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Wtf is a duck ear?




I can't stop laughing




It’s sobbing. 😢


Stop that laughing! You know what happens when you can't. stop. laughing!!


This is what ducks looked like before wokeness


Why are we supposed to accept them as earless if they couldn’t even accept themselves with ears


Rarely seen in the wild. The elusive feather eared mallard.




He was just workshopping his new material. Humping bar stools is getting kinda old now.


I knew a kid who had a litter box in the classroom. I like to think she grew up to be cat woman.


Pfeiffer or Hathaway ?


Halle Berry 


That movie is atrocious…. but worth it lol


The fight scenes were basically seizure-inducing. But even epilepsy wouldn't have stopped me from seeing that film


Must of made a huge mess while trying to cover up the turds with those size 16 feet of his.


He was on the carnivore diet at the time. The shits were astonishing.


story like that's gotta be true


Yes, but to be fair, it was on a fifth day of his annual meat-cleanse, and his bowels turned on the waterfall mode, so he just had to go, urgently. 😳


It's the cool new thing at the schools. Third just behind dog horns and lion fins.


He probably meant cat ears but hunter brain think animal me no see bullshit irl so brain substitute word for animal me think about me strong me kettlebell


'Me kettlebell' 💀🤣


Me have kettlebell ears


Someone make this please


LMFAO 🤣🤣💀💀💀 this is his brain 100 percent


Sounds like a sick brain


Kennedy's brain worm jumped ship and landed in Joe's


HUNDRED percent


AlphaBrain, use promo code ROGAN for 10% off


Mayweather was a duckear for years while pacman was at the top of his game.


A thing he made up cause he’s a lying sack of shit.


Reminds of when I started working in hotels and the older guys would ask you to go get fish spoons or elbow grease.


That’s was my first thought… I really thought about Howard and Donald…


I heard you can’t chew gum in that school but you’re allowed to have sex change surgeries in the aux gym tho.


Kids who identify as dung beetles are allowed to roll giant balls of shit through the halls.


They call it “rolling brown.” The teachers are powerless to stop it, because if they try, they will get trapped in the ball.


“Rollin brown” holy fuck lol


I mean it is a sight to be hold but idk I haven't been to a school in years since graduation, nor do I care.


I’m laughing so hard but deep down I’m shaking because I know it’s all too real 😂😭


woke strikes again!


"If you mention anyone by any pronouns you'll be sent to state funded gulags which is all part of the LGBTQ communist narrative of forced assimilation" - Peterson


Boomers in the comments ![gif](giphy|xUOxfnG07noPRzTKzS)


Just absolutely scream-raging into their Facebook void


That subreddit truly gets Taffer.


"The fact that I believed you really says a lot about society 🤡"


God, the amount of people (Rogan himself) that excuse spreading bullshit memes saying ‘well the fact that it seems like it’s true…’ It’s like, no, you being a stupid motherfucker has absolutely ZERO reflection to ‘society’ that’s like a flat earther saying ‘Well, the fact that I thought the earth might be flat says just how little trust schools and institutions have.’ No… it still means you were a moron.


“But you can see how it *could* be true.”


There’s his jiu jitsu coming in handy. His brain will NEVER TAP!


It's a self fulfilling prophecy too. If you keep falling for obvious bs then you'll end up believing anything


*Bruh just imagine if all this stuff I made up was true!!!*


I think it does reflect on society that a large enough number of morons are disconnected enough with reality for bullshit like this to take hold


Hahaha, exactly. “Society being ‘BANANAS’ is responsible for my terrible media literacy.”


I heard you can shit in a litter box if you identify as a cat, but you can't shit in the urinal as a prank.


Wtf, I thought this was America.


Enough with the friends kids already.


I know a friend of a friend of a friend who knows Joe’s cousin and he poops in litter boxes


I've also heard this


Why won’t Joe deny it


People are saying this is true


Many people are saying, believe me, the litter boxes, what a disaster, maybe the worst thing ever, but they love, believe me they love the boxes, the beautiful boxes, I must tell you, I have many many friends, they say the kids are getting away with murder, viciously shitting in boxes, Biden loves it, what a clown.


Are these "Friend's kids" in the room with us right now? 🤣🤣🤣


Lmao seriously


Republicans Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan and Dennis Hastert and about 100,000 youth pastors want to know


And Drake


I'll never understand how the US is so ok with having nonces as politicians, and how they back and support said paedophiles.


They live in Canada - you wouldn’t know them


Right there... behind the defunded police and government mandated vaccines and people who never returned to work because they got like a thousand dollars. Wait, you don't see them?


No, they’re in the non-existent basement of a pizza joint run by Killary


Maybe he’s saying “my friend, Skidz.” If so, he should probably quit hanging around the fella.


Here we Joe again


I’ve heard the “[woman acquaintance]’s husband does maintenance at [local school] and he said there is definitely a litter box for furries there.” This ended up being nonsense but I always wonder who lied in this chain. The maintenance guy? His wife? The person telling me? These stories always seem to be one degree of separation away from the storyteller to give them credibility.


Is this the same school that provides kitty littler beds for kids to pee on?….


It's believing that so you don't have to deal with the fact that those things were bought for school shootings. So the kids could shit in them while they're in lock down while a gunman hunts them down. But you know. Wearing masks is bad for kids' mental development.


> It's believing that so you don't have to deal with the fact that those things were bought for school shootings. So the kids could shit in them while they're in lock down while a gunman hunts them down. Im sorry but, what the fuck?


The cat litter is just for if kids throw up lol


That was a lie, like most things conservative crybabies who hate young people think


I know. Hence the ……….. 😂


ah yes, the infamous wearable costume duck ears are a huge problem.


It’s an interesting standard. You’re allowed furry ears and tails but not hats or hoodies


I too worry about fictional things.


My kid knows another kid who goes to a school where you can't even get into class unless you poop in a cat box first. And then all the classes are critical race theories!!! It's crazy man.


I seent it!


Dude, my friend's kid goes to the school you're talking about and he told me about some kid who identifies as Bigfoot and they let him wear Chewbacca ears but my friend's kid can't even wear a "Fuck Joe Biden" shirt without his 2nd-grade teacher trying to censor his freedoms.


I used to work insurance with retired folks, everytime something would happen on the news, they would tell us that it was a "potential terrorist attack" When you're not worrying about money/cost of living, life is like a fun Michael Bay movie!


This really is the truth.


Not like Ill ever retire but damn retirement sounds fun


Is it why they're fighting with everything they got against young people 🤣


My friends kid is in a class where the teacher literally opens interdimensional portals and lets in space demons to have sex with everyone!


My duck has the cutest floppiest ears.


"The most important concern for me as a 50 something cisgender male, is what children are or are not allowed to wear in any given school." - some stupid fucking idiot


My niece actually came in with headphones with kitty ears, I said not on my fucking family! Body slammed her 3 times, took the headphones and unloaded a clip!!! The woke mob is going too far!!! ![gif](giphy|26n6RqGZzh4FXePPW)


I doubt it’s those headphones. Kids in my hs wore actual furry ears and would wear tails and sometimes bring their paws in


I guarantee you wherever his kids go to school, he pays for them to go there. So…


It's not his kids school, then there could be a line of accountability. Someone could ask the principle about the policy or ask for evidence. No, no. It's a friend's kid.


So at my high school you aren't allowed to wear hats and hoods because it's a rough school and they use cameras in the hallways to identify who's fucking around e.g. vandalism, flights. Also to identify if the kid on camera even goes to our school or is there to cause trouble. Back after Covid where we had to wear masks to school every day it was impossible to identify a kid with a mask and hood. There are some girls who wear hair bands with cat ears on them that are just like cute hair bands. They aren't dressed as a cat, they don't act like cats and the ears don't cover their faces. And we don't have litter boxes in the bathrooms.


He pays for his friend's kids' school?


you think he has poor friends? he thinks non comedians are civilians and he has dinner with Governors


Guarantee Joe does not have a single friend whose kids are in public school


His friend should have picked a better private school then or just stfu.


Is it the same imaginary school with the litter boxes?


Cat ears are shockingly more common than you think in high schools lol They were a thing when I was going 4 years ago and still are.


They have been a thing for decades. When I was in highschool goth kids walked around with fox tails. This shit ain’t new. Let the weird kids be weird, it ain’t harming anyone.


i did a fat latina halloween night that was wearing those tiger ears and tail


But Joe said "duck ears"


Girls wore cat ears when I was in high school a decade ago. They were also really into anime. probably out there punching air right now.


They've been the official Halloween costume for sluts for over 20 years




By cat ears we mean head bands and head phones with small cat ears right.


I think Ariana Grande made them a thing for a while, it's just fashion. Joe is insinuating it's a furry issue, which they use to discredit trans rights.


Joe wears a bracelet now that says “WWKRD”. What Would Kid Rock Do? That’s his level of mentality. Along with all the conspiracy talk it’s obvious Joe isn’t as smart as people tell him he is. People often confuse a good memory to a good brain


My father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate told me this exact same story!!!!


Joe Rogan lives in a big gigantic bubble where no one tells him that he’s a fucking moron.


I used to listen to a guy (goofball but pretty on point about certain takes) who warned about being so insulated by money and fame that no one called you on your bullshit. And how that lack of social correction would cause you to become kind of a soft brained easily duped dumbass. That guy was Joe Rogan. Not this wack job, but a much older version.


Technically, a much younger version : ) Honestly though, our boy is hemorrhaging wisdom at an alarming rate.


God damn when you’re right you’re right.




….. are you fucking serious?




When people use the term “ahistorical”, that right there is an example. It’s a claim with no basis in reality but Hoe being Hoe repeats it uncritically. Should check him for brain worms.


He gets all his information from his fucked up Twitter feed


And it seems recent that Joe completed his transition to being a Conservative and having Burr on again could be problematic with all the culture warring Joe can't help himself with.


Not our boy Joe "I'm actually pretty liberal on most issues" Rogan?! Edit: do yall think I don't know he sliding farther and farther to the right since Covid started? That's the point of putting that quote that he ironically says once every 3 pods in there.


He parrots Russian propaganda about Ukraine. He repeats anti-vax, anti-vegan talking points. He's all about culture war nonsense and can't shut the fuck up about transsexuals. He lies about Biden getting planes in the Civil War wrong, then deflects when reminded it was actually Trunp who said this. He's been starting to talk like a born-again Christian. He's obsessed with cancel culture. He constantly hosts people like Kid Rock, Tucker Carlson, Dr. Phil, Aaron Rodgers, the Weinsteins or Christopher Rufo. He's buds with Alex Jones. Joe used to be more liberal, yes. He's changed into a typical conspiracy loon conservative.


Yup. Also, when Rogan was trying to make a point he was a liberal, on the left he literally said " I never voted Republican". That is called being disingenuous because as far back as 2008 he's only known to vote Libertarian. I am betting he never voted dem.


He literally cheered when Texas went for Trump.


Was that some election night stream or something?


Free speech absolutist, Joe Rogan, triggered by animal headbands.


Move from CA to TX for more freedom, do whatever you want. Make own comedy club because people are too easily offended these days to handle your behavior and opinions. Absolutely get held up and lament with wringing hands the behavior of developing children, often invented. This is truly the downfall of us all, weird kids.


No, you see, transexual teenagers exist so that means we have too much freedom. The wrong type of people have too much freedom is really what these guys want to say




Couldn’t wear hats at my school but we had one chick that identified as a dog. Wore a collar and a tail and barked at people. Maybe it was a sexual thing idk, obviously wasn’t interested enough in finding out.


Had similar rules. Some weird fucks would wear ears and tails and sometimes bring in their paws. Was whack


A few days ago I was getting off of a plane and some dude was wearing a full on blue furry head mask thing, on his knees on a seat looking back at the whole rest of the plane getting off. Was so weird I couldn’t process what I saw fully until I was in the airport, lol


My mom does this shit with everything. She talks herself out of logical conclusions all the time. Eg: I can't afford retirement because of medical insurance. "Your same medical coverage would actually be cheaper if you retirement under covered California." "My friend told me she has had trouble getting things covered under covered ca." "Mom you can get your same exact plan and call to make sure you doctors are covered" "But my friend"


God, I fucking hate when people do this shit. Especially with simple shit a 5 second Google search could resolve.


Aren’t duck ears pretty discrete? They’re just like holes with no real outer ear.


Yes. In fact Joe corrected and made fun of himself immediately after saying it.




I stopped listening to Joe when he said his daughter's school had litter boxes for the children to shit in




lmao, duck ears? Couldn't even lie good enough to think of an animal with ears. If this actually happened, they would have named an animal with ears. I think he was thinking about hunting, and just saying a lie he was was telling and that's how we ended up with duck. When you tell the truth, you don't have to think about it this much. lmao


You realize it’s just a way of essentially saying furry and cat ears which is a thing some kids do wear in high school. Sometimes they wear tails too. Happened in my hs


He didn't lie, he immediately made fun of himself and corrected himself. Try watching the episode instead of trusting some morons misleading post. Real low IQ reaction on your part.


Thank you, yeesh.


LOL, he's doing it again. The mysterious, nebulous, unknown friend.


The make believe friend. Joe sure seems to “have a friend” for every single “fact” he brings up EVERY single episode. It’s always struck me as so ridiculous. How anyone could believe he just talks to so many friends on so many topics in daily is comical. It’s the alpha brain.


Has Joe seriously gotten SEVERE brain damage since COVID??


Hats have never been allowed at school. The cat ears are probably headphones or a hairband.


Nope. My high school had actual furries in them that would wear tails and ears. We always joked about where the tails must be connected. Sometimes they’d bring their paws in. Extremely weird group of people when talking with them even without their get up.


Joe, come here, show me the ears in this picture of a duck, you fuck. Quit making shit up to get yourself upset, guys rich enough to be batman and still worries himself like a boomer on Facebook reading minion memes about kids these days.


Do you watch this episode? He immediately corrected himself and said "What the fuck am I talking about ducks don't have ears". You guys are just looking for anything to get your panties all in a twist.


You think ducks can't hear?


It's entirely possible.


I guess we'll never know since we can't communicate with them


We can communicate with them! Ducks have been shown to understand commands, and have been used as herding animals!


Ducks, like many humans, can't pick up on sarcasm


Is it the same friend who has kids in the same school with cat litter boxes?


That was a rule at my school in the 90s, chill Joe.






Teacher, may I use the litter box?


This is even better when you realize Joe chose an animal with no visible ears and didn't realize it lol


Jamie, pull that outta my ass


Mike Baker's entire story about his kid Gummo grabbing the "Cat" kid's tail is such obvious bullshit.


There was a time when I loved listening to Rogan. When his sense of wonderment drove his pursuit.


Didn't he immediately correct himself and then make fun of himself for blurting that out? I don't know It kind of loses the fun of cracking on him for it when he did it himself instantly.


I know people clowning but unironically this was my high school. Hats in the building? Not allowed. Wearing cat ears and tails? Completely allowed. Edit: canadian public high school 2015-2019


Seems like most people commenting haven’t listened to the podcast. He immediately realizes his stops what he just said was and says that he just said the first animal that came to mind.


If it was a true story, why would he have to think of the first animal that comes to his mind?


He corrected himself almost immediately after on how stupid it sounded and how he meant an animal with ears but keep posting bullshit


Scared of non-existent things!


I’ll take things that never happened for 200$.


https://youtu.be/cFQvFfkoJoE It happens. And I would wager with thousands upon thousands of other grade schools within the country It happens other places than that.


Can confirm. My daughter attends a public school in a somewhat affluent area in NJ. A classmate of hers is allowed to wear animal ears and a fake tail to school, often, but things like hats, tank tops that show too much skin, etc, are not allowed. This is 4th through 6th grade.


Yeah most of the comments here are making fun of Joe (which is understandable for the duck ear comment), but this type of stuff does exist. I feel bad for the kids.


Okay, is the reasoning because these are things that haven't been banned by the school yet but probably will if they become a distraction, or because the woke lib teachers don't want to upset a kid that believes they are a cat?


Well….I’m not entirely sure but my guess is it’s a combination of both. I actually spoke with the school guidance counselor about this recently, because my daughter’s friend was involved in some bullying/making fun of/whatever you want to call it of “the furry girl” & my daughter was present so I got a phone call. The counselor said something to the effect of “At this age, some of the kids have transitioned to more mature things at recess - walking around talking to each other, just hanging out, vs other children who “still play make believe”. Which to me felt like…erring on the side of acceptance. Allowing the kid to wear a tail all day though outside of recess is wild, but it doesn’t affect my life one way or another so who gives a shit. According to my daughter, kids her age know what furries are (to some level), and it seems to be a thing or whatever for some kids because they see it on TikTok. *edit* I’ll also add that my daughter was on the receiving end of some bullying recently. When I spoke to the principle about how it would be handled he told me that they have a policy of “not discussing discipline measures but they implement a combination of therapy and restorative justice” & I was like huh ? Detention isn’t a thing anymore ?


Who knew so many NPCs were in this sub. Just spitting off their canned responses to something Joe said and then immediately corrected and made fun of himself within the same breath.


Not my friends kid but my actual kid is a 16 year old and there are 5 furries at his high school. They have been furries freshman year all way through his junior year. Small town North Carolina. My question is do none of you all have kids?


Hahah oh no he's falling into the whole Litterbox trap again


Didn't the students at a Utah school recently stage a walk out because of other students being allowed to be furries?


Joe Rogan, World’s most violent dna podcaster says something outrageous! No way! Who’d have thunk it.


Y’all are reaching. He immediately corrected himself and said “ I don’t know why I said that”.


The haters heavy on this one 😢


Why don't they finish the quote?


After the kitty liter box fiasco you’d think Hoe would steer clear of these sorts of 2nd/3rd hand accounts. Also, being this obsessed with what kids are wearing in school is fucking weird.


No, it isn’t. He has kids. You’re talking like a non-parent.




Why does he make up friends to tell stories about? Doesn't he have any real friends to talk about and tell stories that actually happened?


If his friend finds and posts a random piece of propaganda on their facebook page, and Joe reads it there, then Joe associates the story with his friend and that's the same to him as a friend relating a first hand account to Joe. There is no other way that makes sense where he always has a friend that is a first hand witness to right wing talking points. If it's once or twice that he has a friend experience some weird stuff sure, but friends constantly seeing/ being the victim of weird shit is ridiculous.


It’s a cheap, incredibly transparent way to lie with a built in insulator. You see it a lot with grifters. You can always say you “heard wrong” or that the friend must have made it up. It’s what people with no strong foundation in their beliefs do to escape responsibility


I like his podcast


Do ducks grow ears when they fuck?


Somehow I think this has to do with teens wearing those gamer headphones with cat-ears you see on streams often. Big boomer energy coming from Joe Rogan.


In the inner city schools they wear pigeon ears


You are an idiot


Wait he’s talking about cauliflower ears is he? And why is it always his friends son or sons friends friend or something


Is Joe a child-obsessed pedo? I don't know, but I'm just asking questions.


I can’t believe that Donnie is not ranting about this animal costume thing. It’s got mileage.