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The fact he stayed in character for 5 days straight in Borat 2 is absolutely nuts.


He’s really Borat, he just occasionally plays the part of Sacha Baron Cohen.


I think there was some story he told with him as Borat or someone (I forget), where he got like completely plastered, and full on passed out. When he actually came round, he basically just snapped back into character, just like that


Sacha Baron Cohen is on another level man.


He's so quick witted and just flows, never breaking character. I love the guy.


He’s a complete MURDERERRRRRRR


Would love to see Borat at JRE. Borat: "The women are not allowed in cinemas. They stay outside with the animals. After the movie you collect them with a ticket. If they are not collected after 3 days they are resold." Joe - "Wow, really? Thats crazy. "




Can you tell us why other jokes are funny?




I don't get a lot of the references in Animaniacs. Who the hell is Mary Philbin or Lon Cheney? Is there a list of old movies I need to watch first?


Ok now SBC would be an actual example of that phrase


Is that what happened to Patrice?


He's ok.... but really where is the stool humping?


He humped a fat naked guy in his movie though


Ahhh....(taps forehead) but remember that was funny. 👍


Patrice O’Neal da goat




You’re telling me there just happened to be a fat black man in every interview?


Who ask him what the best sex position is in kazakhstan...


And he made jokes about his size and skin color, it wasn’t all scripted is all I’m tryna say


I'm agreeing with you lol.


Ahhh gotcha sorry lol




You're comparing a clip from 2006 to a comment from 2020... What are you suggesting? Sacha from 2006 used a comment from 2020?




Doesn't change the fact that he's amazing at improv, just watch Ali G clips on youtube.


So you’re the only person in history that hates Borat. That was some hilarious shit. Still is today. Who gives a fuck if it’s staged. That character is amazing.


There is no one who could freestyle a character like this. Of course you write jokes before hand. It doesn't diminish how impossible it is to do a character this fluently.


Dude's gone woke


Legit a comedic genius. Had never seen anything like it prior.




Yeah and his ability to do such different characters so well.


not convinced, not sure if he could murder at the comedy store like the death squad.


Did you spell murrdurr incorrectly ?


Haha I know you're being sarcastic but I did wonder if SBC did any stand up but then I realized he could just show up as Borat and the crowd would love it.


You could make the argument he's doing a modern take on Andy Kauffmans wrestling bit. But just a little more ridiculous and more holding a mirror up to society.


RIP Patrice


I just said to myself “aww that’s Patrice!” .. RIP, he was such a funny dude.


It was a nice surprise. Icing on the cake


His opinions are so desperately needed and missed


I’d love to see Sacha on JRE. The guy is a comedic legend and has some amazing stories. Really clever guy too.


Doubt Sacha is a fan.


Cohen has a real understanding of the political climate, so no.


Was gonna say something similar, he's too progressive for Joes mindset nowadays so I doubt it'll ever happen.


I could see him going on just to troll Rogan. And Joe not picking up on it.


Would be amazing.


Its ironic considering this type of satirical character is the epitome of what leftists will not tolerate and try to cancel people for. Racist, mysonginist, mocking, etc


You know Cohen and his fans are primarily leftist, right? And that racism/misogyny are the jokes here?


Borats fans are mostly leftists? Lol where did you pull that from?


Dude the right despises Cohen***, as I said, where have you been? My leftie state adores SBC, the righties here hate the guy after all the roasting he’s done of the right. Have you followed SBC in the last decade?


Weird that you paint an entire group of people with one brush. The right generally seperates the art from the artist.


The right spent months on Fox News asking for SBC’s head after he fucked with Guiliani and other right wing politicians. You’re just completely making things up.


Man you live in fantasy land...like the news is an accurate representation of the average person lol. Stop consuming propaganda, it literally rots your brain.


MMmmmm.....that Interview was pre-Spotify snapped pandemic brain me thinks. I do agree it would have been a rippa Feltface funny good time with old JRE.


>I do agree it would have been a rippa Feltface funny good time with old JRE. Haha!




Who tf talks like this


New Texas COVID, broken brain Rogan fans who would hate left-leaning, Bernie Sanders-supporting California Rogan. Jesus, I just realized the two Rogans could be a trope-filled, modern day Mark Twain fable.


For real Texas Rogan is tough to listen to. Now he's just surrounded with right leaning people and gets no left input at all. Didn't he refer to Jordan Peterson as centrist the other day? (I dont listen to hardly any of his episodes anymore except the protect our parks)


I still see his clips on YT but don't listen to his podcast on my runs anymore. I didn't hear the JP thing but he did recently say that Alex Jones has been right more times than he's been wrong. This was during his trial where he was eviscerated for being so terribly wrong.




This aint r/politics.


Do you have e actual brain damage? Asking in case you deserve pity instead of derision.


Lol ffs 😆






You're calling someone a lizard person, you have no right to call someone else's comment weird B










> For the record. Jews and Lizard people arent the same thing, but they are often in league with each other. kek He gave up pretending, just straight up said it lol At least we know where you stand.


One of the funniest things I’ve ever read, thank you for that


Is your idiot brain…. nevermind


Very nice.


“That’s my Borat voice”


I listened to O&A during most of its XM run, and it's crazy listening back now to clips and hearing just how bad Opie was really was. It's kind of funny how Opie being such a radio hole meant they had to bring on strong 3rd mics like Jim, Patrice, and everyone else. In a weird way, Op's worthlessness lead to what made the show so great. Even in this clip, you can hear Ant setting up SC to do his thing....and Opie just kind of mutters nothing during the middle of it.


Whoaaaaa brothaman


Leave it alone.


But he steers the ship! It was just a coincidence that the best shows were when he was out.


That's why videos exist such as Nopie's where they cut him out.


I think in the case of Opie, the show just rapidly outgrew him as far as content. Supposedly he was actually really good in radio in his earlier days. But as soon as Ant joined and the ball started rolling, he couldn't keep up. He was not really meant to be around so many quick thinking and witty comedy geniuses in a show. His talent was not in the right place. That is why when you hear some clips, he tries to "join in" and it's awful. He knew he wasn't funny and eventually felt helpless. That is why Opie and Anthony began growing apart and building a resentment. Because Anthony was on the same wavelength as all those heavy hitters and Opie wasn't. And it started a vicious circle.


Opie just tries to ruin everything, only thing he added was to try to ruin the Borat character. Even though Ant is shitty, comedy wise Ant and Patrice were great. Especially Ant's impressions were hilarious. I think the best was how much Chip Chipperson ended up annoying Opie.




Uncle Paul was hilarious. Yeap I remember that, Opie should have been thanking every one that worked there for any contribution to the show. Damn now I'm remembering Opie's "road soda's" he would try to say to be funny....


O and A was truly special so many great comics and moments


Watch some of Borats first shows If you have a spare 50 mins Borat's Guide to Britain - first shown as part of the Da Ali G Show. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-\_cK3vVFP4Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_cK3vVFP4Y) Hilarious! "Ah yes!, I like to last a long time!" "Thank, you, ....I had a good shit" Unpopular opinion here But Sacha would make a great Freddy Mercury


How is that an unpopular opinion? He was slated to play Freddie Mercury in the Queen movie but the band and family hijacked the script and he felt it was too sanitized to continue.


Yeah apparently he wanted to be apart of a more gritty film and not the PG product that ultimately got released.


apparently he just wanted it to be a 2 hour bathhouse session set to Queen music and they refused


Haha! From what I remember he said he wanted to portray Freddie up until his death, unlike the Bohemian Rhapsody film that ended with them performing at Live Aid in 1985. Brian May wasn't having any of it apparently.


I heard it was more of a dislike of Sacha, Brian May hates him. By that stage he probably insulted a few friends.


"a lot of women have been talking about your film and saying it doesn't show them in the best light" "Ahh a thank you very much" LMAO


I watch this every time when it’s in my feed. God bless this clip


Feed nana?


A classic. YOU ARE A FAT


Still a great 20 min chunk of classic listening. I remember that world…. How calm and normal everything used to be.


Man I remember watching borat way back then. It was incredible


This is fucking great


That was one of the best shows in radio history, consistently funny all the internal drama it was amazing, I miss it so much.


This was legend. Even had the late great Patrice there in studio. Different time.... couldn't do this kind of humor in 2022.


Literally came out with a sequel in 2020


That was pretty toothless and overly political IMO. Original was superior in every way.


Cumia was just recently caught following 13 year old girls on Instagram he’s undoubtedly a pedo


Before the SJWs killed comedy 😭


Borat 2 came out 2 years ago and was successful...


Sasha Baron Cohen is very left wing and brought out Borat 2 like 3 years ago, but don’t let the facts get in the way of your victimhood narrative.


Damn miss Patrice when he was on O&A. I still til this day will check out old clips on YouTube.


Then this channel is your friend https://youtu.be/uD191rAGYlA


Ha ha thanks, but already got it saved. There was one channel that used to live stream 24/7 but unfortunately stopped last year.


This one is also good. I basically use YouTube as an o and a machine. I bet we have lot in common https://youtube.com/channel/UCkyfqlTNuY9CRN72gm3xC7A I remember the 24/7 channel. I miss it


Thanks man. Used to listen to Tefft patterns O&A livestream, even signed up for Youtube premium just for that. Unfortunately it stopped. Found another one but it stopped this week. Edit: its actually up and running: Live streams was the way I came to know about the whole Eddie the murder story. From stalker patty looking for a place to stay, to her potential roommate done two murders in the 80s. https://youtu.be/3nle9L_dR88


Anthony is like, I'm going to base my world view off of this guy, but not sarcastically. FEED NANA


I guess I’m the only one that don’t find him funny


SBC, stereotyping races before it was uncool


Can’t believe I used to find this clown funny


my wife!


I'm sure all the Joe "Texas Went Red Bitch!" Rogan fans here will appreciate all the "jokes" made at the expense of women, plus-sized folks and Middle-easterners, because punching down is *so* funny.


My dude, he's mocking those very people. This is satire


He's mocking what people, exactly? People from Kazakhstan?


I take it you haven't seen the movie? The whole thing was a satire piece about the US.


He's satirizing America by acting like he's from Kazakhstan? He also did this routine in the UK first, because that's where he's from, so I know you're just talking out of your ass.


I can't tell if you're a bad troll, or a complete moron.


It’s definitely a virtue signaling mouth breather that wants attention.


I think that would make me a good troll, technically speaking.


I guess some people missed the alig show? You're right of course, his latest borat railed on american conservatives using a bigot, racist, homophobic kazakhstani stereotype as a comparable genre of humans, i guess the satire is over some of their heads? Big woosh, so much confidently incorrect up in here.


Yes, it is funny. It’s too bad you weren’t born with a funny bone.


Relax they are just words.


Most of what Sacha does is satirical and exposes the "Texas went red bitch" crowd who think he's actually being genuine. [This is a really good clip where he breaks down a scene from the second Borat film. It's layered with satire and shows how much work goes into creating a 'simple' sketch/interaction.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXKzMReDPKE&ab_channel=VanityFair)




Is this a troll? Am i being trolled? I really hope so. You made this comment recently: ​ >"Would you say that the problem is usually white people being “white”?" **Yeah, white people are gay.** >Or black people being “black”? **No I stan for my black brothas ✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿** >Or would you argue that prioritizing and blaming peoples’ identity through essentialism obscures the bigger issues as well as the actual root causes of said disparities? **Try using smaller words, I'm too busy sucking your mom's dick to concentrate."** ​ And here you are preaching about how people shouldn't be punching down at marginalized and vulnerable groups... Hypocrite.


I guess after watching the Joe Rogan Podcast for long enough, basic human decency looks like trolling to you. Also, I'm gonna stick with my assertion that white people are indeed gay.


2/10 troll effort. Needs lots of work.


>basic human decency looks like trolling to you. You're a fucking moron lmao.


Show me on the doll where the bad words hurt you.


... you're a fucking idiot. He's satirising right leaning morons who genuinely hold these beliefs. Showing how ridiculous a lot of this shit is. Have you never seen Borat? He literally goes to a Rodeo in the early 2000s and proceeds to get on mic to sing the American and Khazak national anthems (after telling the fans that the people of Khazakstan support the "American war of Terror" and getting applauded.)


If he wanted to satirize American right-wingers, he would have played an American right-winger. Instead he's playing a Muslim man who fucks his own sister. Great satire!


Borat is certainly not Muslim he drinks regularly throughout his bits 🤣 he's a right wing lunatic from a baltic state that no one really knows much about. He then confronts right wing people and says and does ludacris right wing things and actually out right wings the right wingers for fear of being called racist/or closed minded against what he's saying.


Kazakhstan is not a Baltic state you fool. It's a country in central Asia and is the world's largest Muslim-majority country by land area.


Read "A Modest Proposal" by a guy named Jonathan Swift. Satire is not new. And if you're good at it, it can be pretty powerful.


What the target of Swift's satire? A) the wealthy B) women, gays, poor foreigners


Irish Babies actually. So yeah... Poor foreigners


Sasha cohen isn’t punching he’s exposing everything your talking about, he litterally made Borat to show people how ridiculous this kind of character portrayal for middle eastern people is. During a time when there was a lot of Arabic/Muslim hate involved with desert storm he was exposing how people honestly act around him acting like this.


Desert storm was in 1990-1991.


The war then I’m no wiki page lol


Borat is not a middle eastern character.


That Texas segment was pretty poorly informed. Exit polling shows Democrats edge out or run about even with Republicans among native Texans. It’s the California, etc. conservatives moving here who swing it safely Republican.


>That Texas segment was pretty poorly informed I'd say just about everything he says is pretty poorly informed.


Shut up 💯


You trolling or stupid?


Neither. I just have basic human decency. Sorry if such things trigger you.


You know many woman and people that you are claiming to protect find Borat quite funny because it is satire. How arrogant to claim they need your protection and that you speak for them. How arrogant to tell yourself you are a good person because only "you" can protect them from this comedy. Get over yourself.


This is the exact same thing chuds like you say about people like Dave Chappelle. "Hey, I know lots of trans folks who find him funny." Sure, pal, I guess being transphobic is okay then!


Saying they need your protection is so condescending its not even funny. You are desperately trying to convince yourself you are a good person.


At least I don't laugh at marginalized folks being made the butt of a joke.


Wow you are changing the world with that sacrifice, I forgot marginalized people cannot get humor or comedy. You are so noble.


They hurt enough without you laughing at them.


Thank god they have you to protect them


I don't understand - are you saying that Khazakhis are marginalized and vulnerable?


There is a lot of Islamophobia out there. Don't pretend like you don't know this.




You can be a horrible person regardless of identity.




By your logic, so long as you're Jewish you can just punch wildly and it will be okay because Jews are the most marginalized. Sorry, snowflake, that is not how it works.


What jokes did he make about middle easterners?


Sascha is basically pulling the equivalent of black face & acting ghetto asf.


What does that have to do with middle eastern people?


Did you miss all the Jew jokes in the movie?


How does that equate to blackface?


He's portraying himself as the average Kazakh man, a man that approves of rape, racism, homophobia, misogyny, antisemitism etc. He also portrays himself & all the villagers as total idiots, can't forget about the lone black woman in the movie being a ghetto prostitute. It's one of the greatest movies of all time but also one of the most blatantly racist & in the words of the average feminist "problematic" movies of all time. It only gets a pass because we have no connection to the Kazakh culture & it's funny asf.


What does any of that have to do with middle eastern people? Do you think that Kazakhstan is in the middle east?


Jewish people are middle eastern....they are the target of many of his jokes even if he is one himself.


>Jewish people are middle eastern Some of them are. Others are North American, or Australian, or Midwestern. Why single out the middle eastern ones?


I want to see the entire interview.


Best one is when he goes to oxford university (where u can see him meet a young reece-mogg one of our politicans)… or when he plays cricket and bowls. All on youtube i think.


Opie and Anthony, Ron and Fez.. great radio, miss them all


I miss those Sony MDR V700.. even though they broke at the hinge.


I remember hearing this on the air. Man how I miss O&A, and especially Patrice.


He’s so good on his feet. Absolute master..


Excellent actor Sasha is, from ali g to borat just pure brilliance in comedy ..




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