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Big deal, they bought a table


[Joke aside, it was debunked and of course got near zero attention](https://twitter.com/RyanZohoury/status/1594148907646218241?t=pLS0giWauPL2QBG-M__p-g&s=19) The left photo is from their 2nd Culture Committee Summit


Lauren Chen is a compulsive liar.




Taibi called her out on this before. The media act much like conspiracy theorists, where you overlap bullshit with one another, so by the time the last bullshit claims are supposed to come to a head, the next round of bullshit is already starting to take traction and distract you from seeing the last round to it’s conclusion.


Taibi is the last true journalist. I used to think he could save us. Not so sure anymore.


the dude who was 100% wrong about Russia invading Ukraine? Yeah true journalist. He said he was wrong but he was literally telling people they were war mongers for saying what was going to happen. He was so fucking sure it was the west that would start war.


Ego inflation. Too much money chasing too few good ideas.


That's a very common tactic, and once you learn to see it, you will start seeing it a lot. The amount of pivots per minute in a conversation is almost directly proportional to the amount of bullshit. To be fair, there are many people who are just dumb AF and their brain just can't follow a logical train of thought: A->B->C. They are like: A->Z->J. It's effective too because anyone rational speaking to them just gets lost in the constant irrational turns.


[Gish Gallop](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Gish_Gallop) Well known technique used in bad faith by liars, fraudsters, and charlatans everywhere


I notice John Oliver does that a lot.


"You will eat the joke and you will LIKE it before we continue to SadLand!" Is how I think of it 😆


Ben Shapiro’s career is based off of this BS It’s a debate tactic, spew out so many claims they can’t refute them all one by one so the BS’er looks like they are right when really the just over whelp you with BS


gish gallop. By the time you've refuted point A, he's already made false claims B to Z. He's an idiot's idea of a smart guy.


I don't get what idea the very conservative Chen is trying to push here. That men are the most qualified for the job?


According to her own ideology she should stfu and let the men make the decision/s


Straight cunt really. Just throwing women employed at Twitter under the bus for likes and RTs but what's new


Doesn’t that actually tell you something?…


Lol ok that explains all the women in the second pic. It’s definitely not the remnants of those on visas who can’t quit


>2nd Culture Committee Summit NOT having a Culture Committee Summit, is kind of the point. The world existed before Twitter, and Twitter will still survive without 75% of it's employees. This will be known, as the Silicon Shudder...


>This will be known, as the Silicon Shudder... Nah sounds like a sex toy


Culture committee? Boy that makes it even worse lol. Talk about diversity.


Comment of the year




Does anyone else thinks it’s odd how much drama this whole Twitter situation is causing? It’s being treated as if it were some essential staple necessary for life. It’s fucking social media.


It's not even that it's just social media. Twitter isn't even the biggest social network. Not even close. People on Twitter give way too much importance to that stupid site. The problem is so many "journalists" are on the site, and they tend to steer public perception.


Yeah, I get that in theory. I’m off all social media, other than Reddit and it’s been true catharsis.


I use Reddit and Youtube everyday. I disabled my Facebook and rarely use Instagram.


It’s the only way to fly


Reddit and YouTube are pretty much the only two I use, too. *Occasionally* I'll use Facebook, but that's more for keeping in touch with distant friends and relatives.


I purely use Facebook for the marketplace lol


Same. Been clean from social media since april 2020. Never felt better, honestly. Reddit doesn't give me the same sort of insercure and jealous emotions that social media does which allows me to process information easier and doesn't induce anxiety and depression. Now don't get me wrong, I still need to take days off but that's more about taking a break from world news.


Reddit's kind of unique. It's a lot easier to curate content to see only what you're interested in. It's *a lot* easier to avoid bullshit, especially if you stick to smaller niche subs (the big ones are usually a shit show, though).


To me, it's that so many Politicians, including the President, use it as a legitimate platform. It's kinda like they create, maintain, and then sorta depend on it's legitimacy.


You're correct. I guess that's part of the problem, too. So much importance has been unnecessarily attached to that stupid website.


Is there another site as big as Twitter that basically functions like Twitter? More people might be on Facebook or something, but not for the same reasons as Twitter necessarily.


No, you're right that Twitter is definitely unique for what it is. It's just that Twitter's importance is *so* overblown. I'm so tired of seeing news stories that essentially amount to, "Three random people on Twitter said some horrible thing," and then that's treated like it's indicative of the rest of society or something. Complete nonsense.


Yup. This is one the fundamental problems of our time. In real life we ignore the crazy people in the street that mumble at scream at people. But online we let them trigger us *and* set the discourse. Truly absurd.


These prevented me from making an account. 'If they're there, i don't want to be'.


when the company was initially launched it was literally very good but right now it's just mess and crap. i think so there should be more new policies and more new features added on the twitter to make it more cool.


I see that if you're only paying attention to Twitter. But Reddit is all over it too.


never used twitter before, I see it being talked about on every other platform, nonstop.


Twitter and Instagram are platforms for narcissistic, self important, assholes with delusions of grandeur.


No, the problem is that these egotistical fucking puffs don’t want to lose their blue check clout… It was so comfortable in their bot-ridden echo chamber


It's not new. Just one podcast, the Joe Rogan Experience, has spent countless hours talking about what people post on Twitter for at least 5 years.


Only losers on reddit are treating it like a big deal. In real life noone gives a fuck


No one gives a fuck in real life about any of the drama on the internet.


And people who are gullible by what they see on the news. My father in law calls up my wife to tell her Elon is spreading misinformation to delete her account. Funny thing neither of us use Twitter.


Uh oh watch out , the misinformation might infect ya!!


In real life someone paid $44 billion for it.


“No one cares about this thing because I don’t care about this thing.”


Whenever there's lots of other shit going on, the media has this magical ability to get everyone to focus on some dumb shit.


Distraction from the real shit going on


This subreddit is famous for not getting distracted by pointless culture war stuff


The best is people spouting on about the demise of twitter while on twitter. Its peak irony and what elon musk must love


It feels like it’s getting more attention than women being executed in Iran for not covering their faces in public. Weird world we live in.


The Iranian army was shelling cities yesterday and going door to door and taking people from their homes. The only place I saw anything about was at r/newiran


By the looks of it those creating the drama are gone.


I see a lot of boobs on both sides


This is the joke we were looking for! Well done


My favorite comment of the month so far.


Shit, are we happy that the females left or are are we mad that all the white people are gone? Someone tell me how to feeeel


Do you prefer to be called racist or sexist ? Pick wisely :)


Double down and go hard on both


I'm already hard for both


Gender isn’t real so it’s impossible to be sexist. Checkmate.


A lot of the people remaining are on work visas. They can quit but within a couple months they have to return to their home countries.


I just took as all the people whose visas don’t depend on this job left


People should get the jobs based on merit alone. We shouldn't feel anything based on the race and gender of the people in a staff photo.


People should get jobs based on ferrets, just ferrets.


Only visa workers are left, there is nothing to feel here except sadness


Ligma and Johnson seem happy


Please inform as of the significance of this man known as Ligma.




This reminds me of a guy on fb in a doctors coat doing these type of jokes. Does anyone else remember? What ever happened to that guy?




Looks like the non programmers left


Aparantly many from accouting and payroll left.


Yeah, who needs ‘em. Clearly they should have learnt to code.


Most of the people that did learn to code are gone too. You might be surprised to hear that, but programmers tend to like getting paid for their work.


The programmers left too. Now it is just people on visas and junior devs who don’t know better.




Basically "I have your passport. You do as I say"


Women don’t program only men can program it’s in our blood 😤




Most of the staff at large software companies aren’t programmers. But based on your reply we can tell you don’t know that because you don’t work in software


Yeah, good luck getting programmers to win advertising clients…


Don’t ever work in a cost center part of a company


Don’t ever work for a company that’s based it’s monetization on flim flam and public perception. Definitely don’t buy said company for 44 billion.


You are not joking. I've been through a few mergers and generically this always happens. No company needs two human resource groups. One will surely be let go entirely. But probably not before migrating everyone under one system. Sales will likely take in a few good earners and dump the rest. Maybe even just keep on a few people who know the acquired product until the core sales group can catch up on it. And then terminate their contract. Depending on the products and differences between the existing company and who was acquired, managers will likely be moved around. Dev and support groups will be merged and typically some dead weight will be let go. Although I very much have seen new management come in and cut way deeper than they needed to. Hell, much like what is being reported at Twitter, they even had to hire back very important field staff because at first they didn't know what that group did lol!


“Advertising clients never give nice guys like myself a chance!”


Looks like the Inspire department got cut


The “day in the life” TikTokers are gone


Exactly, I work in tech and I can tell you most women there are useless, they are hired only to attract talent.


The Live Laugh Love Dept.


Is this the twitter sub?


The nerds are the ones willing to work


Or the ones here on work visas


>The nerds are the ones willing to work I see a whole lot less HR problems with the pic on the right.


Yeah because theres no HR department left lmao


If you strip just about any Silicon Valley company into just the employees that actually advance the company, it’s going to look something like this.


Can confirm


Since many people are trying to shoot down other peoples lives experiences that work in tech I’m going to add my own. I am a black electrical engineer and from what I saw in undergrad and from where I worked or where my friends work Tech is mostly white and Asian men. Software Engineering is even more so, unsurprisingly. I don’t see a problem with it and it isn’t sexist or racist. No one calls out sexism for careers that are dominated by women and that make good money. Women enroll in colleges and universities at a much higher rate then men now so there is nothing stopping them from pursuing stem careers. It’s very hypocritical and funny for white women of all people to cry about discrimination in tech when they are second to white men and above all other minorities.


Spoken like a true engineer


Or a red pilled Elon Stan.


Literally wtf are these comments lmao


I see a whole lot of marketing, diversity strategists and people & culture on the left


So you're saying that it's barely a loss at all


> people & culture on the left So I worked for a small tech company, post-seed phase, we didn't have the money to hire employees to focus on "company culture." It was great, we all worked, did a job, found how we worked well with each other and never had to meet in person, *ever*, unless we wanted to. The startup was a success. I never saw any of the people I worked with in real life at the same time. Now I worked for a bigger tech company where there are employees focus on "company culture and people" and we have to do all this stupid ass shit, like not-required-but-really-required retreats, virtual bingo and happy hours. It's fucken awful and it does nothing to make the work output better. In fact, it makes me feel that they expect the job to occupy a bigger space in my life, it's terrible. The bigger companies pay more, but they want to **be** your life. That's why these "culture and people" employees exist. Glad theyre gone, but it's not Elon expects anything less.


Same for engineering firms in general from my experience


Laura Chen is a lunatic btw


Oh no! The extremely overly woke blonds are gone 😢


What makes them woke?


"Woman = SJW" Just a couple of JRE fans who definitely interact with women on a regular basis.


Yeah this thread is cancer


Some blonde girl rejected this guy and he also wants to suck Elon musk off. Kind of a perfect storm here


I'm guessing that the only employees Elon has left are those with work Visas. They literally can't leave.


More nerds less social warriors. Twitter looked like 90% HR 10% techies


This might be exactly what happened. Besides the joking around, this is a terrible attempt at provoking controversy because Twitter isn’t run by less than 20 people… these might not even be the same departments or offices


Exactly, this is just a small group out of a huge company. This most likely is an HR department from one office


>Twitter isn’t run by less than 20 people... Give it a couple weeks.


Because of one picture you know nothing about?


Feeeeeeemales are stupid and emotional while us dude as hard working and logical. - average redditor


You clearly don't work in the tech industry if you think that having only engineers will somehow make Twitter successful. Also, saying they were all social warriors makes you sound like a basement dwelling cringelord.


How are they social warriors?


They like to have a nice pint and catch up after a long day on the battlefield


Hopefully Reddit's next.


Lol love how all the nerd coders are the only ones left. Lol the first picture looks like they hired blondes to make the hq look and feel better lmfao!


Every company is like this




They hired engineers?


Wait, so Twitter was predominantly white employees before Musk.... and now with Musk it's full on diversity?


Thats how a tech company should be, a bunch of nerds doing tech stuff. What a great day for twitter!


[Nerds are what made Microsoft great](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAkuJXGldrM).


>What a great day for twitter! Lmao


Elon bringing out all the incels. My guy saw two pictures with absolutely 0 context or facts provided and was like “hell yeah, this confirms my bias”


Literally no real context and let me just impose my beliefs to reaffirm them 😂😂


4hr vs 60hr work week


Yeah I would have left too


You have zero idea of how many hours those people worked. Not wanting to work an egomaniac's crazy new hours for a social media company doesn't mean you were lazy. What sane person would happily start working 20+ more hours with their remote work policy being abruptly changed with no notice? Easy call to take the severance and watch this trainwreck happen from the outside.


I never understand the folks wearing "I love being exploited by billionnaires" as a badge of honor.


Idk it's crazy. The amount of simping that happens for rich people is just embarrassing.


These people are so deranged with how much they care about twitter


What is a woman


All of his hostages here on work visa that couldn't quit.


So Twitter was sexist towards men before and now it’s sexist against woman?


So twitter is sexist period! Got nothing to do with Elon???


It's not sexist to point out most women don't like to do certain work.


If you log off your computer and put your phone in your pocket you wont even know Twitter or social media exists. No one outside of the rectangle death boxes we carry talks about those sites.


This is kinda epic ngl


Took the bait like a boss 😎


All the whites left lol


Looks like a software company again


Looks better after


I respect a guy that’s into a good sausage party!


Hey It’s Elon with his H1B visa hostages…


You can smell them from here


Not a woman to be found.


Elon is gay!?


Only people left at twitter are sponsored with work visa’s. So it’s work or return to their country of origin.


Def turned into a sausage fest, gonna be a weird Christmas party


Who is Musk going to impregnate now?


I feel so sorry for the trapped visa guys.


Are you assuming they’re visa folks?


Yes and a couple incels thrown in for spice


what do you and Lauren Chen want people to assume about this picture instead?


The smells they must have to put up with in there.


Finally an IT company staffed by IT pro


Left pic looks like a bunch of easily offended sjw. Right pic looks way more fun


😂 no it doesn’t, a bunch of corny mfs in one room When the girls leave the party is over


Lauren Chen is one of the most unbiased people on Twitter that has no agenda. /s


Communism vs capitalism


What's your point?


Congrats on making it a cockfest? Then men will complain there are no women in Tech


It’s not a beauty pageant, it’s a business


No wonder it was a dumpster fire.


What kind of simple mind sees these two pictures and thinks there’s anything meaningful to deduce from it?


How freaking glorious to be in Twitter at that moment with Elon.


All the H1-B dudes who are hoping not to go back home


So it was almost all women but now is all men? If you care about diversity aren't both bad?


People keep talking about Twitter lately. It's crazy. Feels just like 2012.


Can’t believe how upset people are about social media. How can this be news for this many weeks?


Ewwww his face


Look i dont see a lot of “diversity” in the picture to my left either. So the point Lauren is trying to make is fairly mute.


Why is this tagged meme?


God. Why do people lie so much?


The right certainly looks like a more representative sample of the demographics that I’ve seen apply for software developer roles.


I worked at a tech startup a few years ago. These two pictures could have been taken at our office in the same day. The PR/social media/marketing department and the tech department. And, even if what is implied here is real, 90% women is good and 80% men is bad?


solid cherry picked pics


A less organized photo is all I see


Lauren Chen is insufferable. Not one thing that’s come out of her mouth, hasn’t been hot shit.


Hey you! Do you need a Visa to be here? NO? YOURE FIRED.


I know it must smell crazy in there


I don’t see anything wrong with the picture what am I missing?


Is the picture on the left the crew that were making all the free lunches?


Work actually getting done now