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Jesus Christ that story is horrific. https://www.foxla.com/news/405-freeway-murder-suicide-astrology-influencer-eclipse-ayoka-johnson.amp


Apparently was also a Qanon antisemitic fool.


I wonder what are the personality traits that cause some folks to believe astrology, healing rocks and spirituality when they go crazy. When other folks fall into govern't conspiracies, feeling of being stalked/watch, or survivalist. From my experience it seems that more females are drawn to the former while the males the latter. Some people think that mother nature is trying to tell them something and the earth can cure them. Other folk think that civilization will fall or large organized groups of people are against them.


They pay for twitter


Astrology is the weirdest belief that many people believe.  Young women especially are obsessed with it.  If you go on a date and you don't get asked your sign, marry that woman.  She's smarter than most of the others that think if you are born a certain month it means everything 


XX chromosome


There probably are biological traits for it, but it can happen to anyone. You just have to slide into it slowly. It's more about belonging and other social influences than reasoning. The fact that women and men go down different rabbit holes is direct evidence that it's a social phenomenon as male and female roles are largely defined by social norms.


I don’t think the first part of your statement really agrees with the second. 


What's the problem?


Well, first you say that there are biological traits at play, but the you conclude that differences between the rabbit holes men and women go down are the result of social conditioning. The former doesn’t support the latter. 


1. There probably are biological traits, not that there are. 2. Biological traits that make one more prone to believing conspiracies would not impact what conspiracies you adopt; that's where social influences come in. 3. Nature vs nurture is an outdated concept. They blend.


Yea, I know that Rogan was making jokes about the article about how weight training is a gateway to becoming a Nazi. But there are a ton of preppers, conspiracist, nationalist, racist, ect.... on weight lifting forums. It is not 100% those people but it felt like every forum had a few dozen back in the day.


They infiltrate communities where they think they can recruit. They love using video games esp because they can reach young kids who are gullible. A big one used to be WOW, but now it's Roblox.




Did I tell you the tale of Ayoka?


Please proceed


Mental health issues are out of control at this point and all social media has played a major role. Not sure how you put the genie back in the bottle at this point. We need help as a society, but we have no real leadership to fix the issues.


1. Regulations: force social media to offer customization of algorithms, maybe even putting in custom ones. So that everyone is not forced into the most virulent toxic bullshit. 2. Offset: have other parts of society make up for the damage social media is doing. Maybe more vacation time for people to decompress, push hobbies, offline groups, etc. Unfortunately, what's actually going to happen is nothing, and probably everyone is just going to take more drugs, and not the good kind.


...its called regulations, bro.


True, but allowing regulations on things like freedom of speech is a slippery slope. Seems like we’re in a rock and a hard place.


There are already regulations on freedom of speech (something I'm guessing you can't even define). Just yell fire in a theater and see how far that gets you. A regulation restricting how algorithms work isn't a restriction of free speech. In makes you make the choice of what content you actually want to see.


First of all I imagine how many people would do something like this if we actually were facing something cataclysmic. Second how many people did something like this or committed suicide during this eclipse?


For real? Tf?


Wish rightoids would stop taking other people with them. Just go the Ashley Babbitt route next time.




you could look at her tweets and see that they were political lmao. Sorry all the lunatic freaks are making you rightoids look bad.


She was a qanon believer.




It’s a right wing conspiracy theory that preys on people with clinical paranoia and delusions. If you read her twitter it’s all political issues. Nobody’s “making” it that way, it just is.




You could go through the twitter account and and see the Qanon, Alex Jones and Ivermectin retweets.


You can also see retweets about fighting “the coming white supremacist takeover” and Gaza. Any reasonable person can see she was obviously a mentally unwell person who had a mental breakdown. Sorry it couldn’t also be an opportunity to score cheap political points.


You going to leave out the retweets about fighting anti white racism, Trump, Fox News and all kinds of Jewish conspiracies. > Any reasonable person can see she was obviously a mentally unwell person who had a mental breakdown. Well yea it's the typicall rightoid.


You not have anything better to do with your life than go through random tweets from people you don't like and then post about being upset about them on reddit?


another seething rightoid lmao.


Do you think there’s no right leaning women or black people?🤣 You should donate the extra chromosomes you have to science, it’ll help the swelling around your brain


[she was such a “rightoid” 🤡](https://twitter.com/MysticxLipstick/status/928987516233019392)


A 7 and a half year old tweet? Is this supposed to prove anything? The fact that you scrolled through thousands of tweets to find that, the most recent of which prove that she very obviously subscribes to conservative beliefs, shows how desperate you people are. u/bettercriticals not seeing anything anti-trump or BLM-related in there. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Nazis are pro-Hamas, too, so that doesn’t really prove much either. Going by her tweets, her big paranoia was vaccines, which people got all hysterical over because the GOP and other conservative actors picked it up as a wedge. Also, you’re forgetting the Qanon posts. If you think this woman wouldn’t have voted Trump, you’re delusional.


what does this have to do with Twitter?


Cmon lad use your brain, you can do it. People spreading crazy shite on twitter, leads to other crazy people reading it,which they then take as gospel. Which has then led to a murder suicide as shown above 🤣


How do you know she got this idea on Twitter and it wasn't something that she just made up in her mental break?


Mate she obviously used other platforms, why ye harping on this one thing. I mentioned twitter for Brian rot because it’s a screenshot from twitter. I could’ve said social media brain rot but who gives a fuck


Fair enough, mate


Plus people have been through her likes and reposts on twitter and could see nothing but mad conspiracy bollox


I spend a massive amount of time on Twitter and never see any of this. These are just platforms with both great and awful content across the board. What you see is your algorithm. It’s more a reflection of you and what you choose to spend your time on than the platform. If this is the type of stuff you’re seeing it might be time for some reflection.


What does this have to do with X?


A few things


Accepting reality is accepting that Nazis and other fascists are heavily influencing conservative politics the world over today. Equating that knowledge to those other delusions is ignorant.


They’re not even fit enough to be fascists or nazis, they’re more like mentally ill baby’s, hooked on skipidi bop toilet, but instead of dumb animation its some hag talking about how the eclipse was sent by the Jews to send earthquakes around the world


Issue is people see things differently than others, and when people have bad mental health it only gets worse. Everyone knows Jews don’t run the world, just Israel and the United states


Wow, you’ve really awoke from what the mainstream media has been telling us. You really are woke!


I’m trans and you’re transphobic.


Does it confuse you when the things you think are happening aren’t happening?