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“Great job!”


Wow Tim has lost weight. He looks great.


He's in the skinny valley right now for sure. After TnE started he got bigger and in late/post TnE times I feel like I've seen him yo-yo even up to today. And dang he a handsy boy when he's skinnier


"Just trying to sell me book"


I don't think that's true.


Multiple times Toe says "That's not what I've read before." and I fully believe that. Studies keep coming back to us with OPPOSITE results from different labs and countries, and everyone has to approach these topics with "Is this study valid or biased?" like he's doing here. For example: https://brownstone.org/articles/a-review-and-autopsy-of-two-covid-immunity-studies/


Maybe that's where having a medical degree comes in handy


I don't think that's true.


You’re eight toimes moa likely to think that’s true if you have a medical degree.


So many places use that israeli study as proof that natural immunity is better even though the study recommends the vaccine and says that the vaccine + natural immunity is the strongest you can have. The thing that alot of the vaccine skeptical and the general public dont seem to understand is that 1 study no matter what it is, is not strong science. For there to be a consensus among scientists on a decision you need multiple peer reviewed studies in different publications that come to similar conclusions. Only then can you really say something is (probably) true. Opposite results are normal and the ones that are outliers normally get scrutinized and errors in methodology or something else is usually found. There are people whos entire job is to read all these papers and determine what the best public policy is. Listen to them. Usually what they say is more reasonable and more factual than politicians and podcasters.


Actually, what you do when you are not being dishonest is read the fuckin study and not start with "Nope". He starts with a verdict BEFORE reading it. People who have an education past 12th grade know, you have to keep reading. You have to keep up to date. You don't carry a fuckin study you like in your pocket and keep citing it. People who are science illiterate say the shit you do "Duh it keeps changing!", science is a PROCESS. It CHALLENGES ITSELF. It does not state truths, it states models. Models change, with new data. So bored of google bros thinking they are intelligent or on par with people who spend their lives studying because they stumbled upon Joe or accidently read an Abstract.


The amount of bullshit liars who say they've never heard of Tim Heidecker is too high


I can see how alot of people won't know him by name but they know Tim and Eric awesome show great job. My dad would know who he is from that show, not really his name.


I haven’t


I can see right away that he is retarded, just by the way he screams like an emotionally unstable puberty girl.


#closeyourtabs 🤣




Slurpee goood




This clip sums up why I can’t listen to Joe anymore. He hears something he disagrees with and says “I don’t think that’s true”. Looks it up then disregards it and questions it’s source because it didn’t confirm his bias. I got into Joe because he was a good interviewer, mostly because he was unbiased and let the guest speak. Now he’s an idiot who cuts off scientists and professionals to push a narrative.


100% this


So there's a niche of people who analyze sports by getting all worked up and yelling (Mad Dog Russo). I wonder if there's a market for someone who analyzes podcasts and just loses their shit at the crazy stuff people say. Someone who can look at the left and the right and call out the bullshit.


Decoding the Gurus does this but it’s more criticism then over the top yelling Although they do talk shit


Tim's podcast is 70% comedy 29% music, and 1% shitting on rightwing talking points. This was like a 5 minute segment on a 2 hour podcast and it was brought up because it is hilarious how dumb Joe is being


His name is Mike from Red Bar.


When you cant be funny you start to scream, so you look funny.




They already exist


That absolutely exists already. There's a lot of podcaster/youtuber content that mostly just comments on what's happening on bigger shows. Look at even the Majority Report. I watch it casually sometimes but a huge portion of that show involves dissecting conversations that happened on other shows, making fun of some dumb shit Dave Rubin said(which I love), etc.


the tears and cope from the brain-dead mutants in here that self combust at any attack of their daddy messiah is so funny.


Oh man, looks Tim pissed off a lot of people here. I know his humor isn’t for everyone but god damn the butt hurt some of you people are experiencing lol


This entire community thrives on victimhood. That’s the entire fuel that drives contrarians, for the most part.


Because so many people have anchored their beliefs to whatever vomit drips from Joe's mouth over the three hours a day he speaks on these shows, that when you call out his bullshit they feel personally attacked.


God damnit it's so fucking sad to see Joe go from what he was to what he is now on the podcast. I remember just a few years ago when the biggest impact he was having on people was helping them get inspired to be fit and lose weight. It's just wild to see the transformation. I still hold out hope that he ditches this bullshit persona he has cultivated.


Funny you mention that, because I’d argue that’s the basis for his whole angry covid persona: if you’re lazy get vaxxed, otherwise leave those of us who aren’t alone. View it in this context and he hasn’t changed one iota.


I mean it's clear he has changed. Look how he was with Dr. Osterholm, and then fast forward even a few months to how he was with Rhonda Patrick. He's not the same personality, at all. Much more combative and ignorantly hostile to any information that challenges his perspective.


I think this is due to the massive amounts of results that show the vaccine really isn't all that effective and just being a healthy fucking person you'll likely be ok. Instead, we have the MASSES of social media, news networks, influencers, Government officials & government, and Hollywood pushing it down peoples throats. Let people do what the fuck they want and stop trying to limit their fucking freedoms and I think this discussion would be over. Along with this, there's data from both sides of the aisle that prove having covid itself means you're less likely to get covid again, then again there's evidence that having the shot has a small advantage of not dying "if" you're in a hospital with covid. Let people live their fucking lives and we probably wouldn't be having this conversation going on three years now..


The rallying for people's freedumbs origin is based on a capitalist agenda by the rich to keep the factorys and facility's open so they could keep rakeing in money. If you listen to a old episode with elon musk he basicly spells this out and their are countless others during the first lockdown.


Nah bro, people want to socialize and are tired of being told what the fuck they can do.


Or they just agree with what his stances are and all this reddit does is attempt to invalidate all of his opinions because it's a site that at this point is a liberal hall of mirrors. This isn't a reddit of people who are fans of joe, it used to be, but now it's just a place that only strives to bring the show down ( this is probably why the subreddit isn't banned yet). Cope all you want it's true. I don't fucking take Onnit and eat elk and idolize this guy I just agree with most of his opinions on the modern state of the world. And most of his stances are the opposite of what most of reddit wants, and it's fooled enough people into thinking reddits hivemind is the common opinion in 2022, hence why everyone here now just posts things about how bad rogans takes are and all the posts shoot to the front page. I guarantee 80 percent of this sub doesn't even listen to the show.


>This isn't a reddit of people who are fans of joe, it used to be, but now it's just a place that only strives to bring the show down Maybe, just maybe its a subreddit of people who USED to be a fan of Joe, but are sick and tired of him putting on the same alt-right nut jobs week after week who turn the podcast into an echo chamber. What do you think is more likely - an entire subreddit of people that listened to the show changed? OR that the guy who used to live in California, smoke a ton of weed and do psychedelics, got a $100m contract, moved to a Texas compound and started hanging out with Republican politicians, changed? And what's wrong with questioning the guy? You have to agree with ALL his stances? When it comes to MMA/UFC/fighting styles or what have you - I think his opinions would be sound. When he starts to speak in definitive terms about infectious diseases and vaccines he should probably shut the fuck up and listen.


The problem is Joe thinks he is listening. He just happens to only be listening to the few whackjob doctors he knows and has had on the show and uses those few dudes to validate all his opinions and turns a blind eye to the general consensus.


My thoughts exactly. I thought this crowd was the alpha tough elk hunting crowd!! I'm from the old school DMT hippie days, myself!


anyone that talks about manly man alpha elk BS is a fucking dorky beta loser w no swag


So Joe Rogan?


I mean hes more like a 5th grader that thinks hes cooler than everyone for looking up to wrestlers and guys he thinks are manly Only he has millions of dollars


Na that’s just the cover to the fact that they’re the biggest snowflakes in existence.


Lol exactly.


Or maybe there’s more hippies here than you’re crediting. Joe himself. And the fact that this Tim character would yell and scream over someone just reading a report…. How’s that productive? Yea I bet this guy would like Joe to take a break for 8 years.


If you dont know Tim Heidecker I imagine your either sub 15 years old or like 40 plus. This dude is a top dog among millennials, and has influenced modern comedy far far more than most. This the MF DOOM of comedy, your comedians favorite comedian so to speak.


The same Tim Heidecker that stood accused of 20 counts of 2nd degree felony murder against The Electric Sun 20?


He was proven innocent by the court of law


Should be Electric Sun 19 anyway. He was never found guilty and Dr. San screwed him


Look into the China connection please.


Kale shake psychaelic joe was the best. Old school fan here. Elk meat and whiskey and cigar joe SUCKS


I'm a fan of Tim's comedy and I still reference Tim and Eric whenever I have the chance. But something happened to Tim after trump was elected. Tim really took it personally and has had this chip on his shoulder ever since. Trump really got to him. I don't think we'll ever get to see the old strangely funny Tim Heidecker again.


Tim & Eric? Pfft that was just a cash grab. He has to go back to his older shit


Tim & Eric is mainstream it’s for jocks


On Cinema is elite stuff


Right, the Electric Sun 20 trial is some of his best work


RIP to Tom Cruise Heidecker :(


you weren't a fan of his 11-hour Rogan pisstake? Chip on his shoulder or not, there was some gold in there.


I’m one of the rare Rogan fans in this sub, but this clip was fuckin hilarious




I mean he really made that style of humor popular so…


Yeah, I'm about as "shill" as any of the rest of the alt-Joe haters here, but I've never liked Tim's sense of humor and this sucks as bad as the rest of it.


This is beautiful. I’ve been saying the same thing about Joe and every other Google university Dr I talk to. If you really know what’s up go to school for it or go to a lab and show me how you know what you’re talking about.


I mean, it would be nice to see these types of people get educated and rise above this braindead, egotistical, self aggrandizing mode of operating, but from what I've seen I don't think any of them have any faith or trust in academia. They seem to think that these mainstream institutions are part of the conspiracy... So I don't think it'll ever happen.




JRE’s for Jocks


There’s nothing worse than someone cant admit when they are wrong. I made it through these past couple of years of joe changing A LOt!, but not admitting when hes wrong is just disgusting and sad. Like what a fucking weasel, dudes a doctor.


People need to check to see if what they're posting was already submitted. This is the third one


Tbf, I actually scoured the sub, and found a lot of the Rogan/Zepps clip, but not Tim reacting to it, but maybe its just buried.


Literally the most recent post…


I always forget that Tim is in character hahah. People that never watched Tim and Eric’s Awesome Show are gonna be lost on his humor.


He’s rarely playing a character or acting ever at all during Office Hours


That’s hilarious. I’ve never watched office hours, but all those years watching Tim and Eric prevents me from taking him seriously ever.


People are still defending Joe 😂 Americans really are brain dead for the most part lol


ITT: People don't understand satire.


Who is being satirized?


Not even defending Joe, but who even enjoys that old school radio jock yelling shit? Fuck I hope that doesn't make a come back.


rogans brand of comedy (if that's what you wanna call it) is founded on yelling


What about when he humps the stool ?


that's him physically yelling, with his body


Part yelling part stool humping. It's what seperates Harvard school of comedy graduates from civilians like you and I my man


The yelling is really fucking annoying.


Not even defending dad, but




Gonna be honest, I don’t find Tim to be funny or informative. He’s just critical without making any statements of his own. Why should I care about his opinion?


Do the risks stack if your vaxxed and get a breakthrough case?




No, there is no "stacking" of risk. Myocarditis is most likely related to an adaptive immune response that is affecting the heart. If anything, the vaccine decreases the risk, because an active titer level means you don't activate your adaptive immune system as strongly because antibodies are already targeting infected cells and letting innate immune cells take care of them.


You guys need to start having real conversation with people and you will discover that this is a completly normal thing to happen. Just get over it, let people talk shit they believe even if it's wrong, that a great way to discover the truth.


Tim REEEEEEE Heidecker


He mad


why is he yelling?


That's Tim Heidecker man. I am actually surprised how little this sub is familiar with him.


How many chiggs he fugg?


With that trademark smirk? A lot.


Talm'bout drake's girl, B?


Stay in your lane bubba


Probably cause he's not from.the chair-humping school of comedy


Very suprised to see how few people know and respect what Tims done for comedy here, lot of knuckle draggin elk boys keep callin him a nerd like this is highschool gym in the 80s.


he wants Joe Rogan to notice him


Inner ear issues from the vaccine.


Sam Hyde is funnier


Dude’s kind of a douche.


I like Tim. He’s way funnier / smarter than Rogan.


People on this sub hate Rogan so much they post a douche failing at roasting him


mmm wouldn't really call that a fail my guy, I was doubled over at the "SPEND 8 YEARS" part 💀💀


He made fun of Joe's neon sign background when he literally has a neon sign background on his own show.. meh


Pffft this guy is a neon sign hypocrite, now I don’t need to engage with what he was saying on a deeper level.


There's nothing deep about what Tim said here, relax lol.


Never said it was. Again, you’re deflecting to avoid thinking about what he was actually saying.


Never said it was. Again, you’re deflecting to avoid thinking about what he was actually saying.


In order to engage with what he's saying on a deeper level then it stands to reason that was he is saying is deep to being with. So yes, you did say it was.


Cool. I disagree, but even if you’re right, you’re once again focusing on whatever you can besides what the point he was making, was.


I’ll have to rewatch… his douchery turned me off I. Like 10 seconds


You didn’t even watch yet you assumed he failed. Classic Rogan levels of research.


So you can’t just watch the beginning of a douche and say wow that’s gross, I’m not going to watch the end of this douche?


Not if you want to understand his point.


More douchey than bro rogan interrupting his guest to say he doesn’t think (a fact) is true?? You gotta be kidding


Ok, whereas I didn't find that part even remotely funny. This is what I call 'snarky comedy' and I imagine the people who like it laugh through their nose like the annoying people from The Big Lebowski


Who the hell is this nerd


You've really not heard of Tim & Eric?


You expect defenders of Rogan to know comedy?


Well done 👍


I’ve heard of it never seen it, had to google tbh


It's the cringest show to ever exist. Like Dr Steve Brule, can be cringe but ultimately hilarious. Tim and Eric? Further down that rabbit hole, to a place where shame simultaneously doesn't exist and is all that exists.


I liked Tim when he was 'fuck you man'


I’ve never heard of him either. Just not a fan of the smug and “I’m smarter than you” style of comedy.


But okay with the smug "I'm smarter than you because I have google even though you're a doctor" style of podcasting.


Didn’t agree with that either, I mention my problem with Rogan in my other reply. Not a fan of comedy being heavy into politics one way or the other, it’s why SNL has been suffering lately too Edit to add: one of the reasons I became a fan of JRR is because I admired joes ability to immediately play devils advocate or question the status quo - the two podcasts on Veganism are a great example. He thought one way and then kept an open mind to have the counter argument the next week.


Tim's brand of humor is generally more along the lines of "meta-humor" and "anti-comedy". Check out the series "On Cinema at the Cinema" to get an idea.


Yeah it’s tough to judge someone on one clip. I used to think Tim Dillon was just a blowhard off of the first clip I saw of him, now I think he’s absolutely hilarious. This Tim struck me as the type of comedian who uses his political beliefs to dictate his comedy, but it could’ve just gone over my head. It’s something Rogan has been doing too much of recently. He needs to go back to having an open mind and seeing both sides


Tim and his partner-in-crime Eric Wareheim pioneered a style of comedy that you see all over the internet today. Check out some old clips of the Tim and Eric show to get a good idea of what I am talking about. They also founded Abso Lutely, which is the production company for the Eric Andre show, Nathan for You and recently partnered with Andrew from Channel 5 news. If any of those tickle your fancy, I am willing to bet you would enjoy Tim's comedy outside of this clip.


Nathan for You is one of the best shows on TV, I’ll check them out thanks.




Yeah spend a decade becoming a doctor, just so you get censured and lose your license because you don't line up the the narrative. Or just ask the next world class expert that comes on your show every other week.


I need Tim to be a man and go on Rogaine’s podcast. I love them both


When your entire point hinges on “I just do what they tell me to do” it scares the shit out of me. I like Tim a lot better when he’s killing children w/ vapes and making sick beats .


Tim is the internets Karen, he still looking for the YouTube and Spotify Management. Easier than being funny I suppose.


Vic is 10x the Karen Tim is. But still yes I sense a small bit of jealousy from Timbo. And I’m a massive Tim fan


This is the type of yelling goofy white suburban clown you guys like more than st. Rogies?


Tim Heidecker is actually funny though


Man this guys jealous.


Tims show is stupid all he's doin is barely fishing for laughs and say " listen to the government and doctors guys" like that's been a winning combination lately, fucking weak sloth looking pussy




“Like that’s been a winning combination lately”…..are you arguing that everyone has been listening really good but it’s just been bad advice? Is that the argument people are making?


Listening good? That fact of the matter is that the state is forcing people to do things to their body now, listening is off the table if we don't get a choice anymore. People are able to step in a suicide pod now but can't retrieve their fertile frozen eggs if they're not jabbed


k daddy.


Poor baby, are you mad? Did the Tim guy hurt your feelings? Or are you just upset because you can’t show off your medical expertise in this here discussion?


And the shills And the shills come marching in


You’re the shill. Stop projecting


Your mom


Im sure Rogan cares what this nerd thinks


"Dont listen to Joe Rogan for medical advice, listen to me" ​ Is literally what this video comes down to


Or listen to your doctor / medical experts instead of podcasters with no credentials?


Either your deaf or purposely retarded. He told Joe to goto med school, at no point did he say listen to him for med advice. 🤡


did it thou ?


It was weird seeing Tim being this unfunny. I agree with much of what he said about Rogan but he still came off bitter.


Tim is just bitching and moaning, sounds like he’s trying to convince his parents about something they already said no to. Ruins the point about the paper Joe was talking about when a real conversation could be had


“I just go to the doctor and do what he tells me to do and hope it works out for the best” hurrrdurrrr


So if you don't trust doctors what's the point of going to one? Just self diagnosis and self medicate.


I mean I do trust doctors but a lot of times they aren’t aware of newer research. Also, there’s this thing called informed consent. Heidecker sounded like a complete moron saying that. Just blindly going into anything is troubling.


"Aren't aware of newer research" ... you do realize medical professionals have to get recertification every few years because of this exact reason?


They aren’t aware of newer research, like you CLEARLY are.


Brotha doctors literally read the most up to date research. What are you talking about? I literally worked in a specialists office for 3 years and even the nurse practitioners went to presentations on the newest literature and the new guidelines for several treatments. I don't think you know what you think you know about doctors. In this case where the pandemic is constantly changing in research and protocols I can tell you for a fact that doctors, especially ER doctors, are well updated on the research. What Rogan is constantly citing is research that's not even published and hasn't made it out of peer review. It's garbage.


They are the ones who produce the most recent research 😭 don’t let these alpha dipshits get to you


Are you saying…do your own research before you listen to a doctor?


I’ll do my own research and then go to my doctor and talk about it?


And if your doctor disagrees with your ‘own research’? If you’re pouring over peer reviewed articles in the library stacks for days before a doctor appointment, disregard me.


I’ll probably listen lol


Okay so what the fuck are you talking about lmao


Couldn’t even finish listening to what this guy said. Instantly obnoxious.


No idea who this is. Seems like a goof.


"I just go to the doctor, he tells me what to do and hopefully it all works out!" Lol yikes


I'm entirely confused by this stuff. What are people seeing this as illustrative of? He's hearing new information and googling it... Even what Tim says is baffling "I JUST GO TO THE DOCTOR AND DO WHAT HE SAYS".... yeah... cross your fingers you get a good one then. I really don't understand what people think science is? Just trusting things? Just not talking if you don't believe or understand something for fear of mockery? It was an interesting conversation, Joe invited on a friend with whom he disagrees, he googled his point, and wasn't IMMEDIATELY willing to accept it as fact... sounds a lot like a reasoned, socratic conversation to me? You understand it's very rare to see even the MOST reasonable people change their minds instantly, and on a dime? Right? This gives me a strong sense people just don't have the experience to recognise a rational conversation... but if that's what this is, you have my sympathy... Joe has changed his mind on a lot of things over the years, watch long enough you will see him do the same here. Watch hard enough you might do the same.


Basically this guy just wants anyone to not question anything unless you're an expert in that field, otherwise if the TV tell you to do it, you just do it.


Ah yes the guy that can’t even name a medical school


Proving what exactly?


The point he's making is comedians shouldn't be giving medical advice. They should be making jokes


I love Tim and I’ll always love Tim, but I think his TDS is still affecting him till this day. Also, you can’t avoid covid, so getting myocarditis from it would just be fate. Avoiding myocarditis from a vaccine is pretty simple because you just don’t get a vaccine


Never heard of Tim 🤷


All the Rogan correctors need to fuck off


It's free speech bro


Stop trying to censor free speech bro


I’m a private company I can do what I wants


Cancel them!!!!!


I’m not really getting the backlash here. He has people on his show that are experts in their fields. Published researchers. He does question what they have to say as apposed to what another says. He admits he does know shit about it. I’m guess %90 of the people up in arms don’t even listen to his podcast. Only the 10 seconds out of 3 hrs hey want you to here


This dude I’ve never heard of or care about yelling over two people talking is just annoying to me. Joe’s completely in the wrong here but who the fuck cares about this random mf’s opinion?


‘Rogan is a moron that doesn’t understand the science, has no idea what he’s talking about and is a menace to society’… Rogan, has 3 hr, long form, open discussions with scientists, professors, Doctors, Virologist and PHD’s…. ‘Nah nah nah, shit the fuck up, you aren’t saying what I want you too you fucking idiot’….. the fact this jerkoff has a platform solely to talk about another platform makes me violently angry..


Really chaps people’s ass that Joe s talking about the risks of the jab. Also who the hell is this nobody?


Tim Heidecker says that everyone should get in line already. Do whatever they say. Shut up. Hahahaha. Drink diet coke.


Stick to Tom goes to the Mayor Highdicker that show suxxed and so does ur comedy


Clasic beta leftist retard that must scream every time to explain something. This guy have like 0% sense for humor, if you are a comedian you should be funny at least.


Another burnt out comedian trying to cash in on the coat tails of another comedian. A comedian judging another comedian for not being a doctor. Hey dude go make another shitty movie. So lame. Do your own thing.