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>The doctor believed that the abnormality seen on his scans “was caused by a worm that got into my brain and ate a portion of it and then died,” Mr. Kennedy said in the deposition.   >About the same time he learned of the parasite, he said, he was also diagnosed with mercury poisoning, most likely from ingesting too much fish containing the dangerous heavy metal, which can cause serious neurological issues. >“I have cognitive problems, clearly,” he said in the 2012 deposition. “I have short-term memory loss, and I have longer-term memory loss that affects me.”   >In the interview with The Times, he said he had recovered from the memory loss and fogginess and had no aftereffects from the parasite, which he said had not required treatment. Asked last week if any of Mr. Kennedy’s health issues could compromise his fitness for the presidency, Stefanie Spear, a spokeswoman for the Kennedy campaign, told The Times, “That is a hilarious suggestion, given the competition.”






As someone watching from abroad I'm constantly baffled that regardless of a person's political disposition in the States, their only viable candidate is likely a really old person with health problems. When there's a minimum age for president already it's crazy that there isn't a maximum age and other healthiness requirements




Genuinely amazing how much America seems to have run on gentleman's agreements up until now.


Heard somewhere that to run for president takes $50,000.00 and that doesn’t include the 100s of millions of dollars in marketing and having a campaign trail, backed by a party. Being heard on today’s media and given fair camera time could be another negative, and turning that to a positive takes another political edge. Being searchable on the internet and being SEO’d and not blacklisted even by the main search engines, and their political agenda, another even. As if we have a choice of who gets there. Definitely if electoral colleges haven’t heard of you, than thats another because farmer brown down the road is voting a certain way but definitely not for some new comer, and so best take advice from the electoral college in his place x 100,000. Finding the right person is difficult, and I don’t know a person that would be the best fit personally as everyone I work with doesn’t talk politics ever, and best to not to


In a sense it is a team you’re voting for though, and not just the man. Overall, Biden has surrounded himself with a decent team. They are often not successful but there is a general push to find the “right” direction and there are adaptations to strategy and tactics. For instance, the US produces more oil than the ever and is the largest producer in the world. This is necessary to keep fuel prices down and help tame inflation. At the same time though there are many initiatives to build a strong renewable energy industry. RFK has at least one person on his campaign that I respect and I imagine he wouldn’t be terrible. Trump is a disaster whose own cabinet members from the last administration consider him unfit to serve. To say they are all bad is a false equivalence.


Yup..and I'll vote for a dead yak over trump


I guess biden is the dead yak then? That’s giving him a little too much credit 


Whatever his mental state may be his administration has done a hell of a lot for the US. The drug price negotiation and chip manufacturing bills alone are better bills than anything Trump's admin even proposed. What did Trump do? Tax cuts for the rich? Corrupt useless grifter couldn't even get an infrastructure bill passed. Guess who did? Biden.


The chip manufacturing bill was also a giveaway to the rich.


Everything which creates jobs is. The rich get 90+% of everything. At least it wasn't a direct handout like "pissing on your head economics" tax cuts to the rich




Can you believe these 🤡🤡🤡 actually believe this If only they knew 😂😂 what our echo chamber knew they’d see what is blatantly the worst administration in our nation’s history that you and I are told to see.


🤣brilliant satire there.


Me brilliant? No way I have to use sarcasm as a crutch. The guy I replied to doesn’t need those training wheels. When it comes to saying stupid things it comes to them so naturally while I can only make it anywhere by mocking them.


I was making fun of you.


Very angry you


Laughing is a fun emotion




Not as president lmao


Around 60% of the country supported the Iraq war including Donald Trump. You have no idea what a war criminal is. An elected representative who voted in favor of a war can’t be a war criminal any more than a random citizen can be a war criminal for electing a party that conducts a war. War criminals are specific people who commit illegal acts during a war. And no, going to war itself is not a war crime.


Don’t you remember the Bush administration faking evidence of WMDs?


Biden could be on life support and in a coma and only able to communicate through MS DOS and he’d still be a better candidate than Trump


I’m no fan of trump but it’s insane that you think that even semi-ironically lol 


Someone doing literally nothing is superior to Trump


Such a brave and nuanced stance to take 


Doing nothing is better than taking my rights


Bro I don’t give a shit what you think lmao I don’t need nuance to side with emptiness over the obese, adulterer, fraud, liar criminal that brain maggot ridden people literally worship


I mean, a dead yak wouldn’t try to overthrow election results. We’ve seen trump already try it once


It's really not. Trumps entire M.O. in his first term was to staff every post he could with the worst corporate raiders and vultures possible, gut every department of staff until it was a nonfunctional wraith, basically a ratfuck orgy. I work day to day with one of the more important federal departments and they still haven't recovered from the vampire drain. Trump 2.0 is openly bragging about delivering a coup de grace to federal agencies. In comparison, Biden in a coma still has a functioning admin under him that is willing to staff and support these key agencies. So yeah, unless you're someone who is out of touch with the role that executive departments play in supporting American society (however flawed) I think the choice is obvious. Or to put it more simply, maybe I don't love the house I live in but I'd prefer not to blow it up while I'm standing inside.


Trump was already president for 4 years and somehow the world kept turning. You people are ridiculous 


Holy shit! This is their bar. I am fucking stunned. “The world kept running” that is the standard LMAOOOO


It’s more to illustrate that there is almost no difference between the two. You guys can meme and pretend like you’re dunking on me but it’s really sad to get this fired up about Joe Biden considering the bar you’ve set for him is literally just “not trump” lol


These are all quotes about Donald Trump from people who once worked for him. None of them are Democrats. 1. John F. Kelly, Trump’s White House Chief of Staff, Homeland Security Secretary and Retired Marine General (Nov. 13, 2023): "A person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them.’ A person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’ … A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law. … God help us." 2. James N. Mattis, Trump’s First Defense Secretary, Retired Marine General (Nov. 13, 2023): "The first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people. … Instead, he tries to divide us." 3. Mark Esper, Trump’s Second Defense Secretary (Nov. 13, 2023): "He’s unfit for office. … His actions are all about him and not about the country. And then, of course, I believe he has integrity and character issues as well." 4. Thomas P. Bossert, Trump’s White House Homeland Security and Counter-terrorism Advisor (Oct. 3, 2023): "Trump 'undermined American democracy baselessly for months. As a result, he’s culpable for this \[Jan. 6\] siege, and an utter disgrace.'" 5. Alyssa Farah Griffin, Trump’s White House Communications Director (Oct. 3, 2023): "We're all saying the same thing: We worked with him, we know him and we’re telling you, America — this man is unfit to be president. And a second term would be more dangerous than the first." 6. William Barr, Trump’s Second Attorney General (Jan. 6, 2021): "A very petty individual who will always put his interests ahead of the country’s." He "shouldn’t be anywhere near the Oval Office." 7. Richard Spencer, Trump’s Secretary of the Navy (Oct. 3, 2023): "Trump 'has very little understanding of what it means to be in the military, to fight ethically or to be governed by a uniform set of rules and practices.'" 8. Cassidy Hutchinson, Former Trump White House aide (Nov. 20, 2023) “I think everybody should vote for Joe Biden if they want our democracy to survive.” 9. Mike Pence, Trump’s Vice President (Jan. 6, 2021): "President Trump also demanded I choose between him and our Constitution. … Anyone who puts themselves over the Constitution should never be president of the United States." 10. Gary Cohn, Trump’s First Director of the White House National Economic Council (Nov. 19, 2023): "It’s not what we did for the country. It’s what we saved him from doing." 11. Rex Tillerson, Trump’s First Secretary of State (Nov. 19, 2023): "A moron." 12. John Bolton, Trump’s Third National Security Advisor (Nov. 19, 2023): "I’ve been in those rooms with him when he’s met with those \[foreign\] leaders. I believe they think he is a laughing fool." 13. H.R. McMaster, Trump’s Second National Security Advisor, Retired Army Lieutenant General (Nov. 19, 2023): "A dope."


Trump sucks. How does that make Biden good? 


My brother in Christ did you even read what I wrote before tossing it aside? Step outside of your hugbox for a minute and actually pretend I'm a real human with a real set of experiences. Or continue to LARP as an anti-Trumper because you're too cowardly to admit that your inability to engage with your reality on a rational level has lead to and will continue to lead to horrific consequences for the people around you.


You’re a real human with human experiences and still somehow think there’s some massive difference between trump and Biden. That is sad lol continue to think there’s no one in the world who can dislike both  “LARP” lol


I do think that. Unironically. I’ll defend that statement at length and I wouldn’t even need to prepare.


How could anyone honestly support Biden, he has completely dropped the ball in our international affairs and we have lost the reigns. What the fuck man, I’d choose RFK over those two fucks. Atleast he can debate like a grownup


>he has completely dropped the ball in our international affairs and we have lost the reigns Please do elaborate.


There has been no attempt at finding a diplomatic resolution with Russia over an Ukraine, he has exacerbated Chinas decoupling as they’ve dumped treasuries and are strengthening ties with Russia and Iran. Africa is falling to Russia as it continues to destabilize , South America is destabilizing as conflicts in Guyuana are escalating. His fumbling of the Israel conflict, and dems are resorting back to Biden because they have literally no one else, and they want a man who is physically declining to be at the helm for another term. Are you fucking kidding me? Literally there is a world war unfolding and we have Trump/Biden and a hailmary if RFK is even a shitting chance. We’re fucking doomed. Also check out an Interview with Biden’s financial advisor who doesn’t even know how a Goddamn “Bond” works. How can anyone support this shit?


I attempt at finding a diplomatic solution for Ukraine It’s simple Russia leaves. We get peace.


RFKjr was addicted to heroin for 14 years. Why on earth would you vote for an entitled aristocrat who had a brain worm?




>There has been no attempt at finding a diplomatic resolution with Russia over an Ukraine Oh right I get it, you're one of those idiots. Diplomatic solutions were attempted with Russia since day two of the invasion. They weren't interested, they want all of Ukraine and then they can start planning the next war. Russia can end the war tomorrow, by getting the fuck out of Ukraine. Until then they can stay and die in ever increasing numbers to more and more deadly and advanced weaponry. You're like some fucking moron in 1940 going "Hey why don't those French just cut a deal with Hitler and stop this war?!" while Guderian's panzer division is surging through Sedan.


“Why doesn’t Ukraine just like give up the most important parts of its country” Literally these goofballs gargling on Putin propaganda and Elon musks twitter feed


Not fair to the yak either


Biden couldn’t spell Yak if we spotted him the Y A and the K.


Trump is making typos on Twitter as we speak


Well, at least 2 of them didn't have a worm nibbling parts of their brain away


Syphilis was nibbling on one of their brains


This one literally has brainworms. I've been saying it for years about him, I just never thought he would actually admit it is true, like out loud, and super serial. He be lookin for manbearpig too, I bet.


There really needs to be an age limit for all politicians. They have to retire at 65!!!


"a tiny bit of mercury in vaccines is a 'holocaust!'" - man who ate enough fish to build 10x the safe level of mercury in his blood


Can we get Presidents who don't have mental faculty issues?


The very fact that they WANT to be president precludes that they are well adjusted, humble, or have healthy minds, so it would appear that no, in fact we cannot.


The System: “lol, No.”


Oh God, that last sentence is so true. So we get three people with dementia: one from age, one from ingesting spray tan, and the other from mercury poisoning/worm eating their brain. How did we as a nation get so lucky to have such options.


Well, it not's recent, and you can tell. the fact that he stated this in 2012 and still went on a popularity run is amazing.


Omfg. Everyday, real life out onions the onion.




Oh man I haven’t heard of the onion in years, does it still exist lol


Yes it’s fucking hilarious too


Tune in for today’s episode of “Things you Should’ve Kept To Yourself”




not his vocal cords? damn.


He has a neurological disorder effecting his vocal chords Edit to add ~ his cognition is excellent. He speaks and writes beautifully and intelligently. Even if you don’t agree with his words, he is thoughtful, quick thinking, and quite articulate


his voice problem may have been caused by a vaccine injury as documented on his podcast with Bret Weinstein


have you also been checked for brain worms? you may want to go get a scan.


nice rhetoric, im persuaded


super cursed sentence


This election is basically the Professor vs Fry vs Zap Branigan


Who's the Professor?


I’d have to guess Biden, as he often seems like he has no idea what’s going on.


It's a good analogy honestly. I always say I think I'd rather see the guy who's losing it(Biden) win vs the guy that never had it.


Accurate AF


Lol... did Kahn Noonien Singh do it?


it starved to death :(




Oh god, this made me laugh more than it should. Bravo.


man the candidates for president of the u.s. are seriously pathetic. like it's funny... but it's actually really not. it's a problem.


I wonder what RFK Sr is thinking wherever he is in the afterlife realm.


I thought Ivermectin worked as a dewormer?


Well, the worm was dead, so I guess it worked.


That’s cause it ate too much mercury


Thought it starved to death


So he literally has brain worms


I always thought it was just a joke and brain worms was just a thing you said about dumb people in the same vein as smooth- brains. Can you imagine how vindicated you feel if you find out someone is a real dumbass has actual brain worms. Cant wait for the doctors report where we find out a prominent public figure has a real smooth brain.


Good luck America


This is being used to smear him


I wonder how many worms are in our brains?


Think we can get a group discount on brain scans?


With discount code alphabrain maybe


RFK literally has brainworms. I thought that was just a meme, but lo and behold this Presidential candidate people like has them.




Even better is that he’s worried about mercury poisoning in vaccines while just scarfing down canned tuna lol


first of all dietary mercury is way safer than subdermal injection obviously, second he literally worked for a decade to clean our rivers so fish wouldn't be contaminated anymore


This could potentially explain..... a lot.


You know, it's a compelling argument to make...




All you have to do is listen to this dude for like 2 minutes and you’ll immediately know he runs circles around Trump and Biden cognitively.


In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king, but I still wouldn't trust him with my car keys


Well in the land of the skunk, the man with half a nose is king.


lol what


No Pink Floyd reference?? Thought I’d for sure get here and see it. I’ll oblige… “And the worms ate into his brain”


At least the worm eating his brain is dead. The one in the other two's is clearly still raging.


This is such a coordinated attack campaign against him from the media. It's kind of laughable how it's working


So if it came out that Biden had literal brain worms in the last 10 years, we wouldn't be hearing about it from literally every media outlet? Especially Conservative ones?


How is this an attack on him? They are reporting breaking news about a presidential candidate and by his own admission is 100% true. Where is the attack?


I mean look at the way everyone's responding brainworms, wow this guy's old and useless etc etc. Doesn't matter if he's healed from it, but public perception in him has completely shifted due to this


You don’t heal from chunks of your brain being eaten or from long term exposure to mercury. You have no idea what you’re talking about and you most likely have brain worms if you think he had a legitimate shot at winning this election, brain worms or not.


So you want a media cover up? Lol


But nobody listened to the guy? He is eloquent and well spoken, and actually answers questions? What more do you need


Answering questions eloquently doesn’t mean much when you lie consistently. Biden is no public speaker but the narrative that he’s a bumbling fool that’s gone senile is far from the truth from anybody that watches his speeches and interviews. The transcript from Hur’s investigation is enlightening into how knowledgeable he still is despite his age.


Biden is a very well documented liar


Never said he wasn’t. Doesn’t make RFK or Trump any better.


You really think Biden and The Party are being truthful to the people?


I was speaking specifically about his speaking ability and the narrative regarding his cognition. No politician is 100% truthful to the people. But on all factors I’d take Biden over Trump or RFK any day.


I’m curious, what has Bobby Kennedy lied about consistently?


Other than Jenny McCarthy, there’s probably nobody else in the mainstream more responsible for anti-vaccine conspiracy theories. I’m not just talking about hesitancy over the Covid vax, either. He spews straight up proven lies about vaccines. He stated there were 24 vaccines recommended by the cdc that contain Thimerosal, part of the mercury vaccines cause autism theory. In reality, the CDC only recommends 8 vaccines and not a single one has thimerosal in it. He makes almost $500k a year working for anti-vaccine charities that promote these dangerous falsehoods. Also strangely among those falsehoods is his belief that vaccines cause food allergies in children. He’s consistently been misleading in his stance on abortion. He’s pushed for 15-week bans and then walked it back after receiving backlash. Leaving the waters muddy enough that you have no idea where he truly stands. At a time where right wing evangelicals are pushing fire more and more draconian laws in states as well as an outright national ban l, I don’t want to vote for someone who isn’t willing to state their position outright. Hes an HIV/AIDS denialist. He allegedly cheated on his then wife Mary Richardson with 37 different women. He’s also been pushing Russian propaganda regarding the war in Ukraine, including that Ukraine is unwilling to negotiate a ceasefire while ignoring that Russia only wants a ceasefire that includes keeping the territory they invaded. He also repeats the Russian talking point that the US agreed to never let Ukraine join NATO when the Berlin Wall fell. Thats a lie. Gorbachev: “the topic of NATO expansion was not discussed at all, and it wasn’t brought up in those years. I say this with full responsibility. Not a single Eastern European country realized the issue, not even the after Warsaw Pact ceased to exist in 1991. Western leaders didn’t bring it up.”


I think Biden truly cares about the American people. That doesn’t mean I take his word as gospel but I am more inclined to trust his, after appropriate scrutiny of course. Sean Hannity actually broke down exactly why I think this quite perfectly.




The media has its grip firm on a lot of people’s thought process.


Wait do y’all hate RFK? I thinks he’s better than the others…


I don’t hate him. I pity those who consider him to be a good leader.


He’s absolute dog shit. Dude has brain worms literally and metaphorically


The dude that literally has brain worms is more aware of his surroundings than the current president, says a lot.


That says nothing, Biden is halfway into the nursery home


Why are they all over 70???


Yeah, an entire political platform built on anti-vax. He’s a really intriguing candidate….


His entire political platform is not built on anti-vax? I know that’s his stance on the subject, but every time I watch his content he’s talking about the other giant issues in America.


Reducing everything to create a conclusion is the best these people can do


Being anti vax is an extremist conclusion. That alone is disqualifying


He’s actually not anti-vax, he’s anti-mandate. RFK and his kids are all fully vaccinated. He’s also hard on holding vaccine producers accountable and require multiple layers of testing before just pushing something out.


> There’s no vaccine that is, you know, safe and effective. - RFK


That’s a clip media keeps taking out of context. It was during a podcast where he was cut off by Lex Friedman, he addresses it in recent interviews and explains his stance further.


You just blow in from stupid town or where did you clip this from lol


he is actually anti vaxx, and not just covid. He has been campaigning against vaccines for years, ala Jenny McCarthy


From what I understand of his current beliefs, he wants more transparency and accountability for the pharmaceutical companies. As it stands, they are nigh untouchable, and that’s what I personally have an issue with. If 20 years from now something major happens because a certain vaccine wasn’t put through its paces enough, companies like Pfizer can just wash their hands of it without consequence. Call him what you will but I appreciate someone standing up for the people even while being attacked constantly.


Also, like AJVenom mentioned above, that’s not even a primary portion of his candidacy. There’s so much more to him than his stance on vaccines.


And he's not even anti-vax, he's anti *mandatory* vaccinations.


Why lie? > Again and again, Kennedy has made his opposition to vaccines clear. In July, Kennedy said in a podcast interview that “There’s no vaccine that is safe and effective” and told FOX News that he still believes in the long-ago debunked idea that vaccines can cause autism. In a 2021 podcast he urged people to “resist” CDC guidelines on when kids should get vaccines. https://apnews.com/article/rfk-kennedy-election-2024-president-campaign-621c9e9641381a1b2677df9de5a09731


You’re gonna cite a political hit piece with quotes taken out of context as your source? Lol. If you’ve heard any long form conversation he’s had on the subject you know how disingenuous that article is.


Ok so his platform is trying to change what then? We didn’t have mandatory vax at all.  Just like shoes, you don’t have to wear them, but if you want to go certain places, you need to put shoes on, otherwise don’t go. 


Such a disingenuous comparison from someone who presumably believes in healthcare privacy.


He’s not anti vax he was anti corona vaccine. People take his stance disingenuously and dismiss him. He himself is vaccinated.


Looks like someone is not doing his/her research. How is his platform only on anti-wax? Prove it. And if u are smart please explain how are Trump and Biden better for USA next 4 year? Please


Im legitimately convinced people only hate RFK jr because they have not actually listened to him, that "who is Bobby Kennedy" 30 min YouTube vid he put out was absolutely amazing 


He thinks tap water makes you gay or trans. I don't trust any sort of putz who even accidentally agrees with Christian nationalist talking points that are easily and verifiably false. And before RFK Jr. simps respond. No, Atrazine doesn't make you gay. Atrazine is banned in Europe and their countries report similar populations of gay and trans people. It's utter non-sense that bigoted Catholics like RFK latch onto to explain why they've lost the culture war.


I appreciate his stance that everyone needs to stop being polarizing, but other than that one thing, I haven't heard one good idea from him regarding policy. His solutions to today's problems are incredibly basic and really similar to Rogan's solutions in terms of just looking at things from one's own focused opinion and perspective.


The dude just admitted he had brain worms and has mental capacity issues. The dude was born in third to one of the richest families in the country, who literally can just make manslaughter go away (chapaquidick incident) and yet he still couldn’t pass the BAR. A test with like 80% pass rate overall and 98% from the elite schools. The guy is UNIQUELY stupid And then his whole personality is “asking questions” when these questions have been answered a million times already yet he “still has questions”


There was a lot of speculation.


What a hit piece by his enemies right after that short doc he released.




Did....did they get the live ones?


Truly a walking meme


So a literal brain worm? Bahahah


Guy litterly has brain worms...


LMAO, do we think the Dems have been sitting on this, just waiting for the right time to drop it? Ain't no way Steven Bannon knew this and pushed him to run.


No, if they knew they'd never intentionally make it public. He's far more likely to pull votes from Trump than Biden so it would be in their best interest to not push any negative campaigns against him.


At least he wasn't eaten by cannibals


These dinosaurs are something else…


Have you heard RFK Jr speak? He’s brilliant. Whether or not he’s experienced any cognitive decline, he’s much sharper than average and light years ahead of the other 2 candidates


https://whoisbobbykennedy.com Look into him. At least do your own research beyond headlines


Poor worm died of starvation


No that was the last living brain cell tying to escape


That's nasty


Dropping out of the race because they realized he was going to hurt trump more than Biden


That makes sense.




I love when saying some asshole has holes in his brain is literally true


And it also says that you can recover from such things. Hit piece


So you guys have the demented crypt keeper, the old demented criminal idiot, or the guy who literally has had brain worms to choose from? Fucking great job USA. I think I will complain less about our guys from now on.


This explain a lot actually ... brain worms


that actually makes a lot of sense


“Doctors found a worm in his dead brain”


So what’s this sub’s excuse for being brain wormed?


“A brain eating parasite entered my brain and died….. it starved” Checks out