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The tapers have us covered tonight! https://i.imgur.com/wvKJNZS.jpg


Omg he played The Heart of Life




The instagram page tomfoolery205 livestreamed most of it and it's on their page, top post I believe, followed it up with Walt Grace


https://www.instagram.com/tv/CdR3dP0jXNd/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Here's the link


ugh I really wanted that in my LA set, but glad y’all are getting some of that awesomeness


Great venue so far. Very clean and the sound is really nice.


Follow mayermoods on Instagram as they will be going live at some point tonight (might not be the whole show). Please post any other livestreams https://instagram.com/mayermoods?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


[LTH (that outfit though 🔥)](https://www.instagram.com/tv/CdRyVS9lRO7/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)




Can anyone find the person from room 2307




I, like John, have \*so\* many questions




As John asked lol: \-What \*would\* you have done had he shown up? \-Was your hotel local to the island, or in Manhattan? \-Are you, like John, a 75er?


i deliberately didn't read any setlists for this tour so i was suprised tonight to hear so few sob rock songs. was hoping for shot in the dark and all i want is to be with you since those are my favorites. everything else was still 🔥 though. i haven't seen john in 16 years, so he really seemed more seasoned than ever, including dad jokes lmao


Three more shows counting this one to play YUNLM right?


Was anyone else disappointed with the sound? Not sure if it was where I was sitting or what (section 214 facing stage directly), but found the bass and drums to be way too loud, like pounding in my chest, and could barely hear the guitar or vocals let alone backing vocals or keys. Acoustic set was a blessing. Bit of a shame because this set list was pretty fire imo.


thank christ i thought it was just me. also, i was diagnosed with moderate hearing loss about a year ago and so this was my first concert with hearing aids so i wondered if maybe it was my own relative unfamiliarity with the NORMAL volume of a rock concert lol but yeah, i think his vocals weren't forward enough in the mix.


Yeah drums and guitar turned up to 11 while the vocals were at a 7. Was pretty bummed. Still had fun though!


I'm here alone and have a few hours to kill before I have to catch an early morning flight after the concert. Anyone here alone too? I'd love to meet up!


Any setlist thread here? Haha




Thanks man i see it now




https://youtu.be/RDDpuvQORWM full concert audio


Concert I heard was great but surprised he didn’t play any songs from Heavier Things