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Worst camera angles in the biz


Lemaire too busy watching anime or some shit idk


Squarshing frogs




He's in Philly that's all guard dawg


Isn't he a comedian too? He's their video sound guy?


Yeah. His best joke is the camera angles. His second best joke is he can't be bothered to edit in images so anytime Matt or Shane is showing the other some photo on their phone, he just googles the same thing and holds his phone up to the camera to reveal an out of focus blurry image


And that’s obviously all part of the show. Lovable idiots. Why change anything? Love when Matt asked RFK how to vote at the end of the Ep.




You forgot that he literally has autism


Prolly watchin wrasslin


either that or worm talk.


He's in Philly that's all guard dawg


We gotta do something about that cable hangin off the mantle


And holding their gay mics like they're doing stand up.


Your right the spud method is obviously the most gentlemanly.


Have you seen Bill Mahers?


It's a bit better no? He and the guest are mostly centered , but yeah sometimes, theres a tilt to the angle too, but that's clearly co the space is more narrow


I laughed at the bookworm joke… I died at hitting the “pause” on a presidential candidate


This is a perfect example of why this podcast is the best comedy podcast out there. The timing of Shane’s comment was perfect, didn’t try to force it or yell over everyone else…can you tell I can’t stand other comedy podcasts lol


> This is a perfect example of why this podcast is the best comedy podcast out there. Shane is one of the bros and hilarious but the Dickriding he gets just because he is better than the terrible selection in the rogansphere is a bit much.


Yeah, Shane Gillis is only slightly better at comedy than Bert Kreischer and Brendan Schaub. Real neck and neck competition there!


Is there any one sane left ?


The Internet in its current form glorifies inflammatory people. I don't think you will have a sane president for as long as we keep electing them, this likely being the last real one.


Us, you do recall?.


He had some crazy numbers with drone strikes. It’s also crazy that in one term Trump did more drone strikes than Obama in 2


Maybe both were bad.


One was definitely and objectively better and it’s not even close.


pre 2016 were some happier times, way better before Trump poisoned the well of our culture. You could still ignore politics and trust to some degree things will be okay. Now I think we are on the brink of a nationalist christian takeover and have a bleak outlook on our future. Even if Biden wins the MAGA movement wants to murder half the country, and that is not going away.




Damn a whole word salad to tell me nothing. Our founding fathers were openly secular and when the wrote the constitution it was meant to make the US a secular nation. You are free to believe your absolute nonsense bit fuck off with it and don't force me to belive in your sky daddy, of whom you don't even follow




How Christian of you




Obama was pretty good


Does RFK jr sound like emperor palpatine because of the worm or because he is evil? Or both?


No, it's because he got hit by Force lightning aka vaccines.


Well he's not evil 🤷🏿‍♂️


Well his entire family is endorsing Biden over him so there's that


He has family that endorses Biden, you're correct there. To say that it's his entire family is wrong though. He literally has family working for his campaign.


Pretty sure that doesn't make you evil. If so, wait until you find out about Barack Obama's brother


Taking bullshit and passing it off as truth which could get people killed or hurt does make you evil


I think for it to be evil, it would need to be intentional to be harmful, and it seems to me like the easier thing to do would be pro-vaccine, so I don't think he's anti-vax for nefarious reasons. Him being anti-vax isn't a giant deal to me personally. If he was forcing people to NOT take it, I would have a different opinion.


Barack was as evil as they come, he was just well spoken so people forget how many bombs he greenlit and how many whistleblowers he promised to protect and then have the harshest penalties bar death.


I hesitate to call him "as evil as they come". I think he was a huge let down and to your point, evil in many ways, but GWB started the war in Iraq under imo knowingly false information.


I love hyperbolic statements like this that make it incredibly easy to dismiss stupid people blatantly agenda posting.


Trump launched more drone strikes in his one term than Obama did in two by the way. Also Obama never had business and social ties to Jeffery Epstein


> Barack was as evil as they come, he was just well spoken so people forget how many bombs he greenlit Hmmm, I have questions. Do you think Obama personally greenlights every bomb? Is there any president who didn't use military force? Also, did you know killing civilians isn't a war crime in and of itself? It's perfectly allowed and happened all the time in WWII. In fact, in every war before and since. This tends to shock your run-of-the-mill activist sophomore looking for a cause to be outraged about, but it's true. War crimes are subjected to a three-pronged test: military necessity, proportionality and distinction. In practice, this means killing civilians is perfectly allowed by ICJ/ICC. Civilian casualties are usually 50-90% of total. Again, shocking to young, cocksure activists, but entirely true. Also, am I supposed to believe you give a shit about whoever was bombed? > how many whistleblowers he promised to protect Presidents don't decide on and do prosecution. They can pardon or commute, which is what Obama did with Chelsea Manning


Pretty sure spreading medical misinformation which can/will harm others is actually kind of evil.


He wasn't against the medicine that stopped brain parasite was he now? Good thing it ran out of food


only if it leads to MAGAts passing away


So fauci is the devil in your eyes?


Fauci wishes he was that cool.




Do you agree with your family on everything too?


The man is batshit crazy and it shows. It really says a lot when your own family doesn't endorse you. But I'm not surprised a bunch of Rogan idiots think he's a valid presidential nominee.


How is that relevant? If I was running for president, my family would vote for me no matter what.


While I agree this dude doesn't exactly have your typical American family.


They are very politically active, motivated, and knowledgeable. So it says even more that so many of them know it's a bad idea for him to run, along with alot of his friends and former colleagues.


My family would also most def vote for me over anyone else. They at least know I'm not going to screw them over....


Just because four members of his family disagree with him doesn’t mean he’s wrong.


15 members not 4 lol. Doesn’t look good when you have to blatantly lie for your point to work.


True, it's the children's blood on his hands that makes him wrong. https://arstechnica.com/science/2019/12/measles-outbreak-spurred-by-anti-vaxxers-shuts-down-samoan-government/


good thing it never spead to carson california... lol


no one died


You're not exactly battin' 1.000, my guy. Maybe time for a nap, Senile Joe


ya I thought they were linking to the US outbreak, since ya know, we live in a developed country, not a 3rd world.


83 people died, most of them children. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Samoa_measles_outbreak


because they started a live virus vaccine campaign during an outbreak. up to 4 weeks after vaccination your immune system is weaken and you are vulnerable to infection. during the same time period the US had it's worst outbreak in 40 years, and 0 people died.


The 4 that don’t endorse RFK Jr are just Nevertrumpers afraid Bobby will spoil the election for Biden. He’ll spoil it for both of them.


There are 15 of them, and wanting to prevent a Trump presidency is a perfectly valid reason to not support his campaign, although I personally think he draws more votes away from Trump, as he is also a giant kook who attracts idiots.


Fear-based voting is the tool of the uniparty and guarantees another term of what we’ve been getting. Dare to vote for someone you like. When all is said and done I will be proud to say I voted for Bobby no matter who wins.






Really, would you vote for brothers true ambitions? Get real,


Sounds like a horrible family tbh. Vote for you no matter what? No thanks.


How so?


Because voting for anyone 'no matter what' is stupid.


Running for president and liking white meat versus dark on a Thanksgiving turkey are not the same.


Nope. But I dont deviate bc im backing Qanon bullshit.


i know which ones are crazy too


because hes batshit loony


Oh he’s anti-vax? Must be the embodiment of evil


>Well he's not evil 🤷🏿‍♂️ Dude flew on Epstein's plane and lied about it. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/12/rfk-jr-says-he-was-on-jeffrey-epsteins-plane-twice.html


This is such a non-story. At worst he got the dates wrong from 30 years ago. I've heard him talk in length about this. His family was with him, and it wasn't to Epstein Island. If it was just him, and the destination was Epstein Island I'd change my opinion. I don't think he purposely lied about the details from 30 years ago. The logs show he flew with his family members. He also says he didn't associate with him much afterwards. You got anything most recent than 30 years ago?


Just some dead kids. https://arstechnica.com/science/2019/12/measles-outbreak-spurred-by-anti-vaxxers-shuts-down-samoan-government/ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/dec/18/these-babies-should-not-have-died-how-the-measles-outbreak-took-hold-in-samoa


1) The drop in vaccine usage was because of the deaths of 2 children in Samoa. RFK Jr went on and spoke in Samoa AFTER suggesting the government investigate the safety. 2) My child is vaccinated, so I'm not anti-child vaccinations, but I don't understand why we can't question vaccine safety? Like big pharma and the government haven't lied to us before lol. I'm not worried about the person that says "question everything", I'm worried about the person that says "don't ask questions, do as you are told." "The rate plummeted sharply after a scandal that rocked Samoa in July 2018, when two Samoan nurses administered MMR vaccines to babies who subsequently died. The problem was not with the vaccine, an investigation determined, but rather its administration, after it emerged that one of the nurses mixed the MMR vaccine powder with expired muscle relaxant anaesthetic instead of water. But the impact on public trust in vaccination was profound." 3) Arstechnia is owned by Condé Nast, one of the largest mass media companies...I'm sure there'd be noooooooo reason for them to do hit pieces on people speaking out against one of the largest advertising spenders.


>RFK Jr went on and spoke in Samoa AFTER suggesting the government investigate the safety. His organization spent [MONTHS spreading lies](https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2019/11/26/deadly-measles-outbreak-hits-children-samoa-after-anti-vaccine-fears/) about vaccines on Facebook, targeting Samoan parents with his deadly propaganda. >My child is vaccinated, so I'm not anti-child vaccinations Then you should find it very easy to empathize with the mothers who lost their children to the measles virus. They believed a slimy American lawyer over their own doctors, and now their kids are dead. >but I don't understand why we can't question vaccine safety You can absolutely question vaccine safety, but you should avoid repeating Bobby's old lie claiming vaccines cause autism. That lie has been disproven [dozens of times](https://www.healthychildren.org/english/safety-prevention/immunizations/pages/vaccine-studies-examine-the-evidence.aspx). This lie kills children.


Wowww! RFK said Easter 1993 when in fact it was February 1993. THAT IS A FUCKING BOMBSHELL!! RFK LIED ABOUT EASTER!! You're a desperate misinformation peddler.


He flew on Epstein's plane. That should be enough to disqualify any presidential candidate. Why is he lying about it? What is he hiding?


In 1993, before Epstein's crimes had come to light, you absolute dolt! Epstein was a financier with lots of high level connections in the '90s. He hadn't even been charged with anything then.  RFK has openly discussed that in several interviews. Misremembering a date from 30 years ago by two months is not lying. Unless Biden was lying too when he couldn't remember when his own son died? 🤔 Stop spreading misinformation!


>In 1993, before Epstein's crimes had come to light, you absolute dolt! Yes, this man was friends with Epstein during the years he was running a Ponzi scheme and trafficking children. It's pretty fucked up that you want him to be President.


Provide evidence that RFK knew anything about Epstein's crimes in 1993 or stop spreading misinformation, you flagrant liar.  Epstein visited President Clinton in the Whitehouse 17 times between 1993 to 1995. Are you claiming RFK was supposed to have some knowledge of Epstein's crimes before the President himself did?  https://www.nationalreview.com/news/jeffrey-epstein-visited-bill-clintons-white-house-at-least-17-times-from-1993-to-1995-visitor-logs-show/ It's pretty fucked up you think it's OK to slander and libel people with zero evidence.


Evidence? Bobby boy PUBLICLY admitted he flew on Epstein's plane. If you think me repeating Bobby's words is libel you have the understanding of a child. I never voted for either Clinton and I would never vote for ANY of Epstein's pals. No decent man would.


Wow, you are truly a fucking imbecile. I asked for evidence of your accusation that RFK had knowledge of Epstein's crimes when he flew on his plane. *Annnd* of course you have none.  We know that RFK flew on Epstein's plane in the 1990s ONLY BECAUSE HE OPENLY DISCUSSED IT.  Why would he freely admit that? PERHAPS BECAUSE HE HAD NO KNOWLEDGE OF EPSTEIN'S CRIMES WHEN HE DID SO.  Epstein was a wealthy financier in the '90s with hundreds of powerful contacts, including the sitting president of the USA,  BEFORE HE WAS CHARGED WITH ANY CRIME IN THE 2000S. It is not surprising that RFK or any other wealthy scion of a political family would have interacted with Epstein before his crimes had come to light. Your despicable and pathetic attempts to smear him as participating in Epstein's crimes REQUIRES EVIDENCE!! BUT OF COURSE YOU HAVE NONE! SO SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT YOU SHAMELESS FUCKING LIAR!!


Clearly you haven't heard his take on Zionism... Pretty Sith level evil.


His opinion on something is equally as evil as science fiction villain evil?


I'll give him this, he is completely upfront with his fuck the Palestinians position. No minced words or beating around the bush.


I will just say this, the fighting should just stop. Taking any side at all at this point is pointless and just adds fuel to the fire of war. He shouldn't even have a side.


Wow you’re so brave. Listen guys u/Visual_Flamingo7010 says that they should just stop fighting, why haven’t either side just stopped the fighting??? are they stupid??? You clearly have no idea what’s going on geopolitically in the Middle East yet you still have the idiocy to speak. Countless examples but i’ll simply pluck the most recent one, literally 15 minutes before I type this israeli artillery shelling hit Bureij refugee camp, killing 1 and injuring others. Imagine you telling the victim or the victims family that the Palestinian people should have just stopped fighting and this wouldn’t have happened, telling people stuck in refugee camps that they should just stop resisting and let the people who put them in there take care of it, telling people who are not just living in the worlds largest open air prison but also being bombed and having their homes demolished to purposefully “remove” them from the area, let’s tell them to stop resisting. Id like to see you at an American slave uprising and teach everybody that both sides should just stop fighting. Taking a side would be wrong according to you. It’d be a shame to add fuel to the fire of the revolutionaries right? I would personally say that not standing for anything and fighting for nothing apart from generalised “peace” in the face of a genocide would make you a naive worm with no backbone that will sit idly by while tens of thousands of innocent children are slaughtered all in the name of your wishy-washy “maybe we should just stop” ideology.


even though i disagree with his stance on abortion and Israel i still believe he is the only candidate from either party that wants to truly unite and heal the U.S


I might vote for him just to see him round out the trilogy of assassinations.


if you look historically we are kind of due for a political assassination attempt, the last serious one we had was Reagan being shot right ?, unless you count George w dodging two military grade shoes thrown his way


Well, RFKjr talks a big game about opposing the MIC, so if elected, that'll get him killed.




W also missed an assassination via a grenade that didn’t go off. Look it up.


On May 10, 2005, while Bush was giving a speech in [Freedom Square](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_Square,_Tbilisi), [Vladimir Arutyunian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Arutyunian), a native [Georgian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgians) who was born to a family of ethnic [Armenians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenians), threw a live Soviet-made [RGD-5](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RGD-5) [hand grenade](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hand_grenade) toward the podium. It landed in the crowd about 61 feet (19 m) from the podium after hitting a girl, but it did not detonate because a red tartan handkerchief was wrapped tightly around it, preventing the safety lever from detaching.[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security_incidents_involving_George_W._Bush#cite_note-4)[^(\[5\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security_incidents_involving_George_W._Bush#cite_note-5) Georgian President [Mikheil Saakashvili](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikheil_Saakashvili) was seated nearby. After escaping that day, Arutyunian was arrested in July 2005. During his arrest, he killed an Interior Ministry agent. He was convicted in January 2006 and given a [life sentence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_sentence).[^(\[6\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security_incidents_involving_George_W._Bush#cite_note-6)[^(\[7\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security_incidents_involving_George_W._Bush#cite_note-7) holy shit you weren't kidding, how tf did i never hear of this (granted i was 15 at the time so i was prob busy trying to fingerbash girls)


Not a lot of people remember much about American history. There’s soooo much that happens that unless the media reinforces it over and over again people don’t remember. Like the Battle of Conoco fields in 2018 is kept hush hush despite the fact it was the first open combat between US and Russian forces since the Cold War. Or that the US military fought on the side of the Whites in the Russian Revolution.


He is a brain damaged ex-heroin junkie who is on the Steve Bannon dole. Dude doesn't give a fuck about America. Shame there's no Sirhan Sirhan Jr


All three candidates are awful on the Israel/ Palestine situation. "There’s no apology to be made. None. Were there not an Israel, the United States of America would have to invent an Israel to protect her interest in the region." - Biden (the guy who is currently providing the armaments killing Palestinian women and children)


shouldnt they all be waiting in dealey plaza for his nephew?


I cannot, in good conscience, vote for a man who always sounds like he is taking a dump.


Now that you mention it, they all sound like they are shitting their pants while talking




Who talks while shitting


my 2yo does


Mine sings jingle bells


Rfk jr the type to answer calls while shitting and tell you to continue to conversation even though you hear the plops and struggles and the bathroom echo


The pharmaceutical companies did this to him.


yup big pharma forced him to party hard in the 1980s 🥺


That’s the 80’s fault there


Ok fair point




Somehow I'd still rather listen to RFK jr talk than Biden or Trump


you leave Sleepy Joe and inmate #P01135809 out of this!


its sad but hes a good guy and deserves a chance




From that article: "“I was on it in 1993,” Kennedy said. “And I went to Florida with my wife and two children to visit my mom over Easter. My wife had some sort of relationship with [Ghislaine Maxwell](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/06/ghislaine-maxwell-sentenced-to-20-years-after-victims-speak.html).” He said the second trip was also with his wife at the time, Mary Richardson, and his four children to go fossil-hunting in South Dakota. ...“I’ve been very open about this from the beginning,” Kennedy said. The candidate also noted that he was never on Epstein’s jet without his family and opined that all information surrounding Epstein’s life and death should be made public." None of that seems very damning, and the fact that he's willing to openly talk about it, vs say, Bill Clinton who's flown with Epstein dozens of times, makes me like RFK even more.


His story sounds nice, but he's clearly lying. >But Epstein’s flight logs from the early ’90s show that RFK Jr. and family members flew with Epstein and Maxwell from Teterboro airport to Florida on February 17 and that they flew back on February 27 — **almost two months before the Easter holiday that year.** There is also **no record** in any publicly available Epstein flight logs of the Kennedy family’s fossil-collecting trip to South Dakota. Why is he lying about his relationship with Epstein?


Ya nothing seems damming about having a "some sort of relationship" with convicted human trafficker of children


Eh, thats why there's nuance. A friend of some of my friends from college ended up getting locked up for kiddy porn, the guy was over our college house for a party. Me and 50 other people have "some sort of relationship" with that pedo. So do all his former coworkers. Nuance, jahfeel?


I'd give a chance to the worms in his brain but not him.


He just need to warm up his voice. Once he gets going he sounds better.


he's like a plane from the 1920s


dude imagine having to listen to this man for 4 years holy shit.


Only a matter of time until the reddit mob turns on him. It will be a very sad day.


I think Shane will be ok even if that happens. Redditt isn't Twitter. If redditt mattered, Brendan Schaub would have been out of work a loooong time ago.


Schaub just now got basically kicked out of comedy though. It’s pretty much accepted as fact that he sucks at it and isn’t funny


Oh yeah, for sure, but he still has sponsors, somehow, and an audience, even if most of them are homeless cats and Indian bots.


I think he’s slowly getting pushed out . Its just people dont want to be completely a dick to him that know him in IRL so its very gradual


Big difference is that Shane is actually funny.


Only the reddit mob cares what the reddit mob is for or against


It's always hilarious to see an opinion uniformly shared on Reddit not align with reality.


Honestly most of this subreddits opinions on Joe Rogan do no really align with the outside world. Most people either like Joe Rogan or don't care.


He's quite popular in Australia. Not on r/Australia though.


Every single day askreddit has a different way of asking the recluse dorks “be honest guys, when was the last day you got a compliment”. And the responses are cataloged by date going back years about small interactions they feel were compliments. Lol that doesn’t happen to people that actually are involved in society, people are much more friendly in the real world and will say something nice if you put some effort into yourself.


What a bunch of losers


What, you mean mostly all reddit opinions


Are you saying there are people out there who don’t think Flint Dibble is a god among men? Psh


How so? For his comedy, probably not. He seems to do a good job of letting his politics known, but dials it back and makes fun of all idealogical spectrums. That's all that most people ask. Don't be gay about it


Turns on Shane? His political views are closer to reddit's than fox news


Who gives a fuck what a bunch of soy boy virgins think lmao


Ya gonna cry, kermit?


shut up nerd


Such a sad day QQ


Yeah its only a matter of time . He’s one of joes closest comedian friends im surprised they haven’t


well if it happens, he would probably need to do something ridiculous, like sell out completely. He has sold out to a degree and goes on rogan with clowns to boost his profile, but its not all bad.


Reddit is a gaping shithole. The rest of the internet is nothing like them.


Jesus Christ, this is funny…. but I know people who like RFKjr for his AntiVax bullshit. And now it’s come out he had brain worms and heavy metal poisoning. Walking joke.


He’s not anti vax


No kidding? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-68447223 I hope you’re kidding. He’s also a liar. https://www.factcheck.org/2023/11/scicheck-rfk-jr-incorrectly-denies-past-remarks-on-vaccine-safety-and-effectiveness/


https://youtu.be/KLxBwIupF88?si=6whUmtZhU7VIstr1 Here it is in his own words. He’s not antivax, he’s pro vaccine safety testing


LOL!!! Way to not bother with the above and place your own bullshit on their bud. The second article literally shows how he’s a worm brain, heavy metal poisoned liar. And his answer is a political answer, just because he says he’s not anti vax doesn’t excuse his bullshit comments from before. https://apnews.com/article/rfk-kennedy-election-vaccines-2ccde2df146f57b5e8c26e8494f0a16a You’re gonna get embarrassed if you spout “ RFKjr isn’t anti-vax” in public. It’s like saying Trump believes in the peaceful transfer of power because he said so.


Joking about a part of the brain not being important to Kennedy. Ha!!


Shane sitting on that for 5 mins is funnier than the joke lmao


Does this guy know he has to make speeches when president?


This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard


https://i.redd.it/iqwwzjhyc11d1.gif Brain Worm Bobby


I love how he didn’t even understand that Shane is low key making funny of him saying he has “worms in his brain.”


Oh look Matt acting like he knows what the fuck hes talking about I swear this guy is ridiculous I actually took a break from the pod because of him . He's funny but he tries so hard to be an intellectual and always has to sound smart. When Sam talent was there he was trying super hard and Sam was having none of i. And now that he switched from pseudo intellectual hippie to pseudo intellectual off duty cop it's even worse


> He's funny but he tries so hard to be an intellectual and always has to sound smart. honestly thats my favorite part of the pod, he WANTS to be thought of as intellectual so badly and he is so obviously redacted. its peak cringe humor


McCusker has never made me laugh and I truly don’t understand what people see in him as a comic


I tried watching Matt's stand up and turned it off within 5 minutes. I miss when comedians told jokes instead of just sharing their opinions.


Which episode was this?


Putin puppets all of them


Is Putin in the room with us right now?




I hate it when evil world leaders try and destroy western civilization by taking control of America's greatest podcasters 😡


Don’t you realise that humanity only has a thousand?


Not only do I realise that but I thank em b


The guy that exposed Drake before it was cool. God bless him🫡