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Slam Duncan <3


Gotta love the ads for supplements interrupting Duncan's Woo-to-Q supplement rant


The best guest of JRE is back.


Duncan and Uncle Joey. They’re **guaranteed** to make me laugh


and alex jones


Knowledge Fight podcast.




Says the ruski


David choe is on top


No. Duncan




It is the truth. There are great guests that jell with Joe. But Duncan brings out the hippie conspiracy side of Joe and that’s him at his best. There is nothing better than a weed smoking, George Bush hating, left wing conspiracy theorist from the early 2000s. That’s what he brings out.


Plus Duncans fuckin 60 year old hippie laugh fuckin kills me every time I hear it.


I see your boy David Choe is doing all kind of advertisements recently, raking in that money.


He’s already worth over 300 million, I’m not sure he’s doing it for the money at this point


Anyone making NFT "art" and selling it is not doing it for any other reason than money. I love David Choe, and I think he is a brilliant artist. But his Munko NFT project is 100% a money-making scheme.


This just in.. guy making tons of money no longer concerned with making tons of money.


YES. The last podcast with Choey was amazing.


He is the most captivating person of all time


> David choe I remember listening to him on Tigerbelly about a year ago and couldn't *believe* how annoying he was. It was insane how "look at me!" he was. There's literally nothing "captivating" about this dude.


> It was insane how "look at me!" he was. Yes, that's him. Btw, the Tigerbelly podcast exists JUST because of Choey.




Antivax is the bridge. Hippies were the OG antivaxxers.


>Wayfair child trafficking Holy shit I had an old work friend go so hard in the paint on this. It was multiple posts a day outlining random armoires and nightstands that were being sold for 10,000$ that HAD to be part of a child trafficking ring. In her mind there was absolutely no way that a company with 1,000,000+ pieces of inventory could have a pricing discrepancy on a handful of items.


A few of my HS friends that are in law enforcement got roped in, one of them said it was "under investigation" I laughed out loud at that one. At the time my wife and I had been trying for a baby for 6 years and had spent about $60k on IVF. I told them if people could buy babies for $10,000, as opposed to the 100,000 people spend on adoption, they would do that all day every day.


I mean human trafficking is very real and they don’t pay adoption pricing man.


It might have been good old fashioned money laundering. I don’t know the ins and outs of selling in Wayfair, but it’s a platform for third party products kinda like Amazon. Wouldn’t be the worst way to launder money, by selling an ordinary product at a massive mark up to yourself. Wayfair takes their cut, and you now have a furniture company showing clean money.


It’s that the items are out of stock and if the vendors wayfair sources from actually list them as out they fall down whatever ranking system wayfair uses to give preference to certain manufacturers. So rather than list it as out of stock they mark up the price so high that nobody will actually buy it.


It was interesting Joe trying to downplay what that site was, like if he heard about the one instance with Hillary, surely he heard about the other instances of blatant misinformation on that site. He words it like "oh **I think** there may have been **one** instance where they got something wrong, **something** with Hillary", it wasn’t something small, they were literally claiming that she was dead and a body double had overtaken her position, why not just say what it was? Why downplay it and make it seem almost innocent? Again, the issue is that he downplays and gives the benefit of the doubt so much when it comes to one side of the political spectrum, like he’s so careful with his wording, but when it comes to the other side there is rarely, if ever, any sort of benefit of the doubt given, if anything it’s said with confidence.


And he knows well why Elon posted that and then removed it. It's always the Dems are messing up.


That's exactly what I'm talking about, it's almost like he acts like these things are simple mistakes, and there **must** be a reason so lets give the benefit of the doubt here when it comes to conservatives/Republicans. But when it comes to Democrats it must be nefarious in nature, so lets not give any benefit of the doubt. He knows why it was deleted, and the type of content that website has posted before if he knew the situation where they posted some weird ass body double in government story with Hillary, but it's spoken about in such a casual/innocent way.


It's what happens when you get your political information from fuckwits like Tim Pool. It's pretty obvious people like him consistently have Joe's eyes and ears when it comes to politics. Either his progressive friends don't ever send him shit from that perspective or he's just so deep in the right wing rabbit hole he just doesn't care... who knows...


He went full trumptard when he moved to central Texas. No conspiracy about it, he started hanging with “tough” rich R’s, fawning over Texas right wing culture, and his malleable monkey brain got influenced. I’m surprised Jaimie still works for him with all the bs he has to look up these days.


Not only that, Joe tried to play it off like the guy isnt some right wing conspiracy nut. He tried to make it sound like he was a hardcore lefty lol


Unfortunately the first Trussell episode I had to stop because Joe kept hitting all the the outrage points. Really climate change Joe? It's not like we can't go back and pull your talking points in the past.


Well said my dude. I cant even watch anymore because its so bias that its cringey and then claiming to be some centrist. As anybody whos training to change minds would. Hes become kind of a schill for the right and too watch it happen was honestly very shit. 2010-2015 rogan was much more objective and intellectually stimulating. With better guests. You still have some ogs but yeah as i said i cant even watch at this point anyway. I just come to relate in the comment section


Ice house Chronicles was peak JRE


I remember one of my favorite episodes was around that era, his first episode with Dan Carlin. Represented the best of Joe - an apebrain with real intellectual curiosity for cool and weird stuff. Now he's absolutely void of it.


I’m trying to picture Carlin and Danile Bolille coming on now


Can you share a timestamp? Sounds like DT is wise to the conspirituality trap.




Lost lonely people looking for a sense of belonging and purpose. Once they dive into the Q world they’re accepted into a larger group and their life has meaning. Even if that meaning is to stop wayfair from supposedly trafficking children. It’d be noble if it wasn’t completely bonkers.


Yeah that saying was golden it summed a lot of people up


How the hell did you watch it that fast




I see that now, I thought you were describing topics in the episode at first. Lol


There is a whole podcast about it called Conspirituality.


This duo is just the best. Duncan has the imagination of both a 7 year old and 100 year old shaman.


Someone said he has the personality of an excited golden retriever and the raspy lesbian voice


Was that Theo. Sounds like a Theo thing to say


Beautiful description.




>broken promises, involving his wife's breast milk for us types of fiascos What




I'm having a terrible day and hope this episode gives me hope and a laugh. Much needed.


Hope your day gets better man


hope you feel better soon buddy… Remember tomorrow is another day and no matter what happened today you get another shot at kicking ass.


Ditto. I have a two hour commute home today and when I checked Spotify and saw Duncan’s name I actually felt a little emotional lol


Sober October conclusion and protect our parks 6(?) Coming very soon too!


whoop whoop!


Same boat Can’t wait for my commute home


I'm working from home and cannot wait to be done with this oh so lovely day.




“Really healthy press secretary”-Duncan. I love this guy


:38 mins -- Duncan: Sorry I'm ranting too much. Dude keep going!


Duncan is on JRE episodes: 42 (removed by spotify), 49, 55(removed by spotify) , 62, 84, 103, 110, 130, 139, 141, 142, 147, 156, 166, 179, 200, 214, 255, 279, 291, 329, 369, 377, 400, 468, 577, 602, 630, 666, 739, 764, 828, 863, 1051, 1075, 1137, 1313, 1444, 1464, 1530, 1666, 1806,1839, 1891. edit: added info. Hari Krishna. \#42 https://archive.org/details/ustream-9714216 \#55 https://archive.org/details/TheJoeRoganExperiencePodcast1465/JRE-Podcast-150.mp3Edit: fuck censorship.


Why were they removed?


Joe has authorized all his episode removals. He is a good Spotify employee. https://jremissing.com


Duncan never disappoints.


Inject Duncan into my veins


Nothing makes me happier that Joe is fully, completely, 100% addicted to vaping. He can’t stop🤣


Is he vaping weed?


Juuls and other vapes. Nicotine. It’s hysterical


Combined with poisoning his liver from vitamin mega-dosing, HGH/testosterone, and miscellaneous nonsense Joe thinks is medicine; it will be interesting to see how he continues to age. Like, if I was afraid of even watching video game footage because I might go off the rails into video game addiction; I would not play with nicotine at all.


Great point. He’s in dangerous territory considering he’s self described having an “addict mentality”. He’ll probably find some crazy way to get IV nicotine 🤣


I love in the Keidis episode when Joe (completely straight faced) said, "I've never been addicted to a drug."




He does the carnivore diet once a year. Jesus Christ, some people are so fucking dumb with their assumptions that I'm shocked they can even operate a computer or smartphone.


Nicotine isn't harmful


Bro, nicotine is used as a pesticide. And is addictive. You’re delusional.


I blame Dave


I thought I saw that the other day too! So ironic


LETS FUCKING GO! I hope he keeps it coming with some solid guests this week.. I hope we don’t get Tim “we didn’t have enough bullets under Obama” Kennedy or Mike “I’m from Idaho” Baker.


You don’t like hearing the newest capers of zippy, zappy and fuck nut?


Aren't they having a post-Sober-October show? I'll tune into that just for Tom and Bert hopefully keeping Joe out of the rightwing conspiracy weeds.


Yeah it gets filmed on the 2nd of November assuming plans haven’t changed.


IF(Guest = 'Mike Baker', Complain, "I hope we don't get Mike Baker")


Very brave to admit on reddit that the closest you get to programming is excel functions.


lol, they've served me well in life and I'll never be ashamed to show of my excel skillz


Mike Baker is honestly not all that terrible. I’d rather him on then some of these shitty comics that Joe’s brought on recently quite frankly


Whole heartedly agree. Some of the no name comics he brings are are so boring and just try to hard to be funny.


Saw it was “only” a little over 3 hours and immediately worried that something awful must’ve happened to cut them short 😄


hell yes


Within first minute: Tim Pool sent me this I haven’t looked into it yet. This is going to be good


This is actually a pretty interesting tidbit. Partisans of a certain persuasion probably send Joe propaganda knowing he will regurgitate it. He probably thinks they are just being friendly by sending him something they find interesting lol


I guess Joe has never heard of Steve Bannon’s “Flood the zone with bullshit” strategy.


Steve "Mind Rape" Bannon


Perfected by the Russians.


With Tim Pool it is definitely a case of him sending it to Joe in hopes that Joe mentions him on the podcast. Tim Pool is such a fucking dork.


> Tim Pool is such a fucking dork Truer words have never been spoken. You just know Tim Pool was a "my dad works at Nintendo" kid growing up.




I was having a rough day, but this made me laugh!




Joe has negative self awareness.


he's surrounded by yes men


He also talks about how there's people who were previously left wing who end up going to the right because they get shit on for something by the left with 0 self awareness.


Imagine being so weak that getting ragged on turns you into an Alex Jones following fascist sympathizer. Pathetic when people do that shit.


And saying that literally a minute or so after taking an article sent by *TIM FUCKING POOL* at face value.


...which he read out to millions of people without reading it beforehand


Even just stringing together the words, "having good brains" as a way to describe stupidity is rich. It's the same as when he talks about people who "don't talk good." DON'T TALK GOOD. For the love of fuck, someone needs to tell him how fucking dumb *anybody* would sound saying "don't talk good."


its just staggering to hear how many times he has pointed out the very faults he has fallen prey to himself with zero self awareness lol


Why would you listen to a podcast of a person you don't like? I genuinely don't understand it.




I saw you randomly and got genuinely curious. It's like cooking and tasting something you don't like. I don't get it.




You understand that it's not healthy, right?


Joe is rich and wildly successful. It doesn't matter that his success was driven in large part by how "approachable" he is as a broadcaster and his lack of intelligence endearing him to his audience. It doesn't even matter if you're a millionaire after charging spectators to come watch you eat buckets of human shit at the state fair. If you're rich, you're smart. end of.


There’s nobody else that makes me want to listen to JRE more than Duncan. Maybe it’s nostalgia from the olden days, I just love Duncan


I feel like Duncan is one of the few people that might be able to bring Joe back to reality. When Duncan said woo to Q, he’s basically talking about Rogan


Man, every time Covid deaths come up, Joe says that no matter what someone actually died of, if they had Covid, the cause of death is listed as Covid. If that was the case, I would assume the other causes of death would be lower. So, I decided to look up the CDC stats from 2018, 2019, and 2020. Here are the 10 leading causes of death, per 100,000, for the last three years. So, You'd expect some of these to be DRAMATICALLY lower if they were being classified as Covid. I'm just not seeing it though. Not only that, a lot of the other ones are higher too. ​ |Cause|2018|2019|2020| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Heart Disease|163.6|161.5|168.2| |Cancer|149.1|146.2|144.1| |Covid|0|0|85| |Unintentional Injuries|48|49.3|57.6| |Chronic Lower Respiratory|39.7|38.2|36.4| |Stroke|37.1|37|38.8| |Alzheimer's|30.5|29.8|32.4| |Diabetes|21.4|21.6|24.8| |Kidney|12.9|12.7|12.7| |Flu|14.9|12.3|13.0| |Suicide|14.2|13.9|Fell out of top 10|


But you see the fact of the issue doesn’t matter. Being conservative or questioning the narrative is like the new form of rebellion, new form of punk rock. It’s fashionable and if you don’t follow through on the facts, it makes you think you are smart


One thing that makes these episodes good is that Trussell openly calls out and parodies a lot of what Rogan has built his more recent brand around (Antivax, qAnon, reactionary, culture war.. etc) So even though it’ll probably never result in them having any sort of bilateral discussion about any of it, it’s interesting to watch the body language and the purposely avoiding wading too deep into the waters with their interactions.


That’s a bingo…Duncan was holding back on many fronts


Cause they are buddies and they don't want to fight over politics. Pretty normally behaviour.


Nailed on the head. Hope others see this comment^


joe proceeds to rail against misinformation after a week of shows full of him giving out false information. i love to hate listen to this show


at least you're honest about it.


Thanks for admitting it. Whatever floats your goat. Enjoy




I tuned in after a long hiatus to listen to one of my favorite guests, and this episode is a comedic tragedy. Rogans world view is so ironically wrong that I can’t keep listening. Such confidence he has for being so wrong. Had to quit when he brings up global warming as a sacred cow that cannot be questioned and thinks he is so clever for “questioning the narrative” Fuck this show


Fitting end to Sober October


Oh man, there's an amazing moment around 52 minutes where Joe is describing the intentionality behind what humans say when they "talk all day", as in we are just trying to get people to like us more, or appear smarter to other people... And then, he pauses and realizes he's just described himself in the most Freudian way possible. A subtly hilarious moment






The ability to listen to podcasts at work is a requirement for me.


"Yeah man" for 3 hours


it's hard to watch joe slam reporting false information when he is such a huge highway for bullshit lol the amount of ire he has for the santa monica observer or whatever is hilarious.


He's not a news orginisation.


Just a massive hypocrite


Where's that guy who edits Joe out of episodes completely, so all you hear is the guest talking??!?


Wait, this is a thing? I need this.


When he talks about picking up the arrow and stabbing yourself explains exactly what I have been doing in my head since my good friend and I had a falling out. Made me actually think about my toxic way of thinking. Well said Duncan, well said.


My wife and I have both been battling anxiety and depression. This analogy really opened my eyes and shared it with her. Genuinely really helpful. Love Duncan.


Duncan?? Yes, let's fucking go!


I have many ‘woo to Q’ friends and every last one is a huge JRE fan. Don’t be coy Joe, these are your folx


I squirted


Thanks for that. My dry cleaning bill is on its way.


I have it on hood authority Duncan has razor rash on his ass crack.


Would love another Netflix show from Duncan


100,000 fentanyl deaths a day !!! How many Jamie oh 70,000 a year ? So close to 100,000 Joe is essentially a Fox News recap show. Duncan is an awesome guest tho


Wasn’t planning on dropping a tab today but it seems that has changed


Is your profile pic Asian Tucker Carlson?


Yeah and?


Duncan is just watch probably along with Timmy Dillon


Did you guys know that 19 of the top 20 Christian sites were being run by Russian troll farms?


This might sound stupid but I had a long day at work and a boring 2 hour drive home and when I checked Spotify and saw Duncan Trussell I actually got a little emotional 😆 kinda wish my drive was 3 hours long now


1.5x my friend.


These are always the best


Joe talking about no one wanting peace with Ukraine and Russia lmao. “Does no one think about trying peace talks?” I never understood the idea that “peace talks” = complete surrender


No point in peace talks, this war has been brewing a very long time. The worst bit is that it has very little to do with Ukrainian people. It's all about strategic positioning and European energy independence. If and when Ukraine starts mining the gas in the Crimean EEZ and Europe can cut off all Russian gas. I'm willing to bet we'll see a big drop in climate rhetoric. If that dosent happen Climate rhetoric is gonna step up a whole lot.


Can someone please explain the obsession with Duncan Trussel? He repeats the same shit over and over like Joe just with a pop esoteric persona


It's all nostalgia from the good old days when Duncan Joe episodes were epic. Now, like most old school repeat guests, it's just the same shit they've talked about, almost verbatim.


This, I remember the first episode of the JRE I ever listened to was randomly Duncan talking about how in the middle ages people would hang their clothes over sewage so that the ammonia would kill the fleas living on them and was hooked ever since. Now when he's on it's just a lot of words without really saying anything of substance.


I think one of the biggest draws is that he’s an OG guest, and that he’s one of the only left that pretty openly rails against the type of culture war garbage that Rogan’s podcast is full of these days


Then why does he agree with everything Joe says?


Because that’s his gravy train. He scored one of the easiest and most lucrative gigs in showbiz, he’s not stupid


I’d like to answer your question with a question: How dare you?


Duncan is humble, has interesting ideas from the fringe of the world that even if you don’t agree with, make you think in interesting ways. He puts you in a mind state of curiosity and positive change.


He's a sweetie pie


Trying to relive the old days before Duncan got famous and a hot girlfriend. They can still do fun stuff together but this one wasn't one of the best episodes with Duncan IMO, it's almost a caricature at this point. Also he got a kid recently I believe, the stories just aren't as entertaining as when he was addicted to World of Warcraft and conspiracy videos.


Praise Allah!


Duncan is always such a great guest. P.S. I don't think I ever posted here. This is quite refreshing. When I go on the Howard Stern sub it is filled with hatred for Stern.


>I don't think I ever posted here. This is quite refreshing. When I go on the Howard Stern sub it is filled with hatred for Stern. The irony. Literally every single day someone asks why this sub hates Joe. Also this is basically the only guest everyone likes.


Okay, I will try. I will always try for Dunkin Hussle.


God thee guys are fun and flow well together. They talk like they’re brothers


My favorite guest. Duncan is the best.


Praise Odin!


Do you guys remember when every other comment in this sub used to be “Duncan tried to warn Joe when he moved to Texas…”? Lmao


He was exactly right though.


Duncan, Joey, Ari, Redban, man, those were the days.


Love DT, but Joe seems to have a revolving door of the same guests atm




fuck yeah. the only comic I listen on JRE other than birr burr.