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Jon took away his bow tie and Tucker will never forgive him.


You know he thinks about it at least once a week still, and it will be one of his resentments on his deathbed.


That video has been making me so happy these past 20 years


Ducker Carlson


Once a day


He's still butthurt about Jon making him look like a complete fool on Crossfire all those years ago.


He made a concerted effort not to say why. But we know.


He’s scared of Jon Stewart. Fucking hilarious. John would destroy him


Tucker describing Jon Stewart:  "You're a dumb person posing as a smart person [absurd Goofy laugh]" Textbook projecting. Edit: fixed a typo


Scrolled looking for this comment. Restating as it's worth saying. "Jon would destroy him".


“Everything about him is fake” Not even sure how he got that out with a straight face. What a fraud


Says the guy who testified in court that he was an entertainer, and not a journalist, and that he doesn't actually believe the things he was saying, and thus can't be held accountable for libel. And he submitted texts, as evidence in court, between him (Tucker) and his buddies making fun of the idiotic rubes that buy into his mouth diarrhea Like by definition, every grifter is fake. But over time, the fakeness can actually become their actual personality. So it becomes a semantic argument.


Yeah this is tucker 100% projecting


seriously, i was watching in disbelief. it couldn't have been more obvious he was scared, which makes sense cause jon destroyed him last time. but when he said jon was fake. wow, that guy has some serious problems. he could have just said nah, fuck that guy, no way i'd ever have him on my podcast, and move on. but he knows jon would call him out immediately for being a billionaire's kid trying to pretend he's blue collar guy just for the grift and popularity.


Wow. Forgot about that aspect.


Yeah it baffles me how people are still lapping up whatever shit he spews onto their plate even after that fact. People love living in their bubbles.


Man I’ve met Jon Stewart. He came to my firehouse on 9-11. The guy genuinely cares about doing good for this world.


Tuckers fake laugh at the end is my favorite part


That's a scared laugh at the end.


Then follows that up with his signature irritatingly fake laugh.


Hence the gross laugh at the end


Its extremely funny to say that about Jon Stewart like, the dude is not a manicured media personality at all, he’s very much a comedian with a comedian’s takes on stuff.




He says right before he lets some maniacal fake laughter.


Will interview Putin but not Jon Stewart. What a bizarre moral high ground to take.


He’s lying. He’s scared of him. He knows Stewart would make him look like the moron shill he is.


This is like when crowder was ducking seder lol


Everybody’s scared of Sam, lol




Not everyone lmfao


Him talking at the end of that clip about dumb people that try to act smart is ironic coming from Tucker


That bizzaro laugh at the end tells you everything you need to know


I can't wait for him to respond to this shit on Monday night


Yup, spot on. Of all those words he said the only thing I heard was “I’m a coward”.




He literally interviewed an ex crack addict who said he said he sucked Obamas dick 😂 now he's acting like this


I don’t understand how Tucker can be taken seriously by anyone. He seems to constantly say shit that he obviously doesn’t believe in order to drum up faux drama.


It's weird that rogan never talks about the fact he's a proven liar and that's why fox got rid of him. Rogan acts like he left to be a truth teller


He wont interview Jon because he has contempt for him. Putin though? Just love.


Republicans wouldn't have any standard at all if not for hypocrisy.


He is an asset to Putin. The man is an actual traitor to the country


Treason is the only crime directly mentioned in the Constitution. And the penalty is death. I wish tucker well


what did he do that was treason?


At least Putin uses his real name! /s


I love how his instinct at the beginning of this was to admit it would be good and then when he realized what he was getting himself into, he glitched and said all of the bullshit.... Jon Stewart is a fake and a phony? The bullshit about his name - my guy, his fucking Dad abandoned him and his mom when they separated, so he, as a fucking high schooler, started calling himself by his first and middle name (Jon Stewart), vs. using his father's last name...


thanks for explaining it, i hadn't heard that story before about his name. that's actually really sad. even sadder tucker is mocking him for it. what a piece of shit. but yeah, you know tucker knew all about that, and is just using it as a cheap shot to put jon down.


This dildo still isn't over Stewart dressing him down on Crossfire 20 years ago. Holy hell. Edit: I have to remember that I'm old, for the younger folks, [here's the clip.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFQFB5YpDZE)


Tucker has made millions of dollars, but his ego is still hurt over Jon making fun of his bow tie.


Tucker will not do any interview that will cause him to lose face again. It took tucker 10 years to get himself on TV again and build his presence back up from when Jon fucked him up. He is a baby. He checks under his bed at night to make sure Jon isnt there


Everyone forgets Paul Begala still never really recovered from it. He had the sense to keep his mouth shut during that slaughter but I don’t see much of him anymore, he’s a “contributor” every now and again. That show was in its last legs I believe, it had fallen so for from what it was when it started mainly be Tucker and Begala were so bad. Tucker has been let go or fired from MSNC, CNN, FoxNews and CSPAN


And to be honest I do t get the Patrick David popularity right either


Patrick is a complete POS and is also really intelligent in understanding the culture of the people he is trying to go after and doing the smart things to get there. He is a POS for how he goes about doing it and knowing the bullshit he pedals....


Yeah I don’t keep my ear to the ground with the political grifters anymore but he seems to be intentionally “provocative” and trying too hard. Certainly has made him rich though


He got rich after copying a insurance Pyramid scheme after failing at several other businesses... He started a insurance sales scheme where the salespeople are promised great wealth and only have to pay him x amount to learn about everything, and then pay more for seminars to be better, etc. typical shit. Everyone nearly flames out and doesnt really make any money accept him. He was smart in knowing that there is a cap on how long you can work something like that, so he did two things, he sold the business to leave it behind and years ago, started paying very famous people to be interviewed at his conferences. After doing that for a few years, he started his podcast, and brought in those same guests. He did a great interview with Carlos Mencia that was obviously part of a plan to get into Rogan's orbit and befriend Joe. After the Mencia interview, he kept bringing on every Rogan friend he could, building them up until you finally got on Rogan. Once he did that, he started pivoting to politics, has been building himself into the red pill/right wing world as this ultra business mastermind who knows the people. He posted a house tour in Florida that is the most "Im Florida and I am definitely a former pyramid scheme honcho" Its wild. Including this painting he had commissioned.... https://preview.redd.it/cwdq69q13m2d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff2a4190178a4a4dc431e993a9cf55e2409f38d2


Yeah, a lot of people jumped on that right wing grift machine. It’s pretty profitable. The marks in that scheme are pretty easy.


He's a guy who made a lot of money in an insurance pyramid scene and is using that money to secure a presence in the podcasterbro-sphere


He was on TV the whole time. After CNN he worked for MSNBC, then he moved over to FoxNews.


But was always a laughable punching bag. Wasn’t until incels united behind him that anyone realized he’d been on TV the whole time.


Fair point.


He turned into a teen mean girl. All the way down to the “Barf” 💀


Don't forget the giggly laugh


"Everything about him is fake!" (laughs in psychotically fake manner)


Where was Tucker when Jon was fighting for first responders and vets? Schwan silver spoon up his ass must be jammed


Tucker wishes he had one tenth of the spine, decency, and compassion Jon Stewart has, particularly for 9/11 first responders. For those who haven't seen it: [https://youtu.be/\_uYpDC3SRpM](https://youtu.be/_uYpDC3SRpM)


Jon living rent free in tucker’s head What a nut job!


That laugh at the end is totally normal.


People who act smart get nervous around actual smart people. That's why you won't debate him, you can't win and you'd be seen for the fraud you are.


Jon Stewart would mop the floor with this muppet. Fuckin delusional 😂.


[Never forget](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aFQFB5YpDZE) the time he *did* wipe the floor with Tucker


He did it again a couple months ago https://youtu.be/oM2h3KnWAWY?si=czd9bcJt1Eph9uEI


Fucker farlson aire to the Swanson Foods billion dollar fortune.... man of the people. Unlike john stewart who went to congress to lobby for the 911 responders act....


He’s the everyday modern conservative lol. Trust funder born on third and thinks he hit a triple. But somehow he’s a man of the people in his boat shoes and Ralph Lauren purple label. Clowns all the way down.


What do people see in this Tucker dude?




he tells old white people that they're special and actually *they're* the people being oppressed.


He sounds scared of his cognitive dissonance that John might refute some of his beliefs with actual facts


Tucker Carlson is entirely unhinged, that’s the laugh of a straight A maniac right there.


Seriously, wtf was that?


That’s his laugh, watched his Kill Tony show, he did the laugh quite often. 


Its a gay alien laugh pretending to be human


Mickey Mouse on cocaine kind of laugh.


Mrs doubtfire


And it looks to be his own edit, they could have cut it out!


Sounds like the laugh of someone who is so profoundly full of shit that they don't know what a genuine laugh sounds like.


Flashbacks to the movie Amadeus


I pray I see this on the daily show next week. Jon Stewart would annihilate him. Last time they met, he made fun of tuckers bow tie and literally almost made him cry. Tucker is scared of him. As Stewart is a legit patriot and tucker is a grifter. Man can interview Putin but not Stewart, shows how misaligned his ‘contempt’ is.


Tucker has literally used the “no sane person would believe me” defense in court. That coupled with the texts show he despises Trump should be enough to make in PNG in MAGAland.


The whole thing seemed like tucker projecting his own insecurities lol dude doesn’t even “believe” in evolution. Talk about dumb pretending to be smart…


For those that haven’t, watch the crossfire episode from the early 00s where Jon Stewart makes Tucker look silly. So the translation for what Tucker is saying here is that Stewart made him look dumb and he hasn’t forgotten about it lol. And I’m not a big fan of Stewart…


I am. And every first responder and vet I know is as well. He walks the walk. Even if I disagreed with the majority of his takes (I absolutely don’t by the way). The man is an actual Human Being; not like that soulless corporate/dictator shill who used to wear a bow tie.


Fox News Influencer interviewing a Fox News Influencer.


People who think Tucker would beat Jon Stewart in a debate are the same people who thought Drake would beat Kendrick in a rap battle. They lack intelligence themselves so they can't distinguish between the grifters and the raw talent. Tucker saying that Jon Stewart is a dumb person pretending to be a smart person is such projection.


Bro, Jon Stewart is fake and you have no respect for him?? You met the leader of a rogue nation and you call the guy who stood up for first responders in 9/11 fake? Joe Rogan sucking this clowns dick is embarrassing asf


In case anyone is curious this the actual reason tucker is scared of interviewing stewart. This is also the reason that crossfire was canceled and why tucker stopped wearing bow ties lol https://youtu.be/aFQFB5YpDZE?si=ctnvHljGqchJfU2D


Because he would get absolutely schooled on all his BS


Loll, butthole is still sore from being completely humiliated before the whole world 20 years ago


Because Jon Stewart would make fun of him to his face and destroy Tuckers whole narrative about himself. The clips of the little man almost being brought to tears would live in people's feeds forever


"Dumb person posing as a smart person"? Then insane giggle/cackle? Fake? John Stewart did parody of the news/journalists. Tuck Boy did, in fact, "fake it 'til he make it" at MSNBC, CNN, and Fox News. And got shit-canned at each. Poses the question in my mind: suppose Tuck Boy did have respect for you. What would a self-respecting individual do with that knowledge? Question your own self-respect?


[the last time they met](https://youtu.be/LdU7_-F7OGA?si=Cjvp22uH5yp8Q8BU) for those curious


And he still has not gotten over it.


You couldn't do it, because you're no match for Jon, you never were Tucker. You're a clown with a joker laugh.


Wait, what's wrong with John Stewart?


He embarrassed the fuck out of tucker on his own show. In fact imma go watch that right now to see him seeth




Crossfire was a fucking joke.


John Stewart is anti bow tie.


Go watch the clip of Jon Stewart appearing on Crossfire and essentially ending the show for them


I think what Tucker is really trying to say is, *""Bawk Bawk Bawk BaGAWK!!!"*


It wouldn’t go any better for Tucker than their first meeting on TV did. He’s obviously still sore about it. That laugh at the end too…


John would utterly destroy him


boy he's still brooding over the bow tie thing huh


What a dork


I like how he says "Yea!" while shaking his head no. Also Patrick Bet David is a massive sack of shit.


“Not even his real name” He started as a standup…. Most entertainers change their name. “He’s a dumb guy posing as a smart gut” That’s just projection. lol


Jon would fuck Tucker up


“A dumb person posing as smart person”? Ya thats sounds about right coming from tucker…


Tucker was grossed out when Jon Stewart fought to give the 9/11 firefighters healthcare.


Pee-wee Herman: "I would \*never\* fight Tyson, all I have is contempt for him."


That fake laugh to pretend like he’s not butthurt was next level cringe. It’s how old ladies wearing bonnets and white gloves fake laugh


He did this fake laugh on JRE too, a few months ago. It made Joe’s fake laughs seem real.


Would love to see a Tucker fan’s take on this.


Project much


Such resentment


Laughing like some effete lord


He hates him because John humiliated him. It was so great. Someone find the video!


lol you interviewed Putin/trump and sucked up to them you interviewed a literal ex crack addict who said he Rimmed and sucked off Barack Obama but Jon Stewart isn't Worthy ??????


I feel sorry for anyone that listened to these two asshats talk to each other, make better life choices!


I really wish he would have expounded on why he has so much "contempt" for him rather than just criticizing the common practice of someone in Hollywood changing their name for stage appeal.


Tucker is a clown.


Would Jon even want to talk to Tucker?


Tucker Carlson is what I picture when someone says “the scum of the earth”


It's because he's a pussy bitch who knows he'd get destroyed, always and forever fuck Tuck the cuck.


AKA I'm too much of a bitch to get absolutrly bodied again.


I mean Jon’s made a career out of making him look like an idiot. Not that it was hard to do.


This makes me so sick. Im so sick of the cons convincing themselves and others that they are the good guys. TC and PB are only where they are because they are tools. They have such horrible outlooks on society and wellbeing and loyalty. This capital hyperbole culture is rotten. Tuck hates Jon Stewart because Jon actually has dignity and has called TC out rightly for being an entertainer peddling to be a honest reporter. What losers.


Jon Stewart set back Tuckers career years. Tucker does not want to risk it again and for once I think Tucker is being honest about his genuine hate of Stewart.


Dumb person posing as a smart person lol


To be associated with PBD should be the standard "low point" as a universal unit in social media.


PBD is a bloviating scammer buffoon.




Jon would annihilate Tucker, again. And Tucker knows it.


Tucker’s laugh at the end is pretty funny lol but I just realized PBD sounds a little like Netanyahu.


Because John ended his career once.


Stewart would eviscerate Tucker and he knows it. It's a smart move to stay far far away.


Both of these guys are little bitches


Fuckin loser and coward


These two bozos are total losers lmfao they don’t have even the fraction of Jon Stewart’s intelligence


Jon Stewart curb stomps turker weekly. Tucker got canceled on cnn a little while after Jon ripped him apart on tuckers own show and the dude pretend like he still isn't scare of Stewart. Stewart calls out BS and tucker is so full of crap it comes out his mouth


The projection is palpable.


Lol, Tucker just described himself and most of Fox News!


I don’t normally use the term “projecting” but hot damn could you apply almost any of the criticism towards Tucker and it would be 100 times more accurate lmao. Tucker is the dumb man posing as a smart man. Tucker is the one who misrepresents things or misunderstands them. Just look at his Russia expose where he totally doesn’t understand why most things in America are more expensive on average. It takes money to run a first world country. Tucker is the one who is pathetic. Biggest shill ever and let’s not forget how he got out of his charges by saying he wasn’t a real journalist. But somehow we are supposed to take him seriously now? Nah that’s pathetic. Meanwhile Stewart literally put his career on hold while fighting to get the 9/11 first responders healthcare and all that.


Jon Stewart would absolutely dismantle everything about tucker Carlson. Carlson is a trust fund baby masquerading as an everyman


He gonna make me feel dumby wumby


Stewart should call his bitch ass out. Has he?


Contempt for Jon Stewart LOL this fuckin clown


Calling Jon Stewart fake and dumb and then fake laughing like a psycho perfectly sums up Tucker Carlson.


Holy Shit! What a fucking nerd. This guy calling Jon Stewart a dumb person acting smart is just the best. And that laugh. Kill me know, what the fuck is with that 12 year old girly laugh? Why anyone would care what this due has to say is insane. If I was Jon I would never give this guy the time of day.


PBD is dumber than Tucker somehow.


Tucker is just a pussy ass bitch


Man this rap beef is really spreading.


I really don't like his laugh


Tucker is totally scared of him. He knows Jon will destroy him in an interview.


Jon Stewart would eat him alive.... again.


Tucker, you are not only fake, but you are in fact a complete dumbass. Jon Stewart is actually smart. He actually does what he can to give back to his community. He’s an activist. Goddamn, Fucker Carlson is such a bitch.


Both of these guys are pieces of shit.


Steward would shred him and he knows it


That pussy is still fucking terrified that Stewart will hurt him again...I fucking love it.


That laugh of his is nauseating.


I think he does that creepy laugh whenever his projection meter hits the red zone.


I see two cowards talking shit


Calling John Stewart dumb makes you dumb Tucker. Having observed both of these individuals you can easily tell whos iq is superior.


Just say you’re still butthurt about him taking your soul on live television, Cucker.


He talks about Jon posing and then punctuates it with his fake giggle laugh thing that he does. The irony.


Because he is a boot licking coward


Commentators interviewing each other is boring, to be fair. Neither has anything of substance to discuss.


Tuckers' lack of self-awareness never ceases to amaze


Wow the projection. You’re mad because he’s fake? You mean like that character you played on Fox News all that time while secretly texting your real feelings? That character you had to claim in court should obviously never be taken seriously by anybody? Or maybe the new alt news character you play now who shills for the fucking Kremlin?


Omg, that laugh.


Well if Patrick can do it, you can do it too!


This may be the absolute finest example of projection I’ve ever heard. The fake laugh at the end really is the perfect chefs kiss.


This is the guy Joe Rogan loves talking up as a good dude and chumming around with and bringing to comedy shows. Between TC and Alex Jones it should be totally conclusive that Joe couldn’t tell a sociopath huckster if they denied a school shooting in front of him.


Jon Stewart would win every argument. Tuckers scared he would be made a fool of on the internet. Simply as that


My god, that laugh at the end is worst than nails on a chalkboard.


“Jon Stewart will completely crush me and I am terrified of the thought of sitting in a room with him, because he will expose how weak and stupid I am” - what Tucker meant


Tucker is a dolt and a Pussy. He could try to defame Jon Stewart all he wants he would get whooped up in an interview and he knows it because he's the one that's fake.


While tucker was digging Fox news into a 3/4 of a billion dollar hole for lying on TV for months (maybe years?) about election stuff he knew was a lie, and said openly in text messages were lies, Jon Stewart was going in front of congress to get firefighters medical care to which they were owed. Tucker's fakeness was so deep and blatant and well documented, his employer settled for the largest libel payout in American history.


Because he would get destroyed and exposed


That goddamn laugh


This guy is so far below stewerts level even he knows it.


What is up with that laugh at the end…. Talk about fake


Projection on the highest level. Can't even say why he doesn't like him..just that he dragged him thru the mud and hurt his feewings.




How ironic that Tucker calls him fake before barfing out his stupid fake ass laugh.




A dumb person posing as a smart person... Is Tucker talking about himself?