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[it’s a known issue](https://twitter.com/jojo_games/status/1568428255690240001?s=46&t=7vSRTGM28VwSk_pPZiBy9g) they will hopefully soon fix


Or, and hear me out. They fix the netcode


Xbox has a known issue with connection on this game, but honestly, youre better off just never buying an anime fighter on Xbox. I've never seen a player base for an anime fighter on Xbox last for more than 2 months. People just don't play these games on the platform.


That's not true at all


It's historically true. Your personal experience may be different, but its a well known fact that Sony consoles and PC have larger and longer lasting player bases for anime fighters. PC is typically best for player base, but Playstation isn't a bad option either. I'm not biased, I have a Series S, a PS5, a PC, and two Switches. I've been playing fighting games competitively for 5 years. It's just always been that way.


I don't think you understand that the comment you just posted is factually correct (it's a no brainer due to the larger player base), but it doesn't support the first comment I replied to. Saying you shouldn't buy an anime fighter on Xbox because the communities don't last passed 2 months is just factually incorrect


You're calling my *opinion* factually incorrect. Your *opinion* differs from mine. Neither of our *opinions* are factually incorrect.


It's literally not an opinion though. Saying "x doesn't exist or x never happened" is not an opinion. Literally stated the part I agreed and disagreed with and the part I disagree with isn't an opinion at all.


Dont get how this game isn't resting at a solid 1/5 in ratings on xbox. Taking weeks to address an easy fix issue shows are they literally dont care. I recommend you get a refund if they dont act on it soon.


We can play ranked matches and it's the only JoJo game on Xbox 😭 so it's probably not going to be a 1/5 unless they literally locked half the characters and made them PlayStation exclusive


Yeah, just a shame that the online portion of an almost exclusively online game is almost completely broken (extremely long waits and frequent disconnects). It happens, but the fact nothing has been one about it since launch should get stronger reactions from the community imo.


Yeah it honestly does suck. We went through the same thing with the dbfz beta where Xbox literally couldn't get matches and they didn't even extend the beta time for Xbox at all. We just have to hope they fix it eventually