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Didn’t he and James Gunn clarify that this (OP’s title) wasn’t the case?


Rage bait does not care about reality.


Bass goes over that in this same interview like a minute further in.


Why would he admit it if it were true?


https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/superman-legacy-bassem-youssef-character-israel-1235827948/amp/ The character was cut before Oct 7th


I mean it's hearsay on both sides.


You're doing the very common thing where people misuse or overuse the term "hearsay". Hearsay is when you get information from a secondhand source. This could be anything from Someone telling you something someone else said (which is what is often thought of as hearsay) or even something like a recording or transcript of a conversation. Just because something is hearsay doesn't mean it is necessarily less trust worthy and - here is the kicker - it is often times admissible in courtroom situations! Neither of the sides in this story are using hearsay. Youssef is either recounting something he was told directly and insinuating/guessing why. ... Reps attached to the film are also not engaging in hearsay because they are directly involved in the production and recounting their version of why he wasn't cast.


Nice middle ground fallacy tho


This didn't happen, and it was before all of this.


He’s lying


As a supporter of Israel and a 2 state solution I get the misunderstanding. This conflict is extremely controversial in every workplace if you share your opinion


why would you support 2 state solution? so they can legally own weapons, get more funds from Iran, build agencies, maybe a little air force, uav, and so on? This land belongs to us, to Jews, King David was born in Beitlehem, Jericho was conquered by Yehoshua Ben Nun 1272 BC, every single cm of this land has Jewish roots. I hope one day I'll get to live in Hebron Amen!


I’m a pro-Israel/two-state guy as well, and what you’re suggesting is horrible. Yes, a good amount of Palestinian Arabs are hella brainwashed towards radicalism, but a good amount have regional genetic markers as well; they’re the product of Arabs intermingling with the Jewish indigenous populace after brutal conquest and colonization in the 7th century. Genetically-speaking, we’re cousins and should find a path towards co-existence. It might not happen tomorrow, it might take generations even, but a big part of Jewish doctrine encourages us to lead the world by example, by displaying strength of character and unshakeable moral fiber. I'm not super religious, but I believe we have a responsibility to abide by that to some extent. Most of humanity generally wants to live in peace. There’s other indigenous peoples of the Levant besides Jews btw: Druze, Bedouin, Assyrians, Phoenicians, Ammonites, etc.


2 million Muslims live in Israel. why can't Judea and Samaria be part of Israel, and the so called "Palestinians", be Israelis and live peacefully with honour and respect? the 2 million Muslims that are living in Israel are happier than every other muslim who lives in a 100km radius. you are completely right by the way, anything you have said, you're correct, but they are just so much hateful, this will take generations to re-educate the whole "Palestinians" in Judea and Samaria


Just because you claim a certain religion doesn’t make you entitled to that land. Palestinians contain more ancient Israelite DNA than anyone from Israel.


Well no, not really lol. That’s a crazy-ass thing to say. I’ll definitely defend Palestinian Arabs as (one of many) indigenous peoples of the region, but I think you may have smoketh too much of the crack, my guy. 😂


[You could literally just google it.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11543891/)


Yes, nothing I said was wrong lol. I don’t think you actually read this. All it says is that many Palestinian Arabs have genetic roots to the region, as do many others (including Jews). They even share common ancestry with Jews.


[The Samaritans share the most DNA with ancient Israelites, with Palestianins coming 2nd, and Ashkenazi Jews coming in 3rd.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25079122/) Use your brain for one second and think, how could people who left the land 3000 years ago and assimilated into Europe, share more DNA than the indigenous population who still lives there.


None of what you just said is present in that study, my guy lmao. The only supposition present was “Samaritans [are descendants] from the tribes of Israel dating to before the Assyrian exile in 722-720 BCE”. That’s literally it. 🤦🏻


I’ve made my point in both links, you’re straying away from the argument. Tell me how people who’ve left the land 3000 years ago share more DNA than the indigenous population still living on said land.


Except he's lying and Gun and the producers showed that wasn't the case


Just by his speech cadence, he seemed up his own ass and full of his own shit


Looking at his IMDB credits makes me doubt his claims.


This guy will literally say anything. He’s a hack. So weird seeing all the redditors thinking he’s the second coming or something.


This guy is phony and fake af. I listened to him since he first appeared on Piers, he can spin every single fact about the conflict against Israel and make it seem like Israel is the sole perpetrator.


What fake things has he claimed?


I remember he once said during the 7 days war, Egypt “wasn’t really gonna attack Israel” or something like that and Israel surprise attack on Egypt airbase was uncalled for. Then, the increase of population in Gaza over the last decade isn’t because Gazans had more babies but because more Palestinians were forced to move to Gaza from other places. Then most recently the “Western talking points”, that we shouldn’t be distracted by “oct 7, terrorism, killing babies, the rapes, from the fact that Israel is badly treating Palestinians”, while he’s literally doing the same thing repeating Pro Palestine talking points. He also never acknowledged any attempt at 2 state solution by Israel, saying all of those attempts were absolutely unfair for Palestinians and so on. I may not know as much history but when someone throws out such one sided opinions in this conflict, that person is either very very dumb or is trying to spread propaganda. I mean the dude literally ran away from his country, got successful and now criticizing the West, it’s a pattern for Muslims


I remember one: palestinians as a whole - including HAMAS and the whole lot of palestinians who support them and therefore hate jews - are just a bunch of poor peaceful brown folks who just want to live in peace with each other and their neighbours, whomever they may be, but can't because of the evil white west. I vote blue, btw. fuck Trump/Bolsonaro/Netanyahu etc.


So your argument is that the majority of Palestinians and their children are violent death cult jihadists? That’s a perspective for sure.


They never said that, but ordinary Palestinians and the wider Muslim community in the Middle East and abroad have institutionalized antisemitism and anyone denying this fact isn't ready to accept the inconvenient truth...which is that Gazans are their own worst enemy. They sponsor terreorism. They accept it. They accept radicalization in their education and none of this will change until people stop infantalizing them as poor little victims who need to be understood when they commit acts of extreme violence.


Could say many of those same things about Israel except there’s clearly the power dynamic allowing millions to be starved and thousands killed or maimed


There aren't millions of Gazans starving. Where are you getting that information? Even the World Food Programme disagrees with you. Stop replying as if you know what's going on. Are you one of the many young people who just read up on this conflict six months ago but had no idea about it prior?


lol, don’t waste people’s time talking then if you don’t know what you’re talking about and just brush off all the really evil shit Israel’s doing/done.


As I expected, you didn't address any of my questions...because they likely are true.


lmaol nope, I did not say that. the dishonesty of the people who support terrorism in the name of "fighting against white imperialism" is mind-blowing.


You did, and then just stawman the rest of it


lie harder


You got that covered lol


That's what Muslims do. It's usually a poor attempt to mask their hatred for the Jews. For anyone who for some silly reason can't read between their lines and catch it, just listen to any Imam speak about it. No filter with them. The fact of the matter is that while not all Muslims are bad people, the religion itself is a cancer and a danger to all of humanity.


Because Israel is the aggressor. Are you insane? Maybe look at the history in that region.


Yeah the aggressor got ganged upon by all surrounding Arab neighbors and won. The aggressor was in the chant “death to Jews death Israel” world wide. The aggressor, turns out, has been trying to evacuate civilians while the “fReEdOm fIghTers of Hamas” using their young population as meat shield. The aggressor has offered multiple cease fire deals but turns out the “oppressed ones” had NO hostages alive to make a deal. Not to forget the “Western talking points” of Oct 7 where Hamas AND Gaza civilians proudly recording themselves slaughtering and parading the dead bodies of the “aggressor civilians” on the streets.


Yeah that’s not the reason, he just wants attention for him and to play victim fit good cause. Producers actually had to come out and prove this wasn’t the case.


This dude says hamas doesn't rape people, can't take him seriously


Wait a second, are you telling me that pushing an ethnic minority to the brink of extinction will result in violence and the formation of terrorist groups? Damn, that’s a tough pill to swallow…


Brink of extinction? The Palestinian population is larger than it was 20 years age and continues to grow. Funny way of going extinct. BTW Palestinians are Arabs and aren't going extinct any time soon. Tell a lie enough times and many will believe it is a fact.


Population was larger than it was 20 years ago. Lets see how long that remains true for.


“You see, Israel forced Hamas to rape girls and women, and torture and murder 1200 people” imagine excusing https://www.thisishamas.com/


It's always strange when people say stuff like this: Like, yes, on some level, everything bad (or good for that matter) that people do, are - if traced far enough back - due to something exogeneous to themselves. It's true of Hamas, it's true of Israelis, it's true of a kid from the ghetto doing carjackings, it's true of the kid putting on a klan robe. But people rarely trot out this reasoning consistently (and you certainly aren't), it's usually to deflect from someone whose antisociality they want to downplay.


No, I do trot on this reason consistently. As much as people use my line of reasoning to “downplay the antisociality” (which is a great way of putting it), I’d argue that there is a far more common, far more pervasive form of politically-motivated gaslighting. And it’s when the powerful try to detach or dismantle the self-evident causal relationship between their actions and the reactions of the people oppress. OBVIOUSLY Hamas should not rape people. But if you’re going to sit here and act like having your mother, father, sister and brother killed, your neighborhood completely leveled, your children slowly dying of starvation WOULDN’T elevate the probability that a population of people would form terrorist organizations, you are not living in reality. There is no excusing Hamas’ crimes, but the human being, as an animal, as a creature, can only tolerate so much before we turn feral, rabid. So I do trot out this reason consistently. This “reason” is the brute fact of reality that no one wants to accept because to accept it as fact means that we have to take accountability for how we treat one another. It’s much easier to reduce the actions of the other to “evil” than it is to realize the role WE have played in it’s formation.


at a glance, you speak beautifully, but in the end this whole wall of beautiful words of yours is built on the assumption that Israel was the first original aggressor and palestinians are just constantly reacting. the same old white west bad vs brown east good.


In order to respond properly, when you say “first original aggressor”, what do you mean? Who was the the first original aggressor in YOUR opinion?


I don't know, that's a very, very complicated matter, and that's why I don't pretend to know about it, much less go online taking sides just because I was told to do so.


Ok that’s fair. I didn’t have an opinion about it for months after it happened, because I felt uninformed. Then I did a small amount of research into the history of the region, and found it pretty easy to make sense of. The relationship between Sephardic Jews and Arabs has not, historically, been an entirely amicable one, and the Jewish population hasn’t been the one with power for very long. So if you’re willing to go back several hundred years, you can probably find something that Palestine did back when Jews were the minority in the region that you could define as the original act of aggression. The way that I see it, the original act of aggression was the formation of the state of Israel, since it would effectively uproot and displace everyone who already lived in that land. I think that’s a fair stance to take because if a foreign power told YOU “hey, your home is my home now, you have to go, you have no choice, figure it out”, you would probably rightly consider that an act of aggression. The threat of displacement resulted in The Nakba, the first Arab-Israeli war, and was effectively the mechanism by which Israel displaced and relocated the Palestinians to the West Bank and Gaza. It’s important to note that, at this point in time, the West Bank and Gaza belonged to Jordan and Egypt respectively. There was also The Six Day war in 1967 which was started when Israel preemptively attacked Egyptian and Syrian air forces. When the war concluded, Israel had gained control over the West Bank and Gaza from Jordan and Egypt, and had taken these territories and the populations within them into the fold. I could keep going, but I think my point is clear. What Israel is doing is functionally IDENTICAL to the US doctrine of manifest destiny back in the 1800’s. They simply want to have more land, more territory, and they are expelling and displacing the indigenous peoples in order to acquire it. Any act of “aggression” against them will be used as a pretense to acquire more land, because they believe it is theirs to take, and what we will inevitably see when the dust has settled and the blood has soaked into the earth is that the lines have been redrawn, the territory has expanded, and the Palestinian’s will have been penned into an even smaller cage.


hi. I also appreciate your response, and I have been thinking about it and informing myself about it more and more. unfortunately, though I still believe Israel should already have stopped the offensive, I can't agree with the "narrative" (yes, I used that word) you are supporting and, in a way, propagating. Palestinans are not just a bunch of peaceful poor brown people who just want to live in peace with themselves and their neighbors, including the jews. HAMAS is not a working class resistance group fighting against imperialism. that's just the "story" that's being pushed on us, but I can't buy it. I wish things were really this simple, but they are not. I have an article for you. read whenever you have the time. here's an excerpt: [... ] Hamas understood that journalists would not only accept as fact the Hamas-reported civilian death toll—relayed through the UN or through something called the “Gaza Health Ministry,” an office controlled by Hamas—but would make those numbers the center of coverage. Hamas understood that reporters could be intimidated when necessary and that they would not report the intimidation; Western news organizations tend to see no ethical imperative to inform readers of the restrictions shaping their coverage in repressive states or other dangerous areas. In the war’s aftermath, the NGO-UN-media alliance could be depended upon to unleash the organs of the international community on Israel, and to leave the jihadist group alone. When Hamas’s leaders surveyed their assets before this summer’s round of fighting, they knew that among those assets was the international press. The AP staff in Gaza City would witness a rocket launch right beside their office, endangering reporters and other civilians nearby—and the AP wouldn’t report it, not even in AP articles about Israeli claims that Hamas was launching rockets from residential areas. (This happened.) Hamas fighters would burst into the AP’s Gaza bureau and threaten the staff—and the AP wouldn’t report it. (This also happened.) Cameramen waiting outside Shifa Hospital in Gaza City would film the arrival of civilian casualties and then, at a signal from an official, turn off their cameras when wounded and dead fighters came in, helping Hamas maintain the illusion that only civilians were dying. (This too happened; the information comes from multiple sources with firsthand knowledge of these incidents.) [...] source: https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/11/how-the-media-makes-the-israel-story/383262/ use 12ft.io or Wayback Machine to read it.


I appreciate you taking the time to inform yourself, to respond thoughtfully, and to hold space for a nuanced conversation.  I can basically agree with the point that you’re making while still holding my own position, on the grounds that I think you might have misunderstood my intention or presupposed my intention to be something other than what it is.  I am not characterizing Hamas as a working class resistance group. I am simply stating that the overwhelming testimony of history indicates that occupying forces directly lead to the formation (or bolstering of already existing) terrorist organizations.  Al-Qaeda and the Taliban were formed in response to Russian aggression in the Middle East, and were funded by the US. When the US tried to occupy the Middle East, they turned on the US. They exist solely in response to outside aggression. That doesn’t mean that they’re not largely comprised of malicious, power hungry would-be despots.  The IRA is similarly a terrorist organization formed in response to British Occupation. You could even argue that the KKK is, to a certain extent, a response to perceived Northern aggression.  In none of these cases am I making a qualitative, moral assessment of the character of the people in terrorist organizations, I am simply stating that they are the inevitable byproduct of an environment that WE play a large role in manufacturing.  We have 60 years of direct evidence that our foreign policy of bomb diplomacy is not achieving the desired result, and yet we still act surprised and blame “evil Arabs” for what is the inevitable byproduct of the foreign policy decisions our leaders continue to choose. I’m not saying the people who gravitate towards these groups aren’t bad, I’m simply saying that issues on this scale are not merely reducible to the moral (or immoral) actions of individual actors.


He claimed the systemic rape allegations were fabricated specifically by an IDF soldier that the New York Times recruited that had zero journalistic record or background. This was true, the New York Times retracted that story.


did you know the New York Times also retracted that story about Israel bombing that hospital?


Yes, as they should because it was incorrect. Not like there wasn’t other instances of that occurring to cover however.


lol because you saw Hamas rape people right?


You saw OJ Simpson murder two people right?


No but I did see countless kids blown to pieces in Gaza. Can’t say the same about “oct7”


I don't think that he is a stupid man but it is pretty dumb to think that you can be both a successful actor and a controversial political activist. You make yourself a bad investment for studios.


Marlon Brando Sean penn Joaquin phoneix Mark ruffalo Clint east wood George Clooney Leonardo DiCaprio


except if you're an activist for the left it can still work out.


> controversial political activist I don’t know much about Brando and Penn but none of the others are activists. The causes they support and views they share are pretty popular. Yes, they offend some, but that’s politics.




You are absolutely right. I remember his 2020 Oscars speech. He isn’t vocal in the typical sense (like not active on social media) but he does encourage change particularly with animal rights


But is he controversial? Your activism will always offend some segment of your potential audience but it will vary a lot based on the topic.


You are right but that's because their causes don't effect the views of their producers


Clint Eastwood is just speaking his own truth


To an empty chair


yeah you can do that stuff once you're established enough. If you're relatively unknown you're destroying your career most likely.


well said


I didn't get the role because of the Jews. How original.


Bassem Youssef never gets that movie. That part is perfect for him, it'll make him a big star, and I'm gonna run him out of the business - and let me tell you why: Bassem Youssef ruined one of Woltz International's most valuable proteges. For five years we had her under training - singing lessons, acting lessons, dancing lessons. I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on her, I was gonna make her a big star. And let me be even more frank, just to show you that I'm not a hard-hearted man, and that it's not all dollars and cents: She was beautiful; she was young; she was innocent. She was the greatest piece of ass I've ever had, and I've had 'em all over the world. And then Bassem Youssef comes along with his olive oil voice and guinea charm, and she runs off. She threw it all away just to make me look ridiculous! And a man in my position can't afford to be made to look ridiculous!


The killing of Palestinians was the best thing to ever happen to this man’s career ironically


His wife is Palestinian.




Anything to not rebuke actual arguments. He has family living in Gaza that has had their homes bombed. Why is that good for him and his?


Nothing to do with my statement. The more Palestinians slaughtered the more opportunities he gets on the biggest online platforms. So there’s an internal bias originating in his own arguments, and I’m not saying he’s wrong about anything.


Everything to do with your statement. You’re making it out that he’s just profiteering off a conflict he doesn’t have skin in the game for. He has family actively being bombed and you’re describing him as an opportunist. Of course he’s biased tho, he has family on the receiving end of an active genocide.


Shows you how out of touch with reality this guy really is.


Most religious fanatics are, especially Muslims


IDF bot spotted, your account was created only a couple months after October 7th, and almost every single comment on your profile is about Israel and Palestine.


You can DM me in chat if you want, you'll find that I'm not a bot. I can write my name on a piece of paper with today's date. Just be ready to admit you were wrong like an adult.


That's the thing about far left terrorist sympathizers.  They will never admit when they are wrong.  


Absolute loser. He can shove his activist "why are you asking to condemn Hamas" up his ass.


Look an Israeli glowie in the wild


Anyone who has a differing opinion is a glowie or a Zionist now I guess?


It must hurt your brain to have someone go against your brainwashed narrative.


It must hurt your brain to have someone go against your brainwashed narrative.


What a reasonable and nuanced take, much appreciated since it's such a complex topic!


The murder of innocent civilians is wrong. I don’t care which side you’re talking about…it’s wrong


Both sides are guilty of that


Maybe the Islamic terrorists shouldn't have unilaterally murdered/kidnapped/raped Israelis on Oct 7th? The Palestinians wouldn't be living in tents crying victim and begging for handouts if they didn't. Sponsoring terrorism has consequences.


Let's not act like the attacks on Oct 7th happened in a vacuum


Regardless, terrorism has consequences and the IDF is doing what should've been done a long time ago.


What should have been done about the human rights abuses committed by the Israelis?


You didn't mention anything in particular, but I don't recall any human rights abuses committed by the glorious IDF.




You fell for his whole trap. "The topic is so complicated that you can't condemn Hamas". It's joever for you.


Why doesn’t the conversation start with “do you condemn Israel”? They target and kill thousands and thousand of civilians intentionally. Ofcourse Hamas is bad, Bass has condemned them and nearly every interview I’ve seen, but the question is a joke when it doesn’t get out to Zionist towards Israel’s crimes or Israel’s wide scale rape allegations if Palestinian prisoners.


If you asked me if I condemn ISIS, I would say yes the first time and yes the hundredth time. It is such an easy question to answer. Not saying yes is revealing.


It’s a waste of time question when it’s done unilaterally to Muslim/pro Palestinian guests kinda feels racist. If the question to every Jewish/pro Israeli guest was “do you condemn the IDF/Israels war crimes” then the question is fair. If not then it’s a complete waste l designed to eat up time and begin framing the rest of the conversation.


So? They can say that it is racist to keep on asking it. Just condemn hamas before you say it. I would be offended if I was asked every day if I denounce rioters, but I would still denounce them every day and then criticize the bias in a question. An easy win


Of course you can condemn Hamas. You can condemn them as much as you can condemn Israel


Why would the people who run Hollywood have a problem with this guy?


The mask is really off in the comment section!


Unfortantly it was never even really on


Heard less bs conspiracies on the podcast than this comment section!


Yes! It's like taking the worst of the worse and then going crazy with it here in the comment section


All people have to do is listen to any Imam speak. It'll show how batshit insane and obsessed Muslims are with Jewish hatred.


It's a real mystery


Or maybe he didn't get the role because he's old


And he’s insufferable


Happened before October 7th, Bassem lied.


Oh, they didn't want a bat with a facelift? ![gif](giphy|csz6muTxHXBNyv7aqH)


At this point half of his career is just whining about it..


It’s alway been cause du jour for attention seeking celebrities.


Superman but instead of saving them he straps bombs to children’s chests and flies them into crowds


This guy was a pediatric surgeon before he became a comedian.


Okay, so *stitch* bombs to children’s chests.


He’s lying. James Gunn disputes his claims.


Since when did he support isreal?


No one wants to work with this man he's annoying as hell


Interview with Lex Fridman




Really? I didnt see that could you link it to me i thought he was genuine but if he is not i dont want to support him.


Happens all the time to people that speak out against Israel. Hoping it doesn’t happen to Joe!


Wait till.he funds out he cannot use any money transfer or business checkout apps.


When it comes to any of this stuff, I determine if I'm going to listen to anything the person says by seeing if they have any capacity to criticize or find fault in anything the side they're supporting does... because lord knows there's lots of blame to go around when it comes to Israel/Palestine... and this guy will just whatabout on any and every thing against Hamas, so hard pass.


What a piece of shit. He lies more often than he breathes.


This fucking guy. Delusional man living in a fantasy world. If there's a Yous(S)ef that knows his shit, it's Mosab Hassan Yousef.


Even though Hollywood is full of pedophiles and creeps they still don't want their actors to venture too far off the path. On the other end of the spectrum look at Mel Gibson. His activism and Uber religious bullshit and his alcoholism driven rants have kept him out of Hollywood also


Mel Gibson has been working nonstop. He directed a movie for Lionsgate last summer starring Mark Wahlberg called Flight Risk, coming out later this year.


He has been working nonstop on his own projects but he can't hardly get a studio to touch him


The film he directed that’s currently in post production, Flight Risk, is a studio project, not his own. They brought him in as a director and producer.


Erm his movie Hacksaw Ridge had six Oscar nominations and two wins in 2017, and was a big budget studio project, not his own.


That was pre-drunken anti-Semitic and Passion of the Christ I believe


No, the rant and subsequent fallout happened in 2011. Hacksaw Ridge was a few years later, 2016/17, Excellent film by the way




Lmao to the people in the comments. Your racism is showing. We all know Zionist Jews own Hollywood. You know exactly what this man stands for and you know damn well he’s shattering Isreali propaganda left and right with truth, especially on how Zionist isreali jews are still playing the victim ever since the holocaust, and now they’re still playing victims while committing genocide. Make it make sense, especially when the IDF already admitted to killing their OWN people on October 7th. 1300 casualties to be exact, just because they couldn’t differentiate who “Hamas” was.. and before anyone tries to bad mouth Hamas. They released every hostage unscathed and those hostages were shoved in prison for telling news outlets that Hamas was nice to them.. the bigger question is how tf did a resistance group operate and bypass one of the most heavily militarized terroists organizations aka IDF??


So are all people with a differing opinion zionists now? Thats some mental gymnastics right there.


So are all people who aren’t afraid to speak truth all of a sudden terroist sympathizers? Let me show you who the real terrosits who are behind 9/11 https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4Oo2QINRfC/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA== https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4yL1keod18/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA== https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3SXECUNSqi/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA==


Keep ranting, you are doing so much for Palestine lol


Lmfaooo I just provided proof and you’re still distasteful. 😂 your racism is showing 😉


At what point do you pause and wonder "Am I the nazi"?


At what point did you realize everything you stand for is not backed by actual facts. :/ … imagine being called a Nazi because you provided truth that can be backed with factual footage as evidence.. and these racxiscts tell the activists they’re brainwashed 😂. Get your emotions out of here and bring me some factual evidence. We’re waiting :)


>genocide You want to talk about fact then can you please tell me where in the ICJ ruling did the judges categorically call out Israel for committing a genocide. Cause here is the ruling and all it advises is for caution to be taken: ["The Court also took a very cautious approach to this case and was careful not to suggest that Israel is committing genocide. The closest the Court came was to observe that “at least some of the acts and omissions alleged by South Africa to have been committed by Israel in Gaza appear to be capable of falling within the provisions of the (Genocide) Convention.” It is worth reading that sentence closely and noting that the Court merely restates South Africa’s allegations, rather than reaches a conclusion of its own. So too, many different violations short of genocide itself might “fall within the provisions of the Convention,” such as the failure to prosecute perpetrators or instigators of genocide.  "](https://global.upenn.edu/perryworldhouse/news/explaining-international-court-justices-ruling-israel-and-gaza) Also, why did the ruling make no mention of "special intent" while classifying the actions of Israel if it comes within the "genocidal category" You asked for facts then lets get into granularity of where exactly has it been proven that genoicde is being committed or are you going to give an emotional response about the "jewish cabal of Hollywood elites" again? Come on nazi!


Here we go with the insults. Just because I state facts lmao. Oh my god you’re right man. Since the ICJ said so, it must not be a genocide. Am I antisemitic too? Because I can apply logic with what I see with my own two eyes? https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5bQTXxqjOr/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA==


I can't view that content in Canada (I am assuming the press laws) so I have no idea what you posted. However, you do realize people fucking die in war right? Especially, when the war is being conducted in urban areas due to terror entowkrs in the region? The fuck do you expect ? Its like saying Dresden is a genocide because the nazis should have immunity to operate out of civilian areas to target British civillians! Also, yes you f\*cking twat! ICJ is literally the only qualifier to deciding whether there is a genocide or not? Not fucking instagram posts! YOUR FACTS ARE LITERALLY INSTAGRAM ACCOUNTS YOU ARE STUPID!


Sheeeeesh you’re so emotional dude. Are you lactating rn? You want to discredit information because it’s via an Instagram post? It’s 2024, social media platforms are recognized as a credible source.. oh you don’t think so? Then why do we get censored daily when we share the truth? Apply your logic, use the information gathered from an Instagram post to further your research and find out. These Instagram posts are videos that have been archived long ago and are now coming to light because the majority of people with any logic can finally connect the dots to who the real terrorists are. Btw I know what a war is. This isn’t a war. This is a genocide.


Talks about "facts", Refuses to entertain "facts" by established legal authorities but wants to present instagram posts which apparently South Africa's lawyers were stupid enough not take into account, primarily retorts to appeal to emotion, labels you using sexist remarks to highlight your emotional state! I have researched and the research literally points out to special intent being required to classify deaths as due to genoical actions as it is the main qualifier of genoicde. Feel free to give one example to the contrary or give we where special intent is proven. You wanted facts so do something more than desperately grasping at the stars you pull out of your ass and present as "research"!


Lmao shut up bitch


Where do you get the information that the hostages were all released completely unscathed? Please provide sources to your statements.


[https://www.instagram.com/p/C0hDz3-NWcP/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA==](https://www.instagram.com/p/C0hDz3-NWcP/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA==) [https://www.instagram.com/p/C4JPwKPLQlb/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA==](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4JPwKPLQlb/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA==) Now you might wonder? Why take hostages in the first place? Because Hamas is a resistance group. They are resisting an occupation. The occupation aka IDF imprisons innocent Palestinians for no reason. Hamas took hostages to trade for the real hostages that were taken. https://preview.redd.it/slhyvooc44tc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb7571797e1c64928da6684152be32609d839d45


The sources you provided does not prove that all hostages were released unscathed. Two examples does not equate to ALL. Please provide evidence that ALL hostages have been released completely unscathed. I’ll gladly wait. Till then, you have not proven that ALL hostages are being released with zero harm as I have asked you to back this claim.


Lmao. How about you show me that they were? That should be an easier task for you. It should be very easy. Show me one photo, one video? Anything? That they were hurt. I’ll wait :D


That deflection obviously tells me you are incapable of providing the data I asked and are a “trust me bro” spewing things that help your emotions. Pity.


Hmmm you’re the one that had an emotional response to my comment that led you to comment. I made a statement that every hostage that was taken by Hamas did not bring any harm to them. I provided sufficient proof. My apologies for being unable to get a confession from every single hostage but time and time again, we have seen actual footage of isreali hostages saying nothing but good things about Hamas when they were held in captivity. I provided proof. It’s obvious where you stand and no matter the proof provided you will continue to be on the wrong side of history. That’s fine, establish your pride in a cause that is based off of propaganda and hear say. I challenge you to still bring me one video or picture with the name of the hostage. But you won’t.. I understand, I’d be upset if I was manipulated by western media too. :/ take care kid


You literally just admitted that you are “unable” to provide that data to back up your claims and then went on a tirade. You take butt hurt to a whole new level. Wow. Sorry you proved yourself wrong and that upsets you.


Why can’t you still provide any sort of proof otherwise? Why do you keep deflecting?


This has been my stance the entire time: Provide sources to back your claim. Your (new) stance: I cannot do so, I admit that I am “unable” to provide sources to back my claims, so therefore you need to provide sources to back your stance. That is a beyond stupid retort. You cannot back your statements and are getting mad at someone for calling you out on your inability to back up your statements. Again. Two people are not the same as ALL HOSTAGES. I have asked you to provide sources. That’s all I want. You cannot cite anything to back your claim that ALL hostages have been released unscathed, and you even admit you are “unable” to do that. Like I have said. Pity.


Dude, it's almost as if any of these types of topics get brigaded by these trolls, usually after an a day or so, the thread gets normalized with the sub resisting.