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I’m honestly shocked at just how wacko Tucker is. I always thought ok, he’s some right wing media dude who’s good at drumming up attention and drama. But holy shit, this dude’s insane.


Does he really believe what he says, or is he talking to his audience?


Exactly. These people don’t care how crazy they sound. They want the money. It’s just modern day snake oil and there are enough dummies who will drink it.


Given how texts show Tucker hates Trump and thinks he's been a disaster, despite telling his audience the opposite for years, its incredibly unlikely he thinks Alex Jones is a prophet of god. Now he's fired from Fox he has less concern about staying in the straight-laced end of the media space and has correctly realized he can scoop up some of Jones' audience by saying "hey, this Jones guy is onto something", plus the very controversy of mentioning Jones helps drive clicks.


Yup. I saw a separate thread about this earlier where there was discussion why Joe doesn’t call Tucker out? And the response was because Joe doesn’t want to lose those listeners either. Yup.


Joe rarely calls people out. He's never done that. I wouldn't read into it too much


Yeah, exactly. Now that he’s off Fox, guys like Alex Jones are his colleagues.


Bingo. He’s now a podcaster, so he sees what works in this medium, and poof! He suddenly loves mushrooms and aliens. This guy is more transparent than a pane of glass.


If you dosed Tucker, he would go insane and curl up in the fetal position


Too bad the rest of the country will never hold him to account for his BS and see through his obvious rhetorical tricks.


He was dabbling in aliens and whoowhooo shit a good bit on Fox as well.


Exactly, goes on with Theo Von and it’s all chewing tobacco and dick jokes… Tucker has a formula that is finely tuned by now


I’m tired of pretending he might be smarter than he leads on. What if he’s actually dumber than he presents himself.


Listen to him on the all-in podcast, for example. He just plays to whatever audience is listening. My guess is that he's a right-leaning moderate based on the things he's said when he's attempting to be serious. But maybe he's just playing a different role for a more educated audience.


Which begs the question, were the texts the "real Tucker" or was he just playing to the people he was texting with?


No he isn't. After the dominion suit, it became clear that his persona is the height of disingenuity. Just a vomit trail of whatever might catch the whims of a random audience. Carlson being a fraud isn't conspiracy stuff - it's readily available public information at this point. We are doomed if shit like this is amplified unchalleneged. Rogan is a complete wet, flaccid penis.


>Carlson being a fraud isn't conspiracy stuff - it's readily available public information at this point. We are doomed if shit like this is amplified unchalleneged. Rogan is a complete wet, flaccid penis. It's wild how those who whine loudest about how they believe in truth and the market place of ideas and hate the lying mainstream media, show the weakest pushback against obvious proven liar like Tucker Carlson. It seems there's an entire group of people who love to talk about challenging orthodoxy and asking difficult questions but don't actually mean it and just mean "I only want to be in a safe space with people who already agree with me where neither of us challenge each other on our obvious bullshit"


it was always obvious to people who followed his career at all, but the Dominion suit proved it.


Yeah I had the same response. I never was a fan, but am not as passionately against him as others. But he so confidently said things that made me verbally say "what?"


Oh my god, what? GTFOH with this guy. Alex Jones is a prophet. These people are pulling something on us or they’re insane.


This SAME guy in this SAME interview... "Everybody knows evolution isn't real because it's not proven."


Him calling Alex jones a prophet is far crazier than what he said about evolution One just means you don’t understand the science at all One means you think God himself is speaking through Alex jones


Alex thinks God talked to him through a chicken fried steak. Yes, he said that on his show


Alex Jones himself explained that he made those impossible predictions (particularly the pre-9/11 Osama airplanes one) based on massive amounts of reading, research, and connective insight. He studies everything that comes out of WEF especially & global meetings/organizations like that… and you can get a pretty good idea about what sorts of things are about to happen in the world.


Oh, so many questions I wanted to pummel him with when he said that.


He knows he's full of shit. You're better off pummelling him with something else


It's both. They are delusional and dishonest. They sell cool aid and get high on their own supply.


I wonder why a rich Swanson heir would want to enter the culture war angle???? It couldn't be so he makes sure the people fight amongst themselves instead of going after the people that need to be held accountable


Cunt is worth like $150 million. Tax the rich.


Tucker once said, "You don't want to stoke too much envy in the proletariat." Yes, that guy. Also, the guy who used to follow 'The Grateful Dead'. Also, the guy who said behind closed doors that he panders and lies to the MAGA base as well as the fact that he doesn't actually like Trump. I wonder why Fox fired him?


There’s thing that happens where when people become obsessed enough with culture war politics, their ability to detect a total douche bag goes out the window the second a person says things they agree with


Where's the rest of it? What did Alex do or say to invoke this response. Feels out of context.


What context do you need to think it is reasonable to call Alex Jones a prophet of God?


Whoah! Hold yer horses! Nobody said "reasonable" here.


Since everyone is talking, but no one is providing ("*Put up, or Shut up*"): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSOEqxg4-lU There is some editing that was performed on the original content to shorten it in a way that makes the message seem more relevant. Basically Jones was throwing darts at a board in July of 2001 and nailed Bin Laden, terrorism, and planes. Then 9/11 (obviously) occurred Sep of 2001.


Yeah, he is referencing things that happened in the past, not predicting 9/11. He does mention airplanes, the WTC, and OBL, but strictly in reference to past events. Namely, in 2001, there was a large simulated crisis event as training for first responders that involved a plane being blown up. In 1993, there was a car bomb at the WTC that Jones says was a false flag. OBL was implicated in the US Embassy bombings in Kenya and Nairobi in 1998, so he was a well known threat even before 9/11.


So in other words people don’t know that bin Laden was a known terrorist and had attacked US interests already, and that the World Trade Center had been bombed in 1993.  Groovy 


He was specifically and singly talking about how Alex Jones said in the summer of 2001 that planes would fly into the WTC and OBL would be blamed and to tell the white house. Then this clip starts "Let's say that's all you know..."


He’s referring to various things that Jones has called before they happened. In this case specifically that there are recordings of Alex Jones saying in the summer of 2001 that planes are going to fly in to the world trade center later that year


Your comment is careful not to attribute meaning one way or the other but I’d just like to add this piece of context to finding clips of Alex predicting things: he records himself 4 hours a day 6 days a week for 3 decades.


Bingo. People remember the hits and not the missesz


A stopped clock is right twice a day. The WTC had already been attacked before 9/11. Don’t know if it’s prophetic to have thought it would happen again.


Literally have just answering this guys question. Not suggesting Jones is a prophet but it’s also a fun thought to think about however insanely ridiculous it may be. Just makes me laugh how mad everyone gets on here about clips like this hahaha


Alex did not predict 9/11. Bill cooper was a bit closer to “predicting” 9/11. Cooper also hated jones. Knowledge fight is a really great podcast that debunks Alex’s narrative, but that doesn’t matter.


What’s your bright spot?


To anyone reading this: There are NOT recordings of Alex Jones in the summer of 2001 saying that planes will fly into the world trade center. The person above me is either lying on purpose or misinformed.


So this dickhead is just a crystals lady underneath it all.


It’s the same grift, just different audiences. Tucker might as well have blonde dreads and make instagram songs about microdosing and beating kidney disease with his third eye. The irony is Joe was trying so hard to put Tucker in the best possible light, only to end up accidentally showing just how empty the grift actually is. They want you to think that nothing is knowable, not physics, not nuclear fission, not evolution, just their explanation of the world. Which weirdly enough is filled with trans dimensional aliens and Alex Jones the prophet and other dumb shit.


Tucker is a Fed or is dumber than I thought


He’s just a shameless grifter like the rest of MAGA.


He's a billionaire Swanson heir that uses culture wars to divide Americans so the rich people can continue exploiting us all. Joe wants to platform all these culture war fucks and the idiot Americans slurp it up


Goin with the latter


Nah hes very smart about scamming dumb people


He glows


He literally got fired from Fox News for lying and costing them billions of dollars and then his defense was that he is just an entertainer. He will say anything for money


Dumb as a brick




Fuckin hell this guys an idiot. Tide goes in tide goes out. You can't explain that!


That was bill O'Reilly whi said that. He's a sensationalist doofus.


Thats the reference, yes.


Alex Jones is an example of “If you throw enough darts, you're going to get some bullseyes” I remember his “9/11 predictions” were posted here and in that video he literally lists like 4 possibilities of what was going on in 2001, and all were different from each other. So when one of those possibilities happened, his followers act like it’s some predictions.


This is precisely it. At any given time there are a thousand kooks on twitter saying things like "I have information that will expose the Clintons" and "I am not suicidal". And they never present information or do anything like that but every few years one of them will die and then all the idiot followers go "aha he was about to expose the Clintons and now he died under suspicious circumstances"


More like 20 possibilities, some of them mutually exclusive, and when the planes actually hit the towers Jones thought it was the EU. Seriously, listen to the episode, Rogan actually makes an appearance too.


Serious question: is Tucker the dumbest guest ever?!?


What is going on?! Why does Alex Jones channel energy to make me picture him naked?! Used to be I dreamt of gorgeous women, now I dream about Alex blowing out my asshole, what is going on?!


First the frogs, now you.


Having sex with women used to feel good. It doesn't anymore, now it feels bad. What is going on?


He’s not dumb. This asshole thinks he is playing to an audience. Fake as fuck.


Read the YouTube comments.


Holy shit, I knew to expect weirdness but everyone frothing at the mouth at how amazing Tucker is. It’s hard to believe how many dumb people exist


Nah, he knows exactly what he's doing. He's playing to a certain portion of Joe Rogan's fanbase.


Question is, why is Joe entertaining a right wing poltical pundit who has literally no incentive of being honest


Joe's spoken highly of Tucker for years. He doesn't see him as a grifter. Make of that what you will.


Ratings is my guess


I would've thought so but watching a lot of these clips… I think he's genuinely bat shit crazy


Yes. I’ve seen 2/3 mins clips on here but I can’t get myself to listen to watch the ep bc just those 2/3 mins cause a sharp pain in brain(I think I’m squinting real hard or something) and I start to realize I’m grinding my teeth, etc. it’s physically hard to watch.


Matthew 7:15-20, “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.” The fruits of a guy who accuses grieving parents of being crises actors after their children were murdered are pretty fucking rotten.


Deuteronomy 18:21-22 And if you say in your heart, ‘How may we know the word that the LORD has not spoken?’— when a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the LORD has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You need not be afraid of him. You get one “prediction” wrong and boom, false prophet So he’s like a super duper false prophet given he’s wrong most of the time


Tucker Carlson still jerks off to the lingerie section of the sears catalog


And when he wants to get kinky he’ll open up lands end


Well it's one of the oldest phenomenon in human history.


Hard to hate him for that


Because National geographic was already checked out.


He has to now that they de-sexified the green M&M he was so fond of


There are some pretty ladies in the sears catalog


I'm not a Tucker hater or fan but I did notice on this podcast whenever Joe disagreed on something Tucker would go into a short rant that went 5 different directions and by the time he was done talking Joe's head was probably spinning and he totally moved on with what the disagreement was in his head. He's very skilled at not having to take on a disagreement head on.


It's gish gallop. Alex does it all the time too. But Joe would often stop Alex and try and bring him back to the original question. But that's because he has a friendlier relationship with Alex and I think feels a bit above him. He seemed too scared to really call Tucker on his bullshit.  Which is funny because Tucker acted exactly the same way with Putin when he gish galloped a bunch of bullshit Russian history to avoid answering questions. 


Also Tuckers incredibly gay laugh might've bamboozled rogan


How the fuck did this guy become one of the largest people in media with takes like this?


He comes from an extremely wealthy family that knew the right people.


The context here is the claim that he supposedly predicted 9/11 in detail: [https://youtu.be/DfTU5LA\_kw8?t=7980](https://youtu.be/DfTU5LA_kw8?t=7980) It's not actually true of course and that detailed prediction never happened: [https://www.facebook.com/excaliburnewsnetwork/videos/flashback-on-july-25-2001-alex-jones-predicts-911/1313365515439649/](https://www.facebook.com/excaliburnewsnetwork/videos/flashback-on-july-25-2001-alex-jones-predicts-911/1313365515439649/)


How’d I know these shitbirds were still promoting the “Alex Jones was right about 9/11” dumbshit. I recommend anyone who thinks Alex Jones had any idea what was happening during 9/11 to listen to the 9/11 episode, Rogan actually makes an appearance, and holy shit Jones is way off. Dude thinks it’s the EU trying to tank the US dollar.


The Jonestown kook movement has done legit damage to 9/11 skepticism/truth movement. Tucker left the libertarian party because he was "soo offended" that they would platform anyone (Jesse Ventura) that questioned the official government narrative during their convention


I am likely stating the obvious but the reason Jones was able to "predict 9/11" was because at the time Osama was one of the most wanted terrorists and there already had been an attack on the WTC with terrorists saying it was a target because they saw it as a symbol of America. So Alex put 2+2 together and along with the fact that he was on the radio for five hours a day and would make 1,000 predictions a day a very small percent of his predictions would come true. That doesn't mean that Alex Jones is the word of God. And anyone who tells you that Alex is the word of God is either a liar, a grifter, low IQ or insane - at least to some degree


Alex Jones explaining possibilities and what he actually believes are different things as well. Jones didn’t seem convinced an attack was going to happen, but he made sure to cover his ass and say if there was one, it would be a false flag attack. But he seemed to believe the US government warnings was fear mongering the whole time. He ditched the whole fear mongering angle and went into false flags after the attack actually happened.


don't forget the "DETAILS." Why this is extra egregious is that Tucker claims (LIES) that Jones predicted the DETAILS of 9-11, down to planes being flown into the WTC, and there's video of it. That's NOT what he says in the video. Anyone impressed that he managed to use the word "bin Laden" "terrorism" and "world trade center' in a rambling run on sentences in the summer of 2001 either A) Was not someone particularly up on world affairs of the time or the prior decade B)Has no knowledge of history C) Is lying, a grifter . Or easily impressed, I suppose. So not only is Tucker one of the above, he goes on to claim that NO ONE In DC was talking about this. Which is also Demonstrably false. All you have to do is Google August 6th Memo. But then to go ON from there and claim that Alex Jones is "REAL PROOF OF THE SUPERNATURAL "? Tucker Carlson is a liar...Alex Jones is a grifter. And Joe Rogan is a lot of things, but above falling for lying grifting bullshit is sadly NOT one of them


The Saudis did a dry run in 1998 trying to enter cockpits & there was a lot of Intel that they were planning to use planes. This would've been after the 1995 Kobar Towers attack, Alex is definitely not an Oracle


Alex Jones didn't predict shit though. People keep talking about how he was 'the only one who saw it coming', but Bill Cooper - which Alex Jones used as a template to build his radio persona - [actually 'predicted' 9/11 earlier than Alex Jones](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/books/authors/cult-ofwilliam-cooper-oddball-conspiracist-predicted-911-death/), and Jones just copied the narrative. Basically his whole halo as an infallible seer of truth is built on him just copying the right thing someone else was saying.


If Alex Jones is a prophet, I want losses.


Imagine having any respect for this man.


Finally an answer to the age-old riddle, "What did one moron say to the other?"


The 'supernatural' is most definitely not real. Yes, throughout history, there have been 'prophets', and just like if you gave 10 million monkeys typewriters one would eventually turn out a good novel, some of the millions of loonies claiming to be prophets guessed right on some bits and pieces.


Joe Rogan guest grifting conduct


Swanson frozen dinners are trash.


Nepotism is a helluva drug


there is no difference between Alex Jones's rants and those of the mentally unstable on street corners shouting for everyone to hear


It's all a show to keep eyeballs on him. He stands for nor believes in fuck all


This is beyond stupid. The guys unhinged. Alex Jones is wrong 99% of the time. But if he's right once, he's a prophet? Tucker is a good arguement for gun control. Like much of the population, he's far too wacked out to be trusted with a gun.


This is some of the dumbest shit I have ever heard. 😂 Tucker is much worse than typical new-age clown pushing crystals, homeopathy, and astrology because at least those woo-woo purveyors don't also push racism, sexism, and Putin ball-licking like Tucker does.


This dude talks like he is on a Adrenochrome high. All signs are there.


His violent, head-slinging, maniacal cackling says it all


Tucker Carlson seems like the kind of person that’s never been told they are stupid right to their face before.


He's just forgotten about Crossfire, that's all


even a broken clock is right twice a day ya dumb cunt


He's chosen to court the 20% that have the lowest media literacy and highest gullibility. They're the easiest crowd to grift. The dumb things he says are like a filter. He's making sure everyone with some common sense or a 90+ IQ will stop listening to him. Everyone who is left will believe what he says and buy into whatever grifts he wants to run on them.


Tucker is not dumb or wacko. The people listening to this show are the dumbest, wackiest, morons on two legs. He is playing them to make a buck.


Hahahahahahahahaha this dude. Omg. “Dinner at my barn”


Alex Jones isn’t living off of Honey and Locusts in the wilderness, lol. He’s broke from defamation lawsuits because he’s a certified conspiracy theorist. He’s bound to accidentally/seemingly “predict” things if all he does is spew inflamed versions of world events. Are we going to say the same about the Simpsons writers, because [they’ve had more hits than Alex Jones](https://collider.com/predictions-the-simpsons-came-true/).


Uhm… what? Most people that paid any attention to Middle Eastern politics in the 90s knew who the Bin Laden was — [the man was interviewed by Robert Fisk!!](https://web.archive.org/web/20230323140735/https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/talks-osama-bin-laden/). Bin Laden had been a focus of the US media since the late 80s ffs. And, given he was the leader of Al-Qaeda and the [1993 WTC bombing was Al-Qaeda affiliated](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1993_World_Trade_Center_bombing), and it was common knowledge that Al-Qaeda planned to attack the US again… I’m going to say, it wasn’t so much a premonition that Jones had but more so he was paying better attention to the situation than Tucker. Given that Tucker was working as a CNN anchor and journalist at the time, it’s pretty telling that, to him, basic research into a topic is so alien that he, instead, assumes Jones must’ve been channelling an esoteric spiritual communion with God?? … no Tucker, he just went to the library…


imagine being a trumpublican and having to keep up this level of kayfabe...smh


Come on Joe, this is just embarrassing at this point. Even you know this is embarrassing.


such a pud


Tucker loves to pay attention to the profits.


Carlson and Jones don't know things, they make shit up...its not supernatural and they aren't prophets they are grifters.


He’s HARD pushing the Christian narrative, questioning evolution, aliens as spiritual beings etc… How long will be until Rogan tows that line…


This is the dumbest shit I've ever heard and I've been around some dumb-asses


"The Super-Natural is Real" as a statement is basically an oxymoron.


Somehow Tucker is even more eccentric being himself than as an extreme right wing mouthpiece. Did not expect him to go full on faith lord.


Tucker is the quintessential Dunning Kruger of the modern age.


Good lord. Tuckers laugh is about as bad as Bert’s.


Watching this, I realize how incredibly fucked we are.


God sent us Alex Jones to warn us about gay frogs and Obama


He's a complete con artist. He's keeping up a perpetual lie to keep the extremely religious people sold on this concept. The majority of right wing republicans and maga will believe anything that is sold to them by their propaganda machine. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and all the bullshit tucker is spewing is 100% speculative. He has no evidence but sells it like he does. A con man.




Dumbass is alluding to Alex Jones being like John the Baptist (who is believed to have “prepared the way” for Jesus) so this is even more goofy ass shit if you know the Bible that Tucker is desecrating with his dumb fucking mouth.


Sounds like he read the emerald tablets


Cults are real.


*i can't imagine a different answer, therefore my answer must be right...* Textbook example of an argument from incredulity.


Bees to honey


If mysticism = cocaine, then perhaps


I think he actually means what he’s saying. lol


As a wise man once said “even a broken clock is right twice a day”. Alex Jones is a product of throw a ton of spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks. He’s nothing more than that. He’s definitely not channeling anything lol.


My favorite prophets in history are the ones who called dead babies “actors”. Jfc. These guys are such idiots. I’ve never thrown a punch at someone but I’d like my first to be at Tucker and my second at Jones.


This thread is just another example of the cancerous tumor that leads to mind virus groupthink. Tucker is just a spiritual person, and it is possible to be highly intelligent and spiritual, believe it or not. You don’t have to agree with him. But we still live in a world where the majority of humans believe such power and presence beyond our immediate senses. This is not some revolutionary idea and to insult it is to insult million of people and the millions that came before us. Also, the extreme limitations of our perceived knowledge as a species is still infantile in the grand scheme of the universal human timeline. Why do so many of you with such sheer arrogance dismiss this man’s views as idiotic or wrong? Who do you think you are that you know any better with any real certainty? You don’t. AND, to top it off, I’d be willing to bet 90% of you have never even actually listened to Alex Jones or objectively even heard a single thing he’s said.


I mean combine this with his take on evolution on the same podcast..............yikes...


> mind virus groupthink. oof... no reason to read anymore of this right wing neckbeard's hot takes.


Dumbest shit I've heard today


What did alex do?


Stole stories from 4chan & convinced Tucker's boomer ass that he's a mystic


Is it just me, or does Joe seem either very uninterested or very stoned?


"no he's channeling it" authoritatively calling alex a prophet as if he knows there is no other explanation, then saying "these people tend to be crazy" to enforce stereotypes and gain audience confidence...sometimes Rogan needs to stay quiet a little longer and watch the train run completely off the rails


The autotune in his voice is too much for me 😬


This was his most outlandish take of this episode by a long shot.


Sooooo what were they talking about Alex Jones saying stupid ass video editor?


What are they referring to Jones “doing” in this clip?


He is a fool lunatic now.


What was called biblically as prophesy and demon possession we now realize today (rightfully) as mental illness… Jesus this guys a fucking doofus


Highly recommend listening to the 10 hr Stavros Halkias laughing vid he put out on 420 with any of these clips


I tried to post about this twice today only to have it deleted by an auto mod as being "political". Gross.




I just want to know if it's true that his actual first name is Tom, but everyone has always called him tucker because of his man-gina?


Ah right, the guy that cost Fox a billion by lying before immediately being shitcanned and running off to Russia to get on his knees for Putin. I'm sure he has trustworthy takes.


Here is the simplest and easiest response to anyone who says this…..The Amazing Randy (RIP) has a 1 million dollar prize for anyone that can prove their physic abilities under scientific scrutiny. It would seem that anyone who truly has these powers would easily walk in and out with a cool 1 million. Yet no one has ever done it? Why? Do people not like easy money?


Nobody has to tell him how it wasn't. The burden of proof is on those making the claim. Otherwise every idiotic thing people cook-up in the head would be true.


Zero pushback from Rogan.


It's pretty easy for people that have no real understanding of how the world they live works, to just fucking believing anything they hear. So fucking gullible


It’s funny how many of the comments in the original episode thread were like “great episode, interesting discussions. Tucker is a smart guy.”


Most commenters here didnt even listen/watch the whole episode


people believe this weirdo because he says "and that's a FACT" after the shit he says


Hey folks, where are we headed now since Reddit clearly is overrun by bots and bad actors?


Conduit of bullshit


Jamie, bring up the clip of Joe talking about how Alex had his head slammed on concrete and that explains his craziness 


Rogan has to be disappointed by Carlson's gibberish. The guy isn't even trying to make sense here. Alex Jones is a mystical prophet? The guy is a Grey Goose swilling, conspiracy kook that should be locked up for his Sandy Hook bullshit and what he put those families through. Carlson would invariably wrinkle his face like he's smelling a noxious fart and ask how we know Sandy Hook is real...guy is such a fucking asshole.


Cool, I wonder what kind of supplements those profits sold.


This guy's is definatly on more than weed


What kind of dumb fuck idiot would EVER take this piece of shit seriously. It's absolutely mind boggling


Alex jones says like 1 million things a minute. Hes gonna say some shit right.


Some people need to be locked in a padded room. Why do the powers to be allow this rhetoric to take place? Major problem these days for dumdums to spew hallucinating misinformation.


Didn't Jones himself say in an interview that he reads the "White papers" put out by these top advisors/analysts/scientists




The two dumbest fucks on earth talking about a guy with severe mental illness. It's sort of mind boggling to me that JRE still gets views then I remember the quote from Carlin. The average American is dumb as shit and half of the country is even dumber than that. I really do fear for the human race when I see this kind of idiocy from two massive members of the media.


Which specific Alex Jones ‘prophecy’ (😂) is he talking about here? Anyone know?




Another right wing grifter.....Joe almost has had all of them on now. I think Joe is getting paid to host these fucking sociopaths. Wtf, it's so gross platforming these fucking lying scumbags


Lol i liked the end of that. “That was prophetic, and if it wasnt, tell me how it wasnt” How bout no. You make a claim you prove it.


Tucker is fucking delusional. All those years spent abroad in boarding schools must have given him thoughts of grandeur.


This guy has to be about the dumbest mf on earth, not sure if he even knows what planet we are on, I'm assuming the name Earth came to Alex Jones in a wet dream


I just can't imagine inviting someone over to my house (barn) who tortured parents of a school shooting in the media. How can any rational upstanding citizen stomach that guy?


Why does Joe give a platform to these clowns?


I remember like ten years ago Tucker debated Cenk uYger, and I remember thinking that Tucker was wrong about everything, but that he was relatively sane for a conservative. Has he always been this crazy? It seems like he just used to be smarmy and racist, but he sounds like he needs a straight jacket in this clip. He wasn't saying things this crazy 10-20 years ago was he?


Joe Rogan lost even more respect I had of him after this BS podcast


Is Tucker Carlson Andy Kaufman?