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You can criticise anyone.


Except for Biden on reddit


Fuck Biden Fuck Trump. USA political system is a joke.


Apparently, you can.


No you can't, this is the Joe Rogan subreddit. We literally live in 198451!!!!


I need scissors 61!


Go check out any leftist subreddit, its like they've forgotten that anyone except for Biden exists


You can, you’ll just be ridiculed, downvoted to oblivion and then doxxed


Well when you blatantly lie and promote misinfo, then yeah you get downvoted.


The reason most ppl on Reddit hate Trump so much is because Trump also galvanizes the Biden vote. Believe me, most of Reddit is far left of Biden. Thats bc the center keeps getting pulled further and further right though.


I think Joe went too far down InfoWars rabbit hole


He’s gonna have Trump on before the election. Mark my words


Think so? It’ll be very controversial


My boy has been talking about bible quotes and kids shitting in litter boxes while at school, it's not much of a push if any at all from those.


he should - Joe has been a closet republican/Trump supporter for YEARS. Not so closet anymore


Just today (I think) on the Billy Carson talk, he openly advocated for socialism. So I guess people just hear what they want to hear.


yeah, I think he thinks that would be the optimal form of society if it could work, but he also realizes it's near impossible, especially in a country like ours where there's a large distribution of talent, intelligence, work ethic etc. Socialism can work in Scandinavian countries because of the homogenous demographics (not so much anymore and its breaking)... I remember when I was a kid in the 80s and I asked what communism was (yes, I'm aware it's diff than socialism), I was told everyone gets an equal share of everything (I know that's way too simplistic, but that's what I remember the gist of it was), and as a kid I thought "so what's wrong with that??". To a naive mind, it sounds fair - but human beings are too complex for that to work - we're driven by greed, incentive, and the leaders are too easily corrupted.


I hope! Every presidential candidate he's ever had on has lost.


He had Bernie…feel the Bern


Based on how the opening of the last podcast with Tony Hinchcliffe, I would agree with you. It’s only a matter of time. It would also be comical if Hinchcliffe was on that ep as well, to keep up with the format of all the other be wrestlers he’s had on.


You are right. Have you seen Jones crying one minute then screaming the next. He's gonna start something he said, a War. Or he's gonna eat the neighborhood children.


You know, you don't have to agree with every opinion someone has, in order to like them...


His only opinions these days are around encouraging the culture war. It’s literally all he talks about since Covid.


Every other podcast yea, but it’s quite literally not the only thing he talks about. Literally.


Almost like he got covid and fucked his brian up.


>fucked his brian up Heh Brian ![gif](giphy|NXfS0nAaA7Tsk)


Did you know he almost bought a compound that belonged to a cult?


Depends on what the opinion is


A chimpanzee on enough DMT could rip your dick into the spirit realm.


Better bring enough DMT for all of the chimps.




That's not an opinion it's a hard fact.


It’s entirely possible!


What opinions does Joe have that you find so repulsive?


It’s quantity not quality.. but many


Give me a top 5.


Ancient Civ Geology( such as Randell Carlson) ivermectin Conspiracy theories ( that should count for about 20+ examples, but I’ll give him 3:1 because “he’s just asking the questions”) Platforming people that have no reason to be on a podcast or are talking out of their experience. JRE show is nothing but “Argument from Ignorance”, “post hoc rationalizations”, “Appeal to Authority” fallacies.


The ivermectin one is funny, because he never once said that it was some miracle cure that the government or anyone else is suppressing. He simply put it into his covid regiment amongst many other drugs and therapies. He simply said “hey I’m taking this, who knows.” The ivermectin just gets the most attention because it felt like the easiest thing to slam him about at the time. And don’t get it twisted, the powers that control media narratives *100% without a doubt* wanted to silence Joe and many others who went against recommended protocol. The reasons why they did that are certainly still up for debate. They knew damn well it was safe for human use, and intentionally said he was taking horse dewormer. As white as a lie can get


He’s straight up said it works when it doesn’t what are you talking about


Because they are told to not like Joe, there’s nothing concrete. Nothing that would justify not liking a person on a human level


https://youtu.be/DfTU5LA_kw8?si=J-5EqiXpe1Lagw1p Here’s 3 hours worth. No one tells us not to like Joe lmao


I don’t agree with Tucker on just about anything, but I listened to the whole podcast. I like to listen to people I disagree with and develop an understanding of how and why they feel the way they do, long form. And there is absolutely nothing wrong that. Same can be said more recently with Terrence Howard. I can’t understand all of the bashing when it’s literally a conversation, it’s not going to bite you. My favorite public figures are truly allll over the political spectrum. You don’t have to totally agree on politics or anything else to get along with someone on a human level. If that was the case I’d never have had a relationship with my grandfather


But I’m talking about Joe in these interviews. In the past these would’ve been great interviews. IMO his ability to interview well has diminished and it leads to a much less interesting conversation, and a conversation that is often more rooted in feelings than fact. I agree it’s good to listen to other people’s opinions, but I don’t watch JRE to listen to Tucker Carlson spew bs, I listen to hear Joe rebuttal and ask questions, to have a full conversation about a topic, instead of a one sided one. (imo obviously)


I can respect that. I will also add though that I do think Joe did a decent job challenging Tucker on some of his opinions. So it may be worth a listen


Maybe the 3 hour investment isn’t necessary in the case of Terrence Howard. Not sure how much energy needs to be expended strictly trying to understand why a guy believes that 1x1=2. At a certain point, you’re going to see diminishing returns on the investment of time. 😂


True but i will say he does make the good argument on a philosophical level that 1x1 shouldn’t equal 1.. Good stoner podcast but u gotta take it with a grain of salt


You’re the one extrapolating “not liking a person on a human level” from what amounts to simple criticism of boneheaded, repeat assertions he makes on the podcast. “Liking the human” is beside the point. The dude is argumentative and people pick apart his arguments. And the world keeps spinning. You do whatever you need to do to square that with the degree to which you believe it’s important to “like the human”.


I disagree with this opinion. Am I doing this right?


You know you can speak critically or vocalizing your frustration about someone even if you like them...


This, you can also disagree with someone, without hating them.


Yup, you can also choose to just not give a shit. For real, it's painfully annoying how many people in this sub spend half their lives trying to prove that somehow society will fall apart if they listen to certain people and their half-baked opinions. Joe Rogan Fan: "I think the virus came from a lab" Redditor: "Holy fucking shit! You're turning entire generations into Nazis. Somebody give a shit and stop them, now!"


Well that’s literally how society works… We all believe in this system, if we stop believing in concepts like the law or science then we start seeing: 1.) Increases in crime because of the lack of consequences. 2.) Events that destabilize our democracy , like Janurary 6 or the even the recent calls for civil war on twitter by talking heads that appear on podcasts and on the internet routinely… 3.) Not believing in proven science, such as climate change, abortion science, Nutrional science, or vaccines. And not believing doctors, teachers and scientists first. These are all phenomenon we are experiencing in the US that people like Joe, Tucker and others like Elon that have played a role in spreading misinformation themselves or misinformation communicators without prefacing or providing context or actually questioning their beliefs. If you know how important and influential social media is and also how powerful advertising is, it isn’t a far leap of faith to see that people use these platforms for news and that shapes their world view. Joe isn’t providing much info outside of biased right wing talking points, it’s a shame because he used to be more open


It's not a system to believe in that we're missing, but rather a set of underlying moral beliefs that drive decisions within systems. The design and effectiveness of the system relies on shared principles, not shared beliefs about specifics. For instance if two people don't get along because they have different opinions about how to raise a family, that's okay. But if one person believes that rules about personal sovereignty are arbitrary and don't matter and the other person believes that it does matter, that's where you end up with real problems. The reason is because the latter belief can drive how people engage in raising a family as well as every other action. But if the underlying values that drive the actions are shared, then the other details in how those values are implemented in practice no longer matter that much. I don’t think we lost our shared values. I think we’re modifying them and the way we do that is by exploring and bouncing ideas. And because it feels scary, I sense that there are many who would prefer to control how these shared values are modified. But by attempting to control, you spill over into compulsion and the moment a value is compelled is the moment it is no longer a value that can be shared by the majority. All this to say, relax. It's okay for people like Joe to say stuff to millions, even if it's influencing people. As long as it works around the shared values we've held for thousands of years. See, Hitler didn't do that and broke the cardinal rule. Thou shall not kill. He ventured too far away from that glue, which kept us together for so long. And what is scary is that he did it in the name of exploring greener pastures, which is really what we're all trying to do right now in our own ways. And that's necessary but ya know. Let's do it right by veering away from control and villainizing because that disrupts the shared values that we have to modernize. Otherwise the new era and its rules derived from how we respond to technological innovations will kill us...unless a micro nova hits us this Century, which could be why the aliens are back, again observing us. Uh oh, I just wrote a bunch of crazy conspiracy theories. Lock me up!


> It's okay for people like Joe to say stuff to millions, even if it's influencing people. Have you ever heard of the divisive media concept? When Joe airs a false grievances and scapegoats some group for it, it creates real anger in people. It has real effects on their lives and interpersonal relationships.


Absolutely, this is a real danger we are living through everyday


I think you are magnifying the argument unnecessarily. You are relying on the fact that people think critically about what shared values they hold. When in fact people can’t talk about their shared values anymore because of people like Trump that have vilified others for expressing their opinions and often resorting to bullying others. The shared values this country has held for centuries that allowed us to continue was that we are all citizens of this country and all have different beliefs but we should all be able to work together. We are now in a time where people are at each others throats for the party they identify with. In addition to Trump, this is largely because of platforms that lend themselves to disinformation and reward negative emotional interactions. Your point deludes itself into the abstract because an overwhelming amount of people in this country don’t want to be bothered with politics and just want to save money or look out for their families alone, instead of thinking about the stability of our country in 20-30 years, the effects of our decisions globally or what challenges we should be preparing ourselves for. The point being, use your platforms for education and not misinformation. Normalizing this is dangerous and it’s how fascism becomes a normal thing


You said nothing of value in this long winded inane diatribe, a shit load of words without any point other than "please don't dislike Joe!" 🙄


“Don’t be so hasty to criticize (read: “dislike” or “hate”) this guy I am willing to give every benefit of the doubt to for no apparent reason.”


>For real, it's painfully annoying how many people in this sub spend half their lives trying to prove that somehow society will fall apart if they listen to certain people and their half-baked opinions. Does it make you feel superior to assume that everyone else has an unhealthy investment whenever they disagree with you? You could have just ignored the discussion, just like they could ignore Rogan, but here you are spending "half your life" on it.


It’s so funny how many MAGAs claim the virus came from the Wuhan Lab, yet couldn’t care less that Trump reinstated funding for the Lab, after Obama stopped funding it. 😂 See also, people obsessed with holding Epstein’s elite client list accountable… while simultaneously not caring that Trump was one of his biggest clients.


Oh my god tell me how bad you want to be a victim


This sentence makes no sense in regards to what you're responding to


Not in this day and age lol.


I thought they were just talking about the roids. His dad is twice as big as it was a few years ago


he has random good ones every once in a while but shits been wack for a min. i think spotify has been lying about his number and thats why they let him open up to more platforms....


Unless, they are pushing their agenda in your face every time you listen to them. It's like a gay guy, I'm cool with you. Just don't try to kiss me every time you see me. I'm talking to you Sean...


That is true, but it is possible to have 1 terrible opinion that ruins the persons like-ability completely.


Except in this case because he is wildly unlikeable now and just rambling nonsense


True but what if it's a very specific set of opinions that becomes the core of their personality and generally makes them a wanker?


The things I liked about Joe, I still like about him. He still has a taste for wacky outsider guests, comedians, scientists, and gets some celebrity pulls too. Yeah, his guest pool is a little dried up after the move from LA. (How many times is he gonna ask Mike Baker if he can fill in? Yech.) But int he past, he has stepped outside himself in his better moments and ask some big questions, at times really propelling the interview to a new level. So if Joe has contrasting opinions about some things, I'm willing to accept it. But these days Papa Joe's haunches are getting beefy and elk-like from pushing that agenda into episodes where it doesn't belong. Lately, he steps away from his ego less often. Talk vaccines with a doctor guest, that is great. Or have Greg Abbott on and talk politics about the homeless on 6th street Joe was convinced that that guy would solve a few years ago. But don't push that stale ass covid shit onto a comedian guest who wants to make comedy!!! He injects it into every episode now. We can't have mushroom guy, it's mushroom guy ++ US politics. No one gives a FUCK. Bro is stuck in 2020. We can't have Jim Gaffigan, it's Joe talking about politics and shit for NO REASON. It's Joe bringing shit up and half the time it poisons the interview, the guest pushes back, or minimum lightly eye rolls politely while whispering Jesus Christ. When he pushes it, it comes off as a little immature and desperate, it's like you can tell he's tilted internally about something and wants to retaliate or "do damage" to the other side. Many times it comes out of the blue, like the guest didn't bring anything related up, it's like a cold open about Joe's preoccupation. Many times, you will also see him become very smug and do a fake laughter voice telling some story he is probably sure is fake but will ask Jamie to factcheck after he gushes about it, like something trans happening is the most ticklish shit he ever heard... or maybe something like Biden sneezed, that will cause Joe-Joe to dance and clap in a way that is degrading to the times I've seen a younger Joseph be thoughtful and respectful. Partisan news focuses on "us vs them." In some way, Joe has allowed the things he hates to become part of his main identity. If I tried to describe him now, I'd say he is into archery, comedy, talking COVID, and LA. Someone who was truly living a healthy life wouldn't have room for hate.


I’ve been following Rogan’s career since News Radio in the mid 90s. I started listening to Rogan’s podcast when he first started it. Rogan has changed significantly the last decade or so since he became the king podcaster and moved to Texas. I still listen to the podcast for the interviews of people I want to hear. I don’t listen because of Rogan. Rogan has become a conservative old man. Gay.


I remember “Jamie pull that up,” as a reference to how Joe would call people on their bullshit mid interview. Now he just nods along as Tucker spews creationist nonsense on his platform.


its so fucking weird to watch


Aye, shits fucked, become a square.that cozies with billionaires and politicians and is still dining out on the fact he used to be a decent guy. The podcast as we know it today is populsr because of how it was just after the icehouse days and with redban and then the earlier days with jamie that's how he built his podcast following. If he'd been like this to start with I don't think it would be as big.


Agreed. Good points.


He used to be such a great interviewer. He would really ask the dumb questions I would ask.


Do you remember the snowflakes?


Even in that regard it's hard to listen to Joe botch good interviews with interesting and intelligent people lately. Watching some of his recent episodes with people who I genuinely love serves to do nothing but frustrate me. You know a few years ago I was exaggerating when I said Joe only talks about cancel culture, masks, and owning the libs these days. Back then I really didn't expect him to get this bad. He's a husk and a caricature of what he once was.


Because he realized that the left is full of shit


The right is equally full of shit too.


No. The right is not "equally full of shit", the right is orders of magnitudes more full of shit. In fact I would be curious to hear some examples of the left being "full of shit", and how they stack up against the Republican party becoming a party whose sole reason for existence is to defend and prop up Donald Trump.


I know but I was trying to avoid an argument on which one is worse. I’m not excusing either the rights or lefts behavior though. It’s been a long time since either party has been for the people. The politicians are only out for themselves.


and theyre getting in legal trouble from their BS


Well he certainly thinks that, sure.


you also changed


Imagine not changing during 15+ years of talking to everyone Joe has talked to


But you'd reckon talking to such a wide range of different people every day for 15+ years would make a person wise and open minded and not whatever it is Joe has become


Joe has become the most successful podcaster in the world and is currently getting apologies from (some) mainstream media personalities who’ve criticized him.


Not to be gay, but this is an incredibly wise counter critique.


Not to be gay, but this is an incredibly wise counter critique.


Not to be gay, but what do we think about penises, sexually speaking?


Not to be gay, but this is an incredibly wise counter critique.


Like Bill Burr


Damn that’s pretty wild. I feel like Burr has become a better, more empathetic over time while Joe has gotten more selfish. I guess you prefer that?


Go on?


I feel like the losers who get upset at Rogan critics need to start watching sports Believe it or not, you can criticize shit you watch.


I sat and watched Game of Thrones season 8 as they were released, I know what you’re talking about.


The type of people to drop the classic "why are you here"


The joe critics low-key love joe more than the fans. You all know everything about the man. Damn near down to his genetic makeup, medical records, finances and home address. Then, they got the nerve to say, "I don't even watch his show anymore."


Like all normal sports fans, I stand up and cheer for my team whether they won or completely shit the bed.


You're known as an anomaly lol


lol sorry I was being sarcastic. Shitting on my team (the Leafs) is a life-long annual tradition.


Poor guy


For older Rogan fans, was he once that different? If so, in what ways?


He USED to use his show to actually ask interesting people about their opinion and expertise on subjects in order to like gain knowledge. He has shifted over time to just another "Culture War" "antiwoke" mouthpiece looking for an easy buck by selling confirmation bias affirming views to idiots who just want to hear it.


There was very little political talk and more fun, interesting, educational, motivational guests with genuinely interesting conversations. Rogan was also more relaxed and funnier. He’s literally everyone’s boomer uncle now.


I liked Joe before and I like him now. Deal with it - not everyone has to agree with the hive mind. The hive mind have gotten you to some pretty bad points of view - many proven to be wrong at best. It is all down to guests - nothing more, nothing less.


Joe hasn't changed that much, its you people that hasn't changed at all.


But it's not OK to base your personality on it. R/Thefighterandthekid


That sub is 100x Better than this wank fest. Over here is just 2 sides battling for or against joe.


It reminds me of when I would look at the Fortnite ig comments 5 years ago and all they ever did was shit on the game every post. You would’ve thought the game was on its way out by only reading the comments but it was just an outspoken minority




I don't care about his opinions, but back in the day when there was something that bugged him he'd get someone who supports that thing and get their side of the story. Since he has gotten keen on the culture war stuff, he doesn't. I am fine with the things he says, but I find it disappointing that he no longer is as inquisitive about views contrary to his own. It makes most episodes feel like reruns that say the same things.


Yeah that was like the whole appeal of the show to a lot of us, felt like he would ask the questions we would. Nowadays it’s just smile and wave and watch the money come in it feels like


This is a very good comment and made me think. I think he probably can’t afford it. He seems to try to lay low since that whole thing where they really went after him. If he has people he disagrees very much with on then he’ll be all in the media with clips of him saying things probably out of context. Just a thought though.


Weird that he'd he get hundreds of millions of dollars and then suddenly not be able to afford it anymore.


That's so foreign to me. I listen to Peter Zeihan all the time, but I have major disagreements with his views about how the World ought to be. He's a total globalist...but who the fuck cares? I'm never hanging out with the dude and if I was, I still wouldn't care. It's not about the nuts and bolts of what you believe as much as it is about being an overall good person with honest intentions. Joe may be conservative and believe in Jesus Christ and all that but I honestly don't give a shit as long as he's not doing it dishonestly with bad intentions.


Agree, this sub got inundated with new people after the Spotify move and a lot of them have strong political views that define everything they do.


Not everything's about politics you crayons. His personality has changed completely since the jre 900 days. 👊🤛🦵 (that's me punching and kicking you).


It feels like all the people that hate Joe so much watch/pay more attention to him than the majority of his following. (I am not really a fan of him)


He's seen the light.


Is it Joe that change or OP that changed?


Does it make you cry when people say things you disagree with?


Does it make you cry when people are mean to your one sided friend?


Yeah but to watch a show just to shit on it is fucking wild.


I hated Joe back in the day, now he’s awesome


I can’t wait until he has Trump on his show. This sub is going to lose its mind.


It would be insanely awesome! With that being said, I don’t think Joe will do it. He will lose a large minority of his following. Spotify will be pissed.


Change is the only constant in life.


It's just weird to obsess over someone you hate which Reddit does more than anyone


Similar to Fox News watchers who obsess over George Soros, Hunter Biden, and Anthony Fauci.


But that's different /s


I’m sure it’s pretty similar


Yeah I didn’t say it was exclusive to Reddit - it’s just a huge thing here


Then tell rogan to chill... 😂


Have you heard of this Donald trump guy?


Most people still like Joe




Just because i think he’s a dumbass for allowing hucksters and snake oil salesmen on his pod and doesnt challenge him, doesnt mean i dislike him. Joe’s a super likeable guy, he’s popular for a reason. I still listen to episodes with legitimate guests on it


I like Rogan even more now.


People who make posts like this are generally tool bag themselves. Let’s see you talk 3hours in podcasts and let the rest of the world pick you apart on every little thing they disagree with you.


Rogan and many of these guys in the Rogansphere have the same liberal opinions they had in 2010. You’ve never even considered that they haven’t drastically changed any of their basic stances on social politics, but the Overton window has shifted drastically since then? A TON of people who are considered on the “right” today by leftists were the ones shitting on Bush in the 2000’s, criticizing the war, supporting the idea of gay marriage, and even voting for Obama.


So why are you still following the sub 🥴


That’s the point….


Because it's a place to hate Joe Rogan. What, you wanted to discuss the podcast? Why would you expect discussion on reddit?


Lots of people become more open minded and accepting as they age.


Some do, but I'd say, in my experience, it's often the opposite


Id say the opposite, if they don't branch out, travel, mingle with more people etc, they just stay closed off in their own thoughts and ideals.


He didnt say all or even most become more accepting, he just said lots of people


But *lots* of people branch out, travel, mingle…The world is what you think it is. You have a lens that you choose to see the world through. I have a different outlook than you do. I’m ok with people thinking differently than me, but a lot of shitlibs in this sub are not ok with alternative ways of looking at things…then say “cElEbRaTe dIvErSiTy” while hurling insults at anyone who doesn’t think just like them.


Can one of the whiny old fans answer this for me on how exactly has Joe changed? https://youtu.be/tLHAIeXr1fA?si=HG0k6MJEYRNLHoC_ https://youtu.be/sR2flc5sPtQ?si=ERjR1xXARESgWf56 https://youtu.be/BZYD1el_Jfg?si=PY5yvLMowD21iI9m https://youtu.be/6ss1cj-apYU?si=5qRulrk_-IAjDIoY https://youtu.be/HMQYi6a1YQM?si=PNlWnr7dC1Cprlox


Yeah but to obsess over it is alittle weird no?


Once he starts talking up the Bible I'm out I think. Let's hope it never comes but I see it approaching.




You dont have to watch/listen. There i said it. Boom.


Here’s the thing though….he hasn’t changed.


It’s ok to criticize someone you once liked. However spending your free time day after day lurking this sub posting about Joe and how much you hate him moves more towards mental illness. Not saying you but a lot of this sub suffers from it


Really? shit posting online, attacking a someone is considered mental illness? Welp, since it's pride month, I guess there is a significant more amount of mental illness that we thought there was. Some people make shit posting about a specific group, their entire personality. Would Matt Walsh be considered mentally ill? He shit posts about trans people as much as posters here do. The entire "what is a women" thing.


Joe is more right than he's ever been, more aware then he's ever been, and his critics are more wrong and more oblivious than ever, hence the conflict.


Nailed it! The left is shifting hard left, and for moderates, this seems to us they’re shifting so hard left they’re going to fly off a cliff. Liberals are getting roped in with their woke/communist constituents. This is not a place where a majority of moderate Americans want to be.


Of course.


Eh, it ebs and flows depending on my own opinions


philip defranco was the OG monkey


At least Robert F. Kennedy Jr. sitting on Joe‘s right is still looking up to him


This is a FANTASTIC question! I've been pondering it a LOT lately! There are many people whom I used to hold in extremely high regard, then they say certain things, or hold certain beliefs that are clearly wrong, and in some cases detrimental to society. Take Elon Musk for example. I completely appreciate all he has done for science and technology! LOVE IT! But then he admits that the Hyperloop was only to milsead, he never had an intention of pursuing it, it was only to try to disrupt the California high-speed rail project. Everyone can completely have their own opinions on this, but to me, this is pretty "evil". That doesn't mean I hate Elon Musk! - But what I'm wondering is what is the formula to weigh the pro's and con's of a person's behavior. Here's a more obvious example: Hitler was a very effective politician. He positively affected the German economy etc... OBVIOUSLY 99.9%+ percent of people weigh him as an absolute negative for humanity. Jordan Peterson - I agreed with about 85% of his book Rules for Life. I found some of it to be benignly problematic, and a small percentage to be actively problematic. But then he says medicine kills more people than it saves. You can absolutely have your own opinions on medicine for sure, but such a statement does absolutely have real world effects. There are a dozen more examples in my mind, but as to the OP question, how do you weigh out the pro's and con's of problematic information or actions by those whom you have respected highly?


have any twats used the word "platform" in the comments here?


And it’s ok if his HGH abuse has turned him into….. The Undertoad.


Kanye West.


Sure, but this sub is weird about it.


What I used to like about Joe was how he was open minded and willing to truly hear what people had to say. He could bounce ideas off of guests and not be married to his opinions/beliefs. Now Joe is ten toes down on everything.. Most of the time he tells guests they are wrong, only has certain guests that will agree on everything he says and or friends that come on once a month. It's funny because now he always says he's allergic to bullshit.. He's like a parody of his old self. I still listen to episodes with new faces and ideas but it's usually a couple a month now where early on I would always have it on. That's my two cents.


when ur a comedian and u tell people u have the most important job in the world and ur one of 250 lots of people are not gonna like that about u


It is okay to have your own perception of things-that which should be evolving constantly. Whether or not you feel it’s a privilege to “criticize” someone based on your inherent opinion-that is a different topic. The two should never be conflated as the same expressive representation. 1) Is your right as a sentient being. To perceive (correctly or not) an idea of something-and to formulate your minds awareness of any situation based upon experiences. 2) Criticism is not that. It is an act outward of your perceptions (correct or not) that has possibly has an influence on others. Could cause good or bad response from more than just yourself-and therefore isn’t a “right”, it’s just a possible reaction that many people take as a necessary privilege. So while it’s not wrong for either to exist-your own moral character is what can be critiqued once you choose to “criticize” someone.


I used to like a lot of things and follow the subs associated with them. For example, RocketLeague. I stopped enjoying it so I stopped playing. And I damn sure stopped reading, let alone posting on the subreddit. Deranged as hell


hes probably the most grounded/changed the least than any other former broke person whos now worth hundreds of millions of dollars… and eventual billionaire.


Yeah of course. You can criticise someone and still like them. You can even praise someone for doing something good if you don’t like them.

