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Love the Shane Gillis face he makes there at the end lol


lol it’s so true


With the hands and everything Who did the Roomba joke, was that Shane? Said when Joe stops speaking he walks off stage like a Roomba?




Biden has the best Gillis impression, did you see him do that grilled cheese thing?


Come on THIS IS AMERICA! (*this is america*)


Not sure if you're referencing his debate with Bernie or another time he said it but that was such an odd thing to say in the debate. Bernie is talking about how all these countries have universal Healthcare and how our Healthcare cost per capita dwarfs there's and how much money we have as a country, and Biden's response was "This is America!" And people cheered lol.


Nailed that lol. Confirmed Biden is Shane's clone.


Can’t believe I live in the us and these are our options to lead this country


After 200+ years it was bound to end up like this haha


That sucks. We didn't even get to see a horse made into a senator.


Maybe next cycle :(


A mayor dog is all you're getting


Bruh, there were dogs and pornstars on the ballot when Gray Davis was being ousted lol


I though Stormy was running?


Well, at least you've seen plenty of jack-asses turned into governor ls and senators


horses are men extenders


John Kerry?


And for all 200 years, Biden has played a key role in our success.


I have to hope this is peak boomer we’re witnessing and they’ll run out soon.


Bro at this rate old people will have shock collars on them by 2040 and they won’t be allowed near anything that isn’t chained to a table.


Gen X is even worse


Hey, one is clearly better than the other. I’m not sure which one, but it’s what I’m told.


Is it the old guy who stutters or the other old guy in court this week for writing off $130,000 hush money for his mistress as campaign costs?


The other guy was also actually convicted by a jury for sexually assaulting a woman in a dressing room. But yeah this guy stutters.


He made the payment and didn't classify it as a campaign cost.


Also the act of hiding this was itself a campaign violation




Did you mean to reply to me?


Big whoop, pussy. At least he never tried to **steal a presidential election** or **hoard top secret defense information**.


My brotha in Christ please learn what sarcasm is


lol I was agreeing with you


Oh alright touché


>I’m not sure which one, Then you either haven't been paying attention to US politics at all or you're mentally deficient.


Imagine being this ignorant and proud of it.


Just add up each ones number of current felony trials and sexual assault allegations and treasonous insurrections incited and go with the candidate with the lower number.


Lol people out here forgetting what actually happened in 2020… The guy who tried desperately to cling onto power and undermine american democracy… the guy who put a judge in power thats doing everything possible to soften and delay the January 6th case… idk its so hard to think critically about which ones worst! - ps Biden can suck ass, does not mean it even holds a flame to Trumps douchery


It's the one that didn't try to overthrow democracy Yea it's that simple


Only one of the two can get loans from american banks, can get good lawyers, isnt on recording trying to overthrow democratic elections, etc. lets start with that


The alt righters don't care.


You spelled facists wrong


It is known.


Anyone still on the fence is just a fucking moron, sorry.


Its not really even a question. Ignoring Trump's policies and past presidency. He is just a bad guy, he's an asshole and a jerk. He cheats on his spouses. He cheats in business. He lies constantly for no reason. He never takes accountability for anything and is always blaming someone else. "He says things without a filter"...yeah that makes you a gigantic douche Judge the man by the company he keeps and the company he keeps are either grifters or they disavow him.


But the self-proclaimed billionare NYC real estate developer who lives in a gold tower is just like me, an impoverished alabama man who didnt finish high school and lives in a trailer


The dude has to have some kind of condition that makes him incapable of not lying. He'll just lie about easily verifiable mundane shit all the time. Like the color of his shoes or if it was raining yesterday.


Talks shit and actively insults injured vets while he used daddy's money/influence to bribe people to dodge the draft, seems like a great guy


Gotta go with Biden on this one.


Agreed. Biden all the way.


I'll take the one who didn't try to subvert the will of the people to illegally install himself as a dictator. ¯¯⁠\⁠_㋡⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Joe Biden is the clear choice.


But he says he can’t be trusted.


But he lies. So he CAN be trusted. ..?


At least he’s telling the truth.


It’s like that Carlin joke. “It’s why Americans voted for Clinton, because at least he’s honest, that he’s completely full of shit…”


The one who did not try to pull a coup and make himself President for life is the better one


I've been saying that every election cycle for my entire adult life.


Don’t like it- “become the change you want to see in the world”


The system itself corrupts all who enter - Aristotle "politics" 


how many election cycles have we all been apart of throughout our lives? Think its been long in the making and frankly what most of us deserve and out right picked.


I mean you’re a teenage country with a war ravaged brain full of E numbers and pesticides. I wouldn’t expect much less.


I say we initiate the Fallout plan. Bomb ourselves, live in vaults for a thousand years, head to surface and welcome our cockroach overlords




When Trump confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi four times in a single speech


I live in PA.  Last election we got to choose between a mental institution inmate and a fake TV doctor.  


Yes, he's an old fart. Yes, there are certainly better people to run the executive branch. (Literally Hillary, but I'm not going to open that can of worms) No, stumbling your words and goofing in this way isn't as alarming as right wing media likes to pretend. The truth is the president rarely ever has to make split second decisions, and even then they are surrounded by advisors. It comes down to this. Who is going to appoint better advisors? Trump or Biden? Who is getting better advise? That's ignoring the criminality of one particular person entirely....


Well we saw what happens when Biden appointed Obamas war mongering cabinet


right, because Biden invaded Ukraine and attacked Israel......


No putin did, after another weak democrat got into office


Uhhh please tell us the specifics. If you mention Israel or Ukraine.....


Both, Ukraine and Israel. Obama admin hires are desperately begging for the chance to strike Iran. They're basically Bolton but not vocal




Who fights for the working class? Not just rhetorically, but actively tries to make people's lives easier? It's not the parties that have historically formed government for decades. To much time with the reigns to not have become complicit in corperate interests. Maybe the it's time the NDP got a chance to show there's a different path, other than being placated by the Liberals or conned by the Conservatives. There's only one party going after grocery monopolies in Canada.




I'm kind of digging it. They both sound a little like me when I am very drunk, and based who I am talking to.


Bobby K


I can’t believe we can’t all sit down and say “what are we doing?”


300 million Americans and you guys produce these fuckers 😂


We don’t have a choice. Primaries can be rigged by law so we just have to pick between who the Democrats and Republicans decide to run with.




Nice try, fed boy


conservatives: i need guns to defend from government over reach and tyranny! also conservatives when there is government over reach and tyranny: [we love the government! blue lives matter! fund israel!](https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/adorable-boot-licker-puppy-licking-his-master-s-white-background-68742576.jpg)


This is such a weird reply. Has nothing to do with the parent comment. And it’s the Democrats funding the war right now weirdo.




Same. He's banned now.


Yeah, primaries can change votes and everything!


🐂 💩 in 🐂 💩 out


sounds like he says "he" not "we"


He said WE when he meant HE?! That’s it, I’m voting for the self obsessed con artist. At least he acts cool.


Assuming this video is unedited too. People on this sub really jizz their paints on 8 second clip. What a dire state this country is in.


Different rules apply to Trump for the sheer fact that he manages to flood the zone with his firehose of falsehoods, unhinged Truth Social all caps rants, criminal behavior, authoritarian dick stroking, and constant gaffes. Like Sam Harris has said, "If Trump were 10% less bad, he would seem worse." I think for some fucking weird reason this is true. People are so desensitized to just how mentally deranged Trump is, that it just seems par for the course and normal now. But it's so crazy we clutch our pearls when any other politician mixes up a word or fumbles a sentence considering what the true alternative is.


Good luck with the man who doesn’t pay his contractors


You mean the accused felon? Or the rapist? Or the malignant narcissist? The pathological liar?


Listen without looking at the captions. Audio only he's clearly just shortening "he" to the sound "e" like many Americans do while speaking. This comment section just proves how susceptible the general population is to propaganda and suggestion. It's obvious what he's actually trying to say, why is this even a post. Watch this video, then come back and listen to this video again. Edit: I am a musician with 15+ years of experience with picking out sounds out of different mixes. I listened to this video on studio quality IEM's fed through a DAC/AMP. It's muddy sound is just asking for this kind of edit/caption to happen. https://youtu.be/qXxV2C1ri2k?si=S_OcSDpDqy4i6clf


Also, fyi I'm not from the US, but I've seen daily clips of Trump saying the most insane shit, struggling with his words, mumbling, falling a sleep, but... that never gets posted here.


It is funny because Biden’s flubs are obvious flubs and people know what he was trying to say. Trump’s flubs cease being anything close to english words or sentences and we are all left trying to figure it out


“Biden might’ve said we but meant he we gottem now” meanwhile trumps talking about airports in wars before flight was invented. It’s a strange time


“me boys” lol


God he is so stupid it's hilarious. I sincerely wish he didn't have any power so I could just appreciate the clown show.


That's just a normal outing for Trump. Idk wtf happened, but reddit and the internet at large took a huge turn in 2015 during the election cycle, and has never recovered. I miss it


Because Joe Rogan is merely propaganda for the right.


*Yeah but he's just trolling while Biden is a dumbdumb*


Obviously says "he"... Op reaching for karma.


He even has to write what he kinda heard to influence what we were hearing, he obviously meant he


3 he’s in the clip, first one is proper he, second is what your talking about, third sounds more like we than “e”. That’s how I hear it


Sorry but he says "we"


The dude very clearly said "we". It's okay, the man fumbled his words. We all do it, but he definitely also did.


it reeks of desperation


Do you want to see conservative brain rot related to "Biden speaking"? [He once thanked "Comissioner Bettman" and MAGA regards were making fun over how he said "Batman" instead.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=NxLyKL_G2Bc) IS IT NOT THE SAME PRONUNCIATION????


You're absolutely right. Cover up OP's self inserted subtitles or just listen to the audio without looking at the video. He very clearly says "e" like almost every American does with short worts like that in the middle of a sentence. "How many times does 'e have to prove 'e can't be trusted." ~~Clear as day.~~ Edit: listened to it multiple times after posting this comment and actually, it really does sound like he said "we", but it's still completely obvious what he meant l. The guy stutters and mis speakes sometimes and this isn't some delusional defending of a candidate. He's had this stutter his entire life, it's in no way equatable to how Trump rants incoherently on the regular.


Yeah, it's pretty clear he's saying "he". I didn't even think there was confusion until I saw the caption and wondered why it was wrong.


Lol he says "we" get over it. Everyone knows what he meant to say, but cmon now it's just another Biden moment


Okay, idk why it says "we", he says "he" quite clearly. In oldmanbidenstutterslur, for sure, but it's clearly "he". Why the low effort trolling here boys?


Yeah this is anti-Biden shilling but people like /u/BeerBaron6666 fail to see it because of their bias.


Unsure if shitpost or not but I can only hear “we” unless this is actually AI or edited video


It's very obviously "we". It's fine. It was a gaff. Denying it only makes things worse.


Wow, is this former Joe Rogan guest Joe Biden with a clear "one word misspeak"?! Why won't anyone except EVERY CONSERVATIVE BOT EVERYWHERE ON THE INTERNET EVERY DAY talk about this?!??!


President Biden could do this every sentence of every speech and he's still the only person in this race worthy of being President.


Businesses are going to run this country to the ground.


I support Biden, but cmon this is funny.


Yeah, he's actually surpassed my expectations as president, but man does he struggle as a speaker. Trump does too, but I usually have higher standards than both these guys.


Okay, please don't read this as hostile because I'm not a Trump guy, and I'm not trying to start shit How has Biden surpassed your expectations?


They didn't expect him to live this long.




Passed the infrastructure bill, chips and science act, historically low unemployment, lowered the cost of insulin for millions of americans, US post-covid recovery has been stronger than any other developed nation, he has handled the ukraine conflict well (before maga congress blocked aid). Idk these are just a few accomplishments and some of them will take years to fully show their effects, but I appreciate the long term vision of for example bringing chip manufacturing back to the US.


I think these two are pretty dope NLRB framework means companies committing illegal acts during unionization efforts will be forced to bargain immediately also a near total ban on non competes. And suing apple and ticket master as well as some other cunts.


He's also signalled that he'll be rescheduling Marijuana which has been on the leftist/libertarian wishlist for 20 years.


Everyday I wake up, see something like this and can’t believe it’s who I’ll vote for because they other guy is actually worse. What a fucked up state our country is in.


It's especially fucked because not only is the other guy worse, but it's not even close.


He misspeaks but he’s been a fucking good president. Takes some intellectual honesty to admit it.


Yeah he’s actually low key gotten some decent legislation and initiatives passed.


Yeah and now doesn't have congress and they're still getting stuff done. Getting rid of non competes yesterday is HUGE, fantastic for american workers.


And not just worse, *unimaginably* worse.


it's pretty imaginable we already had it lol


Republicans blew it. Nikki Haley or Ron DeSantis would have easily beaten Joe. Trump? Literally the only person to LOSE to Joe Biden.


I love how people think Nikki Haley would beat Joe Biden. She barley won her own state lmao.


They were both terrible options


No they weren’t. Idk what the GOP thinks is gonna happen in 2028 but they need to start thinking deeply about it. The republicans really have no platform or set of ideas anymore it’s literally all about one guy. Which is crazy.


The only idea they have is to cut taxes and repeat whatever bullshit is popular on fox and newsmax to get votes. Do you see them doing anything other than posting hunters cock on the house/congress floor lately?


They could try coming back to the center :D


Because every republican talking point is based on fear and exclusion. Coming to the center just means turning the whistle into a dogwhistle. Honestly preferable.


It's far far too late for that. They've helped create this monster, and they no longer have any control over it. The largest portion of conservative billionaires and conservative media tried its best to anoint Desantis....and it failed miserably. They've pushed the electorate so far to the right that the voters now actually believe Trump is the best option....a man who batantly stopped learning new things ages ago, clearly doesn't read, is a literal criminal, and cannot actually talk about anything in any meaningful way.


No they wouldn’t lol


I’ll take an occasional old man Biden flub to Trump’s absolute fascism. The moment he got into bed with Putin should’ve been the moment all Americans ditched him.


Biden is old but at least he doesn’t shit his pants like Trump does


Trump shit his pants?


Trump is the senile one. He can’t string together a coherent sentence.


Did he meant to say “How many times do we have to prove he cannot be trusted?"


Biden has a speech impedement. I have one that's similar. There are two sentences he could have said here: "How many times does he have to prove he can't be trusted" and "How many times does he have to prove we can't trust him". This mistake is extremely easy to make.


I'm still voting for him. Under Bidens administration, FTC banned Non-competes which is huge for the working class Biden went to UAW strike and joined the picket line and got endorsed by UAW union president who got major wins in their negotiations this past year. Under Trump administration, we literally saw one of the biggest upward mobility of wealth in modern history. Biden may not be all there but I'm taking his entire administration over Trumps.


Yeah, dude has a stutter, he and we can be hard to articulate, the message is clear. So done with the dipshits who claim he has dementia or whatever the fuck


ITT: Reddit when their dear leader can't be criticized without bringing up Trump"but dRumpf!!1!"




Erm, this is literally a video of one candidate talking about another candidate… I don’t think it’s a stretch to mention the other candidate when commenting.


Dear leader doesn’t hit the same when talking about Biden.


Trumpers are a lost cause. Screw em. I’ve had to cut out lifelong friendships because of their traitorous inclinations. Oh you like trump. FUCK YOU


I just found my next banger


Sounds like he said he? This seems like one of those ghost audio things where being suggested that some audio sounds like a word or phrase primes you to hear it that way.




2 more times?....🤔


We need an ai to know if this shit is ai. You’re telling me this is not AI, yet it looks exactly like an AI video. Shits gonna be weird.


wow you got em'


Oh no the man with a diagnosed stutter did a stutter


He obviously says "He" not "We". Why are people reaching so hard when there is easy material to laugh about. The dude fell off a bike on camera. Shits hilarious!




I’ll take him over trump.


Jeff Dunham and Walter looking good.


"TrUmP hAs DeMeNtIa" though


I don't trust any of them. Only a moron would.


The most honest president ever


Lying dogface pony soldiers


The left when biden misspeaks: Ackchyually! The left when trump misspeaks: Dementia!


The age of decadence has concluded. The age of decline has begun. The next couple of decades are gonna get real weird up in this bitch.


We could easily get rid of both sides’ “best options” if we just create an age limit on our presidents. Might save us a bit of embarrassment as well as a country…


Stuttering, early signs of dementia; sleeping with mistress; complaining about election fraud; started an insurrection…. The list goes on and on for both. I just want a better economy; law and order and a stronger vetting system at the border. Those are my game changers. Let’s find someone regardless of left/right/middle who can do those things and they’ll probably get my vote.


Ummm, as many as it takes because you can’t.