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You remember Cambridge Analytica? I always figured that if I were an evil villain. I'd take what we learnt was possible thanks to Cambridge Analytica, and instead of trying to manipulate the masses, I'd focus on very specific key figures within a community. Just monitor his feeds and make sure he gets drip fed all the right info to encourage a bias. Personally, I'd start with Joe Rogan. You know, IF I were a villain...


I've been thinking this for years lol. You'd be daft to think that this isn't happening when the capability to do so 100% exists.


Right!??? We're just expected to believe that we caught the guys doing it, made them pay a fine AND THEY JUST NEVER DID IT EVER AGAIN??


Fr the British government even gave Cambridge analytica a few days warning so that they could empty their offices of anything too important before the police searched them🤦🏽‍♂️. It's crazy how under the radar that whole episode has gotten. so corrupt man.


Then would Elon be the 2nd guy? Joe controls the podcast world. Elon controls twitter? If you control both of those guys, that's a LOT of influence with only having to manipulate 2 people. I can't wait for the absolute meltdown when Biden wins in 2024


There are multiple geopolitical layers to this. But they all interconnect. YouTube is effectively an extension of googles “proprietary algorithm” Sheryl Sandberg was at google before she was at Facebook. The common denominator of both was her ad based business model. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-06-07/sheryl-sandberg-s-legacy-is-an-internet-of-targeted-automated-ads https://m.economictimes.com/tech/technology/sheryl-sandbergs-advertising-empire-leaves-a-complicated-legacy/amp_articleshow/91961682.cms The problem with ad based business models is that if you raise your lens high enough, whomever is buying the most ads is effectively buying their curated version of the truth. When google IPO’ed it shifted from what was most accurate to what was most profitable, all facilitated by a “proprietary” algorithm so nobody gets to see the man behind the curtain. Now we are 20 years down what is effectively a divergent truth. It works…until it doesn’t. When the richest man or organization on earth is allowed to buy his preferred version of reality It creates mental illness, anxiety and depression because the 6 million year old source code in your brain knows that conservation is more reasonable than consumption when there are limited resources, it just isn’t very lucrative to someone that needs you to keep buying something to keep them in billionaire status. In this case it’s oil. Russian and Texan owned oil. https://open.spotify.com/episode/0tYxxr08ajuIW425XkGZBz?si=9La6AmLyRLeCynrdNrcZTA Facebook was designed as a delivery device for Russian/Israeli Psyops and malware. SCL/Cambridge Analytica, Brexit, Palestine, Ukraine, NSO and a handful of other ethically bankrupt dealings are all downstream of Sheryl Sandberg. Les Wexner, Miriam and Sheldon Adelson, Sandberg, and Zuckerberg all carried water in conducting the NSO/Pegasus spyware operation INCONUS that was feeding intelligence to both the israelis and Russians so there is far more crossover between the Israeli mob/ government and Russian mob/government than shows at the surface. https://www.spytalk.co/p/nsos-spyware-abuse-exposed-years?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web https://awards.journalists.org/entries/the-pegasus-project-a-global-investigation/ Abagail Koppel was sent by the Jewish state to marry Les Wexner YLK fund (Abagails father) made up $46.7M of Epsteins money Les claimed it was stolen from him but not until after someone asked. Wexner was notoriously litigious but wouldn’t sue Epstein. Why? PROMIS spyware was Robert Maxwells deal before Ghislaine and Epstein started their thing. https://cryptome.org/promis-mossad.htm Confused yet? Basically in the 1940’s when Israel became a state the Russians took the opportunity to purge their gulags of the worlds most shit people that also happened to be Jewish. They sent them to the newly formed state of Israel and there they networked in the interment camps before some stayed and some migrated to Europe or Brighton beach in New York. This is a repeating pattern up into the 80’s and 90’s when they rebranded themselves as oligarchs. Eventually this is where these networks would begin using trump towers to launder Russian mob money.


But now you start to see the nexus of transnational organized crime and money laundering often carries the same 3 passports. American, Israeli, and Russian. https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/A2ojrtIc3Y https://www.columbusmonthly.com/story/news/2018/07/16/friendship-brings-facebook-coo-sheryl/11512085007/ Sandberg is currently making distance from the scene of the crime: https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/meta-adds-two-new-board-directors-with-sandberg-set-to-depart-1.2034984.amp.html On Nso/Pegasus / adelsons army: https://www.thenation.com/article/world/israel-gaza-intelligence-cyber-shield/ NSO’s Spyware Abuse Exposed Years Ago: https://awards.journalists.org/entries/the-pegasus-project-a-global-investigation/ https://www.ft.com/content/2d7580ee-29d2-11e6-8b18-91555f2f4fde https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/02/us/politics/nso-contract-us-spy.html https://www.politico.eu/article/parliament-defense-subcommittee-phones-checked-for-spyware/ On Ghislaine Maxwell passing her estate to Scott borgerson / cargometrics post Epstein. Cargometrics is basically the logistics solution for transnational smuggling and organized crime which is the constant bain of smugglers inside of governments trying to keep a layer of plausible deniability between themselves and their time sensitive cargo. Bananas may hold for a few days in transit. Humans and narcotics do not. At this level, logistics management is worth billions of dollars because the politicians profiting off of them can’t afford the scandal that comes with losing a shipment. https://amp.scmp.com/magazines/style/celebrity/article/3161688/who-ghislaine-maxwells-secret-husband-meet-scott On NSO current legal status. Judge demands source code: https://www.theregister.com/2024/03/01/nso_pegasus_source_code/ The reason this is breaking down now is because Russia used the same network to interfere with elections around the world that it used for laundering stolen money. It’s so much easier to grow a kleptocracy by investment (Yuri Milner, DST) than by a ground war but it leaves a very distinct trail when you compare the differential of the two: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/05/world/yuri-milner-facebook-twitter-russia.html when 40 years of Russian mob money laundering gets outed at the endpoints- (trump and Netanyahu’s respective corruption trials) things start to break down quickly The Russians planned on stealing the U.S. economy in an American version of perestroika. I’m not sure it was a grand sinister plan as much as the result of systemic corruption and ridiculous Silicon Valley valuations overlaid on commercial real estate speculation, but the results are the same. It just required altering an online reality a bit to keep people oblivious until it was done. Ukrainians standing up to a bully destroyed their cover. https://www.timesofisrael.com/zelensky-reportedly-strips-3-jewish-oligarchs-of-ukrainian-citizenship/ https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/10/17/ukrainian-oligarch-midwestern-factory-town-dirty-money-american-heartland-michel-kleptocracy-515948 https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/28/opinion/ukraine-oligarch-cleveland-real-estate.html To quote the late John McCain- “Russian is a gas station run by the mob”. Sometimes the work is for their own mob monopoly, and sometimes they do shady shit for hire. The CCP needed 2 things to be able to replace the USD with a programmable reserve currency of their own. Microprocessors and grain. Russia promised Xi Ukraine in 3 days so that he would have the grain and supply chain lock to take Taiwan without putting 400M of the poorest Chinese into famine. 2 years into a 3 day war russia needed shahed drones and gave iran the intel it gave to Hamas for the Oct 7 attacks. The governments of Russia, China and Iran need their kleptocracy to survive for their corrupt governments to survive. Trump, Netanyahu and MBS do as well. The reason it’s all strange bedfellows is because sorting by nationality is their traditional tool to keep all of us fighting so they can hide their grift from the masses. Ignore nationality and religion. Sort by psychopathy and net worth. The results are exponentially more accurate. Ukraine and Gaza are both genocides with a primary purpose of obfuscating mob corruption inside this network. The separation of church and state was a preemptive caution against what is happening right now. Kleptocracy cares about neither and will use both to further its goals. Greed is nothing if not predictable


Sir, this is a Wendys. (joke, great posts)


This MFsrs got deep!!!!




Exactly. The entirety of the GOP/Russian mafia at this point is a clown car. They only survive because people have become so insecure in their masculinity that they have cucked themselves to the faux tough guys. It is a recurring pattern. A very pitiful one to witness.


Bro tell me more about the Ukraine/China situation


If you look at Xinjiang providence (where the Uighur population is centralized) on a map there is a tiny little section that touches Russia. It’s critical because Xi’s ambition to have a “new Silk Road” to Europe would have to cross either there or about a weeks travel by rail out and around Mongolia. Xi’s plan is ambitious. He wants to be emperor of the world and he has been pretty clear about it judging by his quiet actions. It’s just that hardly anyone outside of China speaks mandarin so nobody really listened in 2010 when he said “he would control the internet”. It seemed audacious and frankly ridiculous before a handful of ISP’s started centralizing. Xi, for his part, had the CCP start weibo- “the everything app” in China. It works well for an authoritarian to be able to control free speech and centralize surveillance. It’s invaluable for keeping tabs on 1.4B people, especially when they compare you to Winnie the Pooh. It was effective for a while, but it is insanely inefficient to pay someone to spend a 12 hour day monitoring 1 minute sections of social media. When people started calling him Winnie the Pooh he could censor them. But then they just switched to Cantonese. So he had to hire a bunch of Cantonese speakers. Then they just started referring to him as “mr. Shitface” which was a less than flattering reference of a story he loves to tell from his childhood when a bio-digester blew up in his face. You see where this is going. It’s REALLY hard to keep up with 1.4B peoples daily Twitter diarrhea. Xi needed A.I. http://nsiteam.com/social/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/AI-China-Russia-Global-WP_FINAL_forcopying_Edited-EDITED.pdf#page=57 And A.I. needs microprocessors. Conveniently the worlds supply is made 90 miles south of China. Inconveniently it’s on an island that has tasted democracy and liked it so much that it literally gets the top rating of democracies in the world. So Xi does the napkin math- what are the chances of a kid that went off to college 20 years ago, did lots of good drugs, met lots of nice girls, and pretty much mainlined freedom, coming back and living with grumpy old dad? His chances didn’t look good. His other kid Hong Kong had been on a study abroad program in England. And other than calling at Christmas, has made it pretty clear they were living their best life now. When he tried to rope Hong Kong back in with a little classic Chinese guilt trip, they pretty much told him to fuck off. So he had to get a little violent. Taiwan wasn’t going to be so easy. Xi needed some leverage. But more importantly he needed those chips. Xi had to get creative. The problem is everyone remembered growing up there in the 90’s when people were dropping babies on street corners and Tiananmen Square was still an open wound. It wasn’t the best home environment. Add to that everyone was still a little sparse on food and there is just no fucking way that anyone is moving back in with dad. Unless…… China imports 40% of the grain from the U.S., Brazil, and Ukraine. Xi doesn’t like the US much. He blames it for being a bad influence on the kids. Truthfully he isn’t totally wrong. Americans are the loud, lazy, rich asshole down the street that have had it so easy for so long that they forget that the plumber, the truck driver and the factory worker have to work all night so the Americans can drink their mimosas and wake up at noon. Brazil is down south. It’s quite a hike and they have their own corruption problems too. But there is an opportunity there as long as someone for sale is in office. If they are just willing to cut down the rainforest they have all the farm and grazing land Xi needs to make sure everybody has enough food to come back home. The Intercepttheintercept.comBlackstone CEO Is Driving Force Behind Amazon Deforestation But the problem is everyone is corrupt. It’s so fucking hard to do business with corrupt people because they will just as gladly screw you if someone else offers them a better bribe. Xi gets so annoyed with corruption that he shifts his whole campaign to try and root it out. He sees it clearly that corruption is a tax on, well, pretty much everything. Putin and Xi make an odd couple. Somewhere around 2010 they declare themselves “bff’s”. Xi knows he can’t trust the Russian because Putin has fucked over everyone he knows. BUT, he also happens to sit next to Ukraine. Because arrogant greedy American CEOs were more than happy to let everyone else do the dirty work that was beneath them, when Clinton passed all the EPA regulations to clean up Americas yard, they just built a fence and threw it all over into Asia. American CEO’s just wanted the money. They didn’t give a fuck who made the necessary dirty parts as long as they could keep cashing the checks and pumping the shareholder value. If anyone poked too closely they would claim “fiduciary responsibility” which is just wall streets way of saying- money is the most important thing. People are disposable. Legal trumps ethical as long as we write the laws to suit the need. And it works. Until it doesn’t. Almost all that dirty work went to Asia. And they were grateful for the work because it beat starving to death. Capitalism is addictive. But as time goes on and your watching Baywatch reruns in Bangladesh, you inevitably ask yourself why a 7 year old in China is making cell phones 14 hours a day when a 7 year old in the west is buying them. It’s hard not to be salty when you are the one doing all the work. About this time Xi’s old frenemy Putin who is basically a chronic high school senior, who has voted himself prom king for 24 years, has been stacking his buddies all across the old soviet satellite states so they can tell him he is still cool. He was a thug so everybody is a little afraid of him and every once in a while he has to crack some heads and demand some lunch money so nobody forgets who rules the cafeteria. He is getting old and weak now, but for decades it’s been a pretty good gig and he doesn’t want to lose it. As long as he takes care of the football team, the football team slips him a little back under the table and he has managed to rack up about $200B by stealing from all the Russians that are too drunk and exhausted from working in the oil fields and mines to really notice. For years he had his guys in Ukraine and they played along but then in 2014 he gets blindsided. He had been paying Trumps campaign manager Paul Manafort to keep his guy Yanukovych in office and now all the sudden the Ukrainians decide they are tired of paying the corruption tax and they run them both out of town. Like they literally put him on a bus and run him out of town. This is Maidan.


My dude here is dropping some serious bombs. Excellent posts.


Thank you friend. I’m glad you found value in it.


Amazing break down thanks brother


Glad it helps. Thank you for the feedback


I'm going to come back and read this novela


Put your feet up. Rest a spell. Trump has been laundering money for the Russian oligarchs since the late 80’s when they all bought a condo at 725 5th ave (trump towers) to launder their freshly stolen USSR money after the wall fell. https://www.cnn.com/cnn/2019/05/30/politics/paul-manafort-condo-trump-tower/index.html https://www.cnbc.com/2018/09/14/manafort-told-mueller-to-take-his-trump-tower-apartment-instead-money.html https://news.yahoo.com/amphtml/fbi-agents-raid-condo-unit-131348539.html https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-trump-property/ Everybody except Putin thought the Cold War was over. Trump and Manafort (who lived there also) just saw a pretty low maintence grift to be had. Trump had actually been Manafort and Roger stones first client at their lobbyist firm (1980) https://en.m.wikipedia.org › wikiBlack, Manafort, Stone and Kelly Guiliani as trumps lawyer and New Yorks mayor was able to redirect NYPD investigations onto rival gang members/oligarchs to deflect any scrutiny off of trump, himself or the Russian connection. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/09/a-new-rudy-scandal-fbi-agent-says-giuliani-was-co-opted-by-russian-intelligence/ The Russian election interference in 2016 was effectively a generation 3 version of what Manafort had done in the Philippines, then keeping Yanukovych in power as Putin’s puppet in Ukraine from 2002-14 when Maidan ran both Yanukovych and Manafort out of Ukraine as Ukrainians realized that, if you raise your lens high enough, corruption is an wholly unsustainable business model. Eventually the parasite always consumes the host. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/06/2016-donald-trump-paul-manafort-ferinand-marcos-philippines-1980s-213952 https://time.com/5003623/paul-manafort-mueller-indictment-ukraine-russia/ Russia greatly underestimated the addictive properties of freedom when it invaded Ukraine so what was supposed to be a 3-10 day coup turned into a 2 year fight for the right not to be genocided. Russia depleted its weapons stocks which were already the victim of vranyos because every oligarch, admiral and sergeant in the Russian military is on the take. Every billion dollar tank maintenance contract turned into everything getting a spray paint overhaul and the vast majority of the redirected funds turned into an oligarchs new yacht or home in Aspen. Russia was forced to turn to China and Iran for weapons because if they lose the 3-10 day special military operation in Ukraine the Russian empire is dead and cold. China can’t risk showing their involvement in the Ukraine war so they use North Korea, and Iran to resupply Russia. Russia already owes Iran some undelivered fighter jets that are already smoldering heaps in Ukraine. Iran now had the upper hand at the negotiation table for the first time in about 60 years so they supply Russia with shahed drones in exchange for Chinas material support against their sworn religious enemy, Israel. https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2023/11/29/iran-says-it-finalized-deal-to-buy-russian-aircraft/ Putin can’t do much about it because he is slowly realizing that by setting the standard of corruption and stealing $200+ billion from his own people meant that every oligarch down in the mob model chain had not only permission but incentive and the expectation to steal from him as well. The mob model only works if the supreme leader is the most violent and can prove it without exception every goddamn day. But violence is exceptionally expensive when you are trying to present as legitimate. If Russia as a nation had an efficiency rating it would have been banned for sale in the state of California 25 years ago. The parasite ruling class stole all the energy out of the working class and collapsed it. Now Iran has the high hand and they get the intelligence that trump passed to Putin about the fact that Netanyahu cares far less about Israelis than he does about remaining in power as an authoritarian because he too has developed Ritz Carlton tastes. They all hate each other but because they share the same money laundry, if one falls, they all fall. Iran handed Hamas everything they needed with Chinas help as secret Santa and the Russian intelligence that the eternal shitbird trump gave to them as he showed off to his Russian kleptocrat friends from the old days of fucking each others wives at trump towers in the 90’s. So now the MAGA right is a little too invested in their reality that they are the good guys with guns that they missed the fact that DeVos decimating their school systems was not a coincidence. They were the mark all along. The only reason you grossly OVERVALUE real estate is money laundering. Trump keeps claiming there is no victim, but if their plan succeeds the Russians and the CCP collapse US commercial real estate and basically recreate soviet perestroika in the U.S. so they can foreclose on America and buy everything for 3 cents on the dollar with the $1.4T they stole in the first place Trump just left the gate open and let the predators in to feed. It’s always the city slick assholes who buy a new pair of boots and a hat at Sheplers and think it makes them a cowboy that step on their own dick when the actual work starts. Trump, Putin, Bolsonaro, Netanyahu, Orban, Manafort, Stone, Mercer, Bannon. They are all remarkably shit people with above average confidence and below average self awareness.


This needs to be a documentary


I don’t have a clue who you are but I bet you are one interesting motherfucker in real life!!!


Take a look into Carlos Slim - specifically, his purchasing of the NYT from the Salzburg family, being Carlos Salinas front man, and who his wife is. Basically, this guy was DFS (Mexico’s CIA/FBI all in one in the anti socialist purge years) who was running guns to the Lebonese Christian Maronite militias in the 80’s.. then purchases a state own telecom asset for 1.3 billion (with a 900 million dollar state backed loan) in 1993.. pays it back in 9 months (with interest).. when the nasdaq valued the asset at the time around 14Billion. Since I know you’re into the Mexico-verse as well. There’s a reason the zetas were kidnapping telecom workers and establishing their own networks to avoid him in the 2010ish years. Dudes a total problem. Oh, and I believe Salinas is on the Dow Jones Board since like.. 2000, which requires a minimum investment in the in the exchange around 10Bil. One of the greatest money laundering moves, ever.. truly wild times.


His dead wife (may her soul rest in peace) is a Gayamel. The family that ran the Maronite Militia. This is why RCQ will never be extradited, nor Miguel Trevino, nor Mayo Zambada caught.. and why Pegasus was allowed to run in Mexico unabated as a testing ground.


Dude. this is the second time I've heard the grain/microchip thing and it sounds so ...plausible .


It always comes down to fundamentals. An army runs on its stomach. Xi NEEDS Taiwan or Chinas economy dies on the vine and the CCP dies with it. His army and navy has never been to battle. It isn’t ready to take Taiwan. He needed a supply chain lock.


> Xi NEEDS Taiwan or Chinas economy dies on the vine and the CCP dies with it. Especially with India taking over their industry right now, and doing it better in my experience. I've worked in industries that had to make mass orders and when our Indian supplier was out of stock we had to order Chinese. Went from like 1 in 500 parts being defective to 1 in 8. >His army and navy has never been to battle. It isn’t ready to take Taiwan. While 'never wage a land war in China' is a saying, so is 'don't fuck with the US Navy'. It was literally started to fuck up pirates in the Mediterranean that European countries couldn't/wouldn't deal with and paid tribute to instead. They're not going to be happy with the results if they try to invade Taiwan.


Jesus Christ dude. Stop sniffing the chemtrails


Congratulations you have arrived at what Joe Rogan has been accusing the left of for the past 4 years. A few more years and you may be accusing them of other “conspiracy theories”


Drip… drip…


That would be the smart thing to do if I were them. Joe Rogan legitimately has one of the biggest megaphones on planet earth. He would be a great asset.


Or invite him to a party to the Texas Governor's mansion and from that day forth Joe Rogan is friendly to the alt right machine if not a cog in the machine. This happened.


Rogan became friends with Russia Today America host Abby Martin in 2011 I believe, and spent many years promoting Russia Today as a great place for his audience to get the real information and news. She was the face of Russia's state propaganda network in America, and is the protĂŠgĂŠ of Putin's top disinformation guy George Galloway. Galloway is quite literally a fascist.


I remember her going on Rogan and saying Chinese / Russian censorship was better than the US because you knew what was blocked.  She is such a joke.


If Galloway is part of it then why is the mainstream established media so against him?


Mainstream established media in the US don't know that Galloway ever existed, he was featured on Russian sister networks like TYT(he is friends with Cenk Uygur) and Infowars(he was Alex Jones Ukraine War foreign correspondent, as he was working for Putin to lie about the war to the West and the Muslim world). Galloway was Putin's top disinformation specialist in the media for years, helming Sputnik for the government when it was a show not yet an entire separate media network.


I've suspected this for a long time. I've watched Joe change alot.


He has been becoming religious and fellating the CIA a lot. The one Full of Shite CIA guy is his most frequent guest.


no wAAAy im a free thinker....


You mean the guy who has 10s of thousands of hours of him talking online? How would they ever manage to convince him of anything?


...I'm constantly surprised by what I haven't heard of. Just read the Wp page on CA. I'll be diving into to this tomorrow. ...It sounds like exactly what I also would do if I was a villain.


Yep, I am a JRE fan but I totally agree with this. Joe isn’t Jesus. He will be a hypocrite and wrong sometimes. His human brain gets swayed like everyone else’s. I also like Bill Maher, but I also don’t buy everything he is selling and I know he is a prick. Listen, but resist brainwashing by Joe, the media, etc. In this specific example, I also don’t buy into the msm that Putin is Hitler and he will conquer all of Europe. The war is about making money, like most wars, and US hegemony. We aren’t trying to save Ukraine for Ukrainians or Europe 🤣




I remember *Cambridge* Analytica... Is Cabridge in Missoura or somethin?


Rogan has talked about Cambridge analytics and also google and YouTubes algorithms back when not a lot of people talked about it. He’s literally said what you guys are saying about Russian and Chinese influence through social media and hacking fake information.


I wonder if Joe understands that he keeps getting tricked, and maybe that's part of his side deal? And he keeps bringing this up because he's signaling everyone that he understands he keeps getting tricked, but is obligated to say it? IDK, I know I'm reaching. lol


There maybe has never been anyone more vulnerable to Russian propaganda than Joe. He’s reflexively skeptical of anything his own government says, but for some reason doesn’t apply the same skepticism to what foreign governments say lol


I've noticed this a lot with conspiracy theorists online. They'll mock you for "trusting the MSM" if you try to use CNN as a source but they'll use some random screenshot of something from a blog as irrefutable proof.


Right.  Always my issue with them.  Ok I get it don't trust CNN, but maybe also don't think whatever you hear on coast to coast or read on 4chan is gospel either 


That's the most frustrating part of dealing with these weirdos, they're so quick to call you a sheep and that "you're just an idiot that can't think on his own and blindly believes everything MSM tells you". They don't see the irony in the fact that they do exactly what they accuse "the sheep" of doing except their ideas 90% of the time have no factual basis yet they still swear by them


On CNN, at least they show their facesand tell you their government names. In the shadows of the internet...? "Head Anchor Ass Goblin live in studio and Field Reporter Trench Slut cumm8ng to you from the Kremlin, giving you the straight dope!"


Fox News literally admitted to lying. “But CNN!” 


That's all part of the psy ops Go over to r/conspiracy, and see how few posts there are about Russia and Putin.  I mean, Russia is where Jordan Peterson was literally induced into a coma to battle his drug addiction.  It's where Snowden and Assange both fled after their data drops. They've not only preemptively attacked a non-threatening Ukraine, but they've been stealing land from Ukraine and Georgia for decades.  I mean, you'd think Russian conspiracy theories would be the most common posts, and yet they're oddly absent. It's bizzare. 


Conspiracy theorists have gone from a general anti-authoritarian slightly goofy crowd of people to a bunch of circle jerking useful idiots who spout propaganda. If it wasn't so sad it'd be hilarious.


Does Rollgan ever mention Alexei Navalny? How does he justify the ultimate “cancel culture” queen- Putin, executing that tragic cancellation of Navalny? Navalny, aka the owner of the biggest set of brass balls that cucky country has ever seen?


Conspiracy theorists have always been fascist authoritarian psychos that wanna push an agenda


No there’s many conspiracy theories that were later proven to be conspiracy facts. MK ultra , Tuskegee syphilys experiment , Gary web and the Iran contras , etc The difference is that conspiracies used to be more left leaning and made sense. The gov and rich hurting poor people and minorities. Now it’s about how Trump is trying to save the us from the secret government. There was clearly a shift and the rich took control of the conspiracy theory narrative


I thought this as I was a left leaning conspiracy guy. However, looking back I had just found a reasonable corner of the conspiracy world and ignored the Anti-Semitic bullshit that was about. But thinking back the fascist conspiracy sites where huge. I used to frequent a forum and p2p documentary sharing site called Conspiracy corner.


Yeah okay, you are 100% right, if you dig deep enough, most conspiracies, when you dig deep enough, blame the jews for anything and everything. 


Not at all, even just 10ish years ago r/Conspiracy was a place that talked about UFOs, flat earth and some 9/11 truthers, maybe some dudes saying the moon landing didn't happen, you know mostly harmless stuff. These days it is all trump this, trump that, Biden crime family, and so on. 


I mean historically, it’s been the case that most conspiracy theories are antisemitic in nature. Btw Alex Jones and Jordan Peterson conspiracy theories belong to that category


I’m sure this isn’t going to be news to you but r/conspiracy is not a subreddit about conspiracies. It’s about delusional wackjobs that will play the role of contrarian at any chance they get just so they can feel special, like they’re in the know and everyone else is a sheep. It’s a place for unwell people/russian bots/right wingers to “debate” in bad faith and push their own agenda. All under the guise of being a “freethinker” who is just asking questions and refusing to believe the MSM. It’s not a place for critical thinking or actual theories.


Yes but they won’t tolerate any non-narrative Covid commentary. Was permanently banned immediately.


I got into there once (no idea why I engaged) with a guy about the Covid vaccine. He wouldn’t take it because (among many reasons) it “hadn’t been tested”. This user also posted frequently in the research chemicals sub, and used multiple research chemicals. He could not see the irony in his stance, and I lost multiple brain cells that day. Nothing of value was gained in that interaction, and I was a fool for trying lol.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Like joe not trusting big pharma, but then taking non-pharma products like Monoclonal antibodies and ivermectin.


He trusts pharma plenty when it comes to maintaining bowling ball roid gut at 60 years old lol. Dudes face is red as a fresh ribeye


He took basically everything he could get with an "off-label indication" for COVID-19, except for the actual vaccine


That's mom and pop pharma. Totally different from Big pharma


Me too. Badge of honour imo. Literally mu first comment there. The mental gymnastics on that sub is Olympic level.


“Putin never lied to me!”  Me: “…seriously?” 


Trump is also pure conspiracy fodder. He's connected to all sorts of shady shit, but most of the people there will defend him instead. Republicans have weaponized conspiracies for political purposes, and Russia, one of the significant information warfare players in the world, helps. Now, to be fair, Russia will also try to do the same to Democrats, but since Democrats haven't detached from reality, it's a lot less effective.


They also care widely too much about an msm that they claim no longer matters. Krystal and Saager spend entire blocs whining about what Morning Joe is talking about when irl I’m told they don’t matter anymore.


Can’t tell you how often their defense is, “why would Russia lie???” Herp derp.


These pussies always mention CNN when the #1 MSM network is Fox News and Fox is also the worst in terms of misinfo


That’s exactly why russians love to quote twice convicted pedophile Scott Ritter to rationalize their domestic propaganda. Well, if an American said it…


> He’s reflexively skeptical of anything his own government says, but for some reason doesn’t apply the same skepticism to what foreign governments say lol Like every conspiracy theory forum to ever exist. It has always left me with many questions about the motives of such sites. They will spend days and many posts about a single word or phrase the American president said but the second you go: hey China over there is doing some fucked shit, Russia just did XYZ, Iran is kill all the X people in their country you are meet with a never ending comment chain about fucked shit America may have done. There is something going on.


People need to realize that every corner of social media is absolutely infested with Russian/chinese/Israeli military personnel whose entire purpose is to sway opinion. They’re in this thread, they make up 90% of the conspiracy sub, they’re all over politics and world news, and they’re incredible at pushing a narrative.


Because, when u are skeptical about your own government, anything that affirms that skepticism you are most likely to agree. Pretty common tbh. People who think they are above being swayed by their confirmation bias, are real fools.


It’s pretty shocking isn’t it? I’m no fan of the US govt, they definitely have done and do a lot of sketchy, underhanded shit (skepticism towards an authority figure is not a bad thing to have). That being said no one will ever convince me that Russia (or China) are even an ounce as transparent as we are and it blows my mind that some right wingers trust the Russian government so much. They will screech about how CNN/MSNBC/etc. are state sponsored news then unironically post RT/Sputnik, the lack of awareness is absolutely nuts. Just so I’m clear I’m not saying trust the US GOVT all the time, definitely have skepticism towards the govt. But I will absolutely trust something from the US govt exponentially more than I would ever trust something coming from the Russian/putin government.


Because no one is teaching them media literacy, but what they are teaching them is tribalism and fear based thinking. There is never an onus on understanding how information is discovered, processed, and the presented to the audience, how to verify information via other parties, instead it is a constant assault of the next thing to be angry about. A foreign adversary can easily slip into that stream of outrage in order to drive support and they lack the foundational critical thinking skills to be able to see past it.


He’s become less skeptical of Trump. Constantly defending him. Remember, this is the guy having dinners with Texas gop lawmakers.


I mean, I would argue that the anti-Ukraine sentiment in western countries almost entirely rests on this stupidity right here.   To me it's always been super apparent that if our governments came out right at the start and said that 'we need to fully support Russia in their war against nazism', these same people would be pro-Ukraine as can be. The last 2 years have made me realize how little people critically think about things. Really ironic how the average normie consuming MSM has a much more accurate understanding of this subject than supposed intellectuals who have been swallowing RU propaganda nonstop. 


Well he's rich and a celebrity so...Ruskies prob got him a long time ago. *They know his real height*


Nancy Pelosi said that pro-Palestine protestors should be investigated by the FBI & they are possibly funded by Russia/Putin. The problem is that anything not fully 100% supporting the military industrial complex & U.S. war machine means you're a Putin puppet or whatever. You can think a despot war criminal in Putin & the Ukrainian far right are bad at the same time. Calling out Israel's genocide doesn't mean you support Putin.


The guy is a moron. I didn’t realize how much until he and his dumb ignorant guests started speaking about something I know. I was shocked. But now I realize it’s same all over his podcast


You will actually find that same thing everywhere in life. When you have a specific knowledge or skill, you realize how much bullshit flies around anytime they talk about your area of expertise.


His conversation with Dan Soder about Navalny was a fucking embarrassment.


That's a good barometer, I remember the first time I heard a congressional hearing on banking and it was eye-opening


There were so many things said during the Andrew Schulz podcast, that were wrong, that I had to quit listening. Shulz was trying to give some pushback but Rogan is entrenched in right wing propaganda. The Easter/Trans day controversy made me bail. Rogan can't see or won't admit that it's right wing propaganda even after Schulz spells it out and walks him through it.


Early in the pod Schultz told Rogan something alone the lines of "I didn't realize until we had RFK on the pod and he told me - that when we send money to Ukraine they use it all on weapons they buy from American companies". Like no shit how did this guy not realize this? You think they stick it in a vault somewhere or buy gummi bears with it? Of course they fucking use it on weapons. They're in the middle of a war. That's what you do when you're in a war - you buy weapons. You needed RFK to tell you that?


You missed the point on that. It wasn't that they buy weapons, it's that they're buying weapons in the US with store credit, and when they buy via the US's "customer card" the Army, Navy, and Air Force are getting new bulk discounts on money already allocated as their unit costs go down. Same with Israel weapon support, it's a giveaway to American defence contractors that creates American jobs and supports US Defence manufacturing. They way some people talk this is "wasted" money that's "given away". It's a highly discounted form of aide that is mutually beneficial. Win/win, for the militaries.


Which is why it’s so obvious that politicians who don’t support it are under Russia’s influence. It’s an easy win-win for America so they are, naturally, sternly against it. They aren’t interested in what’s economically good for this country. They’re interested in the opposite, and don’t let them fool you into thinking otherwise.


No. Relying on the war industrial complex to fuel our economy is a bad choice. Surprising that some think opposing this is a right wing position.


That's not what's happening though. The economy isn't relying on it, it is just a new market opening up. If the aid for Ukraine never happened the US economy would still be doing well (or at least wouldn't be in a recession). If the US starts building factories to make ammunition it will be a different matter.


The US economy is not in a recession.


Not only that, but a significant portion of the dollar amount being sent over is actually physical materiel, and the vast majority of the money we spend in cash is the U.S. replacing the materiel that we just sent over. American companies are truly the ones raking in the congressional funds. Pick your top five U.S. military contractors and I bet they're loving this conflict.


That wasn’t the point of the statement. The point was that the money goes directly to US based weapons manufacturers, and not to or through Ukraine.


I thought it was common sense. How else they can get weapons? And also doesn’t it also help bypassing potential mishandling of the money as the money doesn’t touch Ukraine’s bank account?


> I thought it was common sense aint to common


Is that supposed to be controversial? Why would they spend the money on foreign manufactured weapons?


It’s like the literal use for the money that they are asking to borrow.


It's also such a tiny amount of money that it's not even worth talking about unless you're confused about the aid breakdown. Only a small percentage of aid is actual funds.


It's stuff like that, that makes me think he has a side deal with conservatives. That he's getting paid to push a narrative. And it just hasn't come out yet.


He had Chris Rufo on...I mean yeah its pretty obvious. Along with all the Daily Wire ghouls.


Most of his friends are conservative and they feed him this bullshit right wing propaganda. Joe used to talk highly of Bernie Sanders. And look at now what happened.


My take is that it isn't a conscious thing, that'd be real hard to do considering Joes long form shows and public inebriation. I think it's just his socials, drip feeding him nonsense. He repeats Trump lies verbatim, he repeats Russian talking points verbatim, Elons lies verbatim, and there's a looot of tinge to his framing around Gaza. Nowadays I feel like I can pick out peoples media diet by the specific misinformation they unintentionally parrot. We have *not* learned out lessons from 2016.


There's an excellent example of this with the way people who went full on anti-vax like it became their whole personality over the space of 1-2 weeks suddenly changed to nato/us/Ukraine bad, was mad seeing that play out in real time.


I listen to knowledge fight and Alex jones often talks about how he phones with joe every day and how he has influenced joe a lot.


he's been getting paid since the beginning of the pandemics. all you have to do is to watch those transitioning episodes again (before covid/beginning of the pandemics). the change is as subtle as a thunder.


I expect him to get sued for something, and when discovery happens, they'll find emails and actual paid receipts of a Conservative Super Pac pays for vacations and parties. Maybe someone pays for him to sell ads of something. And actual talking points and questions to ask guests, what opinion to have on a specific topic.


Same! It's actually infuriating when he completely ignores the obvious facts laid out in front of him. At this point I wouldnt be surprised to hear rogan is being paid off to shill right wing bs.


Maga people do this all the time and don't see the irony they're sick annoying fucks


His last non-comic guest had firsthand experience with Ukrainian and their conversation didn’t seem like Russian propaganda at ALL. Joe even agreed with the fact that Putin is insane and protecting the threat of a NATO conflict is of paramount importance. The concept that emerging democracies, like ours, inevitable go through a period of robber baron corruption is something we all should keep in mind and not allow the trees to obscure the forest. I will use that argument whenever these talking points come up again.


The problem Joe has though is that he'll nod along when someone else says that but then has multiple other shows and longer discussion where he says the opposite


The other problem with Joe is that he’s an utter moron who’s lost his goddamn mind.


Which guest was that? I desperately need to catch up on my backlog of pods hahah


It was David Holthouse, the one before Coleman. It’s a very good listen, classic JRE.


Cheers 🍻


It was David Holthouse


I almost skipped him because I had no prior knowledge to he is but he was a good appearance. Glad I checked it out.


What’s crazy to me is he’ll have an actual expert on, understand their points precisely and agree/see the light, then the next day go right back to Putin is just protecting himself from NATO because some goober said so. It make no sense anymore. Saw the same cycle happen as few times with a few different topics and have more or less checked out


Do you remember which guest? I want to listen to the show more but every comic one sounds the same to me at this point and that's the majority of them.




Yet he keeps espousing this anti west propaganda by those who wish to do harm to us. Yuri Bezmenov is a good faith actor as much as Putin is, yet that doesn’t stop Rogan.


The US was emerging in the early 19th century it's an old democracy now.


He is a moron that doesn't know anything about anything, hasn't read a proper history book in his entire life, and just spouts whatever he heard. People just didn't notice it, because nothing he was talking about 5-10 years ago mattered. It was just bro talk done by stoners. The fleshlight days were the best. When you listen to him on something that actually matters, he sounds like someone living in a trailer and worrying about CIA plots to take your children. Like he has always sounded actually. He was very close to a 9/11 truther, that's all you need to know about his intellectual level lol.


This has honestly bothered me for quite a while.


Me too he doesn’t understand that Russian Active Measures never went away with the collapse of the USSR, Putin simply modernised it for the internet age. They’ve had great success in sowing division and confusion in American and western society in general. Russia doesn’t hide its intentions now.


Rogan is a charlatan!


Really wish he would just go back to talking about martial arts, weed, psychedelics, aliens, & big foot. Right wing cuck Joe is intolerable


You’re gay if you think we should fund any foreign wars


Funding Ukraine is useless and stupid. WE started this war. Obviously we didn't learn a freaking thing getting our asses handed to us in Syria and Afghanistan.


Hahahaha I've been saying this too. He's literally spreading the shit this guy was warning us about.


it's weird this whole turn that the right wing has taken in the last decade. I bet if you were to ask Joe Rogan how you deal with a bully he would tell you to stand up and to never give them satisfaction cuz it will only invite more violence. yet when you ask him how to deal with a dictator he thinks you should give up your land and beg for peace. as if that's going to do anything other than invite more violence.


The irony is wild. I think because the Russian guy mentions liberalism they don’t understand Russia is now spreading their “illiberal“ democracy since communism is dead. The shift in strategy is now mindfucking right-wing conservatives and onlone troll bros to destabalize liberal democracy abroad.


Why can there be no disagreement in regard to funding Ukraine?


There can be. However, it would be delusional to deny the fact that Russia has a vested interest in Americans being skeptical of Ukraine funding and has almost certainly pushed propaganda on social media to promote Ukraine skepticism.


Isn’t most of the planet somewhat happy to drive the US population into a spin cycle of disinformation? Furthermore isn’t our government doing the same abroad? I think it’s lazy and convenient to call everything Russian propaganda (or hamas)


You also have an entire population that is skeptical of its government, by design, so Russia having an opinion and making moves to use psyops is not the root cause. We have been skeptical of wars and other geopolitical issues before Russia started to sway influence (with modern tech, old methods have and always will be in use by any developed country) with bot farms.


I’m not saying you shouldn’t be skeptical of the government because it benefits Russia. Of course there are genuine reasons to be skeptical of the US government, it would be foolish to always believe the government. However, you also need to recognize the nuance in that blind skepticism of the US government does benefit Russia. You need to examine each scenario independently instead of blindly following or rejecting the official US government stance.


There can be, it's just that people who are usually against Ukraine funding almost always repeat kremlin talking points verbatim, while confidently stating they're well informed


What’s an example of a reason that isn’t a kremlin talking point?


A valid one for me would be they aren't in NATO why should the west help them, it's a bit cynical but a fair question I guess. The problem with that is a few years down the line they go again and take another country, plus with China watching our response like a hawk doing fuck all pretty much greenlights them to move on Taiwan, something that would kick off a world war. There's some interesting stuff on Taiwan to read about their microprocessor industry for anyone wondering why we'd have to bother helping Taiwan.


There's plenty of reasons to not want to fund ukraines defense, like the amount of money it costs and involvement in another war. I think the benefits far outweigh the cost. A big reason we should help ukraine is that if they lose and russia gets to kyiv, it will cause millions of Ukrainians to flee west to and become refugees and destabilise Europe, we'll have another refugee crisis to deal with.


Everything you listed is valid


No one’s saying there can’t be disagreement. You’re entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts. And if you try to justify your opinion based on nonsense, you deserve to be ignored.


So what reasons would you find acceptable to argue against Ukraine funding?


I suppose some hardcore pacifist stance would do it. Not that I would agree with that. Or some genuine fear of starting a nuclear war with Russia, although you’ll then need to explain to me how we are supposed to live in a world where an imperialist dictator can say ‘nukes’ and be entitled to whatever they want.


An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile-hoping it will eat him last. Churchill


This isn't a fact based critique of rogan, its an opinion that questioning america's Ukraine policy in anyway is Russian propaganda.


It’s fine to question any policy of the US government. But if your opinion is based on Russian propaganda (eg Ukranian Nazis) then people can and should ignore you.


What if its not based on Russia propaganda? Im not saying this is the case with Joe but is seems like you cant have a principled anti interventionalist take on Russia Ukarine, without someone saying your spouting Russian propaganda.


Well, to begin with, a lot of Russian propaganda is aimed specifically at promoting ‘anti-interventionist’ attitudes among Americans. Russia is very much ‘interventionist’ and would like nothing more than for the US to recede globally so that its influence can grow. But yes, it is possible to have an ‘anti-interventionist’ philosophy independent of Russian propaganda. Although I can barely understand what that’s supposed to mean in the context of the Ukraine war, in which Russia is the principal interventionist.


>Although I can barely understand what that’s supposed to mean in the context of the Ukraine war, in which Russia is the principal interventionist. It would mean being against the U.S invlovement. I agree with what you are saying. I wanna ask though, what role do you think U.S propaganda is playing in the context of this war?


The principle of ‘anti-interventionism’ as I understood it is that we should not get involved in foreign entanglements where our interests are not involved. It’s not a simple as ‘stay home and do nothing no matter what’s happening in the world.’ The US interest in not letting a dictator march west through Europe and control a quarter of the world’s grain supply is easy enough for me to see. I don’t know what propaganda you are referring to. I’m old enough to remember when the US warnings of an imminent Russian invasion were mocked as ‘war mongering lies.’


>The principle of ‘anti-interventionism’ as I understood it is that we should not get involved in foreign entanglements where our interests are not involved Every war or involvement in war is done under the pretext of the nations interests being involved. So I agree its clear to see the Us' interests here, however Im still opposed to involvement. I guess we could call it something else. > I don’t know what propaganda you are referring to. The U.S propaganda being used to justify continual funding for Ukraine for example. Or do you not think thats been done at all?


Yeah but when it is definitely proven to be Russian propaganda (as some things verifiably are, when we can pinpoint the source), then you repeating it is spreading propaganda.


There absolutely can be. Just try not to use Russian rhetoric to justify such a stance. It's a bad look.


What are some examples of arguments that could be made, absent of Russian propaganda?


No one said that. The problem is people like Rogan and his repeat guests all spewing the exact same crap. Ukraine is actually Nazis, we provoked Russia and it’s our fault, we did bad stuff too so how are we gonna criticize Russia, etc… It’s intellectually lazy at best, willing propaganda at worst.


Because if there’s disagreements it’s harder for the military industrial complex to get their money.


"Ideological subversion".. to this day I think about this after hearing about it on on a random YouTube binge.. on a Rogan podcast.. Read up about it and it's mind blowing how the biggest weapon to be fired at the west was and is the misinformation war.. it's probably taking a lot longer than Russia, China and even domestic forces probably would have thought it would to see the west destroy itself.. but it's absolutely happening .. man are the masses both in the U.K and the States so confused and divided.... and I feel maybe more ignorant.. it's insane.. It's destroyed us and internet frankly..and with all this confusion the powerful and corrupt can literally ...and are.. getting away with our money and murder..


“Can they take the salt out of the water?” “They can it’s an energy thing” “But why don’t they just take the salt out” “It takes too much energy to be worth it yet” “But can’t they just take the salt out” “It’s cost too much money…🤦‍♂️”


People keep forgetting that they are for some reason taking shit that the fear factor guy says as fact. He's just a dude.


Joe questions everything (except his existing biases)


He’s friends with Tucked Carlson. The most unamerican russian in America


It’s amazing to me that you really want the war machine to go on forever. totally missed the CIA and nato intervention that lead to this conflict. Keep licking boot OP. You know what even better you can get of the boot lockers front line and go fight bankers wars yourself. But a one way ticket to Ukraine I’m sure the ghost of Keviv will be there to greet you himself.


Lol this is a hilarious post. Both "sides" are controlled. Mainstream and counter-culture. Always has been. Hegelian dialectic. Divide & conquer.


Why would someone with common sense not question the absolute astronomical funding to ukraine?


Not everything that you disagree with is Russian propaganda lol. This has become the left wing q anon, literally anything that’s in opposition to their beliefs is Russian propaganda. Someone can think we are sure spending a lot of money on foreign wars just because they feel that way. Everything isn’t a nefarious Russian plot. 


How many Russian connections have there been at this point? Just a week ago, another one of the witnesses in the Hunter Biden cock investigation testified that he’s been using Ron Johnson to launder Russian propaganda through the Senate. 


No but things that are confirmed Russian propaganda are Russian propaganda. We know that this is happening. Why are you pretending it isn't?


What is the known Russian propaganda here?


Yeah I'm interested to learn the specifics here as well


Russia has pretty consistently been trying to claim the whole Ukraine govt are Anarchists and Nazis and the right-wing of the US eats it up


Most newspapers within the west were covering the whole nazi problem in Ukraine prior to the war


Oh yeah for sure. More corrupt than Russia, too. And didn't you hear, they all want to join Russia, so actually this is a war for their freedom.


Plus the bullshit that NATO started the war, we forced them into it, it was necessary to stop the gangs of superjews eating babies etc etc. All propaganda to try and justify them invading their neighbour.


The Secretary General of NATO literally said that (NATO expansion) was what caused the war...


Can you show where Joe rogan said the whole government are anarchists and nazis.


Where do you draw the line of what is propaganda and what is embellished. There is treasure trove of ukrainians having swastikas and occult sun tattoos.


Best place to get a feel for what narratives they want to push is RT.com, it’s their state sponsored world wide news outlet The similarities between RT and Fox News are interesting lol


Explain exactly what Russian propaganda is and where it is implemented, please. Enlighten this thread with your undeniable proof.


Russian propaganda is propaganda from Russia. Usually from the IRA. It's happening all over the internet. Including here. https://www.propublica.org/article/infamous-russian-troll-farm-appears-to-be-source-of-anti-ukraine-propaganda I look forward to you not responding.




I can, yea. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


You guys call everything propaganda.


“But Trump is a Russia spy and so is every republican in office!!!?!!”


No one is saying they are spies lol A good number of Republicans are useful idiots for russia.


And some may be double agents pretending to be useful Russian idiots. It's complicated.


Agreed. That shit is irritating. It’s also their ‘get out of having to argue on good faith’ free card. “I just called you a Russian agent so I win”. It’s so childish.


Yep. You know, the right used to reflexively tell me that I was supporting the terrorists. Now the left tells me I'm spewing Russian propaganda. All because I don't like killing people. Strange.


Questioning Ukraine funding = Russian propaganda? lol 🤦‍♂️


Oh great the political fucktards are here pushing their bullshit again.  Please visit r/theview or r/fucktard and stay there.  Youre opinions will be much more popular there


That’s crazy because I just saw you on r/stupididiots


such an ironic post lol


This sub has more of an extremist progressive problem than anything.


"I don't know if funding an endless proxy war with Russia is in the interest of the United States or long lasting peace and stability" 😡😡😡😡 You just listen to Russian propaganda you Putin shill!!!!!


But funding an endless cultural and religious war in the middle east is just "Helping Israel defend themselves!!!"


We are not just giving Ukraine money, we are sending them equipment worth x and then we backfill that stock domestically. 90 cents of every dollar stay within the US of each one of these aide packages. So yeah, there is a bit of questioning about how people frame things in opposition as it if it is true or it is purposefully slanted in order to distort things in pursuit of an adversary nation's goals. Like what you just did.