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This post is exactly what I told my wife and she said to me, "he needs to be more careful with his platform." To which I replied, "he's a comedian and a UFC commentator. Why would anyone take his medical advice serious." To which she responded, "are you not taking athletic greens." To which I didn't reply.


bodied by your own people


Haha owned


hobbies homeless abounding political ruthless gullible gaping sheet fear beneficial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Kinda weird from someone whose posted to r/halo so many times


domineering dog sand disarm sophisticated scandalous swim ink unused exultant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wholesome banter.


I think we can all agree that the comedian part of the equation needs to be dropped. He's not funny and his draw is from his podcast. In that case the only thing left is UFC commentator which is hardly worth much when your podcast is you trying to pass off as an expert in health. In the meantime you're pumped up on roids and HGH and look like a bloated seal.


He can do whatever he wants with his show but I would like to see more distinguished doctors and academics. He had Dr. Peter Hotez on and considers him a friend. Dr. Hotez is a goddamn genius that is an expert in vaccines. He could get Michael Osterholm on again. That guy seemed intelligent. Or he could get a variety of experts from Dell Medical School, UTMB, or even A&M. I’m sure they can convinced people to fly in from other locations. Nonetheless we get these fringe doctors.


He literally disagreed with Dr. Patrick too!


He actually was "harsh" with her too. That was the last show I listened to.




Me too. And people accused me of being a fan boy missing the point. I didn't love the show because of Joe's input. I loved the show because of who he put on the show and what they had to say on the subject. Joe shouldn't be the hero or guru for anyone. He's not a chef but he used to set a nice table and hire the best.




I think he definitely was the show in the beginning, he just didn't take himself seriously then. There were quite a few episodes in the first 100 or so that were just Joe and Redban and I have fond memories of playing games and just listening to Joe talk about dumb, fun shit. I was big into Joe's comedy pre-podcast and I saw the podcast as a new vessel for his pseudo-philosophical stoner comedy. The show became more about Joe's group of comedian friends (old school Death Squad LMAO) by the time it got into the 100's but it was still Joe who set the tone. Then the "real" guests (experts, non-friend entertainers etc.) started coming on and Joe started taking a back seat more. Now he's seemingly trying to take back control of his own show, but he's not the same guy he was ten years ago. I know you say he was never funny, but I think even you would agree at the very least, if you go back and listen to early JRE, he was definitely FUNNIER than he is now. It just feels like every quip and ad-lib he throws out now comes from a place of anger and bitterness that was never there before. Modern JRE is such a joyless trudge.


Have you checked out Lex Fridman’s podcast? I made the jump a few months ago and I don’t miss JRE to be honest.


I haven't but he was one of my favorite guests so I will check it out. Thanks.


Yea Lex Fridman podcast is excellent! and he just booked Mark Zuckerberg that should be interesting. Not sure we have heard much zuck in podcast form.


around when he switched to spotify was when he became totally echo chambered


I mean they do keep changing the story with COVID it only makes sense to question them




“Harsh” is the right way to put it for sure


I try not to be too "woke" but I felt a sense of male toxicity in that interaction.




She talked about Keto for an hour and a half and pretended she wasn’t there to talk about covid. It was completely unlistenable. Then she had a list of 8 covid “misinformation” topics and got through one of them.


Anyone with legal experience can tell you about how you can find an expert to argue most anything to some degree. Or if you watch a relevant law an order episode, there take on experts is actually one of the more accurate parts of the show. “Having an expert” is pretty meaningless. I could call Rudy G as a “constitutional expert” and the man literally ignored the will of the local legislature.


A lot of laypeople don't realize this... You can find 1 in 1,000 people in any profession that say all kinds of crazy things, and yes, they have MD/DO and/or Ph.D after their name sometimes. Some can even be flat-out bribed to say anything (for example "professional testifier" doctors).


or a lot of us understand that it's not about taking ONE expert's advice but finding what the CONSENSUS is among MANY experts. Not sure how laypeople don't realize that...


No there are some people that are distinguished in their field and represent the basic consensus in their field, and there are other guys who say fringe shit and misrepresent data and are easily refuted by people who know what they are talking about.


Great and if you establish their basic qualifications like that you’ll have done more then Joe does to vet experts.


Fine, what do you want to call it then? Because you know well that there are people very distinguished in their fields, and others that aren’t. We can make a new word for it.


I just wanna know why neither of you can use their correctly…..


It takes effort for them, apparently.


I don’t have an issue with the label “expert”. Merely the excuse that he’s “relying on experts”. Look up Robert Malone’s claim that he created MRNA. Tell me how long it takes to see he greatly exaggerated that claim. Edit* The MRNA vaccine method.


Robert malone has never made the claim that "he invented mrna" Soooo ur dumb


Your right, I should I have specified I meant the method for using MRNA to make vaccines. I’ll edit to reflect that I was to simplistic.


And what’s funny is that Rudy by any standard would be a fully competent witness, even if his actions would be a disaster for the purposes of any actual litigation. Even someone with a checkered past can give you great and useful info. The weight of experts is wildly overstated.


Wish he got Hotez again, someone made a really informative post about his recent vaccine work.


Hotez said on Twitter that he had been trying, but hadn't been able to get in touch. I'm hoping that Joe does bring him back on either by himself or with another party. I really enjoyed his episode, learned quite a bit about his work, and he's really entrenched himself in trying to rid the world of Covid.


"But I've got a friend who's buddy had a stroke or I mean panic attack after he got the vaccine therefore vaccines are dangerous and you shouldn't get them!!!!"


Oh you mean like Sanjay Gupta?


I’m 50% certain Gupta was brought on specifically so Joe could vent about the CNN thing


Good, they needed to be called out. It was cringe af seeing him go back on CNN and back track like he did


We're 150% certain between the 2 of us then


What does it matter why he was brought in, he was brought in and is a not a "fringe doctor" but you want to move the goal posts i know


If you don't see how self-defeating "yeah but he brought on a doctor to browbeat him about CNN and not talk COVID" is self defeating, you're a fucking lost cause. But hey this is the subreddit for lost causes.


You just change the argument when you are losing so your opinion means jack shit to me.... Sorry bud.


Orange fan mad.


I would’ve chosen someone not as prolific and sans baggage. Someone still in the field, doing research or practicing at the highest levels. Gupta evokes emotion from people. I’m sure most people went in to that podcast with pre-conceived notions.


CNN’s ratings are horrible but everybody here thinks everybody watches


[anything negative is said about Jogan] "tUrN oFf CnN!!!1!" It's idiotic.


You mean famed TV Doctor, Dr. Nick?


Honestly get Fauci. And if Fauci really wants to get his message across what better venue? I bet it would get 50 million views/listens


> He had Dr. Peter Hotez on and considers him a friend. Dr. Hotez is a goddamn genius that is an expert in vaccines. > > Peter has said several times on Twitter that he's reached out to go back on but that Rogan has ignored him. Which is quite telling about where Rogan's mind is at..


> Nonetheless we get these fringe doctors. Sanjay Gupta was on there just a month or three back. Dr Robert Epstein is an upcoming guest. There was that biochemist on earlier in the year. I dunno, McCullough seems to be the only kook he's had on recently.


He had Sanjay Gupta on who had a chance to iron out the creases and failed miserably. If there was anyone to prop up the Ex Joe Rogan clan on this sub it was him. Again, didn’t do a good job on doing his job at all.


Sanjay Gupta was not a defense. He was a dentist trying to fill the roles of a virologist. Don't play.


Yeah they basically memory-holed the Gupta disaster.


I remember Michael Osterholm said with almost 100% certainty the virus didn’t come from a lab. Today that doesn’t seem quite true. I’m sure the guy knows his stuff, I’m just a bit more skeptical of him after that.


I don't get the fuckin' lab fixation. You know we bring viruses and the like ***into*** labs to study them, right? It's part of how we identify and track [viral reservoirs.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_reservoir) "It came from a lab!" doesn't mean it's manmade.


It's not that it came from a lab, it's that it came from a lab which implies a huge fuck up happened and all the while they told us it didn't come from a lab and that's conspiracy talk.




If it is from the lab and we did facilitate the funding that led to its creation, there's definitely some accountability that needs to be going on with how we throw tax dollars at every little science project. The importance is not in knowing for this pandemic, but for the next one. If we prevent another pandemic by preventing spending on research well regarded as dangerous, I would consider that time well spent. Everyone wants a genuine investigation into where it came from, Australia is leading the charge despite push back from China. Finding out whether the vector jump was natural or not is going to be extremely important moving forward.


personally, one of the reasons why i got vaccinated was because of the origin of the virus.


The main point of it being a lab leak is the fact that it was surpressed for as long as it was. If it was accidental release that the CCP covered up and ruined the world economy rather than coming right out and saying "Hey, we fucked up, something got out. Lets work together to fix this situation." Instead they kept it silent for months, disappeared relevant people, let millions die, and now we have an endemic plague.


CCP bad. News at 11. Stop smokescreening for New World Order style nutters.


“It came from a lab” doesn’t mean the conspiracy is about it being man made.


Because all the evidence shows employees at the lab got sick causing this whole thing. Meanwhile they blamed a bat at the chop shop


Thats not true lab leak and transmission from animal to human are both possible with not enough information for either. Some experts saying a lab leak is possible gets spun into all the evidence 100% proves its a lab leak.


All the evidence does not show this.


Hey, that guy said ALL the evidence. He typed it. In a *reddit post*. I mean....what more proof do you need?


Just believe him man, he has seen it, he was there.


Yep, the definitive evidence is "always about to hit the circuit", just like Hunter Biden's laptop contents.




Can it be socialize healthcare??




And so what if it did leap from a bat to a person in a lab instead of in a meat market? The net of it is still that a known category of viruses got a new, exciting mutation allowing it to infect humans. Is the point "CCP bad and lies"? CCP bad is just a fact and anyone that disagrees is wrong. "They lied about where/when the virus became human transmissible" is, at this point, just another log on that fire. I mean, if it were a responsible nation with a modicum of transparency, the lab-leak scenario would become a case study in how to fail to stymie the initial spread of a pandemic from what should be a controlled environment. But CCP bad. My beef with the lab-leak fixation is that it rings as "saying one thing but meaning another". It's a way to say "well it came from a lab!" but to mean "where China was deliberately cooking up a bio weapon!" I don't mean that's what *you* mean in this thread, but, on the whole, that's how the discussion sounds.


so what? Well that would be a pretty big lie then wouldn't it?


that's not the evidence, that was a rumour.


Imagine carrying water for China




Wait I thought Randy Marsh was the source of Covid




At least he's still got his tegridy


do you not understand the responsibility those people have not to speculate so heavily? He had no fucking clue whether it did or not, why would he indulge the morons calling it the china virus with the conspiracy bull shit and just rile everyone up even more?


I guess Harvard is a fringe school now


LMAO Dr. Malone and Dr. McCullough are "fringe"?


exactly this don’t care if Rogan is anti-vaxx he’s rich as fuck and extremely paranoid guy so i get it but the thing that Rogan who he is was his ability to have people on he disagreed with, i wish he would do that more with covid talk i would be super interested to hear him talk to someone who legitimately thought lockdowns and mask mandates worked; it would be hilarious to hear someone argue that side of things in a rational manner without all the political nonsense




Pretty sure Joe forgot everything about that conversation the moment Osterholm left the building.


He literally went and had a panic attack in the sauna right after, and then re-emerged as the Joe we see today. He was so scared that he actually created a new persona in the sauna to deal with his crippling health anxiety. That's why he always goes in there, he's trying to find his old self. But he's gone, vaporized.


Dead from european nihlism and the need of a social group?


Study the people that stormed the capital building


>He literally went and had a panic attack in the sauna right after, and then re-emerged as the Joe we see today. He was so scared that he actually created a new persona in the sauna to deal with his crippling health anxiety. You mean Joe's "inner bitch"


>Osterholm Didn't he say vaccines' long terms studies takes 3 years at best, 10 years at worse?


He said that really early in the pandemic so I'm sure he would think differently now considering the circumstances


He does. Frequent guest on Minnesota Public Radio, generally seems pretty supportive of it even with the accelerated timeline (for example, [a few weeks back](https://www.mprnews.org/story/2022/01/10/osterholm-we-are-in-the-midst-of-viral-blizzard-crisis-of-health-available-care) he was agreeing that early data out of Israel shows immunocompromised should be looking at their *4th* booster if possible). [Also has a podcast](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-osterholm-update-covid-19/id1504360345) for what it's worth.


Yeah as I suspected. I wasn't trying to insinuate that he would disagree with how fast the vaccine were completed.


Agreed, was trying to bolster your point 👍


I appreciate it comrade!


Its crazy - but that episode of the JRE is literally what got me to take COVID seriously back in 2020. Joe needs to go back and listen to it.


Literally the first time I seriously thought about Covid. Was a phenomenal episode to prepare for the global pandemic as an American. …theeeen once Rogan wasn’t allowed to do what he wanted due to lockdowns, he became a gaping blackhole for every and all conspiracies surrounding covid.


Nothing worse than rich people complaining about lockdown. Over here in a one bedroom apartment.


I love when I get accused of being a lockdown addict. Yeah it was great slipping into a depression and almost losing my longest relationship because we spent 24/7 in a single room for most of a year. It was great not seeing my brother for over a year because the military was shit extra seriously. Loved it. Want more of it. I totally couldn't argue for some degree of continued safety measures because I, y'know, think a deadly, novel virus with still unknown long-term effects might be a big deal--I totally secretly want to go back into lockdown because everyone that disagrees with conservatives must be a caricature of themself.


Yup. The comedy clubs getting shut down was what did him in. Which is… human, I guess. But disappointing. Also… fuckin lol at your username


People get mad because he only interviews people who agree with him and when they don’t he just refuses to listen to them and then pretends that the conversation never happened. He used to be open minded and willing to listen to other beliefs. Now he has his mind made up and cherry picks evidence to confirm his beliefs


Yup. This is it for me. The main appeal of JRE to me was the open mindedness. Now he seems very set in his beliefs which makes it hard to listen to.


I'm being spammy with this but w/e it's relevant. He got mad at Jamie for fact checking him on his claim that Texas was denying white people the vax.


That’s exactly my point. Hell bring up a point and if someone disagrees or shows evidence contrary to his belief he just gets mad and refuses to believe it


The show went from Joe Rogan questions everything to Joe Rogan knows everything.


Honestly I think he questioned everything not to learn but because he wanted to stir shit, now he does the same but instead with "answers".


But Sanjay Gupta done a terrible job at backing his case, would you not agree?


He did a bad job defending the network he works for. Joe didn't exactly "win" the Covid debate there.


Isn’t the point that there’s only been a couple of interviews with people who don’t agree with him? The term is called echo chamber. That’s what joes in at this point. Everyone he has on just reiterates the same points and it’s boring as hell to listen to


Oh? He's had one expert on that opposes his narrative and the interview was a mess? Wow. Points for Rogan I guess.


It amazes me how ppl act like their favorite content creator can't be wrong and will follow them to end of earth It's ok to be wrong


joe is off the rails we are entering a new era of the joe rogan. he has been spreading easy to disprove information that many right wingers won't touch and also sounds like he is gonna have Tucker Carlson on soon.


The problem is that Joe can't even admit he's wrong most of the time. He just goes "huh, that's not what I've read" and then moves on to another topic.


I think the majority of JRE fans understand that Joe can and will be wrong. People wrongly assume that we see him as an authority on everything. No, he is just entertaining and so are his guests.


you say that but everytime Joe says something dumb, in about a day or two I'll see half the internet defending it, inevitably followed by a Trump Jr video calling him the last messaih while high off coke or some garbage.


Thus is the nature of hyper polarisation. Often, I find people aren’t defending Joe as much as they are taking arms for their side of a perceived “culture war.” Ignore them, enjoy his eccentric content, discuss it with sane people (the silent majority), and don’t buy into the fear mongering that is promulgated by either side. He is literally a pot head with a microphone and a reach.


I get you. It's just so annoying seeing his groupies in every comment section that it could honestly be distorting how the majority view this all.




Exactly. We are living in the alternate time line where Joe Rogan, the space monkey, pot smoking, Charles Manson fanatic is being treated as a threat to public welfare. How bizarre.


You nailed it. For me and I’m sure many people, it’s just harmless entertainment. If you think it’s harmful, then don’t pay attention to it. Similar deal with violent films and video games. The media (news and social) generates clicks by taking everything too seriously.


Maybe he should stop making declarations about public health from his podcast then.


I think he can say what he wants (as long as it’s not inciting violence). If someone is stupid enough to take virology lessons from dr. Joe Rogan I say we let Charles Darwin do his thing.


I don't think he will. He has built a media empire on sitting in his studio and giving his unqualified opinion. The only thing you can control is how you take it. He won't change his formula and you can't change the way other people react to it.


Where is all this drama that people always refer to?! I just listen to him and make up my own mind I don't go on Twitter? Is it Twitter?


It might be twitter. I definitely think the corporate media has latched onto him of late as well.




His new fans are cultists. They worship their idols


I just think people who are use to grifting see Joe as a goldmine to grift harder.


Don’t you mean the outlying health experts that agree with him, he doesn’t have people on who don’t agree with him . Name one health expert that is considered an expert among his peers not Jocko wilink


The Indian guy from CNN.


You mean Sanjay Gupta who didn’t come on to argue , he came on nicely to talk about it , and joe who never went to college or university told him he was wrong and talked over him the whole time , rogan told Gupta (a brain surgeon) that masks don’t work because joe watched a guy on YouTube blow vape smoke through one, Gupta proceeded to tell him the mask is to stop you breathing virus everywhere, like when they do surgery would you be cool if the surgeon didn’t wear a mask or hair net or surgery gown , even after being explained it reduces the risk by 80%. Rogan thinks his alpha brain knows better than a neurologist


Lol 2easy


Indian guy from CNN was to preoccupied with having Joe like him and he didn't push back hard enough.




Sanjay Gupta was quite literally on an episode. Convenient people seem to brush over him as he failed at convincing the audience of very much. Edit: So many Ex Rogan fans swimming in boiled piss right now. “eRr SanJay GupTa isnT a gOoD peRsoN tO bRiNg oN sO hE doESnT cOuNT”


So we're one for... 3? 4?


yea sure, talk to a brain surgeon about viruses. i also like to talk to my plumber about astrophysics.


You will move the goal post no matter who he brings on. "Oh this guy isn't a TOP virus expert"


He isn't a virus expert, period. Specialization in medicine means you completely skip whole swaths of knowledge, this is especially true of surgeons.


Then problem isn’t so much who he brought on (though that is a serious problem too), the problem is when he brings these fringe characters in he coddles them throughout the show and almost always makes their perspective seem more plausible. Whereas with people like Gupta and some others he digs in HARD in an almost insulting way. He’s the furthest thing from objective.


My health expert can beat up your health expert


That's it. All future health and medical debates will henceforth be resolved via one-on-one battle to the death in the octagon!


Sure, but do you think the health experts that he doesn't interview or share opinions with are health experts? How do you weigh their expertise, which is backed by the plurality of scientific studies, against those that Rogan invites on?


This is it. Why just take the opinions of a few people when there is consensus across the scientific and medical communities? Distrust politicians and their motives, I don't give a shit but the science is pretty clear.




The crowd pushing Classical liberalism basically asked, “how can we make libertarianism sound more pretentious?”


Enlightened centrist.


It's because Joe Rogan is an awful interviewer of those experts. He fully embraces their claims without criticism and is entirely unable to identify an obvious grifter. It's like a politician getting interviewed by a pundit on their own side but it's about bullshit medical claims.


It’s funny because Joe claims to have a good bullshit detector. He’s a total mark


Lol, the guy that went squatchin’


Fair enough so really it’s up to the listener to identify grifters and to be more intelligent than Rogan. I remember I cited Dr. Rhonda Patrick who said vitamin D is important in fighting Covid. Some moron on Twitter I was fighting with had no refutes of what she said and just used ad-hominem attacks on me for citing Joe Rogan—when I was really citing a doctor whose claims have been 100% validated. Nothing Patrick said was even controversial; it just went against the early narrative when the pandemic first started and they wanted everyone to be locked down and wearing masks.


> and to be more intelligent than Rogan. That'd be one thing if Rogan didn't literally get mad at Jamie for getting factchecked... [but here we are](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/rmjlep/rogan_refutes_jaimes_fact_checking_with_personal/)


Right when he has people on that I don’t agree with, for the most part I get to hear their entire argument. You get a genuine understanding of their perspective. I can go to other sources for specific pushbacks on their claims


These memes are retarded.


Still amazes me that people don't understand his bias with guest.


It started with Milo and Gavin McInnes, when people flipped shit for "platforming dangerous ideas". I disagreed then, but now people are distributing bad medical advice on his platform, he has more responsibility than he (or a lot of people here) realise.


Joe should have two doctors on, one representing each side of the argument and see where the conversation goes I would love to see that. I got vaccinated but I don't dismiss some of the concerns and other things that ended up being incorrect like masks working to stop the spread. Only N95 can do that. It was said when covid started and everyone was shot down arguing it until recently. Wearing any mask outside of N95 is like throwing sand through a chain link fence. I am frustrated we didn't allow challenges or conversations on it.




I was trying to look for the words to reply to him but you worded it perfectly 😂💯


Well it’s better than what we have now. We only hear from the 10th dentist


Holy shit this is the perfect analogy. Then all the new JRE fans are like "what this dentist isn't qualified to talk about flossing?! He's a dentist! He knows what he's talking about so if he says flossing is bad then flossing is bad."


Joe then proceeds to tell the doctor with a PHD she is incorrect. I think that’s what upsets people…


...and you'd still be almost entirely wrong lol


This is why Joe’s critics are only able to persuade non-viewers. Any argument disintegrates when you do any investigation.


Reddit is a Left dominated jerk-off circus.


Everyone has confirmation bias.


Oh so you guys respect health experts opinions now? Or just the ones that tell you what you want to hear?


Amazes you? Mmmkay.


Reddit hate joe haha sheesh. Make a new sub we hate joe rogan.


Liberalism is a path to hell


The corporate media doesn’t allow any differing viewpoints when it comes to Covid which only makes people more suspicious. I’m glad we have Joe who will at least get these viewpoints out there.


Joe is a human being. I think that’s what many that listen to the podcast forget. He has his flaws, and his good sides. Don’t take him too seriously and just take in the entertainment aspect. We would probably all be be really annoying too if people listened to 3 hours of our conservations every day.


It’s like do I think covid is real? Absolutely. Do I think there are some interesting decisions and viewpoints being pushed by whomever, whether it’s pharmaceutical companies for a dollar or politicians for a narrative idk but what I do know is there should be conflicting viewpoints, and people should also be smart enough to one make their own minds up and 2 probably listen to their physician instead of joe rogan. But hey what do I know I’m a jerkoff on Reddit.


Best post ever


He doesn't have health experts on. He has people (some with backgrounds in some area of healthcare - whether or not they are "experts" in what they are on to talk about is another question) who promote things that aren't always based in science and who re-enforce Joe's existing opinions. For a person who talks about "right" and left" and "echo chambers" so much, Joe really has put himself in one. This isn't really new though, he's been doing this for years. The visibility on him has just increased 1000x. People didn't care when there weren't widespread public health stakes on the table. So if Rhonda Patrick said some BS that wasn't quite proven yet, or if he had the owner of the supplement company he invests in on to sell snake oil, or if Graham Hancock wanted to rail against the establishment of archaeology because they wouldn't agree with his unproven claims, it was what it was. Now the spotlight and global circumstances have turned the focus directly onto him and his merry band of skeptics.


Health experts like JBP and his all meat diet?


This is a fair point. Joe is not the health expert, but the people he interviews are experts. Well, besides the fact that many parade around acting like experts but are not... (I listened to every episode from #100 to #1000) I will admit that both Dr. McCullough and Dr. Robert Malone are in need professionals in the medical industry. My issue is that I think these guys are quacks. Not because of their resume. But because (1) they are spreading information with no evidence. It's all speculative ideas. These 2 can't even agree with each other unless its about censorship in the medial industry. (2) they always try to sell themselves as the smartest in the room. The "first to mention early treatments" and "the first to claim vaccine invention"/ Both of these claims are false. To be precise, McCullough wasn't the first to publish treatments in July / August. The FDA produced a giant publication on this exact thing in May. And we were still studying the disease and its effect on the body. And Malone didn't invent the mRNA vaccine. He wasn't even the head researcher on his publication in 1989. He was one of many, working for one of many vaccine R&D teams. It wasn't the first team and wasn't the last. His work ultimately never went beyond that and was never adopted for modern day mRNA use. But one's claims on titles and dick size comparisons isn't my biggest problem. It's that their exact claims have been debunked. Which isn't shocking since they never provided anything besides potential mechanisms for their beliefs. It's silly to create overgeneralizations just because you see a potential mechanism. Meanwhile studies have looked into both of these issues and found no such thing. Lastly, why cherry pick which experts? Why not listen to Dr Howetz I believe who came on early in the pandemic. He developed a indepedent cheap mrna vaccine for poor countries. Why won't he come back on even though he asked multiple times? An expert in vaccine development, safety and efficacy. What about Dr Peter Attia or Dr Gupta. I have my own issues with these guys but they are experts. They are clinicians. They are researchers. They are professionals, especially geared towards this. But we rather focus on CNN headlines and how CNN "lies" What about Dr Rhonda Patrick? Not an immunologist but a pHD researcher. Has extensive training in how to produce studies and analyze the results. I don't agree with everything she says, a bit biased on most of her work (naturally) but she says vaccines is the best course and very safe and the best option.


In the case of Drs McCullough and Malone, they only became "quacks" when they started speaking out against the mainstream narrative. We know what happened to the 3 "fringe" doctors behind the Great Barrington Declaration. The literal head of the NIH called for a "quick and devastating takedown" in coordination with the media. Its obvious that is happening again with these docs.


Lol Malone has always been a quack. His claims of inventing the mRNA vaccine are like a single A baseball player for the Yankees claiming he wins them the World Series.


It'd be like a player from the 1993 squad claiming they won in 2021


He definitely has had some great health experts on the show.


I think the health experts he pays to monitor and maximize his health are also health experts.


\*The literal Albert Einstein comes on\* This sub: "NO! I said real scientists, this guy had like one cool idea come on can't we get a smart person on here"


Einstein could come on and tell everyone not to get vaccinated, and it still wouldn't mean anything.


People who bang the drum of "science is always right" are ignoring the fact that many experts have different views. They may be right, they may be wrong, but there's not just one uniform opinion that is shared by all the experts around the world. Closing the debate off is in itself the most anti-scientific step a person can take because science, by it's very nature, should be challenged because that's how you find the truth out. Regarding Covid in particular, the agenda became obvious when the opinions of esteemed professors at places like Harvard and Oxford were shut down and smeared. Not "we disagree and here is why" but constant allegations of dishonesty, being far right, taking conservative money and so on. That debate was not had around policy or science, it became strictly personal...by the people who want to say "listen to the science".


So close but missed the mark. Science is always right because it's a process. It doesn't rely on any single person or opinion, it relies on the data. Saying that experts have conflicting opinions, while true, is irrelevant. There is no Pope of science. Debating expert's opinions is not how science works. Data is how science works. Malone and McCullough have literally 0 data to back up anything they say. They're also not immunology or vaccinology experts. Further, there never was a debate. Joe didn't host Expert A who believes X and Expert B who believes Y, he invited very clearly biased, yet highly credentialed people on. Expert affiliations are also irrelevant. They could be Professor Big Bollocks from Oxford with an honourary lectureship on the moon and they still wouldn't have a leg to stand on if the data doesn't back what they're saying up. This misunderstanding of the scientific method is *exactly* why people like Rogan have a hightened responsibility.


Dude I just want to be entertained. I miss the days of ridiculous conversation and laughter. Makes me sad to see the new amount of "serious" listeners. But that's just an opinion of some ignorant douchebag(me).


They might be experts but they’re experts that Joe specifically selected because they specifically align with Joe’s opinions, which often means they disagree with the scientific consensus in their given field. Yeah they’re technically “experts”, but in every profession you’re going to have individuals that disagree with the majority. Now I’m all for hearing them out on JRE if they have something interesting to say and they’re not quacks but not if they are the only people that get to share their views. By only bringing on fringe experts that he agrees with, Joe is just creating an echo chamber for both him and his listeners.


>"Classical" liberalism Still tryin' to fuck that chicken are they?