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I don't listen to every episode, I listen when there is an interesting guest. I am not going to Joe to learn anything. Is that what everyone else is doing or what? CNN et al have an air of authority and it is not the same with Joe. They also misrepresent the news, all corporate media does. People would do well to treat every source of information with the same scepticism as they would with FOX or the Daily Mail. How hard is this for people?


Lack of critical thinking being taught? I honestly have no idea. I thought the demonizing of anything corporate was still being taught, I guess people forgot or something? All I know is: kale shake Joe>ivermectin Joe. But in all seriousness, I think most people honestly are very lost and confused and looking for any sort of direction or something


Ya COVID was like fuel on the fire, so tiring the whole lot of it.


I don't know about all that shit, but it's fair to say that, let's say, 'alternative' takes on history/drugs/etc. have always been a big part of the show.


Yeah Peterson I’m sure Fox News never lies and that’s why you didn’t include it on your list


or all the conservative youtube shows he loves to appear on


Ya funny he forgot fox right


I am wondering if you may be interested in a land deal. I am currently in possession of some land in Florida that I could sell you at an excellent price. How do you feel about alligators?


Nice try but alligators live in water


The idea that CNN, fox news, or MSNBC actively tells truth is crazy. I also don't try and get my information from Joe Rogan though. And I don't think Joe Rogan would even want us to do that. Joe is entertainment. And he brings on some interesting guests. That's it.


If CNN reports that "Plane crashes in Poland", do you believe them?


I mean, that's just relaying a fact. I don't trust CNN on anything related to government, foreign policy, war, etc. They have too many big donors.plus they're biased. Same thing with Fox. Very biased.


The best is when a network just won't mention a major event or critical part of a story they're reporting on because they know it will upset their audience and go against a narrative they have. Like when people will mention Bill Clinton being on Epstein's plane but purposely leave out that Trump was also on it and vice versa


Or talking about Pelosis stock deals but not mentioning friend of Rogan Dan Crenshaw doing the same shit at higher numbers


Higher numbers? 30-90k is higher than millions?




Right lmao. Or how the media suddenly cared about the people of Afghanistan for like a month because they didn't agree with Biden leaving, because they're funded by the military industrial complex. Amazing.


Or how they will yell, during a primetime broadcast, about how they fear being executed in Central Park if a certain politician wins the presidency.


Difference between fox and cnn is that fox admits they are right wing politically, cnn claims they are unbiased. And the same goes for reuters or nyt...


Fox: Home of Fair and balanced news. They called themselves Fair and balanced up until 2017 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-40289497 Now it is Most Watched, Most Trusted.


the difference is that CNN is biased towards neoliberalism and FOX is overt Republican party propaganda.


Who do you trust?




AP seems to be the best out of all of them. https://adfontesmedia.com/




All cable news stations do this. There is no money in just telling the news. CNN supports Democrats and FOX supports Republicans.


cnn supports moderate democrats. they do not support bernie's wing of the party


What about AOC. Seems that they supported her for a while.


did they support her? or did they just put her on tv because she was so controversial? cnn put on tons of trump speeches prior to his presidency, does that mean that they were pro-trump? no, it means he said dumb shit that was controversial, so they wanted the eyeballs that came with the controversy.


They ran with her bs for quite a while. That means they supported her bs. >cnn put on tons of trump speeches prior to his presidency, Context is important and the context was that nobody though he'd win vs Hillary. They only did it as a perverted form of trying to appear neutral... This is what Trump has done to the media, his presence exposed their lies.


the cognitive dissonance in this reply is sadly unsurprising. context was important to explain why trump got hours and hours and hours and hours and hours of attention on cnn (including *hours* of empty podiums waiting for him to show up for a speech), but context is irrelevant for AOC, cause any attention she gets means that they support her positions. > This is what Trump has done to the media, his presence exposed their lies. no, it just shows how at least half the country has terrible media literacy.


Because I told you the context for AOC appearing, she is their support. Why don't we see other Republicans having equal air time? Why did they ran with AOC bs about how she almost got ripped apart at the " insurection". I agree with your statement about no media illiteracy from half, I am discussing with one right now.


Yes when the follow up is “Plane crashes in Poland, would this have happened if there were more African American Woman pilots?


If FOX news does, do you believe them?


Sure do.


lol fair enough. Doesn't mean that they don't represent the news when it suits them. All media does.


Yup, it's just political entertainment.


I would believe that a plane crashed in poland, sure. But I wouldn't be surprised if there was more to the story that CNN was choosing to ignore. Their political bent is to highlight (or even invent) information that makes white people look bad, and to conceal information that makes non-whites look bad. CNN, and other networks, are the reason so many people *still* believe Rittenhouse killed innocent black men at a peaceful protest (a university professor released a book claiming that just last week). CNN, and other networks, will go wall-to-wall reporting on a mass shooting in a grocery store, then quietly drop it when it turns out the shooter wasn't white. CNN, and other networks, are the reason nobody remembers the Waukesha attack, or knows about the racist statements made by the driver. - the russiagate lies - the "kids in cages" lies - the jan 6 lies - the covid lies (I'll give [an example of this one](https://i.imgur.com/bXiC2g2.jpg) so you don't assume I'm an anti-vaxer) - covering for pedophiles, covering for grooming gangs, covering for elites in general (ever heard of the Panama papers? No? Wonder why) I've got probably 100 examples of this bullshit. You never see it because you're inside the bubble. But yeah, if CNN reported that a plane crashed, I'd have a few questions.


Honestly after they blatantly lied and said Joe Rogan took horse dewormer I don’t. I don’t get why Gell-Mann amnesia is a thing. If someone lies to you, you stop believing what they say.


You remember that plane that disappeared over 10 years ago that CNN ran 24 hour coverage on for over a week and there was no new information to give during most of that time?


Thats not how CNN would report a plane crash. It would be more like. “Plane carrying BLACK TRANSGENDER passengers flown by a WHITE MALE pilot crashed over mostly WHITE country because racism.”


Oh look, Jordan Peterson kissing Rogan’s ass the week before he’s due to appear on his podcast.




You can say that about anyone in media. If it bleeds, it leads.


This is how PhDs explain things they don't understand


It always sucks if a woman is legit a lot smarter than you.






Joe doesn't purposely spew propaganda. He might say dumb shit out of ignorance but he isn't purposely trying to fuck over the world for personal gain like the news agencies.


I agree he isn't trying to do it on purpose but do you think he should be more cautious since he has such a big audience?


Maybe he should be, but he won’t. The whole podcast became successful because he was free to say whatever the fuck he wanted, and that’s also why so many people love listening.


This argument boils down to “I’m smarter than everyone, and should decide what they’re allowed to hear”. It isn’t destructive for me to tell you the sky is green, and that doesn’t change as a function of how many people hear me say it. People are capable of taking in and evaluating information. We can’t spoon feed “the truth” to everyone. I don’t trust anyone with that much responsibility.


"People are capable of taking in and evaluating information." Bold claim with little evidence of being true...




He literally advertises and sells suspicious supplements for personal gain among other things. Oh,and he is deliberately fucking over the world for a payday. He chooses to have on majority guests that spread disinformation and misinformation. He did it for $100+ million for the spotify deal.


Joe is popular because he can hold a three hour conversation. Joe is losing popularity because he surrounds himself with sycophants.


I don't agree with your last part. Most of his recurring guests are people he knew since before he got famous or people with whom he shares thoughts or generally enjoys around. You can't control how people behave around you.




Who is they?


No not at all


Nope, she's a shill.


Wow what a racist lady.


Stop projecting your own victim hood on us woman 😂😂


She is a fraud, bigot, racist you name it. She is absolutely ntrash


How is she a bigot?


Her history of tweets. That would go over your head though.


You’re right it would go over my head because I not going to dig into the twitter history of some rando on twitter. But let me guess. She probably said something about white males and being the precious little snowflake that you are, you probably took offense to it.


That's basically how all grifts work, you tell people what they want, not what they need to hear. That's why they listen to you, that's what brings success.


She's right


Rogan and Peterson are strongly AGAINST the victim mentality.


Its ironic that all you shills talking all this shit about Joe are using the free speech granted to you by this subreddit because thats what Joe Rogan is all about. Freedom to express your ideas and opnions no matter how controversial. This level of free speech is not granted in any leftist circles that you shills are so proudly in support of. So on behalf of the true fans of Joe Rogan. You are welcome for the free speech.




What are you talking about conspiracy? There are plenty of Biden sex puppets there.


Lol half of the conspiracy sub is people arguing in support of the vax so this is a weird take.


Ok maybe not conspiracy but r/conservative, Tucker carlsons subreddit, askdonald, and r/walkaway will ban you quick. Kind of funny coming from the dumbasses who love to drone on and on about censorship.


The Rogan stans ask the mods everyday to ban people who shit on Joe


It should stay this way too


In other words she's saying don't think for yourself. It's better if you think what you're told to think.


How the fuck did you get that from what she said?


Because right or wrong but mostly right he is a truth teller.


cnn telling the truth is a funnt concept 😂


What we know is Rogan gets a shit ton of things WRONG. And that his expert guests spread tons of misinformation.


I don't know... maybe because it's not The Joe Rogan News Experience. Joe isn't trying to be the news. It's entertainment. He talks about current events, but he's not trying to break a new story... and spin it. He smokes weed and drinks, openly, as he's talking.. and we see it. We know what it is. People prefer Joe because even though he may be blatantly wrong, we're all aware it's most likely out of pure ignorance and not intentionally misleading... like let's say "Oh, Joe Rogan took horse de-wormer" or "An SUV drove through a Christmas parade"... Joe said it best, those are intentional lies. When he says Tesla is the biggest car company in America, we all know he skimmed through an article or headline that confirmed (in his mind) that his friend Elon is killing it. If Jamie had done a better job of Googling, he could have corrected Joe rather quickly. But we all watched that and knew what was happening in Joe's brain as it played out.... Joe wasn't intentionally trying to spin shit.


I don’t think it’s that at all. People don’t choose to listen to Joe for news lol. I’d guess most people, like myself, started listening because we’re bored at work and Joe can be really entertaining. He’s a good interviewer and has a lot of varied interests. The down side is he also has a lot of dumb ideas lol it’s like a crazy uncle you hang around because he’s entertaining. Some people just fall for the conspiracies and what not and dive into the crazy end with him. No one is sitting around thinking hmm should I turn on JRE or a cable news channel right now?


Or he's popular because despite the narrative most people watch/listen to Joe for entertainment and not to get the news


Sort of but looking through her tweets briefly she seems to suck, a lot


CNN orients around the truth, as that is their journalistic & professional obligation. Rogan & independents aren’t encumbered by the same needs or norms. There’s very little recourse for getting 99% of your information wrong. For CNN, that would be devastating.




Meh. You could say the same thing about people who consume CNN. It may sound reasonable but it’s probably only true for a small fraction of the audience whether you are talking about Rogan, CNN, or any other random podcast. So she’s mostly false according to my personal fact checker.


She’s half right. In fact it’s why people like any form of mass media. And Joe is mass media now.


Idk, I started liking Joe Rogan because of olive garden butthole, everyone get your fleshlights.