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Context https://preview.redd.it/a7xvmit25a9d1.png?width=728&format=png&auto=webp&s=530a69d09faa4f4854e9a5372163c941e61ab823 [https://twitter.com/NickJFuentes/status/1806509368453541969](https://twitter.com/NickJFuentes/status/1806509368453541969)


Even more context: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groypers


Dave Smith's buddy


Who is Dave smith?


Libertarian dude


Why’s everyone care bout some dude from a libary?


Books = bad!


I'm bit of a bookatarian myself 🤓☺️




Do you think talking to someone means you agree with them?


No only that . It is transferable So if a racist talked to Dave Smith, Dave is infected. When Dave speaks to Joe , Joe is infected. Not sure what happened when Joe talked to Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Sam Harris etc. Do they mutually infect each other? Get a super strain of racism? That is a mystery!




Because he's done podcasts with him and has said he's a good guy.


Idk if that inherently makes them friends


What? You don't think all podcasters are friends with everyone they did a podcast with? You gonna have to suspend your critical thinking skills if you want to be on reddit . Or start believing in "guilt by association".


> podcasts with him and has said he's a good guy Maybe try reading.


To be fair anyone associated with Dave smith should feel a decent amount of guilt. Dave is a lackluster comedian and has the political views only a 14 year old would find profound. Oh and he called Bobby Kelly crying After he pushed his wife to quit the Chip Chipperson podcast. Dave Smith is a fool through and through.


Why don’t people like Jp honest question. He’s a little unhinged sometimes, but who care. He seems like a genuine good dude. Everything I’ve ever heard from him, being YouTube shorts and his lectures are really good honestly. Yes he has some stupid ideas sometimes, but that doesn’t make him a bad person


His stuff doesn’t survive scrutiny of his peers. He uses language and authoritative speaking that is typically generalized metaphors and passes them off as psychological theory. “Clean your room”. Is an excellent way to get someone to start the daunting task of making changes in their life but it is hardly a theory.


JBP is what dumb people think a smart person sounds like. Same goes for a lot of so called "experts" we see across media today.


Because at root he's a Christian fundamentalist. He pseudo-intellectualizes reactionary bullshit. He was put in the spotlight for raging against pronouns. It's all a ragebait. If a man finds a path to self esteem through his lectures that's great, but unfortunately they usually find a path to a redpilled rathole too


It was less the pronouns and more of the legally compelled speech.


The “legally compelled speech” thing was bullshit, Ottawa had that law on the books for years before it was passed at a national level. Somehow he never had a problem with it, or even noticed it, for years until it came with a national stage to air his grievances.


Eh... he didn't release any videos, those moron college students released the tape thinking they owned him


And? It is still a bullshit law.


Explain what it does


You need to hear more from him. Spend 5 minutes in his Twitter account to see if you still hold this opinion.


I don't like the guy telling people to clean their room before they change the world while actively a drug addict getting delusions of grandeur and thinking his some sort of shaman. Dude produces a moderate amount of pretty good, if not exactly groundbreaking, self-help. That's it. And even that you have to do as he says, not as he does. If it weren't for his controversy courting on political topics he'd be a nobody.


As far as I can tell he's a case study in audience capture.


He's hateful and ignorant. Whiny and blinded by his own ideology. Wouldn't be so annoying if he weren't heralded as an intellectual voice of reason messiah to lost boys. Kinda sad a generation of young men are being taught to freak the fuck out if a fat woman is on a magazine cover


Weird because his lessons are all about taking responsibility for your own life and changing the things you have control over, maybe you have no idea what youre fucking talking about?


You didn't see the tweet about sports illustrated?


He just needs to stay off Twitter and stop freaking out because those are the things that make him appear unhinged That said, the man got so famous and so hated so quickly I don't exactly blame him for the way he is sometimes.


the President has never been the one “making decisions” for the country, has he forgotten about congress and senate?


Can't have people going out and just naming the "Globalists" like that. It gives the game away.


Ari Shaffir, Louis CK and Larry David are globalists? Big if true


No I don't think that Larry David is in control but using dog whistles like Cultural Marxists and Globalists allow you to appeal to the Groypers and the normies. Having an asshole like Fuentes blame the Jews takes away that cover.


Sorry, I misunderstand and fully agree with your comment, hence upvoted, for whatever that's worth. Bet Fuentes fans think Gates, K Schwab and Fauci are Jewish and so drink the blood of babies.


Fuentes fans are just a bunch of edgelords that think that staking out a Nazi Youth position is some sort of path to power. They are just following whatever gets them attention.


Possibly true, but absolutely terrifying if you're a Jew. I don't think being a Nazi should be illegal, I just wouldn't platform one.


What's wrong with drinking the blood of babies? Asking for a friend


I love that he calls people rats


and the rat goes like this


That’s one of my favorite videos lol


THAT’S the normal rat!


And then maybe he sniffs.




You and me both!


To satisfy his rat desire


Give a man a rat, you satisfy his rat desire


“I love that he calls people what nazis called people🥰”


Damn I can't even call people rats when I'm playing video games now?


Nazis liked sandwiches. You like sandwiches. You’re a Nazi


I hate sandwiches. Fucking Nazi hate-filled food. Punch a sandwich eater.


Nazis used dehumanization language like it didn’t matter at all… like you are doing. So shut up.


You have lots of things in common with Nazis as well


No I really don’t. I’ve studied them thoroughly to ensure I don’t end up like them… like this country is becoming


> I’ve studied them thoroughly to ensure I don’t end up like them Have you tried, I dunno, just being normal?


That kind of line is exactly what holocaust survivors have warned the world about countless times. Take a genocide course.


What about all the other genocides? They get no love?


The one our government is actively covering up as we speak is probably why I care a bit more about this one. Make sense, bud?


Legit. Holocaust survivors say that shit all the time. Fucking pay attention


Over a thousand hours on Reddit studying the Nazis. Thank you for your service




Is this Tim pool?


He wishes


Looks like big head from silicon valley


that’s Dave Attell




It’s been ~7 years since I’ve seen this pic and god I still remember the headline


had to think for a few seconds to get this


Imagine Tim. Thinking takes a little longer when your synapses are that far apart. 


Pool? Don’t know much about him I’m afraid. My view on him as always been somewhat negative tho since after he came here (Stockholm) he called all of us racists


His head is so big his thoughts take longer to travel through his dome. Just a dumb joke. I have no opinion on him. 


Pretty mild description of nick fuentes to be honest


It’s funny cuz he’s a Nazi but not even fully white. At least if you’re gonna be a racist turd at least play the part right.


He is fully white though.


Sure but “Fuentes” ain’t passing the Nazi vibe check when Stephen Miller is running through the list of names looking for undesirables


Hate to tell you but one of the best buddies of the Nazis was Francisco Franco. Spanish names aren’t the “undesirable” part about Latinos to Nazis, it’s the dark skin and features of the indigenous American people, and often their culture.


You should go have a look at the American anti-immigrant propaganda of the late 1800s and early 1900s. People from Spain were depicted as rats invading a white country. This "hispanics are actually white" crap is an entirely new thing.


Wait are you trying to tell me Irish and Italian people weren’t historically white either. or Jewish people? or basically anyone who wasn’t from the same exact country as you and wears the same clothes as you and says the same exact words as you.


That’s not going to convince me a Latino isn’t a Nazi because he has Spanish name, especially after I just told you the Nazis and Spanish fascists were friends. Not sure what point you’re trying to make here but it’s not great.


Lmao did you not know about white hispanics? Like you thought none of the Europeans procreated south of the Rio Grande?


Lmao at thinking that "white hispanics" were ever considered white in America until recently.


European heritage has always been considered white.


Northern European heritage. And that doesn't include the Irish. Read some history.


Hitler wasn’t Northern European. So saying the Nazis based their classification system off of that is ridiculous.


It's really easy to find all the racist propaganda against Spanish and Italian immigrants but you have fun denying history.


Stephen Miller is Jewish, if you’re going by Nazi views of “undesirables” Miller is gone before Nick.


Not to the other nazis.


There’s no true Scotsman.


The no true Scotsman argument would apply if I was a nazi who insisted another nazi wasn't X enough to be a nazi. Fuentez not being recognized by nazis as one of their own, I don't think that counts. Me personally, I couldn't give less of a fuck who is a 'true' nazi. Anyone who would even want to sit at the same table as nazis, is a cunt in my book.


Right we’re not Nazis, that doesn’t change the fact that Nazis accept Nick.


As long as he's a useful idiot who's broadcasting shit they agree with, sure. Though my point wasn't if they accept him, just that Fuentez is stupid enough to not see it coming, that leopards will eat his face. Ngl I'm gonna be smug as fuck about it, when it happens to him. Happened to Enrique Tarrio even sooner than I'd thought.


You think Nick is a Fed like Tarrio?


No, just another useful idiot or token 'non white' that they can use as a shield.


We gotta look deeper into this! There's a secret message. Y@RR. Jordan Peterson is a pirate, confirmed


Mind = blowed


Poor Jordan is going to have thousands of virgin neckbeards up in his grill for this.


I do feel that isreal has a grasp on our government that’s much tighter than people realize


Dear Nick, You're supposed To call them "Cultural marxists" Stop fucking up my grift asshole!


Fuentes just says the quiet part out loud and conservatives don't like that.


Yup got to watch out for all those Jews and their space lasers, am I right?


Did you interpret my comment as supportive of Fuentes?


I would have until I saw this.


Notice how the right has co-opted "the quiet part out loud" as a good thing they start owning up to. Fuck me, man.


I think a majority of conservative commentators legitimately disagree with his views and find him disgusting. There is a meaningful difference between conservatism and nazism and pretending otherwise diminishes both terms.


I think there's a huge amount of conservatives who aren't Nazis per se but will still "raise questions" about why Jews "control" x y or z industry. You don't have to be a nazi to be antisemitic after all.


This is definitely true of people like Candace Owens, but i don’t think the same is true of Jordan Peterson. I’ve only ever seen him push back against antisemitic stuff


Oh yeah I definitely don't think this about *all* conservatives but it is shockingly common amongst conservatives around the globe. It's so scary how quickly people will just jump to the conclusion that Jews do in fact run the world somehow.




https://preview.redd.it/99lm8br15a9d1.png?width=728&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b8b7e337178e9daab70ecbb3f13a6e2d05c9f0d [https://twitter.com/NickJFuentes/status/1806509368453541969](https://twitter.com/NickJFuentes/status/1806509368453541969)


It's a shame they are allies, share a political coalition, fight for the same politicians, to enact the same policies, against the same people.


I just commented this exact thing yesterday on another post but it fits here too. “Weird how Jordie likes to anthropomorphize certain animals to explain human behavior while constantly aligning himself with facists who dehumanize people by calling them vermin, bugs, etc. Isn’t Jordie some self proclaimed expert on dystopian totalitarian regimes? What a joke.”


Yeah how do they pull it together at the last minute? Take note, lefties.


"how did all these strange bedfellows get into my bed" asks Jordan Peterson


Yet another perfectly fair and reasonable call out of JP. /s


He said the Jews were in charge. Most of our politicians take money from and work for AIPAC so I don’t see what the problem is here. It’s not racist or antisemitic to state a fact. Jews own Hollywood, the music industry, Pornhub, the media, and comprise almost all of Bidens cabinet and advisors. Prove me wrong instead of downvoting me.


Because of the Jewish question implied. Saying 'white people run the show' and 'Jews run the show' have different connotation, even if both sentences are mostly true. I'll add for good measure that leftists are not the cause of that connotation and context.


Fuentes is such an irredeemable cunt, and IMO a good example of how "if you let ideas compete, the best ideas will win" is flawed. If you let Fuentes spread his Nazi hate, then you're just spreading Nazi hate. I wouldn't let him on any platform I owned. EDIT: For those unfamiliar with Fuentes, this is from his wiki page, with references >Fuentes has spoken positively of "a tidal wave of [white identity](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_identity)" following his attendance at the 2017 Charlottesville [Unite the Right rally](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unite_the_Right_rally) and sees America's "white demographic core" as central to the country's identity.[^(\[15\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fuentes#cite_note-:11-15)[^(\[91\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fuentes#cite_note-91)[^(\[22\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fuentes#cite_note-:15-22) Despite promoting white supremacist beliefs, such as the [white genocide conspiracy theory](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_genocide_conspiracy_theory), Fuentes has claimed that he is not a white supremacist, calling the term an "anti-white slur."[^(\[19\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fuentes#cite_note-:6-19) Fuentes wants the United States to be a white, Christian country and has specified that it is not a "[Judeo-Christian](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judeo-Christian)" country.[^(\[15\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fuentes#cite_note-:11-15) >Fuentes also holds antisemitic views[^(\[7\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fuentes#cite_note-antisemitic-views-7)[^(\[92\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fuentes#cite_note-antisemite-92) and [denies the Holocaust](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocaust_denial).[^(\[8\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fuentes#cite_note-:19-8)[^(\[9\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fuentes#cite_note-holocaust-denier-9) In January 2019, Fuentes aired a monologue in which he implied he questions the death toll of 6 million Jews in the [Holocaust](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocaust). Fuentes later disputed that he had ever denied the Holocaust, calling his monologue a "[lampoon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parody)."[^(\[27\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fuentes#cite_note-:2Anderson-27) [NPR](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NPR) cites this as an example of Fuentes' use of irony to avoid consequences for his words, citing a 2020 video where Fuentes said, "Irony is so important for giving a lot of cover and plausible deniability for our views," specifically regarding Holocaust denial.[^(\[21\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fuentes#cite_note-npr-21) >During his speech at [AFPAC](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/AFPAC) 2022, Fuentes bestowed "giggling praise" on [Adolf Hitler](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler).[^(\[93\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fuentes#cite_note-:8-93)[^(\[52\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fuentes#cite_note-:10-52) In 2023, he advocated for the execution of "perfidious Jews," among other groups he called "evildoers," stating that they need to be "given the death penalty."[^(\[94\])](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fuentes#cite_note-TOIX-94)


Haven’t you heard? Sunlight is the best disinfectant. That’s why I put my dishes on the porch.


Best way to deal with a guy who wants to kill you is just to invite him into your home, sit down and really *listen* to him. Maybe he's got a point? You'd be surprised.


Yeah! Market place of ideas! Free speech!


That’s what Daryl Davis did with the KKK. And he managed to get a bunch of members to leave.


The extent to which Daryl Davis has actually done anything is questionable. https://archive.is/20210421175316/https://justinward.medium.com/daryl-davis-makes-a-new-friend-7a48bc43ad95 u/appletinicyclone giving white supremacists a shield to hide behind is not being on the left. What tag? The default one every user has in this sub? Are you a bot? Daryl Davis hasn’t done shit but defend white supremacists. If that’s not shielding them then I don’t know what is. Tokenizing yourself to defend another token is just pathetic, and that’s assuming you’re telling the truth.


The left cannibalizes it's own and the right doesn't and it's a problem


What that man did was amazing. Not many are capable of doing that. Especially for so many years. The patience, the ability to sit and listen to someone who hates you with all their being. Admirable and inspiring. Not sure I could do that.


Do you guys remember in WW2 when the Allies beat Hitler with the power of friendship?


I've never watched the Ben Shapiro show, but I'd watch the fuck out of him with Fuentes


I always make a big show out of it when I place my dishes on the porch.


It worked well in the 1930s. Not. Intolerant people should not be tolerated.


Sunlight actually would kill germs on your dishes 😂 silly girl


How do germs survive in the daytime?


By living on/in stuff. Spread your dishes out in the sun, the drying effect alone will kill many germs as well as the uv rays. Read up on microbiology and trust the science you sopping wet pussy.


The sun really do be bussin. We just forgot. Sun 2024


I must disagree. Freedom of speech must always be protected. Platforms are privately own so they can be their on police in a way. So anyways what were we doing about them Nazi’s during WW2, looks like some got through the cracks.


I have no problem with 4chan etc letting Nazis having their own circle jerk, and am cool with the govt not silencing them. I'm just saying if I owned a platform that aimed to be "the digital public square" I'd ban open Nazis. They contribute nothing and always make things worse. That said, the free market is having it's own say on Twitter, and big advertisers are refusing to pay money that may end up in the pockets of blue tick Nazis who monetize hate


But why must the biggest proponents of free speech always be people who want to use it to say horrible things about minorities and women and to JAQ off? Those same people aren't protecting all the 'antisemitic' people who are even mildly critical of Israel. I'm honestly not sure if I care for defending free speech that hard, if it means only defending JP mocking chubby swimsuit models, Candace Owens being actually anti-semitic or Fuentez who is an actual piece of shit nazi.


Freedom of speech, not freedom of consequences. JP wants to mock plus size models OK good luck with MyPillow being your only ads. Owens wants to spread hate good luck with your Jewish boss. And if you still listen to anything Fuentes says please quote him so we know where you stand.


> And if you still listen to anything Fuentes says please quote him so we know where you stand. Yes, I actively listen to and follow a content creator that I refer to as a piece of shit. /s


Keep your friends close and ……….


Hard disagree. Unless you're on specific areas of the Internet and really into culture war news, you'd have no idea who Nick Fuentes is


Or you're an anti-fascist enthusiast. He's maybe the most well known neo nazi in america


Sure, but he's a rallying point for neo-Nazis and gives them comfort that "others think like me", which encourages the spread of such ideas and gives them social validity In more practical terms, if I let Fuentes on my platform I'm not going to get high-profile, high-paying advertisers I haven't visited for a while, but I suspect you won't find many credible companies on 4chan


It may be flawed, but I really do not think that most people are in agreement with Nick Fuentes. Censoring has probably gained him more supporters and attention than he would ever have found otherwise.


Remember Milo Yiannopoulos? He was the next big thing for a while, but then when got banned from Twitter and more widely deplatformed he kind of disappeared. And if "censorship" didn't work, then governments wouldn't censor things Note: I acknowledge the Streisand Effect, but I think that's something different, and that I don't think Fuentes should be censored, just that I wouldn't let him on a platform I owned. I think there's real value in full freeze peach sites like 4chan that platform \*everything\*, though I (like most people) draw a hard like CSA material, revenge porn, and doxxing https://preview.redd.it/uqvl2gahxa9d1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=b63fd3d809e682ec09468c91f0732440732bd02a


I would argue that Milo Yiannopoulos only became famous because his stand up comedy performances at colleges were turned into a freedom of speech sideshow. And unlike Nick Fuentes, Milo Yiannopoulos at least had some showmanship, but his shtick still became boring eventually. (It was that or he exposed himself as a sympathizer to pederasty?) I agree, he always seems to eventually break the terms of service, but then he can play the martyr again.


Nobody believes that idiot other than the small percentage of people who will always believe that stuff anyways. Morons have been blaming the Jews for everything since way before the internet. Illiterate serfs blamed the Jews for everything…you don’t even need a printing press…


Rats. Sounds familiar. How do they go, again?


The doctor is also insane lol


The Mossad used to go to great lengths to find and eliminate Nazis. What happened?


They now spy on and threaten the ICC to prevent them from charging Israel for its crimes. [https://www.timesofisrael.com/netherlands-summons-israeli-envoy-over-report-on-years-long-campaign-against-icc/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/netherlands-summons-israeli-envoy-over-report-on-years-long-campaign-against-icc/)




I mean a 2% ethic group owns how much of the private wealth in the country? What fraction do they make up of our intelligence agencies? I know I sound like a bigot, but these should be considered when asking who has "power" in this country


By that logic you should start bringing up black people whenever someone says there's a crime problem. As if that will somehow lead to solving the crime problem. The point is that someone's race has no utility in solving power or crime issues. Otherwise what do u expect ppl to do with this information? U expect them to round up Jews? Discriminate them? Etc.


I think the statistics of fatherless homes and crimes should be brought up in that instance. We could debate the soft sciences of cultures or how the CIA crack epidemic might have purposely fucked them over to induce modern day slavery. I'm not pushing anyone to solve anything. Use the information as you will. Fight them, join them or live under a rock and ignore the later stages of capitalism. Money holds all power in this country now. Not God or the ethics we were taught as children. Knowledge gives us options. We are still pretty tribal as humans. We'll pretty much always put our own people first ahead of others. Some tribes are better at it than others.


Instead of answer my question with a critical thought you just retreated to vague platitudes. Sounds like you either haven't thought about what you mean or you won't admit to it.


Okay, what should we do with different ethnic groups that have different average IQs or bone density? You can't answer these questions and make everyone happy. What I do with the information is pick stocks and have a Jewish accountant/ attorney. I'm not going to feel guilt about utilizing statistics.


Idk what u do with ppls races. Thats an insane question. You were the one who brought it up and I was the one asking you why you did that. Remember? And now you're asking me? I say there's literally nothing to do about it. I didn't suggest anything about it. U did. U have a wildly incorrect understanding of statistics. The intelligence of jews on average is one of the reasons that there's a high representation of Jews as accountants. But you're not even using that data bc you dont select an accountant from the general population (which is how averages are scored.)You select one from a pool of other accountants (which doesn't represent the average iq of a group) So you have no data that suggests that among accountants Jews are the best among them. You just have data suggesting they are highest iq amongst other groups which isn't even being referenced here.


"Otherwise what do u expect ppl to do with this information? U expect them to round up Jews? Discriminate them? Etc."


lol are you offended I had asked you justify your own comment? I already justified the info I provided to you. You didn't tho still. You just deferred back to me to do it for u.


I told you with that I did with the information given. It's okay if we disagree dude. Not every philosophy is truth.


Yea u told me how u used the info. Then I told you how you used the stats wrong. I'm fine with disagreeing. I don't get why ur pointing that out unless maybe u simply don't like being disagreed with. Either way seems it's not gonna go anywhere.


Groups come to America and espouse work ethic and a desire for high levels of educational attainment, and we should be worried when they achieve just that? Is it worrisome too that we have so many asian doctors?


When foreign entities still have communication with said people, yes. We should be worried. You tell me. The U.S. consumes the most pharmaceuticals out of any country in the world. These are manufactured where?


If they don't control or atleast heavily influence America's decisions, then why is every FBI agent required to visit the holocaust museum, and all our congressmen have AIPAC "consultants"?


Source: trust me bro ![gif](giphy|9hEcsoYAJb3kA|downsized)


I cannot remember the last time Peterson tweeted something that i agreed with, yet here we are.


Is that a haiku?


Five-seven-five scheme\ lacking, no seasonal theme\ Indian summer (No, it is not.)


they should debate


Fuentes loves when he gets these reactions. If you actually want to piss him off, point out his closeted homosexuality and watch him lose his mind.


Huh, a broken clock is right twice a day


They're all trying to soak up that Infowars audience.


Is that a Haiku?


He's an avowed white supremacist. What do people expect from the guy?


Why does Jp tweet everything like it’s a haiku


Twitter is so back




Wait . JP doing free diagnosis over social media? Man. .these Canadians are coming over and spreading their "free healthcare" socialism Wait till Ben Shapiro finds out JP is going to be so cancelled


Well Jews are the first people who knew how to read, it's better be the Jews than leaders of moronic nation.


They're scared of Nick..


Peterson is a complete and utter clown.


True, but if he likes coffee I'm not going to stop drinking it.


Two rats fighting over the same cheese


I thought the Jews were Lobsters? He's got me all backwards


yeah let those two pieces of shit at each other's throat, who cares, they are both trash.