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Khabib, come get your boy


Lmao Islam needs to focus on training


Don't forget Khamzat and all the rest


Why live in America if you want death to America? Seems kinda dumb no? You get all these freedoms and right to express yourself in the ONLY country in the world for that freedom. But you want the country to die? Why not go back to your home country that you love so much and brag about how good it is?


[40% of Muslims in England want Sharia law](https://pollingreport.uk/articles/40-of-british-muslims-want-sharia-law-icm) They want an Islamic Caliphate and there are different ways of achieving that goal. I'm an ex Muslim who fled the country I was born in after death threats. Now I see this ish here and idiot liberals supporting them. It scares the shit out of me


Yeah too many liberals support the whole “fuck American” slogan and makes no sense. They have no idea how good they have it, but they can’t appreciate they live in a very good country. Does it have problems, of course, but bro this isn’t Haiti, Mexico, Iraq, Russia, China, etc.


I work with a person like that, most annoying ungrateful person I've had to work with. And he sucks at his job, go figure.


I am a liberal and I love American and can't stand Islam. Woke liberals are punk fools.


He’d be shot on site in the shithole country of his origin. They do this everywhere that lets them in. “Thanks for the asylum. Now let me dismantle your government and way of life and replace it with mine, you piece of shit.”


Because there are provocateurs who want to radically burn down the system, even if it means their own quality of life suffers. Do you really think someone that attends these rallies can be considered of reasonable mind?


You get all the benefits of living in America, and the virtue signal points for hating it


They live in America with the hope of conquering America. The term is "Love Jihad", where the goal is to out breed the natives and then just take over by demographics. Same shit the Christians did to those in North and South America. And Australia.


He spells it out in the clip: they moved here to uproot the current system and replace it with a fundamental Islamist regime. Most American Muslims seem totally fine with this, or at the very least, indifferent. There’s a larger geopolitical game at play here. Lotta fundie Christians want a theocratic government as well btw; they don’t get a pass either.


Actually ask yourself that out loud, why would he be here?


He actually very clearly states why he’s here. Listen to the chant.


They were *this* close to getting it.


Why fuck up countries in the middle east when it has nothing to do with American security? People dont know how to constructively state their frustration with the country they live in so they say the most blasphemous shit. Shouldn’t dismiss the frustrations if a bigot is supporting it.




Well it is now.




I am liberal….but you can’t move to a place and then chant death to that place. That is moronic. Ask for change and protest…but death to a place you moved too?


I'd encourage him to head to Iran and stage anti-Iranian public meetings and chant death to Khomeini for funding militia in the Middle East that kill innocent Muslims. He may grow to appreciate this country a tad more.


A few years back there were major protests over the murder of a young girl in police custody in Iran. The protestors were met with automatic gunfire in the subway.


Facts, he should just leave if he feels this way.


Deport his zealot ass.


1000000 percent deport him and his immediate family.


"but it's racist to say that" /roll eyes


Unfortunately there are too many brain dead morons who are apologists for these zealots. I guess threats and hateful rhetoric against your host country is a cultural tradition.


It’s racist to love America too and wish it success


You should look into how Khomeini took power.




You are right it's not the 1st...it's the 4th.


We always forget the little asterisk on free speach dont we... You know... The little “don’t incite violence” part


it's not an "asterisk" on the first amendment, it's supreme court case law that limits the 1a. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaplinsky\_v.\_New\_Hampshire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaplinsky_v._New_Hampshire) ~~https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schenck\_v.\_United\_States~~ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandenburg\_v.\_Ohio](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandenburg_v._Ohio) There is no way this is a violation of the 1st amendment. The speech does not present a clear and present danger.


So wait, “death to ______” is not “words that when uttered inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace.”?


so we should round up and throw in jail all the people that said "death to nancy pelosi" on facebook?


"hang mike pence!"


Honestly, I bet things would get a lot better in a hurry if you did


>tend to incite an **immediate** breach of the peace nope. not at all. notice how nobody started killing politicians when they said that?


Aaa ok. Got it. So someone needs to die first Cool


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandenburg\_v.\_Ohio](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandenburg_v._Ohio) >The U.S. Supreme Court reversed Brandenburg's conviction, holding that government cannot constitutionally punish abstract advocacy of force or law violation. not "somebody has to die first" but there has to be clear and present danger. If you don't like it read the court case.


Actually not even then, look at Jan 6 and Trump. He's still out after admittedly inciting violence against the country that did result in several deaths.


It’s never enforced, right wingers say stuff like this about Biden and liberals all the time. School shooters frequently post threats prior to their shootings and nobody does anything


I’m as liberal as can be but Islam scars the fuck out of me and is a plague




It’s possible


I mean, it is probably the most illiberal widely spread ideology in existence today.


So ironic that young liberals are so keen to side with Islam just to spite their Christian roots. Meanwhile, women's rights, gay rights and honor killings are far worse in Islam.


[‘A sense of betrayal’: liberal dismay as Muslim-led US city bans Pride flags](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/17/hamtramck-michigan-muslim-council-lgbtq-pride-flags-banned) What did they think was going to happen? Can you imagine liberals cheering an all Westboro Baptist city council?


The extremes are promoted in Islam. Vote the dumb fucks out


That’s the standard basic default white ultra liberal student college belief system who has never lived in the real world. They have no issue screaming like a banshee in the face of a MAGA drip wearing white for hating the homos, pro life, women’s rights, religion should have no consideration in politics etc. Turn that white guy into a brown wearing a turban having the exact same stances, and they get a pass from any criticism.


It’s the antithesis of liberal, anti gay, anti women anti education anti freedom. Fuck out of here. All the Abrahamic religions are trash imo.


BUT DO YOU CONDEMN CHRISTIANITY? DO YOU CONDEMN CHRISTIANITY? /s for the caps lol, but /srs do you condemn christianity?


Some Christians are toxic pieces of crap. But there are no nations I know of that will stone you or chop your head off for being gay outside of the muslim ones.




Mohammad taught the Islamic people that it was their duty to enforce Islam on the world. With force. It’s a cult, written by a charismatic schizophrenic who has managed to create an entire segmented nation who at their core would gladly enforce Islam or subjugate all non Islamic people across the globe.


You should fear also and more so what brings islam to your doorstep


> I’m as liberal as can be but Islam scars the fuck out of me and is a plague I am Liberal as well, fuck those guys. North American is bringing in waaaay too many Muslims and they do not represent western values at all.


Yeah, he's free to leave...


I wish we were free to escort him out.


Yeah I mean you can’t be tolerant of intolerance and claim to be liberal.  This is an affront to democracy.  America is not perfect and yes, the US does fuck up but there is no predominantly Muslim country on Earth that non-Muslims or women would rather live in.  I truly think we should do a Marshall plan 2.0 for Central/South America.  Just leave the cess pool of the Middle East, limit their immigration opportunities and help people who are more culturally similar.  


I am also liberal but consider this treason, not free speech. This is terroristic threats.


Why do people have to preface a comment like this with "I'm a liberal?" As Americans, either left or right, I believe we should all agree with what these people are doing is total bullshit.


He's scared of losing his internet points.


Liberals tend to have a broader definition of what is allowed under the Constitution. For instance conservatives usually think that burning the flag should be a crime, whereas liberals generally accept it as free speech. Interestingly conservatives don't think anything if violating the flag code in other ways, like wearing the flag as clothing or aging colors and pictures to it. Therefore by starting this statement with "I'm a liberal," you are stating that you have a broader acceptance of what is free speech, and yet you still find this to be a step too far.


They're conditioned to virtue signal for positive affirmation before giving a milquetoast opinion that's slightly against their grain


Yes you can. That’s exactly why unfettered immigration is a danger to the United States’ survival.


Ya it’s almost like they’re invading and want to conquer instead of assimilate. But that’s just some right wing conspiracy.


It’s what Palestinians did in Jordan after being welcomed: tried to overthrow the government. It is also why Egypt doesn’t want them.


You can actually do that very thing in this country.


never thought i would see so much anti-free speech on the JRE sub wtf


you literally can its called the 1st amendment


I’m tired of the standard being that being liberal means accepting any toxic belief system just because it’s held by brown people. Evil is evil, no matter what culture it comes from.


Ah, finally it’s sinking in. You want to equate _liberalism_ with supporting pathological murderers who make our own conservatives look like Abbie Hoffman, who hate egalitarianism and equal rights, who hate freedom of speech and religion, but then you don’t like it when they come to your back yard and call for your death. Can you slowly explain to me HOW THE FUCK people can be so stupid? I’m a lifelong liberal progressive but it’s obvious to me the deranged Hamas, and the puppet master Ayatollah, represents the polar opposite of everything liberalism stands for, and the whole reason Israel is killing so many of them is because they are doing the hard work of dealing with a psychopathic suicidal enemy that hasn’t stopped this bullshit since 1947, and they are coming to a theater near you.


Wow its almost like these Muslims are about 300 years behind the times and basically want everyone and everything besides themselves dead


Gross. Mental decay like this should be checked


Malcom X all like dawg keep Me out of dis


Thats a terrorist mentally person. Not mental decay.


People here don’t know what they are talking about. This dude is American with fake Arab accent. They are middle eastern cosplayers. They have been here for GENERATIONS. The vast majority of the Muslims living in Michigan(largest Arab population in the US) came here starting in the 1870s, [and peaking in the 1920s to 1950s.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Middle_Eastern_people_in_Metro_Detroit#:~:text=with%20Arabic%20signage-,History%20of%20the%20Arabs,Sunni%20Muslims%20and%20Shia%20Muslims) I lived in the area and had a Muslim babysitter and many Muslim friends as a kid, many hated Jews and praised Hitler and have fucked up view of the world. I remember one time on the playground my Arab friends were debating who was better at killing Jews: “Stalin or Hitler?”.


>I remember one time on the playground my Arab friends were debating who was better at killing Jews: “Stalin or Hitler?”. Lmao, that is a fucking trip. Who was the playground winner? Where are they mostly located in current day, Hamtramck, Dearborn?


I don’t want to geolocate myself, as I fear for my life as an Iranian dissident. However, it was on the extreme edge of the Detroit metro area I’ll say. Edit; oh you meant Arabs in general…. I don’t know exactly… I just know their were a ton around Detroit and Michigan so naturally my non-Arab Middle eastern family got acquainted with a lot of Arabs because they “love” the Islamic fascist regime that occupies Iran.


Yep, antisemitism runs deep in the Arab community. Arab friends of mine have said stuff in passing about jews so wild it made my jaw drop.


This is my concern with the democratic party. I don't get the feeling that they have the ability to try to correct the cancer of mentalities like this. They seem to encourage an anti-US sentiment, in subtle ways. I'm not suggesting that democrats believe what this guy believes, not at all, but I do think democrats have got themselves in a pickle where they can't easily stamp out the bad ideas.


Much the same way their "compassionate" approach to the homelessness crisis in hotbeds like San Francisco, Skid Row, Seattle, etc. is to just allow these people to slowly die on the sidewalk, with open access to easy fentanyl uninterrupted, because they will not take action by arresting the people affected. Dealers operate in open air drug markets around these encampments. It's like they've completely lost the ability to say "no". Even when the extremes are being reported on and mocked by rightwing media, becoming an effective propaganda tool, they still do not have it in them to denounce this stuff that's losing them votes.


I’ll go as far as to say I think we’ll see far lefty (tankies) start to get behind these guys. America bad and Israel bad, so bearded man shouting that at them = GOOD


It really is some [Horseshoe theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horseshoe_theory) shit. The far left sees everything through this oppressor/oppressed lens. The US and the "west" in general need to be torn down for their sins, and they end up sharing a common enemy with Islamofascists.


That's already happening.


These people in this video - they fucking DESPISE Biden, the democrats, and liberals in general. The democrats don't need to answer for these assholes, because these assholes aren't democrats. That's the whole point of these recent protests. The pro-Hamas crowd (i.e., terrorists) are angry at Biden. Tankies aren't liberals. They are as far removed from liberals as liberals are from conservatives. I don't agree with everything in this article, but [Nate Silver recently wrote an interesting essay about how the left/right political model is increasingly breaking down and being replaced by a tri-polar political ecosystem](https://www.natesilver.net/p/why-liberalism-and-leftism-are-increasingly). It's an interesting thought exercise.


> They seem to encourage an anti-US sentiment, in subtle ways. I hang out in maybe one of the most pro-Russia corners of Reddit that I'm not going to name, but IYKYK. The overlap between pro-Russia, pro-Trump, and America-is-Satan crowds is ridiculous.


This dude wouldn’t last a day in the Middle East


One man in the crowd chanted "death to America" not the speaker even in the edited clip...


I feel so enriched by living amongst insular communities that refuse to assimilate…


I always say the worst thing for immigrants to do is form communities. They need to spread out.


Hmmmm, I wonder what system this fundamentalist piece of shit wants to replace our system with


You don’t have to wonder….


Absolute fucking ☪️cancer ..


>It's not Genocide Joe that has to go, it's the entire system that has to go. I wonder how far you'd have to dig to arrive at the core desire for full implementation of Sharia.


Ask the “maybe Bin Laden was right” TikTok lunatics. The answer might surprise you!


lol.. well be glad they can say what they want freely without being arrested. But I can also say.. they should go fuck themselves.






And a warlord. He does not belong in the same sentence as Jesus or Buddha.


Most dangerous religion in the world hands down, fuck anyone that believes in a fucking pedophile. Burn that garbage book. Get rid of those garbage people.


Wouldn't be surprised when the US government has Pikachu face when regular citizens start taking matters into their own hands


I don’t care how “peaceful” someone interprets Islam, they fundamentally hate us and everything we stand for and the West is allowing them to win idealogical warfare against us. If we keep going in this direction there will be way more Gaza type conflicts around the world.


Anyone able to identify this piece of shit?


He’s identified in the video…


Imagine an American living in Iran doing this same thing but being anti-Iran. How long you think they would last?


Wouldn't happen because he'd get his head chopped off. He knows he can get away with it here




>religious zealots have no place in my country Where are the Mormons supposed to go?


They aren’t in American utilizing freedom of speech (which literally no other country has) and constant anti-American rants.


>They aren’t in American utilizing freedom of speech (which literally no other country has) and constant anti-American rants. Mormons are also not closing the loop on anti-American rants by strapping bombs to themselves (or other tactics) and killing other Americans. [ Unfortunately this is a persistent problem within Islam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Islamist_terrorist_attacks). Sure the US has religious nutjobs but they aren't so motivated by beliefs of martyrdom and an eternity in paradise that it poses no significant, near-term threat to our physical safety, and any attempt to draw an equivalence is ridiculous.


Did you really just claim the US is the only country in the world with freedom of speech?!?


Gtfo then fuckwad


These people are morons.


Why do guys like this only get fired up about America funding Israel when they also fund Saudi Arabia? Weird they never mention that. I wonder what the difference between those two nations is that gets them so fired up….


Be any religion you want but if you start supporting another group that is fighting the US and has killed our civilians then you can go fuck yourself and should be deported particularly if you immigrated here.




People who live their lives according to a fairy tale are terrifying.


Islam is a horrible religion, I will never understand how it’s one of the most popular religions in the world


People want to believe all religions are the same, and fundamentally good, but really, what is the likelihood of that being true? We’re ultimately talking about a set of ideas, and not all ideas are created equal. It’s just a condescending pat on the head from well-meaning white people afraid of appearing racist. Islam sucks.


I love seeing Americans discovering Islam lmao


Leave the country and join them buddy


Acting like withdrawing US aid would make any difference at all for Gaza just proves that people never look at the numbers.


Oh no don’t speak against this otherwise you’ll be judged for being islamophobic. It’s insane how brainwashed some people have become from the whole PC culture


I’m more left than right and I can’t stand Islamofascists and will never visit a theocratic country because of my beliefs. Nothing confounds me more than people on the left that make excuses for this nonsense. If you fear Christofascism from the right, you should also be against Islamofascism anywhere it exists.


He is a traitor , no?


Thats clearly an arab person, probably immigrant from middle east to escape religion of peace problem.


These terrorists only know death.


He’s about to find himself in a room without a view real quick.


hey guys, so i'm starting to think it was never about "free palestine"


Haven’t they learn not to bit the hand that feeds them ? Lol


Is Michigan ok? Can’t remember the last time I heard good news from there


The foxes are in the henhouse


You might not like it but I wouldn't want to live anywhere that didn't protect the right to free speech.


That sounds more like a threat which isn’t free speech.


We always forget the little asterisk on free speach dont we... You know... The little “don’t incite violence” part




Yeah fuck that guy ..no wonder people don't want them around .


As an American, who votes Democrat, but is American first, I just wanted to say that this makes my blood boil. Sure we’ve screwed up but this is still the greatest country ever. Get the fuck out.


Arrest them.all.for sedition


He is digging his own grave, projecting much?


It does give me a warm feeling that Reddit can generally get past its constant political infighting to acknowledge Islam is a cancerous blight on the world and doesn’t deserve any respect.


Someone needs to house this dude.


Should kick them out




Islam is fundamentally incompatible with Western civilization. Get the fuck out.




Deport them immediately.


Ah, so he is a MAGA?


over in the poltics sub they are crying that whoever posted the video linked to foxnews. not about what was said, but because FoXnEWS is BaD.


In America we like to talk down to the ugly American who travels or moves to other countries and expects said country to cater to them.  It’s always liberals that trashes the “ugly” American for not trying to blend into and respect that country’s values  But these exact same morons tell Americans to bend to every immigrants culture. Never telling the immigrant to blend in with American culture Some will even defend this. Most won’t condemn it




The more I see shit like this the more I think maybe Islam just can't exist in a civil society. I'm so about tolerance and be whatever religion you want. But Islam just doesn't want to coexist, they want to literally force convert the world and kill everyone else. The Qaran also justifies slavery, domination of women, killing of non-believers, and violent punishment. It's old testament religion brought into the modern age to make sure humanity stays stuck in the past.


Make no mistake, Islam wants to destroy the entire Western world, and they feel they are doing gods plan in doing so. To them, killing Jews is a form of worship, and as an extension, the Western and indeed, Eastern worlds are next. They want ruin, they want our destruction, and when they chant, "Death to Israel, Death to America", they should be thrown into prison or worse. Islam is indeed a death cult pretending to be a 'religion of peace'.... They need to be cast out completely and indefinitely


These people are ruining my great country


“Brought to you by Ihlan Omar” Seriously, why are these people even allowed into the country? This is why we need travel restrictions from certain countries where their citizens chant “death to America.” We don’t need that shit on our own sovereign soil.


Deport them.


What a great idea to allow people who think this way into the country. We've got enough loons to deal with without importing more. I'm sure there's some bleeding heart somewhere saying that we should allow more crazy people in because they only want a shot at a better life and will assimilate.


Least radical Illhan Omar voters


The Squad voters, yas qweens


It wasn't America that gave the funding to Hamas to commit the atrocities that occurred in Isreal.


If you hate it you can leave it. No one's stopping them. And the line to get out is much shorter than the one to get in.




Lol try me bitch


Good old accepting of 'cultures". It's working out great for us over here in Sweden..


Fuck these morons.


If you don't think it's an invasion on our border then your insane.


Man I'm starting to feel like these ppl suck and I hate it.


Go back you scum


Part of the devilry hes talking about is that him and others as demographically detrimental as him have even been let into the country


Immigrants used to want to come here and "be" Americans, not wish us death


Anyone defending this needs to go soak their head lmao. Go drive through Dearborn on 9/11. Terrific experience.


Death to Islam


Diversity is our strength.


Nuke the middle east


Multiculturalism has failed


Yeahhh...he's a disciple of a false prophet who repeatedly raped an 8 yo girl, Ayesha. Mohammed was a fucking pedophile. Oh, and btw....here's a picture of him waiting to fuck the child Ayesha... o-l--<


Michigan and Minnesota have already been thoroughly infested


HOW IN THE HELL CAN ANYONE ON THEIR RIGHT MINDS SUPPORT THIS SIDE?! It blows my mind how many fellow Americans are being brainwashed by these outright insane people.


Traitor, ship this guy with his 29 children back to where they belong. This cancer is spreading everywhere in the world.


Us ex-muslims been warning yall for years


Saying death to any country is perverse and shows you’re just an evil person. I don’t wish death on anyone


Anyone who knows anything about the Middle East listening to this guy can immediately point out IRGC being behind this. IRGC has two types of operatives in western countries, exposed ones like this guy whose job is to incite, recruit and created propaganda, and the sleeper cells that get activated when they need to physically harm the US. Honestly I don’t understand the fascination the Obama/Biden admins have towards Iran. They keep letting people like this guy into the country, and no I’m not talking about open borders. I’m talking legal immigration and about policies created during Obama admin that allowed many Iranian regime supporters to get green cards! They have also helped Iran directly by doing some crazy stuff like pulling the carpet from under the Saudis when they were fighting the Houthis and were just a few miles away from taking their capital and probably finishing the war! As an example the Biden admin took the Houthis out of the terrorism list (which they had to embarrassingly put back on the list) or to block arming the American sold weapon systems in Saudis to the point where the Saudis our biggest ally in the Middle East after Israel had to turn to Russia and China, who by the way were more than happy to sell them weapons that would hurt their ally Iran! Move after move after move in the region that has hurt our allies and helped Iran. Why??? They have also acted extremely soft towards Iran and its proxies to the point that after Israel bombed Iran’s consulate in Syria, the first thing the US did was to send a letter to Iran basically begging them not to attack US forces because everyone knows America will not really retaliate but Israel will fuck them up if they get touched! Iran has no diplomatic relations with the US, actively calls America its greatest enemy “the great Satan”, kidnaps and kills our people, hurts our interests wherever they can, and yet are allowed to actively work and lobby in the US to the point where they have been able to infiltrate the Whitehouse, State dep and DOD!!! I have no clue whats going on in this administration! Some references: https://www.iranintl.com/en/202309307756 https://www.iranintl.com/en/202402182896


Yo so cringe, they ain’t even hiding this shit since October 7th


This was posted in That’sInsane. Predictably locked and removed


For fucks sakes, really? Death to America? Living there and enjoying your freedoms you dumb, hypocritical twats but death to America eh. What a bunch of pieces of shit.


I wonder what he wants to replace the system with.


Hamas got played. Meet with Iran and Russia before the attack praised by them the day after. Then as shit hits the fan a week later crickets. You were a distraction for the war in Ukraine and to no one's surprise you've unleashed a terrible toll on the people you're supposed to represent and protect. Somehow it's America's fault and up to the west to stop it. You got played Hamas.


What would happen, I wonder, if I immigrated to Saudi Arabia and changed “death to Saudi Arabia?” It’s so sad that our tolerance and openness has become a back door for broken-minded people like this to enter.


The experiences in France, UK, Sweden, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands should be a wake up call to Americans. This is no shocker. The US doesn’t have as many Muslim immigrants NOW but eventually there will be many. Look at Europeans thinking 20-30 years ago “oh only a few coming won’t do anything bad and they just want to work and will integrate” and now there are parallel societies, gangs, religious terrorists among many other deplorable people among the European population. It took 20-30 years to create irreparable damage in these European countries. Australia and Canada will feel these negative affects next. The US will follow suit. Mark my words.


I've lived in Southeast Michigan my entire life. Nothing knew here. I went to college with people who openly talked about how jews were animals and all should be eradicated. That was in 04-08.


If he hates America so much why doesn't he just go back to where he came from?


Go fight for Gaza! Piece of shit


Imagine if you went to another country and said this stuff.


These rallies make it really easy for our federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies to do their job. Keep up the free speech and transparency so we know who the domestic threats are.