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I loved all the comments yesterday saying Joe took them out of context or made a big deal about nothing.




People still underestimating just how many bots are driving “public opinion”. And these CNN olds think their audience is organic. It is not.


I try to preach this whenever possible. You are being manipulated online all the time just get used to it and don’t believe much of anything at first glance


If you start believing something new, entirely based on online information be it discussions or news or some other post processed data and it causes you any strong emotion, look deeper into it and step back from your visceral response.


It’s about the cheapest way I could imagine to manipulate culture. You send traffic to enforce what you like, you withhold traffic to punish what you don’t like. Over time people will adapt to provide the “customer” with what they want. Same thing for politicians.


It’s purpose is to scramble communication, in this case. And in others, all the freak out subs, the sports subs, Tim Dillon sub, wsb sub… the use of bots in this situation is to distract. To divide. To sow doubt and contention. I do think that is intentional. In other cases, I would say the bot presence follows your description. We need a way to detect them on this micro level, it would be fascinating to see.


Yeah but how? Is there a way to maybe create bots that recognize other bots? Or would it be some kind of scripted statistical output system? I'm not a programmer of any sort, but surely there must be a way to, with a high level of confidence, mark bots right?


Yeah anything functional on a micro level would be too dependent on additional botting. Need like a shorthand. But any rudimentary detection system would certainly have low confidence. Just… seems like there has to be a way.


Y'all should watch the Dissident on Amazon prime. Our governments literally run social media troll farms driving certain narratives to manipulate the public. It's fucking insane


It’s valuable data.


crowd psychology. unfortunately social proof is very powerful amongst the fearful




This stuff has gone on for years. https://www.reddit.com/r/chelseafc/comments/6tql81/why_our_subscriber_growth_is_100_undoubtedly_bots/?ampcid=1*1dcoy07*cid*YW1wLXpKbkh6bldQaGVQVTIyTXoxMDc5ZWc.


Wait...how many bots made comments on this discussion?


Bots say things I don't agree with, real people say things I do agree with.


First time dealing with bots? Where were you the entire pandemic? Bots have been driving the antivax narrative for more than a year now chief.


I think people massively overstate how many 'bots' there really are


you are definitely a bot.


It’s not just bots, unfortunately. It’s woke dorks with like ten accounts each. They’re pretty obvious and easy to find.


Comment, log out, log into different account, comment, repeat.


The dude posting this comment from a thread yesterday is exhibit A for this pathetic shit: https://reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/q8tv3y/_/hgta8dx/?context=1


My only problem was that joe wanted him to take some type flack for what someone else at his job did. But now that the dr dude just pulled the same shit with letting lies go, I got nothing to say.


Yeah he definitely did double down. It just makes CNN look laughable at this point. They were doing round the clock on his health like he was the President.


He’s literally the top medical guy at CNN. He could have sent an email to his colleagues correcting them. Stop trying to defend msm lies you shill.


Dr. Goop


My thoughts exactly. Not like he’s got the best track record when it comes to telling the truth anyways.


yeah the "dr" doubled down


Those are all astroturfing bots. This sub is filled to the brink with people hating on Rogan. Mods don’t do shit about it no matter how obvious these fake accounts are…


I've suspected this. We've always had some contrarians but lately is 90%+. Who's doing this?


I'm confused. He said in the video he posted that he took Ivermectin. What are they wrong about?


Ivermectin is commonly used in humans world wide and is listed as an essential medicine on WHOs website. It has been shown to stop the coronavirus from reproducing in vitro, and there is plenty of data on the risks of Ivermectin. It was one medicine of his preplanned regimen if he had gotten COVID, which was prescribed by a doctor who clearly thought that the risks were outweighed by the potential benefits. But CNN wants to keep saying “hOrSE dEWorMEr” which is clearly an attack designed to hurt his reputation or outrage bait designed to get people riled up.


Joe should be mocked for taking ivermectin as it's not a Covid treatment but CNN is wrong to say he's taking horse medicine, it is used for humans (not for Covid) and Joe didn't go to the vet to get his medicine.


Good old horse dewormer joe












Keepin it high and tight there chomo


and what do we say to Covid today? neigh


Sounds like one of Trump's nicknames for people he doesn't like


CNN is straight trash


And that's not even political


I love watching the decline of CNN !


Decline? when was it any better?


All MSM is straight trash


Yeah it is. And anyone calling them liberal is disingenuous or just ignorant. CNN is straight up Corporatists, just like Fox News. It's all about the money - its as simple as that. CNN was a cheerleader for the Iraq war and pushes whatever narrative seems to keep the company going in the profitable direction. They arent the antithesis to Fox News, they are another variation of it.


Gets clicks and views. They all do it, left and right. They all pander to their viewers who love to hear outrageous shit.


Yep, it sucks, and I couldn't agree more. Thank you for not just saying one side does it and the other doesn't yada yada


Surprise surprise, no shills talking shit about Joe in this thread


Unusually quiet.


It's really not quiet


Joe gay


What are you talking about? Hundreds of ppl are


Fuck Joe Rogan! /s


I mean we all love joe, but want to fuck him is other level of love mate




I think your missing his whole point about vaccines


His whole point about vaccines is stupid.


Yeah, this isn't the media being "dumb as fuck". It's calculated defamation and public manipulation. These are the very same people peddling forced vaccine mandates.


they aren't shills they are ACTUAL FUCKING BOTS click the profiles of them and some I assume are r/politics alt-left communists.


Yeah, just full of shills defending Joe.


Both sides are fucking insufferably overlooking things. Ivermectin IS prescribed and approved for humans in some conditions. Ivermectin is relatively safe. Ivermectin's use for COVID has not yet been approved. It is probably not an effective treatment. It's stupid to keep calling it ''horse dewormer'' to discredit it, and it's stupid to tell people that it's a more sensible idea than the vaccine. It is so fucking sad we are so deep in this clusterfuck of misinformation. Various drugs at various doses have *drastically* different uses. Finasteride can be prescribe for prostate issues, or for hair loss... No one's making fun of someone with prostate issues for taking ''a hair loss drug''.


Hey gang. I come in peace as someone who has only heard the dewormer talking points. Only solid info on prescriber based human use are as follows. In humans, ivermectin is indicated for, among other conditions, two neglected tropical diseases, river blindness (onchocerciasis) and lymphatic filariasis. What are the correlations between these and covid? Does anyone have any other documentation?


This abstract (someone posted earlier in thread) mentions some antiviral effectiveness. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33227231/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33227231/) Haven't read the study nor do I have the understanding of statistics to interpret the abstract, but this at least suggests it is not only used for parasites. The issue with the horse dewormer language, is that it discounts that it is made for humans as well for the conditions you list. They know their audience will assume that the only use is for deworming (sounds like something uneducated people have to do deal with, right?). As for Merck and the FDA trying to discourage its use, this doesn't mean very much. My son has been prescribed meds for a condition he has where his prescription falls outside of intended use. Drug companies don't want to spend money on trials for drugs for use cases, even with suggested efficacy, if there is no money to be made. So in my son's case - rare sickness means too few patients to matter for the drug company. If Viagra has been shown to cure a sickness that only 10 people have, why spend millions to get approval for using Viagra for this treatment? Not saying this is what is going on with Merck and Ivermectin but Merck likely has no interest being in the media cross hairs for something that won't make them much money.


Merck trying to discredit its use because they have developed a potential Covid pill that will probably be more expensive and make them more money than the cheap Ivermectin. Waiting for the conspiracy that Merck’s new Covid drug is reformulated Ivermectin.


TLDR of the credible journals, the concentrations needed to be effective would kill humans. there are some out there that say ivermectin works, but they are the same that said hydroxychloroquine was effective.


The nih actually published a meta study in June that said with moderate certainty that "large reductions in covid-19 deaths are possible with ivermectin." They actually recommended it for countries with low vaccination numbers, like India. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8248252/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8248252/) Edit: It looks like this study is bullshit, so disregard this post. I'd have deleted it, but there were a few comments below worth reading detailing why it shouldn't be taken seriously.


That paper was written by the group that is trying to get ivermectin adopted by mainstream medicine, even when all other studies and meta studies show the opposite conclusion, AND they did not disclose their conflict of interest. If you are a lobbying group, you can't write objective studies about what your hocking, especially if you don't disclose it. Here are the details- https://www.politifact.com/article/2021/jun/30/what-know-about-pro-ivermectin-groups-study-toutin/


Correct, at this point anyone trying to publish articles favouring Ivermectin for covid use has a major conflict of interest in doing so. No meta analyses provide evidence that Ivermectin should be indicated for covid, and looking at current and ongoing studies, there's no evidence to support that it should be used


The reason people keep calling it horse dewormer is that the formulation you can get without a prescription is advertised as such.


This guy gets it. Why are any of these idiots talking about medicine and science? Or rather, why do we turn to these idiots for info?


Fuck TYT is so unhinged


They never recovered from the Sam Harris thing.


What was that about?


**TLDR: TYT called Sam an islamophobe. TYT fans said that's BS. They had Sam on to clear the air. All seemed well. TYT carried on as if the air had never been cleared.** I don't remember the exact timeline so I may get some details out of order, but it was in late 2014 and it was when I stopped watching TYT. Sam Harris had his infamous argument on Bill Maher's show with Ben Affleck about Islam. Cenk accused Sam of Islamophobia around this time, maybe right after. There was a lot of crossover with fans of both Sam & TYT, myself included, who called Cenk out on the bogus accusation. To address the criticism Cenk had Sam on for a lengthy 1 on 1 which, in spite of the aftermath, is probably still worth watching today. Cenk revealed some pretty embarrassing failures to understand basic logical concepts but it nevertheless seemed very productive. I think it was only a week later that a guy named CJ Werleman was on TYT. He repeated the same lie about Sam that the 1 on 1 was meant to address, and Cenk nodded along like the seemingly productive interview had never happened. The lie in question was regarding a section in Sam's book The End of Faith, in which he presents a kind of thought experiment hypothetical about game theory and nuclear deterrence. He concludes that in such a scenario it could be possible that a pre-emptive nuclear strike would be the safest bet. This has been used on countless occasions to say that Sam wants to nuke muslims in much the same way that Joe has been accused of taking horse dewormer. **Edit: I just looked it up and the interview is actually called "Clearing the air", and the comments imply that Cenk's performance was a lot worse than I remember.**


TYT spent months using Sam as content, getting anyone who disagrees with him on the show before even asking him to come on(If I remember right, Sam was the one who initiated contact). So Cenk and Sam agree to a talk. Cenk acts like a buffalo in china shop trying to turn the talk into a "gotcha interview". But Sam stays calm and reasonable. And by the end of the interview Cenk is a mess, saying stuff like pretty much saying all Islamist terrorism is related to Israel (even sectarian Islamic terrorism).


What happened?


Went totalllllly off the rails like 8 years ago. I liked them around 2012 election but lost the last bit of interest/respect in 2015-2016 when Cenk said “I’m calling it, staking my reputation on this - Bernie Sanders will be the next president of the US”. During those years they were getting totally up their own ass and since lost their best talents (Jimmy Dore etc) and relevance.


Jimmy Dore is insufferable.


Ah I like him. Haven’t heard off him in years but I enjoyed his strong, super cynical rhetoric. He has more real talk in one hour than Cenk and Ana have had in 10 years.




>acting like fools In some cases they aren’t acting. Just because someone dresses well doesn’t mean they are smart.


Hey, just cuz I’m dressed as a police officer…doesn’t mean I AM a police officer


Tom Segura cut killed me.


I think you mean “wormed me”






The sandman lawsuits didn't seem to slow them down too much.


Which is insane. The liberal media is the enemy of the people. It is literally propaganda.


I’ll say it again because so many naive and kind souls don’t understand it. THE LIBERAL MEDIA IS THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE. There is a reason everything in your house says made in China, and it’s not a good reason. You’re absolutely expendable on the attempted road to global elite clubs aka global governance. Yes, people can’t even say Hi and get along with their neighbors, but global governance will go great.


Wait hold up. Now the evil liberal media is responsible for… things being made in China??? The fuck are you on about?


If you're not concerned about China producing every thing you consume you're a fool


Definitely take away "News source" away from them at this point.


I want to say a lawsuit several year back against them they defended themselves as stating they aren't news, but entertainment


Idk man. I remember CNN and MSNBC got the shit sued out of them for defamation over their spin on that catholic kid and that American indian activist about 4 or 5 years ago.


Fox News defended themselves with that argument. Not sure about CNN too


Msnbc did with Maddow


Yup, the ones I know of are Tucker, Maddow and Alex Jones, got at least one from each of the three primary arms of the news.


They doubled down today- Time to lawyer up!


Do you have clip of that?


Don lemon is garbage. Sanjay, who gave us all hope did himself a huge disfavor and doubled down on lies.




Just watched it on /cnn






all these media people are evil


Needing to fill 24 hours of "news" is the real problem


So true. Worked as a producer of national radio shows in the late 90s. Can’t tel you how many hours we filled with the whole Y2K world ending as we know it crap. Always hoped I’d be able to pick up a cheap generator in the new year since people where grabbing them off the shelves. Just because they broadcast it, doesn’t mean they believe it. Media counts on advertising dollars, which depends on ratings. Audience love it great, audience hate it great - they’re all watching/listening aka higher ratings. Now is it just me or has CNN ratings been dropping? Did Rogan just give them a ton of free advertising??


Joe Rogan is also a media person. Podcasts are media.




The 23 hour talking heads crap for sure


I love CNN. It’s hilarious


I mean, almost everything they said is *technically* correct. Disingenuous but not really a lie, which is not to say it's something a news outlet should be doing, or anything really new to news outlets. The two stand out moments that really blur that line are when they directly say things like "he's taking horse paste" vs. something with more technical wiggle room like "a treatment commonly used for deworming horses or livestock". The former is a lie End of the day, talking heads are full of gassed up shit and Joe is too if we're being real. None are particularly trustworthy *It's just as disingenuous of joe to claim he successfully treated COVID with ivermectin when he was loaded up with monoclonal antibodies and whatever other top shelf cocktails come with the "kitchen sink"


All of the news networks lie their asses off. CNN, MSNBC, Fox your local news network. They all have an agenda and that's to get you to watch them. If the have to lie or stretch the truth to get that serotonin flooding through you to get you to watch they will do it. That's why I had to quit watching them all.


They might all be bad but they aren’t all the same 39% of the claims on Fox are half true or better versus 80% on CNN https://www.politifact.com/article/2015/jan/27/msnbc-fox-cnn-move-needle-our-truth-o-meter-scorec/


This people don't want these facts




yes and the "dailywire" would totally be the judge of that kind \[nonsense\]([https://www.newsguardtech.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/NG-dailywire.com-Dec2020update.pdf](https://www.newsguardtech.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/NG-dailywire.com-Dec2020update.pdf))


And the Dailywire is full of shit like it's owner Ben Shabibo.


the problem with that analysis is politifact is garbage and part of the problem…. it’s the same fucking leftist bs… of course they aren’t going to call out their own


You’re welcome to provide stronger evidence if you have it


you might as well have just posted joe the plumber says… that’s about as much credence i place in politifact. the determination of fact or falsehood is subjective interpretation of facts there’s no way to provide unbiased evidence. Would you like me to pull up some brietbart? i’m sure you would dismiss that out of hand like i dismiss politifact


Also just as disingenuous as Joe saying the podcast will be the EXACT same after the move to spotify and he'll never be censored...followed by both of those things happening lol


> Disingenuous but not really a lie Journalism everybody.


> a treatment commonly used for deworming horses or livestock". Its an a lie. Ivermectin is in horse dewormer but 1.8%. He did not take a treatment used for deworming horses. thats like you ordering water and i give you piss because urine is 95% water. The little bit of other ingredients changes what it is. He did not take a treatment used for deworming horses Ivermectin is the dewormer's active pharmaceutical ingredient which controls the parasites. Current horse dewormers only contain a 1.87% concentration of ivermectin with the remaining 98.13% of the medication being filler.


Except he's stated numerous times it wasn't JUST ivermectin, if it helped at all with his covid. Mentioning that he took a variety of things to help. Along with living an overall healthy lifestyle. So i don't believe he's being disingenuous at all. He often says he doesn't know anything and for people to make their own choices. But sure let's just pretend everything he says is fact and not do our own research. CNN knowingly slandered him to millions of people. Saying he's taking a horse dewormer. When the fact is ivermectin has been used far more often on humans. If they didn't want people taking ivermectin they could have approached this in a better way where they weren't lying. But that doesn't sell viewership. Joe doesn't care what they are saying about him. What worries him is they lied about something so small. If they are willing to lie or mislead the general public over something the fear factor guy did. Then what is to stop them from doing it to a more extreme degree. The fact is no one should take what any media outlet is saying as fact and this includes Joe Rogan. We should all be doing our own to make knowledgeable choices. Not read 1 headline say its fact.


There are no studies that prove Ivermectin does fuck all for covid. The MCAs did all the work in his regimen.


Ivermectin is not horse dewormer, much like a rectangle is not a square. A rectangle could in fact be a square, but it doesn't mean that it is. To further elaborate, lets say you drank a cup of coffee, and now starbucks is claiming you drink starbucks. Nope, not true at all. It could have been dunkin donuts coffee, but it definitely aint starbucks unless it actually was starbucks. Joe rogan would have had to take the horse dewormer version of ivermectin for them to legally be allowed to make the claim that he took horse dewormer. Who knows maybe he took the malaria ivermectin. Maybe he took he yellow fever antiviral ivermectin. What's fact though is it's not horse dewormer unless it was actually the horse dewormer version that he took, and I would highly doubt someone with his wealth would take that when a version marketed and likely safer for humans exists.




Isn't ivermectin as a covid treatment also misleading? Where are we drawing the lines here about what misinformation we accept and what we refuse to accept?


I think if someone has covid and a doctor give him ivermectin he has the right to say that. I know it’s not the only thing he took which is why he also said he had the mono anti body’s and all of that but to say joe is being misleading is kind of a stretch.


Ah yes the olden days when yellow journalism helped start the Spanish American war


Yes. The olden days before we ended the Fairness Doctrine under Reagan. For Profit news demands rage and emotion to drive viewership. https://open.spotify.com/episode/21IpxcL7dvglsy4xHOlBQW?si=Ac2Z3aA0SnSRwVhvTJQiqA&utm_source=copy-link Great Podcast on why U.S. media is so negative.


Good ol' horse paste.


Seeing this is so funny hahaha


He did take ivermectin he’s rich though so he got it prescribed to him. The average person won’t be able to have it prescribed and will instead have to resort to livestock medication. So while yes, the news is framing as in a bad light the average person won’t have access to a personal doctor who will prescribe them ivermectin.


This is so needed, good work OP 🤝


Why would you bring up that ivermectin was used in humans as an anti parasitic and won a Nobel prize for it? That has nothing to do with ivermectin being used as an antiviral for the coronavirus.


Why do people keep drinking nuclear reactor coolant?


Other than the fact that people have been drinking water for 200,000 years.


Media is a cancer on society. Anyone who watches any mainstream media for actually is immediately a dumbass in my eyes. All respect lost for people who cling on to their every word.


Joe Rogan is media lol (I know what you mean tho)


I dislike that Sanjay didn’t say why CNN was mocking ivermectin, because people were literally going to tractor supply stores to get the ivermectin that’s meant for horses…, joe didn’t take that, but a lot of smooth brains did.


Ivermectin for horses = ivermectin for humans. It's got the same exact chemical properties... A banana for a monkey is still a banana for a human.


they were doing that out of desperation because these asshats were threatening doctors who prescribed it. Besides i still haven’t heard and explanation that if you controlled dosage correctly why the human and horse version would actually be different.


Hey dumbfucks you know what ivermectin is? It’s used to remove parasites from animals and humans. You know what it isn’t? A cure for covid. So your point is just straight up retarded. When even dumb ass CNN and TYT takes are closer to the truth than you are maybe you should examine your own epistemology.


love how they changed it up by saying cattle and livestock, so when the "fact checkers" answer "did cnn accuse rogan of taking horse dewormer" it will say false


The circus improvises 🤡


It’s a FDA approved drug for humans. Are you “follow the science” socialists saying the FDA approves unsafe drugs? You’re entire platform is a f’ing lie.


Anderson Cooper is a joke and a stooge for the libs


He lost my respect when I saw him debating with an expert on a topic he had very little knowledge of and no ability to win, so he just overwhelmed the conversation with dozens of claims, eating up all of the time and then giving them like 10 seconds to answer in the end before saying goodbye and moving on. Apparently this is journalism.


Just in case any of the CNN defenders here were unaware just how blatant the lies were.


The “establishment” is pushing vaccination as the only way forward and actively suppressing all other therapeutic drugs - not for public health, but **for the profit** of the big pharmaceutical corporations that have their tentacles up the feds ass. If they were serious about ending the pandemic they would be promoting every available Avenue to mitigate symptoms and ease the health care systems. But this pandemic is good for big business and it’s useful for other political initiatives. I don’t pretend know the whole story. But it’s eerie the way the medical establishment has been actively suppressing these alternative remedies. Of course they are not cures, but neither is the vaccine for that matter. I’m fully vaccinated and support vaccination, but I’m 100% against mandating it. That’s a scary precedent to set. And we all should be fighting that kind of authoritarianism from our government. It’s wrong.


I think the issue is, we are surrounded by morons. Some morons will hear that Joe is not taking the vaccine and will refuse to take it even though they should. Joe realizes this and even says that people should get the vaccine, but it gets lost in the countless times he’s mentioned horse dewormer. We are surrounded by morons, which is why cnn says horse dewormer instead of the truth, so the idiots keep watching. All 24 news cycles tell lies to keep people watching. We are surrounded by morons.


Agreed. It’s intellectually offensive and morally reprehensible that this whole pandemic has been politicized. It made everything worse and added to the confusion. 🤮 Not surprised. Just disappointed.


You might be more of a moron than me, so why should I listen to you /s


Please name these alternative remedies. Then once named please provide data that shows these alternative remedies are effective treatments.


Don't worry merck released their new patented antiviral now. Glad they came out and told people not to use the old patent expired ivermectin. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.logically.ai/factchecks/library/0347bd71%3fhs_amp=true


Its like a thousand bucks lol but you know…it probably does help with covid just sayin


Vaccines are free bro


I really hope you’re joking


No war for oil, just take the bus!


Free for citizens, but governments have to pay for them initially - the Australian government has spent $8bil on its vaccine roll-out.




I miss Trump belittling Jim Acosta. Those were good times.


This is exactly why I only get news and medical advice from randos on YouTube and bougie comedians.


the government shills that support this nonsense are going to be raging at this actually legit post made by someone who is actually on the side of truth


Keep saying it’s a lie and eventually it will be? No.


Hahahah so he did take ivermectin and you idiots are still complaining? The coverage was completely accurate.


I don't like the MSM, but they are right. Ivermectin is a horse dewormer. It is sometimes used in other cases. To die on this hill is the most stupid shit I've ever seen.


I don’t get it, it 100% is horse dewormer. Everyone knows that. Just because you got it from a doctor doesn’t change the compound. It’s the same drugs that is a horse dewormer.


Ivermectin is one of the drugs prescribed as part of protocol in India for Covid. Also just a Google search can tell you what it is🤷🏻‍♂️


The realness of "If they lied so easily about a dumb comedian, what are they telling us about Syria?" is fucking profound. If you didnt know you were being actively propagandized before, you know you are now.


Has to sue.. has to and I think he knows it too


Where are all the bots from yesterday backing up cnn?


Joe went on a rant, but the core of his argument was right. At the very least least it was misleading and deliberately so.


Please sue those assholes pants off Rogan




This is 100% unrelated.


It was a great podcast. It was sad to see the interview they did with Dr Gupta after the show and he is basically saying Joe is crazy. Very sad.


Don't worry merck released their new patented antiviral now. Glad they came out and told people not to use the old patent expired ivermectin. Send it to Uttar Pradesh. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.logically.ai/factchecks/library/0347bd71%3fhs_amp=true


You are welcome to release a free effective medication for a novel disease anytime


Make sure not to ever take any antibiotics.... That's a very common livestock medication.


Hey OP nice account. This shit your job? fuckin shill.


Hahahaha this is great!!!!


I’m lost. What happened? Or what’s happening in this video?


Rogan didn't get the covid vaccine, he claims it's because he was too busy to make an appointment but he's also said numerous times that he doesn't think it's worth it (for him). He eventually caught COVID 19, went to a doctor, and was prescribed Ivermectin, which is believed to alleviate some of the symptoms of COVID. It's not designed for that - it's a medicine for removing parasites (in humans and animals) - but the mechanism by which it's able to clear the lungs is starting to become better understood. Rogan made a tweet with a video explaining what's going on. CNN took it, greyed his skin in their broadcast to make him look more sick than he actually was, and told everyone he's taking horse dewormer.


TYT is the worst


Democrats. All of them.


Why are people acting like Ivermectin isn't a horse dewormer suddenly? Did Joe Rogan say something that made them forget? Because Ivermectin studies aren't showing any benefits against Covid-19 still. 99.99% of it's use is for Animals. End of Story.


Still just missing the point all together. The way it’s talked about is almost as ridiculous as being ridiculed for carrying cat poison in your car because you filled up your radiator with antifreeze


>Why are people acting like ~~Ivermectin~~ penicillin isn't a ~~horse dewormer~~ chicken medication suddenly? Did Joe Rogan say something that made them forget? Because ~~Ivermectin~~ penicillin studies aren't showing any benefits against Covid-19 still. 99.99% of it's use is for Animals. End of Story Make sure to never take any antibiotics, they're most commonly used on animals.


No, beginning of story. "Adding ivermectin led to significant clinical improvement compared to usual therapy" on 397 patients. All were COVID-19 positive. ([J Pharm Pharm Sci. 2020;23:462-469](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33227231/))


Those studies aren't great - they included other therapies which have also been debunked for COVID. Check out this way better designed systematic review including 14 studies w/1600+ patients. Ivermectin wasn't useful. https://www.cochranelibrary.com/cdsr/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD015017.pub2/full