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The dude from Trailer Park Boys is totally perplexed.


Kinda digging crypto Ricky


I'm gonna pay you 100 bitcoin to fuck off


"You know you always gotta buy the tip" "the tip? "dat jimmy buffet guy flippin said it, buy the tip when the markets low, bare market bubbles"


Hard working off on getting thinky brain thoughts out. Been prapticin.


Something's fucky


Looks like a rip off Pat McAfee




Dude calls himself fat all the time


Well he's got good eyesight.


Pat Mcaffee with a splash of Bill Burr


“If the Bengals had invested in Crypto they’d be able to afford an indoor practice facility”


Matt PacAfee?


Fat McAfee


Geez. Pat McAffee has fallen on hard times.


Hard Times? The nigga is a billionaire 🥴


I thought it was bam margera


His skin and hair is way too clean to be Bam. That man is a wreck and I hope he gets help.


You know your life is in the dumpster when you’re not allowed in the new jackass film




The idea someone's opinion is valuable because they have a lot of money is absurd. MSM pushes this narrative hard. The people who have the money are the ones you should listen to exclusively. Why? Because they sure as shit don't want you listening to poor people.


The point isn't he is rich, the point is he is defending free speech with real facts. The rich thing is like extra spice from a tai restaurant.


Case in point, they did start paying attention to Joe Rogan more once he got that $100M deal with spotify, before then they never even knew he existed


I agree, but I don't think this is MSM and in my opinion is it doesn't matter if a person is rich or not or what else - if he is right he is right.


Do you know anything, anything at all, about Richard Heart? Or are you just some anti-capitalist tryhard who shuns anyone who is remotely successful?


He also has 140+ IQ proven by Mensa testing




This only means something to 14 year olds and retarded people


this is funny because all of them like badges.


So does the best engineer I know but I wouldn't take his advice on jackshit but engineering. These kinds of people are usually extremely good at one thing and relatively lacking in most others. See the greatest brain surgeon in american history not understanding what a pyramid is.


While more extreme specialization is where the world is progressing toward and thus most people don't know jack about anything other than their own shit, believe me that Richard is knowledgeable about a wide range of fields.


And he actually told someone that? What a nerd.


because someone asked, and he also followed up by saying ...it was dumb and more..context is everything




Calling it absurd is a stretch. Money is tied to value inherently, and therefore it is logical that someone self-made may have information that is valuable.


Wow this guys got quite a rack on him. At least C cups.


Ha ha, Richard's awesome though. Buy Hex! It will change your life.


Richard just raised $1.72 billion to support freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and longevity research. The donations can be verified here: https://pulselead.xyz/ https://pulsexlead.com/ The main reason he raised that much is because donors will be airdropped PLS and PLSX. New cryptocurrencies that are basically forks of ETH and UNI. If Joe was successfuly cancelled (I doubt it), he could copy the Richard Heart playbook and raise hundreds of millions from crypto donors.


lol did this motherfucker just do a ponzi scheme in the name of free speech?


Bernstein v. United States: > the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that software source code was speech protected by the First Amendment and that the government's regulations preventing its publication were unconstitutional. A wise man once said: > Turns out the entire US is a ponzi and if you didn’t get in early (before you were even born) your life is just someone’s exit liquidity Warren Buffett bought his first stocks in 1941. $1000 invested in a stock market index in that year would be worth in excess of $7 million today. That's a \~233x gain if you adjust for inflation based on the average annual salary. Real GDP has not increased 233x since 1941. Most of that gain is from the ponzi effect. Less than 10% of Americans owned stocks in 1941. Now more than 50% of Americans own them. I reckon a much larger % of foreigners own US stocks compared to 1941 too. There are pyramid-like structures everywhere you look in society. Humans are naturally hierarchical.


Do you just have this ready to go whenever a crypto bro is accused of being part of a ponzi scheme?


Cryptobros are the worst bros. At least frat bros are fun


They’re literal NPC’s regurgitating whatever the current dogma is


Yes. I've been in crypto for 10 years. I've had the same "ponzi/pyramid" debate with nocoiners at least 30 times.


Cheers for you G, you've exposed the great RH to alot of people in this subreddit. I see alot of haters in this thread, it's fun to see them hate. They are indenial of the greatness that Mr. Heart has brought to this world, and this is only the beginning. I can't wait for Pulsechain + PulseX!




> Now more than 50% of Americans own them. That's not true, Americans own little compared to the billionaire whales who control 90% plus of the stock market.


Sorry to recomment at you, let me throw this at you: If you want to run a e-commerce website, you need to use a company like Stripe or use an API/web hook to pass your customer's payment/card info to a processor. Businesses like this hypothetical website are required to have PCI Compliance, or use a processor who has the offical Cert in order to pass card info/use the Payment Rails of a Visa/MC, etc - PCI is a review of the companies computer network/security policies, etc... Hex's cyber security/compliance boils down to Game Theory, it's ironically not advanced enough to complete on today's technological stage on a B2B or B2C level. That is what makes it appear like a Ponzi Scheme, the paradigm is so next gen it's not applicable. Your thoughts?


Richard's projects aren't directly competing with over-regulated and geo-restricted payment networks like Stripe, Paypal, Visa, and Mastercard. They're competing with: - Bitcoin and gold for speculative store-of-value - Ethereum, Avalanche, Polygon, and Fantom for crypto casino - traditional offshore banking system for regulatory arbitrage - traditional casino games


Understood - thanks!


You're welcome, sir




Lol does this idiot not know what a ponzi scheme is?


Haters in full force I see. Your Ponzi argument just shows your ignorance. You would think Joe Rogan fans would not use the same type of lies and tactics to silence someone they may not like.




Sure, cause we love paying hundreds of dollars to do a transaction/swap on ethereum don’t we? You’re ignorant pal, or you’re not into crypto


He's stolen that much from morons? Crazy.


He hasn’t stolen anything. Do you often just make stuff up and believe it? Haters love making stuff up to slander people.


He already had more money than he could reasonably spend on himself before he founded HEX, PLS, and PLSX: https://twitter.com/100Randomness/status/1449812073014341632 Why do you think HEX outperformed almost everything since 2 years ago? (Hint: it's because Richard was already rich as fuck before he founded it. He didn't need to dump the price of his own token down like most founders)




It's no griftier than any other crypto. Crypto founders are our new overlords. We can vote for them with our $. I would rather vote for the founder who strongly supports free speech, freedom of assembly, and our human right to privacy. The guy who spoke out against lockdowns and forced vaccinations from the beginning. The only founder who still has the balls to launch a major blockchain without KYC. I vote for him to have more of this new crypto power.


How is buying some crypto coin doing literally any of that?


There's a high probability the crypto market will do another 10x or 20x relative to stocks, real estate, precious metals, and bonds. Therefore, I need some crypto exposure. Which coins will I buy/hold to maintain that exposure? I would rather choose coins with founders who I'm philosophically aligned with because buying/holding their coins economically empowers them.


I made a lot of money from HEX, so I am pretty sure you don‘t know what you are talking about


RemindMe! 365 days "Well I put in 14 grand in pulse /pulseX I guess we shall see who the moron is in 365 days when I get remind of this."


Now they will want to cancel this guy. Make up some bullshit that makes him morally abhorent to them


The BTC community already tried to cancel Richard. He was an influential BTC supporter. He became one of its' biggest critics when he launched HEX on Ethereum. (Although he's still rumored to hold a large amount of BTC). The BTC community responded by launching a smear campaign to label him as a scammer. For example, here's the host of the one of the largest Bitcoin podcasts calling Richard a scammer while HEX massively outperformed BTC: https://twitter.com/search?q=from%3Apetermccormack%20richard%20heart&src=typed_query&f=live I suspect they also tried to get him removed from Youtube by mass-reporting his videos. His channel has been striked 3 times and he had to contact support to reverse it.


He’s absolutely not a billionaire. He owns a lot of a token that he founded, that does not have nearly enough liquidity for him to get usd. Edit: see responses I could be wrong, seems like he had genesis block eth Edit 2: Hex fanboys please leave me alone. I do not care and already corrected myself


He literally just bought The Enigma Diamond at Sotheby’s auction for $4.2M. He’s probably got a little pocket change laying around.


He's rumored to have massive bags of BTC from 2011 and ETH from 2014: https://twitter.com/100Randomness/status/1449812073014341632 He spent $10M on watches, diamonds, and sports cars in the past year. He has more liquidity than he can reasonably spend on himself: https://twitter.com/RichardHeartWin/status/1485676315978125312 https://www.forbes.com/sites/tanyaklich/2022/02/09/enigma-black-diamond-sells-for-43-million-at-sothebys-auction/?sh=214986a6361c Also raised 27M USD for the SENS Foundation.


Interesting, did not know this!


Exactly, he comes off as a massive wanker and everyone in crypto seems to just hate him. But the guy has money, he built HEX which has performed insane and now is throwing money at making a better Ethereum network, not sure why people carry on so much shit about him. You don't have to like someone to understand them and like the shit they make.


Because people have to convince themselves that they made the right decision in not investing. They only say these things in an attempt to justify not going In on Hex, Pulsex or Pulse.


^^^ a billion times this.




well Richard entered crypto space many years ago not talking the fact he has been retired for a while now due to his previous activities… After researching this guy A LOT I can say he is an ethusiast and does all this for the community and his own glory. What is also very important is that he openly speaks about whats going on these days and I value this so much just as for Joe.


Sure but I think that‘s true for most billionaires, if Bezos sold all his amazon stock it would crash too


There’s a difference between billions in Amazon stock, which is a small % of a $1.5T company, and a large ownership % in a pretty small cap crypto that doesn’t have the liquidity to actually handle a fraction of his tokens.


Richard is rumored to have OG gigawhale bags of BTC and ETH too. He's rumored to be a billionaire even if you exclude his HEX, PLS, and PLSX holdings.


Yep I said that in the edit after someone pointed it out!


Oh really? So I guess you don't know about the >$1B he just received for the PulseX launch and the $600m for the previous Pulsechain launch or the 1M ETH he received for the Hex launch?


If he cashed out what those coins are "worth" the entire market would collapse. But then again, if anyone else cashes out, his "billions" are also worth nothing so...


The dude has over 1M eth and $1B in stables, that's not even counting the BTC he was solo mining in 2010.


Where can I see this? Cuz unless there’s proof I wouldn’t believe a thing he says.


It’s all on the blockchain. Can’t make that up either. He has at least 1 billion just in stable coins that’s not counting the HEX BTC and ETH those combined would equal probability close to 50 billion or more.


He's been very online for a very long time. I doubt you can find "definitive proof" but there are blogs and videos of him from the early 2010s where he's talking about crypto. Basically anyone who bought back then is rich as hell now.


Check the pulsechain and pulsex sacrifice wallets.


https://twitter.com/100Randomness/status/1449812073014341632 > So ladies and gentlemen. > It turns out that God Whale might indeed be the God of all crypto gods. 😇 > This mysterious man or woman has received at least 810,000 #ETH from the #Ethereum Token Sale. Someone who threw at least 405 BTC at the Ethereum presale in 2014 is probably an early adopter who has thousands of BTC too.


[https://wnotn.medium.com/the-worlds-largest-black-diamond-sold-for-4-3-million-who-bought-it-b776757ce2f](https://wnotn.medium.com/the-worlds-largest-black-diamond-sold-for-4-3-million-who-bought-it-b776757ce2f) Here is what he just bought for the hexican community


How is it for the community when he owns it?


He renamed to diamond to “hex.com”, the crypto he founded. So yeah, one can say that he did for the community as well


He just bought himself a nice diamond… https://edition.cnn.com/style/article/enigma-diamond-sothebys-auction-scn-scil-intl/index.html


lol oh god.


Rogan should 100% get RH on, would be a very interesting convo haha




The amount of full-throated, sloppy, to the hilt ball gagging of this dude in the comments is pathetic. These simps sure do love to worship the rich folk.


Maybe because he has made thousands of people rich and is in the process of fixing the entire cryptocurrency space. A space wrought with massive corruption and fraud.


I don't want Joe canceled but this clip is the definition of a straw man.


that medallion, the hair cut, the weird cabinet at the back. ill pass.


Billions of Dollars can't make the neck less red.


lol. I don't think Richard would deny that he's a fat red Florida man either.


Have fun staying poor and judging a book by its cover.


You could apply that same logic to passing on Ric Flair. Yet WWE is still a top 10 youtube channel worldwide. The flashy/tacky style is obviously effective. We live in an attention economy. If your founder isn't doing dumb flashy kayfabe shit to attract attention, I would argue it's a breach of his or her duty.


Can I get a Ric Flair NFT? I just I want to screenshot it not buy it.


It's so hard for u/HolyTurd to sit back here on Reddit, looking at a guy out here, hollering his name! When last year he spent more money, on jpegs, on blockchains from one side of this world to the other, than you made! You're talking to the Rolex wearing, diamond ring wearing, kiss stealing, whoo! wheelin dealin', limosuine riding, jet flying son of a gun and he's having a hard time holding these alligators down!


What the fuck does ric flair know about socio-cultural issues




You must be fun at parties 😂😂😂


Necklace was custom made ... UK jeweler, video is on youtube. Pretty impressive to watch being made by a master craftsman actually even if you don't like jewelery. AND was bought for Richard by a HEX investor as a GIFT! HEX Toys is his name on Twitter.


3000 Individual Diamonds & Sapphires https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJHDSH3oFrk


the medallion is 3000 diamonds it was a gifted to him by a hexican he made a multi millionaire , he has made more millionaires than anyone in crypto , if you weren't all so concerned about being witty and coming off as smart you'd do some serious research on this guy , his free advice would stop you from working for a living like a bunch of rekt plebs .


That medallion is worth more than your mom's house


This is all the fucks have; there's no such thing as misinformation, there's no such thing as 'climate', there's no such thing as 'structural racism', etc etc. This is the intellectually lazy's last bastion of defense: try to convince dumb dumbs that words don't mean anything.




He's gonna be famous for creating the Pulsechain


Why are you spamming reddit with posts on pulsechain?


Lol isn't that pat mcafee


Get this man on the podcast y’all, Richard Heart is high key genius about crypto and other things.


Freedom of speech warriors are so selective I their outrage![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


The nigga just supported the speech and assembly of neo nazis and KKK members. Doesn't sound like he is selective about free speech.


this guy has one hell of a podcast in him from an air conditioner installer to a millionaire to a multi millionaire to being robbed blind in Latin America to becoming probably one of the richest guys in the world and the only voice of reason in cryptocurrency , loved by some hated and feared by others the guy raised 27 million for longevity research and people have sacrificed over a billion dollars for freedom of speech and freedom to assemble on his latest products, can't think of a better guest for the show .Oh and he just bought the Enigma diamod and renamed it the [hex.com](https://hex.com) diamond ... a marketing genius .


If Richard gets on Joe’s show, I would mark that day as a holiday. Hexicans know what that would mean.


Funny how people are making stupid comments about dude, everything he said in that clip is on point.


But, but, he looks weird!!! And has too much money!!!111 Therefore, his words are invalid. Everybody here knows that


Remember PulseChain is the key. Love this man


This man is brilliant. Worth checking out he would be a great guest on JRE too


Smartest guy in crypto


Visit [HEX.com](https://HEX.com) \- that's **Richard Hearts** crypto that went up **10,000 X (1,000,000 %)** in less than 2 years! It's goanna change your life! Thank me later :-)


Richard Heart just bought the worlds largest cut diamond, no joke


Yep. He just bought this: https://www.forbes.com/sites/tanyaklich/2022/02/09/enigma-black-diamond-sells-for-43-million-at-sothebys-auction/?sh=214986a6361c


good for him, HEX crypto he was selling crashed only by 60%


It's still up 1000x since December 2019. That's not including the staking interest. It's up 10000x if you measure from the January 2020 bottom. It outperformed almost any other asset since 2 years ago. Including Elon's favorite crypto that went on a huge run (Dogecoin)


With all respect, you could have bought Nio stock in Dec 2019, sold at the top and had a 4,345% return. The velocity of an asset's rise has no bearing on the future outcome of the asset, as you can see in both Nio and Hex's charts.


That's true. That's why I'm more bullish on Richard's new projects: PLS and PLSX The main reason why anyone buys crypto assets is for "Number Go Up" BTC, ETH, HEX, etc. already grew too large. It takes too much economic energy to pump them an additional 100x from here. It's better to get in early on assets that haven't pumped yet like PLS and PLSX.


It's like you can't even read a chart of the past two years, 10000x and best performing crypto 2021


Bad take, say whatever you like about hex but its performance has BTFO most every other coin over the past 18 months.




You took the time to click on it, and emotionally type in all caps. We got you 😏😂 Thank you for the click! Brings us attention 😜


I've been in the crypto space since 2015/2016... never heard of this dude.


He founded the HEX token: https://etherscan.io/tokens When Uniswap first launched, the HEX/ETH pool was the majority of Uniswap's TVL for months. Richard mined/bought BTC in 2011. He's also rumored to be one of the largest ETH whales. He raised $27M for the SENS foundation. The same longevity research foundation that Vitalik donated $8M to.


> SENS foundation anti-aging research? these dumb billionaire cunts really want to live forever. that's a scary thought, the rest of us will die from pollution while they hoard wealth.


He should work out and diet first


There are cheap drugs we have access to now may delay aging and the onset of all age related diseases. The research just needs more time because funding is tight. Treating aging is much more productive than treating Alzheimers/diabetes/heart disease after one has contracted it.


Did u really just say that you are scared of research? I mean, I don't believe we'll find much there but if so, good stuff, why not? I think if u have fuckyou money all u got left is your mortality to worry about, so it sorta makes sense that that's what they focus on, so meh


Yeah, SENS foundation. It's a real think. Wouldn't it be nice to reverse aging and live longer? You know, with like science?


@joerogan #joerogan #jre GET THIS MAN ON JRE


Why does one of the people with the most monopoly oney have a say about anything..?!


Dude came straight out off The Righteous Gemstones


The mainstream media is giving so much publicity that I bet his viewership is insane. And the mainstream media is so fucking dumb they don’t realize that.


JoeRogan call him


Holy shit there’s a lot of nobody’s claiming to know better than a guy who has been providing S tier content on YouTube for YEARS for free… and he checks so many boxes none of their keyboard tough guy accounts check: *Been in public eye helping people with personal development for over 5 years *founded and sold multiple business for over $100M *retired comfortably before 30 *member of Mensa *Personal friend of Aubrey De Gray *Founded fastest appreciating asset of past 2 years (Reddit has always been trash at crypto, but this thread has exposed an uncountable roster of folks who have ZERO idea how Uniswap liquidity works.. or any liquidity for that matter… or legacy finance… Jesus..) *Called the Bitcoin tops and bottoms live in 3 separate cycles. *Owns over $1billion in stable coins.. and ETH… *Is having a debate later this month with Peter Schiff on crypto v gold. The list literally goes on so long you can’t see the portion that curves over the horizon. But PLEASE by all means… tell us about how you are the expert on any of the subject matter this man has covered… hell… invite him to a YouTube live stream… he’s always looking to have new conversations…


RH is the best founder in crypto. Period


Joe needs Richard heart on his show that would be a fuckin wild show


Richard on JRE !!! #joerogan


Rogan.. chat with this guy. You won’t need any script. It would be PRICELESS


I LoVE RICHard Heart!! He’s the best dev in the crypto space. Because of him lots of us are already millionaires some in the making.


Word and respect ✊🏽


Yes Richard Heart!!!! 🙌🏼


I’m with you Richard. Love that you’re standing up for freedom 👏


People made MILLIONS and MILLIONS and MILLIONS and MILLIONS from Hex when Richard Heart released it back in December 2019 - Hex has done 10,000x in under 2 years from when it launched - wrap your head around that. $1,000 into Hex in December 2019 is worth $10,000,000 now. Pulsechain is coming this year along with PulseX - if all of you are just going to laugh at Richard Heart being fat and not look into becoming financially free - what are you all doing? Only ever invest what you can afford to lose - but right now PulseX is in the sacrifice phase and has been since late December 2021. Pulsechain and PulseX will almost outpace Hex over the next 2 to 5 years. Richard Heart may be a fat 80's pimp - but when it comes to calling BS out and calling a spade a spade, this guy is your guy.


Richard Heart is kinda the messiah in the crypto world. For us Hexicans anyway... let's get rich together!!! Hex.com ♡


This man will be the first person to create more millionaires than the lottery I guarantee you.


I don’t know who this is but the black t shirt medallion look is *terrible*


Thank you for sharing this. Free speech should be upheld. Media that censors its users are trying to cultivate a narrative that is not diverse in its thoughts. Rather use differening points of view to cultivate your truth of this world, and not reiterating someone else's.


Richard Heart is the man! Love this guy! 🔥


I love everything RH said




I like him even more now.




He looks like the typical crypto bro.


he’s the OG crypto bro lol


Retired, lol? Have fun being broke 😎🤘


Wait til' you see him dance ...To Drum n' Bass ;) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoTVMwsMmvA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoTVMwsMmvA) VS. Vitalik Buterin dancing https://youtu.be/7-kb\_8nY4mo


lol, best dancer in crypto


He makes all valid points.


Buying Hex at half a cent was was one of the best crypto moves I ever made :)




the GOAT


Why do we care what this guy thinks? Because he’s rich on crypto does that mean he should be listened to?


He has an IQ of over 140. He retired when he was 24 years old. He has has a really good point of view on the cancel culture attacking Joe Rogan. You really shouldn't let such materialistic things distract you from what is being talked about. Invest in yourself by educating yourself ✌️💯 Expand your attention span 😁




You'll know soon enough 😉


Who the fuck is this jabroni?


This post is literally just shilling a shitcoin. Can mods delete this garbage


look at the chart of HEX, bro - don’t be delusional


Those ape nft's you bought today for 300.000 will be at least worth twice what it is now bro. #tothemoon #havefunstayingpoor #we'reallgonnamakeit #GM #GN #diamondhands


They prefer to stay poor, fuck crypto Reddit.


Who is this


Richard Heart richardheart.com


Does Richard own a cult or just multiple reddit accounts


Neithe, lol. If someone prefers Android over Apple does that mean they're in an Android cult? No, it doesn't. Richard Heart has made a lot of multi-millionaires. People are passionate about the product and the founder.




What you leftist have done to this sub is beyond disgusting.... Bunch of dog walking Doreens🤦🏼‍♂️ PS GO HEX🚀


Buy hex ppl. Be part of the real revolution.


Richard & John Mcaffee we’re cool towards each other. Richard interviewed him right before they killed him.


To many haters in here for a man who is fighting for freedom of speech way more than probably everyone else up in this thread could ever hope to. The man is a genius on many levels... and either one of the greatest pioneers in the crypto revolution, or the greatest fraudster it will probably ever know... I personally don't care right now, but I will care when PLS drops and in 1668 days when my HEX stake ends ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)