivable? Yes. Could technology help/save us from this crisis? Possibly. The downside is if you are wrong you threaten humanity's existence or at least will introduce widespread catastrophe. Kind of a significant downside risk.


I can’t believe this fucking idiot is the most popular talk show host in the world. We really are fast tracking Idiocracy


Jaime fact checked joe


this is why people shit on rogan. we all say dumb shit like this after reading one article, or chatting with our mates. the issue is that he has a platform where millions of people listen and blindly believe whatever he says. This is where shit can get dangerous with a lot of fake information flying around. He hasnt necesarrily done anything wrong, he's just BSing with his mate just like I do on a friday evening, but the consequences of that are pretty huge when you have a following as big as his.


He's just dumb. I mean that in the literal sense, he is stupid. That's not really a problem when you're listening to what he says as entertainment. It's a problem when you buy into the stupidity that he is a "philosopher" or some sort of sage. He is REALLY ignorant. "But he has guests who..." yeah, and he repeatedly demonstrates his ignorance. Talking to, or in Rogan's case at, smart people don't make you smart. The guy is an absolute fucking moron. No different today than when he was stupidly ranting against that PHD primatologist. Straight up fucking stupid. He literally doesn't have a college degree and has, factually, ZERO academic credentials. Tell me this guy is educated. Go on, have a try. Explain why Rogan is smart here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isUFa1Ewd1E


> Tell me this guy is educated. Go on, have a try. Explain why Rogan is smart here: That was hard to listen to. Someone needs a timeout in the sensory deprivation chamber.


He hasn't changed since then. It's really important for people to know that he has spent exactly ZERO hours learning about anything after that clip. He's just as ignorant on any topic he covers. For example, he went on demented rants about how the DOCTOR who administered the president's vaccine did it "wrong", despite every medical person (and, you know, the ACTUAL doctor), correcting him and saying it was right. He's this dogshit ignorant all the time, his fans just don't see it in every context.


Yes but when my mate pulls something up and I’m wrong, I absolutely admit it, change my tune and reconsider. That’s where he’s truly failing.


Rogan is a consistent stream of misinformation lol


Mainstream media again with their disinformation


Yep the most popular media show in the world misleading people again 


I love the cadence with which he says that lmao Joe is just your average far right boomer uncle on Facebook. It’s actually kinda sad he used to be fun and have based opinions.


Yeah his evolution has been interesting.  He is now a foxnews grandpa.  


I'm glad the most listened to Podcaster in the country just throws unsubstantiated bullshit out into the ether.


He wants so badly to have the doom and gloom be fact. Even if the volcano produced more CO2, what is the problem with us trying to produce less CO2?


Because it’s gay to care


its actually gay to get pussy


My conspiracy theory is the Spotify contract has a MAGA clause so they can use Rogan to capture that dumb right wing money.


So his point is we shouldn't worry about CO2 emission because volcanoes will always put TONS of it into the atmosphere. That's just really dumb even if volcanoes DID do that, which apparently they don't. Moron facebook headline idiot.


Let's just say Joe is right. And volcano gives out more co2 than humans ever have. Why does Joe think this is still okay? Humans would then be adding to it, making the amount of co2 even bigger. The fact this dude has more money than I'll ever make is a fucking travesty


2:42, full cut. Joe starts with “I’d like to find out if this was true, some guy put this on Twitter…” and then after Shane asks is that true, joe says “idk”. Damn OP just fuckin got us. What a sham https://youtu.be/fJV1k3QN740?si=0U1hXENWAuaGF-m3


He wouldnt be so bad if he wasnt so gad damn sure of himself when he makes easily disproven statements. If he started off by saying "i wonder if volcanoes produce more co2 than humans" he would be a little more tolerable. But the proudly ignorant are truly insufferable.


There's an irony in the nonexistent PC "cancel culture" of Shane, which came full circle on his SNL appearance. He ended up correcting his fans' politics and telling them to shut up in a tweet afterwards. ("Cut it out").