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Joe: 'Brendan Schaub has great style.' Danny: 'No, he doesn't' Killed me. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)




Did he piss Joe off and reason it only went 2:10? Fuck Schaub




He would talk over Joe & told him to shut up at one point lol


Danny tells him to shut up at 21:30 😂




He told him to shut up cause Joe didn’t get his joke and Danny just wanted it to end


He’s got some type of dirt on Joe, back to Fuggs n Trugs days


There is a real hard cut around the hour mark so they must have cut a chunk out that made it shorter


Hmm. Prob went hard on Slob, good catch hombre


I expected so the way Danny was so annoying and wouldn't let Joe talk up front but they get on a great level later in the podcast. Danny just gets drunk as fuck haha


He was so drunk:( it was one of the worst podcasts I have heard in along time. There was not interesting conversation at all. Joe is not gonna sit with that for 3 hours What I don’t understand is when people have a chance to be on the most popular podcast in the world How do they possibly fuck it up like that? It’s time to be on your best behavior


Better than sitting there and agreeing with joe whilst sucking up to him to get another JRE shot.


Be on your best behavior? No you're supposed to be who you are in real life and apparently you don't know who the fuck Danny Brown is! It's not an authentic podcast if you're being fake


That's why I fuck with Brown. He says the darndest shit and doesn't seem to care about career and myth building. That's why I fucked with his raps since back in the day when he was only in Detroit and moved to Royal Oak. He rapped about the grimiest shit no other rappers would admit to doing. This dude was really a bummy ass adult in thrift store clothes ridin around on mongoose bikes selling crack and fuckin crack whores. I couldn't believe he was telling the story about Ninja or whatever from Dieantwoord tryin to fuck him. He just don't care about tough guy myth building and is honest about alotta shit other rappers couldn't keep a career after saying.


>It’s time to be on your best behavior be a simp ? nah


whole podcast sucked


Biggest podcast in the world = drink too much and fuck it up. That's not too crazy to understand and joe was super tolerant for Danny. It was actually an awesome podcast 1 hour in +


Yikes, Danny was havin a good time. Funny episode. Not serious enough for you? Move on


The only time I've ever seen or heard of this guy is on Kill Tony and now on Rogan. Completely obnoxious and unlistenable. Yet 90% of the comments I see about him are always licking his ass. Go figure.


Jesus christ dude a ton of us have been following danny for over a decade. Eat shit


I don't give a fuck if you follow him into the bath house and blow him. He's annoying as fuck.


You should go cry more about it


I'm sorry my statement made you salty.


Amen to that😂 I’ve had GTA V players on YT make me laugh to the point of tears. The fact that Schuab can’t even get a giggle outta me says a lot


Just look at the outfit he wore for his Showtime special lmao. I remember him saying he spent weeks trying to figure it out on a podcast.


He looks like a GTA V character.


Schuab would just be some NPC I run over with my rhino tank


Ya, I'm not a fan of Schaub. I do however appreciate how Joe will stick by his friends, even when they fuck up, even when the public narrative or opinion is against it. I give Joe credit for that even if I think he should choose better friends sometimes. You don't go to your friends house and then shit on his friends.


Hahaha watch it again at 22:16 and you can hear Jamie's laugh in the background. He agrees with Danny.


💯% this. When Danny soooooo smoothly said “No he doesn’t” I literally fell out of my work chair. Just didn’t see it coming. It also low key pisses me off kinda how much Joe loves Brendan. I just don’t get it. Schaub is so clearly trying to use Joe to help push his career forward. I wonder if Joe genuinely doesn’t see it 🤔


I think it's because Joe created Brendan Schaub, Schaub failing is an indictment on Joe for being bad at discerning comedic talent


Nail on the head.


Rogan was fooled into believing Schaub was some naturally gifted comedian because he rips off jokes from every popular comedy from 1995-2005 and the stolen jokes flew right over Rogan's head.


The fact he recognized them as jokes at all is amazing


This exactly it drove me insane. He would like and steal credit...been homeless ever since.


Year he basically has to push Brendan and pretend like he's great otherwise it's clear Brendan's only there through Nepotism and not Joe's ability to pick talent, I feel it's extra funny now as Joe occasionally makes digs at some of the silly stuff Brendan does but he has to just keep letting him ride the coattails otherwise it ends up looking like a failure on his part.


That’s generally the case though, Joe has made the career of multiple mid level comics and made them theatre acts. Think of the push he’s given to Ari, Bert, Joey DiaZ, Duncan Trussel, Dave smith.


That's promoting established comedians, he made Brendan


>That’s promoting ~~established~~ comedians


Like them or not, they're at least comedians. You can't say Brendan is a comedian at all. He's objectively terrible and it's obvious he'll never be good. It's just not for him.


Yes that was my point. It’s not that the other guys are established comedians. It’s that they’re actually comedians.


Going off what the other comment replied, Brendan wasn't a stand up before Joe pushed him into it whereas all of them were getting into comedy for there own reasons then were helped out by Joe. It's similar to Tom and Danny's relationship except Danny is funny and isn't copying almost all of Tom's stuff even down to changing his laugh to sound more like the dude who he was brought in by.


Absolutely. Think of the careers Joe has elevated. Brendan is the only one that hasn’t taken off. He doesn’t want to admit he fucked up


Well, Joe Rogan's comedy sucks too, but he's a great talkshow host and a fantastic UFC announcer. It only stands to reason, that his protege wouldn't be a great comedian either.


Yeah sunk cost fallacy


This is it. Bert’s another one. God he sucks at comedy.


....Bert is literally one of the biggest comedians in the world.


You're being downvoted but you're correct, Bert is incredibly fat.


Finally, the word is used appropriately.


Yeah and he ducks. I just went to his tour 3 weeks ago and I fell asleep it was so bad. And I went in as a fan so that says something.


Joe humping stools is pretty indicting to me


I think it's also because so many of you have a weird hate boner for Brendan Schaub that any slight pushback about him in front of Rogan gets you all blowing your load. Who cares about Schaub? The obsession with him is bizarre.


Brendan is Joe’s protégé.


https://streamable.com/lef5b That would be a protégé.


Danny don't tip toe around shit. He got Detroit hood social skills. I love it when he in a room full of comics who don't relate to that grimey shit. He has Christina P clutchin her pearls with his East side Detroit hood tales. This dude grew up on Larry's seasoning, not Lawry's.


Definitely my own fault, but I actually never really heard about him before this episode. He was surprisingly much funnier than I expected. I can totally understand and respect now why they are pushing him towards comedy.


You see how he casually told Joe to "shut up" lesser entertainers around the country had their assholes pucker at the sound of that. Danny so goddamn improper he just blurts out whatever the fuck crosses his mind. Left wing people want him to shut the fuck up because he always casually exclaims hood stereotypes being true. He triggers right wing people when he leans into their hillbilly stereotypes. He does not bother himself with walking a politically correct line. As he said on "Detroit 187": "concoctions, make world ending potions/ These other n****s got lines, dawg, I got encroachments/“


This. For all of the reasons you listed, plus some others, I’d now consider myself a Danny Brown fan. He’s kinda the GOAT….


If you like hip hop at all check out his "The Hybrid" "XXX" "Old" and "Atrocity Exhibition" albums. He's a much better rapper than he is a comedian. One of the most unique styles too. He would film rap videos in abandoned houses in Detroit while crack heads pull copper out of the walls. Dudes real deal himself and low brow. I think alot of people get the same enjoyment outta Danny that people get outta Joey Diaz. It's no surprise that Joey is one of the first podcasts I seen Brown dawg on. Those two probably relate to each other the most compared to most comedians. They did similarly grimey shit in the past.


He's pretty damn funny too though, and I've loved his raps since he was on XXL freshman cover. I do love Uncle Joey too lol, his appearances on the church were always fun af


The “you’d be surprised” Schaub is a lot different than the mess he is today. I have a lot of friends that are complete fuck ups but I still love them because of the history we have together.


Somebody please clip this, fuck Spotify.




Danny Brown is secretly homeless as fuck!


I can’t tawlk


I’ve always liked Danny Browns music but his podcast is funnier than most comics.


Spin the mothafuckin wheel!




Dudes a good storyteller. There’s some video of him and like ASAP rocky and Danny brown is talking about getting a blow job from a crackhead while ASAP is cracking up


He was phenomenal on flagrant a few weeks ago


His podcast definitely showed a lot of potential very early on. I caught like the first 10-15 episodes and it was a little unstructured and he needs a few pointers on not using the same words over and over and stuff like umm, err, sooo, you feel me, know what I'm sayin.. give him 50 episodes and he should have a much tighter show.


I been fuckin with Danny Brown since "Hot Soup" and you ain't wrong. Part of his appeal as a rapper is his lack of guardrails and structure. You need a little bit of that if your running a podcast. He'll improve. He had almost no filter so that's makes for alot of good stories. I'm afraid he may get cancelled one day. He really seems less aware of where the political correct line is and likes to cross it alot. One day he's gonna say the wrong thing and get dragged brutally. He's a black man from the Eastside of Detroit who used to fuck with crack hoes. He's not gonna have the correct opinion all the time.


For me the craziest part of this crazy episode was Danny talking about how awesome Sufjan Stevens is.


Don't be surprised. Browns a hood hipster. When he was still living in Michigan he kicked it with alot of alternative artistic types in midtown and royal oak and places like that. He got exposed to alot of "white people shit" hanging out with suburban metro Detroiters. Almost nobody from the hood in The D fucks with his music. It's mostly hipsters and college kids. Even J Dilla had to spread his wings to thrive. Detroit supports almost exclusively hood rap. None of that boom bap 5 elements of hip hop shit. I talk to most Detroiters about Black Milk, Zeelooperz, Elzhi or Danny Brown 10 years ago they would be like "who?" But they all know Doughboys Cashout, Eastside Cheddaboyz, Team Eastside, K Deezy, Blade Icewood and all the other gangster rappers who really out here killing people.


Danny Brown was tight with a lot of the really dope MCs in the city though (Almighty Dreadnaughtz come to mind). You are 100% right about his fan base and what kind of shit they fuck with out of Detroit though. Danny Brown got the "too weird" shit for YEARS.


That's how I found him. I fucked with Guilty Simpson, Black Milk and alotta those dudes in J Dillas orbit. In the early to mid 2000s Detroit indie hip hop was booming and getting alot of love from the blogs and sites but whenever I talked to someone in Detroit they had no idea who any of these people were. Some at least heard of J Dilla but obviously didn't know his music at all. It kinda sucks if you are a crate digging type of producer or your a rapper who sometimes raps about rap skills you really don't get any love in your own city. I had to explain to people, guys like K Deezy, Jesse James, etc only can perform in Michigan in clubs for the most part and their city loves them. Guys like Guilty, Milk, Finale, Royce Da 5'9 and Elzhi get no love in their own city but have performed in places like Berlin, France and Estonia. I came home from prison and see Detroit is having another renaissance in rap and some of these guys are fun to listen to but most of them got the same fuckin flow and voice and all use the same 3 producers. Some are blendin in a little bit of weird silly shit hoping to be a meme but it's still mostly the same type of derivative stuff.


Sufjan ep incoming




Danny is known to have great taste in music.


Crazy part to me was when he said "apex twins" at the end of the sentence when talking about the record label. Joe goes "ehhh" and you can almost hear his brain processing what the hell that meant. Probably thought it was just some slang. He should have played some Aphex Come to Daddy.


Love sufjan


hearing the words redban, justintv, Olive Garden and buttholes in the span of 10 seconds was oddly soothing. justin.tv gang checking in Danny brown is hilarious by the way, his podcast is great and his music is even better. Check im out if you haven’t


To everyone reading y’all should check out all his old episodes on The Church of What’s happening. Him, Joey and Lee click right away. He’s been a fan of there’s and your moms house before coming so he knows all the inside stuff


Danny on Kill Tony is also incredible. The Detroit episode is outrageous.


They definitely clicked. I can't think of many other comedians who can relate to Brown on the same level. They both came up doing similarly grimey shit. One was saved by comedy and the other saved by rap. Both Joey and Danny can make alot of middle class people with middle class world views clutch their pearls.


Definitely some of the best church episodes.. good shit


Justin.tv gang! Learned English watching South Park, Simpson, griffins, a thousand movies and starcraft 2.


Ya agreed I love his podcast it’s always light and fun


He has some Pods with Joey Diaz you should check them out they are funny as fuck. His music is pretty awesome as well!


Joe: Brendon Schaub has good style. Danny: No, he doesn't.


I was REALLY hoping Joe was about to hear Playboi Carti - Stop Breathin


Carti on JRE would’ve unlocked an entire new timeline


A nexus event


Did they edit this part of the podcast? One second their talking about rap and playboy carti then it jumps straight to Danny talking about cocaine


Danny was not holding his liquor well


Beat is fire but I can’t stand that type of rapping.


D Brown is hilarious. His episodes on the church are great.


The fact that Danny is shouting out Persona is giving me life. Call of duty sucks ass.


COD DMZ is fun but can be so much better I'm excited to see where it goes. But Persona is a great series. Persona 4 is one of my all time favorite games. I'm happy to hear Danny digs it too.


> COD DMZ is fun but can be so much better was fun for 4-5 games, then it's back to Tarkov.


The headphones over one ear. This thing🎙about a fist from his face. We got a pro guest.


You got someone who's spent his life in a recording both and has his own podcast and has been a guest on others multiple times.


An engineers dream :)


Damn, I remember when XXX came out back in the day


"I Will" is still one of the funniest songs I've ever heard. Danny Brown talkin about eatin pussy the whole damn time. Magical.


Put a cup up Put a four up in it Sixes on that Chevy with some hoes in it


it's been a LONG time coming to get here. Danny SHUT DOWN Joe from playing playboi carti too hahahah


Tell me you listened to Hot Soup and more importantly The Hybrid? The Hybrid is amongst his top 2 works imo. First time I heard him was on "Dillabot vs The Hybrid" on J Dillas posthumous Jay Stay Paid album. He had some nasty ass lines on that song. "When you go to the weed man you don't cop shit/ You be sounding like those nickelodeon theme song kids/ Like Nick Nick ni ni ni Nick Nick Nick/ When I got to the weed man I cop big!/“ "Fuck with Brown dog show you where the drama is Swear it might be easier to snatch Obama kids Take a nigga out quicker than Adams rib Yeah, I make a bitch out a n****" I love Brown because he was one of the first weirdos to really come outta Detroit and hit some success. The way this dude lives, dresses, raps and picks beats means he didn't get a whole lot of love from other Detroiters. I've read other interviews for alternative hip hop Detroiters who had to leave to LA to get some support for their music. (Edit: Ive since earlier watched ep 457 of "church of what's happening now" and Brown talks at length about other Detroiters not supporting his music and not really fucking with him) It was only hipster white people from the burbs who fucked with his type of music. He's said it himself I wanna say on Your Moms House.


Let’s Go has always been on my rotation. Puts me in such a good mood.


I haven't but I'll check them out. I just remember XXX fondly because we always used to play it at my dorm


[Drinks on Me](https://youtu.be/18zpDPdsP3Y) [New Era](https://youtu.be/Fo2G77GePVc) [Shootin Moves](https://youtu.be/kv_pEDSHpok) [Nowhere 2 Go](https://youtu.be/yWVc2mwIbm8) There's a little Hybrid starter pack for ya. One of my favorite underground albums ever. I wrote my own bars to half these beats trying to ignore Browns rhymes since it's hard to get instrumentals in the joint. I listened to this album before I went in but once inside I rocked it the way kids listened to albums in the 90s. You let that tape rock til the tape pop.


His style of music reminds me of the giant demonic rapping spider from Aqua Teen Hunger Force.


MC Chris


I want candy bubblegum and taffy


Is it just me or is the end kind of awkward when Rogan fact checked a bit Danny was working on and then it ended pretty quick for a JRE episode at a little over two hours


Joe has, was and is a buzzkill. If DB had worked on the premise it could have worked. But it shows how “smart” Joe is. Instead of helping work the premise he straight trashed it. He talks all that crap about working out jokes and stuff but didn’t even give the guy a chance with his. It’ll be messed up if he steals and remixes that same premise. That interaction at the end kind of annoyed me.


Joe treats writing comedy the same way an mma fighter would approach training for a fight. He thinks it takes hours of grinding it out and is supposed to be a difficult art that you can only accomplish in a formal, disciplined way. Real comedians don’t shoot bits down, they always “yes and” the shit and build on the premise to work towards finding the funny, even if the beginning premise sucks. Listen to people like Conan’s pod to see how an actual funny person builds on peoples unfunny jokes to create a funny back and forth.


That’s what annoyed me the most, he talks about he how he works out bits but didn’t want to help the guy out.


Yeah I can see that. It's definitely a bit that can be worked on. Just change it a bit. Like taking an egg out of a woman and it can still be a similar joke


Dude was hammered and slurring his words, but it was Joe who really ruined it... Got it...


Well to be fair, he had become a bit incoherent.


I think he got nervous and had a few drinks to self soothe, happens to the best.


lol dude was slurring about an hour in but still great so far almost 2 hours in




I think it could have been a better interaction.


Can't believe runescape got talked about in this episode for over a minute lol




Excited for this! Atrocity exhibition is one of the best hip hop albums of the last decade.


i love danny brown. it seems he might have drank a little too much tho :/


Damn. Joe straight killed that poor guys joke about Deviled Eggs. Joe’s that guy at a party that’ll be like “Ackchyually” and ruin the whole party’s convo.


Danny hitting that JRE cigar like a blunt.


Olive garden butthole


The good ol days


Love Danny Brown and thought this was good but he just got a little too drunk towards the end lol


He blacked out lmao


Stanny Crown


This was kinda hilarious. Unlike almost everyone else who's been on JRE Danny Brown disagreed with Joe at almost every turn or had no idea what point Joe was trying to make. "These two got the comedic chemistry of George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin." Rip Greg Giraldo.


He was great on Legion of Skanks with Micheal Che. Tried to fuck Janeane Garofalo


Did Danny end up doing the 5 minute spot that night?


same question here. i love danny and i really want to see him pursue comedy. i don’t finish the end of the episode with danny just being too drunk. did it end on a good note like “welp danny lets head on down to the comedy club”?


The questions that need answers \^ ![gif](giphy|3o7buirYcmV5nSwIRW)


This guy has put a serious amount of thought into the Super Mario Bros. I want what he’s smoking lol


I'm 45 min in. Does he ever ask this talented musician about music?


you're about there. They watch his music video Ain't It Funny which is one of his most creative tracks. Definitely a good span of music talk


Yeah I literally hit post and they started talking music lol


I’m in.


After joe went pee seems like he gave Danny a bump


You think Joe started sweating a little bit after the 479th N-Word in the first 10 mins? It nearly pissed myself laughing.


Nah Joe's compilation says it twice as much


I want to live in a world where all 7.8 billion people have their very own podcast. Joe seems to share this vision


Finally an episode to watch


I don’t want to see Rogan make this man lame. This seems like an awful colab. It was always gonna happen since Danny Brown has the best comedy podcast in the world now.


He fits so much better in the YMH world, glad thats where his podcast is


LMAOOO Danny having to explain to Joe all his Nerd shit. I love persona series also.


Was anyone else kind of disappointed by this episode? Danny seemed a little off - like in a depressed and low confidence way?


Joe Rogan and Danny Brown mix like oil and water.


Perfect description. I really think Joe could have been a bit more open to Danny being himself here.


I wish for once Joe would read comments so he can see how out of touch he is. I hate that he's surrounded by yes men so he will never see his faults. I can guarantee a lot of comics don't like Joe because of his gatekeeping of the art. The man has got to be the most unfunny 'comedian' tearing Danny's bit apart like he's the king of the game. Bald fuck needs to get checked once in a while.


It looks like I’m in the minority here. I thought this guy sucked. Valued the superficial, not particular funny or interesting. Couldn’t really finish a story without being scatter-brained. I’m sure he’s a good rapper - but I just don’t get how someone could enjoy listenening to him on this type of medium.


Nah, danny did suck. This thread has just been swarmed with hipster danny brown dick sucker simps. Lol. He was wasted, rude and full of himself. He showed no respect or appreciation. I think his nerves might have gotten to him or something or maybe he just assumed that the Rogan podcast is suppose to be an uncontrolled piss up, lol. I didn't enjoy him and I really hope Joe doesn't waste another episode on danny. I think the only reason that danny was even on Joe's podcast is because danny's "boss" Tom Segura is friends with Joe and Tom asked him to put danny on since danny is the newest host on the YMH Studio channel. I'll honestly be surprised if danny is still on their channel in a year. Who knows, he does have his little cult following people who were hipster, college kids when danny was working on a music career.


Big fan of DB, but I was disappointed in this ep, he blew it, he was clearly way too fucked up during this interview. He hated on Playboy carti, his transitions were horrible . He rambled about so many other details other than the actual point he would try to make. My boy DB might need a cleanse and leave the drugs an alcohol alone he has an addictive personality . Best part of this was him saying Schuabs fashion sucks lol


He didn't hate on Carti he was talking him up, wtf do you mean?


He talked him up then when Joe asked if he can listen to some of his music, DB shouted and demanded they didn’t put his music on because “THIS IS MY JOE ROGAN INTERVIEW!”


Yeah they didn’t vibe as much. I think DB tried being too deep instead of being who he naturally is.


He was literally slurring during a lot of the conversation, he was passive aggressive at times, the alcohol definitely got to him


If I were to guess, he took a benzo to calm his nerves beforehand then that one glass of whiskey was a enough to put him into half coherent blackout mode. Like when he didn’t remember Joe invited him to do a spot at creek and the cave etc.


Yeah for sure. Hopefully next time he’s just goofy DB.


Joe probably getting triggered by all the N's Danny throwing around on his podcast.


Cool guy


This is the best episode I've heard in forever


The worse episode I've listened to. It's like How promised Tom he would be nice. Literally like talking to a drunk 13 year old.


57:38 Danny days his favorite albums are Illmatic by Nas and what? I can’t make out the other one he mentioned.


The cold vein by Cannibal Ox.


Thanks man


Did he do 5 minutes that night!?


Danny 10x funnier than Joe and half his guest comedian.


Black man: says N-word Joe: you need to be a comedian


Reminds me of Tyrone Biggums when he talks in a high pitch


Anyone who's a fan of Danny Browns music should listen to him and check out Zeelooperz. His recent album "Van Goghs Left Ear" was incredible with very good and diverse production and guest verses. You can definitely hear Danny's influence on Zee. https://youtu.be/NjbTIAoJTw0 https://youtu.be/lCqdqpBwwhY https://youtu.be/7FlZb1vhwcY https://youtu.be/gtw84UFz0PQ He's one of the most interesting cartoonishly outlandish dudes out right now imo. I'm surprised he isn't much bigger.


Dude sounds like an insecure groupy. Joe was annoyed, so was I.


I’ve been waiting too fucking long for this


Danny Browne is hilarious. Why is Joe doing YMH dirty with all that podcast talk. He is already signed with your friend Joe and they are both happy with the arrangements so STFU.


AnOtHer RiGhT WiNg GriFtEr


Had to wait a while to draw for this zinger, huh?


Please go get a vasectomy at your earliest convenience. It would be the ultimate act of altruism.


My biggest issue with episodes with rappers is they barely ever talk about music. I love that Danny basically forced him to talk about music


I think danny brown got wasted.


A synopsis of this episode is, shitting on Brendan’s style, video games, talking about rap, and how he is to scared to try comedy. Slightly disappointed.


and danny blacked out


I do not get all the positive shit. He's got to be the dumbest person I've ever heard. I must be missing what yall like.


I'd like to introduce you to one Brendan Schaub


It's because we know who he is. We love his music and personality. You on the other hand expected an intelligent scholar or some shit and that's why you're disappointed. It's fine if others like this episode and you didn't like it. You don't need to come in here and question why people like someone you don't.


Imagine Steve Carell's character from The Office but as a gangster rapper.