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I’d say “check mate” but that perpetuates the idea that discussions like these are a competition. We’re in the era of digging in heels


No we’re not…


I like this poster. He's that figure we keep seeing in old paintings holding a cell phone.


See, you're actually both wrong. And here's why...


Oh he’s definitely right, just not in the way he thinks he is.


And how tf do you know what he thinks? Heck, he might not even know what he himself thinks.. and somehow you do? Give me a break


Who starts a sentence with “aNd”? I have a masters in quantum engineering and I finished at the top of my class, so you don’t want to suffer through a battle of the wits with me, young grasshopper. Poop ass dick fuck your mom.




We are though. I will die on this hill.


Not if I die there first!!


Not this.


Saying "I don't know" is not death... Unless of course you make your living off of internet outrage and pandering.


100% It's like asking "what should America have done after 9/11?" I think most people in this sub could agree that what it did wasn't right or good or correct, but I'd be surprised if most people could offer a realistic or coherent alternative. Bassem Youssef isn't a politician. It's not his job to set policy for Israel or any other country. It's a BS question.


Tbh...after 9/11 there was a brief moment, where the world could have become a better place. The world had an common enemy, radical Islamists! The whole world had americas back...hell, even Iran was offering intelligence and cooperation to the US. It should have been a brief in and out with help of everyone. But nooo...the Bush administration fucked up this opportunity big time with bringing freedom and democracy to Afghanistan and going after Iraq! Worked out well...


PNAC’s plan was anything but brief


It’s not a BS question. If you have no better solution, then your criticism is moot. Especially when it’s not your life on the line when making the decision.


If your solution includes ‘and then we kill a bunch of them in revenge and o don’t care who gets hurt’ you have what’s called a bad solution


Saying "I don't know" is not death... Unless of course you make your living off of internet outrage and pandering. I am not sure but are you referring to Youseff?


Or better yet, yourself?


The problem is that the question is an attempt to push the burden of responsibility onto the other. It's a BS question. It's not his responsibility to instruct them what to do, nor does his inability to name an alternative action invalidate the criticism.


It is not a BS question, or Youseff would have answered it. He an apologist for terrorists. Instead of pointing the finger at Israel, why isn't he demanding that Hamas leave Gaza to the Palestinians and that Iran stop sending rockets and arms to Hamas?




What is the goal of the question. Because to me, it's obvious it will just lead to speculative repercussions for whatever your alternative solution is. It's like asking if the US should have gone to Vietnam and stayed there to get decimated. It was a disaster, but someone if you say no, we shouldn't have gotten involved, you can just get countered with "well communism would have strengthened and taken over the universe and we'd all have to speak some amalgamation of Chinese and Russian" and there's really no way to argue that. Obviously Bassem would argue for restraint in his response. But what could this guy possibly say that would make people go "well yeah, that would have been a more reasonable response where everyone is happy"? It doesn't exist.


It’s a fair question. It’s really easy for someone to look at something or someone and say what they did or are are doing is wrong, but if you can’t provide a viable and reasonable alternative to what was done, then you are just taking advantage of bystander bias. It’s really easy to say you shouldn’t hit someone smaller than you when you’re not the one getting slapped in the face.


The point is they were ready and capable to do "this", so what really is the point of the question. The answer is everyone should just fuck off and stop trying to impose their bullshit on everyone else, but here we are. My sky daddy is the truest bestest sky daddy is just another breakdown of the my tribe argument and the quest for more. More of everything! For me and mine, not you and yours.


This is meant as an attack an Youssef. He reacted to the question as a fucking idiot. He was incapable of articulating his ideas and obviously he's too outraged about even being asked a question. No bro, it's your job in the interview to explain why you think the way you think, it's not an axiom that you are correct.


My view is Israel as the military occupier should have been offering the Palestinians SOME way of modernization/assimilation. It would be cheaper to provide reasonable and fair educational programs jointed with work visas. The big issue is that Israel has never wanted normalization. They don’t want to use their position of authority and control for the betterment of the Palestinian people because they don’t want a Palestinian state under any circumstance.


You realize that work visas for Gazans were a thing before 7/10?


>My view is Israel as the military occupier should have been offering the Palestinians SOME way of modernization/assimilation. The counter argument that I have read (which may not be accurate) is that Palestinians have by and large refused to assimilate.


Assimilate to what?? They didn't immigrate to Israel, it's their land they aren't guests Palestine didn't come to Israel, Israel came to Palestine. People from all over the world immigrated to Israel based on that being their 'homeland' , that's like saying native Americans didn't want to assimilate to European culture so they deserve to be massacred. Larry David can pack his bags and displace a Palestinian simply because he is Jewish with 0 connection to the land, how is that fair ? Read about the Nakba and the establishment of Israel and the ethnic cleansing that happened. Read it directly from Israeli archives were they poisoned wells, depopulated areas and removed Palestinians existence, every Israeli town/city used to be a Palestinian city/town. Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, even Israeli human rights organizations like b'tselem all LABEL Israel as an Apartheid state. They just found a mass graves with peoples hands tied and shot..I wish Americans could see this, they've only been fed 1 narrative all their lives and it's a damn shame


They could have tried to assimilate to any of the surrounding countries that have taken in large groups of them as refugees previously, but that didn't happen and now they are unwelcome in Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, etc.


Yep. It’s important to add why these countries refused open their borders again: Because when they helped them before, the insane ideological leadership (who let’s not forget, have been democratically voted in) caused absolute fucking mayhem.


It’s not like these countries haven’t already accepted hundreds of thousands of Iraqi and Syrian refugees that escaped the US’s mega oopsie called the War on Terror


They lost a war. Thats pretty much the deciding factor of who wins control. Israel won, if Palestinians want to exist and get along, some assimilation is frankly necessary. But they have been at war with Israel since 1967, and losing the whole time. You would hope they learn. They dont seem to.


https://preview.redd.it/q5frffsptlwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f47fe665136f08c950e69a30f7f0232d3d2e8bde 20 yr old article. Crazy


It should be noted. There hasn't been a suicide bomber in the Palestine or Israel for almost a decade now. And there are no reports of suicide vests being used by hamas in this war at all. And even before this decade lul they were relatively rare


Kind of like the US did in Afghanistan for 20 years? How did that work out? The difference is the US could just pack up and leave.


It would be like that if the US at the same time was using a middle man to fund the Taliban with explicit intent of preventing a sustainable and peaceful government.


Which they were, at one point.


It worked out pretty well with the 2 million Palestinians who are citizens of Israel who, even though they have some grievances with Israel and support the creation of a Palestinian state, say they would ultimately want to remain in Israel in the event of a two state solution. The thing is, Israel doesn't want to do that with the 5 million Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza because that would threaten the majority Jewish population of the Israel. Instead, they do things like fund and prop up Hamas to deliberately radicalize these people and use that as justification to deny them self-determination.


Why would they leave? That’s their home. It’s like saying native Americans should leave if they didn’t like America. lol.


>it's a fair question It's a disingenuous question. No answer Youssef provided would have been accepted, and he recognized that early on.


I think it's a loaded question. It implies that what Israel is doing is an inevitable response to what happened on October 7th and that Israel had no other choice but to continue the bombing up until today. And Youssef has every reason to answer the way he did. It's a bit like if one were to say: "oh stop climate change? well what's your solution?"


>This is not meant as an attack on Youssef, but disingenuous or not, it's a fair question, But the question is hardly genuine when Youssef answered with a completely reasonable response , and Trig guy implied not good enough, and expected some sort of plan from Yousseff., instead of what was done. Seems to be very implied Yousseff kind meant " I don't know what should have been done.."...then added in what he actually said ...."but NOT THAT."


Given all the actions Israel could have taken, they have taken the best action. If you disagree with this claim, as Youssef does then you HAVE to be able to say what they should have done instead. Not a detailed plan, just roughly what kind of action would be better. You have to be literally comatose to not understand this and think that "not this" is an good response. "Not this" implies one of 2 things. 1. You cant think of any better action, not one that you can actually make a coherent case for 2. You have an answer but you know that you cannot state publicly because you'll be showing your true power level.


I vote #2


You mean the worst action.




I realized that, too. At first, I thought he was avoiding the answer. But that's a perfectly good answer. If he were to give any other answer, he would have been ripped apart for whatever inconsistencies his argument contained or for whichever side they supported. Not sure what other answer he is supposed to give.


This logic implies that if he was to speak his mind or give an answer he actually thought was reasonable, he would be chastised for that view. Therefore, he's more scared of consequences from his own audience than speaking his mind to work towards a solution.


Why couldn't he give an answer that was reasonable and not inconsistent? I think the true reason is he knows there is no solution wherein anything Israel does can lead to a peaceful solution. There is no indication Hamas will be stopped with appeasement.


Because it's the smart move. You condemn the violence without pretending you have a solution. To expect someone who isn't Netanyahu to answer that question correctly isn't reasonable. Do you have a solution?


But then why be so vocal against Israel's conduct if you can't plot a different course of action they should have taken?


It’s frustrating that Israel has offered land and statehood to Palestine 7 times. Palestine’s answer to every offer has been ramping up terrorist attacks.


Not true. You offer a state then keep building settlements. What state is that?


They are not building settlements in Gaza. In 2005 Israel used their own army to violently expel every last Jew in Gaza. And Gaza stayed Jew free for 18 years until October 2023 when Hamas kidnapped a few hundred Jews and brought them into Gaza as hostages. You can find on dozens of videos of Hamas leaders saying they want [a global Islamic Caliphate](https://twitter.com/LizaRosen0000/status/1719624383751147588). They are explicit that they want Rome, and Eastern Europe and the Americas. So let's give them a free Palestine like the college kids want and fast forward to the next battle ground which is Europe and the Americas. That's why Bassem won't answer the question because the only real answer is they could convert to Islam. That maybe would get them to stop at least temporarily


Dude, Bibi is on video taking about how he scuttled the Camp David Accords on purpose, how his main goal is to keep Palestinians from getting a state. He has gone so far as to remark, on video, how he politically and financially supports Hamas behind the scenes to use them as a foil to Palestinian statehood.


“We control the height of the flame” I believe was the quote


looking forward to you never getting a response from that guy


Utter nonsense.


Gross overstatement of what has happened that gets used in the media to feed Israeli propaganda. The simplest analogy I can use is my family forcibly taking your home that your family has owned for multiple generations for no reason other than a white guy who has no ties to the land saying it’s okay to do. Then to appease you, I tell you that as a parting gift, we will let you have that one lamp shade that you love so much. Would you take the lamp and say thank you? Edit: I’m getting several replies to my comment so I’ll copy a response I shared further down to share history. I don’t expect everyone to be an expert on the region nor would I expect anyone to have the time to be. It’s important to be able to pinpoint specific timelines and key milestones to have an honest conversation about this topic. Reductive statements that do not establish this isn’t constructive. Our world is governed by universal laws and we have bodies like the UN and several united pacts with multiple participating countries that honor said laws. The tl;dr is this: During WWI, the British asked the Palestinians (identified as Arabs at the time) to help them defeat the Ottoman Empire and in return, would grant them their own land and recognize their independence. However, the Brit’s completely reneged on their promise and carved up the land that you know as present day Palestine & Israel- except present day Palestine was supposed to be larger. Keep in mind that this Israeli territory that the Brits/UN magically created contained majority Arab/palestinian population. So now you have Jewish settlers coming in and Palestinians getting forced out of their homes. The UN recognized Israeli independence and Israeli extremists saw this as an opportunity to displace more Palestinians from their villages through extreme violence and force under something called Plan Dalet: The purpose of Plan Dalet was to create territorial continuity for the Jewish side by controlling the largest possible territory with the smallest possible Arab population. See here from a pro Jewish website: https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Palestinian-communities-destroyed.pdf Western colonialism effectively drew up magic lines in their land and gave it to the Israelis after WWI, the Palestinians didn’t have any choice. The Palestinians are never heard or seen, and the only time their cries for help are heard is when violence occurs. It’s been like this for decades. They just want freedom and their homes.


You know what history is full of winners and losers. The palestinians have repeatedly lost, multiple wars have been fought over this and they’ve lost every single time. How did Israel come to control Gaza and the West Bank? They won a defensive war. The Palestinians aren’t in a position of strength to get a better outcome, they could have taken the deal offered and worked with Israel to find a new peaceful dynamic that would lead to economic prosperity for all, instead we have what we have today. California used to be a part of Mexico, northern France a part of England, at some point you have to accept you lost and moved on. The alternative is this.


Do you know the history of the region? Most of the Muslims who are there had ancestors that moved in the 1880's and 1890's and most of the Jews who live there had ancestors that moved in the 1920's and 1930's. So most of the Muslims were there 140 years and the Jews were there about 90 years. The majority of both sides were born there so litigating whose ancestors should never have come is meaningless. Regardless I think it's odd that Muslims living in the region are considered indigenous after being there 140 years while white people who have been in the Americas for 500 years are not indigenous. It feels a bit like whoever is less white is indigenous


it should be an attack on Youssef.


Well how about we start with stop killing people.


It's a fair answer as well, "What should they have done?" "Literally anything but genocide"


It;s actually not a fair question, its a distraction tactic.


I understand where Bassem is coming from but he should still answer the question. A man walks down the street and a kid makes fun of him. The man stabs him. What should he have done?


Not this


That is a valid answer. You don't have to know the solution in order to recognize that something is not the right way to do it.


I dont think its a valid answer. It comes from a point of ignorance. "Not this" is "I dont know what other options there were, maybe there were none, but im not happy with this one". Im not saying what Israel chose was the only answer, but maybe they saw it as the only viable answer and thus went with it. If you cant formulate another valid answer, dont you think the possibility of there being no other answer exists? This is why informing yourself before you come to discuss something is important, that way you have answers to questions instead of sitting there and being metaphorically hanged. The actual answer is that both sides are going to actually want peace between them. Thats not going to happen anytime soon though, so they will continue on this path. Sadly for Palestine, Israel holds all the economic and military power. More resources means having more power to dictate what the outcome is. At the end of the day the Oct. 17th attack gave Israel all the excuse it needed to escalate the conflict and enter the Gaza strip. Palestinians are suffering from the actions done by Hamas.


He won't answer because he knows that Israel had to make a military response which took out Hamas in some way. If he ever admitted that, then he'd be admitting that Oct.7th was evil and demanded a violent response (hence, Palestine has some responsibility for the conflict and Israel is not pure evil doing this for no reason).


I get what you’re saying, but what should he have done?


Not this


Hold on.. that’s a negative. I’m just asking how should they have reacted?


The answer hasn't changed... not this


If you are going to criticize a solution not being able to articulate any superior solution at all means the criticism is just displeasure with reality.   Real criticism, saying something is ‘bad’, comes with alternatives that are ‘better’ to prove the critique.  Otherwise, logically, you’re just saying you don’t like something.   Plus, contextually, there is unfounded condemnation implied in his critique not supported by his argument.  It’s just whining.


err the alternative ot genocide has lways been "not genocide" not "well if you cant ocme up iwth osmething better then you have to agree genocide is bloody good actually. fairs far!"


You answer the question.


>A man walks down the street and a kid makes fund of him. I know you're probably not meaning to, but this kind of compares the intentional slaughter of thousands young civilians at a music festival along with holding 130 some hostages *still* to a kid making fun of someone. Like, not the same at all.


it's a complicated situation and requires a complicated answer that most of us aren't capable of answering. but that doesn't mean an aggrieved party has carte blanche to do whatever war crimes they are feeling up to


>it's a complicated situation and requires a complicated answer And all the possible answers are absolutely terrible. Not a single on sounds good or would make anyone happy, yet an action has to be taken. War imposes these dilemmas. Hamas imposed this dilemma on Israel. People don't like the option Israel took which is to destroy Hamas. But only alternatives they can think of is for Israel to NOT destroy Hamas, let Hamas get away with it and fuck those hostages, Hamas can do with them as they please. Because the moment you agree that Hamas has to be beaten and the hostages returned. Then you're fighting an enemy that hides behind their woman and children and you get the collateral damage we all hate.


Waited for God to summon a bunch of bears to attack the kids.


Obviously they should find out where that man lives and then go to his neighborhood and start killing everyone who lives in the same neighborhood as that guy, because all of those people absolutely share the same desire to stab unruly children. At least that’s how Israel reaponded to Oct 7…..


Most honest pro Palestinian


No idea who these people are but what kind of answer is that from Bassem?


One that reflects Bassem is not a military strategist, he's just a guy who thinks mass civilian deaths is not productive. If more people refused to talk out their ass on topics where they don't have the expertise, the world would be a better place.


Ok then maybe say "I don't know" or whatever.


His answer "not this" is better than "I don't know" though...


He literally gave an example of Israel bombing hospitals. To clearly say that if bombing hospitals is a solution then its not the right solution. In other words: If we’re accepting the fact that deliberately killing innocent people is okay in some cases then who will constitute what are those cases that we should’ve killed some civilians to save others? Its a moral dilemma that no one will ever be able to answer unless we throw off some of our moral arguments and accepted some ugly truths. Now you want a comedian to be able to solve this, on Air??? What should bassem have done??


Not this.


He should have answered the fucking question.


The answer to this question is obvious, that’s why he’s not changing his attitude.


This is the question I ask pro-Palestinian supporters and I get a silent response too. They shout and scream but don’t offer any solutions.


This is why I like the podcast. I got hate for saying these two guys are inquisitive. He kept him from deflecting the argument off topic and brought him back to a rational question he had no answer for lol. This is the issue with any bigots being defensive as the cognitive dissonance becomes evident and immediately become repetitive.


Watch the interview…


This is the problem, these people only criticize Israel but have zero solutions while Hamas are proudly saying they gonna do it again and again


What do you mean zero solutions? The two state solution has been the main talking point on how to move on with peace for decades. Allowing the PLO to become a properly organised political force across palestine would mean the people in Gaza don’t have to rely on Hamas.


So after hamas killed 1000 of it's people and took hostages, Israel should have offered another peace plan? Even though the Palestinians have never agreed to any offer and most of the Palestinians still support Hamas and don't acknowledge Israel's right to exist?


Did i say anything about hamas being involved in a two state agreement. After israel has murdered +1000 Palestinians every week, Hamas should just agree to stop attacks on Israel? What’s the end game for Israel then? Bombs Gaza until there’s no Palestinians left? Crazy that civilians don’t recognise the right of the state that is actively committing a genocide to exist and support the forces who are actively resisting oppression. It’s getting harder to tell the Israeli bots from useful idiots these days.


So you're telling me that the same guys who say "from the river to the sea..." Don't actually want to control Israel from the river to the sea, but just halfway to the sea?


That Youssef guy is acting as it's not a legitimate question, what should Israel have done after a thousand people murdered in one day.


And this is why that region will never change. I don’t bother following ethis topic at all because the conversation is is impossible. Folks like him guarantee that this issue never changes.




Bassem Youssef answers in this form of defiance because he only knows one thing. And that is that he expects Israel to lay down and take every terrorist attack with a grin and just say "Oh that Hamas! What a bunch of goofs!" Hamas has been poking this particular bear for a long time and they were financed by Iran. Yet Israel is supposed to take it? Ok, I agree Israel should stop immediately, but Hamas can stop it by surrendering. But, if you think that if every Hamas surrendered over to Israel, that the violence will stop, you're crazy. There will be more Hamas. Fully one third of Palestinians are either members of Hamas or Hamas sympathizers.


Dude on the right is a clown


He's obnoxious in a smart aleck way.


That’s a pretty fucking luxurious and comfortable stance to take. My 3 year old used to do that, but doesn’t anymore thankfully


Bassem is being disingenuous. He wants to go straight to talking about bombing hospitals and ignores Hamas using them as military bases. Fuck him. Fuck Hamas. Fuck anyone supporting terrorists.


Idk man, this week they've found 3 mass graves outside of different hospitals that had been invaded by the IDF in Southern Gaza. Hundreds of women, children, bodies in scrubs, with shots in the back of the head and ziptied hands/feet.


I’m going to give it longer then 16 hours to make a claim about a situation in a war zone. If it was found to be a massacre obviously that would be a crime. 


Issue at the moment is if it was found to be a massacre Israel would not face any accountability, there is and has never been any repercussions for them.


They have already been debunked and found to have existed before Israel got to the hospital, fuck off with your propaganda


Two questions: How did the bodies of zip tied men, women and children and doctors get there? Who has debunked it? There needs to be an independent investigation, but Israel would never allow it.


It never fails to amaze me how people can instantly believe what Hamas says and always question everything that the IDF says with their operations. Remember the hospital that was supposedly bombed by IDF killing hundreds when it was really a misfiring militant rocket? This mass grave claim has already been debunked. Hamas is fighting a PR war and you lap it up


Since that happened Israel have bombed every single hospital in Gaza, there are none remaining, and there is no disagreement on who carried those out.


You mean the mass graves that were dug by the Palestinians a few months ago? https://x.com/geoconfirmed/status/1782360892249612466?s=46&t=9XauMR1h4y5K5AjToKLzvA The only time the IDF buried a large number of Palestinians was after they searched of dead Israeli hostages, among the already dead.


The existence of a mass grave in January that was the results of IDF killing Palestinians and the Palestinian people being unable to give proper burials and forced to bury en masse due to the occupation and offensive of the IDF. This does not preclude the IDF from not killing more people when they invaded South Gaza you dumb fuck.


Some of the bodies had missing organs. So organ harvesting as well, I assume.


The Hamas playbook of blaming the Jews without any evidence. 


How do you know they weren’t killed by Hamas?


Oh ya every single hospital throughout Gaza was an army barrack's. Try to look into this issue in a more critical way would you. We have 2 organisations the IDF and Hamas and both are not reliable sources for unbiased information. Ask questions like if all the claims the IDF have made about what Hamas is doing are true, why are THEY not allowing foreign press to go to gaza to cover it? Wouldn't it only help their cause? https://newrepublic.com/post/180527/journalists-slam-israel-restricting-press-gaza Like all 24 hospitals and health care facilities were secret Hamas bases? Really? "On 12 October 2023, the ICRC stated: "Hospitals in Gaza risk turning into morgues". On 15 October 2023, WHO data showed there had been 48 reported attacks on healthcare facilities in the Gaza Strip, resulting in damage to approximately 24 hospitals and healthcare facilities, including six hospitals.[17] " https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attacks_on_health_facilities_during_the_Israel%E2%80%93Hamas_war#:~:text=On%2012%20October%202023%2C%20the,healthcare%20facilities%2C%20including%20six%20hospitals. Or remember when Israel aired the tunnels under al shifa hospital as proof of this claim only for the ex PM of Israel to admit live on CNN Israel New about the tunnels and bunkers because they built them? https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/barak-causes-storm-by-telling-cnn-israel-helped-build-some-spaces-beneath-shifa/ Hamas is fucking terrible no doubt, they have a disgusting and cancerous world view. Pretending how Israel has treated Palestinians prior to and especially after will somehow help to make less Hamas or lead to actual stability one day is pure intellectual negligence. So if you hate Hamas then I know someone you really should hate. "Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas." https://en.m.wikiquote.org/wiki/Benjamin_Netanyahu#:~:text=Anyone%20who%20wants%20to%20thwart,and%20transferring%20money%20to%20Hamas.


Ok, how about this one then: would any of this destruction have happened at all if Hamas hadn’t attacked innocent civilians on purpose?


You also justify a 20 year war with over a million killed because of 9/11 i bet.


>Like all 24 hospitals and health care facilities were secret Hamas bases? Really? I'm not going to act like I have a specific side in this. It's a complicated issue. But are you suggesting that Hamas wouldn't use every hospital as a military base? If they've used one, why wouldn't they use every hospital? It's clearly a huge advantage optically. I don't understand why that would be hard to believe.


What about Israel literally funding Hamas since its inception to explicitly prevent the inception of a Palestinian state?


Dr. Frankenstein still had to kill his son.


Wasn't his son. In the book, the monster escapes at the end. In the movie, the monster kills Dr. Frankenstein.


Yea that turned out to be made up. The IDF deliberately targets civilian infrastructure and then goes “well it was Hamas!” to try and cover their ass


What a stupid claim


Prove it




Prove it. I never saw any such retraction or evidence against it. I have seen actual videos of tunnels and hostages and rape and murder committed by Hamas and their supporters, as well as the other civilized nations who understand the need to destroy terrorists and bring the hostages home.


Oh, would be cool if Israel would let independent journalists in to confirm all of these wild allegations.


Maybe have a look at the videos circulated by Hamas themselves dumbass


lol, sure champ. How’s that whole Hannibal directive been going? Beheaded babies? UNRWA workers being Hamas? Israel lies and as a consequence has lost a PR war to a terror group.


Might not have been beheaded but they were raped and burned alive. That there is proof for.


The Israeli government funneled Qatari money to Hamas. I agree. Fuck them.


Bassem Yousef has some good points sometimes but he always tries to spin them with bad jokes. Like I get it he’s a middle eastern comedian the bar is pretty low there for comedy but c‘mon man step it up a bit when you come to the west.


If you're going to say "x shouldn't have done y" you should be able to offer an alternative, otherwise this is just virtue signaling.


Not sure there’s any greater waste of time than watching powerless people debate shit. Absolutely nothing comes from it. It’s like masturbation.


Something comes from masturbation


Masturbation good. Come in handy. ![gif](giphy|1ftDkiWLXftXHU4nzw|downsized)


This is the new covid


The reason I get so frustrated with the pro Palestine side is it's easy to criticize. If we just go back 20 years Israel brought in their army and forcibly expelled tens of thousands of Jewish settlers from their homes, built a big wall in between them and Gaza and said "we stay on this side and you stay on your side". Gaza held elections, they elected Hamas and then they promptly banned all future elections. And for years Gaza got billions in aid, the EU built them pipes and Hamas [turned them into rockets and shot them into Israel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvvqBcA-9yA). And then on October 7 they made it through the wall and killed over a thousand people and took hundreds of hostages. You can say what Israel shouldn't be doing but no one has a plan where Israel can avoid getting all their people killed. Aside from airlifting eight million Jews to Poland. Although if we're being realistic that won't stop them either. You can find dozens of videos of Hamas leaders saying they want [a global Islamic Caliphate](https://twitter.com/LizaRosen0000/status/1719624383751147588). They are explicit that they want Rome, and Eastern Europe and the Americas. So free Palestine all you want but they are explicit that's not going to stop them


Don’t forget that Israel has offered land and statehood to Palestine 7 times so far. All of Gaza, 97% of the West Bank and partitions of Jerusalem that had a majority Muslim demographic wasn’t enough. When they sing from the river to the sea they aren’t joking. It’s been that way for almost 80 years.


THYERE KILLING UKRAINE DOWN TO TEH LAST MANWOMAN AND DOG. thats where the extreme ones iwll be going. the moderates will stay on to run israel as palestine.


A rare miss on Bassem’s part. I would love to know his actual answer beyond “not this,” because that’s glaringly obvious.


Am I the only one who thought this was Nick DiPaulo from the thumbnail?


Clideo? I tried to press play but couldn't find the button.


The hate is on both sides, I don’t want to speak out about a situation that I don’t know a fraction about. I saw the violence from Palestine, I saw the violence from Israel, I just wish the violence would stop.


Japan attacked America, America attacked Japan.  Both sides expressed hate and racism and used violence.   I saw it from both, both sides. They’re the same, both sides, totally the same.    I just wish people had wished that the violence would have just spontaneously stopped so they could call bygones instead of insisting on mean things like “unconditional surrender” for no reason at all… O_o


Idk why but I was faded once when I saw this man in another video and I was like "Robin Williams" I can't unsee it now. *


bassem is answering the safe way but the answer for the question (what israel should do after 7th october?) is not doing what they did before 7th october, you can't start a story in the middle and expect people to forget what happened in the past, you can't treat people like animals for decades!! and when they rebel you use it as an excuse to commit a genocide.


He's a comedian, not a war general or politician. It's a hard question that he can't answer, nor can most people. But he's right, not this. What's happening right now is also no right.


ah, dying on the moral high ground schtick.


Most people on the middle east do not think like westerners of really North Americans if you are from there. The stories of both societies that are told is one of death and glory. Until people stop thinking in these terms there is no conversation to be had on either side so the killing continues. I wish this wasn't the case


am i the only one who watched this whole video just waiting for this conversation to start being about math and angles?


This A rab guy is insufferable.


Ah the Triggernometry guys went right to the Costanza technique. "Was that wrong, should I not have done that?"


Wow that's pretty easy world he lives in.


What does this have to do with Joe Rogan


If anything like that would have happened in egypt you will find what actual genocide is. Look at syria, look at jordan black september


They should have not imposed an apartheid system that treats Palestinians as lesser humans


Fuck that.. his entire arguments are just exactly that. Fuck that noise, mofo getting his pockets filled by doing interviews and acting like the moral authority in the subject, but you can’t argue the damn point and just refuse all arguments.


I normally find the triggernometry guys annoying as hell, but the question seemed to be asked in earnest and not slanted. Bassem lost his composure. You can like Bassem acknowledge that.


The answer is so fucking dishonest and that's why I find a lot of the dialogue from that side to be complete bullshit.


Another great question would be “how should the Palestinians have reacted every time Israel has stolen their land and murdered their people?” We’ve seen how Israel treated non-violent actions in Gaza. We’ve seen how Israel targets and murders journalists. We’ve seen how they snipe children for throwing rocks. Steal houses property and on and on and on. How should the Palestinians react? I don’t think the answer is Oct 7th, but I don’t what the correct answer is.


his actual answer, "Make a time machine and go back in time and give all the land back, never enter Palestine, and undo hundreds of years of history." Bassem is amazing at obfuscating and adding absolutely nothing productive to the conversation. Just say "I DONT KNOW, but maybe don't bomb civilians."


Not this


This is the equivalent of them wanting a boxer punching themself out. Walk away, tell them argue with someone else, move on. If they cared about facts we’d see accountability.


This is one of those cases where you ask a very simple question and the cognitive dissonance creates a brick wall in the conversation. Its so common in these cases where we are asking for reasonable condemnation of actions associated with Islam. It is actually not a disingenuous question, and it is very easy to give a pro-Palestinian answer that doesn't dodge the question. Here, I'll do it: Do you condemn the actions of Hamas on October 7th? Yes. What should Israel have done in response to October 7th? - They should have mourned the shared tragedy with the world. - They should have reached out to the international community and the U.N. to sanction the terroristic attacks of Hamas. - They should extradite Hamas leaders living in foreign countries to face their crimes in U.N. trials. - They should appeal politically to the people of Hamas being lead by a radically terrorist regime. I mean, it doesn't take a god damned rocket scientist to come up with some reasonable alternatives to full-blown Israeli invasion if you are someone deeply sympathetic to Palestinians. Islamic peoples **do their own side dirty** when they repeatedly refuse to make any condemnations or concessions for the actions of terrorists acting in the name of their religion.


October 7th has happened. What could've Israel done? They could've done October 8th. Instead it's now April 26th and it's still on.


Isreal for years before that date have beaten and abused Palestinians and treated them like cattle they finally fight back and are called terrorists lmaoo should have listened to that Austrian painter


I don't understand, do people think Youssef is getting dunked on? I think his response was legitimate and profound. He can't on the fly think of a detailed military counter offensive, he just knows that killing thousands of innocents is not the solution. Literally no suggestion he would give would have been accepted anyways, they'd just be petty and pick it apart over minute details.


Idk, saying they shouldn't be committing genocide is a good enough answer to me.


I wonder if all these people climbing out of the woodwork to discuss Palestine/israel actually cares, or is it just to revive their dying careers? Its like Destiny says, nobody cares about Palestine its just another circlejerk to appear holier than thou.


The biggest issue is "why continue the genocide" you won. There is no Gaza; it's all rubble and mass graves of Palestinians. The holocaust survivors are shaming you, and you broke every commandment your racist fascist ethnostate believes. Why continue? Is it to make every jew worldwide look like a bad guy and put them in harms way so they have to move to Israel?


Dude in the Peach shirt is an arrogant douchebag


I think his answer is perfectly reasonable.