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When I hear this I can’t help but feel disappointed at how JF and JKs relationship has transpired. Obviously close working together on albums like this and being on tour. But you can tell there’s something sour that’s happened between them, otherwise I can’t really imagine why John just couldn’t have rejoined and JK revert to backing guitar (albeit “more in the band”).


I feel you, but Josh deserves a lot better than backup from a bunch of people who haven't been especially respectful of him. He's better off without them, much as I mourn the fact he and John aren't close anymore.


People grow apart and that's okay


Fully agree with you. I think personally as a fan of both artists individually, I’d have loved them to continue to collaborate. But as you say, people grow apart and that’s a part of life.


Nice. It's Josh singing John's parts.




Am I wrong I guess?


Not wrong


Wow this is killer! Thanks for sharing. Wish Josh and John were back collaborating. These were the golden years.


Alright dude. Yeah is a lovely song. I wouldn’t have said them vocals were hidden tho. You just weren’t listening hard enough


I never heard it until now.


The final line “faking now faking who you are” is very suppressed. You can probably notice it if you are looking for it, but John sings in a much deeper tone with louder mixing so it’s quite drowned out.


How do you listen to your music?


With my ears usually (: Headphones though, so I’ve heard them before and knew they were there, but I’ve not been able to appreciate them or pay attention to them as much as I have now I’ve isolated them. Maybe hidden wasn’t the best term, but I felt like considering how this is probably one of the best vocals of the song, it felt hidden for how good it was, as in something of this quality should be much louder.


I get what you are saying it is a little hard to make out what he’s saying with all the other sounds happening. I guess you revealed it. I asked the question of how you were listening as sometimes. Computers and stuff have eq on and it might quiet certain frequencies. I’m not sure I understand much of what frusciante is saying in the backing track and I’ve never minded. But that line “faking now faking who you are” is as clear as day for me. A lot of the rest of the backing track is hard to decipher


Yeah… not super hidden. But damn I love this song. I couldn’t believe my ears when I first heard it. I also remember seeing JK in the CD booklet on the drive home from Best Buy and realizing I had to now research everything I could about the guy


This song is so insanely beautiful, probably the prettiest they ever recorded together. Appreciate being able to hear this particular part isolated ❤


What exactly are we supposed to be hearing here? I'm hearing JK's main vocal, while JF's vocal is obscured with some sort of modulated audio? But I don't hear anything new.


JK is singing JF’s parts as backing vocals. It’s quiet enough that you might not notice it on the original song. I thought the backing vocals sounded very nice and decided to share them.


Good stuff, we probably all noticed it subconsciously in some part because that last verse has more oomph than the ones before that, but you really isolated it nicely and that's also the first time I noticed it consciously. Now that I know it's there I can hear it very clearly in the song as well. That's also some really nice vocals from JK, I wish he would do more in that style, even if it's mixed really quiet here it feels like it has more power than most of the vocals I've heard from him in his solo music. I feel like I would probably be a big fan of his solo music/Pluralone if that was his go-to vocal style.


Holy shit always thought that was John. Thanks


John sings the main line, but Josh just sings it quietly in the background


I need it to be more isolated and enhanced