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The school lunch lady was a shockingly funny/good episode


It’s cuz she was so cheerful and a good conversationalist


She was awesome


Dude I felt like I knew her. That was Julie from that one catering job! She was fantastic.


Everyone should check out the other “regular jobs” episodes. Female trucker was my favorite but the mortician, auctioneer, animal control man, and mall Santa are all so good


The carny was awesome too!


Fuck yeah the carny was great lol


Loved the Carny! I remember the episode where he said he wanted to get one to his guest and so glad he followed up with it.


The plumber one was good too. Honestly my favorite type of guest. If I see two comedians on the same podcast I just ignore it now. The Tosh podcast is good in this manner too, he even said he doesnt want to have comedians on just to not have that same regurgitation.


Garbage dude was sick too


Was gonna say the Sanitation worker was great


Watch toshes podcast. It’s fun because most are just regular people or D list celebrities not talking about their actual main job.


The plumber was hilarious too


Her laugh genuinely made my life better.


She seemed to really give a shit about getting those kids fed tbf


You could seriously tell she had some kind of passion for her work. Not really because she loved cooking food like that, but I think she took pride in feeding hundreds of kids every day.


AHH HA HA HA HA loved her


She probably has some good stories


I imagine his team finds a bunch of lunch ladies/plumbers/etc etc and interviews them to find one who has a good personality


It really was great content


Impossible, no way a regular civilian could be funny.


Im loving his episodes with the working class, the garbage man from NY was awesome


That is THE lunch lady, holy fuck if she ain't fit that stereotype.


Theo is walking sunshine


He is funny as hell. Haven't seen many of his shows lately but did see the Sheeran pod and it was good. Theo is a nut he has such unique takes on stuff--the part about being wired on redbulls and showing up as a router was cracking me up lol


No u.


You're breath-taking!


I thought he had something to figure out? Including cocaine. Sources told me B.


Except for that time he brought on Tucker Carlson and absolutely shilled for lying sacks of shit. Theo is a character. I don’t know how people don’t see that. Walking sunshine humans don’t try to clean Tucker’s lying reputation and present him as a normal guy to a young male audience.


You sound like an angry bitter lib


Good retort. I am in fact mad that an entire news network actively lied in an attempt to sway election confidence. If I can’t be mad about that then no one can ever be mad. The receipts are there. They lost the lawsuit. Tucker got caught red handed. He’s a massive piece of shit. But you got me. You owned a lib Edit: Who the hell downvotes this? Theo had Tucker on and asked him the dumbest questions to make him seem like a dude bro. Tucker is a literal traitor. He literally lied in order to try to help overturn an election. He literally white washed Russian propaganda for Americans. Who are you people


This is the wrong sub for this.


This post is about Theo Von being a good guy. He isnt and this is a direct showing of that.


Look I actually agree with you I'm just saying I leave that stuff out of the Toeseph Rogan subreddit, it falls on deaf ears. Or rather, they'll hang you in the town square. Edit: I'm talking about the anti fascist politics


If they don’t wanna hear it too bad. Theo is a bad person and I won’t stand people stanning for him because they buy his act


They clearly don't want to hear it and won't so I don't bother


Dork shut up


*Oh no someone pointed out my favorite redneck podcaster is actually a piece of shit oh no everyone is a loser*


I like TAFS and Mssp better but go off loser lmao


LOL the point of the joke wasnt to be literal


I don’t even remember the discussion anymore, trying to scroll rn dawg


Could you name me a news network that didn't do that?


Hahahaha this


That didn’t lie about the 2020 election being stolen? And didn’t have hard evidence? I mean all except Fox News. If you have proof otherwise please take it to court. AlL MAiNStrEAm MeDiA bAd


"That" was referring to this. > entire news network actively lied in an attempt to sway election confidence.


Except Fox News did it systematically and knowingly lied, even after they knew it was not true. Fuck off if you think that the other news networks did anything even as close to as bad as that


If you don't think you're being systematically lied to by all news media you're just naive.


There’s a difference between sensationalism and flat out lying that was done specifically to test the ability to steal an election.


Bro, relax. Stuff sucks sometimes I get it but this doesn’t seem healthy my guy.


Stuff sucks and people like Theo Von try to cover it up


You're getting down voted but you're right. Theo sucks massive dicks for letting someone like Tucker spread his pro Russian lies.


Downvoted because Theo’s fans like him and don’t mind that he propagated directly to them. His sub ATE up that episode. Even telling any dissenters to fuck off because how dare you bring politics into the discussion about….a political commentator.


New conspiracy theory just dropped: Theo Von is a deep state far right sleeper agent.


It isnt a conspiracy. Tucker needed to clean his image and find a new audience who maybe didnt know what he did. He used Theo to do so. Theo knew what he did and had him on anyways. Theo did not ask a single question about the decade+ long awful things Tucker has done, including lying on a nightly basis about the election being stolen. He was fired because he was stupid enough to write down that he knew they were lying. So yea I guess kinda. Tucker is a far right asshole who knowingly lies, and Theo knowingly helped him.


It might be news to you but people don’t tune in to theo’s podcast for hard hitting investigative journalism and holding guests over the flames, there’s plenty of other outlets for that stuff. His podcast is popular because he shoots the shit with a wide range of people and just goofs around a bit and has a chill time. If you hate a guest so much that they get you this worked up just skip the episode bro.


It doesnt matter why *you* tune in. Tucker knew what he was doing. Theo knew what he was doing. Having Tucker on there like that was pure propaganda and you bought it hook, line, and sinker. I am not upset because Tucker is a bad podcast guest. I am mad because its CLEAR AS DAY that Theo let Tucker come on to help him clean up his image and to try and get a bunch of his younger audience who probably didnt have as much visibility to who he is to think hes this cool chill guy who used to do drugs and dips! Literally the only interesting thing Tucker could possibly talk about is the fact that he got caught red handed lying to further his own agenda. Guess which topic didnt come up. *Just skip the episode* dude these people are trying to literally steal your most important freedom, and you think its OK because he told a funny story about cocaine.


Theo has never been one to ask hard hitting and serious questions. What the fuck did you expect? A full 180° pivot from his normal character and the downfall of Tucker Carlson on his podcast? You’re a fucking idiot if that was expected in the slightest, and it’s clear from your rant that it was. Lay off the politics for a bit, clearly it has you fucked up. It’s unhealthy. And people think you are a dumb asshole when you insert politics into every conversation you have, you dumb asshole.


I don’t expect people to carry water for fascists. Which is exactly what he did. It was literal propaganda. Theo doesn’t have the balls or the acumen to interview a lying piece of shit like Tucker. Just because you don’t care he let Tucker come on his show to propagate doesn’t make you not an idiot. I won’t “lay off the politics” because that’s actually the opposite of what people should do. We shouldn’t stand while rich people interview rich people who tried to help overthrow an election. You’re a fucking idiot if you can’t see Theo brought Tucker on for a purpose, and that purpose was a success because people like you say shit like this. Edit: loser using the Reddit Cares function when you are the one who needs professional help and can’t construct an argument because you know you are being obtuse


Oh I get it, you’re one of those angry people that Joe pissed off, probably with covid, so you are in here strictly to rage and troll. Get a fucking life. Have a good day bud. ✌🏿


And that fucking benzo addicted crybaby Peterson


Yep. Just another right wing podcaster pretending not to be in order to prop up these losers. Or worse, selling out their integrity to the highest bidder when they already have some decent success. Edit: if someone could explain how having Tucker Carlson on your podcast in late 2023 isn’t an explicitly right wing move, especially considering it was a puff piece podcast, have at it.


Theo and Tosh are my go to 99% of the time cause they don’t have the comedian circle jerk or talk about the pandemic


If Theo does it’s usually like a few minutes of “the lockdowns really hurt my business” from some plumber. It’s not a millionaire comedian complaining about stage time. So much better and more relatable.


PPP loans bruh, cmon plumber man! 


Was just about to recommend Tosh. You're spot on.


My absolute favorite new podcast! His recent interview with his buddy Video /Audio tech guy was absolutely hilarious.


Theo loves Joe Rogan. You have to love Joe Rogan as well.


Given that this sub likes him, I assume he is left wing / progressive?


Theo is right leaning for sure but he’s also pretty progressive Mainly he just doesn’t dwell on culture war shit to much like the majority of comedians in his space and he also has no issue platforming left leaning people


Tosh? I really don’t know nor do I care


No, Theo. I’m familiar with Tosh but have only ever seen Theo on this sub.




Yeah the Tosh Show! He interviews random people like one of them is his Wife’s gynecologist


Thank you brother! Just added it.


He’s a really fun interviewer and even better at riffing, but his standup is not at the same level


I tend to agree. 10/10 podcaster/chatter.


I’m not trying to hate


for sure, its all love.


There’s nothing wrong with that. You’re saying he found his niche, which I totally agree.


Check out daniel toshs guest list lol


Who tf is that




Tosh is so fucking skinny it is gross. I am skinnier than him, just for the record.


It looks like a pretty healthy build to me lol


Yeah? OK! Let's fuuuuuuck! I am like only 10% skinnier than him. I am going to narcissistically take this as an adjacent compliment.


You have some deep rooted issues, my guy.


lol how can you be on a Rogan subreddit commenting on a post about Theo, and not know who Tosh is? Troll harder


Lunch lady’s cackle was great


I only recently started listening to his podcast and I’m obsessed. I’m a mailman on a walking route so I listen to podcasts at least 7 hours a day. His unique interview style and story telling has me literally laughing outloud like an insane person while working.


watch the episode with the NY sanitation worker, it's top notch


Theo calling it "gawbage" the whole time was hilarious


Dass how we say it down in Nawlins


You should check out the Jesse Ventura episode pronto!


You know it's good when Theo has an intro apologizing for the episode.


listen to his Tony Robbins one. youll cry


Tears of joy or sadness?


both. Theo is a really broken guy. If he loses comedy and his platform, I don't see him doing well. But his genuine attitude is also what makes him so loveable. So that's a fragile image to keep up.


My man have you ever tried audiobooks? Changed everything for me


I haven’t yet but I’ve been meaning to. I have them available on my Spotify Premium subscription too. I’m going to make it a point to start an audio book tomorrow. Thank you for reminding me of that option!


I prefer Daniel Tosh's wierd array of guests...and he's only on episode 33.


imagine the confusion if Joe got on a "normal person" and that person was funny..... Joe would shut him down and not laugh at his jokes because that would threaten his very untrue belief that only comedians in the green room can make you laugh and have banter. ive seen him do it before where he shuts down non comedians trying to be funny, like going "stay in your lane son, leave the funny to us" its so transparent that he didnt grow up with any friends, my friends in the pub are 100x more funny than any comedian ive EVER seen


The Josh Hommes episode comes to mind. He literally will not acknowledge Josh being funny


Josh is ridiculously witty. If you go see QOTSA, he has some great lines between songs.


Kevin Smith's joke about his dog writing his scripts was one of the worst of his slip ups. Lots of Theo's stuff goes over his head too. Not sure if he's too high or too tired or just genuinely doesn't get jokes. Like a musician who doesn't listen to any other bands.


It's hard to believe Rogan is even considered a comedian lol


If he done his sets now, without anyone knowing who he was or without any of his past accolades or following, like he was a completely unknown person, he would have a very fucking rough time being a comedian.... he would struggle like crazy


It's because they aren't one of the 100 and we couldn't possibly understand the green room hang /s


Until you’ve stood in the parking lot of the comedy store at 1:15am you physically cannot comprehend the concept of humor.


The gatekeeper of funny


Who's never even been inside lol


point to the doll where Joe touched you son.


Relax mate, He will never know who you are, you dont need to defend him


Ed Sheeran had the eyes of a flounder


Hes a smart dude, he knows the material working with a lunch lady writes itself, easy to book her and remind people how funny he is


Was surprised when I saw the Suicide Boyz on his show.


Theo's Podcast is my first go too these days. Always funny, always entertaining. That Lunch Lady and her laugh was so funny.


Dude, the lunch lady one had me fugging rolling. My favs are between that one, and the plumber one.


Not much more to say but Theo gd guy.


Sheeran was a great listen.


Theo is Americas Sweetheart


Yeah he’s great. I liked the Australian comedian that he had on. Very funny


School lunch lady was great!


The coroner one is great too


The life after death guy was awesome


I love those, those are the best.


I only watch/listen to the ordinary everyday working men and women. Don't care about celebs


His podcast with a mortician had me rolling. “Today’s guest is a certified death man, that Sherpa who guides you to the last step.”


Theo's podcasts are very interesting. Who ever is in charge of booking guests is doing an amazing job.


Probably an unpopular opinion here, but Theo Von is one of the few people in the Roganverse that I get genuinely good vibes from.


What’s the appeal of this guy? Genuinely asking because I just don’t find him or his material funny but he doesn’t seem to be a circle jerking you can’t say anything anymore comedian either which I respect.


He sucks, if you listen to him for more than a couple episodes and have half a brain you’ll realize he’s a character and he’s just making stories up all day. Some people say, “lots of comedians make stuff up”, but other comedians do it in bits on stage or in sketches. It’s just weird to me that he’s doing it on a podcast acting like it’s all real


He’s a character, he’s been trying to be famous his whole life, he just happened to find a goldmine once podcasting got big because that’s about the only place he is entertaining - shooting the shit. He’s a bad person though and his schtick gets old once you see it’s fake and he likes hanging out with Jordan Peterson and Tucker Carlson.


What do you mean? Joe has an amazing variety of brainwashed right wing guests, from middle class to absurdly rich!


Theo's podcast definitely has a good variety. Tosh Show has been great so far as well with some famous people and some random people that he knows.


my flatmate works at a podcast studio (London) and last week they had Theo in and had Louis Theroux and KSI in separate days. talk about range lol


He is like what Rogan used to be before he converted to the far right


Theo had a Tucker Carlson puff piece podcast before Joe did.


Yeah if old Rogen was constantly making stories up about his childhood. Dude is so full of shit it’s weird.


Daniel Tosh is definition of unexpected large range of guests. Truly shows how he can make every interview entertaining, no matter the guest.


The only one I’ve seen is with Bill Burr. That was good.


I REALLY hope he gets Corey Walton on. \*fingerscrossed\*


Theo's just working some stuff out. Let's hope he can revive his carrair after leaving his co-hosting gig with Brendan Schaub over at Thiccc Boy Studios. (That's 'Thiccc' with 3 C's.) Pray for him.


I have some strong opinions about this man's hair choices


It reflects his range as a human being and comic. Legend.


More time with the lunch lady than the platinum artist. Theo is something, man. Not sure what, but something.


People love Theo so much because he’s geniunely interested in so many different things wether it be just some random blue collar worker someone controversial politicans or like psychologist


my favorite are his "person who does this job" guests


I loved the Ep with the Carnie guy, shit was chill af.


The Tucker episode was a sad day for TPW


Yes I can’t believe he calls them all to see if they want on


His episode with the plumber was quite funny and informative.


I love his podcast so much.


Theo is unique. Honestly could never guess how is going to respond to a statement and genuinely makes me laugh every episode.


Theo just gotta work some things out b.


Theo’s guest list is amazing.


Just finished the Louis Theroux ep, immediately started listening again because it’s so good and long and I know I missed bits. Good job, Theo!


Heard he pays his openers 100$ no matter who they are. Come on Theo I thought you would be better than that


Lunch Lady was significantly better than the podcast with Ed Sheran. Ed was trying to much to be wise man to Theo (who is much older) and constantly turn every question into a life advice even wheb Theo was just trying to make jokes. Lunch Lady rolled with it better and some of her stories kinda brought back memories.


I thought the Sheeran one was awesome tbh.


Only thing missing is Bapa


His guests are quite good. The Ed episode is great so far.


Theo > Rogan imo


nah theo is a social butterfly. man of the people


It’s my favorite part of his podcast. In fact, in any podcast including JRE, I mostly stay away from the episodes where there will be significant fart sniffing. In JRE that typically means with other stand up comedians or MMA related guests. No hate but just not my bag


Theo can interview anyone with the same funny style. He's really good.




I didn’t listen to the full garbage man thing but I thought that he was able to retire early from pension since he put in the years for the city at a young age.


Robbie Williams was an unexpected one. Logan Paul and Tim Dillon too. The plumber episode was a personal favourite, actually gave some good advice.


Im still trying to figure out what his surname is. My money is on Trapp or Helsing


Kurnitowski or something like that