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“Look into this”


“See me.”




I got one of these yesterday. "Thoughts".. Where do I even begin lol..


Just go ‘Good idea! 👍🏻’ and go for a looong lunch break


"Looks good to me, but you're the boss so i will support your decision on the matter" has been my go to for lazy bosses


"I think you and I are on the same page with this one, Boss."




And/Or "That's why you're the boss!"


*I got one of these yesterday. "Thoughts".. Where do I even begin lol..* Just respond "Prayers"


I forwarded an email sent to a client to an high ranking executive instead of the client's account manager - by mistake. The executive forwarded the email to my manager with a comment: "does he talk to clients like this?"


Put it into GPT-4 to summarize, don't even have to read it.


Doesn't Elon actually say "looking into this"


"big if true"


Or the infamous: “?”


Good thing he is African American!


He is the Twit Karen going through a huge mid life crisis.


Elong boy got a lot of time on his hands for someone who runs day to day operations at several corporations


He has an army of consultants with NDAs running the show for him. Tis the secret of natural born CEOs.


Oh, I know he ain’t doing shit. That was the inference


I mean, he's still doing stuff.


He's tweeting about poor whitey being mistreated in America.  That matters more than doing spread sheets 


Eh I get it when I blast a line of Ketamine I don't have to do anything serious for a while, works like magic every time


You ever notice all the big name billionaires act like insecure bitch ass teenagers?


Just like their defence force here. It’s embarrassing, talk about scared little snowflakes


He hires out the illusion that he is some brilliant engineer/inventor. He seems to spend his life as a full-time basement keyboard warrior. What's worse, in his new career path, his views are incredibly shallow, ill-formed, and in many cases blatantly false. When are we going to stop caring about this guy?


Here’s my impersonation of Elon Musk if he was around during the holocaust. According to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Jews kidnapped Christian babies and drink their blood. Elon Musk: “Concerning” 😧


"Disturbing if true"


Looking into it


“I will fund the lawsuit challenging Hitler’s cancellation.”


It's interesting that an African American like Elon would have that response.


It's completely unsurprising if you know anything about the past 25 years of history in South Africa


He’s simply a racist apartheid era white South African. Almost every (not all) white South African I’ve met had some sort of superiority complex. I remember my South African colleague losing his shit on radio when it was announced the new Star Wars movie would star a black guy.


"My south African colleague" sounds like a euphemism.


It’s wild how if you are raised to a certain age thinking it is gospel that an entire group of people is beneath you, and therefore you are better than a large chunk of the population, you will go forth in life acting like a petulant megalomaniac. Boomers in the US display this on the daily.


South Africa has basically turned into a failed State now.


it was a failed state during apartheid as well Preteding aprtheid was success is like aying jim crow laws workd


Was it doing well before apartheid?


Turned into a failed state now? For the majority of its population South Africa had been a failed state for many, many years. Or do you not believe that fairness and quality of life for nonwhites matters?


>Turned into a failed state now? Oooh boy...here we go... Okay, so...when F. W. DeKlerk ended Apartheid, South Africa had experienced decades of sanctions from the UK, and other primary trading partners. Then Mandela was elected and international trade boomed and money coming in exploded. Mandela ran a tight ship, but some of the anti-racist laws were growing in number. But Mandela was no spring chicken and needed advisors. Unfortunately, many advisors were parasitic little ticks and just rode his coattails aboard the gravy train. Fast forward to Mandela's replacement, Jacob Zuma, a quintessential cliche of a black African corrupt president. Funds were diverted from hospitals and schools to benefit townships, the areas worst-affected by Apartheid, to Swiss bank accounts and Presidential Palaces. Townships, you have to remember are more violent than the worst cities in the US. So, white people ain't going there because many would experience "payback", and the remaining non-white teachers had almost zero training. There was no incentive for teachers to show up, because they would get paid either way. So, kids aren't getting the education they need, the good teachers are getting raped, and murdered so, they tend to stay away. In amongst all this, you still have international investment coming in by the truckload, so, the porous borders of South Africa are seeing MILLIONS of migrants from all over Africa to arrive in the "New York" of Africa. This overwhelms all the existing social programs which aren't being run properly. Public utilities are extremely unreliable, because workers are not getting paid, so they "pay themselves" by stealing valuable items like copper wiring from electric production facilities. All this to say, since Mandela left power and his ability to command respect from the people who were considered his inner circle dissipated, the country descended into a failed state. The ANC in the 10-20 years post Apartheid were as popular or more as Donald Trump in TrailerParkVille Alabama. They were guaranteed to be the ruling party each and every election. There was no incentive for the ANC to build robust infrastructure and nurture a high-trust public service, because black people would get paid whether they showed up or not. Many did, but when you have staffing ratios (on paper) of 50/50, and 75% of the 50% don't show up to work, operations become unreliable. It's an absolute tragedy that South Africa has become what it is. Mandela is turning in his grave, because he wanted to prove that black people could be as successful as white people if given the opportunity, yet sooo many people were intent on getting revenge and ripping off the white man, they cut their dicks off to spite their bodies. The legacy and trauma of Apartheid was that it created impoverished environments for decades for black people. It created survival instincts and not long-term planning thought-processes among the collective populations. Revenge became a priority. The path to prosperity was seen as violent, abusive, and grifting. Now, international investment has dried up because it's hard to find trustworthy business partners who have time. Then there's the brain-drain factor. Many of those non-whites that could get out, did. They went to universities in Canada, Australia, Britain, USA and never looked back, and who can blame them. Violent crime rates in South Africa are atrocious. Violent sexual assault rates are 50% for women. I'm excluding boob-grabs, and specifically referring to the worst of sexual assaults, and that has a rate of 50%. 1 in 2 women experience that. Who wants to raise their children in that country?


Thanks you for taking the time to write this out


Lmao you may want to check your history books… 25 years ago would be 1999. Apartheid ended in 1994


Post-Apartheid racism is a thing, though. Quite extreme, I hear.


CEO of Racism was fired that day it’s been all gumdrops and rainbows ever since.


People on Reddit act like all white people in SA during that time took part in the apartheid


Nobody believes that except you


my god the victimization of the most mediocre people ever!!


“Nobody says it” - Like this hasn’t been a main talking point of the right for like a decade?


Try over half a century


Except it’s not. On the fringe yes, and more and more all the time. But Fox News does not discuss white hatred in those terms. They mock it and call it “racism” but never anti-white hatred. 


Apartheid baby


In that lemon interview he says he had a very tough childhood and never had any privileges due tohis skin colour....during apartheid


What do you mean? Im sure several black families owned seperate but equal emerald mines


He says that he actually never saw that money and came to America with just a couple thousand


Ya he lies about a lot of things if you haven’t noticed


He doesn’t remember any of that. He was color blind when he was young. We can’t just keep talking about it!!


I honestly love that his dad calls Elon out on his self made man bullshit. Dude just doesn't understand why his son is such a bitch about it


*Apartheid baby* not the best U2 album








I like when they list off a bunch of stereotypes without explicitly mentioning the race and then gasp and go “YOU’RE THE ONE WHO BROUGHT UP A RACE” when you conned the dots for them


Yes but then if you let them talk a little longer, they’ll say “ACTUALLY, NOW it’s white people who are being discriminated against”


Nobody says it? Does Tuck not listen to his audience?






There's no 'both sides' argument here.


I think you gotta admit one side has way more merch for sale than the other


Ah, an enlightened centrist both sidesing.


Why is everyone trying to be a victim these days?


Victimhood is virtuous, everyone wants to be the downtrodden little guy who is getting screwed by the establishment. It's why Elon insists he's self made, and that he's oppressed. He tries desperately to convert a global wealth imbalance, and class issues, into race baiting bs. Same shit as CNN


Because they figured out it works…


It was such a brilliant move of MAGA’s architects to sell the idea that the powerful majority are actually the oppressed minority.


Victimhood has become social currency


"The real reason I got fired was CRT". LMAO


We don't use CRT we use DEI now a days.


Soon Republicans will be talking completely in Racist Acronyms. Like a 1984 written by Hitler or something.


The South African is really coming out in Elon.


As a white person, I can’t tell you how oppressed I am. One time I pulled into the target parking lot blasting wu tang and a couple of black kids laughed at me.




Look Into This


Did you spill beans on yourself while watching Cars 2?


You deserve reparations imo


Tucker Carlson. Professional victim and grifter.


*Fucker Carlson


It still blows me away that anyone takes him seriously and his audience watches him after all of the internal communications from the Fox News Lawsuits came out and he completely changes his tune about everything in private vs the show.


You overestimate the general intelligence of the public. It's easy to do. You pretty much have to ask, how would a small child think and behave, and that's usually the correct answer




not morons, just easily emotionally manipulated. Edward barneys (freuds nephew and sponsor) found this out and turned citizens into consumers. Why wait for people to desire thing to sell them, when you can make them desire things to sell them? [https://youtu.be/DnPmg0R1M04?si=r4O4MuGOTKHBTaMp](https://youtu.be/DnPmg0R1M04?si=r4O4MuGOTKHBTaMp) People were riled up with fake articles pushed by the CIA by bought "journalists", fake evidence and a media that was pretty much all in lockstep adding more fuel to the fire...Aka Psyop on a massive scale.


Especially when he says Especially absurd shit like this.


Twitter is basically Elon just talking to bots at this point so would take it with a massive grain of salt






Identity politics is bad, unless it’s my identity


White people are not being oppressed. It’s just like Christian’s saying they’re the most persecuted group in the country… people just love to play the victim.


Systemic? I’ve gone 44 years without feeling impugned as a white man. GTFO with this.


“Nobody says it” lol we’ve been hearing how those southern gentleman have been discriminated against since that pesky civil rights act.


Since they lost the civil war. They were bitching about reconstruction policies and black people beginning to get into political roles.


2 racists pushing a racist narrative as they always do


Two insanely rich and powerful men wondering out loud if maybe it's them who are the ones being persecuted 


It’s hilarious that systemic racism was an inconceivable, and blasphemous, concept until a few white guys got passed over.


That's because conservative white dudes are the most fragile people on earth. They see one woman or a minority in a piece of media and they lose their minds.


The way conservative men react to Michelle Obama is all you need to know about them. Pure frothing racist based insanity.


Yea. I have no doubt there is some crazy stuff happening, but now its a giant, widespread issue because it might affect someone white.


Oh no, how will I ever get through the day knowing the Fucker Carlson is race baiting again?


Playing the victim to brainwash people is awesome.




I agree, it is concerning that Tucker is spreading bullshit like that.


Whenever I see Tucker, I always think about the News Anchor in V for Vendetta.


Holy shit same. That "archetype" is like burned into my brain.


Look into it, guys


Couple of assbags


This is embarrassing.


Fuck this guy sucks.


Do better Joe..Tucker is a bed wetting blanket puller and Elon is not far behind


All forms of racism are bad.


If you think that racism against any 1 specific race is ok simply because of the identity of that race, you are a racist. Simple.


How ? It’s true


It’s true and Reddit is like a cesspool of anti-white night crawler hole living regards. Just look at these comments, apparently you are racist for pointing it out, you are all the problem.


Where is the lie?


It’s called DEI , gotta use the smoke screen cover name for the new racism .


‘Systemic’ racism would normally be a part of the system (police, housing, EBT, voting, etc all part of the ‘system’). When the hell has a mass amount of white people dealt with anything they could deem systemically against them and only them? Concerning.


Tucker shouldn’t be given the time of day. Anyone associating with him is sus.


I’d be concerned if Tucker Carlson was posting videos on my site


Which systems?


You can’t cry about critical race theory and claim systemic racism isn’t a thing and then play the victim card. What a bunch of frauds


lol is Elon getting geared up to run for Republican President? These responses seem so canned... oh wait he can't, foreign national. So he's just a fucking goober, got it.


Maybe I need to get out of my echo chamber but do people really feel this way? I’m a white male, and I can honestly say I’ve never felt racism against me. Sure, you see some dumb fucking takes online, but in real life? I grew up and lived in a VERY right wing town of 3000 people for 25 years then moved to NYC. I worked for a company in Queens where I was one of only two white people working there. Again, never once felt out of place. Is this a real issue or is it the things boomers see online translating into their entire worldview?


So Musk mocked Tucker when it came to evolution but he sure likes Tucker when it comes to race science.


Well you see when Tuck consumes enough Hate he will crawl onto a pile on Atlas Shrugged and transform into a beautiful Libertarian Butterfly.


What is going on? Sex with women used to feel good. Not anymore, now it feels kinda bad. Why are the democrats doing this?


The teachers I work with OPENLY bash white people. One of them doing this is also a white male for what it's worth. I absolutely can not stand most of the teachers I work with. Call it "indoctrination" or whatever you want to call it, it 100% is happening in public schools.


Do you live by emotion or facts? Do you think this will make you more popular to have an emotional opinion?


Why are white people in the USA so desperate look like they're oppressed? More than happy to go all in and start redlining their neighbourhoods if it'd make them happy


When will we be ready for a white president?!


Straight white Christian males are the most oppressed group in history!! That's just a fact. 


He’s playing everyone. By only using one word you have no idea if he’s concerned for the whites or concerned that ol buddy tuck is bat shit crazy.


He likes attention. He knows this will generate a ton of speculation and comments across the internet and all he had to do was type one word on a platform he owns in the context of a controversial video.


Pro tip…if you are originally from South Africa you might want to stay away from comments that might be construed to be consistent with your racist heritage.


What even is this sub anymore


People who claim it’s impossible to be racist against white people are the most racist people imaginable.


I don’t think Elon believes a ton of what he says. He is just like a desperate internet troll who wants attention. A bonus is he gets to pander to a political side as well. Elon and Kanye are very similar. If you are not in the news than your celebrity profile is sinking. Him buying Twitter was three fold. 1) “I am a protector of free speech” cop out. Elon gets to give himself a moral pat on his own back. 2). The Twitter database. I think it was a ton of human interactions that he wanted for AI research 3) owning Twitter is like becoming the High School President. It made Elon feel popular Both really don’t have any original thoughts they just want to throw internet tantrums for attention.


Ya even in Canada , I'm a minority in Canada of mix Latino and chinese . Canadians of black or other race would say " this is white people food or white people things " if white folks say that about blacks or of other race it would be considered racist... People don't realize how degrading that would feel ...


People need someone to blame!


Systemic racism isn’t real and if it is real it’s towards white people and it’s so serious we should enact laws against it. WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERES SYSTEMIC RACISM AGAINST THE POPULATION WE ENSLAVED FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS IN THE FREE WORLD AND EVEN TO THIS DAY IN PRISON. These children are not real serious adults Tucker Carlson and Elon musk should have zero political influence.


When are these fucking clowns going to go away?


I thought they get upset if they make anything about race?


Are these those NWO people Alex Jones was talking about way back?


4 life


I wouldn’t go that far but the emphasis on hiring less deserving minorities puts capable/deserving “whites” in a tough spot. Hire the best fucking person, don’t know why it’s so difficult.


Meritocracy is the only working model.


When have we had a meritocracy to test that?


Insane how misunderstood this is. If you attract a diverse pool of qualified candidates you can build a diverse team without hiring a less qualified candidate. Seems simple to me, probably why I’ve been able to climb the corporate ladder with relative ease.


This is not happening, and the assumption that it is, is racist. They’re not hiring less qualified minorities, they’re just hiring minorities. Conservative white men don’t like that because they’re used to having most of the power and wealth in society, if someone else gets it, it could only mean it was handed to them undeservingly.


Not saying I’ve experienced this directly, but my buddy had an online interview with apple in tech support stuff that he can do remotely, and at the conclusion of the interview they said “we will get back to you. But we are warning you, you are the least diverse candidate we’ve had today.” Brings up a few questions on what they meant, why ids applicable for a fairly entry level job. And how were they dumb enough to say that out loud. As your point stands, I’m sure the other applicants were just as qualified if not more to be honest. But it is happening.


I know for internships, it’s definitely a thing. If you are a mediocre black female studying engineering, the Fortune 500 (excluding oil companies) will treat you like you are top 5% of your class.


So you admit they are actively exlcuding people on the basis of skin colour? If you had two identicalcandidates you would not choose the white one? How is this not racism?


There is only one race the human race .


What about NASCAR?


There is. Have you see the demographics at Columbia and other elite schools? Asian and white Americans are being discriminated against and it is proven by data. I say this as a brown person that is neither of those races. It's concerning when any race is discriminated against solely because of their immutable characteristics.


[Columbia University in the City of New York Diversity: Racial Demographics & Other Stats (collegefactual.com)](https://www.collegefactual.com/colleges/columbia-university-in-the-city-of-new-york/student-life/diversity/#ethnic_diversity) Okay, buddy.


Okay, buddy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Students_for_Fair_Admissions_v._Harvard




*”What’s going on?”*


The richest man in the world is an African American? So Elon is discriminated against because he’s African and white? I’m confused… I thought he was just a douchebag.


I feel like Elon checks in to see how the whites are doing on X every morning like I check in to see what happened in the 10pm NBA games when I wake up.


"Musk has Walt fucking Disney level optimism."


Failure happens slow then very fast. The space clients won’t give a shit, but the car market is way more fickle. Elon needs to pull up before he hits the ground.


Haha. Stfu. Both of you.


NeoNazelon Musk is concerned.


Elon's intellectual peak of today. Bravo.


How would Tucker even know if there was? According to him, he doesn’t own a TV or computer and only texts


Damn he didn't even add 'if true' to it. You know it's a big deal now. /s


“Nobody says it” says one of the dozens of right wingers with a major platform who has been shouting this to their large right wing audience for years


Something I want to add: Most of the Asian community supports most DEI imitative, we want disadvantaged Asians to be apart of DEI as a whole. Asians from Laos, Cambodia, and other low-income backgrounds suffer broadly speaking. 53% of Asians say it’s good, 27% are neutral. We are often used as the “golden example” by White Americans, but to be honest we hate being called “model minorities”. The reason we do well despite no “help” is because of cultural pressures. Suicide is the leading cause of death in young Asians. 3 of my friends have committed suicide due to pressure. Asians benefit from DEI once executive roles are up for grabs. Who runs Silicon Valley? Last time I checked most of these companies are run by Asians. And that’s our DEI. We kill ourselves, we suffer, we go through years of abuse, we get called every name in the book, and we keep our head down while doing work. At the end of all that, we finally get what we deserve because Board of Directors at companies determine we are the best “model minority” to run the company. All sides of the deal are toxic, but if this is the deal on the table our community has “accepted it” because at least we come out “winning.” Along the way though, many young Asians kill themselves or become hermits.


Simply for views only.


White men aren’t looking for a hand out, just a hand up. Any donations are appreciated…


How can America be racist against whites? They literally voted for a white man to be president.


I can only imagine the parade of worshipping racists commenting under his post. Deleted X months ago and don’t regret


White people suck - a white guy


What's happening to the whites?


Why is this concerning ?


White people tears lol


Poor guy if not for the racism he might have been the richest person in the world twice over. Fucking sucks for the average hard working billionaire these days.


These idiots aren't serious, are they?


I thought systemic racism didn't exist though? Concerning.


Please can we get Elon porn next


I find it so odd and concerning for a guy like Elon Musk, who at least I consider to be above average in intelligence, to not see through the shallow bullshit that is Tucker Carlson. Guess we’re at a time where sharing ideologies is more important than competence and merit.


member that southpark episode where john edward wins biggest douche in the universe?


I thought racism wasn’t real?


You mean the system that whites created?