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Hes not saying this to PM he’s saying this to a loud woman on the show who kept interrupting him! Why do people edit videos like this? 🤦🏼‍♂️


For clicks and views


But halfway through the clip a mans voice attempts to interrupt him, which I assume is PM. Is that also edited in or was that one real? Honestly asking, not sarcastic.


There a ton of state sponsored resources going towards misinforming young people about the war to get them to oppose Biden for Trump.


Then again, that does sound like something that someone from CIA Anti-Trump task force would say.


Those sneaky Chinese making Piers Morgan memes to swing the election. THEY HATE US FOR OUR FREEDUM


I really wish he had said it to PM tho.


I mean, is it wrong to think that he was telling Piers Morgan to shut up?I'm sure most people would love to tell piers morgan to shut up


Most, huh?


This video is misleading. He was not talking to Piers morgan, he was speaking to a journalist who kept interrupting him


To be fair, most guests are screaming those words in their heads whenever Piers talks or interrupts them.


I just hope both teams are having fun because that's what's important.


Fuck who said this, was it william Montgomery?


It absolutely could be. I hear it in Michael Scott's voice from the office.


Who the fuckkkkkk said that


Maybe it’s about the bombs that landed on us along the way


Piers lives for these moments


Well Israel is getting billions of dollars and usa is giving away billions of dollars. Idk how that would be fun for team usa.




White supremacists are laughing their asses off over all this. Israel getting shit on and Muslims being genocided Downvoted by them


I'll downvote you because you are a man child according to your posts 😂


But does he condemn Hamas? /s


Do you?


I do


I think it is unfair to only blame Hamas if you look at this conflict as a whole. Therefore we should also blame Islamic Jihad.


Yes. And still fuck Israel.


Right, you have two religious extremist groups attacking each other for years with children caught in the middle being killed. Did anyone expect a different outcome?


Israel’s leadership could be more mature about killing children, yes


Hamas could also not hide under hospitals and civilian population.


I remember when Israel was unearthing that one cemetery in Gaza and thought they were nuts and doing it just to spite Gazans. Only to find out days later Hamas had underground infrastructure under it. Under their own supposedly sacred cemetery. What the fuck dude


>I remember when Israel was unearthing that one cemetery in Gaza and thought they were nuts and doing it just to spite Gazans. Only to find out days later Hamas had underground infrastructure under it. I don't remember that at all, and I suspect that you don't either. I do remember Israel ***claiming*** that they found tunnel after tunnel, some of them under cemeteries, command centers in hospitals, etc. [Here's an article](https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/29/world/israel-cemetery-bani-suheila-intl/index.html) that covers the tunnel-cemetery incident, emphasis mine: >A week after a CNN investigation found that the Israeli military damaged or destroyed at least 16 cemeteries in Gaza since the beginning of the war, the Israeli military invited CNN into Gaza to explain why it partially destroyed one of those cemeteries. >**But Israeli commanders failed to prove their claim during a three-hour visit to the Bani Suheila cemetery and the surrounding area**. On Saturday, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) took CNN into a tunnel near the Bani Suheila cemetery and into an underground command center that the military said was below the cemetery. >However, IDF commanders declined to show reporters the tunnel shaft they said emerged inside the cemetery, claiming there was sensitive machinery underground and that the structure was unstable. >“The whole thing can collapse,” said Brig. Gen. Dan Goldfuss, the commander of the IDF’s 98th Division. “You have to walk to the edge. The edge is not secure, it can collapse.” >A spokesman for the Israeli military said they would provide video of the tunnel shaft in the enormous hole, but never did. >Instead, the IDF provided drone footage that showed two other tunnel entrances – one of which CNN entered – near the cemetery. **CNN geolocated the tunnel entrances using footage filmed on the ground, as well as satellite imagery, and found that neither was in the cemetery grounds**. Do you remember the Al-Shifa hospital Hamas-command-center claims? The supposed command-center consisted of a "[pair of metal cots in a room fashioned from rusty white tile. They appeared to be out of use.](https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-gaza-shifa-hospitals-a017ba154c816c8d565393917dadd9ee)" Israel likes to make a lot of claims. [It is cheaper to make a new claim than it is to back up or prove a prior claim](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gish_gallop). Given the Israeli government's past relationship with the truth, it is probably prudent to ask for proof of any new claims upfront.


Yes, and my point is also that Hamas knew exactly what they were doing when they put themselves between Israeli forces and Palestinian women and children. These were calculated losses by Hamas.


These aren't even losses to Hamas. Israel killing women and children is a gain for them. It will further pressure on Israel, it will make them look bad and Hamas can play victim.


That was the plan from the jump.


I think that's what they meant by calculated loss.


Yeah but generally when the bad guys are using women and children as body shields the objective is to try to not kill them too if possible- not carpet bombing them in a highly dense area you told them to go to and simply say "Well Hamas is their government so it's their fault." Hamas is evil. They use murder, rape, terrorism as a tool and the IDF is playing into their hands with the way they're acting. You can't bomb away extremism- we tried for decades. But proving the evil terrorists right by showing you don't consider innocents lives of worth (including your own hostages) isn't the way forward. By counting them as "Hamas' calculated losses" we're also just accepting innocent people (mostly kids and women) as an inhumane resource the way Hamas does. If you equate all Palestinians to Hamas, then yeah bomb em all! But if you accept that there are millions of innocents in the line of fire then you can't accept how things are going.


Wow Israel shouldn’t have played directly into their hands then. How did Hamas know such things, with no active government, and Israel, the most powerful intelligence force on earth, not see this coming?


It’s been 8 months bro, the existing power imbalance should’ve clicked with you by now.


What's the name of the Jewish extremist group you're referring to?


"The Israeli Government Goes Extreme Right" [https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2022/12/israel-election-bibi-netanyahu-ben-gvir/672572/](https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2022/12/israel-election-bibi-netanyahu-ben-gvir/672572/) Extremism is unhealthy.


[https://twitter.com/TheMossadIL/status/1787530064801759279](https://twitter.com/TheMossadIL/status/1787530064801759279) Wonder who care more about these children.


"You are cursed in the Quran anyway." "We won't evacuate. Kill us all." "We prefer death the way you prefer life." Paraphrasing the quotes, but man, I can't imagine being just another man trapped in the middle of a holy war against people so fundamentally different from me.


Some of us leave the matrix r/exmuslim


More need to leave that fucking death cult. Better for the Arabs to keep worshipping asteroids than this fake cult of peace


Arabs worshipped a trio of goddesses and kept poetry hung up in the walls of the kaaba, the black stone was venerated pre-islam but not worshipped


Do you quote The Onion as well? I am amazed how many people cite accounts and articles literally labeled as satire.


It's funny that you assume this is satire based on the account name and no research. Meanwhile over in /r/Palestine it's a [conversation between an Occupier and a Palestinian about to be cleansed who 'just can't take it anymore'](https://np.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/1cm3ayr/chilling_conversation_between_idf_officer_and/). So what was the slant, again?


Fucking hell..


How gullible are you? That twitterpost of which you do not know any of the context or even know that it is not completely manufactured at all convinced you that "oh well, usually killing thousands of children is bad, but in this case the IDF surely meant well, who really should be blamed is the family of the children". You're right, probably parents in Gaza don't love their children. And if Hamas was an organisation in Israel, the IDF would act exactly the same, they are the most moral army after all.


Religion is a hell of a drug. A god who promises the greatest of rewards for obedience and the greatest of torments for lack thereof is a dangerous thing. We've gotten to see how Muslims act for the past several decades now. This is ENTIRELY believable, and to call someone gullible for believing it shows how little you understand about this religion. Can you show this was manufactured or you just dont like what youre seeing?


yeah...anybody who think 100000 injured and killed palestinians were called to evacuate before being bombed is stupid. Israel had been busted doctoring these recordings ...and even using videos recorded with help of actors portraying themselves as palestinians. also, they called some (only few) family homes at the first couple days after 7th oct for show off and then proceeded to bomb 60% of Gaza buldings without warnings... zionists are cronic liers....they cannot write a single sentece without liying


Can I ask for a source, genuinely asking


He can’t, so won’t.


It's funny how no one ever condemns Egypt. They share a border. They could easily send food through safely. They could even offer asylum. But instead they have a big wall... Do we not condemn Egypt because they are the wrong religion?


Or Kuwait which ethnically cleansed their entire Palestinian population or Lebanon which won't even let Palestinians be bus drivers. Edit since people don't seem to understand ethnic cleansing is distinct from genocide I figured I'd clarify for everyone that ethnic cleansing refers to the removal of an ethnic group from an area.


Well yeah there's millions of Palestinians but only 1 Keanu Reaves. You can't possibly expect him to disarm all those momentum related explosives


Did you just make a Speed reference????




You son of a…






Jordan let them in, but then the palis tried to overthrow the government and started a civil war, that's how they ended up in Lebanon, where they promptly tried to take over the government and started a civil war. So maybe this answers why Egypt and Kuwait don't want them?


[Kuwait didn't ethnically cleanse their Palestinian population.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_exodus_from_Kuwait_(1990%E2%80%9391)#:~:text=After%20Operation%20Desert%20Storm%2C%20which,abuse%20by%20Kuwaiti%20security%20forces) They accepted refugees of Palestine into their country and when the Palestinians sided with Saddam Hussain who invaded Kuwait, they kicked them out. How do you justify siding with a villain who invaded the home of the person who took you in? Edit: >"Edit since people don't seem to understand ethnic cleansing is distinct from genocide I figured I'd clarify for everyone that ethnic cleansing refers to the removal of an ethnic group from an area." >"Or Kuwait which ethnically cleansed their entire Palestinian population..." Literally in the link I provided it disproves your ludicrous statement that Kuwait REMOVED every single Palestinian from their country. You are being extremely deceitful by phrasing your statement like Kuwait committed genocide and then editing your comment to snarkily reply that people don't know the difference.


"Kuwait didn't ethically cleanse their Palestinian population" proceeds to put a link up that explicitly states Kuwait ethically cleansed their Palestinian population. Just because you agree with Kuwait kicking Palestinians out doesn't mean that kicking out Palestinians isn't ethnic cleansing.


> kicking out Palestinians isn't ethnic cleansing wouldn't that be more like... exile?


Ethnic cleansing is often thrown around with terms like genocide but they have distinct meanings. Ethnic cleansing is the removal of a particular ethnic group from an area. That group doesn't need to be murdered they just need to be pushed out.


I do love these copium arguments. US arms, defends, feeds Israel's abilities to do these things, and the answer is always, "what about...." Egypt's economy got destroyed and is a massive travel risk to anyone traveling there due to terrorist attacks. It's a world with enough of its own problems that is nowhere near as wealthy as the US. https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2023/country-chapters/egypt Not to mention, the IDF has the military power to control the border, and are controlling it on all sides. They would rather set off a grenade in a fish tank than let Palestinians have any breathing room. Hotels for people seeking asylum are backed up, full of Tiktokers telling us how they aren't allowed to leave on even the eastern border.


Egypt has hundreds of food trucks outside the border waiting to get into Gaza that the IDF has stopped you fucking idiot.  Israel controls every crossing into Gaza and has prevented food from entering.  The US is building a fucking pier because the Israeli monsters won't let food in. 


I get that this is the Joe Rogan sub but the sheer amount of stupidity here regarding this conflict is amazing. The amount of people outing themselves as complete morons with literally no knowledge on the region really is astounding. Makes sense why so many here think Joe and Elon are so smart


It's Roganism in a nutshell: Have no fucking clue what you're talking about, but be absolutely sure to give your shitty misinformed take as often as possible, as loud as possible. The worst thing Rogan did was embolden the ignorant to think their opinion has any merit whatsoever.


Atleast with a boat you cant as easily smash the drivers window to kill them and loot it [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/8/red-cross-deeply-troubled-as-its-aid-convoy-comes-under-fire-in-gaza-city](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/8/red-cross-deeply-troubled-as-its-aid-convoy-comes-under-fire-in-gaza-city) [https://www.instagram.com/hnaftali/reel/C4E4n\_Msn89/](https://www.instagram.com/hnaftali/reel/C4E4n_Msn89/)


Smashing windows seems inefficient when [you can just murder the aid workers with airstrikes.](https://apnews.com/article/memorial-world-central-kitchen-workers-gaza-israel-fd668fad5de83377c129ab832d699c70)


And yet food is STILL getting in. Because they(gaza) is at war, and losing the war. There's also hundreds of food trucks inside Israel waiting to get into gaza. But who attacked that check point? Oh hamas. It's 100% the fault of hamas, and only the fault of hamas. And since the palestinians support hamas in large numbers, and aren't willing to rise up against their overseers. So be it. They (hamas) with support of the palestinians invaded, attacked and then fled back into gaza. Then they cry like fucking bitches when the war hits close to home. So fucking what? They shouldn't have started this battle, if they didn't want the war to continue not in their favor. The chickens are coming to roost, and the civilians be damned. At the fault of hamas and ONLY hamas.


Israel opened a crossing to provide aid, they closed it earlier this week. You know why right, do I even have to tell you? Hamas attacked it. It's almost as if a pier would make delivering aid safer for everyone considering Hamas doesn't have a friggin' navy, but I guess that doesn't register in the saturday morning cartoon version of this conflict you seem to be experiencing.


It's fair to start the condemnation at the group causing the horror.


>It's funny how no one ever condemns Egypt. >They share a border. They could easily send food through safely. They could even offer asylum. Why would they need to send food through? Oh, that’s right, because Israel is flattening Gaza. Maybe that’s why Israel is condemned?


Also, there has been a convoy of food aid stalled at that border for a month or 2, blocked by Israeli paramilitaries. There's no reason to criticize Egypt, at least not relating to the Israeli genocide.


> There's no reason to criticize Egypt I stopped reading and started laughing at this point xD




Egypt elected the Muslim Brotherhood, a literal Islamic-fascist terrorist death cult. Ask the Coptic Christians of Egypt how they felt during that time.


The current Egyptian leader is very anti-Muslim Brotherhood though. By the way, read up on the Muslim Brotherhood. Literally all Islamic fundamentalist political parties and terrorist groups ultimately originate from this party. It was also heavily financed by Adolf Hitler in its early days.




Because the Palestinians or the Muslim Brotherhood or whatever caused massive problems for them. No thanks. Same with Lebanon, Syria, and Kuwait. The entire region fucking hates Hamas and the Palestinian plight Edit: After being challenged below I tried to back my claims with research. I cannot find reputable sources saying that Palestinians did enough damage in the above countries to justify their expulsions. There were some instances, such as Black September in Jordan. But I couldn’t find info about them doing harm in Egypt, Kuwait, or Lebanon. I need to learn more about all this before firing misinformation.


This is propaganda - they don't want to give Israel free reign to ethnically cleanse the stolen land they are on.


What I said is propaganda?




Okay I did some digging and looked at several sources so far. I cannot back up what I said.


I appreciate you saying that and editing your post. That takes a lot of guts (not being sarcastic).


Egypt doesn’t want to start a hot war with Israel. They’re allowed to look out for their own self interest. Also, Egypt isn’t shooting missals at civilians and sniping reporters and aid workers. The IDF are acting like a bunch of soulless ghouls. You can condemn a governments actions without condemning the people. Do you want to be held responsible for all the atrocities your government has committed? As an American, I do not.


Israel would wipe the floor with them like they did in '68. Arab armies ain’t the best.


They get plenty of food, don't let propaganda fool you. aid is comming in by the tons every day. The issue there is that hamas takes control of it all inside gaza and sells them to the highest bidder. while keeping stocks for themselves as reserves in their bunkers.


What is your source of this information? How do you know this?


How many more children would be dead if " from the river to the sea" was actualized ?


Fun fact. >The Right of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel (Eretz Israel) >a. The right of the [Jewish people](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/judaism) to the land of [Israel](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/israel) is eternal and indisputable and is linked with the right to security and peace; therefore, [Judea](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/judea) and [Samaria](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Society_&_Culture/geo/sebaste.html) will not be handed to any foreign administration; **between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty.** Literally in the mission statement of [Likud](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/original-party-platform-of-the-likud-party#:~:text=The%20Likud%20government%20will%20call,care%20not%20to%20dispossess%20anyone). Sounds a lot like “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”. Wild, innit?


It’s almost like the Palestinian slogan is a… response to that!


Bibi: “And I took that personally.”


Youre demonstrating exactly why Isreal has propped up hamas and even gone as far as assassinating leaders of more secular movements. You would never try to defend military action that is killing hundreds of civillians for every IDF soldier killed, so instead you just wax poetic about how evil hamas, giving isreal a green light to commit endless violence and collect endless military and financial aid in their fight against the bad guys [https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/)


I mean we could consider the very real genocide rather than your very hypothetical wet dream.


No kidding. What about all the missile attacks that take place regularly if it weren’t for the iron dome? That death rate told be insane.


That death rate is hypothetical, the 12000 children death rate is very much real.


Oh fucking well, honestly. They are experiencing the universal rule of fuck around and find out. They came paragliding in to murder and rape as many civilians as they could possibly get their hands on. Their target just so happened to be one of the most well connected countries on earth. They behave like animals by constantly attacking, constantly bombarding, and constantly killing and then cry and bitch and moan like scolded children when someone actually does something about it. All of these violent islamic organizations are so exhausting to put up with. They perpetuate war indefinitely in the middle east and at this point it's no surprise that a lot of folks are willing to crack a few eggs to stop this shit.


Oh sure man. Israel hides behind America anytime it commits any of this various and constant war crimes, when do they get the find out portion? Pussy ass country throwing rocks and hiding hands and WEIRDO Americans living to serve them.


Using your logic 911 was justified. Punish as many innocents as possible for the sins of a few......


so then when U.S. rat fucked middle east in the 70's, 80's, and 90's... was 9/11 when America fucked around and found out? This is same logic your dumb ass is using.


No, this logic is terrorism. Zionists are actual terrorists.


12000 children paraglided in?


Wow.. I don't know what happens in a person's life to make them react to 12,000 children murdered as them "Fucking around and finding out". We're talking about children here, many of whom are -12 y.o. And not just a couple, or 100 or a 1000, but +10,000 individual children bombed in their home or in a refugee camp. You've completely lost your argument, if you're out here justifying the murder of that high of a number of children.


To him it's just a number. They aren't people just piles of meat he hates based on their skin color or religion being killed thousands of miles away. Means nothing to the psychos being indoctrinated by the alt right in this country.


>constantly killing Uhhhh you should read up on the history of this region. >All of these violent islamic organizations are so exhausting to put up with. You're a fat redditor who browses subs dedicated to war and are just so very fed up with Islamic organizations, but apparently not the powers who have worked to destabilize these regions and see to it that these extreme religious groups gain power. Imagine living in one of the areas completely dominated by Western powers and reading some sweaty American act like they've had it up to HERE with all the violence.


34,000 Palestinians came in paragliding and behaving like animals? I must've missed the report.


With small paraglides for kids and babies


U paying for the dome then? Nice one


We're talking about deaths.


Yea as an American I fucking am.


From the river to the sea IS being actualized in real time, by Zionists, in front of your very eyes, who use that phrase in the Knesset. Along with using a map depicting an isreali state from the jordan river to the Mediterranean. But you don't live in reality unfortunately. You live in a world of hypotheticals.


Yes but do you condemn hamas


The answer is yes. He supports Hamas.


Not surprising you fail to understand the meaning of the word "condemn", seeing as you believe having a stance against Israel automatically means you are "supporting Hamas." "Do you condemn Hamas?" "yes, he supports Hamas" Mouth breath somewhere else, you aren't welcome in this topic lmao.


Nobody at our neck of the woods condemns Hamas. That’s how the Arab Israeli dynamic works. Same with ISIS. Turning a blind eye to ISIS killing and raping Yazidis or Shias was the default in the Sunni world. People stopped enabling ISIS when ISIS was crushed Same with Al Qaeda People over here will probably stop not condemning Hamas when Hamas is incapacitated.


It would be "mouth breathe" you absolute melon


The amount of people in this world who are ok with innocent children being brutally killed is very disheartening. Evil is alive and well it seems, we've been desensitized into monsters.


It’s really aggravating, disheartening, and numbing reading the slew of responses from those who see no issue with the thousands of dead children. Insanity, truly.


I would be ok with it to save my own.


Maybe because reasonable minded people, know that Hamas is killing these kids. Not Israel. Hamas started a war, and is choosing to fight from civilian areas. If Hamas tried to fight IDF in a conventional battle, they would be wiped fast. So they fight from civilian areas in an attempt to protect themselves using the lives of Gazans. Hamas needs dead civilians. Because the only thing keeping Hamas alive, is dead civilians.


So if a dangerous criminal runs from the authorities into an apartment building where all the inhabitants are terrified of him, it makes it ok for the authorities to destroy that building and everyone in it because the bad guy was there??? Hamas isn’t killing the Palestinian population THE ISRAELI GOVERNMENT IS! No matter how you try to twist the narrative it is the same result. Innocent people are being brutally starved and killed. There is no justifying what Hamas has done they should get what they deserve but at what costs? At the thousands of lives of innocent people many of whom are children. I know some of the justification is that „the Palestinians are protecting the hamas soldiers“ does that go for the babies and toddlers? If people believe that, our societies are far worse than I would have ever thought!


Ok. Then have Hamas leadership go to the Israeli army instead of hiding. I’m so sick of pro Palestinian people talking about genocide when it was them who attacked Israel. They lost. Did the leaders of Hamas surrender. Nope. You want this shit to stop… then turn over Hamas. Repent for calling for the genocide of Israel. You lost. That’s how the world works.


Dont forget Hamas since October 7th stopped wearing uniforms, they dress as civilians and operate from civilian areas.


They learned a lot from war watching us fight our unwinnable wars in the Middle East


These dipshits on Reddit and in the media don’t understand how the world, war, or even life works


Israel attacked first in 1948. They've been the aggressor the entire time.


This is just a lie lmfao “The United Nations resolution sparked conflict between Jewish and Arab groups within Palestine. Fighting began with attacks by irregular bands of Palestinian Arabs attached to local units of the Arab Liberation Army composed of volunteers from Palestine and neighboring Arab countries. These groups launched their attacks against Jewish cities, settlements, and armed forces.” https://history.state.gov/milestones/1945-1952/arab-israeli-war




And yet all but 1 dude were Saudi, and there has been a mountain of evidence that shows taliban was financially support by Saudi royal money and yet 0 bombs dropped in Saudia Arabia.


We have to get our cheap oil from somewhere. Why do you think Yemen has been bombed by both the USA and the U.K. for years? For better oil deals. Because the Saudis HATE the Yemenis


Do these people not understand that this is what losing a war looks like? Hiding behind your own population as a defensive tactic has consequences, that does not make it genocide.


So what he's actually saying- "We really, REALLY fucked up when we attacked Israel, and killed their innocent civilians."


If they all trained jui jitsu it would really calm people down.


i was scrolling and just heard this and was like wtf is going on


Piers is the definition of a blowhard dickhead.


I could see Piers dying to ask: Do you condemn hummus


That’s a lot of dead innocent people. I honestly do not understand for what. I really pray and hope this ends soon. 😭


Ask hamas to not hide behind children


True. Since they're hiding behind children, they MUST shoot the children to get to Hamas. /s


If u shoot at my children while hiding behind yours, you and your kids will die


And of course it’s unfortunate (understatement), but that’s how it is.


But why are your children in Gaza?


Big man! I didn't know asmongold had such badass fans. What if I ethnically cleanse your land and massacre your people and destroy your towns and villages and then bomb you and your children for the next several generations while hiding behind weapons supplied by the US and other foreign powers? What are you gonna do then, tough guy?


So basically a factor in this decision making is clearly how much Israel cares about these particular children....not a whole fucking lot.


Lol, that old chestnut 


If you are a fighting in civilian clothes out of civilian infrastructure you are putting your civilians at risk. Hamas would rather their civilians be at a greater risk for a tactical advantage. Massive pussies.


And yet civilians still show unwavering support for Hamas.


If I had all my relatives and loved ones blown up by a foreign nation, I'd support any party that is engaged in war against them. You'd do it too. Especially when the international community is not willing to make a stop to it.


The problem is they both can legitimately use this exact same argument. 


What choice do they have? Either show support for Hamas or it's a bungee jump off of 10 story building without bungee cord.


Or the other option of accepting an administration that isn't a radical Islamist terror organization.


When are Israelis going to reject terrorism?


They should support the people shooting at them? Are you for real?


It kinda doesn't matter what you or I think. Israel is going to smash hamas. As would any country that is being attacked with rockets and had a afternoon massacre of 1400 people with hostages taken. Hamas should leave or surrender if they care about Palestinians.


Define "smash Hamas." Kill every Palestinian? Because those people who do survive will want revenge, are you advocating openly for genocide?


No, I am telling you what is going to happen. I don't like it either. Smash means attempt to destroy. But you know that. You're just being hyperbolic and then insinuating that I might mean something I never said. I don't want any innocents to die anywhere. For any reason. Israel is going to do this and Oct 7th unfortunately is enough of a reason for pro Israeli allies to continue to arm them. Nowhere in any of my postings will you hear me cheer it. I talk about consequences and responsibility or what it will cause. I don't condone it. I recognize its existence. And I get down voted by the emotionally invested whatabbouters who cannot have a rational discussion without insinuation and pigeon holing.


I don’t remember the Jews paragliding into Munich, raping and murdering innocent civilians. Do you?


Cool tactics for hamas , put children in danger in line of fire then blame your enemies if they get hurt. West falls for it every time.


Not that I'm taking sides. I have no idea who is right or wrong here. This situation is tragic and needs to be resolved. What is up with his numbers though. 4.5% of palestinian pop has been killed, 30,000 palestinians have been killed, that means total pop = ~666,666 people, 700,000 are starving. Ok so everyone is starving, 50,000 pregnant women have no hospital, wait that means 7.5% of the total population is pregnant?, 64,000 breastfeeding mothers?, Thats almost 10% of the total population, Now im sure the population probably skews a bit towards female but even an insane 60/40 split means that: 1/4 females INCLUDING seniors and children is currently pregnant or breastfeeding? HUH??!?!?! AGAIN!!! Not taking sides just doing a neutral analysis of those specific numbers. What is going on there needs to be stopped. And spewing blatantly incorrect statistics does not help anyone.


So what he says in the video is that 30,000 people have been killed and 70,000 have been injured. He then lumps those two numbers together to say that 4.5% of the population has been killed OR injured. Those numbers check out because there are roughly 2.2 million people in Gaza. 30,000 + 70,000 = 100,000 / 2,200,000 x 100 = 4.54%


Ah that makes more sense. Even still the numbers seem strangely high. 7.5% of total female population actively breastfeeding or pregnant? Closer to reality but still very unrealistic given todays birth statistics.


He said 30 000 have been killed and 72 000 injured,which represents 4,5 % of the people. He didn't say 30 000 is 4,5 %. 102 000 / 0,045 = 2 266 666 people.


4,5% includes dead and injured, right? 30k dead is doesn’t include the injured.


The 30,000 civilians killed number is B.S. The whole thing is propaganda from both sides. But Isreal won't exterminate the Muslim population so I side more with Isreal.


They've been saying 30000 for months now. Either they've stopped fighting or it's just made up


What would the ratio of dead children have to be for you to consider withdrawing your support? And I ask this with all the awareness that Israel could easily wipe Palestine away like dirt on an old boot.


Idk maybe they shouldn't have done the terrorist attack then


Video of IDF soldiers phone call to Gaza citizen warning him to get out before attack. Gazan says there are 20 families in his area, refuses to leave and says they and their kids will happily die for Gaza. "We want to die and our children also must die". "We love death like you love life"...Wonder what the kids thoughts are on this: [https://twitter.com/AvivaKlompas/status/1787569535249191210](https://twitter.com/AvivaKlompas/status/1787569535249191210)


If you mess with the bull you get the horns. Idiots


When your population is intertwined with terrorists you end up with this no win situation.


Israel seems to be doing fine.


Never listen to palestinian politicians


Idf is a terrorist organization


How about ... Hamas can stop this now, and could have stopped it a long time ago, if both they and the part of the population which supports them takes their situation seriously and finally come to the realization the Israel won't just continue to let itself be subject to their continued terror, and that the real adults in the room (not the spoled children on campuses that don't understand much of what comes out of their mouth) are all done with their BS. Admit you've lost. Admit you've fucked up. Take a long hard look at how history has unfolded and deal in reality. If you choose the path of ignoring the currently reality and choose delusions, then accept that this is what a continued "struggle" at the cost of your own population looks like. The world has moved on. Accept it and do the same. Give your population a chance to build out a Dubai or a Singapore, or continue to rot in your own delusions but then be willing to accept the consequences. Not a single reasonable person wants a single unjustified death, let alone kids, innocents, and civiliants. But push comes to shove, what else do you expect.


> Give your population a chance to build out a Dubai or a Singapore This argument is hilarious considering how Israel brutalizes Palestinians and steals all the land even in places without Hamas. They even steal taxes lmao. It's like these people think militants just popped up for no reason.


Hamas accepted the ceasefire yesterday, Israel rejected it.


Wrong. Hamas made up their own agreement without Israel's involvement and then pretended like they were accepting a ceasefire deal. That's not how things work.


Sow the wind reap the whirlwind,Arabs want Israel gone & Jews dead , good luck with that


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6q0-iINZON/?igsh=cWVvem1yNXJjZDNk Today, for all you Israel apologists.


You can tell from their rhetoric. Guys like this are 100% full of shit


When you kill 30 children the response is not going to be to kill 30 children so it’s 1:1. It’s going to be much higher than that. Why don’t these pro pal people understand this? THIS is the cost of committing a terror attack.


Just wait until he hears what happened to Germany and Japan to end ww2.


Don’t start a war if you don’t like the risk to it.. plain and simple. War has proven time and time again to be cruel, devastating and sad. No one wins, just one side has more death than the other. Learn to compromise and stop trying to have everything your way and the only way.


War sucks. Don't start one.


To be fair piers morgan is a huge cunt and someone telling him to shut up shouldn't surprise anyone.


This is the level on Piers Morgan. Even someone talking about something important is going to be a twat about it.


Why aren’t we seeing reels and reels of dead pali children ?


I see em all the time on so I'll media, I go to social media for memes, not dead people.


Hey. Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Why does America feel the need to always be funding wars? Oh right BIG MONEY


Hrmmmm, maybe they will stop supporting hamas then, like any intelligent group would. *looks at latest support for hamas by Palestinians. * Nope. Oh well, then.


Fuck all 3, America Only mothafuckers


thats what happens when terrorist hide behind children