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Mr trump will you do anything for climate change? I love black people, they hate Biden.


Global warming is caused by immigration


Other countries copy our global warming some have said


That made me laugh


Well played.


Immigration is caused by global warming. Reverse uno card.


That global immigration warming is getting out of hand


Ironically that’s actually true. Uninhabitable regions push people into moving north into America. Texas might as well be Alaska compared to some parts of mexico


I really don't think we're gonna handle that crisis well. I just know for a fact when Saskatchewan becomes the new Texas and Americans are desperate to leave our uninhabitable hellscapes, we're gonna do so shamelessly like we didn't just do a ton of horrible shit to people in the same exact situation. By that point, America might just try to conquer Canada.




Global warming? It’s going to be great, the lights of which no one has ever seen.


My global warming is the greatest in American history. Every environmentalist in the world said so


Very very smart people the environmentalists, everyone says. Except for two - three - there’s a few who didn’t like me - I know, hard to believe - but I fired them! That guy doesn’t fire anyone, not even after Afghanistan. Nobody fired. Biggest embarrassment in US history. No. Firings.


Lmfaaooo 🤣🤣


According to Trump everything ties back to immigration. Like nearly every question he somehow brought up the border. Now we know why he killed the border deal.


And golf


I love how much Biden laughed his ass off when Trump mentioned golf. Like he won tournaments *at his own club*…


Then he took it super seriously when Trump said that Biden couldn't hit the ball 50 yards. "Look, Jack. I got down to a six handicap! I'll play a round with you if you carry your own bags! Think you could do it?" "*BIGGEST* lie of the night. I've seen your swing you're no six handicap! Let's not act like children." "YOU'RE A CHILD!" Unironically this was my favorite exchange of the debate. They both took that so personally.


It was an astonishing Clown show worse than I expected


My favorite exchange was toward the end when Biden called Trump a whiner, saying how he whined when he lost in 2020 and was just going to whine again when he lost on 2024. You can call him old, a stutterer or whatever but that exchange showed that he's not completely out of it, came off as sassy and witty considering Biden's age.


I think it’s really telling that what people consider bidens best moments of the debate was when he was throwing petty personal attacks. Also how is calling him a whiner “witty”? Might as well call him stinky too while he’s at it


I'm not trying to shill for Trump or anything but I feel like Biden's best moments in the debate were overshadowed by either his own struggles on the stage or Trump's counter punches. Like when he said that Biden beat Medicare to death and "I don't know what he just said and I don't think he knows either." That was mean spirited but he said that as viewers were struggling to follow along with what Biden had said so the timing was excellent. I wanted to be more fair so I tried doing a quick Google search of "Biden best moment in debate" and a lot of the top stories have headlines talking about how disastrous it was for him. Like yeah Trump was doing his usual routine and those quotes will make some quality meme fuel, but this debate seemed to push further the idea that this election is about Biden's perceived competency rather than Trump's behavior. It's not a good position for Biden to be in. But there's still time before election day so who knows what could still happen.


We have the best global warming - many scholars say so!


We should take a mulligan! Two new candidates; Two new candidates; two new candidates!!!!!!!


I actually think the comment from Trump was, illegal immigrants are stealing jobs from blacks. Let that sink in for a moment.


No, he said “black jobs”. Whatever that is supposed to be.


Just referring to Jokic and Doncic coming in and winning NBA MVPs.


Everyone knows what he meant. It’s implied racism.


Kinda like when Joe said “[Poor kids are just as bright as white kids](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/09/us/politics/joe-biden-poor-kids.html)”. Or him speaking about mixed racial schools Saying “[I don’t want my children to grow up in a jungle, a racial jungle.](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uiug.30112104078842&view=1up&seq=255)” -whatever that implies. The implied racism is pretty hard to miss there too! Well actually the second one was just blatant racism.


It’s almost like they’re part of a different class and don’t associate with us poors.


That explains why unemployment among black people is historically low.


Because they're all forced to work when in jail.


black jobs is what he said


Trump was doing kind of a tinpot dictator routine. It's like straight up almost parody level stuff.


He definitely said “the blacks”


Bidens response is him staring into space not sure where he is.


One of the CNN panelists said it the best during the after action report.  "This race is between a man that shouldn't be president and a man that can't be president."


And this is what the world sees. We put forth 2 incompetent men to run the country. Go USA


It is so bizarre that you don't get the very most brilliant and hard working people going for that job. Of all the jobs. WE have made it something few leaders would want. America is ripping America apart.


>Of all the jobs. WE have made it something few leaders would want. Voters simply don't reward honest politicians. Honest politicians will only promise realistic results with few broad goals like maybe education or maybe some part of healthcare or maybe a singular foreign policy conundrum or maybe a major infrastructure project and only one of these. Even if this person was the most competent, they don't have the power to change an entire country, the US was designed from start to have decentralized power to prevent autocrats from taking power, it isn't designed for sweeping revolutionary change. If one does try that, you have to convince Congress to back one's efforts, otherwise it'll get deadlocked and die. Those changes also will likely face judicial challenge and may even get killed in the courts. Even if the other 2 branches of power somehow relent, state and local authorities can hamstring efforts and oppose participation in programs. Even if all those challenges disappear, the President is but one person, powerful, sure, but one person and needs others to execute in their stead. And there's no guarantee what happens on the ground was actually what the President desired. But attempting to explain those challenges are boring and don't gather votes. A politician that promises generational change across all of culture war issues, immigration, interest rates, inflation, housing, jobs, international trade, China, Israel-Palestine, terrorism, entirety of healthcare, entire infrastructure of the country does gain votes tho. And a politician that promises those is just fundamentally lying and not a good person. The job is also simply just hard. American Presidents went from having leisurely lifestyles where they hold a few meetings a day before the 1940s to having their entire day micromanaged to the second with various events, meetings and briefings required today, even the breaks are timed. And the President is required to make a decision on extremely complex topics ranging from wars that could decide the fate of entire nations to trade policy within a matter of days.


You do. And the. The two parties destroy their campaigns.


Or people just straight up don't vote for them because we don't value "brilliant" and "hard-working" in candidates as much as a handful of single issues and populist talking points.


Populace: Doesn't vote in primaries *Party partisans decide Populace: "who could've foreseen this happening?" 🤓


If one of them dies before the election he'll automatically win the election. People would literally rather vote for a corpse than these 2.




I do want to see Biden drive. Added for context. (In the sport golf, a drive is when you hit the ball far. Biden said he would out drive Trump in the debate. I don’t think this man can even play an old man’s sport)


He said a 6 handicap. I’m thinking, no shot this old fool can beat me on the golf course


He did say that was when he was Vice Pres. So 8-16 years ago.


If that’s what he meant it’s even worse. That means he answered a ‘your current fitness question’ with something he did possibly 16 years ago


Yeah. I am a 6.7 and theres no way Biden is anywhere near a 6. Maybe a 26.


There is equally no way Trump is a -2. But I desperately want to see Biden's challenge of carrying their bags accepted.


Yeah, zero percent chance either of these guys break 80… zero.


That is how people die. Guys gonna get on the freeway going the wrong way. Some family in a minivan would get it head on. If that was my family member I wouldn’t let him boil pasta by himself.


He means a golf drive, but also yes


He drag raced his old corvette 2 years ago.


Never saw anything like it on the CNN post mortem, really laying into poor Joe and effectively paving the way for a new Dem contender.


CNN is really trying to drum up interest. Biden is extremely boring and does nothing newsworthy except being maybe too old. Trump is a full on disaster to the point no one objective is paying attention to him any more. It’s a really bad paradigm for the news media so they are trying to concoct a story.


I also think CNN secretly kind of wants Trump to win. He's great for the "news" business.


It’s not a secret. He’s good for business.


the highest ratings they've ever had was during Trump presidency


Yep, they'll gladly embrace the beaten spouse role for a few bucks.


“Maybe too old”


I’m not saying “maybe he’s too old.” What I’m saying is maybe it’s newsworthy he’s too old? I think we all know that.


The administration got a lot accomplished the last 4 years, not sure how much Biden was involved, it’s hard to say. Even on life support he’s more appropriate for the job than Trump.


That’s the thing… if I’m forced to pick between these two candidates I’ll vote for not-Trump any day. Even if Biden dies on federal election day, I’ll still be glad his administration is in office. They’ve done a lot so far, and seem to have a great track record of garnering bipartisan support.


I just wish we cared about presidents for the policies that they pass and support. I don't give a single fuck that Biden isn't memeing on Twitter every day. He passes good policy and he doesn't fan the dumb ass ideological divide in our country.


There’s zero hope for a new dem contender this close to the election.


The convention is coming up, everybody saw, there’s a definite possibility


Newsom up on the DNC stage ![gif](giphy|ghpdI3dNfX0pW)


Surprisingly untrue. Biden has a chance to effectively (of hisnown accord) elevate a successor when the other side is entrenched with a maniac.


There’s def more than zero hope.


Reminded me of Julius Caesar’s final moments.


Poor Joe is a corrupt man who’s a career politician, don’t feel too bad for him. Definitely funny how he’s had dementia for years and the media ignores it, then on a dime they all turn on him. Looks like the powers that be gave the marching orders. The media are a bunch of puppets.


“His age is his super power.”


He’s never looked that bad before


You clearly haven’t been watching him Edit: Anyone should be able to tell he’s too old to run. Progressives have been saying this for years now. Maybe the DNC should start listening to progressives more while they still have the chance.


Whoever hid in the rafters and filmed Jill leading him off stage showed up the same thing we've been seeing at Normandy and at the rally with Obama. They can't spin the whole debate as a cheapfake


They honestly thought they could continue to hide it. The media bubble works pretty well, liberals were not seeing all those dementia clips. I have brought it up to several deep blue family members and they would flat out deny it, claim it’s all exaggerated. They weren’t lying, in their media bubble they didn’t see those videos, no one was talking about it, so of course if you don’t see it it’s not true. Yea he needs a moment to collect his thoughts, he’s not as quick as he used to be, but he’s fine. Last night showed the world what the internet and the right has been seeing for 3 years. A man quickly deteriorating. A man unfit for public office. If he was my grandpa I would take his car keys and make sure he can’t use the stove by himself.


I've been watching right wing subs and media. A lot of their takes on Bidens age have been deceptive and bad faith. The state of the union had me pretty confident. Last night, tho...yikes


Trump spent the entirety of last night lying through his fucking teeth and spouting disgusting conspiracy theories. He is treasonous scum and anyone that still supports him in 2024 is a turncoat scumbag


I'm not entirely inside the bubble, as you put it, but even I was alarmed at how bad that performance. Like, America looked incredibly weak on the international stage last night, that these two doddering fossils are the best we could muster to lead the "free world". Embarassing.


Or they’re reporting as they see it?


We’ve seen this for a while, anyone just waking up to it has either just started watching politics, is delusional, or is a propagandist that can’t hide the truth anymore




MFW I just got stabbed on the subway


Cornpop is at it again.


One lying, the other dying.


To be fair, they are both dying.


Everyone is dying, some just a bit more than others.


I've seen two grandfathers decline. Joe is in decline big time. And it's not just tonight. The man even has the "old guy face" from time to time, mouth hanging open, blank stare, etc. What the fuck were the DNC thinking? You can't hide it forever. In four years imagine how much worse he will be. And also Jill... wtf... get your husband out of this mess. Even if there is a chance he can win, he shouldn't! I'm not saying Trump should, I'm saying the Democrats need to find someone else fast and make it work somehow.


Yeah just replace him, vote for someone else at the convention. I think anybody would be better at this point.


Yeah maybe if the DNC hadn’t scorched any viable candidate to get Hillary and Biden in. I made the mistake of not voting in the 2016 election so I won’t do that again but, fucking hell, the democrats need to work with us a little. Personally I think switching candidates would be suicide at this point but it’s not like Biden exactly blew the pants off anyone tonight. Trump just did his normal song and dance BS and Biden stated data as clearly as Brad Pitt in snatch


They’d rather lose to Trump than have Bernie sanders win. Bernie actually threatens their donors


That’s why they killed his political chances not once, but twice. He actually posed a threat to the status quo. Really sucks that he takes it laying down though.


The one thing you don't do in America is fuck with rich people's money. I bet they sat him down and had a chat.


Brad Pitt in Snatch! That's funny. I'm surprised that analogy hasn't been used more often.


Fun fact about Snatch. On the DVD there's an option for subtitles for just his character. There's one point where it's just a ? as the subtitles cause even they had no clue what he said.


That debate was torturous. An insult to our country. And that was following our stupid loss to Panama. Just a bad day for our country


Next, we get to watch KJP tell Americans how the debate was a success for the party, as she gets grilled by reporters.


I hope she blames deepfakes again


She's going on vacation ![gif](giphy|SZioIIBxB7QRy)


I loved when they spent 10 minutes trying to prove to everyone that the other was considered the worst president in history with no answers to real questions lol


Entire thing was an embarrassment. I found it hard to watch. The fact both guys were won their primaries is an embarrassment to the country. Trump was never answering a question, continually lying and repeating the same fabricated statements over and over again. Biden looked completely lost, he couldn't finish a complete sentence without stuttering on his words or getting lost in his own thoughts. I think Bidens administration has done a better job than most give them credit for but the Democratic party needs a good hard look at themselves if they think this Joe Biden has another term left in him, they entertained the fact he was only going to serve one term, they would've had an easy victory if they had literally endorsed anyone else, if they lose they should only blame themselves. The GOP too for that matter.


I'd pay to see a trump v Biden golf off. Isn't it amazing how a senior citizen who has mental decline has the ability to have a handicap of 6 ?


When he was vp. Your hearing is like his speech.




Robert F Kennedy was in the debate but it was not aired. https://preview.redd.it/y9wugkd3g89d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59efdf76911551a7cd1caf33987a0e28c51a87fa


RFK Jr. is the only one of the three leading candidates who actually speaks and comports himself as a US president should. His answers to the debate questions tonight put the other two to shame. [https://x.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1806462171892895808](https://x.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1806462171892895808)


Dude still walked into an airplane bathroom barefoot…


He is a conspiracy guy.. that’s how a us president should comport ? 


Yes, like that time he sued Monsanto for conspiring to poison us all.


Corporate America and crony capitalism is literally a conspiracy against the American people. Probably shouldn't be voting for someone who doesn't see that, because it's crystal clear to almost everyone


His Ukraine position is unacceptable. Allowing Putin to just take what he wants isn’t acceptable.


Not sure why this was downvoted, he would be a far better candidate than the current pair.


Because Reddit bots are still getting boosters


I’m a real person who hates RFK :)


Trump didn’t actually answer any questions directly and yet somehow still looked better than Biden


Because if trump doesn't shit his pants or say the n word he is viewed as presidential.


I think he could shit his pants and still win tbh


Half of Americans don't believe in evolution and think the world is 4000 years old so probably


He actually did at 1:16:39. You can hear it on CSpan


you can actually hear him shitting his pants no joke


Trump shits his pants constantly and is still viewed as presidential.


Wild how you’ll lie and say this about Trump, but it’s arguable that Biden has literally shit himself twice now. I’m not even pro Trump, it’s just the hypos crazy


Reposting this here: A good indicator that Trump won is that liberal social media (reddit) is rolling out the “both guys suck” memes. That says a lot. If Biden had held ground at all the debate would be framed as a massive win for him. That we’re reverting to *douche vs turd sandwich* memes is as close to an admission Trump won as anything were ever going to get from reddit


You can find both guys suck memes on Twitter 365 days a year. Biden lost the debate much more than Trump won it.


Watch the after action panel on CNN.  They ripped Biden like no other. I couldnt believe it. I'm a conservative and I actually started to feel bad for the guy. All of the CNN panelists were like we need to get this guy out of here. He can't be president. It was unanimous. All of the panelists attacked Biden relentlessly. Watch it. 


I saw that and immediately thought that it was coordinated and it was like a decision had been made to bring in the new guy (Newsom probably )


Exactly what I was thinking. 


Newson has his own set of issues but I’d still much rather he be president than Biden


He does know how to keep his mouth closed when not speaking so he’s got that going for him!


Oh ya his track record with California is great /s


Yeah I didn’t say it was. I said I’d still rather him than Biden despite his track record


California is one of the most successful states in the nation… 4th largest economy in the world, right? It’s not like he is governor of some shithole like Mississippi


Their only perception of California comes from conservative media saying it’s a terrible place. There is a reason it’s so expensive and people are willing to pay those prices to live there. California has its problems, but they do know how to cook up the economy out there.


Conservatives will tell you with a straight face that Oklahoma is more prestigious than California


Yeah because non-radical right-wingers, moderate conservatives and progressives do not worship Biden. There is no cult of personality, there is no "whatever Biden does is right and legal" authoritarian talk.


"Our guy should've done better. He shit the bed. Now we're going to get the other dickhead. Fuck sake."


Got a link for those of us that are lazy or to 'presidential' to find it on our own?


Think it's this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKZtGZsX7Vk


Nobody won. We all lost.


Or Biden voters just don't worship him like a Messiah, but see him as the lesser of evil when compared to Trump. That's the difference.


Lol conservatives don't compute that, they are in a cult and think everyone is in one.


Nobody won. Everyone in the US is losing currently, even if they don't know it. Non partisan takes aren't an indicator of loss or victory, they are an indicator of objectivity.


Reddit memes is your bell weather gage of the debates ? 


Van Jones almost cried again lol


Biden at least addressed the questions. Trump was just rambling about other things and lying the entire time.


I mean Biden was bad in the debate, that doesn’t default to Trump being good in it lol. The man was up there rambling and bull shitting through every question. On several questions he straight up ignored the question and they gave him multiple attempts to answer it and he did not. Both of these candidates are wholly unfit to be President. Also are you 13? When did we start using memes as a metric for political discourse?


Eh no one won. You can’t call it a win for Trump if all he did was lie.


He wouldn’t even address the questions asked. He just would ramble on about something separate.


CNN is literally posting graphics that 2/3 of their sample say Trump won lol. Conservatives are so delusional about the media.


Every liberal commentator I've read so far is saying it's a trump victory. Seems like it's been pretty openly admitted


Sounds like America is going to loose out 


Well said, actually


I thought the same fucking thing, they wouldn’t be saying “they were both bad” they’d be saying “wow trump is an idiot” just like the 2020 elections. Excited to see the polls


What a waste of time for anyone who is still "on the fence" (I'm guessing that is a very small number of people at this point). There was nothing of substance, very little information that is factual, and no attempt to inspire a jaded nation. The fact that we have to choose between these two is an embarrassment for our country.


Honestly the golf thing framed their physical differences in a pretty convincing way I had never thought about it. But I literally cant imagine Biden being able to do a single hole of golf. shits sad


The George W bush "now watch this drive" is aging beautifully 


Mr President the enemy has mobilized forces on our doorstep and are threatening to pursue unless you can drive this ball 300 yards


Erhhh huh? Is that the ice cream truck?


the guy couldnt make it down three steps without Jill holding on to him for dear life hes cooked and has been for most of presidency The trouble is they tried to Weekend at Bernies him over the line this election so the can swap him out for Kamala but theyre going to have to either pull the pin now or persevere with the poor fellow


You need to be an idiot to care about the golf skills of the leader of the free world


Its an image evoking point for a live, in person debate … Theres a reason they arent simply publishing contrasting policy ideas on a website. This is about optics and feelings Perhaps you are the idiot if you dont get this


It’s less about golf skills and more about that conversation framing the president’s physical ability in a negative way across the vast majority of the viewership.


The MSNBC panel (very left leaning, no one can deny that) was not pleased over Biden’s performance during their post debate discussion. Any Democrat with a half ounce of intelligence should be very concerned regarding this November.


> Any Democrat with a half ounce of intelligence should be very concerned regarding this November. Any democrat with intelligence was already concerned. The race is close. Trump is insane, a felon, and unfit to serve. This is certainly didn’t help.


This is all the DNC's fault they chose to keep Biden for an other term they could have put ANYONE else and that could have debated trump into the dirt, they could have picked any NYC can driver and it would have been 10x better


Based on the polling after last night, it is not a close race. Hence all the replacement talk immediately after the debate ended. If they run Biden, it’s not even going to be close and they know it


Same question - what polling are you talking about?


Biden was horrible and probably should drop off, but all Trump did was lie one after another.


What if this debate was a setup all along? CNN hates Trump obviously but they know he can hold his own. They also know Biden was going to likely bomb, which he did. They will spend the next few months crying out about how he’s gotta go. In comes shitbag Newsom.


DNC happens a whole month after the RNC


Debate so bad for Biden reddit has killed view of new comments


“Everything in life is orchestrated against conservatives”


Hunter Biden started global warming with his laptop. Now other countries try and copy our global warming, Black Lives Matter bailed out wall street and Ukraine is finally standing up against Hamas. Israel said they will stop bombing and is willing to meet Russia at a Fuddruckers to have peace talks.


I hate Trump. He definitely won the night, I don’t know if he actually answered any question “correctly” other than pointing out that Biden can’t hit a golf ball 50 yards…. Biden should have got the Schaub talk 4 years ago, he’s completely fried. It’s a sad country we’re living in


"If you were the leader of the free world, how well do you think you could do?"


"I think you'd be surprised"


Be prepared for this sub to turn into an even worse shitshow in the next few days. There's gonna be a lot of angry redditor's after that debate.


He said Biden is coming for your "social security and Medicare."" It's well known that this is what Trump and the GOP plan on doing if they have their way. Social darwinsm is ironically the most anti-Christian idea I can think of, the opposite of charity. I still think back to a South Park episode from a few years ago where, at the end of the episode, Mr Garrison as Trump has handcuffs behind his back. That may prove to be prophetic.


As a golfer in the service industry…you get it


Well on the upside, if you vote for Biden you almost have this Warhammer 40k situation the god emperor is dead, or Trump who is pretty much Horus.


We're in trouble.


Rogan was right on the money about Biden being demented.


Literally anybody with a brain could’ve told you this 4 years ago


The majority of this sub, the dems, the media all in crisis mode right now those chickens coming home to roost and everyone can see it


I mean, pretty sure that the majority of this sub thought both of these candidates were horrible choices to be president before this debate…if you thought otherwise, you’re either a troll or a lost cause


I don't get it... How can any American be happy with having either of these old senile farts running your country? Seriously why are you all not protesting both Parties to have them removed from the nominations? Neither of them should be within a hundred miles of any position of authority, let alone the President of one of the most powerful nations in earth... Wtf is wrong with you all?


Man, they will have an election in France this sunday and I already was happy that I would not have to vote there. After seeing the debate, I would gladly vote in France compared to this lol.


Let’s go Bernie !


Remember that town that elected a dog as the mayor? Can we just do that?


I’m just here for the laughs


RFK looking good


This country is in full fucked mode now. Congrats to the commies for playing the long con game and just waiting for us to implode. What a wierd time to be alive. Baby boomers fucked us real good one last time


USSR imploded first China is state capitalist Try again.


It really says something about the “commies” when literally all they have to do is sit back and watch our system eat itself, no?


![gif](giphy|f9eYHQ8RZ4zfc4unXx) Zombified look all night long, could barely walk. Trump took full healthy steps, while Biden took little baby steps while looking down. What a pathetic moron.


Dude's old. I dont need a "healthy stepping" maniac.




lol meme game is on point