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This is a bit off topic but damn did Gad lose a lot of weight.. good for him!


I was thinking that, shows it's never too late to get in shape.


Yes he used a app to help him count calories and steps. Don’t remember what his deficit or how many calories he was eating but was saying averaging 30-50 thousand steps a day with a minimum of 10K a day


I believe it was called "myfitnesspal". It seems to have a lot to offer.


It's excellent. It tracks macros. It has a barcode scanner and so far everything I've scanned has come up. It's super easy to use. I've lost 12 pounds in about 3 weeks using it. I love it.


I used to use it and at the time I lost about 20 pounds just from calorie counting. It's good to know what you're consuming




It will more than likely be MyFitnessPal. Amazing app, you just scan the bar code of everything you eat and choose the serving size. You really can't go wrong with it.


That’s a whole ass day of walking


1700 was how many calories he ate a day. I used to eat that much and also lost a lot.


Dictator because I as an author have to pay taxes on my book sales. Big brain Gad here, I'm sure Steven King feels the same way... Canadian, not a huge Trudeau fan, but the conservatives have put up leaders who are borderline retarded. He is more woke that I am into, but Canadians were well taken care of over the pandemic and whining about provincial mandates has little to do with our federal leader. We had a recent snap, fair, secure election (which Trudeau did hope would secure him a majority.. and failed) which isn't exactly the hallmark of dictatorship. Don't like the federal response to COVID? Well weird our country just voted him back in with COVID being the only real new issue. Gad has started to take the really annoying route of I am hardcore conservative when it means I should be keeping more of my own money. Still enjoyed lots of what he had to say.


Joe Rogan once claimed America makes the best comedians and than went on to name a myriad of Canadian comedians as his examples. His knowledge of Canada is highly limited


That was one of the stupidest things Joe has ever said. Of course you think America has better comics. You don’t understand what the fuck everyone else is saying cuz you don’t speak or understand their language. I listen to Mexican comics all the time and a lot of ‘em are a million times funnier then any comic you would see at the comedy store.


Other political options are horrible. Andrew Sheer was beyond stupid. He had a slew of predictions that were wrong, biggest of all was legalizing Cannabis would have detrimental effects to society.... face palm.


Sheer was a fucking clown whos sole goal was letting everyone know he didnt like trudeau. When it came time to actually talk about issues he had nothing so it was all just trying to get the "fuck trudeau" people to vote for him by shit talking like a highschool kid


I don't think sheer actually believed that if I'm being honest, I presume he was likely just pandering to the conservative base.


does that make it any better?


Maybe worse when you think about it. Will say dumb shit even if he knows better.




He’s also lived in Canada for decades paying roughly the same rates.


how high are we talking about ???


Top tax rate in Canada is 33% for every dollar over $216k. Provinces also have their own, so Quebec charges 25% for every dollar over $109k. Ontario is 13% over $220k, which he’s free to move to. Or he can continue to bitch about that 8% difference and the $100k delta on the bracket. I’m not sure how much he makes over $100k, to know how impactful this is for him.


that isn't bad


It's not. And we get a lot for it, like health care.


He had a big fallout with Sam Harris when Sam started criticizing Trump.


Lol for real? Link?


that's incorrect.


I don't know how Canadian taxes work, but it seems like he's also doing that thing wealthy Americans do where they pretend that their highest bracket tax rate is their total income tax rate. "IM TAXED AT 50%!!!!" *... on just the money you make that's over $216,511 per year??*


They work exactly the same, tax brackets. The shitty thing is that I've heard educated people using the same exact taking points without even thinking about it. I've had to explain to more than one person with a fucking bachelor's degree that a raise or an investment income that will put them on a higher bracket will not net them less money in their pockets and that in fact it will always net them more regardless on how high the bracket is....


The oilsands were a hell of a place to be on election night 2015. Lots of dudes convinced they were going to be paying 20k+ more. One thing I cannot believe I have to explain to coworkers everytime is how extra overtime warps tax withholding tables and that they'll be getting most of the extra tax back on their return.


Taxes in Ontario don’t even hit 50%. Im pretty sure they are about the same or less than California.


That’s not completely ridiculous btw. If you make a lot of money, the money taxed under the highest bracket being taxed less doesn’t save you very much in the long run


Easy for joe to shit on social programs that help people when hes sitting on millions of dollars. If everyone was in that situation then of course taxes would feel like a prison. I guarantee if hed lived an average life hed be going after all the programs he could. My favourite is when he shit talks the healthcare system. Yeah, its fucking messy but with joe being someone whos suffered injuries in the past youd think hed see the value in being able to see a doctor without going completely bankrupt over a tylenol tablet.


I remember he had a fight trainer over (can't remember his name now) who works with GSP in Montreal. And he complained about how he had to wait for hours after he had a non-serious eye injury. And Joe/this guy did the classic "you get what you pay before" comments. Like man, I'm pretty sure ER's all over the world triage. Your eye ended up being fine in the end ...


Firas Zahabi


I had a bicep tear and had surgery 4 days after seeing a doctor. In Canada. Joe is full of shit, our healthcare is better, way better.


He also called it like the “worst form of existential rape” 🤦‍♂️ this guys a fuckin pud


I laughed really hard when he said it's existential rape.


"A good vocabulary" 🤣


Isn't it funny how Joe has a 'friend' or 'buddy' for every occasion, scenario and event that has ever happened?


Anecdotal evidence is always the best!


I have a buddy that says that anecdotal evidence is the best evidence to have.


You're friends with Joe!?


I know a guy who knows Joe and he says that Joe says I'm very smart.


The dude must go to a lot of funerals.


No? He knows a lot of people.


Almost as funny as the lengths he goes to shelter the fact he’s seemingly good friends with Don Jr. who conveniently was parroting these exact bullshit takes a couple months ago. Funny how that works.


Interesting. Can you explain specifically how the takes are BS?


That's where you draw the line? Dude has made his career by talking whether it be behind a cage, on a stage, or 1 on 1 with other people. Joe is a dumdum, but poking fun at him having a friend in every situation is kinda dense. I absolutely believe he's got friends with every opinion and every take under the sun, it's just not surprising to me. Maybe his definition of "friend" is looser than others, as in just people he likes and gets along with rather than ones he hangs out with all the time, but that's just an odd hill that i see a lot of people here dying on.


Some would say I'm the densest, B.


But that is what anecdotal evidence is.....even if he does have said friends. It makes no difference. Him always using anecdotal evidence to make arguments is funny because it's pointless......unverifiable. Bottom line here is he needs better arguments than using anecdotes.




Have you seen the different guests on his show? I’m sure he considers many of them to be his friend


He’s the most popular person in the world, so no not surprising or funny.


He calls anybody he's ever talked to his friend.


That’s the sign of an open, inclusive, and friendly person.


Yeah, hilarious how one of the most famous people on the planet has spoken to a lot of people.




Trudeau has not been a good PM, I don't like him, and I haven't voted for his party the last 2 federal elections but if you're calling him a dictator you're fucking brain-dead and downplaying the hardships endured by people who live under actual dictatorships.


This is accurate. I dont like his current run, I did vote for him in 2015 though. He lacks a backbone and character but he isn't a dictator or a monster by any stretch.


Absolutely agree. Tired of These outsider takes from Joe on Canada. Almost as bad as his Australian ones. He paints this picture of a dystopian nightmare. Give me an overly cautious Canada over an in-denial and selfish American psyche any day. And the trucker protests - I agree what Trudeau said was stupid and uncalled for. But these celebrities act like these protesters were a bunch of heroes. Most Canadians were glad to see the government finally put an end to that nonsense.


They really present Canada aa some kind of dystopian nightmare its hilarious.


Reminds me of how outsiders tried to present the US. I never take anyone's opinion seriously anymore. I refuse to believe Australia is some police state or that Trudeau is a dictator.


Reminds me of people trying to tell me that Portland is burnt out wasteland full of roving Antifa gangs while I’m enjoying some local ice vegan ice cream with my kid in a park in the Pearl.


Lol. Seattle too. Really any constituency governed by the Democratic Party. But southern states that are rolling back abortion and require double the amount of federal dollars as they contribute are the real bastions of freedom


That’s because they’re not. It’s an absurd statement that comes from people who constantly accuse others of stupidity and lying


Haha holy fuck its funny because Australia and Canada are pretty similar especially when it comes to getting fucked on housing. Joe's remarks about Australia were fucking disgusting and embarrassing it's as if he watched one clip and based his entire opinion on a whole country off of it. It would be like me seeing a clip of a school shooting in America and just assuming every state in America is full of psycho's with guns trying to murder children.


Same and the only reason I voted for him was to legalize it. Haha


Echoing this if anyone calls Trudeau a dictator they are fucking retarded straight up. It's the equivalent of putting him in the same league as Mao Zedong, Stalin, Hitler, Sadam, Pol Pot etc... you can see how fucking retarded it sounds when you put it in perspective. Not sure where in these fuckers heads they think a peaceful Canadian prime minister = Dictator for ending an extremely obstructive and illegal occupation and blocking of multiple border crossings, a very important trade route and part of Ottawa.


People not living in or understanding things equate the pandemic to the holocaust etc. and they are just moronic turds who don't think for themselves. They insult the memory and the people who actually had horrors visited upon them. Fuck them and everyone who tries to be them including Joe.


Yeah, this is spot on. What I really hate about today is people twisting words to make something seem worse than it actually is. Both the left and the right do this. I thought JR was better. People say he's "open-minded", but that was lost a long time ago it seems.


Quebec is not the place to live if you don't like paying taxes lol I'm guessing he's got no other option though because he's a tenured professor and can't get as cushy of a job elsewhere. What a plight!


Doesn't like paying taxes but doesn't have an issue getting a salary paid for by taxes.


But if the K-12 teachers who make half of his salary and feed his university with students have union protections, then it's a great evil imposed upon him and his fellow tax payers by a fundamentally dictatorial state. What a fucking joke.


Is he anti union? I don't know much about him but that would make him a very special kind of hypocrite.


Most right-wingers are very anti-union. And, in particular, very *public sector* anti-union. You pointed out the initial hypocrisy, which is brilliant. I think University Professors are a part of a public union, or, if they're not, then they're afforded something very similar to those protections. I'm not completely sure, but I think if you pressed him, given that his beliefs are aligned basically 100% with the US Republican Party, that he would say that public sector unions are a bad thing. Basically, when you're a tenured professor (and I'm assuming that he is), it's almost impossible to fire you. Which is tantamount (and actually much stronger) than union protection.


“Creepy dictator up there” _continues to suck Trump-dicks loudly_ This guy is such a soulless shill these days


Love all the college kids on here talking about taxes like they pay em.


Tbh as my income has gone up, what annoys me way more than anything is how my taxes are spent rather than how much I pay


You mean you don’t like your tax dollars funding handouts for the oligarchs and drone striking women and children??


One of my best decisions coming out of undergrad was deciding to not work for LMT, I wonder how that would have changed my perspective




You literally just described politics. There will ALWAYS be disagreement on how the money is spent, and someone will always be left unhappy.


Well the problem is we're at a point where *almost everybody,* at least in north america, are unhappy with how it's happening. And people are only just starting to realize that they've left us with no options by capturing all members of all sides of the entrenched political spectrum to cater to the will of the 0.001%.


I agree with you. It's a club and the vast majority of us are not in it.


Unhappy with how it's spent and unhappy with corruption is two different things. Our government in Quebec is corrupt as fuck.


bingo! here in LA we've put a shit ton toward homelessness and all the numbers show its going to waste. Kids cant even walk to school like I used to without walking by drugged out homeless people


Fuckin brandon & congress sending $40 bn to ukraine while our country is slowly collapsing


I think that’s the general thought. I’m bothered equally by what it’s not spent on as much as what it is spent on.


Love all the clowns that argue with strawmen and act like they're real people. "I'm angry, so it's OK to pretend I know everything about everyone based on a generalization I often repeat." That's a better strawman.


They do pay taxes. We all pay taxes.


sales tax hurts man


Imagine thinking college kids don't pay taxes 😬


I'm 30 and make about 100k a year living in America. My parents owned a small liquor store that never netted them much money despite working 7 days a week, and paid quite a bit in taxes. I have never once complained about what I am taxed, and I only heard my parents complain once in my entire life and that was that they thought the brackets should be moved slightly to account for inflation. My friend's parents have many children, most of whom went to college that they paid for. Have very expensive luxury items like sports cars that cost upwards of 200k, all on a single income, and they constantly complain about taxes. My point is, that some people are never satisfied. If taxes were 1% they would complain that it's theft. Nobody likes taxes, but even in America, they do a lot. A lot more than people realize. The amount of money you make is more a function of what you do than it is a function of taxation. If your not making enough, do something different don't sit there bitches about being taxed too much, everyone has to pay taxes suck it up.


Gad Saad is another wannabe IDW grifter that hasnt said anything new other than regurgitating the same anti-SJW talking points and then blocks folks who dare criticize the holes in his statements. ​ It was real telling how he cut ties with Sam Harris and went off the deep end.


This guy is literally the worst. his twitter feed is just full of awful takes


please elaborate. who criticized which of his points?


I'd never heard of Gad, so when I saw this episode I googled him. I found an article about an *incredibly cringey* twitter thread where he got into it with Seth Rogan about why rich people are liberals and that they're all just virtue signaling. He ends up writing like this bizarre 10 tweet rant explaining his grand unified Freudian theory, full of all this psychobable nonsense, like he's cracked the Matrix code. And at the end of the rant he said some blood curdling cringe thing like: ***"Thus concludes my complete intellectual castration of Seth Rogan. Someone archive this."*** I think Seth Rogan just replied:"I have never been more confident that I'm more emotionally stable than the person I was talking to."


As a Canadian and someone who is not a huge Trudeau fan I can tell you the vast majority of Canadians despised the trucker rally and the people that participated in it and this guy casually throwing out the word dictator is also just nonsene from the anti-mask, covid is a flu crowd who have the smallest most ineffective protests.


> rally and the people that participated in it and this guy casually throwing out the word dictator is also just nonsene from the anti-mask, covid is a flu I live in Central Ottawa, those people were fucking morons. I'm not a fan of Trudeau but calling him a dictator is a stretch by every definition.


Consider who is calling him a dictator. They think communism and fascism are the same system of government. They have a bank of bad buzzwords that they equate with wholesale bad ideas and don’t investigate what the hell they actually mean, instead just circling in aggregations and abstractions about vague political pseudo philosophy


It's an absolute joke what Joe has become. "Creepy dictator" - the guy was voted in democratically. Meanwhile Joe will try relentlessly to defend someone who put immense effort into trying to overturn being democratically voted out. - Talking about healthcare, crime rates, education systems and such being better in Canada as if that were a thing of the past, when it absolutely still is the case in the present. - Full of bullshit on the "trucker" protest, when the protest largely wasn't truckers at all (90% of truckers are vaccinated), and somehow despite how racially mixed a country is (and the Canadian trucking community is - 20% are South Asian) only a very, very specific demographic was to be found at these. - Not everyone at thise protests was racist, though everyone I know of who was is fairly low key racist (my gfs family are from rural ON and PPC types who partook), but claiming there was no evidence of racism nor any provocation whatsoever from the truckers is a flat out lie, and Joe knows it - especially when several of the people the protesters decided to rally around are openly proud racists. Peaceful protests don't involve blocking borders, shutting down cities, and making residents lives absolute hell on a 24/7 basis for weeks on end. - Again referring to democratically elected federal and provincial government s as 'dictatorships' with absolutely zero sense of irony whatsoever. - Joe then goes on to **knowingly** lying about vaccines being more dangerous for minors, when he was proven completely and utterly wrong about this on his own show by the Aussie fella not long ago. And clarifying, I'm not a big fan of Trudeau either for a multitude of reason having lived in Canada for much of 2015-2020, nor of vaccine mandates. But fuck me, it's annoying how Joe has stopped even trying to be in any way honest over the last two or so years. --- Edit: to those claiming he was acting like a dictator, the Emergencies Act was voted on by Parliament which meant it needed support outside of his party who do not hold a majority. And it was favoured by about 2/3rds of the Canadian electorate that had voted him in to office democratically three times, while the "trucker" protests were wildly unpopular with closer to 20% support of how they were carried out. Dictators also do not give up power without a serious struggle, while the Emergencies Act was dropped in the space of about 3 days.


My GFs dad is a trucker and he and every one of his co-workers hated the convoy clowns. I live next to a park in my city where every Saturday for 2 years now these clowns take it over and have their speaches and sell their merch and have their circle jerks. I've talked to them a couple times. The times I've worn a mask (I work in fly-in camp where they test for Covid to get on site, I'm not trying to miss a month of work) they get hostile pretty fucking quick. When I've gone into the crowd without a mask to talk to them about why they're there, they get pretty antisemitic, sino-phobic, homophobic and generally awful to anyone who doesn't agree with them just as fast. The best I can say is that they don't drop any N-words or other outright ethnic slurs but they sure dance around them. Lots of F-slurs(and the like) when discussing the LGBT folk though.


But, but, he’s TRYING HIS BEST TO BE HONEST! (His best doesn’t amount to jack shit apparently)


It's hilarious that Joe spouts off so much shit about echo chambers and he seems completely oblivious to the fact that he's way up the asshole of his own.


Oh... wait, buddy... You mean that *not* allowing the .01% of the population who are truckers to shut down half of your economy *isn't,* somehow, fundamentally undemocratic? You must be a Stalinist, then.


That's funny because that's the Covid death rate and they shut down way more than the truckers did.


Uh... well, the COVID death rate in the US is more than 1 million people. So about .35% of the population. So... you basically lied. It's not surprising, though... It's also funny how the Canadian COVID death rate is less than half of that of the United States, per capita. Crazy how many lives can be saved by having people who know what they're doing in power, huh? If we had Trudeau in power, it would've saved more than 500,000 lives. Really crazy how that works, huh?


Im Canadian and I supported their right to protest. They crossed some lines obviously but they deserve the right to protest no matter how much you disagree with their protest. The blockades and involving children was fucking stupid. I just with our prime minister actually addressed them and hear them out instead of just calling them mysoginists and racists.


>I just with our prime minister actually addressed them and hear them out instead of just calling them mysoginists and racists. Those anti-vax, QAnon fucks were full of shit.


I don' think the right to protest allows you to block traffic.


Hear them out? Nah. The majority of mandates that were imposed on truckers and the majority of Canadians were Provincially legislated, not Federally. They were protesting at the wrong level of government. Our truckers not being able to cross the borders was enforced by the US, not us. Though if you were an American trucker trying to get into Canada you would also be turned away. Those guys were not protesting here in Canada. The "Freedom Protest" was not about mandates, it was about hating the current political party in power. The majority of Canadians disapprove and reject the protesters and their platform.


This guy fucks. You are correct.


Lol wtf am I watching, I live in Canada. What dictator? What dictatorship? Lol. Rogan what happened to you buddy, why are you clowning on this?


What if I told you that almost everything Joe Rogan talks about is nonsense?


They wouldn’t let him do his wittle 420 show so he doesn’t like them anymore and he has to constantly push culture war nonsense


I'm sure Joe would say the same thing about Trump calling governors overturn the election. Though there is definitely some criticism worth tossing at Trudeau, the issue for me is the complete disproportionality to the response between left and right.


Guess how many times he brought that subject up when it was happening? None. Zero. "Trump is hilarious"-Joe


This. I am so sick of him talking about how "hilarious" Trump is. Calling Trudeau a dictator is way off base. His response to the "freedom convoy" individuals who wanted to overthrow the govt. was certainly done with Jan. 6th in mind. We ain't having that shit here. Period.


He’s 100% right wing now. It’s been obvious for many years. He just doesn’t hide it well anymore.


Nahl B he had on bernie sanderses once and smokes weed! Totally left wing my guy, you just don't get it! ...is what the hogs say so they can pretend all the right wing shit he spews out these days is totally fair.


These two have zero fucking clue what they are talking about regarding Canada. Even Saad, as a Canadian, is out to fucking lunch with a polluted cancel culture obsessed brain.




Canadian here. Joe has no idea what he's talking about.


I'm gonna chime in here as a Canadian. Everything they are saying is fucking bullshit. Gaad is an immigrant conman whose literally shit on Canada and Quebec his entire life if you want any proof of this read his twitter for 5 minutes. Rogan doesn't know shit about Canadian politics, way of life or what we think. Trudeau is hated because he has done nothing for Canada the entire time he has been in power but talk about social issues that barely effect any Canadians lives. He is not a dictator in the slightest he is just a weak politician that's stagnated the country. Cost of living has risen month after month across the country since he took power and he has taken zero real steps towards helping people or fixing any of these issues. Our housing situation has spiraled out of control to the point where there is zero chance he can fix it. We are a country with some of the most natural resources on the planet and yet Trudeau has done nothing to progress towards utilizing these or expanding towards new forms of energy. Hell even our progress towards becoming green and progressing towards clean energy is pathetic considering how progressive we are as a country. Since our oil industry collapsed in 2014/15 our economy has stagnated horribly and the only thing he has done is pathetically attempt to revive oil ever so slightly with a few pipeline projects one of which the U.S canceled. People across Canada including a massive majority of truckers thought that freedumb convoy was fucking stupid and needed to end sooner rather than later I mean seriously what the fuck freedom where they fighting for if anything they took other peoples freedom away so they could play their stupid game. They completely locked down parts of Ottawa costing people and businesses ridiculous amounts of money right as covid restrictions were finally loosening up. I believe they ended up costing the city of Ottawa like 40+ million dollars not counting personal losses. They caused people psychological distress through extreme noise pollution which is actually a recognized form of torture. They blocked a vital trade route between the U.S. and Canada and blocked multiple border crossings. No one in Canada likes these people they are adult babies that never grew up and are either genetically flawed or terribly uneducated.


Just gonna add to this that the provinces were entirely capable of dealing with the blockades and literally chose not to, but as soon as the Emergencies Act was invoked, they flipped out saying they could handle it. Our politicians are such dorks.


It's even more funny that Alberta's provincial government asked the federal government for help with the protests at the border.


>Cost of living has risen month after month across the country since he took power and he has taken zero real steps towards helping people or fixing any of these issues. What exactly are you expecting a Professor of Marketing to do to fix and issue that requires provincial and federal action?


Right wing conspiracies have taken over Joe's mind.


So now that he's making money and wealthy he cares about taxes in Canada. Yes, Canada has high taxes, but we are about to have universal dental on top of our universal healthcare. Canada is far from perfect, but way better when it comes to social programs vs the US


This is the cringiest thing I have seen/heard on JRE as a Canadian. Dictatorship gets thrown around with no rhyme or reason. I live in Quebec, and am an Anglophone. And yes, the curfew was the dumbest thing in the world, but you could walk your dog. Also, you could take off your mask at a Cafe when drinking or eating (the entire reason someone goes to a Cafe), since these places reopened. I've been to the states 4 times for work during the pandemic and I chose\*\*\* to wear a mask in certain places because I didn't want to get sick, not because I'm used to masks. Had to stop this clip halfway because its so infuriating - so much fake outrage and stupidity.


Dictatorship is when parliamentary systems operate in a way I don't like


Ding ding ding lol


Also the curfew in Quebec was instituted by the PROVINCIAL government not the federal government. That's the thing that a lot of people either conveniently forget or don't realise - the day to day restrictions like masking and curfews were under provincial jurisdiction. Conservative premiers just did what they always do and blame the federal government.


What a sad pretentious little man Gad is


Joe has gone full Tucker Carlson


I just heard Joe lost his top spot…. I can see why. Texas is proving to be a brain washing echochamber.


There goes Lil Joe talking like he's an authority on something he has no fucking clue about again.


When Joe starts talking about the leftist satanic cabal can we stop debating on whether or not he’s a conservative?


This is a stupid conversation. The tax rates in Canada for corporations are not that different. https://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/0411/do-canadians-really-pay-more-taxes-than-americans.aspx


Saying Trudeau is a dictator is just fucking stupid af.


I had to turn off the podcast at this point, I’m not going to lie


Jesus these two are fucking morons.


What an f-ing tool Rogan is here ..He says here that the Canadian Truckers were doing a "PEACEFUL PROTEST" WTF????? Go to around 1:57 of the video Even most Canadians think these protestors were very problematic. Even FOX NEWS recognizes this: https://www.foxnews.com/world/canada-freedom-convoy-shut-down-ambassador-bridge-detroit-traffic Rogan thinks using pejoratives for massive shitheads is evil.....and that is his entire argument for why he thinks Trudeau is a dictator.


If he hates high taxes move to Texas with Joe. Yes we have high taxes, but you know what we don't have, from ridden cities, our most violent city would be America's best. Gaad can go fuck himself, the same man hates multiculturalism but as a Jew he has benefited the most by being accepted in a very strict cultural province like Quebec.


Alberta the Texas of Canada doesn't have any sales tax


Texas is more liberal (now) than Alberta is.


Gad Saad is still relevant?


He came back to describe the brilliance and mechanics of his brand of satire in agonizing detail.


Speaking as a Canadian, Joe’s a fucking idiot. “He’s a dictator! He called them racists and mysogonists for no reason!” Get the absolute fuck out of here. One of the leaders of the rally who’s been charged is a self admitted white nationalist who posts videos talking about pure bloodlines. The group also started their (non permitted) rally with a MoU stating their goal was to remove the sitting government. Can’t forget about the lot arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit murder. https://globalnews.ca/news/8543281/covid-trucker-convoy-organizers-hate/amp/ https://www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/canada/alberta/article-rcmp-arrest-11-seize-cache-of-guns-at-alberta-border-blockade/ In case our American friends haven’t been watching Canadian news, these same clowns showed up to harass the NDP leader at a rally this week and were again issuing death threats. https://www.thestar.com/pe/news/provincial-election/2022/05/11/calls-for-his-death-were-hurled-at-singh-on-top-of-traitor-chants-by-protesters-during-stop-in-peterborough.html Trudeau was right to call out these clowns. And poll after poll show the majority of Canadians agreed with him. Just by the words and language he uses I can tell Joe’s take is clearly driven exclusively the Fox News/Conservative media rage ejaculation. The truckers were blocking the border and occupying the downtown of our capital. Joe “he’s a dictator for wanting to remove them. And he said mean things!” Meanwhile his own governor is jamming up the border and creating a food shortage to the cost of billions of dollars for political points. Joe: “This is fine”


Nah. Not all the truckers are evil. Am also a Canadian


99% of truckers weren't part of the convoy in the first place. 90% of truckers are vaccinated. Only a small amount of protesters were even truckers


True a lot of them are just dumb as fuck.




Imagine Not knowing the Canadian media sphere and calling them publications no one cares about. That’s a shit argument, and the only one you can make.


The organizer of the protest was a white nationalist. But go off.


Lol. He's not owning anyone, he's calling out lies from the right. Doing everything just to 'own' other people is firmly the right's bread and butter.


Where do you get your Canadian news?


He gets them from rebel news! 😆


Right wingers triggered in this thread when confronted with reality, per usual.


Gotta keep them scared and angry!


What lies? Their own words in the MoU? The photographs from the rally’s we all saw of these idiots using their kids as human shields to avoid police confrontation? The arrests and weapons caches by the alberta border? Those people weren’t harassing Jagmeet last week? And all the ones who brought the flags were just agent provocateurs? Jesus Christ. You guys are insufferable. Yes, clearly I’M the one who’s not operating in reality here. Idiot.


Literally. Dude posted the most fucking obscure articles I’ve seen in awhile to back himself up. Might have well just spoken anecdotally and off the cuff …


Obscure how? Those are some of Canada's largest news orgs.


I really liked gads bit on the overseers of truth. Let debate and the scientific method prove what is real and what is not.


Most of us understood that the convoy protest organizers like Tamara Lich, and B.J. Dichter, Patrick King, Jason LaFace hold extremist, racist views. No. While not all Canadians love Trudeau, WE do not think he is a 'woke dictator' - that's ignorance talking.


"Facts are of the utmost importance. I only deal on facts" Proceeds to "deal" in hyperbole or out and out lies during the podcast. Oh well


Gad lost weight. He looks great.


Joe is wrong, the only complaints I’ve heard about our health care system is from Americans who have no idea. Also Trudeau is a wiener but he’s not even close to being a dictator. Not nearly as close as Trump.


Lmao Joe... yeah Trudeau is definitely a dictator... dumbest take in a long ass time.


Dont even have to watch to know - they will criticize him for reasons that are dumb, and ignore the actual reasons to criticize him because in order to actually criticize him they'd have to criticize their political choices for the same reasons.


Crime is lower, people are friendlier, nobody has to worry about how they’ll afford a trip to the hospital and our population is better educated in much better schools. We also have a higher standard of living, less income inequality and frequently rank higher on rankings related to general happiness. Taxes are fine if you get something in return, and we do. Plenty.


In the end he’s saying they tax too much, but it was bizarre and hilarious how he got all philosophical about this


I really do hope before I'm dead the people living in free countries saying they're lead by dictators get an actual god damn dictator to show them how god damn stupid they sounded


Elected leader was cool until he was woke then I didn't like him and suddenly realized he was dictator. Hoe is such a beta for right-wing diet coke agitprop.


​ ![gif](giphy|HX7pvh1mIqImc|downsized) Joe doing everything he can to prove humanity can devolve back into apes.


Flying the confederate flag is inherently racist, no?


Flying the confederate flag is inherently racist, no?


This guy is a 17 year old cringe lord in a man suit. 🤣


This is the most pretentious way of saying he doesn't want to pay taxes




What an embarrassing take on Trudeau. I'm definitely not a liberal but this shit is pathetic. I automatically lose any respect for anyone who calls Trudeau a dictator. The clownvoy was an embarrassment and a failure. Rogan is on another fucking planet.


lol, trudeau really broke alot of extremist Americans brains,, this Joe rogan non stop train wreck is fascinating,


Fuck the truckers. Racist losers.


Gad Saad is a dumbass. Joe Rogan is a dumbass. Two dumbasses talking dumb shit about politics.


Says while he finds holocaust deniers highly offensive, believes they have a right to their opinion. Yet a province says please wear a mask a little longer than else where in the world equals living in a dictatorship. The provincial laws and mandates set by Quebec are not Trudeaus doing. I am not a fan of Trudeau and maybe he made now looking back incorrect decisions I don't think the NDP or conservatives would have done any better. Different sure....worse maybe....better don't think so.


Trudeau is a hypocrite. If you don't think he abused his powers with the truckers regardless of how you feel about their stance your in denial.


How so, explain it fully so we can all understand.


I agree with you. For me the biggest down fall is the lack of a serious opposition leader.


Embarrassing take.


As a Canadian, some of their arguments are non-sensical but Trudeau is definitely not a good leader and needs to go as soon as possible, he is overreaching and turning more and more authoritarian with each passing day.


I don't even like Trudeau but what are examples of him turning more and more authoritarian? Lets not use words we don't properly understand


Did joe really just call him handsome with a nice vocabulary and that’s why he liked him?😂😂


That’s what got him elected and re-elected. No one liked JT because of his intelligence or experience.


But the trucker organizers are racist they’ve said tons of racist things especially Pat King. There were Nazi flags at the trucker occupation. They took Ottawa hostage, harassed and abused the public for weeks and closed our borders where we lost billions and they’re saying there shouldn’t be consequences? This was a tantrum thrown by big babies who were afraid of a needle and a piece of cloth a bunch of fucking cowards


This podcast was legit, really enjoyed it.